"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club

Page created by Leroy Harmon
"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
January 2021    AN HHYC PUBLICATION      ISSUE 1

                   “Happy New Year”

  Page 2


   Page 10

2nd Tuesday
Of the month
 See Page 3
                   Here’s to a better boating year—2021!
Boat Projects
   Page 4

Things to help
  You smile
   Pg. 5 - 7

   Page 10
"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
Non-Voting officers’ positions for       distance on the dock for a beverage;
                                         2021 are as follows:                     all the better. We are a social club
                                                                                  and love to get together on the wa-
                                         Treasurer: Brenda Kooyman                ter and off. The details of each
                                         Secretary: Carol Soffel                  scheduled event will be announced
                                         Co-Fleet Captains: Terry Fantz and       as the dates approach. And we will
                                         Brenda Kooyman                           adjust each event to government
                                         Judge Advocate: Sharon Lee               mandates as they are announced. A
                                         Sergeant-at-Arms: P/C Rick Lee           couple of events are not officially
                                                                                  scheduled yet as some marinas do
                                         Over the last couple of years, our       not accept reservations until January
                                         board meetings have been held at         2nd. We will update the events calen-
                                         the Eastlake Bar and Grill in Seattle.   dar as dates are firmed up.
                                         However, with the on and off clo-
                                         sures of restaurants and limited         I would like to personally thank Terry
                                         capacity when operating I have not       Fantz for agreeing to take over web-
                                         negotiated a new contract with           site development and updates. It is
                                         them. I apologize, I realize this will   an overwhelming job and Terry is
Happy New Year everyone!                 make some people sad, but at the         awesome for stepping up. We would
                                         same time happy because traffic is       also like to thank Rick Lee for his pre-
Thank you, Jeff and Shawn, for perse-    “icky at best” in and around Se-         vious contributions to our website. It
vering through such an unforgiving       attle. At this time, we will continue    has come a long way in the last cou-
year. You are to be commended for        to hold our monthly board                ple of years.
your leadership throughout the most      meetings via Zoom. I must say, it
difficult times we can remember. I       has worked very well for the last        The club is looking for a volunteer for
for one am glad the tumultuous and       couple of meetings. An invite and        HHYC clothing duties. Kari has done
unpredictable year of 2020 has           Zoom meeting link will be sent out       an outstanding job for the last couple
passed. And let us hope 2021 will        prior to the meeting date and time.      of years ordering and selling HHYC
bring peace and safety to everyone       Our board meetings are held the          clothing but is unable to continue in
and somewhat go back to normal if        second Tuesday of the month at           2021. Thank you so much, Kari.
we can figure out what our new or        7:00 PM, except for July and August      There are discussions about clothing
old “normal” will be.                    when no meetings are held.               purchases being online only, instead
                                                                                  of at rendezvous, but more news will
HHYC is an all-volunteer club so it      I am sad to report there will not be     follow as it is decided.
takes all of us to continue the enjoy-   a Commodore’s Ball later this
ment we have all shared. So, without     month. This is always a fun event        Well, that is all for now. Brenda and
further ado, allow me to introduce       and is hosted by the prior year’s        I are looking forward to boating this
the 2021 Bridge:                         commodore. It is where the official      year and seeing everyone again. We
                                         changing of the bridge is an-            have missed all of you. HAPPY NEW
Commodore: Bart Kooyman                  nounced; complete with the bridge        YEAR!!
Vice Commodore: Steve Kaimmer            burgees and the commodore skunk
Rear Commodore: Doug Gomez               hat are presented. Hopefully, this       See you soon and stay SAFE!
Past Commodore: Jeff Quinn               year, this event can be combined         Bart
                                         with the Pay-Your-Dues event held
I also appreciate the board members      in November. More news on this is
listed below who have graciously         TBD.
agreed to continue to volunteer their
time and wisdom for 2021:                Our rendezvous’ will be a little
                                         different this year. At this time,
P/C Dane Fantz                           they will not be officially hosted
P/C Dennis Kroeger                       events with some meals being pro-
P/C Rick Lee                             vided and activities coordinated.
P/C Vic Portolese                        However, the marinas will be
P/C Paul Quinn                           scheduled with a certain number of
Sue Burke                                slips reserved, but everyone is on
Carol Soffel                             their own for meal preparation and
                                         activities. If we happen to socially

"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
Next Meeting                     DEALS
       January                       Will be Zoomed!
                                                               Doc's Marina Grill
                                                               In Winslow offers club mem-
                                                                 bers with a current HHYC
                                                              Membership card 15% off en-
                                                             trees at lunch and dinner Mon-
                                                                  day through Thursday
                                                              and 10% off entrees at lunch
      19 -Mary Merlino                                         and dinner Friday, Saturday
      27 - Gayanne Rathje                                                 Sunday.

                                                               La Conner Marina
       Send updates to                                         Gives you winter rates, all
        Membership                                            summer long, for overnight
                                                              moorage if you tell them you
                                                             are with HHYC and have reci-
                                                             procity with Swinomish Yacht
                                                                 Club. Has to be in the
                                                                     Marina Office.

                                                     BENT PROP

                                                   RUBBER DUCKY

 HHYC Monthly ZOOM Meeting                              OPEC
       JAN 12, 2021

      Social Begins at 6:30
        Meeting at 7:00                           Tom Youngs

    Invitation will be emailed
                                                       8 BALL
      About a week before.
  And can also be found on the
 Website in the members section.
                                    Awards are given out for fun and go away at the
Again if you need help with Zoom,
                                       end of the year with the exception of the
          Contact Paul @
                                                    Rescue Award.
           206 719-7199
                                         So do something special to get your
                                                   name on the list!

"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
Got any boat projects to share? - Tell us!
!      Crew Lounge gets new aft enclosure by Paul’s U-Pholstery!

                                         And windshield wiper motors
                                         and blades.

                                         With lots of help.
                                         Thank you Patty!

"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
Well, more light stuff!

"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
Please $upport the Following Businesses
                After All
         They $upport Our Club

                 Ads published
                 as a courtesy
            to members and friends

            of Hidden Harbor Yacht
"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club
2021           BRIDGE                  2021            OFFICERS

Commodore            Bart Kooyman   Treasurer                Brenda Kooyman
                                    Secretary                Carol Soffel
Vice Commodore Steve Kaimmer
                                                             Terry Fantz
                                    Fleet Captain
                                                             Brenda Kooyman
Rear Commodore Doug Gómez
                                    Judge Advocate           Sharon Lee
Past Commodore Jeff Quinn           Sergeant-at-Arms P/C Rick Lee

       2021                                  2021            APPOINTEES
  Board Members                     Awards                   Keli Parrett
 Sue Burke                          Clothing                 On Line-coming soon
 P/C Dane Fantz                     Health & Welfare Carol Soffel
 P/C Dennis Kroeger                 Membership               P/C Paul Quinn
                                    Newsletter               P/C Paul Quinn
 P/C Rick Lee
                                    Safety                   P/C Rick Lee
 P/C Vic Portolese
                                    Website                  Terry Fantz
 P/C Paul Quinn
                                                 Non Hosted Events for
 Carol Soffel                                           2021
                                             Several events throughout the year that are not
                                             officially organized by the club, but you can usu-
                                                     ally find HHYC members gathered.

                                             May 1       Opening Day of Boating Season.
                                                         Look for the group in Union Bay or
                                                         at QCYC or SYC.

                                             July 3 - 4 Independence Day. Some raft up
                                                        In Liberty Bay for Poulsbo fire-
                                                        works on the 3rd. Others raft up in
                                                        Andrews Bay or Lake Union for the
                                                        fireworks on the 4th.

                                             Aug 6 - 8   Sea Fair Weekend.

         Hidden Harbor Yacht Club            Aug 7       11th Annual Kitsap Wine Festival -
               PO Box 7176                               Bremerton Marina.
           Covington, Wa. 98042              Oct 2 - 3   Shelton Oysterfest
                                                         Shelton Yacht Club

"Happy New Year" - Hidden Harbor Yacht Club

 Date       Event                Title            Location             Host

 Jan 12       Meeting         Board Meeting       Eastlake Grill     Bart Kooyman

                              Board Meeting
  Feb 9       Meeting                             Zoom Meeting       Bart Kooyman
                            (Members welcome)

 Feb 26     Fleet Captain          TBD                TBD                 TBD

                              Board Meeting
  Mar 9       Meeting                             Zoom Meeting       Bart Kooyman
                            (Members welcome)

Mar 26-28   Rendezvous          Cowboy Up           Kingston       Dane & Terry Fantz

                              Board Meeting
 Apr 13       Meeting                             Eastlake Grill     Bart Kooyman
                            (Members welcome)

Apr 23-25   Rendezvous           Beer Fest         Gig Harbor      Paul & Patty Quinn

 May 1-3    Fleet Captain   Opening Day Boating       TBD                 TBD

                              Board Meeting
 May 11       Meeting                             Eastlake Grill     Bart Kooyman
                            (Members welcome)

                                                                     Bart & Brenda
May 28-31   Rendezvous          Toga Party        Port Orchard

                              Board Meeting
  Jun 8       Meeting                             Eastlake Grill     Bart Kooyman
                            (Members welcome)

Jun 18-20   Rendezvous        Rock the Boats        Poulsbo               TBD

Jun 25-27   Fleet Captain        Fireworks         Bremerton              TBD

  Jul 3     Fleet Captain        Fireworks          Poulsbo               TBD

Jul 23-25   Rendezvous          Crab Derby         Anacortes              TBD

 Sep 3-6    Rendezvous             TBD             Port Ludlow            TBD

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