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                      Pharma 2020:
                      Supplying the future
                      Which path will you take?

Pharmaceuticals and
Life Sciences
Previous publications
in this series include:

                                          Published in June 2007, this       Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
                                                                                                                        Fourth in the Pharma 2020
                                          paper highlights a number of                                                  series and published in April
                                          issues that will have a major                                                 2009, this report highlights
                                          bearing on the industry by                                                    how Pharma’s fully integrated
Pharma 2020: The vision                                                      Pharma 2020: Challenging business models
Which path will you take?*                2020. The publication outlines     Which path will you take?                  business models may not be
                                          the changes we believe will best                                              the best option for the pharma
                                          help pharmaceutical companies                                                 industry in 2020; more creative
                                          realise the potential the future                                              collaboration models may be
                                          holds to enhance the value they                                               more attractive. This paper also
                                          provide to shareholders and                                                   evaluates the advantages and
                                          society alike.                                                                disadvantages of the alternative
                                                                                                                        business models and how each
                                                                                                                        stands up against the challenges
                                                                                                                        facing the industry.
*connectedthinking                  
Pharma 2020: The vision               #

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
                                          This report, published in June     Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
                                                                                                                        The fifth report in our series,
                                          2008, explores opportunities                                                  published in December 2009,
                                          to improve the R&D process. It                                                focuses on the opportunities
                                          proposes that new technologies     Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead
                                                                                                                        and challenges from a tax
Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D
Which path will you take?                 will enable the adoption of        Which path will you take?                  perspective. It discusses how the
                                          virtual R&D; and by operating                                                 political, economic, scientific and
                                          in a more connected world                                                     social trends currently shaping
                                          the industry, in collaboration                                                the commercial environment,
                                          with researchers, governments,                                                together with the development of
                                          healthcare payers and                                                         new, more collaborative business
                                          providers, can address the                                                    models, will exert increasing
                                          changing needs of society more                                                pressure on effective tax rates
                                          effectively.                                                                  within the industry. It also
                                                                                                                        shows how companies can adapt
                                                                                                                        their tax strategies to support
                                                                                                                        the provision of outcomes-
Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D              1

                                                                                                                        based healthcare and remain
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
                                          Published in February 2009, this                                              competitive.
                                          paper discusses the key forces
                                          reshaping the pharmaceutical
                                          marketplace, including the
Pharma 2020: Marketing the future
Which path will you take?                 growing power of healthcare
                                          payers, providers and patients,
                                          and the changes required to
                                          create a marketing and sales
                                          model that is fit for the 21st
                                          century. These changes will
                                          enable the industry to market
                                          and sell its products more
                                          cost-effectively, to create new
                                          opportunities and to generate
                                          greater customer loyalty across
                                          the healthcare spectrum.

All these publications are available to download at:
Table of contents

                                    Introduction                                       2
                                    The times they are a-changin’                      3
                                    • New product types
                                    • Live licensing
                                    • The increasing emphasis on outcomes
                                    • New modes of healthcare delivery
                                    • The growing importance of the emerging markets
                                    • Greater public scrutiny
                                    • Environmental pressures
                                    • The collective impact of these trends

                                    Removing the roadblocks                            10
                                    • New development technologies
                                    • New manufacturing technologies
                                    • New distribution technologies
                                    • New patient interface technologies
                                    • Greater collaboration

                                    Choosing among the options                         17
                                    • The virtual manufacturer
                                    • The service innovator
                                    • The low-cost provider
                                    • The profit centre

                                    Managing the movement of information               24
                                    Restructuring the asset base                       25
                                    Conclusion                                         26
                                    References                                         28

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                           1

       The pharmaceutical industry is experiencing major upheavals, as
       PwC* noted in earlier Pharma 2020 papers. Many companies have
       responded by trying to discover, develop and market medicines more
       efficiently, but they’ve invested relatively little effort in reconfiguring
       their manufacturing and distribution operations to date. Yet the supply
       chain is just as important; it’s the link between the laboratory and the

    Unfortunately, it’s a link that frequently              We’ve identified four potential supply-
    doesn’t work very well. Most pharma                     chain options from which pharma
    companies have complex supply chains                    companies can choose. Those that focus
    that are under-utilised and inefficient.                on specialist medicines can either delegate
    Worse still, they are ill-equipped to cope              all their manufacturing and distribution
    with the sort of products that are coming               to trusted contractors or build service-
    down the pipeline. By 2020, many of the                 oriented supply chains to enhance their
    medicines the industry makes will be                    brands. Those that focus on mass-market
    specialist therapies that require totally               medicines can either become low-cost
    different manufacturing and distribution                providers or build supply chains that
    techniques from those used to produce                   generate a profit by servicing both internal
    small molecules.                                        and external customers.
    In short, the pharmaceutical supply chain               We’ll discuss the main trends dictating
    needs a radical overhaul, and we predict                the need for a new approach to the
    that it will undergo three key changes over             manufacturing and distribution of
    the next decade:                                        medicines, together with some of the
                                                            techniques and technologies that will help
    • It will fragment, with different models
                                                            the industry make the necessary changes,
      for different product types and patient
                                                            in more detail in the following pages. We’ll
                                                            also look at the key characteristics of each
    • It will become a means of market                      of the four routes we’ve identified, and the
      differentiation and source of economic                implications they carry.
      value; and
    • It will become a two-way street, with
      information flowing upstream to drive
      the downstream flow of products and

    * “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as
       the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network.

2                                                                                                                    PwC
The times they are a-changin’

A supply chain is the means by which             When the ‘blockbuster’ paradigm                    Asset utilisation rates have improved.
a company transfers its products from            prevailed, this wasn’t a serious problem,          Between 2004 and 2009, overall
development to the marketplace in order          but the situation is now changing                  equipment effectiveness in packaging
to sell them and generate a profit. It           dramatically. Generic competition has              increased from 36% to 51%, for example.
includes all the organisational, operational     already dented Big Pharma’s revenues – a           Quality has also risen, with the percentage
and value-adding activities needed to            trend that will continue, as the patents on        of rejected batches falling from 1.00%
manufacture those products and get them          products with sales of more than US$267            to 0.74% over the same period. But
to the customer. So, for a pharma company,       billion expire over the next six years.3 So        average set-up times have increased from
it covers everything from new product            the economies of scale the industry leaders        79 minutes to 93 minutes, and the vast
development through to delivery to the           have traditionally enjoyed are rapidly             majority of pharma companies are still far
hospital, retail pharmacy or patient (see        diminishing.                                       from having any kind of ‘continuous flow’,
Figure 1).                                                                                          smooth production scheduling or make-to-
                                                 Many pharma companies have as a result
                                                                                                    order manufacturing. Instead of producing
Some companies have superb supply                started refining their supply chains. But
                                                                                                    on demand, they must hold large quantities
chains. Fashion retailer Zara is renowned        most of the changes they’ve introduced
                                                                                                    of inventory, which drives up their working
for the speed and agility of its supply chain,   have been short-term measures to
                                                                                                    capital and overheads.4
for example.1 Apple, Procter & Gamble,           address immediate challenges like the
Cisco Systems and Wal-Mart also rank             rationalisation of larger manufacturing
among those regarded as leading examples.2       networks as a result of acquisitions. This is
However, most pharma companies have              reflected in the progress – or, rather, lack of
supply chains that are neither flexible nor      it – they’ve made in recent years.
Figure 1: The supply chain is the backbone of a pharma company

                                                         Planning and Collaboration

     New Product                 Active              Secondary                                     Wholesaler Pharmacy
     Development               Ingredient           Manufacturing             Distribution                                        Patient
     & Innovation             Manufacturing         and Packaging

                                                               People and Skills

                                                             Information Systems

Source: PwC

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                                 3
Figure 2: Numerous forces are dictating the need for a different sort of supply chain

                                                                                 • More complex manufacturing and distribution processes

                                                 1    New product types          • Different supply chains for different product types
                                                                                 • Shorter product lifecycles

                                                                                 • Incremental launch of new medicines

                                                 2    Live licensing             • Ability to scale up and down very rapidly
                                                                                 • Step changes in the revenue curve

    Even more importantly, few, if any, pharma
    companies have supply chains capable              Increasing                 • Expansion into health management service
    of meeting tomorrow’s needs. Numerous
    forces – both internal and external – are    3    emphasis on
                                                                                 • Leaner and more adaptable cost structure that preserves
                                                                                   gross margins at every stage of the product lifecycle
    reshaping the environment in which
    the industry operates, with profound
    consequences for the way in which it
                                                                                 • Blurring of the boundaries between primary and acute
    manufactures and distributes its products
                                                      New modes of
    (see Figure 2).
                                                                                 • Much wider distribution network
                                                      healthcare delivery        • Demand-driven manufacturing and distribution

                                                                                 • Offerings designed for patients in emerging markets
                                                      importance of              • More widely dispersed and more robust supply chain
                                                      emerging markets

                                                                                 • Heavier regulation
                                                      Greater public
                                                 6    scrutiny
                                                                                 • Robust risk assessment and risk-management
                                                                                   capabilities across the extended supply chain

                                                                                 • Sustainable eco-friendly processes
                                                      pressures                  • Relocation of plant to less vulnerable regions

                                                 Source: PwC

4                                                                                                                                        PwC
New drugs and devices
                                                                                                                    Biologics are in general more susceptible
                                                                                                                    to impurities in the production
                                                                                                                    process and damage during shipping
1. New product types                                                                                                than chemical entities. Making gene-
                                                                                                                    and tissue-based therapies is even
Pharma’s portfolio is changing substantially.                 However, many of these new therapies                  more difficult. Each sample must be
Industry analysts predict that, by 2016,                      and the devices used to deliver them will             individually extracted, propagated,
bioengineered vaccines and biologics                          require more complex manufacturing and                prepared and tested before it can be
will account for 23% of the global market                     distribution processes than conventional              administered, so it must be treated as a
(measured by value), up from 17% in 2009.5                    chemical entities. Indeed, some                       separate manufacturing lot and finished
The product base will become even more                        personalised medicines and poly-pills will            at a location near the patient.
diverse, as advances in nanotechnology,                       have to be ‘finished’ at the pharmacy or
tissue re-engineering, stem cell research                     point-of-care (see sidebar, New drugs                 Many of these specialist treatments will
and other such disciplines start to yield fruit               and devices). Such challenges will not                also need novel delivery devices, since it
(see Figure 3).                                               be enough to prevent product lifecycles               is difficult to produce oral formulations
                                                              getting shorter, though; greater competition          of large molecules. Micro needles,
                                                              both from similar new products and from               magnetically targeted carriers, nano-
                                                              totally different product types will reduce           particles, polymer capsules and multi-
                                                              the period of exclusivity all but the most            layered medicated patches are likely to
                                                              personalised therapies enjoy, as it has in the        predominate, but such devices are much
                                                              case of conventional medicines.                       more complex than those that are used

Figure 3: By 2020, Pharma will be making a much more diverse range of products

2010                                                            2012                                                               2015                    2020

   Fixed dose combinations
    Recycling existing drugs
                                                                   First fully integrated PGx
     with greater expected
                                                                     product propositions
        health benefits

              Imaging               Therapeutic monoclonals
    Better real time imaging for     New antibody treatments
                                                                            First wave of clinically
     diagnosis, monitoring and            for cancer and
                                                                            validated biomarkers
  treatment of multiple diseases     inflammatory disorders

                                                                                                                      Human cell therapies
                                                                            Gene-based therapies                   First stem cell therapies for
        Tissue engineering
                                                                          First gene-based therapies              diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease,
    First tissue engineering or
                                                                              for diseases such as                   Parkinson’s disease and
       xenogenic therapies
                                                                         oncology and cardiovascular                     vascular injuries

                                                                                        Targeted drug delivery
                          Oral imaging diagnostics
                                                                                       systems for Alzheimer’s
                        ‘pills’ for gastrointestinal and                                 disease, Parkinson’s
                                other conditions                                    disease, cancer and strokes

Mainstream technologies already happening        Gene/Cell/Tissue technologies   Nanotech-related technologies

Source: PwC

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                                                 5
2. Live licensing
    The launch process will also become                 Once this happens, the ‘big bang’ launch
    much more incremental, as new methods               will give way to a phased approach in
    for assessing, approving and monitoring             which demand for a new product rises
    medicines emerge. At present, the                   as the licence is extended. The interval
    marketing applications for most new                 between the initial launch and peak
    medicines are either approved or rejected;          sales point will thus be much longer; the
    the supply chains for manufacturing and             revenue curve will climb more slowly; and
    distributing them are designed to support           the payback period for capital expenditure
    peak sales volumes; and the revenues they           on plant and equipment will be more
    generate climb in a relatively simple curve.        protracted (see Figure 4). So, rather than
                                                        making a large upfront investment in a
    But the binary system of authorising new
                                                        supply chain designed to cope with peak
    medicines is becoming more graduated.
                                                        volumes, any company launching a new
    The European Medicines Agency (EMA)
                                                        medicine will need to build a supply chain
    and US Food and Drug Administration
                                                        that can be rapidly adjusted as the licence
    (FDA) introduced conditional approvals
    for certain products some years ago.6
    Both agencies are also placing much more
    emphasis on post-marketing surveillance,
    and we believe that the current system
    will eventually be replaced by a system
    in which new therapies are granted ‘live
    licences’ contingent on further testing
    to confirm their safety and efficacy in
    different patient populations.7

                                                        Figure 4: The revenue curve will climb more slowly, when ‘live licences’ replace
    Option 1
                                                        the binary system of approving new products
    Build one facility to accommodate peak sales
    •   Low scale-up risks.
                                                                  Peak Sales
    •   Big site drives operational efficiencies.
    •   Large capital outlay for un-proven demand.                Understanding the

    •   Low utilisation during growth of the product.             cost of capital and
                                                                  impact on margins is
    Option 2                                                      critical to managing
                                                                  product profitability
    Adopt a modular manufacturing platform
    scaling up to support each volume plateau
    •   Capex linked to known market demands.                                                                                     Time
    •   High site utilisation.
    •   Cost and risk of commissioning more sites.
    •   Many small sites increases cost base.
                                                        Source: PwC

6                                                                                                                                     PwC
3. The increasing emphasis on outcomes
Financially stretched governments and        The ability to provide demonstrable value
health insurers are simultaneously           for money will thus become a critical
becoming much more demanding;                differentiating factor, and the supply chain
they now want clear evidence that the        will play a key part in providing that value
medicines they buy are really effective.     by commissioning and supervising aspects
This has huge implications for Pharma.       of the services patients need to manage
The industry will not only have to manage    their health.
the manufacturing and distribution of
medicines and companion diagnostics, it
will also have to ensure that patients get
the most from the therapies they receive
by supplementing its products with a wide
range of supporting services.

                                             4. New modes of healthcare delivery
                                             The drive to cut costs and improve outcomes    The digitalisation of healthcare delivery,
                                             underlies several other changes taking         with greater use of electronic health
                                             place in healthcare delivery, with equally     records, e-prescribing and remote
                                             momentous consequences for the industry.       monitoring, will reinforce the drive to
                                             Most of the OECD countries have been           push healthcare into the community.
                                             trying to reduce reliance on hospitals         However, it will also provide Pharma with
                                             and specialists since the 1980s.8 Self-        one of the key components needed to
                                             administration of medicines is also on the     make the transition. E-prescriptions are
                                             rise, as patients are encouraged to take a     effectively point-of-sale data. Access to
                                             more active role in managing their own care.   this data will enable pharma companies
                                             Both these trends will continue as clinical    to build demand-driven supply chains in
                                             advances provide better medicines for          which healthcare packages for different
                                             acute conditions and patients become more      patients are assembled at ‘super hubs’
                                             empowered. Many diseases which must at         before being delivered to their homes.
                                             present be treated in hospital will then be    By 2020, information about patients and
                                             treated at home.                               the medicines they need will thus be as
                                                                                            important as the products themselves.
                                             But migrating from a system in which care
                                             is provided in a relatively small number of
                                             hospitals, clinics and surgeries to one in
                                             which care is provided through a diffuse
                                             network of nurses and community carers
                                             has enormous ramifications. Pharma will
                                             need to distribute its products to many
                                             more locations, including patients’ homes.
                                             It will therefore have to harness the most
                                             efficient ‘final mile’ distribution networks
                                             in order to deliver medicines to the door as
                                             economically as possible.

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                        7
Designs for the developing
                                                                                                   Several medical device companies are
                                                                                                   already designing and manufacturing
    5. T
        he growing importance of the                                                              products specifically for people living
                                                                                                   in the developing economies. Freeplay
       emerging markets                                                                            Energy has, for example, developed
                                                                                                   foetal heart rate monitors and pulse
    The growing importance of the emerging         If Pharma is to market its products             oximeters that are driven by human
    markets will accentuate these challenges.      effectively in the developing economies,        power and designed to cope with
    Although patients in the developing            it will have to understand the needs of         harsh conditions. Mindray Medical
    economies are becoming more prosperous,        patients living in these countries and          International, one of China’s biggest
    they typically pay more than half the cost     tailor its offerings accordingly; and it can    medical equipment manufacturers,
    of their medicines themselves – and few        learn from the medical device industry in       also specialises in making inexpensive
    can afford to pay as much as patients in the   this regard (see sidebar, Designs for the       patient monitoring and life support
    mature economies.9 Moreover, the choices       developing economies).10 It will also           devices. And cardiologists at India’s
    they make are often based on different         have to build a supply chain that is both       Care Hospitals have designed cheap
    values from those that influence the           more geographically dispersed and more          heart valve replacements, minimising
    design of products and services intended       secure. The number of recorded cases of         the number of disposable parts to keep
    for consumption in the developed world.        counterfeit, stolen or illegally diverted       costs down. Pharma can learn from
    Cost and the ability to buy on a daily or      medicines has already soared nearly nine-       such role models. It can, for instance,
    weekly basis are more important than           fold since 2002.11                              develop economical formulations and
    convenience, for example.                                                                      stripped-down services for patients
                                                                                                   who can’t afford its most expensive

                                                   6. Greater public scrutiny
                                                   In fact, by 2020, the ability to manage risk   Other administrations are also tightening
                                                   and compliance throughout the supply           the rules. The Indian government
                                                   chain will be more crucial than ever before.   recently passed a law mandating the use
                                                   While globalisation is increasing the          of track-and-trace barcodes on all drugs
                                                   risks, greater public awareness and more       meant for export, with effect from July
                                                   diligent enforcement are raising the bar.      2011, following reports that Chinese
                                                   In 2009, for example, the FDA recalled a       counterfeiters were selling fake medicines
                                                   record 1,742 medicines. A single company       labelled ‘Made in India’ in several African
                                                   accounted for more than 1,000 recalls but,     countries.14
                                                   even when these are stripped out of the
                                                   picture, the number of recalls still rose by
                                                   50% year on year.12

8                                                                                                                                        PwC
Water is the new gold
                                                                                               About 20% of people live in countries
                                                                                               that don’t have enough fresh water, but
                                                                                               the situation will get much worse over
                                                                                               the next decade. The global population
                                                                                               is projected to rise from 6.8 billion
                                                                                               to 7.6 billion by 2020. The amount
7. Environmental pressures                                                                     of food needed to sustain mankind is
                                                                                               thus increasing – and farming already
The Green agenda presents other               Indeed, some companies may have to               accounts for about 70% of the world’s
difficulties. All pharma companies already    relocate some of their production facilities     total fresh water consumption. Rapid
operate under strict environmental            to completely different places. Global           urbanisation is also driving up demand
controls, for obvious reasons. But these      warming is changing the world’s weather          for safe drinking water and sanitation
regulations are likely to become even         patterns and many of the traditional             facilities, and environmental changes
tougher, given the international drive to     centres of pharmaceutical manufacturing,         like deforestation and global warming
curb carbon emissions. Taxes on water         such as Singapore, lie in regions that           are exacerbating these pressures.
consumption are also likely to rise, as       will become more vulnerable to extreme
                                                                                               Water shortages will have a serious
population growth, increased farming,         weather events. Even if it proves possible to
                                                                                               impact everywhere. The United
rapid urbanisation and climate change         engineer a better climate – e.g., by locking
                                                                                               Nations predicts that, by 2025, 1.8
exacerbate the shortage of fresh water (see   up the ice caps or using plants to suck up
                                                                                               billion people will be living in regions
sidebar, Water is the new gold).15            excess carbon dioxide – geoengineering
                                                                                               where water is very scarce, while
                                              experts widely agree that the effects
However, many of the assets pharma                                                             5 billion could be living in ‘water
                                              would be limited. Such measures would,
companies own are designed to support                                                          stress’ conditions. The problem will
                                              at best, reduce peak temperatures during
specific manufacturing processes                                                               be particularly acute in China, India,
                                              the transition to a low-carbon world.16
– processes that typically consume                                                             sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and
                                              But relocating a plant to a new country or
considerable amounts of energy and                                                             some parts of Latin America. But even
                                              region is a complex business; numerous
water. If the industry is to reduce its                                                        countries in more temperate zones
                                              political, financial and commercial factors
environmental footprint, it will have to                                                       will suffer. One recent study suggests,
                                              must be looked at, as we indicated in
adopt new, more eco-friendly processes                                                         for example, that large swathes of the
                                              “Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead.”17
and that will require a substantial                                                            south-western US will be at risk of
investment in new equipment.                                                                   water shortages by mid-century.

                                              The collective impact of these trends
                                              To sum up, the current model for                The change in the industry’s remit has even
                                              manufacturing and distributing medicines        more fundamental implications. Pharma
                                              isn’t fit for Pharma’s future needs, as many    companies will have to manage a vast
                                              industry executives recognise. The high         network of service providers, as well as
                                              margins that made it feasible to tie up         manufacturing and distributing their own
                                              capital in large stocks of raw materials and    products. They will also have to acquire a
                                              finished goods are ending. Most companies       much deeper understanding of patients.
                                              also have asset bases that are ill-suited       In a world where outcomes count for
                                              to produce the sort of therapies that are       everything, it’s not molecules that create
                                              now in the pipeline or to cope with new         value but, rather, the ability to integrate
                                              environmental regulations, so they’ll have      data, products and services in a coherent
                                              to sell or re-engineer much of their existing   business offering. Understanding this
                                              plant.                                          shift of emphasis from products to patient
                                                                                              outcomes is critical; those firms that can
                                                                                              develop and supply integrated product-
                                                                                              service packages will be able to deliver
                                                                                              significant benefits to every stakeholder in
                                                                                              the healthcare value chain.

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                            9
Removing the roadblocks

     Timely access to various emerging
     technologies will help Pharma manufacture
     and distribute its products more efficiently.
     Some of these technologies will enable
     it to build quality into its manufacturing
     processes, while others will enhance its
     throughput or facilitate collaboration to
     realise economies of scale (see Figure 5).

     Figure 5: Significant opportunities for improving the supply chain exist

                                               ‘Assembly line’ production                    Distribution                     E-prescribing (POS                         ‘Self service’ (the patient
            Formulations that are              (disposable components, Quality by            structure and   Flexible         data for supply                            as an integral component
            easier to manufacture              Design & PAT) and continuous manufacturing    technology      production       chain planning)                            of the supply chain)

                                                                       Planning and Collaboration
                                                                                                                                                     Sales & Marketing


                                             Raw                                  Secondary/

                                          Materials/             API              Packaging            Distribution              Service

                                                                         People and Skills

                                                                       Information Systems

      Computer modelling                    Flexible       Dynamic sourcing,                 Aligned           New ‘patient          Internal and
      (virtual process development,         production     micro-processing                  performance       interface’            external
      facility design and validation,                      technologies and                  management        technologies          collaboration
      Quality by Design)                                   numbering up

     Source: PwC

10                                                                                                                                                                                            PwC
Biologics in a bottle
                                                                                                        One of the main obstacles in
                                                                                                        developing oral biologics is the
                                                                                                        fact that proteins break down in
                                                                                                        the gastrointestinal tract and cease
                                                                                                        to be active. Some proteins also
                                                                                                        have a very narrow therapeutic
1. New development technologies                                                                         index and must be delivered in
                                                                                                        doses too precise to be orally
Formulations that are easier to manufacture                                                             administered. Nevertheless,
                                                                                                        numerous companies are trying to
During the past 60 years, audio technology       Researchers are also working on the ‘holy              create pill-based proteins.
has evolved from the vinyl record to the         grail’ of oral biologics, and industry experts
iPod, but the way in which medicines             believe it will eventually be possible to              Bangalore-based Biocon is testing
are delivered has stayed much the same.          produce stable, pill-based versions of                 an insulin pill in the US and India,
Compressed tablets containing a mixture          some proteins (see sidebar, Biologics in a             for example, with promising
of active ingredients and excipients are still   bottle).18                                             preliminary results. Meanwhile,
the most common dosage form.                                                                            Novo Nordisk is conducting a
                                                 Using formulations that can be more                    Phase I study of an oral insulin
However, more sophisticated drug delivery        easily manufactured will enable Pharma                 pill formulated using Merrion
techniques will provide the means with           to minimise its investment in product and              Pharmaceuticals’ gastrointestinal
which to create formulations that are easier     process development until the later stages             permeation enhancement
to manufacture – e.g., powder in vials and       of the product development lifecycle, when             technology. Several oral biologics
liquid droplets on blank tablets.                it’s easier to estimate the potential value of         for the treatment of autoimmune
                                                 new products. And the development of oral              diseases are also in the pipeline,
                                                 biologics will eliminate the need for cold-            including a new class of drugs
                                                 chain distribution of such therapies.                  called JAK inhibitors. One such
                                                                                                        instance is tasocitinib, which was
                                                                                                        developed by Pfizer and is now in
                                                                                                        Phase III trials.

                                                 Virtual process design and validation
                                                 Meanwhile, computational modelling               The conventional process of scaling up will
                                                 will enable Pharma to design and validate        also be replaced by ‘numbering up’ – i.e.,
                                                 manufacturing processes virtually, using         using microreactors in parallel arrays.
                                                 Quality by Design (QbD) principles. In-line      Numbering up has several significant
                                                 process monitoring via process analytical        advantages over traditional techniques.
                                                 technologies (PAT) will generate the data        It dispenses with the need for costly and
                                                 needed to validate these models and secure       time-consuming studies to devise a process
                                                 regulatory approval.                             for scaling up chemical reactions, since
                                                                                                  the process that was used to produce a few
                                                 The FDA has already published a draft
                                                                                                  grams of product in the laboratory is the
                                                 guidance in which it proposes replacing
                                                                                                  same one that is used to synthesise larger
                                                 ‘three-batch validation’ with a three-stage
                                                                                                  quantities. In addition, using microreactors
                                                 methodology that involves designing a
                                                                                                  makes it much easier to control key
                                                 suitable process, using the knowledge
                                                                                                  parameters and thus improve yields.
                                                 gained in development and scale-up;
                                                 ensuring the process is capable of
                                                 reproducibly manufacturing commercial
                                                 batches; and validating it continuously
                                                 during routine production.19 By 2020, this
                                                 approach is likely to be the norm.

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                                11
2. New manufacturing technologies
     Flexible production
     Virtual engineering will not only accelerate   Collectively, these improvements will allow
     the validation of new processes, it will       pharma companies to create different
     facilitate the rapid reconfiguration of        supply chains for different product types
     existing manufacturing lines for different     and markets, manage sudden shifts
     products. With flexible processes and          in demand such as the step changes
     miniaturised, modular components that          associated with live licensing and reduce
     can be quickly connected or disconnected       their manufacturing costs. They should
     like pieces of ‘Lego’, it will be relatively   simultaneously help the industry fulfil
     easy to alter the order in which specific      its social responsibilities, including the
     unit operations are performed. Widespread      need both to pioneer more sustainable
     use of disposable technologies will            manufacturing processes and to produce
     likewise reduce changeover times (and the      medicines the entire world can afford.
     consumption of clean water).

                                                    Continuous processing and automation
                                                    By 2020, most medicines will also be           Micro-containers with embedded
                                                    manufactured continuously. Process             superparamagnetic nano-particles can be
                                                    tomography and other such technologies         treated with an alternating magnetic field
                                                    will enable companies to capture real-time     to release materials encapsulated in bubbles
                                                    data on critical processes, develop complex    within the material and thus converted into
                                                    multivariate models and automatically          micro-reactors for the efficient production
                                                    compensate for unexpected process              of thousands of individual doses of tailored
                                                    disturbances. Process data generated           biological products.20
                                                    during the development phase will be
                                                                                                   Micro-processing will even make it possible
                                                    used to ‘teach’ process control systems
                                                                                                   to formulate some medicines and poly-pills
                                                    to respond to process disturbances even
                                                                                                   at the point at which they are dispensed.
                                                    before commercial manufacturing begins.
                                                                                                   Several companies have already started
                                                    Meanwhile, advances in colloidal and foam      providing pharmaceutical compounding
                                                    systems will facilitate the micro-processing   services, one such instance being Fagron, a
                                                    of active pharmaceutical ingredients           subsidiary of the Belgian Arseus.21 But, by
                                                    (APIs).                                        2020, the pharmacist will be able to ‘mix’
                                                                                                   medicines individually on the premises,
                                                                                                   using validated formulation equipment –
                                                                                                   much as DIY stores mix paints to produce
                                                                                                   customised colours.

12                                                                                                                                        PwC
Transgenic production
Simulation and automation aren’t the only      Other examples include the Netherlands-
tools to hand; transgenic engineering offers   based Pharming, which uses transgenic
a fundamentally different way of producing     rabbits to make the C1 inhibitor protein.23
many therapeutic proteins. The process
                                               Transgenic production has several
involves inserting foreign genes into host
                                               significant advantages over more
animals or plants so that they express
                                               traditional methods for producing
proteins they wouldn’t otherwise express
                                               therapeutic proteins, such as mammalian
and then using them to ‘manufacture’ large
                                               cell culture and bacterial systems.
quantities of these proteins.
                                               It requires substantially less capital
GTC Biotherapeutics has already                expenditure, is easy to scale up or down
demonstrated the commercial viability          in line with demand (by increasing or
of transgenic production techniques with       decreasing the size of the herd) and can
its recombinant human antithrombin             be undertaken in rural environments
ATryn, which is extracted from the milk of     where the infrastructure for more high-
genetically modified goats.22                  tech manufacturing techniques may not be

                                               3. New distribution                           Fingering the fakes
                                               technologies                                  Various new tracking technologies
                                                                                             are in the works. One such
                                               Just as new technologies are emerging         example is the ‘bokode’ – a
                                               to help pharma companies manufacture          kind of data tag that can hold
                                               a wider and more complex range of             far more information than a
                                               medicines, so new technologies are            conventional barcode and be read
                                               emerging to help them distribute those        from much further away. DNA
                                               medicines. Cloud computing will provide       labelling could also provide a way
                                               the information platforms they need to        of fingerprinting proteins and
                                               share data securely and economically          determining where they have been
                                               with suppliers around the world, analyse      manufactured, if the problems
                                               the data very rapidly and respond to          with selecting a DNA fraction
                                               sudden changes in supply and demand,          that doesn’t affect a protein’s
                                               while advanced tracking technologies          performance can be overcome.
                                               will enable them to monitor products          DNA fingerprinting has already
                                               from the factory gate to the patient – an     been used to identify ‘counterfeit’
                                               increasingly important feature, as the        foods; researchers in Spain
                                               industry manufactures more biologics with     recently used a technique called
                                               high unit values and specialist delivery      forensically informative nucleotide
                                               requirements (see sidebar, Fingering the      sequencing to test nine commercial
                                               fakes).24                                     seafood samples containing shark
                                                                                             meat and isolate those that were
                                                                                             incorrectly labelled.

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                  13
Tablets go high-tech
                                                                                                                      Proteus Biomedical has developed
                                                                                                                      a miniature digestible chip which
                                                                                                                      can be attached to a conventional
                                                                                                                      medicine and used to monitor
                                                                                                                      patient compliance. The chip sends
                                                                                                                      a signal to a sensing device worn
     4. New patient interface technologies                                                                            on the skin, which records the time
                                                                                                                      and date at which the medicine has
     New ‘patient interface’ technologies are                 By 2020, there will be many such patient                been ingested as well as measuring
     likewise being developed, some of which                  interface technologies on the market                    certain vital signs. The information
     will bring pharma companies closer to                    and the information they generate will                  is then forwarded, via wireless
     patients than ever before. One instance is               help patients manage their health more                  technology, to the patient’s doctor.
     the prototype chip and receiver devised by               effectively, as well as allowing healthcare             Novartis has previously tested
     Proteus Biomedical, which records exactly                providers to monitor their compliance                   the chip on 20 patients who are
     when a tablet is metabolised (see sidebar,               in real time. But they will also provide                taking its blood pressure treatment
     Tablets go high-tech).25                                 pharma companies with information                       Diovan, with impressive results; the
                                                              they can use both to design more robust                 company reported that compliance
                                                              products and services, and to develop more              could be improved from 30% to
                                                              accurate production and distribution plans.             80% in six months.

                                                             5. Greater collaboration
                                                              Technology isn’t the only answer to              At present, there are three distinct supply
                                                              Pharma’s problems, though; greater               chains for designing, manufacturing and
                                                              collaboration with the other parties             distributing pharmaceuticals; designing,
                                                              involved in healthcare provision will also       manufacturing and distributing medical
                                                              help the industry become more efficient.         devices; and providing healthcare
                                                                                                               services (including laboratory work and
                                                                                                               pathology). Integrating these supply chains
                                                                                                               so that all the upstream and downstream
                                                                                                               partners can see the full picture would
                                                                                                               enable them to plan ahead more accurately
                                                                                                               and manage demand more cost-effectively
                                                                                                               (see Figure 6).

     Figure 6: By 2020, the pharmaceuticals, medical devices and healthcare services supply chains will be fully integrated
                                        Current Situation                                                        Situation in 2020
                                 Pharmaceutical Supply Chain                                                     Integrated Supply Chain
                                                                                                 Pharmaceuticals + Medical Devices + Healthcare Services
          Pharma                 Intermediate       Hospitals &
                                  warehouse         Pharmacies          Patient
                                                                                                           Intermediate        Hospitals &
                                                                                           Pharma           warehouse          Pharmacies

                                Medical Devices Supply Chain                                               Intermediate
                                                                                        Manufacturers      warehouses or       Hospitals &
                                 Intermediate                                                                                  Pharmacies
                                 warehouse or       Hospitals &         Patient                             wholesalers
        Manufacturers                               Pharmacies
                                   wholesaler                                                                                                       Patient
                                                                                         Primary care
                                                                                          (Doctor or
                              Healthcare Services Supply Chain                             Hospital)

                    Primary care (Doctor or hospital)                                   Secondary care
                                                                        Patient           (Hospital or
            Secondary care (Hospital or community care)                                 community care)

          Areas of full supply chain visibility

     Source: PwC

14                                                                                                                                                            PwC
Creating an integrated healthcare products    With access to each roadmap for each
and services supply chain would not be        illness, and data on the incidence of
easy. But one of the main tools used to       each illness in a given population,
manage healthcare quality could prove         pharma companies and medical device
invaluable here. Healthcare providers in      manufacturers will be able to predict
many parts of the world are developing        demand for their products much more
defined care pathways to standardise          accurately. They will also be able to
the treatment of patients with the same       define a supply pathway for each product,
illnesses and thus improve outcomes. This     depending on whether it’s a one-off
will ultimately result in the creation of     treatment (such as a prophylactic vaccine,
defined healthcare packages for each care     gene therapy or anti-infective) or a
pathway.                                      recurring treatment for a chronic condition,
                                              which must be supplied on an ongoing basis
                                              (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: The development of care pathways will provide greater supply chain

                                                              Structured Interventions
                                                                Defined Care Pathway
                                          Tests/                       package
                    Doctor              Diagnosis

  Unwell                                                               Physician
                                       Chronic Care
                   Healthy              Prevention

Source: PwC
                                              There is potential for collaboration in other   Some companies may choose to establish
                                              ways, too. Most pharma companies at             joint ventures, while others turn to third
                                              the moment manufacture and distribute           parties. Abbott Laboratories and Boehringer
                                              their own products, for example, but this       Ingelheim already manufacture for other
                                              reduces asset utilisation rates and drives      organisations, for example.26 And the
                                              up distribution costs, as well as causing       contract manufacturing sector is expanding
                                              unnecessary environmental damage.               very rapidly. In fact, market research firm
                                              Conversely, sharing manufacturing and           BCC Research estimates that the bulk- and
                                              distribution resources would be much more       dosage-form drugs segment will be worth
                                              economical. A few pharma companies              about $73 billion by 2014, more than double
                                              have started experimenting with ‘shared         the $36 billion it was worth in 2007.27
                                              services’, primarily to support joint product
                                              development initiatives. However, the
                                              vast majority of companies still build,
                                              own and operate their own supply chain

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                           15
Collaborating to cut the
                                                                                                   In September 2009, confectionery
                                                                                                   giants Nestlé and Mars joined
                                                                                                   forces with a leading British
                                                                                                   supermarket chain to synchronise
                                                                                                   deliveries of their products over
                                                                                                   the busy Christmas period and
                                                                                                   reduce their environmental
                                                                                                   footprint. The two manufacturers
                                                                                                   worked closely together to
                                                                                                   coordinate their deliveries to
     Experience in other industries has also        Moreover, some of the most sophisticated       three regional distribution centres
     demonstrated the benefits of managing          third-party logistics (3PL) providers          so that any part load order that
     distribution collectively (see sidebar,        – i.e., companies that offer freight           either company received could
     Collaborating to cut the kilometres).28        management and warehousing – are               be combined in one truck load.
     And increasing demand for biologics has        expanding into supply chain management         By dint of collaborating, they
     stimulated the development of specialist       and coordination services. And it is           eliminated over 12,000 kilometres
     logistics providers capable of handling very   arguably these fourth-party logistics          of duplicate journeys.
     sensitive pharmaceutical freight. Many         (4PL) providers, as they are known, that
     provide specialised service where each         can deliver the greatest improvements.
     shipment is transported in temperature         When telecommunications equipment
     – and humidity – controlled conditions,        manufacturer Alcatel turned to a 4PL to
     monitored from a dedicated call centre         manage the supply chain for its e-business
     using web-based tracking and reporting,        networking division, for example, its
     and delivered directly to the customer’s       supply chain costs fell from 5.8% to 5.1%
     door.29                                        of revenues within two years in that
                                                    In other words, the contract manufacturing
                                                    and logistics industries are both maturing
                                                    and, by 2020, some of the biggest providers
                                                    will offer integrated supply chain services.
                                                    This will enable pharma companies to share
                                                    resources and capitalise on economies of
                                                    scale throughout the value chain.

16                                                                                                                                  PwC
Choosing among the options

                                      There are two options for companies              Companies that concentrate on mass-
   We’ve discussed why the vast       focusing on specialist therapies and             market medicines, including generics and
   majority of pharma companies       treatments for orphan diseases, and two          over-the-counter (OTC) products, can
                                      options for companies focusing on mass-          either become low-cost manufacturers
   will have to build supply chains
                                      market medicines. We believe that most           or build supply chains that service other
   with new manufacturing,            companies will fall into one of these two        organisations and create a profit in their
   distribution and service-          categories by 2020, although the very            own right (see Figure 8).
   management techniques, and         largest companies may cover both ends
                                                                                       Companies with a broad range of products
   some of the developments that      of the spectrum. But they will still have
                                                                                       that present different characteristics and
   can help them. But what route      to develop different supply chains for
                                                                                       therefore supply chain needs, will in the
                                      different product types.
   should they take?                                                                   future need to segment their supply chain
                                      More specifically, companies that                operation, aligning to the unique demands
                                      concentrate on specialist therapies can          of the product group. Pharma companies
                                      either exit from manufacturing and               that operate more than one supply chain
                                      operate virtual supply chains or become          option will increase with the breadth and
                                      service innovators.                              demand of the portfolio.

                                      Figure 8: Four options exist for restructuring the pharmaceutical supply chain

                                                                      Operations Strategy
                                                Specialist Therapies                           Mass-Market Medicines
                                           Virtual                  Service                 Low-Cost                   Profit
                                         Manufacturer              Innovator                 Provider                  Centre
                                       Create a virtual        Build a service-        Build a reliable, ‘no-   Combine agile,
                                       network of integrated   oriented supply chain   frills’ supply chain     economic
                                       supply partners         to enhance brands       to deliver products      manufacturing and
                                                               and differentiate       as economically as       distribution with the
                                                               company from its        possible                 provision of satellite
                                                               competitors                                      services to generate

                                      Source: PwC

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                        17
 for becoming
 a virtual
 Our experience suggests that there are
 several key steps a would-be virtual
 manufacturer should take. It should start
 by defining what it is and does, including its
 business strategy, aspirations and corporate     1. The virtual manufacturer
 culture. Then it should identify the financial   The first option for companies making         However, despite these advantages, no
 and technical demands its portfolio              specialist therapies is to outsource the      Big Pharma company has virtualised its
 presents, and how those demands are likely       entire supply chain from production           whole network yet. Concerns about the
 to change over time. Once it’s looked in the     of the earliest clinical batches to           calibre of the contract manufacturing
 mirror and analysed its requirements, it can     full-scale manufacturing, packaging           sector, supply integrity, quality and
 crunch the numbers, with a detailed study        and distribution, and become virtual          compliance persist. In one recent survey,
 of its internal capabilities, product flows      manufacturers. This is very different         for example, 91% of the firms that relied
 and costs, and compare its own capabilities      from engaging in the sort of tactical         on outsourcing reported experiencing a
 and costs with those of potential suppliers.     outsourcing most pharma companies             ‘significant incident’ as a result of quality
 Any company planning to become a virtual         now employ currently. Becoming a              problems or delays, compared with only
 manufacturer should also hire good               virtual manufacturer isn’t a short-term       59% of those that performed most of
 negotiators, because it’s the deal – not the     fix to address cash, capacity or capability   their manufacturing in-house.32
 science – that will ultimately determine         constraints but, rather, a deliberate
                                                                                                The consolidation of the contract
 whether it succeeds. So it needs people who      strategy. And executing that strategy
                                                                                                manufacturing sector will alleviate some
 can forge strong commercial contracts. And       successfully involves building a network
                                                                                                of these difficulties. A small cadre of
 it should make sure it retains enough know-      of fully integrated supply partners.
                                                                                                global players will replace the multitude
 how both to evaluate its suppliers properly      A number of small firms have already          of local providers that currently exist.
 and to track their performance, including        taken the virtual route, but several large    The evolution of the logistics industry
 any changes in the materials suppliers           companies have recently announced             will likewise result in the emergence
 and processes they use and any problems          plans to outsource a bigger share of their    of strong 4PLs capable of distributing
 maintaining quality control or yield rates.      manufacturing. AstraZeneca intends            healthcare packages directly to patients
 After that, the company can concentrate on       to outsource all its API production           or their healthcare providers efficiently
 choosing the contractors it wants to work        over the next five to seven years, for        and economically. But any company that
 with, and here the secret is to be selective.    example, while Bristol-Myers Squibb,          decides to operate a virtual supply chain
 Focusing on a small set of contractors and       GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Pfizer aim         will still have to maintain sufficient
 working closely with them during the             to outsource as much as 40% of their          in-house expertise to choose the right
 tender process ensures they have a clear         API needs.31                                  partners and monitor them constantly.
 grasp of the company’s business, and the                                                       Baxter has first-hand experience of a
                                                  The business case for virtualisation is
 complexities of the products or processes                                                      serious breach in the integrity of its
                                                  clear. It enables a company to shift to
 that are being outsourced. But it’s also                                                       supply chain, for example. In February
                                                  a flexible cost base, reduce the risks
 essential to maintain a close relationship                                                     2008, two Chinese plants were found
                                                  associated with investing in new assets
 with those suppliers after they’ve been                                                        responsible for producing contaminated
                                                  and access new technologies and skills.
 appointed. Lifecycle management of                                                             supplies of chondroitin sulphate, the
                                                  It also helps it align its supply chain
 contracts is crucial in realising value and                                                    raw material used to make its blood
                                                  network with its demand forecasts,
 minimising contract ‘leakage’ through off-                                                     thinner Heparin, and Baxter is now
                                                  transfer the risk of primary and back-
 contract buying or poorly aligned service                                                      facing a spate of law suits.33
                                                  up supply to a third party and drive
 levels.                                          costs down by switching products and
                                                  processes between competing suppliers
                                                  in its network.

18                                                                                                                                     PwC
In order to manage the risks associated
                                                   Figure 9: Most pharma companies struggle to get supply chain data
with collaboration, virtual manufacturers
                                                   promptly from critical suppliers, distributors and other company sites
will need to ensure they have access to real-
time data from every stakeholder in their                                                          19%
supply chains. At present, most pharma                                                                                                                 49%
companies rely on periodic audits, but               Suppliers                                                  27%
these only produce snapshots in time. And                                    6%
most companies can’t get vital supply-chain
data very rapidly. In one recent study, only                                          11%
a small percentage of respondents said                                                                                                  40%
they could get information from critical           Distributors
suppliers and distributors within two                                                   13%
hours. Indeed, a number struggled to get
the information within three days (see                                                                            28%
Figure 9).34                                           Other                                                                                  43%
Some of these difficulties can be resolved by          Sites                                     18%
using interoperable systems and common                                                11%
practices, requiring suppliers to provide
a complete history for every batch of raw                            Within 2 hours    Within 1 business day   Within 3 business days    After 3 business days
materials or components they produce and
replacing periodic audits with constant            Source: Axendia
surveillance. But any company that takes the
virtual manufacturing route will also have
to encourage its suppliers to collaborate
in developing a better understanding of
key parameters and implementing process
controls to produce greater supply chain
visibility. In effect, it will need to treat its
suppliers as extensions of itself, rather than
as separate manufacturing and distribution

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                                                19
 for becoming a
 service innovator
 Becoming a service innovator entails
 developing an intimate understanding
 of patients, by linking up with patient
 groups, participating in online patient
 communities and social networks (e.g.,
 PatientsLikeMe) and giving patients a
 forum in which to provide feedback. Any         2. The service innovator
 company that wants to take the service          Alternatively, companies making               It will also have to restructure its asset
 innovation route should also analyse the        specialist therapies can become service       base and invest in new capabilities, both
 care pathway for every disease for which        innovators – i.e., build supply chains that   internal and external. It will have to build
 it has medicines, including the clinical        are capable both of manufacturing and         a supply chain that’s sufficiently mature
 and economic implications of different          distributing complex treatments, and of       to manage a vast network of suppliers and
 forms of intervention, since diet, exercise,    commissioning and managing a multitude        yet sufficiently nimble to respond rapidly
 compliance support and counselling also         of suppliers to provide supporting health     to the demands of numerous different
 play a role in managing many illnesses.         management services. German healthcare        customers. And it will have to develop
 Thereafter, the company should aim to           group Fresenius has already expanded          a new financial structure. Much of the
 get as close as possible to its customers. In   into services very successfully; it’s now     economic value it creates will depend
 other words, it should invest as much and as    the world’s leading provider of dialysis      on the activities it performs in its local
 passionately in understanding the current       machines and dialysis care.35 Other           markets, rather than the medicines that
 and future needs of healthcare providers as     companies, such as Baxter and Novo            constitute its underlying intellectual
 it’s traditionally invested in R&D. It should   Nordisk, are adopting a similar approach.36   property – a change that carries huge tax
 also look for partners – be they contract                                                     implications.37
                                                 However, becoming a service innovator
 manufacturers, logistics companies,             isn’t easy. Any company that chooses this     That said, the provision of integrated
 hospitals, clinics, data analysis firms,        option will have to make major cultural       product-service packages has many
 technology suppliers or lifestyle service       changes. It will, for example, have to        advantages. It enables a company to
 providers – with a similar corporate culture    understand its role in every care pathway     differentiate its offerings, reach new
 and ethos.                                      and concentrate on helping patients           markets and create new sources of revenue.
 The next step is to start building networks     manage the disease lifecycle, as distinct     It also creates opportunities to enhance
 for patients with different diseases.           from trying to stimulate demand for its       the customer relationship and improve
 That’s partly a process of negotiation; the     products. And it will have to look at the     customer loyalty, because services are
 participants in each network will need to       supply chain through the eyes of the          more dependent on skill and more difficult
 agree on their goals, as well as defining       patient as the ultimate customer.             to imitate than products.
 what they’ll do to realise those goals
 and how they’ll be rewarded for their
 efforts. But it’s also essential to create a
 common supporting infrastructure, robust
 performance indicators, proper governance
 structure and clear audit trail.
 And it’s important not to underestimate the
 cultural adjustment that’s needed. The task
 of the service provider is to commission
 and manage a huge network of contractors
 around the globe, and ensure they
 provide a truly integrated product-service
 offering. That’s a very different job from
 manufacturing and distributing its own

20                                                                                                                                PwC
                                                                                               for becoming a
                                                                                               low-cost provider
                                                                                               How do you become a low-cost provider?
                                                                                               The first thing to do is to turn on the
                                                                                               spotlight. A company can only allocate a fair
                                                                                               share of its costs to each product or service
                                                                                               in its portfolio when it’s analysed its end-to-
                                                                                               end supply chain and compiled an accurate
3. The low-cost provider                                                                       picture of all its costs. And only then can it
                                                                                               accurately forecast the profit it expects each
Mass-market manufacturers, including             In addition to acquiring a detailed picture   product or service to create throughout its
generics producers, likewise have two            of its operating costs, any company that      lifecycle.
options, the first being to borrow from          wants to be a low-cost provider will have
                                                                                               The next task is to integrate the product
best practice in other sectors and become        to adopt the principles of ‘design for
                                                                                               development and manufacturing functions,
a low-cost provider. The consumer                supply’ – i.e., optimising the fit between
                                                                                               and start cutting the fat. The design of a
products industry has, for example,              a product’s design and the efficiency
                                                                                               product, the materials and components
developed various lean manufacturing             with which it can be made. Again, this is
                                                                                               it uses and the technology platforms
techniques from which Pharma can learn.          something many firms are likely to find
                                                                                               that are used to produce it all have a
Indeed, Johnson & Johnson has already                                                          significant impact on its manufacturing
done so. It’s no accident that the firm          Most pharma companies at the moment           costs, so it’s vital to get early input from
is the only pharma company to feature            develop new products and then scale up        plant management. It’s also important to
routinely on AMR Research’s annual list          the supply chains they’ve established for     design operational procedures that comply
of the organisations with leading supply         manufacturing and distributing clinical       with the regulatory requirements while
chains.38 Johnson & Johnson makes and            trial supplies. But this locks in expenses    supporting continuous improvement and
distributes a wide range of OTC medicines        that would otherwise be unnecessary           to define work flows for each product
and beauty and baby care products. It            and creates problems further down the         or service in order to uncover any
has drawn on this expertise in managing          line. Conversely, if the development and      opportunities for reducing cycle times and
the supply chain for its prescription            manufacturing functions work closely          costs, or improving compliance.
pharmaceuticals business.                        together, the manufacturing function
                                                                                               Of course, the best way of sourcing the
                                                 can advise on any issues that have
One of the prerequisites for becoming a                                                        materials and services that are needed may
                                                 implications for production and develop a
low-cost provider is a clear understanding                                                     change over time. The low-cost provider
                                                 supply chain as early as possible.
of a company’s operating costs, so that it                                                     will as a result need to review its sourcing
can allocate those costs accurately among        In fact, a lot of the basic data needed       decisions on a regular basis. It will also
the different products and services in           to industrialise a new medicine is            need to adopt a different management
its portfolio. It’s also essential to ensure     ascertained in discovery and early clinical   and workforce philosophy, and allocate
that the cost of each product or service         studies. Information about how a drug         cost centres to the shop floor to facilitate
corresponds with the ‘value’ it provides.        candidate behaves in the body is essential    pragmatic, cost-effective decision making.
The days when a new medicine could               in establishing its safety and efficacy
command a premium price merely                   in early human trials, for example, but
because it was new are well and truly            it’s equally important in designing the
over, as healthcare policy-makers and            route of administration, dosage form
payers compare the pharmacoeconomic              and processes used to manufacture the
performance of different therapies.              product. Information about a product’s
                                                 likely cost of goods sold (COGS) – and
However, most pharma companies don’t
                                                 thus its commercial viability – should also
really understand their product costs.
                                                 play a role in determining the business
There are many reasons for this, including
                                                 case for any development programme.
the fact that they incur significant
hidden R&D and manufacturing costs
(e.g., depreciation associated with
idle equipment and expenditure on
investigations or re-work). The systems
they use to allocate overhead and
management costs are also based on
what’s easy to measure, which isn’t always
what’s right. So they don’t fully account
for such costs at product level – and that,
in turn, results in invisible cross-subsidies.

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future                                                                                                             21
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