Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

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Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has
The Faculty of Homeopathy Newsletter                          May 2020

Promoting integrated healthcare
      he Faculty of Homeopathy has                                                       		knowledge and understanding
      become a founding member                Dr Gary Smyth
                                                                                         		 of complementary, traditional and
      of the Integrated Healthcare                                                       		 natural healthcare
Collaborative (IHC), which is a                                                            • encourage whole-person,
collection of leading organisations                                                      		 individualised healthcare
within complementary, traditional                                                          • raise issues in integrated
and natural healthcare.                                                                  		 healthcare with government and
    The IHC was formed following                                                         		 decision makers
a recommendation in a report by                                                            • develop co-ordinated strategies
the former All-Party Parliamentary                                                       		 to help patients access accurate
Group for Integrated Healthcare                                                          		 information on integrated
entitled Integrated Healthcare:                                                          		healthcare
putting the pieces together. It said that                                                  • support the development of a
“professional associations representing                                                  		 robust and appropriate evidence
complementary, traditional and                                                           		 base
natural healthcare should work more                                                        • facilitate better access to, and
closely together on common issues,                                                       		 choice of, appropriate
to share knowledge and experience.
                                                                                         		 complementary, traditional and
A formal collaborative should be
                                                                                         		 natural healthcare within the NHS
established which brings together
                                                                                           • advocate collaboration with
major associations to take the field
                                                                                         		 conventional Western healthcare
forward collectively.”
Shared belief
IHC members believe that an
                                                                                         Faculty president Dr Gary Smyth
integrated healthcare service would
                                                                                         said: “As a member of the IHC the
improve patient experience, bring
                                                                                         Faculty is showing its commitment
about better patient outcomes, and
provide a framework for a more                                                           to working collectively with other
cost-effective delivery of healthcare                                                    key organisations to increase access
services.                                                                                to homeopathy and other therapies,
    Their shared belief is also outlined                                                 promote greater integration with
                                            collaboration between the former             conventional Western medicine, and
in the parliamentary report. “The
                                            All-Party Parliamentary Group                improve patient outcomes.”
future of healthcare lies in our health
                                            for Integrated Healthcare and                    Along with homeopathy, many
system recognising that physical,
                                            organisations in the field.                  other forms of complementary,
emotional and mental health are
intrinsically linked and that only by       Objectives                                   traditional and natural healthcare
treating the patient as a whole person      The new group is bringing together           are represented in the collaborative,
can we tackle the root cause of illness     leading professional associations and        including reflexology, medical
and deal with the problem of patients       stakeholders from complementary,             herbalism, traditional Chinese
presenting with multiple and complex        traditional and natural healthcare,          medicine and acupuncture, reiki,
conditions.”                                with the aim of working on common            craniosacral therapy and naturopathy.
    The founding of the IHC builds          areas of interest. Its objectives include:       To find out more about the IHC
on over 30 years of work and                  • increase public awareness,               visit

                                       Royal Patron HRH The Prince of Wales
Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

  n these uniquely challenging times,              When things are difficult there           We hope that this will encourage
  we thought that we would break with         is always something to be learned           you to reopen your Organon and
  tradition and write a joint editorial       from returning to our roots, in             gain inspiration from the words of
from all three of us: your president,         Hahnemann’s Organon. Time and               Hahnemann and the knowledge that
vice-president and operations                 again one can discover inspiring            we are all guardians of a system of
manager.                                      clarity just when it is needed, and         medicine that has stood the test of
     We have heard from many of you           the depth and beauty of his words           time.
and are well aware how much good              never cease to surprise and delight.           We trust that you are keeping well,
work is going on in your practices.           It is beyond frustrating that we are        and as you continue to provide care for
We know that you are supporting and           not allowed to claim the ability to         your patients and your loved ones, that
advising your patients, not only about        cure anything, but maybe we can             you also look after your own health
the management of the coronavirus             think of the “gentle and permanent          and well-being. If you do feel unwell,
infection itself but also for the many        restoration of health” in the “least        don’t forget to contact a colleague for
emotional and physical symptoms               disadvantageous way” as a worthy            homeopathic advice and support, as
which arise because of the fear               goal. Perhaps we should be using more       well as following the government’s
generated by the pandemic, the effects        of the wise words of Hahnemann,             advice. And if you are not sure how to
of isolation – resulting in reduced           such as “restoration of health” and         do this, please feel free to contact the
opportunities for contact with loved          “sustainer of health” when we write         Faculty and we will be happy to help.
ones and for exercise – and sadly also        about homeopathy rather than the               We look forward to keeping in
in the mourning of bereaved friends           somewhat two dimensional and far            contact with all members and to
and relatives.                                less profound “helping to manage            healthier and happier times ahead.
     Homeopathy has a proud tradition         symptoms”.
in pandemics and we are heartened                  Hahnemann has plenty to say            Dr Gary Smyth,
to know that this good work is still          about epidemics as well. “In the            President
carrying on. We do of course wish to          investigation of the symptom complex        Dr Patricia Ridsdale,
harvest as much evidence as possible          of epidemic diseases … it makes no          Vice-president
and there are a number of case                difference if something similar has         Dr Sara Eames,
collection initiatives and projects to        ever appeared before under the same         Operations Manager
offer homeopathy in a wider context.          or any other name.” The physician
     Those of you who receive the             “... must explore it for himself from the
Faculty’s E-News will already have            ground up if he wants to be a genuine,
been alerted to information about             thorough medical-art practitioner who
these projects. If you use email and          never puts conjecture in the place of
do not yet receive the E-News, please         perception and never assumes (without
contact Alison Davies our digital             carefully spying out all of the disease
communications officer at adavies@            manifestations) that the treatment for and she can           a case of disease entrusted to him is
add you to our circulation list. As news      either entirely or partially known.”
is fast moving at present, we are trying           Hahnemann also stresses that “the
to contact you every week via the             symptom complex of an epidemic               Editor: John Burry
E-News and hope that this is proving          disease only comes to light through the      Consultant Editor: Sara Eames
helpful and supportive.                       observation of several cases involving       Faculty of Homeopathy
     As many of you will already know,        different bodily constitutions”; and
                                                                                           CAN Mezzanine , 49-51 East Road
we have started a COVID-19 page               only when this has been thoroughly
                                                                                           London, N1 6AH
on the Members Only part of the               done does “the carefully investigating
                                                                                           Tel: 020 3640 5903
Faculty website, and this is constantly       physician become alive to the
updated with the latest news both             characteristic image of the disease”.
from conventional medicine and                     It is easy to wonder about the many
our homeopathic colleagues. We                different homeopathic medicines              All the material in this publication is copyright and may
are particularly keen to receive any          being suggested around the world as a        not be reproduced without permission. The publishers
coronavirus-related information               “genus epidemicus” and maybe there           do not necessarily identify with or hold themselves
that you think will be of interest.           will be more consensus by the time           responsible for contributors’, correspondents’ or
This includes case reports which are          this edition of simile lands on your         advertisers’ opinions.
instructive, unusual or heartening, and       doormat. However, in the meantime
any other tips you might have gleaned.        it seems we have a lot to ponder
We feel sure that your own personal           about “the characteristic image of the       Design, print and mail fulfilment by
experiences, whether in the UK or             disease” and the meaning of it for the       HMCA Services Ltd.
abroad, will be of great interest to all of   whole of our society and the way we          Tel: 01423 866985
our members.                                  have all allowed it to develop.              Email:

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has
NEWS                                                                                      simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

99th Faculty of Homeopathy                                                              Political support
                                                                                        in the European
Congress, 8 - 11 October 2020                                                           parliament
Given the current restrictions and uncertainties caused by the coronavirus
                                                                                        A French politician has made a
pandemic, the Faculty council has recently held an emergency meeting to discuss
                                                                                        commitment to ensuring homeopathy
whether or not the congress can proceed as planned in October.
                                                                                        and anthroposophic medicine are
   We are currently involved in discussions with the venue and are considering a
                                                                                        available within European healthcare
range of possible options. To ensure flexibility, the current deadlines for abstract
submissions and registrations can be disregarded until further notice and we will
                                                                                            Michèle Rivasi is an MEP
provide another update on the congress in the near future.
                                                                                        representing a coalition of Green parties
                                                                                        at Brussels. She pledged her support

International speaker at
                                                                                        in a foreword she wrote for a report
                                                                                        published by ECHAMP (European

Midlands’ group CPD event
                                                                                        Coalition on Homeopathic and
                                                                                        Anthroposophic Medicinal Products)
                                                                                        that looked at the current state of these
                                                                                        therapies in Europe and their potential
                                                                                        for growth.
                                                                                            In her foreword she says the report
                                                                                        confirms the high levels of awareness
                                                                                        and long-established use of these
                                                                                        medicines in many EU countries. She
                                                                                        acknowledges they have an excellent
                                                                                        safety profile, a high level of patient
                                                                                        satisfaction and an emerging evidence
                                                                                            The MEP goes on to recognise how
                                                                                        the ECHAMP report offers up-to-date
                                                                                        data on the industry that highlights the
  Dr Sujata Naik addresses the Midland’s Group                                          “added value these therapies offer to
                                                                                        society in terms of safety, effectiveness,
The Faculty of Homeopathy’s Midlands’        discussions about different approaches     cost-effectiveness and the environment”.
group welcomed two international             to developing homeopathy to suit               Ms Rivasi concludes: “As a long-
guests to its CPD event in January.          patients’ needs all across the globe.      time attentive user and observer
Dr Sujata Naik and Dr Sayali Joglekar-            Dr Smyth said: “The presentation      of homeopathic medicines, I have
Tilak flew in from Mumbai, India,            was excellent and the associated           direct personal experience of the
to deliver a seminar on the use of           discussions were very helpful, with        important role these therapies play
homeopathy in the treatment of skin          Dr Naik providing many useful tips         within complementary and integrative
disorders with a particular focus on         and practical advice throughout. We        medicine. I am committed to ensuring
psoriasis.                                   all left inspired, enthused and looking    that they take their rightful place within
    Also attending the event was             forward to putting some of the advice      European health care.”
Faculty president, Dr Gary Smyth,            into practice.”                                Homeopathic and Anthroposophic
who welcomed Dr Sujata Naik and                   Dr Kulwant Singh Uppal, the           Medicinal Products in the EU –
Dr Joglekar-Tilak to the country and         Faculty’s international members            Spotlight on an Industry can be
said it was great to be reminded again       representative, thanked Dr Naik for        downloaded from
of how homeopathy can help in the            making the long journey to the UK to
treatment of many skin disorders,            deliver her presentation. He said it was
including psoriasis, and to hear about       another successful CPD event in the
how these conditions are being treated       Midlands.
at Dr Naik’s clinic in Mumbai.                    When the Faculty introduced its
    Dr Naik said skin disorders are          new rules for membership eligibility in
the bane of modern life, with psoriasis      2018, Dr Naik became its first affiliate
in particular causing great distress to      member. She said she looked forward
patients. “Homeopathy,” she added,           to contributing more to the Faculty and
“has great potential for treating or         that it was “an honour to belong to this
managing cases of psoriasis.”                prestigious family”.
    The event was very interactive with           Read Dr Naik’s approach to treating     Michèle Rivasi MEP
those in attendance taking part in lively    musculoskeletal disorders on page 14.

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

The Faculty issues important
advice for the coronavirus outbreak
The Faculty of Homeopathy has worked                                                     To help increase immunity:
with 4Homeopathy – a group of                                                              •   eat healthily, including at least
leading UK homeopathic organisations                                                     		    five portions of fruit and
– to produce a set guidelines for                                                        		    vegetables a day
homeopaths to follow and disseminate                                                       •   stay well hydrated
to their patients during the coronavirus                                                   •   take regular, moderate exercise
outbreak.                                                                                  •   ensure you get enough sleep.
    Since the the first cases were
reported in China at the beginning of                                                    Additional measures for which there is
the year, Coronavirus – or COVID-19                                                      some evidence for reducing the length
– has become a global pandemic              sneezes is also emphasised. It’s             and/or severity of upper respiratory
responsible for tens of thousands           important to catch coughs and sneezes        tract infections include taking regular
deaths. It causes cold or influenza-        in a clean tissue where possible. This       supplements of probiotics, vitamins C
like symptoms and pneumonia. It             greatly reduces the spread of droplets       and D and Zinc.
appears to have the most severe effect      and any infective organisms. Tissues             Can homeopathy help?
on the elderly and people with existing     should be disposed of thoughtfully so            Homeopathic medicines have been
medical conditions, particularly those      others do not come into contact with         used extensively for flu-like symptoms
with respiratory problems.                  them. Avoid touching other people or         and in epidemics around the world.
    Much of the advice issued by            objects until you are able to wash or        If you decide to take a homeopathic
the Faculty comes from the British          sanitise your hands again.                   medicine, this should be in addition to
government’s chief medical officer              It is also important to avoid            the various measures outlined above
and is based around hygiene and             touching your face, especially when          and should not be your only approach.
prevention.                                 you are out and haven’t recently washed      Selection of the most appropriate
    Faculty president Dr Gary Smyth         your hands. Viruses can survive on           homeopathic medicine is based on
said: “We cannot stress strongly enough     objects or on our own hands and can          an individual’s unique symptoms.
that these measures are of the utmost       enter our systems through the mouth,         However, Gelsemium 30C and Bryonia
importance and everyone should be           nose and eyes. So avoid touching or          30C are commonly used for flu-like
advised to follow them. They are vital      rubbing your face with unclean hands.        symptoms and have a long-established,
both for our own health, and also for           Avoid contact with large numbers of      traditional usage over many years.
those with whom we come into contact.”      people, and refrain from close physical          Homeopathic options can form one
    The advice includes frequent hand       contact with associates and colleagues       part of your approach to the current
washing with warm soapy water or            such as handshakes or hugs.                  COVID-19 outbreak but should always
high alcohol-based hand sanitisers. It is       Self-isolate if you are concerned you    be used alongside other measures. If
particularly important to wash hands        may have contracted the virus. Do not        you have symptoms or are concerned
after travelling and after blowing your     go to your GP or other medical service.      that you may have been exposed to
nose. Practitioners should always wash      Instead, UK members should phone             coronavirus, it is important to seek
their hands before and after contact with   NHS 111 for guidance and maintain            appropriate medical advice in keeping
patients. Avoid anti-bacterial washes       self-isolation until they are advised        with current guidelines.
without high alcohol content as they        otherwise.                                       For further information see
do not eradicate viruses. Look for hand         There are no scientific trials           official guidance from the UK
sanitisers containing 65-95% alcohol.       available for homeopathic or any other       government, the NHS and World
    Basic hygiene for coughs and            treatment for COVID-19.                      Health Organization.

Liverpool’s charitable clinic moves to a new location
Liverpool Homeopathy, the charitable        and the Alliance of Registered              clinics can be found in Edinburgh,
clinic run by the British Homeopathic       Homeopaths. The clinic is now               Bath, Bristol, Monmouth, Norwich,
Association (BHA) in partnership with       located at:                                 Winchester and Street in Somerset.
the North West Friends of Homeopathy,           47 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9EW.    There are plans to open additional
has moved to a new address in the               Liverpool Homeopathy is one of          clinics later this year. You can find out
city centre. The service is staffed by      eight clinics currently supported by        more at the BHA website or by calling
practitioners from the Faculty of           the BHA, offering free and low-cost         0203 640 5903.
Homeopathy, Society of Homeopaths           homeopathic treatment. The other      

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has
NEWS                                                                                      simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

Coronavirus claims the life of a
dedicated doctor and Faculty member
It is with great sadness that we report the                                     he is still remembered fondly in the hearts
death of Faculty member Dr Syed Haider,                                         and minds of many of his colleagues. He was
who died from COVID-19 in April.                                                a very special doctor, with a quiet charm, a
     Dr Haider studied medicine in Pakistan                                     wonderfully mischievous smile, unlimited
but devoted almost his whole career to                                          reserves of patience and kindness, and an
service in the NHS. He was a GP principal                                       incredible work ethic. We need more people
in Romford and worked at the Royal                                              like him, and the world will be a poorer place
London Hospital for Integrated Medicine                                         without him.”
for 30 years as an associate specialist. He                                         His son, also a doctor, described his father
obtained his MFHom in 1988 and had been                                         as “a selfless man driven by his passion for his
a loyal Faculty member ever since. It was                                       profession”.
so typical of him that at the age of 79 he                                          He added: “Even whilst in hospital
was still supporting his patients in general                                    breathing his last, he was urging doctors and
practice.                                                                       nurses to pay attention to other patients rather
     Many of you who have passed through                                        than him.
the hospital in London will remember him                                            “Many at his age would have retired, yet his
fondly as he quietly worked his way through huge numbers         dedication to his profession was immeasurable.”
of patients, in his uniquely modest and good natured way.           We have been in touch with his family on behalf of
     Former colleague Dr Sara Eames said: “Although Syed         you all and if any of you would like to send any personal
retired from the hospital a number of years ago, I know that     messages to them, please contact the Faculty.

Homeopaths attack sceptics with their own prize
Every year in Austria a sceptic group       in truth an attempt to raise questions     studies that support the efficacy of
called the Society for the Scientific       about who these sceptic groups             homeopathy beyond placebo.
Investigation of Parasciences (GWUP)        represent and their real aims.                 The homeopaths accuse the
announces the winner of the Golden              The Austrian Society of Medical        sceptic group of fanatical and
Board in Front of the Head Award            Homeopathy and the Veterinary              aggressive lobbying and media work
for what they deem as “unscientific         Society for Homeopathy justify             to discredit proven methods of
nonsense”. Their award frequently           the award on the grounds that the          complementary medicine, which
goes to a representative of Austria’s       GWUP is trying to agitate against          are successfully used by a large
homeopathy community.                       complementary medicine and                 number of people around the world.
    However, it now appears Austrian        homeopathy without disclosing their        Their aim, claim the homeopaths,
homeopaths have turned the tables           true motives and donors. They say          is to position complementary
on their antagonists by bestowing the       that under the guise of science and        medicine in an “esoteric, frivolous
2019 Award for Pseudoscience to the         purported “scientific truths” these        corner, to curtail plurality and
GWUP.                                       “all-knowing” activists, many of whom      freedom of choice in healthcare, and
    But what seems on the surface to        are without any medical qualifications,    to hinder progress towards inclusive
be a light hearted tit-for-tat gesture is   deliberately misrepresent scientific       medicine”.

The Faculty fully adopts remote working during the pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has affected every aspect of            Faculty’s business continues as normal we have invested
our lives, including how we work. To comply with the             in Zoom – the online video conferencing service – which
government’s social distancing guidance the Faculty of           we’ll use for meetings, enabling us to continue with our
Homeopathy is conducting its business remotely with all its      core activities, even though the situation seems far from
staff working from home.                                         normal.”
    For the Faculty this was quite easy to set up, as most           All the Faculty’s telephone numbers and email addresses
members of staff and its officers were already working some      remain the same. If you have any urgent queries please
days at home, but there has also been investment in new          contact Dr Sara Eames at
technology.                                                      or
    Operations manager, Dr Sara Eames, said: “To ensure the      Telephone: +44 (0)203 640 5903

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

Sceptic group drops its legal challenge against the PSA
A leading sceptic group has dropped
its legal challenge against the
Professional Standards Authority
(PSA) for renewing the Society of
Homeopaths’ accreditation. The
PSA is the government body that
aims to improve the regulation and
registration of people who work in
health and care.
     Earlier this year, the Good
Thinking Society launched a judicial
review into the PSA’s decision to
reaccredit the Society of Homeopaths,
claiming it validated what they believe         Emily Buttrum, chief executive          any implications on health policies.
to be unproven remedies, particularly       of the Society of Homeopaths, said:             In response Helen Whately MP,
in connection with the use of CEASE         “Accreditation by the PSA ensures that      junior minister at the Department
therapy.                                    patients can choose to see a homeopath      of Health and Social Care, said the
     Complete Elimination of Autistic       belonging to a register that upholds        department “does not maintain a
Spectrum Expression (CEASE) therapy         robust standards.                           position on any complementary or
was developed by Dr Tinus Smits who             “We therefore question the logic        alternative medicine treatments”.
claims to have discovered a possible        of recent calls for the society not to be       She continued: “The Professional
link between many cases of autism and       reaccredited, as accredited professional    Standards Authority is an independent
vaccinations. He says he has for many       bodies offer greater protection for the     organisation who has responsibility
years been successfully treating autistic   public, ensuring consistent standards       for the accredited registers scheme.
children using isotherapy, a form           of care. The society is pleased that        The PSA is clear that accreditation is
of homeopathy using the causative           the report and outcome issued by the        not an endorsement of a particular
substances which are administered in        PSA recognise the progressive plans         treatment or therapy or its efficacy
homeopathic preparation. Although           we have put in place to uphold our          but ensures that practitioners are part
supporters of CEASE therapy say             high professional standards and those       of a body that works to good practice
there is growing anecdotal evidence         required by the accredited registers        and is committed to protecting the
to support Dr Smit’s claims, the            scheme.”                                    public.”
conventional medical world remains              Publicity surrounding the PSA’s             Following the PSA’s announcement
unconvinced his approach has any            decision to reaccredit the society even     that conditions were now in place
genuine therapeutic value.                  saw a question raised in the British        preventing members of the Society
     The use of homeopathy as               parliament. Conservative MP Andrea          of Homeopaths from advertising or
part of the therapy has seen many           Jenkyns asked the Secretary of State        practising CEASE therapy or offering
homeopaths around the world train as        for Health and Social Care whether the      advice on vaccinations, the Good
CEASE therapists, including members         PSA’s decision to renew the Society of      Thinking Society withdrew its legal
of the Society of Homeopaths.               Homeopaths’ accreditation would have        challenge.

A legal victory for homeopathy in Germany
A German pharmacy has been cleared          constituted a misleading claim.             see this differently; however, this group
of misleading consumers by selling a            However, a court in the German          of people is unlikely to use such products.
particular homeopathic product.             town of Darmstadt dismissed the claim.      Therefore, there is no case to answer.”
    The claim was brought under             In throwing out the case the judge               The judge also stated that, if the
Germany’s consumer protection               said: “The fact that, due to the extreme    ruling had come out in favour of the
legislation by opponents of                 dilution, the material cannot be            claimants, it would have affected
complementary medicine.                     identified using current methodologies,     further homeopathic products. And
    The claimants wanted the                does not mean that one can assume           this, the court argued, would not be in
homeopathic preparation HCG C30 –           that the material is not, in fact,          the interest of the consumer.
derived from a protein-based hormone        contained in the homeopathic drug.               The whole case hinged on whether
produced during pregnancy – banned              “As consumers who buy                   or not the label HCG C30 was
from sale on the grounds that there is      homeopathics are open to its tenets,        misleading under German consumer
no measurable amount of the hormone         they are not being misled by this           protection law. The judge asserted that
in the product. This, they argued,          product. Critics of homeopathy may          it is not.

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has
The Faculty of
 Homeopathy’s Facebook
page has 10,000 followers.                 The Faculty’s Twitter
                                               account has
 Why not join them and keep up to
date with all the latest Faculty news,       7,804 followers
 share your news and stay in touch        Keep up with the conversations
        with other members.                          Log on to                http//
Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

Impressions from
attending my first Faculty
of Homeopathy AGM
Nurse Florentina                            who trained in homeopathy at the
                                            same time as I did and who is now
Beta-Popescu is one                         preparing to take the MFHom exam.
of the Faculty’s newest                     She was also attending her first Faculty
                                                                                       Being able to meet
                                            AGM, so it was nice seeing a familiar
members. She gives a                        face; for although everyone was very       all these people and
personal account of the                     welcoming, as a new member I could
                                                                                       knowing that they
                                            easily have felt slightly lost among a
Faculty’s AGM.                              crowd of people who I didn’t really
                                                                                       share my passion
       fter recently passing the            know.
       MFHom exam and becoming                  I was also delighted to meet           and commitment to
       a member of the Faculty of           another of my lecturers, Dr Russell
Homeopathy, I had the privilege of          Malcolm. He also provided excellent        homeopathy was for
meeting many Faculty members,               support during my training and while       me both inspiring and
lecturers and colleagues at the             I was preparing for the MFHom exam.
organisation’s Annual General                   Another person I met was Dr Susan      moving.
Meeting (AGM) which took place in           Dreher-Brogan, a very dedicated and
February at the Thistle City Barbican       experienced homeopathic physician
Hotel in central London.                    who is a long-standing member of the       of the Faculty to give their reports,
    As a new member who had never           Faculty. “Like most people,” she told      which can be read in February’s
been to a Faculty AGM, I must admit         me, “when I first started to practise      edition of simile. The different
I was looking forward to the occasion       homeopathy I had underestimated            officers had their own individual style
with great excitement. Being able to        how much of an impact it would have        of doing this, which combined to
meet all these people and knowing           on my patients and consequently on         make it interesting, informative and
that they share my passion and              my career as a doctor. The Faculty         entertaining. What struck me while
commitment to homeopathy was for            contributes so much each year to           listening to their reports was their
me both inspiring and moving.               ensuring that high quality training in     shared commitment to homeopathy
    My involvement with homeopathy          homeopathy is available to healthcare      and the work they do on behalf of
began more than three years ago,            professionals.”                            the Faculty. And it’s important to
when I first met the Faculty’s              The Faculty family                         remember that these officers do this
operations manager, Dr Sara Eames,          Faculty president Dr Gary Smyth            work for the Faculty membership
who subsequently became one of              warmly welcomed everyone to the            in addition to running busy clinical
my lecturers. It was Dr Eames who           AGM, before going on to announce           practices.
whetted my appetite for homeopathy          the names of those who had become              The Faculty’s accounts for the
through an introductory one-day             MFHoms, VetMFHoms and Fellows              previous financial year were approved
course, and I can say that she played a     over the last 12 months. Dr Smyth          and Dr Lee Kayne was elected
notable role in my decision to follow       commented that the MFHom is more           unopposed as treasurer. It was then
this path and I’m so grateful for all her   than a world renowned qualification        announced that earlier that day the
support during my years of study.           – it is also an indication of an ongoing   members’ committee had met and held
Old friends and new                         relationship and membership of the         a secret ballot to elect a new convener.
The evening began with a drinks             Faculty family. I was really quite         That vote resulted in two members
reception, allowing people to meet,         emotional when my name was called          receiving the same number of votes.
network and catch up with colleagues        out and I was invited to the front         Following discussions and subsequent
in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere.         of the audience to be personally           approval by the Faculty council, a
    Incidentally, as I walked into the      congratulated by Dr Smyth.                 decision was made to share this role
reception area for the AGM, I had the           In presenting the annual review,       between Dr Edward Thompson and
pleasant surprise of meeting a doctor       Dr Smyth called upon several officers      Ms Karen Hooton.

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has
simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

The president’s address                    totally new path in
In his address Dr Smyth reflected on       her own life. And how
some of the activities of the previous     this self-discovery
year. He said without doubt the            has led her to seeing
highlight was the announcement             patients as individuals
in June 2019 of HRH The Prince of          and not just as a set
Wales as Patron of our organisation.       of symptoms. This,
This is an enormous honour and has         of course, reinforced
generated considerable interest both in    one of the main
the UK and abroad.                         tenets of homeopathic
     Dr Smyth then referred to a speech    case taking that
given by Sir John Weir (1879 – 1971) at    requires the               L to R: Dr Sara Eames, Dr Gary Smyth
a previous Faculty AGM. Sir John Weir      practitioner to be         and Dr Patricia Ridsdale
is one of the Titans of homeopathy         concerned with and
and was Faculty president from 1943        pay attention to the
– 1945. Speaking all those years ago       whole person.
he said: “I would like to appeal to you         After the lecture
all for loyalty to the Faculty and all     there was a further
that it stands for. It means much to the   opportunity to
president and council of any society       socialise when drinks
to have the sympathetic interest and       and canapés were
co-operation of its members, and           served.
the presence of a full gathering is             I learned a lot
stimulating not only to the individual     from attending my
but to others.”                            first Faculty AGM.
     Dr Smyth spoke about the heritage     The Faculty is not like
we have received from Faculty              other professional         Members take their seats at the AGM
members and great homeopaths of the        membership
past, and repeating Sir John’s words       organisations;
he “ … urged us at all costs to preserve   it is more of a
that heritage, enlarge and develop it      community made
for the future generations of medical      up of very special
men”.                                      and committed
     Quoting another excerpt from          individuals who
Sir John’s speech, Dr Smyth said:          through some turn of
“It should be the intention of every       fate have discovered
member to take some active part in         homeopathy and
the business of the organisation, and it   its power to relieve
brings out the best that is in him.”       suffering and heal
     Dr Smyth stated that as we look       the sick.                  Dr Julie Geraghty delivering the
forward to another year together,               I’m proud to be       Richard Hughes’ Memorial Lecture
these words are as applicable today        a member of the
as when Sir John first delivered them      Faculty. As well as
and should be a challenge to all           providing education
Faculty members and to anyone who          and training in
is associated with the discipline of       homeopathy, I believe
homeopathy.                                it brings like-minded
A memorial lecture
                                           people together           Quoting another excerpt from
The AGM was followed by the annual
                                           to give them the
                                           strength to overcome
                                                                     Sir John’s speech, Dr Smyth
Richard Hughes’ Memorial Lecture
which was given by Dr Julie Geraghty,
                                           the challenges we as      said: “It should be the intention
                                           homeopaths face and
who until recently was the Faculty’s
                                           enable us all to make
                                                                     of every member to take some
medical dean. She reflected on 25
years of homeopathic practice and
                                           a real difference to      active part in the business of the
                                           people’s health and
what homeopathy has taught her about
the world we live in. It was a very
                                           lives.                    organisation, and it brings out the
personal and moving lecture in             Florentina                best that is in him.”
which Dr Geraghty talked about             Beta-Popescu
how homeopathy had opened up a             MFHom

Promoting integrated healthcare - The Faculty of Homeopathy has

Between life
and death
Dr Ghizlaine                                                                           Case analysis
                                                                                       Tuesday 26 Sept: Before going to
Ghallab is an                                                                          the hospital I decide to take some
ophthalmologist and                                                                    remedies with me. I make a quick
                                                                                       repertorisation with the symptoms
president of HUMA, the                                                                 described by the girl’s aunt.
Hahnneman Unicist                                                                        • Eyes, yellow
                                                                                         • Face, yellow
Moroccan Association.                                                                    • Skin, yellow – jaundice icterus
Here she shares a                                                                        • Abdomen, inflammation – liver
remarkable and                                                                           • Stomach, vomiting yellow
inspiring case.                                                                          • Generalities, coldness, lack of
                                                                                       		 vital heat

       his is the short case history of
       a five-year-old girl hospitalised     Dr Ghizlaine Ghallab                      If I cross all these rubrics I get the
       with acute fulminant hepatitis B                                                following 18 remedies: Phosphorus,
with encephalopathy. The medical           eat anything. Her fatigue worsens with      Chelidonium, Arsenicum album,
prognosis was very serious and she         the appearance of an icterus, diarrhoea     China officinalis, Bryonia, Natrum
needed a liver transplant or die. The      and vomiting.                               sulfuricum, Sepia, Mercurius,
history of the disease was related to me                                               Hydratis, Aconite, Iodum, Crotalus
                                           Friday 22 Sept: She is hospitalised
by the girl’s aunt on the tenth day of                                                 horridus, Carduus marianus,
                                           in the department of infectious
the illness. Homeopathy allowed her to                                                 Kalium bichr, Plumbum, Phytolacca,
heal quickly without sequela.                                                          Leptandra virginica and Arsenicum
                                           Saturday 23 Sept: The doctor tells          iodatum.
    The family is very poor and live
                                           the parents that the diagnosis is                I go through them one by one
in the countryside. On a journey to
                                           fulminant hepatitis B with hepatic          reading Phatak’s repertory and I
Casablanca to visit the five-year-old’s
                                           encephalopathy. They cannot give any        decide only to take those that have a
older sister the girl became very tired.
                                           drugs, her liver has been destroyed by      strong affinity for the liver.
Her condition quickly worsened and
                                           the virus and probably her only hope is          I take with me five remedies:
she was diagnosed with fulminant
                                           to go abroad for a liver transplant.        Phosphorus, Chelidonium, Natrum
hepatitis B. She soon found herself
                                               The family is devastated by this        sulfuricum, Leptandra virginica and
between life and death.
                                           news, and almost in mourning as they        Carduus marianus. At around 5pm I
Here is how it happened.                   don’t have the means for such a therapy.    go to the hospital.
Sunday 17 Sept 2017: The little girl       The doctor is reluctant to tell the              I go directly to see the girl in her
travels with her parents from her home     parents that their daughter will die        hospital room without meeting the
in the countryside to visit her older      Monday 25 Sept: I met the girl’s aunt       doctors or nurses caring for her. On
sister in the city of Casablanca.          who tearfully told me her story. At first   entering the room I see a prostrate
Monday 18 Sept: She begins to be tired     I am sad and sympathise. From what          little girl, lying in her bed, with a
and to vomit.                              I’m told I believe the girl’s condition     simple infusion of saline or glucose.
                                           is beyond any therapeutic remedy.           She is almost unable to move, too weak
Tuesday 19 Sept: Her condition does        Then I said to myself that I must try       to answer or to open her eyes, almost
not improve. She is very weak with         homeopathy – after all she has nothing      in a pre-coma. Her skin from head to
no appetite. Her parents take her to a     to lose. I proposed to the aunt that I      toes is a yellow-orange colour, along
doctor who diagnoses hepatitis, tells      go to the hospital to see her niece the     with the conjunctiva, the tongue and
her to rest and gives some vitamins        following day at the end of my private      the mouth.
Wednesday 20 Sept: The girl cannot         ophthalmology consultations.                     I read the medical report: hepatitis B

simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

fulminant, hepatic encephalopathy                 Furthermore, for 95% of patients          therapeutic approach of all doctors.
with high level of transaminase ALAT/         I had only a few categories of drugs to          Key words: Fulminant hepatitis B,
ASAT 3540 (normal less than 35 UI/L).         prescribe, juggling between antibiotics,      Hepatitis, jaundice, transplant
    On my smart phone I take a look           anti-inflammatory corticosteroids or
                                                                                            Dr Ghizlaine Ghallab
at the application Complete Dynamics          antihistamine drugs.
and read what Phatak writes about                 In this acute stage 1 case, the most
the five remedies that I had brought          urgent need was to find a remedy with
with me.                                      a strong affinity for the affected organ      Leptandra virginica
    I read about Leptandra virginica. It      (here the liver). I didn’t really ask about   It affects the right side of the liver,
affects the right side and liver, causing     her sleep, dreams, food preferences, as       causing haemorrhages due to liver
haemorrhages due to liver affections.         this was an acute case and the patient        affections. Burning in hepatic region.
Burning, in hepatic region. Bilious           was comatose. It is possible that the         Bilious states. Weakness, hardly able to
state. Weakness, HARDLY ABLE TO               other remedies that I quoted would            stand and walk. Jaundice.
STAND or WALK, jaundice.                      have worked too – homeopathy is                   Aggravation: Worse: Cold drinks.
    I did not have a valid argument to        really generous.                              Motion. Periodically. Wet weather.
eliminate Chelidonium or Natrum-                                                                Amelioration: Better: Lying on
sulfuricum, but this last sentence made                                                     abdomen; on side.
me decide on Leptandra virginica.                                                               Mind: Hopeless; despondent and
    I put some pellets of Leptandra                                                         drowsy; with hepatic affections.
200C in a small bottle of water and                                                             Head: Dull frontal headache; with
asked the mother to give two spoons                                                         aching navel.
per a day for three days. To reassure                                                           Eyes: Smarting and aching in eyes.
myself more than anything, I tell the                                                           Mouth: Tongue, yellow, or black
aunt that if the young girl has any vital                                                   down centre.
force left, it may help.                                                                        Stomach: Craving for cold drinks
                                                                                            which worse burning and aching in
Wednesday 27 Sept: I am very worried
                                                Leptandra virginica                         stomach. Sinking at the pit of stomach.
about this poor young child, so early
                                                                                            Meat and vegetables disagree.
in the morning I call the aunt who tells
                                                                                                Abdomen: Sore or dull burning
me that this morning her little niece              This case reflects what Burnett
                                                                                            ache over liver or near gall bladder;
opened her eyes and asked for an apple        says: “Death is often, at the start, in
                                                                                            extending down over bowels to
and a banana, when previously she had         a particular organ, i.e. local, and if
                                                                                            navel or towards left scapula or
not eaten for six days. For the family        the part be saved in time life may be
                                                                                            along spine, which feels chilly. Liver
it was a miracle and I knew that the          preserved. In the acute process the
                                                                                            swollen transversely. Acute liver
game was won.                                 value of a particular organ strikes one       conditions. Gallstones. Constant dull
Sunday 1 October: I call the aunt who         often very forcibly, there may be no          aching in umbilical region. Stools;
tells me that the little girl has recovered   need of any constitutional treatment;         muddy, watery; TARRY OR BLACK;
well. The doctors have authorised her         the one suffering part may be the             FOUL. Stingy, waxy or spurting,
discharge from the hospital because           whole case, and in many chronic cases         in the morning; with pain at navel.
of the normalisation of the blood test        certain organs claim and must have            Dysentery; after diarrhoea. Prolapsing
(transaminases), and the general state        special attention.”                           piles; with haemorrhages. Jaundice,
of her health. They didn’t understand              The other point is that this little      with clay coloured stools. Feeling as
what had happened. The family didn’t          girl was saved by an inexpensive              if something was passing out of the
say anything about the homeopathy.            remedy. If the parents had had the            rectum.
     Two years later, I hear the girl         enormous means to travel abroad                   Urinary organs: Red or orange
is fine and developing and playing            to try to get a liver transplant for          coloured urine, with dull aching in
normally. She didn’t even have the            their daughter, it would have been            lumbar region.
six months of tiredness that patients         necessary to find a compatible donor;             Female: Menses; suppressed
usually suffer after hepatitis.               then she would have spent her whole           or retarded, with liver affection.
                                              life on immunosuppressors and                 Leucorrhoea; warm, watery; runs down
                                              corticosteroids, suffering all the sides-     the limbs; from ulceration of the os.
This very severe case of acute hepatitis
                                              effects associated with the long-term             Heart: Soreness at. Pulse slow and
that was treated successfully in
                                              use of these drugs.                           full.
five days has convinced me that
homeopathy is the most powerful               Conclusion                                        Extremities: Pain in Sciatic nerve
medicine.                                     Homeopathy is an ecological and               (left); worse on sitting. Nails very thin,
    As an ophthalmologist who has             economic medicine, able to treat the          soft and splitting.
practised allopathic medicine for 20          entire planet at little cost; to treat the        Fever: Chilly along the spine and
years, I realised that patients were          majority of the poor population; to           down the arm.
mostly not cured from acute episodes,         make savings for governments around               Relations: Related remedies: Bapt;
but just revert to chronic disease.           the world. It should be a part of the         Card-m; Chion. Complementary: Phos.


Working towards the
greater integration of
homeopathy in the
healthcare systems
of Europe
The Faculty of                             physicians and pharmacists, advised
                                           me to study homeopathy. I am still
                                                                                      already, but not enough in our view,
                                                                                      not enough to express its potential
Homeopathy is                              thankful for this excellent advice,        fully.
                                           without it I would probably have
a member of the                            changed my job.
                                                                                          The World Health Organization
                                                                                      (WHO) has recognised this and this
European Committee                             As a general practitioner I use        was the reason it issued its strategic
                                           homeopathy in my daily prescriptions       plan 2014 to 2023 for traditional and
of Homeopathy (ECH).                       because it gives good results for most     complementary medicine (TCM),
Dr Hélène Renoux                           of the conditions I have to treat. But     urging its member states to facilitate
                                           of course I still use conventional         and supervise the integration of TCM
is a French GP and                         medicine when needed. I see myself as      by setting quality rules regarding their
president of the ECH.                      an artisan with valuable extra tools in    practice and training.
                                           my bag.                                        At European level, the ECH was
Here she talks about                                                                  exactly on the same wavelength when
                                           What are the aims of the ECH?
her career and the                         The European Committee for                 endorsing the European Standard
                                                                                      CEN - EN 16872, which specifies the
work of the ECH.                           Homeopathy (ECH) represents
                                                                                      minimum requirements for medical
                                           medical doctors with an additional
                                           qualification in homeopathy                doctors with additional qualification in
How did you first become interested
                                           throughout Europe. It comprises            homeopathy and their services.
in homeopathy and what made you
pursue it professionally?                  around 40 associations in 25 countries.    How does the ECH ensure the highest
After graduating as a medical doctor       Other members are pharmacists,             standard of homeopathic practice and
I first spent several months as a          researchers or scholars sharing            professionalism is being delivered by
humanitarian doctor in Pakistan,           our goal which is the integration          its members?
working with Afghan refugees. On           of homeopathy within the global            For many years the ECH has issued
returning to France it seemed no           healthcare system.                         guidelines on how homeopathy should
longer possible for me to continue             ECH partners also work with            be taught at post-graduate level.
practising medicine in the usual way.      EFHPA, which represents European           ECH accredited schools have to fulfil
For in Pakistan I had experienced          associations of patients/users of          demanding criteria which constitute
strongly committed and meaningful          homeopathy. This means ECH strives         a real guarantee that the diploma-
medical practice, and I needed to give     to support good quality training and       holders have a real and sufficient
more sense to my work as a physician.      research in homeopathy, and helps to       knowledge.
     I wanted to meet the expectations     protect the availability of high quality       The ECH guidelines for training
of my patients, and I was looking          homeopathic medicinal products             have been used as a basis for the mirror
for a way to do it. The “ready-made        across the whole European continent.       committees that worked on the CEN
recipes” that I had learned from my        What steps are being taken to see          document in 2015/2016. They are the
medical training and was applying          homeopathy fully integrated into the       result of many years of shared work
daily were not always helping my           health systems of Europe?                  and experience among the most skilled
patients and therefore not satisfying to   Actually homeopathy is integrated          homeopathic teachers throughout
me as a doctor. Friends of mine, both      in the European heathcare system           Europe.

simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

                                                                                      agencies from the European Economic
  Dr Hélène Renoux
                                                                                      Despite the hostility towards
                                                                                      homeopathy from some medical
                                                                                      professionals and scientists, are you
                                                                                      optimistic for its future and, if so, why?
                                                                                      At times it is difficult to remain
                                                                                      optimistic in the face of the terrible
                                                                                      challenges the world is facing
                                                                                      regarding health and the environment.
                                                                                      We cannot be pleased with the
                                                                                      current situation which is causing the
                                                                                      deaths of so many people. Obviously
                                                                                      this questions the choices that have
                                                                                      been made in terms of health and
                                                                                      environment management.
What have been the ECH’s main              researchers in the field of homeopathy         Hopefully, this should create
achievements in recent years?              in Europe. It supports their work,         awareness among our governments,
Apart from the CEN project, which is       which is crucial as much for clinical      policy makers and scientists that
indeed one the ECH’s greatest recent       validation as for the exploration of the   the current paradigm has failed. In
achievements, other important projects     mode of action of homeopathy.              this regard homeopathy has its role
are ongoing.                                   The pharmacy sub-committee             to play, which has been for too long
    The ECH operates a number of           is currently working to establish          impeded by prejudices. Homeopathy is
important sub-committees. The              guidelines for the homeopathic             a sustainable, environmentally friendly
provings sub-committee has developed,      training for pharmacists, and is           medicine, and the moment has come to
together with the other main               cooperating with a number of               recognise it.
homeopathic associations, guidelines       other organisations, such as the
                                                                                      Dr Hélène Renoux
for homeopathic proving that should        Homeopathic Medicinal Products
                                                                                      President of the European
be used by regulators when registering     Working Group (HMPWG) under the
                                                                                      Committee for Homeopathy
homeopathic medicinal products.            European umbrella of HMA (Heads
    The research sub-committee brings      of Medicines Agencies), a network of       For more information about the ECH
together some of the most prominent        both human and veterinary medicines’       visit

                 Have you something to say?
                     If you have news or an interesting case study to share.
                     Or if there is something you want to get off your chest.
                                         Why not contribute to simile?
                simile is your newsletter, so we would like to hear from you.
                     Please contact the editor John Burry at

Using homeopathy for
disorders can deliver
significant results
Dr Sujata Naik is a                       Clinical progression and prognosis
                                          depends on the following key
                                                                                    First aid
                                                                                    Certain homeopathic remedies could
leading international                     factors:		                                be helpful as first aid in management
homeopath and                              •   Does the problem arise from the
                                                                                    of injuries, sprains or spasms through
                                                                                    symptom amelioration and reducing
researcher, and the first
                                               joint, tendon, ligament or muscle?
                                               Is the condition acute or chronic?
                                                                                    the inflammation, swelling and
                                                                                    ecchymoses. Here, choose a remedy
affiliate member of the                    •   Is the condition inflammatory or
                                                                                    having a sphere of action specifically
Faculty of Homeopathy.
                                               What is the pattern of affected
                                                                                    on the musculoskeletal system
                                                                                    and having clinically proven its
Here she provides a                       		   areas/joints?                        efficacy in the said condition.
synopsis of her talk                       •

                                               What is the impact of the
                                               condition on the patient’s life?
                                                                                    Remedies like:
on “Musculoskeletal                                                                 • Arnica montana – first remedy
                                          Homeopathic approach to MSDs
Disorders and                             Musculoskeltal disorders include a
                                                                                      following falls, blows, contusions,
                                                                                      concussions, after traumatic
Homeopathy” which                         wide range of ailments from traumatic       injuries, sprains.
she delivered to the                      to degenerative, inflammatory,
                                          infective to autoimmune. A multi-
                                                                                    • Hypericum perforatum – for
                                                                                      injuries to nerves, punctured
Faculty of Homeopathy                     dimensional approach tailored to            incised or lacerated wounds, arrests
Midlands group in                         treat the particular condition could be
                                          implemented. While individualisation
                                                                                      ulceration and sloughing.
                                                                                    • Rhus toxicodendron – spraining or
September 2019.                           based on totality of symptoms remains       straining tendons, affection of
                                          the cornerstone of homeopathic              fibrous tissue.

      he term musculoskeletal             prescription, certain specific remedies   • Ruta graveolens – lameness after
      disorders (MSDs) covers any         may need to be administered in certain      sprains especially of wrists and
      injury, damage or disorder of the   conditions especially mechanical            ankles.
joints or other tissues in the upper/     injuries.                                 • Symphytum officinale – acts on
lower limbs or the back. MSDs include:        The following broad classification      joints, tendons and periosteum.
upper limb disorders, lower limb          could prove helpful in determining the      Useful in non-union of fractures
disorders and back pain. MSDs are         line of homeopathic treatment and the       and after blows from obtuse objects .
common and the risk of developing         remedies prescribed under different         Very useful for traumatic injuries to
them increases with age.                  circumstances:                              the eye.

Classification of MSDs

    Origin                       Nature                             Duration            Distribution
    Articular                    Inflammatory                       Acute               Localised
    Non-articular                Non-inflammatory                   Chronic             Wide-spread (Systemic)

simile • May 2020 • The Faculty of Homeopathy

• Bellis perennis – useful in injuries
  to deeper tissues after surgery,
  associated with muscular soreness
  and lameness. Useful for exudation,
                                                         Pathology of cervical spondylosis
  stasis and cellulitis.
In acute exacerbations of chronic
disorders – for example: rheumatoid                            Degeneration of intervertebral disc
arthritis, gout, muscle spasm in
cervical spondylosis – it is important
to give symptomatic relief to the
patient. Here the indicated remedy
is based on the presenting totality.            Reduction in Disc Spaces                 Peripheral Osteophyte
The acute homeopathic remedy helps                                                             Formation
give symptom relief to the patient
and may open up the case for further
constitutional prescribing on the next
follow up.
• Colchicum autumnale – for gout.
• Bryonia alba – for acute pain,               Secondary Involvement                 Impingement               Pressure
  inflammation of affected joint >                    of Posterior                     on Nerve                   on
  by rest                                        Intervertebral Joints                   Root                 Spinal Cord
• Nux vomica – in acute muscle
  spasm from cervical spondylosis.

In chronic conditions, constitutional
prescribing is the hallmark for true                      Neck                      Radicular pain in        Signs of Cord
homeopathic similimum. Only                               pain                       Upper Limbs             Compression
detailed case taking, analysis and
repertorisation can result in accurate
prescribing. Several autoimmune
conditions like psoriatic arthritis,
systemic lupus erythematosis,             It helps to maintain general well-being
ankylosing spondylitis have periods       including appetite, thirst and sleep. It
of natural exacerbations and natural      may also help to restrict the need of
remissions. The discerning homeopath      NSAIDS and analgesics.
must work around these modalities
when selecting the remedy.                Cervical spondylosis
    A remedy that covers the              Cervical spondylosis is a
constitutional totality of the patient    common chronic condition of
and also has an affinity for the          the neck involving:
musculoskeletal system could give         • The vertebral bodies
long-term relief and could also slow        (osteophyte
down disease progression.                   formation),
Supportive                                • Intervertebral
Homeopathy could be used in                 discs (deformation,
conjunction with the conventional           disc herniation),
mode of treatment in conditions             and
of advanced pathologies like              • Adjacent ligaments.
severe rheumatoid arthritis,
spondyloarthroses, psoriatic arthritis,   It is osteoarthritis of cervical spine.
seropositive ankylosing spondylitis       According to the 2010 Global Burden
and advanced prolapsed intervertebral     of Disease study neck pain was the
disc.                                     fourth leading cause of years lost to
    It helps to reduce post-surgical      disability. It is more prevalent among
symptoms like nausea, acidity, sleep      women and the prevalence of neck
disturbances and urinary complaints.      pain peaked in middle age.


Homeopathic treatment for                 Siblings healthy. The patient lives with
cervical spondylosis                      wife and a seven-year-old daughter in
The homeopathic remedy should be          Mumbai.
aimed not only at giving symptomatic          The patient has a strong desire for
relief, but to also slow down the         eggs and sweets. He’s been a heavy
degenerative progression of the           smoker for more than seven years,
cervical spine and to help strengthen     smoking two packets of cigarettes a
the ligaments of the neck.                day. Thermal state: chilly (showers with
                                          hot water and needs a thick blanket
                                                                                        Calcarea carbonica
A case of                                 even in summer).
                                          Life situation and mind
cervical                                  Patient had inter-state love marriage.
                                                                                      Three-month follow up – Nov 2015
spondylosis                               Patient is originally from Tamil Nadu
                                                                                      Had one episode of acute pain and
                                                                                      stiffness following physical exertion at
A 34 year-old-male, executive head of     while his wife hails from Rajasthan.
                                                                                      work. Pain > by rest 3+, >> hot fomentation.
in August 2015 with pain in the neck      disputes in marriage. This causes
region which he had suffered for three    immense stress to patient. Has become       Treatment: Bryonia 30C, four pills
years. Pain at nape of the neck with      irritable and short tempered of late.       three times a day for three days was
stiffness and tingling and numbness       He is not able to concentrate at work,      prescribed. Experienced relief within
in both upper extremities. Has been       leading to anxiety and restlessness and     24 hours. Was monitored on Sac
taking NSAIDs for one year without        sensation of internal chilliness. Patient   lac for six months during which the
significant relief.                       also worries a lot about his health.        patient reported no episodes of pain or
                                          Says even after surgery his complaint       discomfort.
                                          of rhinitis did not improve. And now        Six-month follow up – Feb 2016
                                          he also suffers from neck pain. Gets        Pain and stiffness at nape of neck
                                          anxious when neck pain starts as it         reduced significantly. Anxiety had
                                          further affects his work and routine        reduced remarkably and recurrent
                                          Repertorisation                             episodes of rhinitis have also decreased
                                          The repertorisation was based on the        considerably.
                                          following rubrics:                          Observation
                                          1. Complete, Mind, Anxiety health           Calcarea carbonicum has a special
                                             about                                    affinity for glands, skin and bones. For
                                          2. Complete, Mind , handle things           chilly, overweight individuals with
                                             anymore cannot, overwhelmed              low bone health, chronic deficiency
                                             by stress                                of calcium and low vitality. Profuse
                                          3. (Murphy) Clinical, colds tendency        perspiration, scrofulous tendency
                                             to catch                                 and taking cold easily are some of the
                                          4. Complete, General coldness, lack         important characteristics. Rheumatic
  Cervical spondylosis                       of vital heat                            pains from exposure to cold damp
                                          5. Complete, Extremities, pain              weather, needs covering
You can also read