Highlights & Treasures - Debden Public School

Highlights & Treasures - Debden Public School
Highlights & Treasures
                                    École Debden Public School
                                                                  January 27, 2022

      Principal’s Message
Well we’ve almost made it ½ way through the school year! Semester 2 will officially begin on
Tuesday, February 1st. It’s been another interesting January with blizzards, freezing rain, crazy
winds, sunshine, and a bizarre range of high and low temperatures. & then of course, there’s
Covid. As the Covid numbers began to wane this winter, we were all hoping we were moving out
of the pandemic period. However, the omicron variant arrived as a most unwelcome guest,
spiking Covid numbers, leaving us with more Covid realities to deal with. Continuing on, we do
our very best in the school to focus on learning and safety. We have much to be proud of –
there are great things going on in classrooms, our SLC continues to lead fun Covid- friendly ac-
tivities, and our ping pong table has been a great source of motivation and energy – just to
name a few highlights.

As this last (we hope!) “round” of the pandemic is upon us, I want to once again thank you for
your ongoing commitment to, and support of, the school – it’s always greatly appreciated but
especially during the complexities of the past 22 months. This has been a long road with no
clear ending yet. However, we will continue to forge ahead together. Watch for those report
cards electronically, and in paper form, next week. Contact your child(ren)’s teachers if you
have questions or comments regarding their instruction or well-being. & please ensure your
child(ren) is/are always dressed appropriately for the temperatures.

We have one staff member who is leaving us at the end of January and one who will be joining
us. Karen Wudrich-Mattock has finished her part-time with us assisting with Educational Sup-
port duties. Ms. Shelly Ekren will be joining us as of January 31st. She will be teaching History
20, Visual Arts 10, Arts Education 9, and also working in the 4/5/6 and 1/2/3 classrooms. Wel-
come Ms. Ekren!

As always, if you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the

Mrs. Corrine Schwehr

           Rapid Test Kits are available at the school. Please call if you would like a kit
                                 and we will set one aside for you.
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From the Office

  If you haven’t already activated your Edsby account—please do it now!

  We have re-sent email invitations to parents who have not activated their account.
  Once you activate your account, download the Edsby App
  so you can:

          *access your child’s marks & report cards
          *enter planned absences
                                                                      The school code is srsd119
          *receive important messages, etc.

  It is so important for at least 1 parent/guardian to activate your Edsby
  account and begin using the App on a regular basis.

                                         If you haven’t already done so,
                                                                                             To: 978338

                                         Text Yes to 978338 to begin receiving                 Yes
                                         important messages from Debden School.
         Please use
          Edsby to                       We use this text feature to inform our parents/
         enter your                      guardians about the following:
          absence.                               *bus cancellations
                                                 *COVID exposures
                                                 *upcoming events
 If you have any questions, or need              *messages to check your email or Edsby account
  assistance, please call the school.
           306-724-2181                          *other school related items.

                                         Reminders to students!

                          *Please make sure to bring a change of clothing
                        and have proper gym shoes for gym class.

                      *Don’t forget your water bottles!!!

             We get an endless amount of students coming to the office to ask for a
             plastic cup to fill up at the water-refill station. Let’s reduce
             and reuse by bringing your own personal water bottle to school.

Terry Fox School Run Results
This school year, Debden School came together to raise an incredible $1,295.40 for
cancer research for our Terry Fox School Run. The Terry Fox Foundation is so grateful
for our commitment and dedication. It is wonderful to see that Terry continues to inspire
millions of students across the country. If you have not donated and would still like to
contribute, our school donation link is still open at http://www.terryfox.ca/Debden

Thanks to everyone who donated this year.
- Mrs. Couture
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       Gr. 5/6 French Immersion
For our French “recompense”, the students started the day off in celebration. They have been working very hard
at collecting beads to fill a glass jar. Friday, January 14, 2022 they attained their goal.

During French we’ve been focusing on SUMMARY of a story. They made a short story following all the steps
we’ve been discussing during our “Lecture Guidée” sessions. Today, our day started out by taking a funny pic-
ture and writing beginnings of funny stories to match their funny faces.

Kally: Rosé habite dans le Savannah en Afrique. Rosé voulait démanger a Hollywood pour être l’étoile dans
beaucoup de film, mais elle est un léopard. Elle se déguise comme un humain et a devenu l’étoile dans cent

Winston: Bateaulio habite dans un bateau dans l’ocean. Il veut devenir un pirate riche, mais il n’a pas d’argent
et il ne sait pas comment devenir un pirate. Alors, il fait une recherche pour comment devenir un pirate. L’inter-
net dit qu’il doit utiliser son imagination.
Theron: Fréderic vie dans un foret. Il veut vivre dans la ville mais les personnes dans la ville ne veulent pas
que Fréderique déménage en ville. Frederic trouve un travail en ville et les gens commencent de l’aimer.
Dyllan: Grand Gueule habite à Debden. Elle voulait être un chanteuse sur la rue Broadway mais elle n’a pas de
voiture. Elle travail chaque jour chez Rona pour avoir assez d’argent d’acheter une voiture. Finalement elle con-
duit a Regina et chante sur la rue Broadway.
Ryland: Frank habite dans la foret. Il veut un chat, mais il n’a pas
de monnaie. Il cherche un emploie comme « paléontologiste » et
devient millionnaire.
Danika: Juju habite a Saskatoon. Il veut être un chateur mais il ne
sais pas ou aller pour chanter. Il conduit autour de Saskatoon et
trouve une place pour chanter.
Noah: Biennio habite au Lac Athabasca. Il voulait être un chateur
mais il chante mal. Il pratique a chanter constamment. Maintenant
il est un chateur fameux.
Carter: Hopper habite dans un trou dans la terre. Il voulait une
carotte mais Jimmy, son frère, les a tout mangé. Alors, il attend
pour le prochain été. Hopper réveille bonheur, et cache tous les
carottes dans son trou. Jimmy est fâché.
Allie: La reine de cœur habite a Charlottetown. Elle veut être un
grand chanteur mais sa maman ne veut pas qu’elle fait se car-
rière. Alors, la reine de cœur pratique a chanter dans sa chambre.
A sa 18ieme fête, elle voyage a Saskatoon pour chanter. Elle de-
vient fameuse.

Tallyn: Grand Nez habite à Montréal. Son nez est trop petit. Il
décidé de mettre du sel sur son nez. Ensuite son nez devient plus
Kyra: Ellie habite dans la foret. Elle veut des bonbons de Mme. Poirier mais, madame les a tous caché. Ellie
cherche partout et finalement les trouvent dans la maison de Mme. Poirier. Ellie donne tous les bonbons à
- Mme Poirier

                                                        Leland Peterson

                           Kayden Amundson

Deakan Hildebrand
                                           PAA Projects

                                                                                 Dune Buggy
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