Page created by Tom Chavez

                   CARAVAN CLUB
                           2013 PROGRAMME

Cover by
Mrs Sheila Stubbs

The arrival of the Rally Booklet is a sign that winter is coming to an end and we
can look forward to the summer and another rallying season. I hope you will find
plenty of rallies this year which you would like to attend. Please try to book in as
early as you can - I know this is not always possible but it does help the Rally
Officers. Speaking of which I would like to pass on the thanks of all members
to those who are running rallies this year. Without you the Club would cease to
function. It is always good to have new Rally Officers who will have new venues
and ideas on running a rally. Do speak to Lynn or any of the committee if you feel
able to take on this role.

For the first time, the rally booklet will be published on the Club website -
www.rbscc.co.uk - and also e-mailed to all members except those without
internet access who will still receive a printed version. This will be done, partly as
this brings the Club into the technological age, but also to save ever increasing
postal costs now that we will no longer be receiving a subsidy from the Bank.
Mark the website as one of your favourites and look at it frequently as it will in
future also be containing the Newsletter, photos and other news. More detailed
information will be given at the AGM, when I will be interested to hear your
comments on this change.

Lynne and I wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope to see as many of you
as possible on the rally field in 2013.

Mark Stephens
Chairman Mark        5 Woodgate Close             01243 545877
         Stephens    Woodgate                     07876 296071
         (Lynne)     Chichester                   (mobile)
                     West Sussex PO20 3TA

Vice     Tudor       11 Pear Tree Close           01885 483721
Chairman Jones       Bromyard                     07770 396298
         (Sue)       Herefordshire HR7 4BH        (mobile)

Hon       Brian      8 The Finches                01795 473972
Secretary Bourne     Sittingbourne                07737 152239
                     Kent ME10 4PY                (mobile)

Hon       Dave       26, Thornlea                 01233 623344
Treasurer Allerton   Ashford                      07775 560235
          (Chris)    Kent TN23 3JX                (mobile)
East            Alan      10 Goshawk Drive           01245 600218
                Conroy    Chelmsford                 07749 290237
                (Val)     Essex CM2 8XN              (mobile)

South           Lynne    5 Woodgate Close            01243 545877
                Stephens Woodgate                    07825 135689
                (Mark)   Chichester                  (mobile)
                         West Sussex PO20 3TA

Midlands &      Wilf Hunt Quarry Cottage             01773 824536
Wales           (Dorothy) 104 Sandbed Lane           07760 332501
                          Belper                     (mobile)
                          Derbyshire DE56 0SL

North           Terry     49 Douglas Avenue          01773 719696
                Martin    Heanor                     07940 705312
                (Paul)    Derbyshire DE75 7FQ        (mobile)

Communications Ruth       Thornbrake                 01822 854120
Representative Bourne     Tavistock Road             07876 782961
               (Adrian)   Yelverton                  (mobile)
                          Devon PL20 6ED

Rally Co-       Lynn      25 Pentland Place          01635 848751
Ordinator       Maslen    Thatcham                   07986 133369
                          Berkshire RG19 3YL         (mobile)
1      Name
The Club shall be called The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Caravan Club

2      Objects
The Objects are:-
(a) To provide facilities for social meeting among Members
(b) To encourage and promote recreational activities for Members
(c) To co-operate with or join with other organisations in furtherance and
    protection of Members’ interest in caravanning.

3      Membership
Membership is at the discretion of the Committee and is open to:-
1. All members of the staff and pensioners of The Royal Bank of Scotland
   Group and their partners who:-
   (a) Have use of a caravan, motor home, trailer tent or tent
      (b)   Agree to observe the Country Code and the Caravan Code
      (c)   Pay the annual subscription
      (d)   Complete a membership application form
2.    Former employees of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. The requirements
      set out in 3.1 (a) – (d) above must still be met.
3.    Children of members who, having reached the age of 21 and having
      caravanned with their parents as a family unit within the Club, wish to rally
      with the Club in their own right. The requirements set out in 3.1 (a) – (d)
      above must still be met.
4.    Existing members of the Club who have given up caravanning and camping
      but wish to remain within the club as non-rallying members at a reduced
      subscription. The requirements set out in 3.1 (c) – (d) above must still be

4      Officials
(a)   Management of the Club’s affairs is vested in the Committee comprising the
      Officers, who will be the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon.
      Treasurer and other members, who will be the Rally Co-Ordinator,
      Communications Representative and one representative of each Region.
      Officers must only be drawn from members as defined in Rule 3.1.
      The number of Regions and their boundaries are to be decided by the
      A quorum for the Committee shall be six members, two of which shall be
      Officers of the Club.
      The Committee shall have the power to co-opt.
(b)   Trustees for the purpose of holding an interest in land will be the ‘‘Officers
      of the Club for the time being’’
(c)   All Officials are to be elected annually from the Club Members.
(d)   Nominations for election to the various offices made by a proposer and
      seconder with the acceptance of the nominee must be in the hands of the
      Hon. Secretary 21 days before the Annual General Meeting is declared

5      Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year for the purpose of receiving
reports from the Officers, electing Officials for the coming year, and for
considering formal matters or any other business. All members present at the
Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall have the right to vote
on all matters considered. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the
casting vote. At least 21 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting and of any
formal motion shall be given to Members.
Motions for inclusion on the agenda must be proposed and seconded and be in
the hands of the Secretary 6 weeks before the date of the AGM.

6      Special General Meeting
A special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or upon demand in
writing signed by 15 Members. At least 21 days’ notice of such meeting shall be
given by the Hon. Secretary and such notice shall include details of any
resolution (which must be duly proposed and seconded) which is to be
considered by the Meeting. A Quorum for a Special General Meeting shall be 30

7      Rules
Alterations or additions to the rules may only be made at a General Meeting of
which 21 days’ notice has been given in writing to all Members detailing the
proposed alteration.

8      Accounts
The Hon. Treasurer shall prepare annual accounts in appropriate form for the
year ending 31st December. After audit these shall be submitted to the Annual
General Meeting for approval.

9      Auditors
An auditor who may not be a Committee Member shall be appointed each year at
the Annual General Meeting.

10     Land
Interest in land may be acquired by purchase, lease or licence for the purpose of
holding rallies or meetings as permitted by legislation or by Local Planning
Authorities or for any other Club activities.
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting, to be held at Gamlingay
Village College, Bedfordshire, on Saturday 30th March 2013 at 3.00 pm.

1.   Apologies for absence
2.   Minutes of last meeting
3.   Matters arising
4.   Report from Chairman
5.   Report from Hon Treasurer
6.   Election of Officers and Committee
7.   Any other business
Honorary Secretary
Note: Any nominations for Officers or Committee, must be received by the
Honorary Secretary at least 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Any motions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting must be received
by the Honorary Secretary 42 days prior to the Meeting.
1   29 Mar-3 Apr       5        Gamlingay Village College,    Terry & Paul
    (Fri-Wed)          nights   Bedfordshire                  Martin

2   25-29 Apr (Thur-   4        Brogdale, Kent                Brian Bourne &
    Mon)               nights                                 Jenny Robinson

3   3-8 May (B.H.)     5        Claverley Nr                  Helen & Ken
    (Fri-Wed)          nights   Wolverhampton, Shropshire     Snelgrove

4   8-13 May (Wed-     5        Lower Brailes, Warwickshire   Terry & Paul
    Mon)               nights                                 Martin

5   1-14 Jun (Sat-     13       Puy Rond Camping, France      Terry & Paul
    Fri)               nights                                 Martin

6   14-18 Jun (Fri-    4        Knapton, Norfolk              Pauline & Alan
    Tue)               nights                                 Parr

7   18-23 Jun (Tue-    5        Fakenham, Norfolk             Jean & Peter
    Sun)               nights                                 Parker

8   11-16 Jul (Thur-   5        Martlesham, Suffolk           Joy & John
    Tue)               nights                                 Angier

9   1-5 Aug (Thur-     4        Heaven Farm, Sussex           Sheila & John
    Mon)               nights                                 Stubbs

10 8-13 Aug (Thur-     5        Cookham, Berkshire            Lynn Maslen
   Tue)                nights

11 17-22 Aug (Sat-     5        Wildhern Nr Andover,          Jill & Mike
   Thur)               nights   Hampshire                     Reynolds

12 22-27 Aug (B.H.)    5        Fareham, Hampshire            Lynne & Mark
   (Thur-Tue)          nights                                 Stephens

13 7-12 Sep (Sat-      5        Sarnau, Ceredigion            Helen & Ken
   Thur)               nights                                 Snelgrove

14 12-17 Sep           4        Merixton House Farm,          Terry & Paul
   (Thurs-Mon)         nights   Pembrokeshire                 Martin

15 16 Nov (Sat)        1        Wyboston Lakes,               Terry & Paul
                       nights   Bedfordshire                  Martin
RALLY OFFICERS 2013   (see also Club Officers and Committee)
John Angier     106 St Andrews Road                 01245 466825
(Joy)           Boreham                             07710 751228
                Chelmsford                          (mobile)
                Essex CM3 3DL

Brian Bourne    See Club Officers

Paul Martin     See Committee

Lynn Maslen     See Committee

Peter Parker    8 Blossom End                       01485 541607
(Jean)          Snettisham                          07885 512458
                King’s Lynn                         (mobile)
                Norfolk PE31 7UP

Alan Parr       3 Wysteria Way                      01485 541517
(Pauline)        Snettisham                         07796 212816
                King’s Lynn                         (mobile)
                Norfolk PE31 7UF

Mike Reynolds   16 Kingsmead                        01264 710514
(Jill)          Anna Valley                         07880 918885
                Andover                             (mobile)
                Hampshire SP11 7PN

Ken Snelgrove   2 Ravens Croft                      01239 810656
(Helen)         Tresaith                            07805 247612
                Nr Cardigan                         (mobile)
                SA43 2JN

Mark Stephens   See Club Officers

John Stubbs     124 Hamilton Avenue                 020 8641 0375
(Sheila)        North Cheam                         07941 633547
                Surrey SM3 9DT                      (mobile)


Two booking systems are being used and in both cases, please submit your
booking forms to meet the last booking dates given, but, wherever possible, book
in earlier. Some rallies may have a limited number of pitches which have been
reserved. To allow as many ralliers as possible to attend these rallies, if there is
the possibility of getting more pitches this will be noted in the rally information
and you should book in as soon as possible, and before this initial date, to give
as much chance as possible that you will be successful in your booking. Where
no last date is given, please book in no later than 14 days before the start of the
rally, especially if you expect to receive a plaque. A SEPARATE FORM MUST

TIME – there is need to maintain goodwill with site owners and others and the
Rally Officers should be given time to site direction signs before you arrive. This
particularly applies to Schools and Colleges.

Rally Officers should approach their Regional Representative or the Secretary for
a plaque catalogue. Please consider what motif you require well in advance to
avoid last minute panics. Plaques should be ordered not later than 2 weeks
before they are required. Plaque colour for 2013 is RED. Our plaque suppliers
c/o Andy Whitehead
4 Yew Cottage
Brighton Road
Lower Kingswood
Surrey KT20 6XL
Telephone: 01737 669101
Email: baypresslimited@gmail.com
Website: www.baypress.org.uk
Orders should be posted or emailed 2 weeks prior to the rally and invoices
should be paid upon plaque receipt (please send a copy of the invoice with
your payment for reference).
Anyone subscribing to an Internet provider for the first time is invited to advise
Brian Bourne (bribourne@btinternet.com) who keeps a list of email addresses for
Club members. Also please advise him should you change your email address.
Don’t forget you can put your photos or view photos of rallies on
www.photobucket.com name: craftygran and password: RBSCC2009 (email to
Sheila Stubbs at stubbs.77@tiscali.co.uk if you would like a photo posted).
The Club has a website (www.rbscc.co.uk) where you will find copies of the
up to date Rally Officer Guidance, links to the full versions of the various
codes we must abide by for our continued ACCEO membership (seaside
and countryside), and a Word-based version of the rally booklet should you
lose your printed copy. All these can be found in the ‘members only’ area
of the website (password: RBSCC2009).

As always thanks to all those who have stepped up to the mark to run rallies for
2013. As some of you may notice we have fewer rallies this year, but what we
lack in numbers, I’m sure you’ll agree we make up for in quality. This year we are
spanning from Wales to Norfolk, Wolverhampton to France – quite an impressive
spread! A new venue for the AGM this year and a number of new to the Club
sites sit alongside some old favourites making a welcome return back to the
As previous years, thanks go to Chris and Caroline Leggett and Staff for all their
help in setting up and printing this booklet, and to Andy for dealing with the
plaques. But my biggest thanks go to the Rally Officers who have given up their
time to find the venues and run the rallies. If you’ve not run one before (or for a
while) why not volunteer for next year, as without Rally Officers we really don’t
have a Club.
Here is to another great caravanning (and motorvanning) year!
PS Don’t forget about rallies for 2014, the new year planner is already starting to
fill up as you’ll see by the already pleasingly populated list at the end of the

  All persons attending rallies or social functions do so
                 entirely at their own risk.
No responsibility for persons or property is accepted by
            the organiser or their insurers
1. GAMLINGAY VILLAGE                 2. BROGDALE, KENT 25th
COLLEGE, GAMLINGAY,                  – 29th APRIL
BEDS (A.G.M.) 29th MARCH –           Thursday – Monday
                                     Address of Rally Site
Friday – Wednesday
                                     The National Fruit Collections
Address of Rally Site                Brogdale Farm
Gamlingay Village College            Brogdale Road
Station Road                         Faversham
Gamlingay, Nr. Sandy                 Kent. ME13 8XZ
Bedfordshire. SG19 3HD
                                     Rally Officers
Rally Officers                       Brian Bourne & Jenny Robinson
Terry and Paul Martin                Chris & Dave Allerton
Plus Team
                                     Site Details
Site Details                         Rally opening time to be confirmed.
Rally opens 12 noon. Site Level.     Blocks always needed. Toilet
Toilet facilities. Tents accepted.   facilities available at limited times.
Shops nearby.                        Tents accepted. Shops nearby.

Attraction/Events                    Attractions/Events
Easter rally – AGM on Saturday       Historic market town of Faversham.
15:00.                               City of Canterbury. Mini railway on
                                     site. Saturday evening meal in on-
Bookings                             site restaurant.
Paul Martin
Use SPECIAL booking form.            Bookings
Available from 1st February 2013.    Brian Bourne
Last date for booking 14th March     Use STANDARD booking form.
2013.                                Details available 1st January 2013.
£5 Deposit Required                  Last date for booking 12th April
                                     £5 Deposit Required
3 CLAVERLEY (Nr.                         Ken Snelgrove
WOLVERHAMPTON),                          Use STANDARD booking form.
SHROPSHIRE 3rd – 8th MAY                 Details available 1st January 2013.
                                         Last date for booking 14th April
(B.H.)                                   2013.
Friday – Wednesday
                                         £2 Deposit required
Address of Rally
Griffiths Green
Salop. WV5 7BG
O/S Map Sheet 138, grid reference
798933                                   4 BRAILES VILLAGE
Rally Officers                           HALL, LOWER BRAILES,
Helen & Ken Snelgrove                    WARWICKSHIRE 8th – 13th
Site Details                             Wednesday – Monday
Rally opens 12 noon. Site level.
Tents accepted. Shops nearby (2.5        Address of Rally Site
miles). Extended stay possible on        Village Hall
adjacent CL (Camping and Caravan         Lower Brailes
Club 2013/4 Book, page 384) with         Warwickshire.
prior booking with owner. Beware –
narrow approach roads.                   Rally Officers
                                         Terry & Paul Martin
Bridgenorth 5 miles (for Severn          Site Details
Valley Railway). Ironbridge 10 miles     Rally opens 2pm. Blocks needed.
(World Heritage Site). Crystal           Tents accepted (with own sanitation
Museaum at Stourbridge/Brierly Hill      provision). Shops nearby.
(9 miles). National Trust property at
Wightwick Manor, Nr Wolverhampton
(6 miles). RAF Cosford WWII aircraft
(8 miles). Halfpenny Green Vineyard
and craft centre (incl. Birds of Prey)   Bookings
(2 miles). Dudley Zoo (9 miles).         Paul Martin
Numerous golf clubs within 5 miles.      Use STANDARD booking form.
Retail therapy at Merry Hill Shopping    Details available 28th February
Centre (10 miles). Walking close by      2013.
at Clent Hills and Kinver Edge.          Last date for booking 1st May 2013.
Depending upon numbers, possible         No deposit required
private group visit to Bird of Prey
5 PUY ROND CAMPING,                    6 KNAPTON, NORFOLK
BRESSUIRE, FRANCE 1st –                14th – 18th JUNE
14th JUNE                              Friday – Tuesday
Saturday – Friday
                                       Address of Rally Site
Address of Rally Site                  Mundesley & District Recreation
Puy Rond Camping                       Assoc.
Allee dr Puy Rond                      Hall Lane
Cornet                                 Knapton
79300                                  Mundesley
Bressuire, France                      Norfolk. NR28 0RZ
www.puyrondcamping.com                 Rally Officers
                                       Pauline & Alan Parr
Rally Officers                         Jean & Peter Parker
Terry & Paul Martin
                                       Site Details
Site Details                           Rally opens 2.00pm. Site level. Toilet
Rally opens anytime – comm. site       facilities. Shops nearby. Tents
with allocated pitches for RBSCC.      accepted.
Blocks maybe needed. Toilet
facilities. Electric hook-ups. Shops   Attractions/Events
nearby. Extended stay possible.        Club house with bar and some
Limited numbers. Exceptional cost,     entertainment. Cromer coast nearby.
pricing TBC.                           Good cycling, walking and woodland
                                       nature trails. Toilet facilities.
Bookings                               Alan Parr
Bookings are to be made direct with    Use STANDARD booking form.
site then notify Paul Martin.          Details available 1st March 2013.
Last date for notification to Rally    Last date for booking 1st June 2013.
Officer is 15th May 2013.              No deposit required
No deposit required
7 FAKENHAM                               8 DAN’S MEADOW,
18th – 23rd JUNE                         11th – 16th JULY
Tuesday – Sunday                         Thursday – Tuesday

Address of Rally Site                    Address of Rally Site
The Racecourse                           Dan’s Rally Field
Fakenham                                 Bealings Road
Norfolk. NR21 7NY                        Martlesham
Caravan Club Handbook 2013/4
page 74                                  Suffolk IP12 4RW
                                         OS Map Sheet No 169 249 473
Rally Officers
Jean & Peter Parker                      Rally Officers
Pauline & Alan Parr                      Joy & John Angier
                                         Ann & John Cockell
Site Details
Rally opens 1.00 pm. Limited             Site Details
numbers (12) 9 with electrics on         Rally opens 2.00 pm. Blocks needed.
hardstanding and 3 on grass – more       Limited toilet facilities. Shops nearby
pitches possibly available, book early   Extended stay possible (C &CC CL
if possible to allow more pitches to     adjacent). Tents accepted.
be booked if needed. Site level.         Exceptional cost of £10.50 per night,
Toilet facilities. Shops nearby.         less for 11 or more units.
Exceptional cost of £13.00 per night
which includes electrics.                Attractions/Events
                                         Rural Suffolk villages nearby,
Attractions/Events                       together with tidal estuary. Coast 11
Close to attractive market town of       miles. Shopping in county town of
Fakenham with quaint shops and           Woodbridge, major shops and retail
delightful flea market held every        parks in Ipswich. Saturday night get
Thursday. Ideal base for exploring       together and BBQs etc on other
Norfolk’s varied attractions and rural   nights.
Bookings                                 John Angier
Peter Parker                             Use SPECIAL booking form (to be
Use STANDARD booking form.               requested via email to save postage
Details available 1st March 2013.        please). Details available 1st March
Last date for booking 1st June 2013.     2013.
No Deposit Required                      Last date for booking 18th June
                                         £5 Deposit Required
1st – 5th AUGUST                       8th – 13th AUGUST
Thursday – Monday                      Thursday – Tuesday

Address of Rally Site                  Address of Rally Site
Heaven Farm                            Church Gate
Furners Green                          Cookham
East Sussex TN22 3RG                   Alnwick
                                       Berkshire SL6 9SP
Rally Officers
                                       Map reference SU 896 855
Sheila & John Stubbs
                                       Rally Officers
Site Details
                                       Lynn Maslen
Rally opens 2:00pm. Slightly sloping
                                       Kate Sarazin
site. Extended stay possible. Tents
accepted.                              Site Details
                                       Site opens 2.00 pm. Blocks may be
                                       needed. Tents accepted. Shops
Farm Museum and Nature Trail,
fishing, Bluebell Railway. Standen,
Sheffield Park and Wakehurst Place     Attractions/Events
NTs nearby. Communal BBA Sat           River Thames within walking
evening, puds to be provided.          distance. Windsor Town and Castle
                                       and other local attractions in the
                                       Royal County. London attractions by
John Stubbs
                                       train. Social events in evening.
Use STANDARD booking form.
Details available 1st March 2013.      Bookings
Last booking 30th June 2013.           Lynn Maslen
No Deposit Required                    Use STANDARD booking form.
                                       Details available 1st April 2013.
                                       Last date for booking 1st July 2013.
                                       No deposit required
11 WILDHERN, NR                        12 TITCHFIELD, FAREHAM,
ANDOVER, HAMPSHIRE 17th                HANTS (B.H.) 22nd – 27th
– 22nd AUGUST                          AUGUST
Saturday – Thursday                    Thursday – Tuesday

Address of Rally Site                  Address of Rally Site
Tangley Parish Village Hall            Drove Lea Farm
Hatherden Road                         Mill Lane
Wildhern                               Titchfield
Hants SP11 0JE                         Fareham
                                       Hampshire PO15 5DX
Rally Officers
Jill & Mike Reynolds                   www.droveleacaravans.co.uk
Claire & Gary Webster                  Rally Officers
Site Details                           Lynne & Mark Stevens
                                       Jenny & Noel Willis
Rally opens 2.00 pm. Blocks maybe
needed. Tents accepted.
                                       Site Details
Attractions/Events                     Site opens 1.30 pm. Blocks needed.
Hawk Conservancy / Winchester /        Shops nearby. Electric hook-up.
Salisbury in easy reach.               Extended stay possible. Tents
                                       Attractions/Social Activities
Mike Reynolds
Use STANDARD booking form.             Near to Portsmouth, Solent and
Details available early 1st February   attractive countryside. Social event
                                       on Saturday evening, barbeques.
Last date for booking 30th June
2013.                                  Mark Stevens
No Deposit Required                    Use STANDARD booking form.
                                       Details available 1st May 2013.
                                       Last date for booking 1st August
                                       £5 Deposit Required
13 SARNAU, CEREDIGION                     14 MERIXTON HOUSE
7th – 12th SEPTEMBER                      FARM, PEMBROKESHIRE
Saturday – Thursday                       12th – 17th SEPTEMBER
                                          Thursday – Monday
Address of Rally Site
Talywerydd Touring Caravan &              Address of Rally Site
Camping Park                              Merixton House Farm
Sarnau                                    Stepaside
Llandysul                                 Narbeth
Ceredigion SA44 6QY                       Pembrokeshire SA67 8PJ
Rally Officers                            Rally Officers
Helen & Ken Snelgrove                     Terry & Paul Martin
Site Details                              Site Details
Rally opens 12 noon. Blocks needed        Rally opens 2.00 pm. Blocks needed.
– sloping site. Toilet facilities.        Toilet facilities. Electric hook-up.
Electrics may be possible, but are        Shops nearby Extended stay
not available if we are on rally field.   possible.
Shops nearby. Extended stay
possible. Tents accepted. Cost will       Attractions/Events
be £6 per night without electrics or      Beaches / NT properties etc..
£9 per night if we are on the
commercial site with electrics.           Bookings
                                          Paul Martin
Attractions/Social Activities.            Use STANDARD booking form
West Wales coast – views and two          available Easter 2013.
blue flag beaches 1.5 miles. Good         Last date of booking 4th September
coastal scenery. Newquay 10 miles         2013.
(boat trips for seal and dolphin          No deposit required
spotting). Cardigan 10 miles (nearest
supermarkets). NT property at
Llanerchaeron, Nr. Aberaeron (15
miles). National Woollen Museum at
Drefach Felindre (10 miles). Coracle
Museum at Cenarth (9 miles).
Museum of Fire ( 2miles) Golf can be
arranged at Cardigan G. C.

Ken Snelgrove
Use STANDARD booking form.
Details available 1st February 2013.
Last date for booking 8th August
£2 deposit required
BEDFORDSHIRE 16th – 16th
Saturday – Saturday

Address of Rally Site
Wyboston Lakes
Great North Road
Bedfordshire MK44 3AL

Rally Officers
Terry & Paul Martin

Site Details
Meal will take place within the hotel
complex, 7pm for 7.30pm. Rooms
will be available to book direct with
the hotel or there are campsites in
the surrounding area. Cost will be
more than £9.

End of Season Dinner.

Paul Martin
Use SPECIAL booking form
available Easter 2013.
Last date for booking 9th November
£10 Deposit PER PERSON
1972–77             Reg Bamber

1978–79             Bob Appleton           1995–97           Mike Wood

1980                Reg Bamber             1997–99           Terry Martin (Mrs)

1981–82             Ron Scott              1999–01           Doug Nokes

1983–84             Alan Addenbrooke       2001–03           Brian Makepeace

1985–86             David Cole             2003–05           Mike Reynolds

1987–88             Peter Parker           2005–07           Paul Martin

1989–90             Wilf Hunt              2007–09           Ken Snelgrove

1991–92             Sid Shilling           2009–11           Duncan Peel

1992–95             John Harrison          2011–             Mark Stephens

                                           No of Rallies

Joy & John Angier                               15

Linda Day                                       12

Terry & Paul Martin                             12

Lynn Maslen                                     11

Val & Alan Conroy                               10

Lynn & Mark Stephens                            10

Sheila & John Stubbs                            10

Mary & Dennis Watson                            10

Those qualifying for a Fellowship Plaque in 2013 should complete and return the
form in this booklet to the Hon Secretary by 31st December 2013.

In the interest of safety and in order that all members shall have the maximum
enjoyment from rallies, you are asked to observe the following.

   1. Rally Officers shall have overall control on rally sites and members
      are expected to comply with any instructions they may issue.
   2. All members should be aware of and observe the Caravan Code, the
      Countryside Code and the Seashore Code.
   3. When selecting a site, Rally Officers will undertake reasonable steps to
      satisfy themselves that the site to be used has not been refused planning
      permission or where exemption has been withdrawn (known as
      “paragraph 13” orders). The local authority must be consulted before
      meeting on land adjacent to permanent sites and the Club will agree to
      avoid any site to which the local authority maintains a valid objection. The
      Club will not meet on sites adjacent to certificated locations unless the
      proposed site is clearly differentiated. Rally Officers will take reasonable
      steps to ensure that siting of units does not unduly interfere with the
      activities of local people and their privacy or the enjoyment of others of the
      landscape and natural beauty of the area. The Club will not camp on any
      site for more than 42 consecutive days or 60 days in any 12 months and
      will also endeavour not to camp on any site being used by other exempted
      organisations if, by so doing, these limits would be exceeded. The Club
      undertakes not to overuse any venue by successive meetings on the
      same land.
   4. Local people should be able to carry on their normal activities when
      meetings are in progress. Reasonable steps must be taken to minimise
      any disturbance. The Club will investigate and deal with any complaints
      made. Care should be taken not to damage the site or surrounding
      locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should be
   5. Restrict your vehicle speed to 5mph (walking pace) on the rally field.
      This also applies to visitors whose cars are to be parked away from the
      caravan lines as directed by the Rally Officer. The Rally Officer will take
      steps to ensure that travel from major roads to a proposed site is not likely
      to cause undue disruption to other road users. Access to the site must be
      suitable for the number and likely size of units attending the meeting.
   6. Emergency vehicles must be able to gain access to any unit on the site.
      As such units including awning and towing vehicle (which should be
      parked on the offside of the caravan unless otherwise directed) should be
      well spaced so that they do not restrict access or exit. A minimum of 3
      metres should be required between units in all circumstances.
   7. Where the site is being used by both tents and caravans they must be
      sited entirely separate from each other. Not necessarily segregated but
not interspersed. Trailer tents are classified as tents. Children’s “pup-tents”
    may be erected alongside the parents’ unit and should be considered as
    part of the unit for spacing purposes.
8. No loose equipment to be left outside the caravan beyond what is
    necessary and appropriate. Mention to the rally Officer any need for an
    emergency washing line.
9. Make sure your children do not make themselves a nuisance to other
    members. They must not play near the caravans with hard balls, kites,
    Frisbees, bicycles etc. Where space allows, a designated play area will be
10. Keep your dog on a lead (max 3metres) and under strict control at all
    times, not allowing it to foul the ground near the caravans or make itself a
    nuisance. Any mess must be cleared up immediately.
11. Respect the privacy and peace of others at all times by keeping vocal
    or mechanical instrument noise to a minimum. Portable generators should
    only be used with the agreement of the Rally Officer and then only
    between 9am and 6pm.
12. All visitors are to report to the Rally Officer on arrival and should not
    stay overnight without the Rally Officer’s permission.
13. In the event of a social evening away from the rally field, a volunteer from
    the members to stay behind is always appreciated.
14. Barbeques should only be held with the permission of the Rally Officer.
15. Always carry a fire extinguisher. In the unfortunate event of a fire,
    evacuate your caravan, turn off the gas supply and disconnect the
    electricity cable if possible. Have someone sound the car horn
    continuously by way of warning and to summon help. Keep a bucket of
    water near the front of your caravan as a fire precaution. The Rally
    Officers will have the Club’s first aid kit box but members are advised to
    carry their own kit. If you are a trained First Aider advise the Rally Officer
    when booking in to the rally.
16. Ensure your caravan, motor home, trailer tent and awnings contents and
    accessories are fully insured. The Club carries no insurance other than
    Public Liability Insurance and any damage caused to your property whilst
    attending a RBSCC rally is entirely your responsibility.
17. Ensure that all instructions issued by the Rally Officer, and in accordance
    with arrangements agreed with the site owner, with regard to disposal of
    waste (water, chemical and rubbish) are complied with.
18. As a general rule, if, during the course of the rally, a member is staying in
    their caravan, that caravan must be on the rally field if the member
    wishes to participate in the events of the rally .The only exception is for
    medical reasons. If during the course of the rally a member is staying at
    home or in a local hotel, then they should seek the Rally Officer’s
    agreement before the booking closing date if they wish to attend any of the
    events. Rally plaques will only be given to members who attend and sleep
    in their caravan for one or more nights. The only exceptions are Christmas
    or End of Season Dinners when plaques will be issued to all members
Every member of the Caravan Club agrees to observe the following code.

1.      The Caravan
(a)   Whether trailer or motor caravan it is a vehicle specifically designed for
      caravanning. Its appearance and colour are appropriate and so not offend
      public opinion.
(b)   It is regularly serviced so that it is safe in all respects when touring on the
      road, and on site.

2.      On the Road
(a)   Selection of trailer caravan and towing vehicle allows adequate
      performance in line with the Towing Code namely.
      (i) the actual laden weight of the caravan should be kept as low as
           possible and should never normally exceed the kerb weight of the
           towing vehicle.
      (ii)    the engine is powerful enough to keep the outfit at a speed,
              particularly on hills, that does not baulk other traffic.
      (iii)   the caravan is carefully loaded to provide good balance and avoid
(b)   The caravan complies with all Road Traffic Acts and other relevant
      Regulations, in particular that there should be an adequate view to the rear
      of the caravan.
(c)   Where the caravan is a trailer towed by a vehicle, it is insured against third
      party risks. This must cover not only the caravan when attached to the
      towing vehicle but also when detached.
(d)   Particular attention is paid to those sections of the Highway Code relevant
      to trailer caravans.
      (i) to cause the minimum inconvenience to other traffic the caravanner
            observes traffic to his rear and ensures that every opportunity is
            offered for other vehicles to overtake. This includes the need always to
            allow space in front of the outfit for faster traffic to pull into with safety
            (and never to have two or more outfits bunched together) and on
            narrow roads to pull in and halt at a safe place to allow following traffic
            to overtake.
      (ii)    To carry out normal road manoeuvres with increased care to take
              account of the length of the outfit, the vehicle’s reduced acceleration
              and its longer stopping distances when braking. This requires greater
              anticipation, early signalling of intentions, and a very careful watch of
              overtaken traffic, particularly cyclists, before pulling in.

3.      On Site
The member
(a) pitches on private land only with the express permission of the owner.
(b) places the caravan where it will not interfere with the convenience or
enjoyment of others.
(c)   avoids damage to turf by digging holes only when absolutely necessary and
      replacing turf where possible and by considerate use of the vehicle.
(d)   disposes of any rubbish only be the means provided on the site. If no
      receptacles are provided, as on some small farm sites, rubbish is taken
      home for disposal, or to any other recognised disposal point that has space.
(e)   for touring other than on sites equipped with toilets will carry his own
      sanitary equipment (usually chemical closet and approved related fluid) and
      dispose of the contents only at the point provided for the purpose. If burial is
      necessary, as perhaps on private property, this will not be done in the
      vicinity of any water course.
(f)   Allows no waste water from the caravan to foul the ground, ensures that
      suitable receptacles are connected to the waste pipes to collect the waste
      and the receptacles emptied as necessary. In the few instances where no
      disposal point is provided, minimum fouling is achieved by distributing the
      water over a considerable area, as along a hedge.
(g)   Allows neither children nor animals to spoil the enjoyment of others, by
      keeping them under control.
(h)   drives slowly and quietly when on site.
(i)   respects the privacy and peace of others at all times by keeping to a
      minimum, mechanical instruments or vocal noise.
(j)   ensures that any laundry outside the caravan is displayed as discreetly as
(k)   keeps the pitch neat and tidy, with no loose equipment outside the caravan
      beyond what is necessary or appropriate, and on departure leaves it as
      clean as, or cleaner than, it was on arrival.
(l)   observes the Country Code relating to water cleanliness, fire dangers, litter,
      public paths, gates, control of dogs, damage to crops, hedges, walls, trees
      and plants, livestock and wildlife.

4.     General
At all times, on the road or on site, every caravanner shows courtesy and
consideration to all comers so that the goodwill of the general public towards
caravanners is maintained and improved.
BE SAFE – PLAN AHEAD AND FOLLOW ANY SIGNS Even when going out locally, it’s
best to get the latest information about where and when you can go; for example, your
rights to go onto some areas of open land may be restricted while work is carried out, for
safety reasons or during breeding seasons. Follow advice and local signs, and be
prepared for the unexpected.
LEAVE GATES AND PROPERTY AS YOU FIND THEM Please respect the working life
of the countryside, as our actions can affect people’s livelihoods, our heritage, and the
safety and welfare of animals and ourselves.
responsibility to protect our countryside now and for future generations, so make sure
you don’t harm animals, birds, plants, or trees.
KEEP DOGS UNDER CLOSE CONTROL The countryside is a great place to exercise
dogs, but it’s every owner’s duty to make sure their dog is not a danger or nuisance to
farm animals, wildlife or other people.
CONSIDER OTHER PEOPLE Showing consideration and respect for other people
makes the countryside a pleasant environment for everyone – at home, at work and at
This is an abbreviated version. The full document can be read on the Natural England
web site
Annex 1a (direct link to guide at http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/combined-

SHOW RESPECT FOR CREATURES Leave animals were you find them – never take
them home. Turn back any rocks you have moved. Leave seaweed in place – there’s
plenty lying loose on the strand line.
TAKE PHOTOS, NOT LIVING ANIMALS If collecting shells make sure they are empty.
Don’t buy coral, starfish or urchins as souvenirs – these would have been alive when
DRIVE ON ROADS, NOT BEACHES Beaches and particularly sand dunes, are easily
damaged by cars, bikes and sometimes by too many people. Use designated car parks
and footpaths.
BE CAREFUL NEAR CLIFFS Don’t throw or push things over cliff edges. Not only is it
dangerous, it can drastically increase the rate of cliff erosion and kill or disturb wildlife.
AVOID DISTURBING WILDLIFE Keep your distance, watch through binoculars. Keep
dogs well clear of birds and other animals.
REMEMBER It is now actually illegal to disturb or harass any species of birds and
This is an abbreviated version. The full document can be read on the Natural England
web site
Annex 1c (direct link to guide at http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/combined-
Dates     Show           Location

22 - 24   UK Spring      Newark Showground
March     Motohome &     http://www.motorhomeandcaravanshows.co.uk/spring/

02 – 07   ACCEO          Towcester Racecourse, Staffordshire
October   AGM/National   http://www.acceo.org

15 – 20   Motorhome &    NEC Birmingham
October   Caravan        http://www.motorhomeandcaravanshow.co.uk/

6 – 11 July        Bromyard, Herefordshire      Sue & Tudor    5 nights

11 – 16 July       Stourport, Worcestershire    Sue & Tudor    4 nights

28 Jul – 02 Aug    Buckler’s Hard, Hampshire    Jenny &        5 nights


    Please note my postal and/or email address has now changed.

    Name .....................

    NEW POSTAL ADDRESS .....................


    Postcode ..................... Tel: ..................... Mob: .....................
    Email: .....................

(to be submitted by 31st December 2013)

To THE SECRETARY, RBSCC (bribourne@btinternet.com)

We wish to claim our FELLOWSHIP PLAQUE for 2013 and confirm
we have attended 10 RBSCC approved rallies during the year.

Name .....................


TO .....................                          .....................

RALLY .....................                       DATE .....................

FROM .....................                        Please send details as soon as
                                                  available in the enclosed
                                                  addressed envelope

TELEPHONE NO .....................                E-MAIL .....................


TO .....................                          .....................

RALLY .....................                       DATE .....................

FROM .....................                        Please send details as soon as
                                                  available in the enclosed
                                                  addressed envelope

TELEPHONE NO .....................                E-MAIL .....................
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Caravan Club - Booking in Form

From    .................................................................         Rally        ..................................................

Dates of           ........................................................................................................................

Home Address                 ...............................................................................................................


Phone No.          ....................................................           Mobile No                     ...................................

Email                 .................................................           Vehicle Registration.............................


Awning to be Erected                NO/YES (Porch or Full – please circle)

                                                                                  Adults attending

Expected arrival             .............................         day            ..............................................................


                             .............................         time           Children & Ages

Day of departure             .............................                        ..............................................................

Special rallies 1st/25/50 etc                                                     ..............................................................

Certified First Aider in party                               Yes/No               Newspapers (if available)

Any birthdays/anniversaries                                  Yes/No               Saturday                                            ..................

                                                                                  Sunday                                              ..................

                                                                                  Monday                                              .................

                                                                                  Tuesday                                             ...................

                                                                                  Wednesday                                           ....................

                                                                                  Thursday                                            ......................

                                                                                  Friday                                              ......................

Deposit (if requested) in name of Rally Officer

Please send joining instructions. SAE enclosed/by e mail to:
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