Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club

Page created by Reginald Norman
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
October 2021

Gotta know when to hold ‘em . . .

                                                               See pages 6-11 for more Poker Run photos

Inside    Remembered Always Pinewood redefined

   P C Sandie        Ramsden
          See page 12 for more Sandie Ramsden story & photos   See pages 16-17 for more Cruisers photos
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
Commodore’s Corner                                         BOARD HIGHLIGHTS
Greetings, members!                                        By Misha Kelly, Secretary
Are you interested in discussing the                       The BOD took the following actions at the September
future of our docks and clubhouse? If                      16 meeting:
so, please join us for a CYC Town Hall                       l Received reports from the General Manager, Treasurer/
on November 2 at 6:30. That’s when                             Finance, House and Grounds, Waterside, Capital
the Capital Improvements Committee                             Improvements, and Bylaws Committees.
(CIC) will be sharing their findings                         l Approved hiring a land use attorney for legal guidance
and recommendations for possible
                                                               navigating the marina replacement.
dock and Clubhouse improvements.
                                                             l Approved an increase in the FCYC dues from $750/
  Last December, the CIC was charged with evaluating
and making recommendations regarding our docks                 year to $1,000/year. FCYC dues have not been
and Clubhouse. The Committee was also asked to                 increased for 15 years.
consider costs and financing options, which will be          l Approved membership status changes; nine new

presented to the Board and Trustees in October.                members, two rejoins, fifteen status changes, three
  The CIC selected experts to obtain solid                     resignations, and two LOAs.
baseline information. For the docks, they hired the          The next meeting will be held October 21.
foremost firm in Pinellas County that specializes
in marina design and permitting. The firm looked
at rebuilding our existing docks, replacing the
existing docks with floating docks, rebuilding
with a combination of fixed and floating docks
and obtaining a variance to build docks outside
the permitted footprint. For several reasons that
you can learn about at the Town Hall, the CIC
recommends rebuilding the docks in their existing
configuration. We are putting more focus on the
docks because of the poor condition they are in.
  For the Clubhouse, the CIC used an engineering firm
to determine if the clubhouse was structurally sound.
The engineer found that it was indeed structurally
sound and could be expanded by adding a third floor
and/or extended out toward Bayway Boulevard.
  The CIC also considered how to expand our Tiki
Bar, which may not meet building code requirements.
The Board authorized hiring a land use attorney to
submit the proper permits for the Tiki.
  Please know that this isn’t a “done deal.” Neither
the Board nor the Trustees have taken formal
action to move forward. There are a lot of moving
pieces left to put in place, including input from you,
our members. We have spent less than $10,000 to
investigate our options and obtain information.
There are no expensive architectural plans being
drawn up to present to you, only a few conceptual
drawings for planning purposes. Join us on
November 2 to make your views known.
  As always, if you have comments or questions about the
Club, please email me at
or text me at (727) 510-1978.

                                                                  Every Friday night we will feature
                                                                     live music on the Tiki deck

2   CYC COMPASS October 2021
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
The waterside meeting
will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of every
month. This month’s meeting was held                                  It is good to have an end to journey
                                                                  toward; but it is the journey that matters,
on September 21st at 7:00pm at CYC.
                                                                     in the end.” — Ernest Hemingway
  We currently have a company replacing
bad pilings in the marina and our staff is repairing some cross
                                                                  How wonderful that part of
members and decking. We were to receive quotes to repair
                                                                  our journey at CYC includes getting out
or replace the marina from 3 different marina builders by the
                                                                  on the water. As we kick off the 2021-
15th. They responded with disappointing results, a lack of        2022 Yachting season, there are ample
detail or no quote at all. We will be addressing the issue at     opportunities for everyone to take part. From working
our meeting to proceed with the plan to get the information       hospitality on the land side to the race committee out on
we need to make our recommendation to the Board.                  the course, there is something for everyone to experience
  As a side, this weekend we made contact with a company          how we “put the Y in CYC”!
that will come to the Yacht Club or your home to pump out
your holding tanks and do other maintenance to your boat.           The Fall Regatta season has begun with two Gulf Coast
Pump outs on site for non-commercial are only $5.00. The          Boat of the Year (BOTY) events, the Dunedin Cup on
contact information is On The Water, Inc. as a service of Clean   9/25, followed by the Clearwater Challenge on 10/2. A big
Waters Florida (727) 303-2163. Please pass this information       thank you to the skippers and crews of Riva, L’Esperance,
along to help keep our waters clean.                              Chances R, Red Sky and You Know Who for carrying
  Our Yachting and Cruisers groups both held meetings and         on the tradition of big boat sailing at CYC. What CYC
activities at the club this weekend both continuing to support    Skipper will hoist the BOTY trophy?  (By the time you read
Clearwater Yacht Club. We are approaching the holiday             this, the outcome will already be known but at the time of
season with a lot of great events scheduled for the club hope     this writing it’s uncertain.)
to see you soon.
Far winds & following seas                                          Fast Forward to Spring, 2022 we will need a large number
                                                                  of volunteers to support the West Marine US Open sailing
                                                                  series of races, February 3-6 and the Sunfish Masters and
                                                                  Midwinters, March 3-20.  

                                                                       We are getting used to seeing HELP WANTED
                                                                    signs everywhere and we are no exception. It takes a
                                                                    lot of work behind the scenes to make these regattas
                                                                    fun for our competitors and volunteers:  Meet and
                                                                    Greet competitors (some might be future or current
                                                                    Olympians!), registration, banquet planning and
                                                                    decorations, collect goody bag items and food, provide
                                                                    housing for race officials, prep bags for race committee
                                                                    and competitors, serve on race committee (mark
                                                                    boat operator, mark setter, scoring, spotter, signaller,
                                                                    timer, finish, safety), organize volunteers, organize and
                                                                    inventory supplies, take photos, graphic artist, write
                                                                    and distribute stories via various media channels.  
                    October 19                                         I look forward to hearing from you about how you
              FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA                             would like to join us!  
                     by John Sedgwick
                                                                    Kelley Lesperance,
                     November 16
                                                                    (407) 920-7545
                  THE PULL OF THE STARS
                     by Emma Donoghue

                                                                                   October 2021 CYC COMPASS                     3
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
The Yachting season Kickoff party on                      Gerard Kane
Saturday evening, September 18 included a history            This trophy is for CYC’s involvement with Snipes,
lesson from PC Tim Roberts about CYC’s legacy of          a relationship we enjoyed for 80 years. Along with
sailboat racing and race management.                      all those Snipe Mid-winters, we have hosted 15 or
   The event started with a “bang” as PC David Billing    more Laser Mid-Winters and many Sunfish regattas.
fired the cannons to celebrate the start of the 2021-     Clearwater Yacht Club is internationally known for its
2022 Racing Season.                                       race management.
   Yachting Chair Kelley Lesperance unveiled the             The larger trophy represents the beginnings of our
upcoming calendar of events for big boat sailors out of   big boat racing. Presented to the winner of the very
Clearwater and a menu of opportunities for members        first St. Petersburg to Habana, Cuba sailboat race, won
and friends to help with the Spring 2022 small boat       by the HALIGONIAN represented here by this model
regattas, Laser/ILCA and Sunfish.                         built by PC Tim Roberts for the CYC Centennial in 2011.
   These two trophies, each from 1930, represent the      HALIGONIAN was ordered and built in 1928 and sailed
very beginnings of CYC’s racing and race management       from Nova Scotia to Clearwater by then Commodore
and can be found in the trophy case.
   This smaller one, even though it has the names
of CYC racers, represents our commitment to race
management of small, one design boats.

                                                          PC Tim Roberts with the trophies and model
4   CYC COMPASS October 2021
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
CYC New Members
                                                           At the September 16 Board of Directors meeting, the
                                                           following new memberships were approved:
                                                             Jeff & Hebe Denis
                                                             Bill Eastman
                                                             John & Trudy Schmalz
                                                             William Slater & Cindy German
                                                             Lisa Avery
                                                             Hilda Scharen-Guivel & Rick Raimond
                                                             Anne Torsney & Dan Rzepka
                                                             Jim & Carol Skillman
                                                             Summer members who have become
                                                             Alex & Ruth Schoenherr
                                                             Ken & Gina Burchenal
                                                             Ken Teifer & Fleming Ford
                                                             Kathy Cocking
                                                             Matthew & Kathleen Temprine
                                                             Tom & Linda Smith
                                                             Dwight & Megan Curtis
                                                             Rudy & Carrie Couto
RC Curtis Wold
                                                             Ron & Karen Kratzke
Buford Edgar. We have three Habana trophies won              Jennifer Haller
by HALIGONIAN, skippered or crewed by PC Ted                 Mike & Carolyn Rubio
                                                             Scott & Kari Stark
Kamensky.                                                    Bon Idziak & Joe Thibadeau
  The HALIGONIAN was a schooner of 45’ 6” length             Mark & Denise Jeffery
overall with a beam of ten feet eight inches overall         Arleen Kozaka & Vicki Smith
with a six and a half foot draft. Ordered by then
Commodore Buford Edgar in 1923 to be designed by
W.J. Roue’, the famous Canadian marine architect, and
built in Nova Scotia. Commodore Edgar then sailed
the boat from Lunnenberg, Nova Scotia to Clearwater
before the intra-coastal waterway had been built.
Sailing under the flag of the Tampa Yacht Club with
Clearwater Yacht Club PC Ted Kamensky as Skipper,
HALIGONIAN won three of the first six St. Pete to
                                                           Our summer membership drive
Habana races.                                              has come to an end. What a successful effort it was!
  Check for the           We have welcomed many new members and friends.
latest activities and to add your name to the volunteer/      A great big welcome to all our newest members.
mailing list email                  I can’t wait to see you around the club and I look

 CYC Car Show
                                                           forward to getting to know you.
                                                              I invite all our members to consider joining a
                                                           committee here at CYC. Many times, members have wonderful
                                                           ideas, or great questions and, by joining a committee, these topics
                                                           can be addressed. Our club is full of such diverse backgrounds of
                                                           expertise and talents that can be beneficial to helping CYC grow in so
                                                           many ways.
                                                              We have many options when choosing a committee,
                                                           Entertainment, Finance, House and Grounds, Membership (this is
                                                           MY personal favorite), Policy, Waterside, and Yachting. Take a look
 Saturday, October 16                10am-2pm              at the calendar this month see when meetings are happening, make a
           BBQ on the Tiki Deck                            plan to attend and stay after for dinner.
                                                              Back by popular demand, the October corny joke. Why are ghosts
            $20 for everyone Guests Welcome
                                                           so bad at telling lies? Please email me at for
         Members welcome to enter cars                     the answer or join us for the Membership meeting on October 6th at
      Call the Club for Details on Registering             6pm in the Board Room.
                                                              Membership is not just about recruiting new members but also the
     Members Please Note: we will need the                 retention of current members, if you have any comments, suggestions
     parking lot cleared out Friday evening                or questions please let me know.

                                                                               October 2021 CYC COMPASS                         5
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6   CYC COMPASS October 2021
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Continued on page 8

October 2021 CYC COMPASS       7
Gotta know when to hold 'em - Remembered Always Pinewood redefined - Clearwater Yacht Club
Continued from page 7

  Poker Run Results
  Stop 1 Andiamo: Show your best Gaga Poker Face
    Winner was a tie: Gone Coastal & Skiff Happens
  Stop 2 Legal Ease: Most CYC Spirit
    Winner: Gone Coastal
  Stop 4 MarineMax: Most creative Hashtag
    Winner: Black & Tan
  Stop 5 Tickety Boo: Best overall festive Boat and Crew
    Winner: Card Sharks

 8   CYC COMPASS October 2021
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Continued on page 10

October 2021 CYC COMPASS        9
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Continued from page 9

10   CYC COMPASS October 2021
October 2021 CYC COMPASS   11

By Anita Cafferty, Bow Chasers
CYC, and the Bow Chasers especially, were
saddened to hear of Sandie Ramsden’s passing. She was an
endearing, always smiling, optimistic friend who never spoke          P C Sandie Ramsden
ill of anyone or anything. Sandie always put a positive spin on
even the most dismal situation.
    I first met Sandie when I undertook the
adventure of sailing the little prams. Being
a novice sailor, I remember my fear as I was
pushed off the dock for my first solo endeavor.
Sandie was helping Mary Kay Delk learn the
“ropes” but when she passed me. I remember
her kind voice telling me, “you’re luffing . . .
you’re luffing.” After years of frustrating trial
and error, I finally figured out how I could
minimize my faults, but I still heard that lilting
voice pointing out my “luffing” failures.
    Sandie was a reckoning force being a Past
Commodore of CYC, Past President of Florida
Women’s Sailing Association (FWSA), Past
Captain of the Bow Chasers, International
Order of The Blue Gavel and recipient of many PC Sandie Ramsden                     Sandie with Steve McNally
sailing awards at CYC. Check them out for yourselves in our     down each answer in exquisite penmanship. She enjoyed
trophy cases and see how many times you see Sandie’s name.      that task and took pride in every entry. But mostly the sheer
Her most prized bragging right was her CYC Membership Number, joy and laughter she brought to each game was priceless.
400, making her longevity with CYC truly noteworthy.              Last May, just before I returned North, Sandie was at our last
    CYC Trivia Night was a favorite of Sandie. She was on our   Bow Chaser function. She was sporting her “new slender figure”
team several times and would always laugh and say “I don’t      and touting the fact that shopping for a new wardrobe was going
offer much info but I love to scribe” and would dutifully write to be a fun adventure. She was in great spirits and enjoying the
                                                                camaraderie of the girls. That’s the way I will remember her
                                                                laughter and smile with the evening’s special martini in hand.
                                                                  God bless Sandie with fair winds and following seas.

                                                                  Diane Switalski, PC Sandie Ramsden, Lynn McCaskill
Linda Dorn, Mitzie France and PC Sandie Ramsden.                  and Judy Umeck.
12   CYC COMPASS October 2021
                                                                    & Guitars
Everyone can use a little blessing now and then .
. . especially when you spend your life trying to please the ones
you love . . . especially when you are standing guard over your
family night and day . . . especially when, for all your efforts    Saturday, October 23
on their behalf, you are still completely dependent upon the
ones you love . . . especially
when you come from a long
                                                                    3-piece Latin band
line of faithful companions                                         Salsa Performance (Eddie’s pro dancers),
whose loyalty and devotion
to their human families know
                                                                    lessons (basic and advanced), dancing,
no bounds. After all, you are                                       rum tasting
that part of God’s creation that
provides sight to the blind,
and mobility for those who
cannot walk. You are the ones
who search for survivors after
                                                                    COMING NEXT MONTH
earthquakes, fires, and floods.
You were the ones who worked
                                                                       Town Hall Meeting
side by side with us at Ground                                      On November 2 to go over the Marina Project
Zero long ago. You are the                                           and Potential Upgrades to the Clubhouse.
ones who protect our troops
during times of war. You are                                        Be Part of Our
the ones who bring comfort
to the sick and suffering in
                                                                    DRESS TO IMPRESS
hospitals, nursing homes and
prisons. You are the ones
who continue to show us the
meaning of prayerful words
spoken long ago: “where there
is hatred, let me show love;
where there is injury, pardon;                                      November 16 – 20
where there is darkness, light;                                     Each Night a Different
where there is sadness, joy.                                        Dress Theme
    Yes, everyone needs a
blessing now and then, and at                                       Wednesday Nov. 17
1:00 pm on Sunday October 3,                                        Gulls Sponsored
we will gather once again for                                       Ladies Luncheon
our annual Blessing of Pets (all                                    with Fashions by
pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, birds                                   Sign of the Dolphin
etc). But as we do, we humans will perhaps remember how it is
that when all is said and done, it is you, our beloved pets, who    Saturday Nov. 20
have given the blessing, for it is through you that we have seen    Adult Co-Ed Fashion Show
the power of unconditional love, forgiveness and devotion to        and Rock the Runway
touch our lives for good.                                           with Fashions from the
  Wishing you and your family many blessings!                       Shoppes on Sand Key

                                                                                 October 2021 CYC COMPASS         13
By Curtis Wold, Rear Commodore
In September, the traditional
Labor Day weekend ceremonially closed
out the summer with Britney Mone and DJ
Harvard at the Tiki Bar on Saturday, Sep.
4. Brian Caudill entertained on Sunday
accompanying a great BBQ and pool party.
   Donna hosted Music Bingo on September 7. Complements
                                                                     Our Clearwater Yacht Club Online Ship’s store is now
of Scott Newmark and his wife Breanna, free beer flowed on
                                                                     active. You can access it on our at
the Bucs Home Game opener, Sep. 9. Mia Marlene sang on
                                                                     Here are some featured items below.
Saturday, September 11, complements of the Hitchcock Law
Group & EasySend, Inc.
   The Cruisers Cruised-In to CYC September 16-19, shared
with Stacey Bridenback’s Trivia on Thursday Sep 16. Dancing
with JR on Friday Sep 17. BBQ, Potato Car Race and the
Legacy of Yachting Kick-Off on Saturday Sep 18. Brunch
and Falcons vs: the Bucs on Sunday Sep 19. The rescheduled
Poker Run returned on Saturday, Sep 25. Thanks to Christy
Crist, Tom Cummings and Jim Hannigan, a Captain’s Rum
                             Night the Friday Sep 24, along with
                             the Captains’ Meeting the morning
                             of Sep 25.
                               October, will start off the month                                         SS youth-crosswind-
                             with Yachting’s Clearwater Challenge           HH Women’s                      zip sweatshirt
                                                                          Daybreaker Fleece
                             Party on Friday, October 1 and the
actual regatta on Saturday, October 2. On Saturday, October
2 we will sing Karaoke to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries
from Jul/Aug/Sep. We will feature a Disco Fever Night on
October 9 with DJ Doug and CYC’s Donna Spinning the Vinyl.
Get those outfits ready now.
   We will watch the Bucs play the Dolphins
on Sunday, October 10 at 1pm. we will have
a Salsa and Guitars Night on Saturday,
23 October with a Latin band, dancing
performance, dancing lessons and then more
dancing along with rum tasting and cigars. Finally, we will
close out the month with our traditional blow-out Halloween              SS 9 inch Bar Block                SS Tamiami™
                           Party on Saturday, October 30—get                                              Long-Sleeve Shirt
                           your costumes ready and prepare
                           to enjoy Dan’s haunted house and         of the national ensign or yacht ensign to fly from one’s boat?
                           all the decorations! Keep your           According to the United States Power Squadron website,
                           eye on the calendar, Facebook,           “A national ensign flown at the flagstaff should be one inch
                           and Constant Contacts for other          on the fly for each foot of overall length of the vessel.” As
                           entertainment details.                   of the Compass deadline, I had no correct responses to this
                              For this month’s yacht club trivia,   trivia question, so folks continue making this too easy on my
                           who was CYC Commodore in our             CYC bill.
centennial year, 2011? Text me at (727) 641-8633 with your             The next Entertainment meeting will be on Tuesday,
answer and your name; I will give you a gift certificate for a      October 12 at 6:30pm at CYC. Until then, I can be reached
couple of drinks at the CYC Tiki Bar for the third member who       at or on my cell phone, by text or voice,
texts me the correct answer.                                        at (727) 641-8633. When CYC members choose where to go
   Last month, I asked, how should one determine the size           out, we join our CYC family for a fun time with friends!
14   CYC COMPASS October 2021
Ladies, the Gulls are starting to gather in their
 nest and have exciting plans for the new season.                  MEMBERS CELEBRATING
    Thanks to the club, and especially Dan, the Gulls Nest         years with CYC in October
 is ready for our use. As of October 1, we will meet every
 Wednesday around 10:30 am in the Nest to play, plan, play,                   37 years:
 organize (did I say play) and then go upstairs for lunch.                   Debbie Seibert
 Until then you can find us playing dominoes upstairs.                      21-25 years:
    Our first project will be the November Ladies Luncheon.                   Marion Ilacqua
 The club will be celebrating fashion week with a kickoff               William & Elizabeth Smith
 luncheon on Wednesday, November 17. Watch for further                      16-20 years:
 details of the Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show with                     Dick & Diane Crowl
 clothes (plus other neat stuff) from Sign of the Dolphin.               Greg & Evelyn Garner
 As with all Ladies Luncheons, all club members and their               Wayne & Marilyn Huneke
 guests are encouraged to attend.                                            Laura Hoernig
    Wednesday, December 15 will be The December
 Ladies Luncheon. Rather than a speaker, we’re planning a                    6-15 years:
 fun after-lunch project.                                                  Jack & Farida Beane
    Saturday, December 18, will be Breakfast with Santa.                 Michael & Susan Jansen
 For those of you that have not been, its lots of fun but               Kadhim & Martha Rassool
 does require some work on our part. Watch for emails or                 Arnold & Helene Adler
 contact me if you want to help.                                              Bonnie Britten
    Upcoming luncheons will have interesting speakers                      Steve & Peter Cobos
 and/or the possibility of local trips. We hope to see you                  Maureen Ballinger
 monthly for the big events and weekly for fun and lunch.               Tom & Brenda Bounasera
    Any questions can be addressed to me, Lynne                           John & Sandy Landon
 Shackelford, at (770) 377-6831                         Scott & Kathy Robbins
                                                                              1-5 years:
College Highlights                                                         Mike & Linda Faranda
                                                                          Shannon & Ryan Tusek
                                                                                Jim Forsberg
                                                                         David & Sue Ellen Jenkins
                                                                                Bruce Littler
                                                                          Emmet & Shirley O’Barr
                                                                           Fred & Muneca Rijke
                                                                            Rob & Nancy Slusser
                                                                           Colin & Jennifer Telfer
                                                                             Greg & Beth Zaski
                                                                           Harry & Alice Hughes
                                                                          Robert & Dena Minning
                                                                           Michael & Tara White
                                                                       Gary Brown & Sharan Hubbs
By Jim Hannigan
                                                                                 Linda Budd
Our own CYC Gator fans traveled to Raymond James Stadium
                                                                             Anastasia Nowling
in Tampa to watch the UF Gators play the USF Bulls in a football
                                                                             Charmene Prescott
game on Saturday, September 11. Joan and Don Carter, Kelley,
                                                                           Mark & Rebecca Totilo
Rob, and Robbie Lesperance, and Kat and Jim Hannigan, along
                                                                         Jean Wahl & Jerry Cravey
with family members and friends, tailgated in true Orange
& Blue style. They were treated to a rousing victory by the            Judith Warner & Shirl Ahrens
Gators, on a special Day of Remembrance for 9/11.
                                                                             October 2021 CYC COMPASS   15
What a fun filled Cruise-In!
                      the Cruisers had at our own Clearwater
                      Yacht Club.
                        Steve and Leigh Ekovich were our
                      hosts and they knocked it out of the
                        It started off on Thursday with a
 Welcome Aboard Mexican Party on their dock. Afterwards
 we ventured upstairs to play Trivia and enjoy dinner with
 other members.
   Friday the fun continued--off with guys golfing and ladies   several members with creative minds on making their cars.
 shopping and having lunch at the Columbia Restaurant.          Afterwards was the Adult Olympics. This consisted of Corn
 That evening featured a Wacky Tourist Party upstairs in the    Hole, Yard Darts, Golf Putting and Water Balloons. Winners
 Dining Room. This was a hoot!!! So many wacky outfits!         even received medals provided by Steve and Leigh.
 Gail Broom won the individual wacky outfit with Max and          The Club provided a cookout for us so we could hang by the
 Terri Radford winning the couples.                             Tiki bar and watch the Florida– Alabama game. Next month’s
   The Fourth Annual Potato-Carrot Car Race, which Gary         cruise is the Commodores Cruise which will be at Sarasota
 Newcom MC’s, began on Saturday at noon. We have                Yacht Club.
                                                                  There is no cruise planned for November, so our year ends
                                                                with our Christmas Party at the Club on December 8th.
                                                                Until then, Happy Boating!!!

16   CYC COMPASS October 2021
October 2021 CYC COMPASS   17
Tuesday 16th
                                                                                  Yachting - 6 pm
                                                                                  Book Club - 6 pm
                                                                                  Waterside - 7 pm
                                                                                  Wednesday 17th
                                                                                  Gulls Sponsored Ladies Fashion
                                                                                  Show Luncheon
 OCTOBER, 2021                           Friday 22nd                              Finance - 6 pm
                                         Live Entertainment – Scott Hardy         Thursday 18th
 Friday 1st
 Clearwater Challenge                    Saturday 23rd                            Board of Directors - 6 pm
 Skippers Mtg. 10 am                     Private Luncheon – MDR                   T R I V I A- 7 pm
 Live Entertainment – Old School         CYC Salsa & Guitars – MDR                Friday 19th
 Saturday 2nd                            Sunday 24th                              Live Entertainment – TBD
 Clearwater Challenge Regatta            New Member Orientation 10:30am           Saturday 20th
 Birthday/Anniversary                    Bears at Bucs - 4:25 pm                  CYC Co-ed Evening
 Karaoke Night 6:30pm                    Tuesday 26th                             Fashion Show
 Sunday 3rd                              Trustees Mtg. 5:30pm                     Tuesday 23rd
 Blessing of the Pets 1 pm               Thursday 28th                            Trustees - 5:30 pm
 Bucs at Patriots - 4:25 pm              Sonoma Wine Dinner                       Thursday 25th
 Tuesday 5th                             Friday 29th                              Happy Thanksgiving
 Land Cruisers - 5 pm                    Live Entertainment – Jeff Red            Thanksgiving Buffet
 Bow Chasers - 5:30 pm                                                            Seatings 11 am & 1:30 pm
 House & Grounds - 6 pm                  Saturday 30th
                                         CYC Halloween PartY-6:30 pm              Friday 26th
 Wednesday 6th                                                                    CLUB CLOSED FOR LUNCH – OPENS AT 5
 Membership - 6 pm                       Sunday 31st
                                                                                  Live Entertainment – Scott Hardy
                                         Happy Halloween
 Thursday 7th                                                                     Sunday 28th
                                         Kids Costume Parade – 11 am
 Sarasota Cruise – In 7th-10th                                                    Bucs at Colts
                                         Bucs at Saints - 4:25 pm
 Commodores Cruise
 to Sarasota 7th-10th
                                         NOVEMBER, 2021
 Friday 8th
                                         Tuesday 2nd
 Live Entertainment – J.R. Connections
                                         Private MDR Lunch
 Saturday 9th                            Land Cruisers - 5 pm
 Disco Saturday                          Town Hall Mtg. - 6 pm
 Sunday 10th                             Wednesday 3rd
 Dolphins at Bucs - 1 pm                 Membership - 6 pm
 Tuesday 12th                            Thursday 4th
 Entertainment - 6:30 pm                 House & Grounds - 6 pm
 B-I-N-G-O 7:30 pm
                                         Friday 5th
 Wednesday 13th                          Live Entertainment – Old School
 Cruisers - 6:30 pm
                                         Saturday 6th
 Thursday 14th                           Private MDR
 Bucs at Eagles - 8:20 pm
                                         Sunday 7th
 Friday 15th                             DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS
 Live Entertainment – Walter Kittle
                                         Bucs Bye Week
 Saturday 16th
                                         Tuesday 9th
 Annual CYC Car Show 10 am – 2 pm
                                         Private MDR Lunch
 Private MDR PM
                                         Entertainment - 6:30 pm
 Tuesday 19th                            B-I-N-G-O 7:30 pm
 Book Club - 6 pm
                                         Wednesday 10th
 Yachting Mtg. - 6 pm
                                         Cruisers - 6:30 pm                      Photo Credits: Becky Belcher, Jay Coats,
 Waterside Mtg. - 7 pm
                                         Friday 12th                             Sylvia Cummins, Bob Griffin, Jim Hannigan,
 Wednesday 20th
                                         Live Entertainment – J.R. Connections   Kelley Lesperance, Sondra Newcom,
 Finance - 6 pm
 Thursday 21st
                                         Saturday 13th                           Jim & Moira Turner, Fr. Bob Wagenseil
 Board of Directors - 6 pm
                                         Annual Membership Mtg.
 T R I V I A - 7 pm                      Sunday 14th
                                         Bucs at Washington

18   CYC COMPASS October 2021
From the                                    reservations through the Open
                                                                                      Table portal. This is a quick and
                                          Front Office                                easy way to make reservations. We
                                                                                      are experiencing a growth of the
                                          By Michael Ciaccio,                         members using it, which is fantastic.
                                          General Manager CCM                           Be sure to follow the club on
                                          Greetings CYC Members!                      Facebook and LinkedIn. I make
                                             The Clearwater                           sure to post all the pictures of the
                                          Yacht Club Online                           food that the Chef prepares each
                                          Ship store is now                           week. It gives you a quick peek of
By Gregory Crist, Vice                    active. You can                             the delicious features to make your
Commodore                                 access it on our                            mouth water.
                   Season’s               website next to the
                   Change                 Compass section.                              I just wanted to remind the membership
                   What a great           The link is      of some of the fantastic events we have
                   feeling it is to see   I hope you take the time to peruse          planned for this fall:
                   CYC members            the items. There are many great               Oct. 2 - Birthday and Anniversary
                   and guests fully       selections. If you have any ideas for       		          Night with Karaoke
enjoying our club from top to             items to be added or suggestions on           Oct. 3 - Blessing of the Pets
bottom.                                   the site, please email me at gm@              Oct. 9 - Disco Night with Donna
   Please note that the cell phone area and I will            Oct. 28 - Sonoma Wine Dinner
and platform are once again open          speak with our vendors. The vendors           Oct. 30 - CYC Halloween Party
on the second floor with scheduled        have been having issues with stock of         Nov. 13 - Annual Member Meeting
repairs recently completed.               certain items, but they are hopefully         Nov. 20 - Fashion Show
   The front entrance ramp rail           working through those issues and to be        Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving Buffet
has also been replaced and, while         able to help the membership quickly if      		          as well as To-Go options
there will be some other minor            a delay arises.                               Dec. 4 - Change of Watch
cosmetic improvements, both                                                             Dec. 11 - CYC Boat Parade
entrances remain open.                     On our club website the members              Dec. 18 - Mingle Jingle
   As Fall approaches, we can             may now make online dining                    Thank You!
soon say goodbye to all of these
daily thunder storms. The Club
unfortunately took several ugly
lightning hits during the summer
                                             The Board                                 Dress Code:
season and excessive rain exposed
a drainage defect in our roof.
                                            of Directors                               Dining Room: Dress is informal
                                                                                     except for formal functions. Shorts
The ceiling in our grille area was
permanently repaired. Inside the
                                            establishes                              are not permitted after 6pm except
                                                                                     on Fridays or during summer months.
club house, the CYC kitchen coolers
experienced a direct hit. Our small
                                            Dress Rules                              No hats or T-shirts allowed. Collared
                                                                                     Shirts only.
unit was quickly brought back online      It is expected that
with an emergency repair.                 members will always dress and                1 Grill Room: Dress is casual
   Last but not least, we upgraded        be groomed in a manner that is                 except for formal functions. No
and replaced our fryers in the galley.    befitting of the clubhouse décor and           Bathing suits or hats may be
Over the last two years, we have had      atmosphere. It is also expected that           worn. Collared Shirts
a substantial refitting of our kitchen,   members will apprise their guests of
which greatly improves our culinary       current dress requirements.                  2 Bathing Suits, Cutoffs, bare feet,
service to our members, and provides                                                      etc.; are not permitted upstairs in
some operational efficiencies.              The Dress Rules are set by the                the clubhouse at any time.
   We continue working hard to            Board of Directors to stay current
                                          and comparable to other clubs in the          A full description of the dress code
provide a great environment in all
                                          Florida Council. The Florida Council       is posted at the entrance of the
areas of our club. If you have any
                                          observes the rules of each individual      clubhouse.
suggestions, please feel free to get in
touch with me and share your input.       club, so it is wise to check individual
  Cheers!                                 clubs prior to visiting them.

                                                                                    October 2021 CYC COMPASS                    19
c  y c

 Bucs Football watch party!
Come and cheer on our Bucs!
       Sunday Oct. 3
        Bucs at Patriots
            4:25 pm
      Sunday Oct. 10               Saturday,
        Dolphins at Bucs      October 9- 6:30pm
            1 pm
     Thursday Oct. 14         Donna will be Spinning      Saturday, Oct. 30 6:30pm
        Eagles at Bucs        Some Vinyl with our DJ   17 th Year of JR Connections Playing for
           8:20 pm               Get those Disco       one of our biggest parties of the year!
      Sunday Oct. 24              Outfits Ready
        Bears at Bucs                                       3 Dinner Options, Haunted House
                                  GoGo Boots,             and Lots of Photo Ops with Prizes
          4:25 pm
                                 Platform Shoes              for Most Original, Best Group
      Sunday Oct. 31            and 3 Piece Suits
        Bucs at Saints                                          and Individual Costumes
                                Costume Contests
          4:25 pm                                           $35 for Members $40 for Guests

20   CYC COMPASS October 2021
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