GROWING TOGETHER - SHARING OUR HOPE - April 16, 2023 10 a.m. Worship Service WWW.CADCRC.ORG

Page created by Edwin Estrada
GROWING TOGETHER - SHARING OUR HOPE - April 16, 2023 10 a.m. Worship Service WWW.CADCRC.ORG
April 16, 2023
       10 a.m. Worship Service
OUR GIFTS                                         WELCOME
Our tithes and offerings are for the Gen-         Welcome to Cadillac CRC! We gather to
eral Fund of CCRC with an additional spe-         encounter God through his word and to lis-
cial offering designation each week. Please       ten. Our prayer is that you will experience
give at, drop your of-        God’s presence today in a special way as
fering in the plate on Sunday, or mail your       he meets with his people. We invite you to
gift to Cadillac CRC, P.O. Box 187, Cadillac,     stay after the service for a time of fellow-
MI 49601.
This week
                                 Life Re-
sources of NM is a local mission field,
bringing value to all life, both the unborn and                    WORSHIP
the eternal. Volunteers and staff start each
shift in prayer together, bringing glory to God                 Sunday 10 a.m.
for all he provides and standing in the gap
for those in need. With permission, every         Pastor Harold Veldman
client and patient is prayed with; some of
them are hearing prayer for the very first        Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
time. Twenty-one area schools will be visited
by Positive Choices in Education, where the       Sermon: “I Am Part of the Church”
educators share truth about making the right
choices in life. This mission field continues
to bring the gospel to life both verbally and
by actions to clients, patients, and students
in the Cadillac and Big Rapids areas. Thank
you for your support                                              OUR FAMILY

                                     CCRC         This week please pray for:
uses this fund to give a cup of cold water in
the name of Jesus. Many of our brothers              Teresa VanHouten
and sisters are hurting financially in these
times. You can use this offering to help             Bev Regts
them.                                                Barb & Jim Jones
Charitable contributions receipts: To ob-            Our Faith Promise Missionaries
tain a complete charitable contribution re-
ceipt at year                                        Many others with ongoing concerns
Teresa VanHouten is home but is continuing to struggle with multiple health issues and
continues to seek answers. Please continue to pray for her and also for Paul as he
cares for her.

Bev Regts requests prayer as she begins chemotherapy on April 19. The metastatic
breast cancer is no longer responding to the current treatment. Please pray for the abil-
ity to tolerate the chemo and that it will be effective in fighting the disease.

Pray for Barb and Jim Jones. They both are home with COVID. Pray for quick and
complete healing.

Pray for our Faith Promise Missionaries; George & Sarah deVuyst, Shaarda Family,
and Joel and Tatjana White.

Please remember those with ongoing health concerns: Chris Boven (Dave & Kathy’s
son), Marlene Boven, Mary Bretschneider, Karen Ferris, Tom Glass, Lori Snyder &
family, Phil & Sandy Stark, Andy Pipoly, Bev Regts, Glen VanAntwerp, Bev Waltz,
Jean Webster, Paula Winkle Sandi Wistinghausen, and Cara Wright.

                       Pastor Harold’s Contact Information
Harold Veldman Phone: 616-610-0047 (C) 231-775-5291 (Office)

                                       Sunday: Mary Bretschneider
                                       Monday: Tim Iseri
                                       Tuesday: Phillip Stark
                                       Friday: Dave Zambo
                                       Saturday: Lindsey Tonello
                                                 Maggie Veenstra
Nursery Check-in and Pick Up: Parents are asked to check-in Nursery children at the check
-in center before the service begins. Parents may pick up their Nursery children after the ser-
vice from the nursery.
CCRC Lawn Care: We are currently accepting bids for lawn care for the 2023 growing sea-
son. A copy of the job expectations can be obtained by contacting the office. All bids must be
submitted in writing to Athena Bolt no later than April 17.

High School and College Graduates & Parents: Please submit your graduation infor-
mation (Bio & Picture) to Athena at no later then May 7.

Healthy Church Survey Results: We need your help! Join us today after the service, we
will meet in the sanctuary where we will participate in a Congregational Conversation to look
at the results of the Healthy Church Survey in order to see what steps we need to take to
move forward with a common Vision and Mission for Cadillac CRC. Just as with taking the
survey we need our entire congregation to interpret the results. A light lunch will be served
and nursery will be provided. Members middle school to 100 are asked to participate.
Faith Promise: May 1st is the beginning of a new Faith Promise year, and your giving for
2022-23 should be completed this month. The missionary families we support are “trainers of
trainers” who teach leaders to go out and build God’s kingdom in their own countries. Over
the years this congregation has been very generous with pledges and giving for our mission-
aries. Thank you for your faithful support of those doing God’s work around the world
Custodian Job Opening: This position is for approximately 10 hours per week. Those inter-
ested are encouraged to contact the Cadillac CRC office as soon as possible for more infor-
mation and the job description (call Athena at 231-775-5291 or email to
To apply send your resume’ and cover letter attention Exec. Team to

    9:00 A.M.      HEALTHY CHURCH PRAYER MEETING in the Root Cellar
    10:00 A.M.     WORSHIP
            Or join live stream worship at:
    5:15 P.M.      WORSHIP COMMITTEE
    6:30 P.M.      COUNCIL MEETS

     9:45 A.M.     WOMEN’S COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY in Prayer Room

    10:00 A.M.     NEW BEGINNINGS in the Fellowship Room
    5:45 P.M.      KIDS ON THE ROCK FAMILY DINNER in the Fellowship Room

    6:15 P.M.      KIDS ON THE ROCK in the lower level
    7:00 P.M.      WATCH AND PRAY
    7:00 P.M.      PRAISE TEAM

                                 Office Hours
                 Tuesday - Thursday 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to 4:30 p.m.
                                Friday 9 – Noon
                    Bulletin Deadline: 5 p.m. on Wednesday
Thrive is back! We will be continuing our series in the book of Esther, talking about God
 working in the background! We are excited to learn more on God working in our lives,
 even when we can't see it! Please note, Thrive will be running from 5:30-7:00 for the
 last 3 Sundays!

                          OUR WEEKLY GATHERING DETAILS
The Women's Book Discussion Group is meeting at Big Boy Restaurant on Mondays at
8:30 a.m. Join us as we discuss Mad Honey by Jennifer Finnley Boylen and Jodi Picoult. All
women are welcome.
Women’s Community Bible Study is meeting in the Prayer Room on Tuesday morning at
9:45 a.m. All women are always welcome.
The Wednesday Morning Men’s Fellowship Group meets in Big Boy’s back room at 7
a.m. We are discussing Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Wait or Watch or Weep by Trish
Harrison Warren.
New Beginning Weight Management Class meets from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays
in the CCRC Fellowship Room. New Beginning is an organization for women of any age from
our community who are interested in good nutrition, good friends, and maintaining a healthy
weight. Questions? Contact Berniece Verbrugge.
Kids On The Rock: Looking forward to a great night at Kids On The Rock this week
Wednesday night. Family dinner starts at 5:45p.m. with activities for the kids from 6:15-7:30.
Any questions please call or text Rhonda at 616-481-2973.
Watch and Pray meets in the Prayer Room on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. to pray for our Faith
Promise missionaries, the persecuted church throughout the world, our country, and our
church. We pray from a list of specific requests each week. If you have any questions,
please contact Mary (913-553-1075) or Pete Swearengen (913-433-4054). Please join us!

 Special Offering Schedule                    Recent Special Offering
April 16     Life Resources                   March 19    Stehouwer Free Clinic $ 278.00
April 23     Benevolence                      March 26    Benevolence           $ 147.00
April 30     New Hope Shelter                 April 2     World Renew           $ 320.00
May 7        World Renew                      April 9     Paper Pantry          $ 50.00
Requested Announcements
Bible Bee 2023 - Looking for a fun way to dive into God's Word together as a family this
summer? Register today for Bible Bee, a summer family discipleship program which focus-
es on Scripture memory, Bible study, and prayer. Age appropriate studies, developed to
study together as a family, are available for children from preschool through high school
age. Gather throughout the summer with your Local Bible Bee in Northern Michigan to rein-
force what you are learning at home with games, fellowship, teaching, and encourage-
ment. Early registration discounts through April 19 at Contact Amy
Vredevoogd at 231-920-1806 with questions.
Northern Michigan Christian School invites you to JOIN US! As part of our Annual Spring
Giving Fundraising Campaign, we are excited to be hosting our first Spring Gala, “Pitch in
for the Future,” on Thursday, May 4 at 6:30pm. Our fundraising event will be held at the
Four Seasons Event Barn in Lake City where we will enjoy appetizers, a delicious meal, and
hear from our Keynote Speaker Roger Mason, former Detroit Tigers Pitcher. If you are inter-
ested in attending, please visit our website at!
Focus on Life Banquet Wexford-Missaukee Right to Life annual Fund raiser dinner, with
Guest speaker Genevieve Mornon, Pro-Life activist. Date; May 8, 2023 Location; Northland
Community Church, 5855 S Morey Rd McBain Tickets; $25 per person, full dinner with de-
sert. (High school students may attend for free) For Reservations, tickets, and for further
information please see, or contact Tony Tonello at 248-770-9103.
Stuff A Blue Goose The Michigan State Police along with Oasis Family Resource Center
are gathering non-perishable items to distribute to the survivors at the Cadillac Oasis Shel-
ter. Items will be collected Thursday April 20, 2023 4-6pm at the Walmart in Cadillac. Come
fill the cruiser (blue goose).
National Day of Prayer. Join the Cadillac Area on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday,
May 4, 7-8pm as we pray for the health and wellbeing of our community and country. There
will be music, hymns, and communal prayer. Prayer will also be available to those with per-
sonal concerns on an individual basis at the conclusion of the event. Cookies and refresh-
ments will follow. Zion Lutheran Church 350 Pearl Street, Cadillac, MI.

         CCRC Shepherding Groups and Council-Core Value Responsibilities 2023
  Elder                                       Deacon                       Section
  Steve Cunningham-Council Vice Chair,        Kathy Boven-Fellowship        A-CE
  Ruby Meekhof-Elder Chair Exec               Dave VanderPlas-Restoration   CL-HOB
  Dave VanHaitsma-Elder Clerk/Restoration     Beth Klimp-Deacon Chair/Exec  HOE-LA
  Pete Swearengen-Council Chair/Exec          Val Dodds-Worship             LE-PL
  Marlene Iseri-Clerk of Council/Discipleship Dave Porter-Outreach          PO-TO
  Glen VanAntwerp- Worship                    Selina Martin-Discipleship    TU-Z
                                              Beth Mulder-Finance/Exec
Do you have a prayer request or
want more information about
Cadillac CRC? Let us know how
we can help you.
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