Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan

Page created by Walter Craig
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Ontario’s Long-Term
   Energy Plan
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Table of Contents
Minister’s Message........................................................................................................ 2

Executive Summary..................................................................................................... 4

1        Where We Are Now.......................................................................................... 8

2        Putting Conservation First......................................................................... 20

3        A Reliable and Clean Supply......................................................................28

4        Investing in Transmission ........................................................................... 48

5        Regional Planning ...........................................................................................58

6        First Nation and Métis Communities..................................................... 68

7        Oil and Natural Gas.........................................................................................74
                         Gas ........................................................................................74

8        Innovation............................................................................................................78

Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 84

Glossary.......................................................................................................................... 86
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
    Minister’s Message
    Ontario has come a long way since 2003, when we were faced with aging
    energy infrastructure, a shortage of supply and a system that relied on
    expensive imports and dirty coal.

    Our government has made significant progress transforming our electricity
    system into one that Ontarians can count on.

    To build and maintain a clean, reliable and affordable electricity system,
    more than $11 billion has been invested in transmission and distribution
    networks by Hydro One alone since 2003. This investment has contributed
    to the province’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) by an average of
    $835 million and supported 8,000 direct and indirect jobs. Beyond that,
    Ontario’s other distributors have invested a further $8 billion since 2003.
    Also, more than $21 billion has been invested in cleaner generation. Ontario
    has virtually eliminated coal from our electricity system, with the last plant
    to close in 2014. The phase out of coal is the single largest climate change
    initiative in North America. Coal use had accounted for $4.4 billion per
    year in financial, health and environmental costs.

    Today, Ontario is a world leader in energy technology, innovation and
    smart grid solutions. Smart meters and consumer demand response
    programs are allowing ratepayers to control and understand their
    electricity consumption better while additional smart grid technologies
    are being used by utilities to operate an advanced, more efficient and
    modern grid. All told, our investments are making Ontario’s grid modern,
    clean and reliable and a foundation for future growth and prosperity.

    Ontario’s energy use has changed substantially in the last decade. As our
    economy continues to grow, our homes, businesses and industries are
    becoming more efficient. Our demand projections have been updated to
    reflect this new reality and to address areas of growth around the province.

    This review of the Long-Term Energy Plan was the most comprehensive
    consultation and engagement process the Ministry of Energy has ever
    undertaken. Sessions were held online and around the province with
    municipalities, Aboriginal communities, stakeholders and the public. This
    process informed the direction of the Long-Term Energy Plan and we will
    make continued engagement a priority.

    Communities must be allowed to take a more central role when implementing
    provincial policy objectives. The opportunity for communities to participate
    in energy infrastructure must be balanced with their responsibility to take
    ownership of local decisions.

2                                     Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Ontario has adopted a policy of Conservation First, focusing on rate
mitigation over major investments in generation or transmission to curb
costs for ratepayers. This will mean pursuing lower-cost options to meet
energy needs when and where we need it.

The Long-Term Energy Plan will be flexible; Ontario will plan for a lower
demand scenario, with the ability to adjust to potential demand changes.
For that reason, an annual Ontario Energy Report will be issued to provide
an outline of how supply and demand are tracking and also to review
progress in implementing the Long-Term Energy Plan.

A major advantage of Ontario’s supply mix is the diversity of our
generation, which includes solar, wind, natural gas, nuclear, combined
heat and power, bioenergy, hydroelectric and waste to energy. Rate
mitigation will be top of mind as we leverage this diversity to maximize
value for ratepayers.

Ontario will continue to invest in new renewable generation, and explore
flexible options such as storage technologies by applying balanced
planning principles in a measured and sustainable way.

Nuclear generation will continue to be the backbone of Ontario’s supply,
and we have confirmed our commitment to nuclear with the refurbishment
of the Bruce and Darlington sites. Due to the strong supply situation, we
have deferred the construction of new nuclear generating units.

Finally, we will work with our agencies and the province’s local distribution
companies to ensure they operate more efficiently and produce savings
that will benefit Ontario’s ratepayers.

This updated Long-Term Energy Plan will encourage conservation, and
provide the clean, reliable and affordable energy Ontario will need now
and into the future. Our plan will build on our past accomplishments, and
achieve a better balance.

Bob Chiarelli
Minister of Energy
December 2013

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                             3
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Executive Summary
    Ontarians are benefitting from a clean, reliable and             Conservation First
    affordable energy system.                                        • The Ministry of Energy will work
                                                                       with its agencies to ensure they
    By the end of 2014, Ontario will be coal free. At                  put conservation first in their
    the same time, increased energy efficiency and the                 planning, approval and procure-
    changing shape of Ontario’s economy have reduced                   ment processes. The ministry will
                                                                       also work with the Ontario Energy
    the demand for electricity.
                                                                       Board (OEB) to incorporate the
                                                                       policy of conservation first into
    Ontario is currently in a strong supply situation and
                                                                       distributor planning processes
    has time to consider how to address future needs.                  for both electricity and natural
    Ontario is committing the resources to meet                        gas utilities.
    electricity demand growth that will be lower than                • The province expects to offset
    anticipated as the economy continues its transition                almost all of the growth in
    to an efficient, lower energy intensive future. We are             electricity demand to 2032 by
                                                                       using programs and improved
    ensuring we have the supply to meet the likely
                                                                       codes and standards. This will
    demand, and are keeping options open to meet                       lessen the need for new supply.
    higher demand if needed. We will report annually                   Our long-term conservation
    on the outlook for supply and demand. This will                    target of 30 terawatt-hours
    give us the opportunity to make adjustments so                     (TWh) in 2032 represents a 16%
                                                                       reduction in the forecast gross
    we can be both prudent and flexible in our                         demand for electricity, an
    energy investments.                                                improvement over the 2010 LTEP.

    The 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) takes a                    • Ontario is aiming to use Demand
                                                                       Response (DR) to meet 10% of
    pragmatic approach. The plan is designed to balance
                                                                       peak demand by 2025, equivalent
    the following five principles: cost-effectiveness,                 to approximately 2,400 megawatts
    reliability, clean energy, community engagement                    (MW) under forecast conditions.
    and an emphasis on conservation and demand                         To encourage further develop-
                                                                       ment of DR in Ontario, the
    management before building new generation.
                                                                       Independent Electricity System
    The 2013 LTEP, by taking a pragmatic and flexible                  Operator (IESO) will evolve
                                                                       existing DR programs and
    approach and balancing these five principles, builds               introduce new DR initiatives.
    on the foundation laid in the 2010 LTEP while also
    lowering the projected total system costs. The key
    elements of the 2013 LTEP include:

4                                                            Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
• The IESO will continue to examine and consult on           Annual Reporting
  the potential benefits and development of a capacity
                                                             • An annual Ontario Energy Report will be issued to
  market, where different generation and demand
                                                               update the public on changing supply and demand
  resources compete to address capacity needs.
                                                               conditions, and to outline the progress to date on
• The government is committed to promoting a                   the LTEP.
  co-ordinated approach to conservation and will
  encourage collaboration of conservation efforts            Nuclear
  among electricity and natural gas utilities.
                                                             • Ontario will not proceed at this time with the
• The government will work to make new financing               construction of two new nuclear reactors at the
  tools available to consumers starting in 2015, including     Darlington Generating Station. However, the Ministry
  on-bill financing for energy efficiency retrofits.           of Energy will work with Ontario Power Generation
• To help consumers choose the most efficient                  (OPG) to maintain the site licence granted by the
  products for their homes and businesses, Ontario             Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
  will provide information and incentives; it will also      • Nuclear refurbishment is planned to begin at both
  continue to show leadership in establishing minimum          Darlington and Bruce Generating Stations in 2016.
  efficiency requirements for products such as water
                                                             • During refurbishment, both OPG and Bruce Power will
  heaters, clothes dryers, televisions, fluorescent
                                                               be subject to the strictest possible oversight to ensure
  lamps, motors and boilers.
                                                               safety, reliable supply and value for ratepayers.
• The Green Button Initiative will give consumers
                                                             • Nuclear refurbishment will follow seven principles
  access to their energy data and the ability to
                                                               established by the government, including minimizing
  connect to mobile and web-based applications so
                                                               commercial risk to the government and the ratepayer,
  they can analyze and manage their energy use.
                                                               and ensuring that operators and contractors are
• Social benchmarking can increase awareness of                accountable for refurbishment costs and schedules.
  energy use and promote conservation. A social
                                                             • The Pickering Generating Station is expected to be
  benchmarking pilot program is under way, led by
                                                               in service until 2020. An earlier shutdown of the
  the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to test different
                                                               Pickering units may be possible depending on
  approaches that enable consumers to compare their
                                                               projected demand going forward, the progress of
  energy consumption with other similar consumers.
                                                               the fleet refurbishment program, and the timely
  Pending the success of the pilot program, the
                                                               completion of the Clarington Transformer Station.
  government will explore expanding social bench-
  marking and including other sectors.                       • Ontario will support the export of our home-grown
                                                               nuclear industry expertise, products and services to
• The government is also working with Ontario
                                                               international markets.
  EcoSchools to bring more resources about
  energy conservation to the curriculum for
  students and teachers.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                       5
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Renewable Energy                                           Rate Mitigation and Efficiencies
    • By 2025, 20,000 MW of renewable energy will              • The 2013 LTEP cost and price forecasts are lower
      be online, representing about half of Ontario’s            than previously forecast in 2010.
      installed capacity.
                                                               • Significant ratepayer savings will be realized as a
    • Ontario will phase in wind, solar and bioenergy over       result of reduced Feed-in Tariff (FIT) prices, the
      a longer period than contemplated in the 2010 LTEP,        ability to dispatch wind generation, the amended
      with 10,700 MW online by 2021.                             Green Energy Investment Agreement, and the
                                                                 decision to defer new nuclear.
    • Ontario will add to the hydroelectricity target,
      increasing the province’s portfolio to 9,300 MW          • The government will continue to work with its
      by 2025.                                                   agencies—Hydro One, OPG, the IESO, the OPA and
                                                                 the OEB—to develop business plans and efficiency
    • Recognizing that bioenergy facilities can provide
                                                                 targets that will reduce agency costs and result in
      flexible power supply and support local jobs in
                                                                 significant ratepayer savings.
      forestry and agriculture, Ontario will include
      opportunities to procure additional bioenergy            • The government will encourage OPG and Hydro One
      as part of the new competitive process.                    to explore new business lines and opportunities
                                                                 inside and outside Ontario. These opportunities will
    • Ontario will review targets for wind, solar, bioenergy
                                                                 help leverage existing areas of expertise and grow
      and hydroelectricity annually as part of the Ontario
                                                                 revenues for the benefit of Ontarians.
      Energy Report.
                                                               • The Distribution Sector Review Panel, which delivered
    • The Ministry of Energy and the OPA are developing
                                                                 its report in late 2012, identified the potential for
      a new competitive procurement process for future
                                                                 significant savings among the province’s Local
      renewable energy projects larger than 500 kilowatts
                                                                 Distribution Companies (LDCs). The government
      (kW), which will take into account local needs and
                                                                 expects that LDCs will pursue innovative partnerships
      considerations. The ministry will seek to launch this
                                                                 and transformative initiatives that will result in
      procurement process in early 2014.
                                                                 electricity ratepayer savings.
    • Ontario will examine the potential for the microFIT
                                                               • The government will look closely at key features of
      program to evolve from a generation purchasing
                                                                 the OEB’s new regulatory framework for LDCs such
      program to a net metering program.
                                                                 as the Scorecard, which will report annually on key
                                                                 LDC performance metrics, to develop further
    Natural Gas/Combined Heat and Power                          distribution sector policy options.
    • Natural gas-fired generation will be used flexibly
      to respond to changes in provincial supply and           Enhanced Regional Planning
      demand and to support the operation of the system.
                                                               • The government will implement the IESO and the
    • The OPA will undertake targeted procurements for           OPA recommendations for regional planning and
      Combined Heat and Power (CHP) projects that                the siting of large energy infrastructure.
      focus on efficiency or regional capacity needs,
                                                               • The ministry, the IESO and the OPA will work with
      including a new program targeting greenhouse
                                                                 municipal partners to ensure early and meaningful
      operations, agri-food and district energy.
                                                                 involvement in energy planning.

    Clean Imports                                              • Municipalities and Aboriginal communities will be
                                                                 encouraged to develop their own community-level
    • Ontario will consider opportunities for clean imports
                                                                 energy plans to identify conservation opportunities
      from other jurisdictions when such imports would
                                                                 and infrastructure priorities. The Municipal Energy
      have system benefits and are cost effective for
                                                                 Plan Program and the Aboriginal Community
      Ontario ratepayers.
                                                                 Energy Plan Program will support these efforts.

6                                                                            Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
• Regional plans will promote the principle of               • The government will continue to encourage
  Conservation First while also considering other              Aboriginal participation, including through the
  cost-effective solutions such as new supply,                 FIT program and future large renewable energy
  transmission and distribution investments.                   procurements, in a way that reflects the unique
                                                               circumstances of the First Nation and Métis
Transmission Enhancements                                      communities.

• Hydro One will be expected to begin planning for a
  new Northwest Bulk Transmission Line to increase           Energy Innovation
  supply and reliability to the area west of Thunder         • Ontario’s energy sector is an innovation leader.
  Bay. The area faces growth in demand, some of                The government will seek to expand the Smart
  which is beyond what today’s system can supply.              Grid Fund and build on previous success. The
  Hydro One and Infrastructure Ontario will be                 Smart Grid Fund has created more than 600
  expected to work together to explore ways to ensure          jobs and supported 11 projects developing
  cost-effective procurement related to the line.              innovative technologies.
• Connecting remote northwestern First Nation                • The government intends to initiate work, on a
  communities is a priority for Ontario. Ontario will          priority basis, to address regulatory barriers that
  continue to work with the federal government to              limit the ability of energy storage technologies to
  connect remote First Nation communities to the               compete in Ontario’s electricity market.
  electricity grid or explore on-site alternatives for the
                                                             • By the end of 2014, the government will include
  few remaining communities where there may be
                                                               storage technologies in our procurement process,
  more cost-effective solutions to reduce diesel use.
                                                               starting with 50 MW and assessing additional
• All regions of the province can expect timely local          engagement on an ongoing basis.
  transmission enhancements as needs emerge.
                                                             • The new competitive procurement process for
  Upgrades and investments will meet system
                                                               renewable energy projects larger than 500 kW will
  goals, such as maintaining or improving reliability
                                                               also provide an opportunity to consider proposals
  or providing the infrastructure necessary to
                                                               that integrate energy storage with renewable
  support growth.
                                                               energy generation.

Aboriginal Engagement
                                                             Oil and Natural Gas
• The government understands the importance of
                                                             • Ontario relies on oil and natural gas to support basic
  First Nation and Métis participation in the develop-
                                                               needs such as heat and transportation. These fuels
  ment of energy and conservation projects. The
                                                               are also essential to Ontario’s economy and quality
  government will continue to review participation
                                                               of life.
  programs to ensure they provide opportunities
  for First Nation and Métis communities.                    • The government will work with gas distributors and
                                                               municipalities to pursue options to expand natural
• Ontario will launch an Aboriginal Transmission
                                                               gas infrastructure to service more communities in
  Fund in early 2014 to facilitate First Nation and
                                                               rural and northern Ontario.
  Métis participation in transmission projects.
                                                             • Ontario has adopted principles it will use to review
• The province expects that companies looking to
                                                               large scale pipeline projects to ensure that they
  develop new transmission lines will, in addition to
                                                               meet the highest environmental and safety
  fulfilling consultation obligations, involve potentially
                                                               standards as well as benefit Ontario’s economy.
  affected First Nation and Métis communities, where
  commercially feasible and where there is an interest.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                     7
Achieving Balance Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Where We Are Now
    Ontario can be proud of what it has accomplished in energy in the past decade.
    The elimination of coal-fired electricity generation is the single largest
    greenhouse gas reduction measure in North America. This is helping to improve
    Ontarians’ health, environment and quality of life.

    Last year, coal accounted for less   generation in the electricity sector       was not sufficient to meet North
    than 3% of total generation, and     have dropped by 93%, there has             American reliability standards.
    Ontario will be coal free by the     been a 90% reduction in nitrogen           Today’s margins are above
    end of 2014. This is a big change    oxides, and mercury levels are at          required levels. This reflects the
    from a decade ago, when coal-        their lowest in 45 years. Green-           strong supply of electricity the
    fired generation provided 25% of     house gas emissions have been              province is enjoying. Ontario has
    Ontario’s electricity supply. This   reduced by almost 90%.                     gone from a deficit of 3,800 MW
    has produced a real improvement                                                 in 2003 to a comfortable surplus
    in air quality in Ontario. Since     The province now has a reliable            in 2013.
    2003, the emissions of sulphur       foundation on which to build. In
    dioxide coming from coal-fired       2004, Ontario’s supply outlook

8                                                                           Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Figure 1:    O
                                                                    ntario’s Electricity
                                                                   Production and
                                                                   Conservation, 2013 (TWh)

                                                       Gas 10%                                                   Conservation 5%

                                                       Solar PV 1%                                                    Nuclear 56%

                                                       Bioenergy 1%

                                                       Wind 3%

                                                       Hydro 22%

                                                       Coal 2%

Figure 1 shows the current supply
                                                                            Production and
mix (generation and conservation)                                Source
on which Ontarians rely.                                                                     Source: Ontario Power Authority,
                                                                                                     November 2013
Ontario is in a strong supply                                Conservation      8.6
position and is benefitting from                                                             Note:	Numbers represent actual
a decade of investments in                                   Gas               16.6                 production up to October
                                                                                                    2013 and forecast for
conservation, generation,                                    Solar PV           1.0                 November and December.
transmission and distribution.
                                                             Bioenergy         2.0           	Conservation values
• The province has added about                                                                 represent actual verified
                                                             Wind              5.4             results to 2012 and forecast
  12,000 MW of new and refur-
                                                                                               for 2013.
  bished generation since 2003                               Hydro            35.5
                                                                                             	Figure 1 does not include
  — enough electricity to power
                                                             Nuclear          90.8             diesel fuel. In 2013, diesel
  both the Greater Toronto Area                                                                fuel is expected to generate
  and the City of Ottawa. Wind-                              Coal              3.0             about 0.1 TWh of electricity
  powered generation now                                                                       in remote First Nation
                                                                  Total         162.9          communities in
  provides more electricity than
                                                                                               northwestern Ontario.
  coal-fired generation.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                              9
Figure 2:      O
                                          ntario’s Clean
                                         Supply Mix

     Note:	Supply mix data of the US states is from 2010,
            Manitoba and Quebec from 2011, Ontario from 2012.

10                                                              Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
• From 2005 to the end of 2013,                  As we look to the future, we must        2012, this share had fallen to 9%,
  it is projected that Ontarians                 acknowledge that forecasting is          for a total decline of 5.5 million
  will have conserved 8.6 TWh                    not an exact science. In the 2010        kWh, roughly the equivalent of
  of electricity — enough to power               LTEP, the government developed           the annual production from one
  a city about the size of                       its plans to accommodate a               of Ontario’s nuclear units.
  Mississauga.                                   moderate amount of growth in the
                                                 demand for electricity. However,         There was new growth as well.
• Water is now flowing through                                                            Low electricity demand no longer
                                                 events since 2010 demonstrate
  the third tunnel at Niagara Falls,                                                      means low economic growth.
                                                 why plans should be flexible to
  producing enough electricity to                                                         Recent gains in energy efficiency
                                                 meet changing conditions.
  power 160,000 homes, or a city                                                          and improvements in commercial
  the size of Barrie.                            In the past few years, demand for        and industrial electricity intensity
• The Lower Mattagami project                    electricity in Ontario has declined      have reduced the system costs
  will add almost 440 MW of new                  because of across-the-board              associated with economic growth.
  hydroelectric capacity when                    reductions by the average                As we continue to support a
  completed. Construction on the                 household, business and industrial       growing economy with less
  project is currently underway,                 user; changes in the composition         energy, Ontario’s net economic
  and about 1,600 workers are                    of Ontario’s industrial sector;          productivity will increase. In the
  employed, including more than                  notable increases in the efficiency      past decade, Ontario has seen a
  250 First Nation and Métis                     of energy use; and savings from          burgeoning advanced technology
  individuals. This $2.6-billion                 conservation programs.                   sector that holds much promise
  investment in Northern Ontario                                                          for the future growth of the
                                                 The future promises to be less           provincial economy. These new
  will upgrade four generating
                                                 energy-intensive than the past,          industries require less energy to
  stations located about 70 km
                                                 because the demand for energy            produce goods and support jobs.
  northeast of Kapuskasing.
                                                 is no longer as closely linked to
• More than 35 First Nation and                  economic growth, due to improve-         Energy efficiency has also
  Métis communities are involved                 ments in residential, commercial         reduced demand. Ontario’s
  in wind, solar and hydroelectric               and industrial electricity intensity.    Building Code has been updated,
  projects. They are participating               While economic activity is               requiring the construction of
  in 239 projects, representing over             increasing as the recovery takes         more energy-efficient homes,
  1,000 MW of clean electricity.                 hold, the demand for electricity         offices and industrial facilities.
                                                 continues to be relatively flat, and     At the same time, homeowners
• Since 2003, Hydro One has
                                                 is expected to remain so for the         and businesses are buying more
  upgraded more than 10,000 km
                                                 next decade. This is certainly a         energy-efficient products, as they
  of its transmission and distri-
                                                 welcome development because              replace their existing equipment,
  bution lines. That is equivalent
                                                 while economic growth continues          technology and appliances.
  to a round trip from Montreal to
                                                 to be positive and productivity
  Vancouver. These investments                                                            It is clear that we need to prepare
                                                 increases, demand for electricity
  have contributed to increasing                                                          for an energy-efficient future in
                                                 remains flat.
  the province’s transmission                                                             Ontario. That’s why Ontario is
  capacity by about 10,000 MW.                   The energy profile of the Ontario        committing resources to meet a
These accomplishments have                       economy has changed for a variety        lower-demand forecast while
produced a cleaner electricity                   of reasons. In 2005, the five largest    maintaining flexibility to respond
system than those of our neigh-                  industrial sectors of transmission-      to higher needs. In the future,
bours in the United States. We                   connected electricity consumption        a new annual energy reporting
have done this without the                       (pulp and paper, mining, iron and        process will help us identify
abundant supply of hydroelectric                 steel manufacturing, petroleum           changes in demand and plan
resources enjoyed by Manitoba                    products and auto manufacturing)         prudently for more resources
and Quebec.                                      accounted for 12% of total electricity   if and when they are needed.
                                                 consumption in the province. By

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                              11
Figure 3:   Residential Electricity Intensity*
     Households are becoming more efficient

     Figure 4:   Commercial Electricity Intensity*
     Businesses are becoming more efficient

12                                            Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Figure 5:        Industrial Electricity Intensity*
Industries require less energy to produce goods and support jobs

*Source: NRCan 1990-2004, OPA from 2004 onwards.
Note:	Intensity based on gross demand forecast. Opportunity for planned conservation initiatives would further reduce electricity intensity.

MANAGING                                         Northern Industrial                          Eligible companies in the manu-
                                                 Electricity Rate                             facturing and resource-extraction
ELECTRICITY COSTS                                                                             sectors can qualify for a reduced
                                                 (NIER) Program
The government introduced the                                                                 electricity rate for bringing new
Ontario Clean Energy Benefit                     The province has extended the
                                                                                              investment and employment
(OCEB), which gives residential                  NIER program to 2016 to support
                                                                                              opportunities to the province. The
customers, small businesses and                  continued growth and develop-
                                                                                              benefits of incremental industrial
farms a 10% reduction on their                   ment in the northern resource and
                                                                                              electricity demand to the elec-
electricity bills for the first 3,000            manufacturing sector. Originally set
                                                                                              tricity system include reduced
kWh they use every month until                   to end in 2013, the $360-million
                                                                                              surplus energy volumes. The IEI
the end of 2015. Beyond 2015, the                program extension ($120 million
                                                                                              program offers up to 5 TWh of
OCEB program’s future would                      per year) provides electricity price
                                                                                              annual electricity consumption,
require legislative changes and                  rebates of 2 cents per kWh to
                                                                                              and is currently allocated in two
would need to take into account                  qualified large northern industrial
                                                                                              distinct streams:
a number of factors including the                consumers. This represents about
province’s fiscal position.                      a 25% reduction in electricity               • Stream 1 is capped at 3 TWh
                                                 prices and helps qualified facilities          and is for industrial consumers
The government is committed to                   that commit to an energy                       willing to operate a facility
ensuring that where possible and                 management plan.                               and undertake a large capital
appropriate, industrial electricity                                                             investment in technologies,
rate mitigation programs can help                                                               products or processes that
                                                 Industrial Electricity
support a dynamic and innovative                                                                are not currently being used
climate for business to thrive,
                                                 Incentive (IEI) Program
                                                                                                or produced in Ontario.
grow and create jobs.                            This program assists in the
                                                                                              • Stream 2 is capped at 2 TWh
                                                 management of electricity
                                                                                                and is for current consumers
                                                 demand by encouraging
                                                                                                that will expand their existing,
                                                 increased industrial production.
                                                                                                or build a new, industrial facility.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                                             13
The government will actively pursue    This contributed to industrial rates           Global Adjustment Review
     opportunities to broaden this          for large users (more than 5 MW)
                                                                                           The IESO is undertaking an
     program, based on updated supply       being on average 25% lower in
                                                                                           independent review of the GA to
     forecasts to align with the power      2012 than those forecast in the
                                                                                           examine the possibility of greater
     needs of industry looking to           2010 LTEP.
                                                                                           responsiveness from customers.
     make investments in Ontario. The
                                                                                           Stakeholders have been consulted
     government will seek to open a
                                            Industrial Accelerator                         to ensure that the approach and
     new program intake window in 2014.
                                            Program                                        analysis in this review are compre-
                                                                                           hensive. The IESO will publish a
                                            The Industrial Accelerator
     Industrial Conservation                Program is run by the OPA and
                                                                                           report on its findings.
     Initiative                             helps transmission-connected
     This initiative helps the province’s   electricity users fast-track capital
     largest industrial and manufac-        investment in major energy-                    ADDITIONAL
     turing facilities reduce their         efficiency projects.                           MEASURES:
     electricity consumption during
                                            The program provides attractive
                                                                                           ELECTRICITY RATE
     peak periods, lower their costs
     and increase competitiveness.          financial incentives to encourage              MITIGATION AND
     Charging the Global Adjustment         investment in innovative process               SECTOR EFFICIENCY
     (GA) based on peak demand is           changes and equipment retrofits
                                                                                           Currently in Ontario, the elec-
     a form of demand response that         so that the rate of return is
                                                                                           tricity system costs about $18
     incents Ontario’s largest customers    competitive with other capital
                                                                                           billion per year to operate. That
     to shift their consumption away        projects. In exchange, participants
                                                                                           makes it essential for all the
     from peak periods thereby              will commit under contract to
                                                                                           players in the sector—agencies,
     improving reliability and lowering     deliver specific conservation
                                                                                           generators, transmitters,
     system costs. About 200 of             savings within a set period of
                                                                                           distributors and the like—to
     Ontario’s largest energy con-          time and to maintain them over
                                                                                           operate as efficiently as possible.
     sumers are part of this initiative.    the expected life of the project.

14                                                                                 Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Reducing future capital invest-                  renewable electricity in new FIT      tailored to the needs and realities
ments will mitigate upward                       contracts. The lower FIT prices       of each organization. For example,
pressure on rates. The province                  have reflected the reduction of       OPG has increased productivity
has undertaken a wide range                      domestic content requirements         by centralizing and streamlining
of initiatives to help reduce                    and a reduction in technology         corporate and support functions.
electricity rates outlined below.                prices, saving $1.9 billion.          Hydro One has improved the
                                                                                       efficiency of its operations as a
                                                                                       result of investments in intelligence
Amending the Green                               Non-Utility Generators
                                                                                       tools designed to augment the
Energy Investment                                (NUG) Negotiations
                                                                                       availability and performance of
Agreement                                        The government has directed the       its key assets.
The province, in collaboration with              OPA to negotiate new contracts
the Korean Consortium, revised                   with the province’s thermal
                                                 non-utility generators (NUGs)
                                                                                       Wind Dispatch
provisions of the Green Energy
Investment Agreement (GEIA).                     as they expire, only if the new       The IESO has brought in new
The revised GEIA reduces                         contracts result in cost and          rules to allow transmission-
contract costs by $3.7 billion,                  reliability benefits for Ontario’s    connected wind generation to
assures continued clean energy                   electricity consumers. The new        be dispatched when the system
investment by the Korean                         contract structure will reduce        does not require it. This could
Consortium, and protects existing                NUG costs and greatly reduce          save ratepayers up to $200
job commitments to 2015, while                   NUGs’ contribution to surplus         million per year. In addition,
adding a commitment to job                       baseload generation.                  related OPA contract amendments
creation that extends to 2016.                                                         could save ratepayers up to $65
                                                                                       million over the next five years.
                                                 Sector Efficiencies
Feed-in Tariff Program                           Over the past three years, Hydro
(FIT) Prices                                     One and OPG have achieved             Deferral of New Nuclear
The OPA achieved further cost                    efficiency savings of approximately   Due to lower forecast demand
savings with a significant reduc-                $500 million. These are driven by     growth, the government recently
tion in the purchase price of                    transformative initiatives that are   announced that the construction

Figure 6:        Total Cost of Electricity Service Forecast

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                            15
of two new nuclear units at OPG’s Darlington site will        • The government will also work with its energy
     be deferred. This represents up to $15 billion in capital       agencies to develop efficiency targets, reduce costs
     investments that are not currently required.                    and save money for ratepayers. For example, over a
                                                                     five-year period, ratepayers could expect to save
                                                                     close to $400 million if energy agencies were to
     Early Coal Closure
                                                                     reduce their operations, maintenance and adminis-
     In early 2013, Ontario announced it would cease                 tration expenses by 2%.
     coal-fired generation at the Lambton and Nanticoke
                                                                   • Since distribution costs play an important part
     plants by the end of 2013, one year earlier than
                                                                     in consumers’ electricity bills, the government
     previously planned. Ratepayers will save $95 million
                                                                     established the Distribution Sector Review Panel.
     with the early closure of these stations. Savings will
                                                                     The panel, which delivered its report in late 2012,
     arise from reduced maintenance and project costs.
                                                                     identified the potential for significant savings and
     The work to mitigate electricity rate increases and secure      recommended the consolidation of the province’s
     efficiencies in the electricity sector will not end there:      LDCs. As a result, the government expects that
                                                                     LDCs will pursue innovative partnerships and
     • The government will encourage OPG and Hydro One               transformative initiatives to drive efficiencies
       to explore new business lines and opportunities inside        that will result in ratepayer savings.
       and outside Ontario. These opportunities would allow
       OPG and Hydro One to leverage their existing areas of
       expertise and grow revenues for the benefit of Ontarians.
16                                                                               Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
• The OEB is currently implementing a renewed
                                                           regulatory framework for the electricity
                                                           distribution sector. This framework is expected
                                                           to set performance outcomes that improve
                                                           productivity and drive efficient investment in
                                                           the distribution sector. As this is implemented,
                                                           the government will look closely at some of its
                                                           key features, such as the Scorecard, to develop
                                                           further distribution sector policy options. The
                                                           Scorecard will help measure performance;
                                                           distributors will be required to report their
                                                           progress annually based on key performance
                                                           outcomes such as customer service, operational
                                                           effectiveness, public policy responsiveness and
                                                           financial performance.

                                                         2013 LTEP COST AND PRICE
                                                         Since the 2010 LTEP, electricity prices have not
                                                         increased as much as they were forecast to
                                                         at that time.

                                                         Figures 6, 7 and 8 illustrate the 2013 LTEP
                                                         forecasts for the total cost of electricity service,
                                                         for a typical monthly residential bill, and for
                                                         industrial electricity prices. These forecasts are
                                                         based on the 2013 LTEP conservation and
                                                         supply mix elements, including Conservation
                                                         First and DR targets, anticipated demand,
                                                         renewable targets and planned nuclear
                                                         refurbishments as well as the other elements
                                                         described throughout this document.

                                                         Overall electricity costs show a decrease from
                                                         the 2010 projections for all years, based on
                                                         several factors, including lower demand forecasts
                                                         and the various rate mitigation measures enacted
                                                         by government, described in the previous section.
                                                         Recent decisions, such as the deferral of new
                                                         nuclear and the reduction in FIT contract pricing,
                                                         as well as an emphasis on conservation, are
                                                         responsible for the significantly lower projections
                                                         after 2018. Containing costs and mitigating rate

Megawatt (MW): A                                         increases will continue to be a priority as the
                                                         2013 LTEP is implemented. Since the 2010

unit of power equal to                                   LTEP, the Ontario government has taken
                                                         strong action that has started to mitigate

1,000 kilowatts (kW)
                                                         rate increases and decrease the pressure
                                                         on Ontario electricity consumers.

or one million watts (W)                                 Rate mitigation measures undertaken by the
                                                         government, in collaboration with energy agencies
                                                         as well as private sector partners, result in
                                                         savings that last over the life of the plan.

   Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                          17
Figure 7:       Typical Residential Electricity Bill Forecast

     * Beyond 2015, the OCEB program’s future would require legislative changes and would need to take into account a number of
       factors including the province’s fiscal position.

     Figure 8:      Industrial Electricity Price Forecast

     * A typical large industrial customer has a demand of 5 MW and a 75% capacity factor.

18                                                                                      Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
In Summary
                      • The 2013 LTEP cost and price forecasts are     • The Distribution Sector Review Panel,
                        lower than previously forecast in 2010.          which delivered its report in late 2012,
                                                                         identified the potential for significant
                      • Significant ratepayer savings will be
                                                                         savings among the province’s Local
                        realized as a result of reduced Feed-in
                                                                         Distribution Companies (LDCs). The
                        Tariff (FIT) prices, the ability to dispatch
                                                                         government expects that LDCs will pursue
                        wind generation, the amended Green
                                                                         innovative partnerships and transformative
                        Energy Investment Agreement, and the
                                                                         initiatives that will result in electricity
                        decision to defer new nuclear.
                                                                         ratepayer savings.
                      • The government will continue to work
                                                                       • The government will look closely at key
                        with its agencies — Hydro One, OPG, the
                                                                         features of the OEB’s new regulatory
                        IESO, the OPA and the OEB — to develop
                                                                         framework for LDCs such as the Scorecard,
                        business plans and efficiency targets that
                                                                         which will report annually on key LDC
                        will reduce agency costs and result in
                                                                         performance metrics, to develop further
                        significant ratepayer savings.
                                                                         distribution sector policy options.
                      • The government will encourage Ontario
                                                                       • An annual Ontario Energy Report will be
                        Power Generation and Hydro One to explore
                                                                         issued to update the public on changing
                        new business lines and opportunities
                                                                         supply and demand conditions, and to
                        inside and outside Ontario. These
                                                                         outline the progress to date on the LTEP.
                        opportunities will help leverage existing
                        areas of expertise and grow revenues
                        for the benefit of Ontarians.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                    19
Putting Conservation First
     As we plan for Ontario’s electricity needs for the next 20 years, conservation will
     be the first resource to be considered. It is the cleanest and most cost-effective
     energy resource, and it offers consumers a way to reduce their electricity bills.
     The government intends to ensure that conservation will be considered before
     building new generation and transmission facilities, and will be the preferred
     choice wherever cost-effective.

     The ministry will work with its         cesses for both electricity and           proposals. A hurdle rate would
     agencies to ensure that they put        natural gas utilities.                    consider the cost of delivering a
     conservation first in their planning,                                             conservation program against the
     approval and procurement                Our agencies and partners will            avoided cost of procuring supply.
     processes. The ministry will also       achieve this goal with a combina-
     work with the OEB to incorporate        tion of tools, including the Total        Ontarians are making consider-
     the policy of Conservation First        Resource Cost Test, the Program           able progress in embracing a
     into distributor planning pro-          Administrator Cost Test and a             culture of conservation. Since
                                             hurdle rate, to screen program            2005, conservation efforts have

20                                                                             Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
On-Bill Financing
                                                                                  Manitoba Hydro offers a financing
                                                                                  program that makes energy efficiency
                                                                                  accessible to homeowners. Using on-bill
                                                                                  financing, the Power Smart PAYS
                                                                                  Financing Program provides Manitoba
                                                                                  residential customers with a convenient
                                                                                  option for completing energy-efficient
                                                                                  upgrades to their homes while keeping
                                                                                  the upfront costs and future monthly
                                                                                  finance payments as small as possible.

                                                                                  Source: Manitoba Hydro

                                                 Putting conservation first will           recover energy efficiency and
                                                 require a number of changes to            renewable energy investments
                                                 our approach. In collaboration            with repayment through property
                                                 with its agencies and partners,           taxes. This allows consumers to
                                                 the ministry will work on new             save money on their energy bill
                                                 conservation initiatives, significantly   and pay off conservation invest-
                                                 increase Demand Response                  ments over time as they receive
                                                 capability, and give LDCs a               the benefits of conservation.
increased significantly, and it is               greater role and more flexibility
projected that by the end of 2013,               to address local conditions.              To help consumers choose the
Ontarians will have conserved 8.6                                                          most efficient products for their
TWh of electricity — enough to                   The government is committed               homes and businesses, Ontario
power a city about the size of                   to promoting a co-ordinated               will provide information and
Mississauga.                                     approach for all customers,               incentives and continue to show
                                                 including both electricity and            leadership in establishing
The province expects to offset                   natural gas utilities.                    minimum efficiency requirements
most of the growth in electricity                                                          for products such as water
demand to 2032 using programs                    The government will work to               heaters, clothes dryers, televi-
and improved codes and stan-                     make new financing tools avail-           sions, fluorescent lamps, motors
dards. This will lessen the need                 able to consumers starting in             and boilers.
for new supply. Our long-term                    2015. These tools will include
conservation target of 30 TWh in                 on-bill financing to help them with       The government, its energy
2032 represents a 16% reduction                  the upfront cost of making energy         agencies and its partners are
in forecast gross demand for                     efficiency retrofits to conserve          also developing new ways to get
electricity — the equivalent to                  electricity and natural gas. The          consumers the information they
more than all the power used by                  government has already enabled            need to make more informed
the City of Toronto in 2012 — an                 municipal governments to offer            decisions about their energy
improvement over the 2010 LTEP.                  Local Improvement Charges to              consumption.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                            21
Figure 9:     G
                    eneration and Conservation Cost
                   of Options

                   * Updated for January 2014 Feed-in Tariff prices

     The Green Button Initiative gives          different approaches that enable           classroom and providing
     consumers access to their energy           consumers to compare their                 them with skills they can
     data and the ability to connect to         energy consumption with other              take back home.
     mobile and web-based applica-              similar consumers. Pending the
     tions so they can analyze and              success of the pilot program,
                                                                                           Demand Response
     manage their energy use. The               the government will explore
     combination of data and the                expanding social benchmarking.             Ontarians may not be familiar with
     innovative applications could                                                         the concept of Demand Response
     also guide them in making the              From the outset, Green Button              (DR), but many practice it every
     investment decisions necessary to          was designed with privacy and              day with their smart meters and
     improve their energy efficiency.           security principles embedded into          time-of-use (TOU) pricing. DR
                                                the standard. Social benchmarking          occurs when people and busi-
     The government looks forward               initiatives will also take proactive       nesses shift electricity use from
     to releasing the results of the            steps to ensure consumer privacy           periods of peak demand to periods
     innovative, forward-looking                is protected by embedding                  of lower demand, or reduce use
     Energy Apps for Ontario                    privacy directly into the design of        during peak periods. This helps
     Challenge in early 2014. This              technologies, business practices           avoid the cost of building costly
     consumer-friendly initiative               and networked infrastructures.             generation and transmission to
     will enable Ontarians to better                                                       meet a few short periods of peak
     manage and track their electricity         The government is also working
                                                                                           demand a year.
     use and encourage conservation.            with Ontario EcoSchools to bring
                                                more information about energy              Ontario consumers can participate
     Social benchmarking can increase           conservation into classrooms.              in DR programs in several different
     awareness of energy use and                Ontario EcoSchools uses the local          ways. One program is peaksaver
     promote conservation. A social             school as an energy education              PLUS, where homeowners agree
     benchmarking pilot program is              resource, encouraging students             to reduce their electricity con-
     under way, led by the OPA, to test         to reduce energy use in the                sumption during critical periods

22                                                                                 Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
of peak demand. Another program                  to enable these large consumers      In 2010, the government
encourages large commercial and                  to provide DR to the grid in a       established a Conservation and
industrial facilities to make firm               manner that puts DR on par with      Demand Management Framework
commitments to reduce energy                     comparable generation options.       that included mandatory conser-
use during high demand periods.                                                       vation targets for LDCs. While
This can mean turning off lights                 Additionally, the IESO will          we’ve made real progress, full
or motors or shifting production                 continue to examine and consult      achievement of our goals has
to other times of the day.                       on the potential benefits and        been difficult because of reduced
                                                 development of a capacity            opportunities for conservation.
Ontario is aiming to use DR to                   market, where different generation   This came about because of the
meet 10% of peak demand by                       and demand resources, including      decreased demand for electricity
2025, equivalent to approximately                electricity storage technologies,    and the constrained financial
2,400 MW under forecast                          conservation initiatives and clean   circumstances that made many
conditions. To encourage further                 imports compete to address           businesses reluctant to invest in
development of DR in Ontario,                    capacity needs.                      conservation. Challenges associ-
the IESO will evolve existing                                                         ated with the Framework itself,
programs and introduce new
                                                 Conservation and Demand              such as a lack of flexibility and
initiatives. This will allow the                                                      slower than expected roll-out of
                                                 Management Framework
IESO to work directly with large                                                      programs, also made it difficult to
electricity consumers such as                    Ontario has achieved a great deal
                                                                                      achieve the conservation targets.
commercial and industrial facilities,            through conservation, but we
and other large facilities that can              did not accomplish this alone.       The government, in co-operation
reduce their electrical consumption              LDCs are the face of electricity     with LDCs and energy agencies, is
on demand in response to system                  conservation for most Ontarians,     developing a new Conservation
need. The IESO, as the system                    delivering programs to their         and Demand Management
operator, is in the best position                local communities.                   Framework to begin in January

     Figure 10:

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                         23
Figure 11:      The Role of Conservation is Growing
            Forecast Energy Production (TWh) 2013

            Bioenergy 1%
                                                                                                                  Solar PV 1%

            Wind 3%                                                                                          Conservation† 5%

            Hydro 22%
                                                                                                                 Nuclear 56%

            Gas* 10%

            Coal 2%

            Forecast Energy Production (TWh) 2032

                                                                                                    Planned Flexibility
Figure 12:        How Much is a Kilowatt Hour?

                                            Ontario EcoSchools

      Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and
      certification program for grades K-12 that helps school
      communities develop both ecological literacy and
      environmental practices to become environmentally
      responsible citizens and reduce the environmental
      footprint of schools.

      The key areas of focus and achievement are:
      Teamwork and Leadership, Energy Conservation,
      Waste Minimization, School Ground Greening,
      Curriculum, and Environmental Stewardship.

      Schools may use the program free of charge.


Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan              25
Figure 13:       Demand Response
     Demand Response programs can reduce the need to build costly
     peaking generation that would only be required during the highest
     demand hours of a hot summer day.

          Note: For illustrative purposes only, not to scale.

     2015, lasting for six years and                  be provided the authority and            • For Aboriginal communities,
     replacing the one that is currently              means for meeting them                     the role of LDCs in the delivery
     winding down. Subject to further                 cost-effectively.                          of conservation programs
     discussion with our partners, the                                                           will be enhanced, particularly
                                                     • The new Framework will
     government intends to build the                                                             for on-reserve First Nation
                                                       encourage innovation and the
     new Framework on the following                                                              customers.
                                                       adoption of new technologies.
                                                                                               • Industrial and transmission-
                                                     • While there will be conservation
     • There will be long-term, stable                                                           connected customers will
                                                       programs available for all
       funding for conservation so that                                                          continue to have access to the
                                                       residential, commercial and
       customers and LDCs have the                                                               OPA’s conservation programs,
                                                       industrial sectors, the value
       certainty they need to imple-                                                             which will be expanded to
                                                       of conservation investments
       ment and deliver programs.                                                                facilitate broader program
                                                       may be higher in some sectors
                                                                                                 choice and financing flexibility.
     • Customers will be given more                    than others.
       program choice along with                                                               To ensure value for ratepayers, the
                                                     • There will be renewed efforts to
       streamlined oversight and                                                               new Framework will continue to
                                                       deepen consumer awareness of
       administration.                                                                         provide cost-effective conservation
                                                       conservation, and more broadly,
                                                                                               programs at less than the cost of
     • LDCs will have accountability                   of the electricity system.
                                                                                               new supply.
       for meeting their assigned                    • Conservation programs for
       conservation goals, and will                    low-income residential
                                                       customers will be improved.

26                                                                                     Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
In Summary
                      • The Ministry of Energy will work with its      • The government will work to make new
                        agencies to ensure they put conservation         financing tools available to consumers
                        first in their planning, approval and            starting in 2015, including on-bill financing
                        procurement processes. The ministry              for energy efficiency retrofits.
                        will also work with the Ontario Energy
                                                                       • To help consumers choose the most
                        Board (OEB) to incorporate the policy of
                                                                         efficient products for their homes and
                        conservation first into distributor planning
                                                                         businesses, Ontario will provide information
                        processes for both electricity and natural
                                                                         and incentives; it will also continue to
                        gas utilities.
                                                                         show leadership in establishing minimum
                      • The province expects to offset almost all        efficiency requirements for products such
                        of the growth in electricity demand to           as water heaters, clothes dryers, televisions,
                        2032 by using programs and improved              fluorescent lamps, motors and boilers.
                        codes and standards. This will lessen the
                                                                       • The Green Button Initiative will give
                        need for new supply. Our long-term
                                                                         consumers access to their energy data
                        conservation target of 30 terawatt-hours
                                                                         and the ability to connect to mobile and
                        (TWh) in 2032 represents a 16% reduction
                                                                         web-based applications so they can
                        in the gross demand for electricity, an
                                                                         analyze and manage their energy use.
                        improvement over the 2010 LTEP.
                                                                       • Social benchmarking can increase awareness
                      • Ontario is aiming to use Demand
                                                                         of energy use and promote conservation.
                        Response (DR) to meet 10% of peak
                                                                         A social benchmarking pilot program
                        demand by 2025, equivalent to approxi-
                                                                         is under way, led by the Ontario Power
                        mately 2,400 megawatts (MW) under
                                                                         Authority (OPA) to test different
                        forecast conditions. To encourage further
                                                                         approaches that enable consumers
                        development of DR in Ontario, the
                                                                         to compare their energy consumption
                        Independent Electricity System Operator
                                                                         with other similar consumers. Pending
                        (IESO) will evolve existing DR programs
                                                                         the success of the pilot program, the
                        and introduce new DR initiatives.
                                                                         government will explore expanding
                      • The IESO will continue to examine                social benchmarking and including
                        and consult on the potential benefits            other sectors.
                        and development of a capacity
                                                                       • The government is also working with
                        market, where different generation
                                                                         Ontario EcoSchools to bring more
                        and demand resources compete to
                                                                         resources about energy conservation to
                        address capacity needs.
                                                                         the curriculum for students and teachers.
                      • The government is committed to
                        promoting a co-ordinated approach
                        to conservation and will encourage
                        collaboration of conservation efforts
                        among electricity and natural gas utilities.

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                       27
A Reliable and Clean Supply
     While Conservation First is an important element of the LTEP, a clean, reliable
     and affordable supply of electricity also requires a diversity of generation types.
     Ontario will continue to develop new sources of supply to ensure that we reach
     these goals.

     Nuclear                              of approximately 25,000 people         The industry has been successful
                                          during the refurbishment period.       in exporting Canadian technology
     Ontario has made important
                                          The Organization of Canadian           around the world to countries
     investments in nuclear generation.
                                          Nuclear Industries reports that        including Argentina, South Korea,
     The Canadian Manufacturers and
                                          an additional 30,000 people are        China, Romania and India.
     Exporters reports that 15,600
                                          employed in the nuclear manufac-       International opportunities to use
     people are employed in the
                                          turing, engineering, construction      the nuclear expertise based in
     operation and support of nuclear
                                          and consulting, fuel fabrication,      Ontario will continue to be explored.
     plants in Ontario, and 9,000 more
                                          research and development, and
     would be employed for the                                                   Nuclear power is also part of
                                          medical isotopes sectors, in
     refurbishment of the Ontario                                                Canada’s science and innovation
                                          support of domestic and offshore
     plants, for a total employment                                              advantage, involving more than
                                          nuclear projects.

28                                                                       Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
efficiency. The decision to defer     respect to budget and schedule
                                                 new nuclear capacity helps            by establishing appropriate
                                                 manage electricity costs by           off-ramps.
                                                 making large investments only
                                                 when they are needed.                 The nuclear refurbishment
                                                                                       sequence shown in Figure 14
                                                 Ontario continues to have the         will be implemented subject to
                                                 option to build new nuclear           processes designed to minimize
                                                 reactors in the future, should the    risk to ratepayers and to govern-
                                                 supply and demand picture in          ment. For example, appropriate
                                                 the province change over time.        off-ramps will be implemented
                                                 The ministry will work with OPG       should operators be unable to
                                                 to maintain the licence granted       deliver the projects on schedule
                                                 by the Canadian Nuclear Safety        and within the established
                                                 Commission, to keep open the          project budget.
                                                 option of considering new build
                                                 in the future.                        The nuclear refurbishment
                                                                                       process will adhere to the
                                                 The government will ensure a          following principles:
                                                 reliable supply of electricity by
                                                 proceeding with the refurbish-        1. Minimize commercial risk
                                                 ment of the province’s existing          on the part of ratepayers
                                                 nuclear fleet taking into account        and government;
                                                 future demand levels. Refurbish-
                                                                                       2. Mitigate reliability risks by
                                                 ment received strong, province-
                                                                                          developing contingency plans
                                                 wide support during the 2013
                                                                                          that include alternative supply
                                                 LTEP consultation process. The
Workers complete installation of a                                                        options if contract and other
                                                 merits of refurbishment are clear:
mock calandria in the Darlington                                                          objectives are at risk of
Energy Centre. It will be used to test                                                    non-fulfillment;
                                                 • Refurbished nuclear is the
tooling and train workers before
beginning refurbishment work inside                most cost-effective generation
                                                                                       3. Entrench appropriate and
the reactor vaults of the Darlington               available to Ontario for meeting
                                                                                          realistic off-ramps and scoping;
Nuclear Generating Station                         baseload requirements.
                                                 • Existing nuclear generating         4. Hold private sector operator
                                                   stations are located in sup-           accountable to the nuclear
30 universities and six major                                                             refurbishment schedule
research centres, many of them                     portive communities, and
                                                   have access to high-voltage            and price;
in Ontario. The nuclear industry
generates $2.5 billion in direct and               transmission.                       5. Require OPG to hold its
secondary economic activity in                   • Nuclear generation produces            contractors accountable to
Ontario every year. Retaining this                 no greenhouse gas emissions.           the nuclear refurbishment
nuclear expertise is crucial.                                                             schedule and price;
                                                 Ontario plans to refurbish units at
The province’s nuclear generating                the Darlington and Bruce Gener-       6. Make site, project management,
stations at Darlington, Bruce                    ating Stations. The refurbishment        regulatory requirements and
and Pickering have historically                  has the potential to renew 8,500         supply chain considerations,
provided about half of the                       MW over 16 years. The province           and cost and risk containment,
province’s electricity supply. The               will proceed with caution to ensure      the primary factors in developing
2010 LTEP forecast that new                      both flexibility and ongoing value       the implementation plan; and
capacity would need to be built at               for Ontario ratepayers. Darlington
Darlington. New nuclear capacity                 and Bruce plan to begin refur-        7. Take smaller initial steps to
is not needed at this time because               bishing one unit each in 2016.           ensure there is opportunity to
the demand for electricity has                   Final commitments on subse-              incorporate lessons learned
not grown as expected, due to                    quent refurbishments will take           from refurbishment including
changes in the economy and                       into account the performance of          collaboration by operators.
gains in conservation and energy                 the initial refurbishments with

Achieving Balance - Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan                                                                           29
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