HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations

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HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
HBS Update
Susan Gold
Managing Director, Alumni Relations

Club Leadership Meeting
February 14, 2023

                    External Relations
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations

 • HBS Update
 • ER Update

HBS Clubs Team Confidential - Not for Distribution
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
MBA Program
                                         39% International
                                      (representing 74 countries)

                                         46% Women
                                      13% 1st Generation to go
                                              to college                 Welcoming
                                                                       MBA Class of 2024

1. Invigorate our sense of purpose:                                    Highest ever share of
   “Through hard work, with                                                 graduates
   for humanity.”                                                   13% pursuing their “own
2. Center the education: it is the
   heart of what we offer our
   students.                                                            Tuition-debt free for
3. Attract the world’s best: be the                                   highest-need students
   first-choice education for                                       (first B-school to take this
   promising leaders.                                                           step)
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Short Intensive Programs 2023 (SIPs)

                Accelerating Climate Solutions
10 SIPs:                                         Eleanor Laurans
                                                                                         of all MBA students
                Africa Rising                    Hakeem Belo-Osagie                      signed up for a SIP.
11 sections     Investing in Life Sciences       Malcolm Baker, Amitabh Chandra,
                                                 Paul Clancy

                Moving Beyond DTC                Ayelet Israeli, Len Schlesinger, Matt   75/25%
7 repeat SIPs                                    Higgins                                 Three-quarters of the
                                                                                         students in SIPs are
3 new SIPs      Personal Finance                 Sara Fleiss, Emily McComb               RCs,
                Spiritual Lives of Leaders       Nien-hê Hsieh, Derek van Bever;
                                                 John Brown (HDS); Howard Koh

                Starting a Private Market        Nori Gerardo Lietz, Bob White           Over the course of 4
                Investment Firm                                                          days, 178 guests joined
                                                                                         SIPs sessions.
                Startup Bootcamp (2 sections)    Martin Sinozich, Christina Wallace      High profile guests include
                                                                                         Larry Bacow, Gucharan
                                                                                         Das, Chris Dixon, Bobbi
                Startup Toolkit                  Julia Austin                            Brown, David Chang,
                The Web3 SIP                     Shai Bernstein, Scott Kominers          Scarlett Johansson, and
                                                                                         Kim Kardashian
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Executive Education New Directions Post Pandemic:
Expanding Virtual and Blended Offerings

                                                                                     FY23 estimate
                                                                                  Total Programs: 140+
  Blended learning since before COVID in Comprehensive Leadership Programs
  (CLPs) and selected other groups.
  COVID accelerated our exploration of virtual and led to many new program

  Current Offerings Include:
  •   In person: Primarily on-campus; some are held in global locations
  •   Virtual: Using the Live Online Classroom or Zoom, or asynchronous
      materials, such as HBS Online content
  •   Blended: Combination of in-person and virtual modules. Duration can span
      1 week to several months

                                                                                 11,500+ participants
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Executive Education New Programs:
New faculty content, experiments with format, commitment to

                        Leading as an LGBTQ+ Executive – Blended
                        Discover how to lead more fully, authentically, and effectively, in ways that
                        align with your values and identity.

                                         Rising Generation in the Family
                                         Enterprise – On Campus
                                         Explore the choices, tensions and key challenges
                                         facing you as a member of the rising generation in the
                                         context of a successful family enterprise.

      Growing as a Purposeful Leader - Blended
      Prepare to become an authentic, purposeful leader who can step up to
      more challenging roles and lead effectively in this new era.
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Celebrating the past,
embracing the future!
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Twenty-three faculty members,
including new tenure-track
professors, visitors, and practitioners,
participated in START, a deep-dive
orientation to the School that took
place virtually over three days in July
2021 with one day on campus in
August. The program provides an
overview of Harvard Business School
and a window into research and
research support at the School, the
case method, and the classroom
experience. Teaching faculty join
study groups and practice preparing
and opening a case, and then
receive feedback and advice from
experienced colleagues.
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Business in Global Society (BiGS)
BiGS in the RC (1st year)

Social Purpose of the Firm: a two-day course
with six cases

                              Under what
As a would-be leader, how     circumstances are private
do you identify the problem   firms a reasonable
or challenge you wish to      solution to society’s
attack?                       biggest and most pressing

     How does the world work, and what is my
  opportunity as a leader and individual to make it
                    work better?
HBS Update Club Leadership Meeting - February 14, 2023 Susan Gold Managing Director, Alumni Relations
Digital, Data & Design (D^3 at Harvard)
Catalyst Series amplifies impact of the labs
and bridges students-alumni networks

                                                                                      Spring 2023 D^3 Programming
       Access to cutting-edge research coming out of
       the D^3 labs                                                            Prospering Beyond 1.5°C: Tools, Data, and
                                                                               Analytics for Entrepreneurs Driving Climate
       Lifelong learning for alumni
                                                                               Adaptation | March 3-4, 2023

       Simulations and design sprints to collect data                          Designing the Future of Women’s Health |
       for the labs                                                            March 25, 2023
       Network building to alumni and industry
                                                                               Waste and the Circular Economy | April 14-15,

                                      90 – 300                  Industry speakers,
                                                                simulations, case                    6-8
       IMPACT                         students and alumni
                                      projected in each event
                                                                studies, and design
                                                                                                     weekend series
                                                                                                     throughout the year

HBS External Relations
A Dynamic Context

                                                          RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR

                       HBS FUNDRAISING

                   TRENDS IN PHILANTHROPY


 HBS Clubs Team Confidential - Not for Distribution
Current Alumni Engagement
and Lifelong Learning Activities

                       Alumni Time                     Events and
                        and Talent                      Programs

                                     Inform, Inspire

                         Alumni                         Learning
                        Segments                        Programs
                                                       and Content

                                      Alumni Clubs
2.5 Years of Reunions
                         Reunion Celebration 2022                                      MBA: 37 Classes, 250 Sections;
                         11,567 Attendees / 39,000 Alumni invited                 One Year Reunion: 3 Classes, 30 Sections
                                                                               Executive Education: 22 Programs, 160+ Cohorts

                             May 6/7          May 27/28        June 3/4          June 7/8        June 10/11     June 17/18
Date / Reunions Cohort

                             One Year          One Year       10th and 15th     50th – 70th      5th and 20th    25th – 45th
                          Reunion for 2019    Reunions for      Reunions         Reunions          Reunions       Reunions
                                             2020 and 2021        2010        1970, 1971, 1972      2015         1995, 1996

                                                                  2011        1965, 1966, 1967                   1990, 1991
                                                                              1960, 1961, 1962                   1985, 1986
                                                May 29            2012                              2017
                                                                              1955, 1956, 1967                   1980, 1981
                                             Commencement         2005                              2000
                                              2020 and 2021                   1950, 1951, 1952                   1975, 1976
                                                                  2006                              2001
                                                                  2007                              2002         Education
                                                                                                                22 Programs

                               553               2,358           2,689             767             2,701           2,499
MAY                     JUNE                 OCTOBER
    2022 Reunions                                                          One Year Reunion
                                                                                                   5-50th+ Reunions
                                                                                                                            25-45th Reunions
                                                                                                                               (2022 Only)

             Satisfied Overall                       NPS                               Likely to Attend Next Reunion
             (Extremely and Very)                                                               (Definitely, Very Likely)

                                 85%                                  75                                           89%
                              74%                               61                                         85%
                               77%                               65                                         86%

   “Having participated in your Reunion, do you feel…” (Agree and Strongly Agree)

            Closer to HBS classmates                      76%                             80%                               77%
              More connected to HBS                       75%                          70%                             68%
          "HBS for Life" is meaningful                72%                           60%                            57%
  Will turn to HBS as lifelong resource              68%                            59%                          53%
            HBS delivering on mission               59%                             60%                               60%
        Will support philanthropically        38%                             38%                          32%
Better understanding of HBS priorities     23%                                38%                                48%
HBS Board Diversity Event with
Boston, October 27th

 •   77 attendees, NPS of 100
 •   Building on the foundational work of the Alumni
     Board’s Board Diversity Project, a working group
     dedicated to establishing a process and
     mechanism for connecting diverse HBS board
     candidates with corporate board opportunities
 •   Unprecedented collaboration between Alumni
     Board, HBS Association of Boston, Shared
     Interest Groups, corporate partner EY, and HBS
 •   Many alumni travelled far to attend the event
 •   Aiming to replicate the format in other locations
Alumni Conferences:
Entrepreneurship Summit (Nov 4-5)

  • 1st Alumni Conference in-person
    since March 2020
  • 355 alumni participants of 404
    registrations: 88% yield
  • Interactive sessions and deep
    engagement focused on the power of
    the HBS ecosystem – Founders,
    Builders & Investors                    “I had written off HBS
                                               when it comes to
  • Strong faculty engagement                      modern
  • Two days of programming, including      entrepreneurship and
    a pre-Summit portion dedicated to       this summit totally re-
    underrepresented founders and allies   energized me to engage
                                             with the school and
  • Partnership between ER and               alumni. I wish there
    Rock Center
                                            were more events like
                                              this more often. I
                                           enjoyed the mix of small
                                               discussions and
Alumni Programs & Events
   Spring 2023

 • Dean’s Regional Events
        • Bay Area - 2/9, Palm Beach 2/23, New York 3/14,
        Los Angeles 3/21, Tokyo - TBA, Singapore - TBA

 • Alumni Achievement Awards
 • Dean Datar @ HBSCNY Leadership Dinner
 • HU & HBS Climate Conference: May 9-10
 • MBA Admissions Dinners & Events

HBS Clubs Team Confidential - Not for Distribution
Harvard Climate Action Week                                                                                      May 8-12, 2023
       Harvard Climate Action Week gathers climate leaders and experts in pursuit of durable, effective, and
                   equitable solutions to the climate change challenges confronting humanity

    Throughout the week, 9 Harvard organizations will offer programming, with some events open to the public

Tuesday, May 9                                                             Wednesday, May 10
“Harvard Climate Symposium: Rising to the Climate                          HBS Alumni Conference: Accelerating Climate Solution
Challenge”                                                                 Hosted by Alumni Relations and the HBS Business & Environment
HU flagship event hosted by the Salata Institute for Climate and           Initiative (BEI)
Sustainability at Harvard University
               These two in-person events are by invitation only, with plenary sessions being publicly livestreamed (TBA late April)

                                                                           • Audience: Select group of HBS alumni leaders, industry experts
 • Audience: Select group of climate leaders and alumni from across
                                                                             and faculty, Closed to HU. ~500 attendees expected.
   Harvard schools, ~500 attendees expected
                                                                           • Content: A full day of conversations with HBS faculty members,
 • Content: A day of conversations with Harvard University faculty and
                                                                             business leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs around what can
   Harvard alumni leaders in climate/sustainability focused on deep
                                                                             be done to accelerate climate solutions
   structural changes that need to be made at this urgent time
                                                                           • Faculty Chairs: George Serafeim, Peter Tufano (both HBS)
 • Faculty Chairs: Jim Stock (Vice Provost for Climate and
   Sustainability, Harvard University), Peter Tufano (HBS)
We are grateful for your                                     Rochester

              partnership and
          commitment to a thriving
            Club and Association
Italy     New York           Thailand      Philippines           Connecticut

Nigeria              India              Tokyo        Hong Kong          Singapore
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