Page created by Arnold Robertson

       A view of Bakewell from
          All Saints Church

Annual Review 2019 - 2020
Foreword from our Chair

Welcome to the 2019/20 Annual Review for Derbyshire Dales CVS.

Firstly, as always, I would like to thank the Derbyshire Dales CVS staff
team for their continued efforts, working very hard to support the
voluntary sector in the Dales.            Their many successes and
achievements are detailed in the Trustees’ Annual Report.

Although this report covers the period which ended just as the
implications of coronavirus (COVID-19) were starting to become
apparent, the issue has clearly had a major impact on the
organisation’s work and members over the past six months. I’ve been
really pleased and impressed at how the team has adapted to new
ways of working and therefore been able to maintain the delivery of
our service.

Of particular note have been the regular Coffee Mornings and
Networking Events delivered using the Zoom video communication
platform. This has provided a vital lifeline between DDCVS and our
member organisations, as well as enabling individual members to
keep in touch with each other to share experiences, ideas and

As mentioned previously, a key piece of ongoing work is the
Regeneration Project on Hurst Farm in Matlock. The collaboration
between DCCVS, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Platform
Housing, together with the local community represented by the
Friends of Hurst Farm and Hurst Farm Social Club is progressing
really well.

The staff team was increased by two during the year to develop and
deliver the New Connections social prescribing service to support and
improve people’s health and wellbeing outside of traditional medical
settings. The Social Prescribing team is also developing the Digital
Connections project funded by Derbyshire County Council to assist
Dales residents who are isolated, missing out on social contact,
information and activities online.

I would also like to thank my fellow trustees for their support and
constructive challenge during the year. We now have a strong Board
of trustees with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience, and
have recently updated our Board Skills Audit to check for any areas
which may require further strengthening.

We have again updated our three-year Business Plan, so the Board and
staff team have a clear focus on the range of activity necessary to
deliver the purpose and mission of the organisation.

Derbyshire Dales CVS is in a financially sound position, with a healthy
level of reserves, and we will continue to focus on generating earned
income to supplement the core funding we receive, so that over time we
can become increasingly independent and resilient.

We have a clear Business Plan, a dedicated team of trustees and staff,
and strong relationships with key stakeholders, other voluntary sector
organisations and our members. These sound foundations will enable
Derbyshire Dales CVS to continue to deliver its mission of promoting
strong, sustainable and healthy communities through voluntary and
community action.

                                          Martin Townsend
Our mission statement

Derbyshire Dales CVS exists to promote strong, sustainable and healthy
communities through voluntary and community action.

   Provide high-quality information, advice, support, training and
    practical services that meet the needs of the local voluntary sector.
   Promote effective communication and partnership working between
    organisations from all sectors.
   Ensure that DDCVS is a strong and sustainable organisation with
    excellent governance, management, policy and practice.

Funders and supporters in 2019 - 2020

We would like to give sincere thanks to the following organisations,
projects and individuals for their financial support during 2019 - 2020.

Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire County Council - Public Health
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Derbyshire Dales District Council Community Housing Team
NHS Derby & Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Practical Support                      Information, advice, training
                                       and development support
Lots of our members use the
practical services that we can offer   Support to existing and       new
especially the reasonably priced       voluntary       and    community
black and white or colour printing.    groups still played a major part of
                                       the development work of the staff
This year we have again been           at DDCVS.
very busy with 158 copying/
printing jobs for 52 different local   DDCVS         staff delivered    a
organisations.                         staggering 224 pieces of advice
                                       to a total of 144 different groups,
These have ranged from                 six     individuals    and     one
posters, fliers, quarterly             business over the course of the
newsletters,      programmes           year. Of these there was the
for music concerts, quizzes,           potential of six new groups to be
booklets, entry forms and              set up.
certificates for local Horticultural
Shows, roadside posters, scripts       Around 43 of the groups had two
for plays; to a few copies of a        or more (sometimes up to five)
form. We have also produced            advice sessions.
Christmas cards        for the local
Artability art group and a few other   Over the period under review 52
people.                                sessions took place on a one to
                                       one basis with the a person from
Other services include scanning,       a group, 26 over the telephone
equipment hire, laminating and         and an increase to 149 by email
administrative work.                   and with 6 being sent information
                                       by letter. Four people received
We still offered affordable book-      advice whilst in attendance at a
keeping,      preparation     and      meeting.
examination of accounts to
various local voluntary groups,        The top area of demand for
community interest companies           advice was around funding, either
and local schools.                     looking for funds or supporting
                                       groups to apply for funding with
The meeting room continued to          73 pieces of information or
prove ever popular with a regular      support given. Governance was
booking from a statutory service       the next big area with 52
provider, again proving invaluable     instances where advice was
in enabling successful partnership     given.
work with the projects that we
Other areas of advice or support   DDCVS has also supported
given as well as just general      Denefield’s Court Luncheon
guidance were :                    Club monthly lunches until the
                                   onset of the Covid-19 Lockdown
    Organisational management     in March 2020. Unfortunately
    Policy development            since then the club has not been
                                   able to meet, although we have
    Strategic planning
                                   kept in touch with the club’s
    Training                      coordinator.
    Partnership working
    DBS checks                    Also during 2019-2020 we have
    Finances                      continued to support The Hoyle
                                   Court Residents Association
    Marketing                     Coffee      Morning,     assisting
    Advocacy                      them with their finances and
    Human Resources               banking       of   funds.   Again
    Financial Management          unfortunately the Coffee morning
    Volunteering                  group has also not met since the
                                   start of the lockdown in March.
The geographical spread of the     In addition Jonathan has been
groups that we worked with was:    supporting the Matlock & District
                                   Hard of Hearing group as a
North Dales - 45                   member of their Committee since
                                   their AGM in 2019. During this
Mid Dales - 40
                                   time he helped them find a
South Dales - 48                   volunteer to take on the role of
Wider geographical area - 35       Treasurer and has provided
                                   support with some of the
                                   administration tasks such as
      Main focus of groups         updating their details on the
           supported               Charities Commission website
                                   organising mailings to the Club
                                   memberships and helping with
                                   their AGM.

                                   From March 2020 onwards the
                                   club had to suspend meetings
                                   with the onset of Covid-19, but
                                   was able to restart meeting in
                                   October with a presentation by
                                   Jo Briggs of Age UK
                                   Strictly No Falling.)
Other Groups/Organisations           DDCVS again ran or hosted
  that have been supported            a number of events and
                                      training sessions for local
The Level
We     continued     to    provide    groups or other agencies.
governance     and      secretarial
support throughout the year.          Events
The Farming Life Centre               We held a networking event at the
Provided help throughout the year     Memorial Hall, Hathersage in
with governance advice, forward       June 2019, which saw a good mix
planning and recruitment. Also        of     local     groups    attend.
supported with the preparation of     Professional     groups    present
accounts.                             included     the Age     UK Road
                                      Show,         Disability    Direct,
                                      Foundation Derbyshire who gave
An organisational review was
                                      a presentation and CASE a
completed earlier in the year, and
                                      business support social enterprise
DDCVS were then commissioned
                                      and co-operative.
to produce a business plan for the
organisation. Neil presented the
                                      On   the   17th June 2019 we
plan to the trustees on 25th July.
                                                   organised with Active
                                                   Derbyshire a Sports
Derbyshire Dales CVS
                                                   Funding Surgery at
again provided a base for
                                                   St Oswald’s Church
Lady Manners School
                                      Hall in Ashbourne which offered
mock interviews in the
                                      one - to-one advice sessions on
spring of 2019. Sarah and Louise
                                      grant funding to local sports clubs.
were also due to be interviewers
                                      The surgery was repeated on the
for one of the sessions but
                                      27th June 2019 at the CVS offices
unfortunately due to Ofsted and
                                      in Bakewell. Both were well
the COVID19 situation only the
                                      attended and subsequently led to
first week took place.
                                      further     development        work
                                      including advice about setting up
We also met with a new student in
                                      a Community Interest Company
the Lower Sixth at Lady Manners
                                      (CIC) and signposting to funding
at the end of January and agreed
a weekly placement for 8-19
weeks. Unfortunately due to
various reasons including the         In July 2019 we
COVID-19 situation the student        hosted the National
only managed to attend a couple       Heritage Lottery Fund at the
of times but they did manage to       Agricultural Business Centre
help out at a Hoyle Court Coffee      in Bakewell. Mark Humphries
Engagement Manager, for the           October 22nd 2019 saw DDCVS
Midlands and East gave a              supporting the Derbyshire Dales
presentation explaining the various   Health & Wellbeing Partnership
funds      available,     answered    with      ‘A    Celebration      &
questions and provided guidance.      Networking Event’ held at the
                                      Agricultural Business Centre in
We held our AGM on the 17th           Bakewell. The event was to
October 2019 at the      Fountain     recognise projects that had
Square Church, Fountain Square,       contributed      to     supporting
Tideswell. We combined this with a    Derbyshire Dales Locality Plan
networking event which saw fifteen    Priorities,    reducing     health
groups/organisations book a table     inequalities and supporting the
to promote their services. There      wellbeing of Derbyshire Dales
was also a presentation by Fiona      communities. Certificates were
Unwin,     Service    Development     presented     to    10     groups/
Officer, Public Health, Derbyshire    organisations.
County Council who talked about ‘5
Ways to Wellbeing’                                          November 19
                                                            saw DDCVS
The annual                                                  host a ‘5
Derbyshire                            Ways’ Event in partnership with
Dales CVS                             DCC Public Health with the hope
Award was                             of attracting more applications to
presented to                          the small grants scheme and to
Tideswell Community Orchard           widen the message about the
                                      Five Ways. 39 people attended
                                      made       up     of twenty three
          September 2019 saw us       community groups or projects as
          hold a Ashbourne &          well as sixteen professionals
          District    Community       such as Connex Community
          Coffee Morning at St        Support;      Time-Swap;      Peak
          Oswald’s Church Hall.       District National Park Authority
Presentations were given by           - Health Walks and Derbyshire
Foundation Derbyshire, Disability     Dales District Council Sports
Direct and Beckside                   Development Team. The event
Care Farm (Part of                    went very well with groups
the Countrymen UK                     learning more about each of the
network of care farms                 five ways, taking part in a mindful
and gardens).                         walk in the rain if they wished,
                                      and taking up advice on how to
                                      apply for a grant. Feedback from
Also in September another Sports      professionals was positive with
Funding Surgery was held in           people enjoying the opportunity
Wirksworth at the Memorial Hall.      to put a ‘face to the name’.
Training                              Again   DDCVS      delivered   the
                                      Better Derbyshire Dales
                                      Fund    during 2019/20 – which
DDCVS hosted                          is a small grants scheme made
Derbyshire County                     up from funding from Derbyshire
Council training                      County Council – Public Health,
team for a half day session on        the Derby & Derbyshire Clinical
Safeguarding Adults.                  Commissioning      Group      and
                                      Derbyshire Dales District Council.
The training was delivered by
Phil Swindley who outlined some       We received 48 applications to
of    the    learning    outcomes;    the Better Derbyshire Dales Fund
described how legislation and         and held quarterly rounds to
policies impact on the role of        assess the applications. The
safeguarding; explained some of       panel made 45 awards totalling
the reasons why a person might        £50,308.
be at risk; identify types of abuse
and possible signs. Phil also         At the August round we funded
explained about the importance        the newly formed Wirksworth
of very effective communications      Junior Table Tennis Club towards
accurate record keeping and what      their insurance and coaching
actions might need to be taken.       qualification for 2 volunteers.

The session was well attended         We      also   funded     Haarlem
and participants gave great           Artspace towards an exhibition
feedback.                             that was going to be taken in to
                                      Waltham House but has now had
We hosted Excel Training at the       to run differently; four digital
end of April for six participants     exhibitions and one outdoor
       which went well, everyone      physical exhibition. If possible,
       passed and gained a            either the artists or one of the
       qualification           in     curators will still visit Waltham
Intermediate Excel.                   House to show the work and
                                      speak about it in person, as
We also delivered ‘How to be a        previously planned.
good trustee’ training to three       Obviously many of the projects
different groups during October
                                      we funded such as the Bakewell
and November.
                                      Day of Dance which is an annual
                                      event in the summer bringing
                                      performances and workshops to
                                      the town, and the Bonsall based
                                      Big Theatre group which had
hoped to take young members to          take the opportunities to meet
Edinburgh, have had to go on-hold       other parents but sometimes left
for the time being.                     the children for periods to give
                                        them the space to develop their
However, projects like the new          relationships independently. The
shelter for the Ashbourne Park          programme was very flexible
Bowls Club have gone ahead as           which was ideal for these
well as the new outdoor exercise        children.
equipment for the village of
Winster!                                We also funded Bakewell
                                        Gardening Association - Monyash
                                        Road Allotments. The group is
Also again we ran the   ‘5 Ways         getting together where and when
to Wellbeing’ small grants              appropriate and held one socially
scheme on behalf of Derbyshire          distanced workshop in September
County Council Public Health. We        where they learned
made 10 awards totalling £8,345         about the power of
which included funding some             plants from a local
fantastic forest school sessions for    herbalist.
home-schooled children and their
families at the woods in Tissington.    Other workshops
                                        will follow when
The forest school approach              the guidelines allow.
fostered a sense of shared
experiences as the children             We continued to participated in
worked together to solve problems       the grants panels for both
and challenges. The programme           Foundation Derbyshire,     DCC
included plenty of opportunities for    Action Grants and commented on
the children to work cooperatively      applications to the Leader Local
on projects e.g. building dens,         Action Group.
using tools, practicing fire lighting
skills.                                 We     have     also   attended
                                        Derbyshire   Voluntary    Action
At every session the campfire, hot      Health & Social Care Forum and
drinks and cooking became a             Ashbourne Community Brunch.
natural    focus    and
opportunity for the                     Along with other CVS’ we met
group to come together                  with representatives from the
- a chance for children/                National Association for Voluntary
adults to chat. Parents                 and Community Action (NAVCA)
were      given      the                in Derby to discuss the support
opportunities to either                 given by them to the voluntary
stay or go – most choose to stay to     sector.
Projects and other                    strengthened, new volunteers
notable pieces of work                  enlisted and the Friends of Hurst
                                        Farm Board welcomed 3 new
Hurst Farm Regeneration
                                        Additional external funding was
                                        sourced     leading    to     further
June 2019 saw DDCVS appoint
                                        development of the Hurst Farm
Louise     Champion      as     the
                                        Community Café, whose profits
Community Development Manager
                                        increased over 700% during
- Hurst Farm Estate to work
                                        2019/20, progressing towards the
closely with Friends of Hurst Farm
                                        goal of a sustainable entity.
and the community , manage the
Community Centre and contribute
                                        Over the year a new financial
to   the    wider    Hurst    Farm
                                        reporting structure has been
Regeneration Project.
                                        developed to give a clear quarterly
                                        picture to Friends of Hurst Farm
               Significant progress
               was made during
               the      year       in
                                        Towards the end of the financial
               developing a plan
                                        year the Community Centre was
               for the regeneration
                                        impacted with the onset of COVID
               of the estate. New
                                        -19 initiating the development of a
funding was gained to redevelop
                                        new Friends of Hurst Farm joint
the social club building; to improve
                                        partnership food project, funded
access to, and develop a
                                        by National Lottery Community
maintenance plan for the Hurst
                                        Fund - Awards for All as an
Farm Woodland; to improve
                                        emergency response to the
housing; and to develop Forest
                                        situation, with the future plan of
School provision.
                                        making this a sustainable food
                                        related        project
During 2019/2020 new projects
                                        operating from the
were     developed    from    the
                                        Hurst Farm Estate.
Community Centre including a
Knitting Group and Youth Forum.

Income from rental of the building
increased with more bookings
being received from individuals
                                        More information about this
within   the    community     and
                                        exciting project can be found at
partners, giving an enhanced
usage of the centre on a daily
basis.   Existing  projects     for
young and older people were
areas such as:
Future in Mind
                                           Help in the home
Started in January 2020, DDCVS             Transport
in supporting the Futures in Mind          Befriending
vision ‘to promote, protect and            Shopping
improve children and young
people’s mental health and well-        DDCVS      staff    have    also
being’ commenced the Derbyshire         continued to attend the Multi-
Young Peoples Wellbeing Network.        Disciplinary Team meetings,
Open to all groups, organisations       hosted     by    the     Clinical
and       development        workers    Commissioning Group .
operating in the Derbyshire Dales,
combining statutory, voluntary and
informal partners to provide a              Befriending Strategy
platform for individuals to share the           for the Dales
work they are delivering, improve a
shared understanding of each            In last year’s report, we wrote
other’s work and projects and           about our development of a
identify gaps and duplications in       Befriending Strategy for the
services to create a collaborative      Derbyshire Dales, a project we
approach to promo-ting projects in      completed in January 2020.
the Derbyshire Dales.
                                        The Strategy was circulated to
An initial meeting was held in          members of the Steering Group
Matlock with a view to delivering       which had helped to inform the
further ones each quarter in            work. However, before we were
locations around the Derbyshire         able to start implementing the
Dales, due to the onset of the          recommendations in the Strategy,
COVID-19 situation, the April 2020      the Covid-19 crisis overtook our
meeting was postponed, later to be      plans. What did become clear
delivered via an online platform        during the first period of lockdown
with a view to getting back on the      was how important befriending, in
road when the restrictions permit.      all its forms, is to isolated and
                                        vulnerable people, and we will be
                                        relaunching      our    Befriending
DDCVS Signposting Service               Strategy in the coming year.

The Sign Posting Service had 49         Focus Group
referrals over the year with twenty
nine of those being responded           During the year, we began
to via email, nineteen over the         holding a Focus Group for
telephone and one person having         members of DDCVS. This is a
a written response. The support/        useful way of gaining feedback
signposting covered a variety of        from members regarding the
services     we     offer and an       Publicity
opportunity to discuss new projects
and development at DDCVS with          DDCVS posted 138 news
our beneficiaries.                     and events items on the website
                                       over the year and sent out 36
The first meeting was held on the      press releases publicising our
10th October 2019, which saw a         small    grants    schemes  and
wide ranging discussion around         networking events, making use of
potential new pieces of work such      local newspapers like the Peak
as:                                    Advertiser and Dales town and
                                       village bulletins.
   Joining up groups/networking       See
   Older person support
   More volunteer brokerage           ‘U p d a t e   from     DDCVS’
   How to connect with/work more      newsletters were sent out on a
    with the younger Derbyshire        monthly basis but in March 2020
    Dales population                   three special newsletters were
                                       produced that month in response
   Good Neighbourliness ideas         to the COVID-19 situation. DDCVS
                                       refocused its work to support its
                                       member        organisations    and
                                       residents of Derbyshire Dales
Information Technology                 through the crisis. DDCVS began
                                       liaising with various partners and
             DDCVS continues to        disseminated information through
             post regularly on our     the newsletters being sent
    570      Facebook & Twitter        to around 408 subscribers.
   followers pages. Topics have
             included   information    Membership
             regarding      funding,
events as well as what is going on     Councils for Voluntary Service are
in and around the Derbyshire           first and foremost membership
Dales. Facebook posts included         organisations, a membership that
the GlaxoSmithKline awards in          genuinely reflects the voluntary
September,       Bakewell    Shows     and community sector in the area
‘grand giveaway’, volunteering         is very important to us. Total
coffee morning with Connex in          membership to April 2020 was a
Bakewell and many more.                firm 266 and it is pleasing to
                                       see that a number of          local
Like us on          statutory     and      commercial
and follow us on Twitter #DDCVS        organisations    as     well    as
                                       individuals     have      become
                                       Associate Members of the CVS.
The Development of effective
partnerships with statutory and
voluntary agencies, and the
representation of the voluntary        Plans for the future and
sector at a strategic level formed         external factors
an important part of DDCVS’s              affecting DDCVS
work and it has continued to be
involved in many partnership          The year covered in this annual
groups including:                     report ended dramatically, to say
   Dales Place Alliance              the least, with a national
                                      ‘lockdown’ put in place to combat
   Third Sector Support for          the Covid-19 virus. At the time of
    Derbyshire (3D)                   writing a second, though less
                                      stringent, lockdown is in place.
   The Peak District Partnership     The lockdown in March caused
                                      DDCVS to refocus its activities to
   Leader Local Action Group         assisting    the    elderly   and
                                      vulnerable in the community; and
   CCG Lay Reference Group           it meant that the vast majority of
                                      our services were delivered
   The Peak District Local Nature    remotely      using    information
    Partnership                       technology, and that our staff
                                      worked predominately from home.
   North and South Derbyshire
    Health & Social Care Forums       All the staff coped admirably with
                                      this, and we have continued to
   Derbyshire Dales Health and
                                      deliver a first rate service to our
    Wellbeing Partnership
                                      members and community. In many
   The Community Wellness            respects, things are back to
    Approach Steering group           something like normal, in spite of
                                      the continued challenges caused
   Hurst Farm regeneration Board     by Covid-19.

   Social Prescribing Action Group   So, what of our plans for the future
                                      in these uncertain times? There is
   Social Connectedness Local        much happening, and what follows
    Action Group                      is just a brief summary.

   Dales Health and                  As always, delivering first class
    Wellbeing Partnership.            advice, information and support
                                      to member organisations is of vital
                                      importance to us.
Due to the pandemic, many of           work during the Covid-19 period;
our members have had to stop           and running the Community
delivering their services, or          Centre on Hurst Farm and some
radically change their methods of      of the projects on the Estate
doing so, and a priority for us in     during the pandemic has been a
the coming year is to give as much     remarkable achievement.
support as possible to local
organisations to enable them to        Managing grants programmes
restart their activities safely. Our   continues to be a significant part
on-line       coffee      mornings,    of our work, and we will continue
networking events and training         to manage funding on behalf of
have been a great success, and         Derbyshire County          Council,
this way of engaging with our          Derbyshire Dales District Council,
members looks set to continue for      Derbyshire CCG, and new funding
some time to come.                     from the Police and           Crime
                                       Commissioner.     We      will   be
Our Social Prescribing service,        continuing to monitor the progress
New Connections, got off to a          of the projects we have funded
challenging start at the beginning     recently to     promote       Social
of 2020 because of the needs in        Connectedness.
the community created by the
pandemic. Our social prescribers       Working closely with our partners
dealt with this very well and they     in other agencies is now more
have now got back to delivering its    important than ever, and we will
regular service for local practices.   be devoting much time to strategic
A new Digital Connections project      partnerships such as 3D; the
is just being launched that will       Hurst Farm Regeneration Board;
enable people who are not              the Social Prescribing Action
currently on-line to access more       Group; the Social Connectedness
services and support; and a new        Local Action Group; and the Peak
on-line social group for clients has   District Partnership and many
been launched.                         more (see partnership list).

Our work with the Estate               During the coming year we will
Regeneration Project on Hurst          also continue to refine the
Farm in Matlock will once again be     governance and management of
a major project for us.                the organisation with particular
                                       focus on risk management, cyber
Some delays have been caused           security, telecommunications and
by Covid-19 to some of the work,       a review of our governing
but overall this exciting project      documents. We will also be
continues     to progress   well.      seeking to recruit at least one new
Our Community Development              trustee.
Manager has done some amazing
Company and Charity Information
Derbyshire Dales Council for Voluntary Service (also known as Derbyshire
Dales CVS) is a Registered Charity (1093087) and a Company Limited by
                        Guarantee (04428280).
   The principal address of the Company and its Registered Office is:
           The Agricultural Business Centre, Agricultural Way,
                   Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AH.

                               Martin Townsend - Chair
                               Bev Shephard - Treasurer
                               Gill Geddes
                               Cllr Susan Hobson
                                (resigned 3rd June 2019)
                               Anthony Godbehere
                                Georgia Litherland
                                Phil Stanyer
                                 (appointed 21st March 2019)
                               Cllr Tony Morley
                                (appointed 17th October 2019)
                               Janet Walker
                                (appointed 23rd January 2020)

BANKERS:                       Co-operative Bank
                               P.O Box 25
                               WN8 6WT

                               55 St Pauls Street
                               LS1 2TE

                                Community Accountant
                                Derby Community Accountancy Service
                                Babington Lane
                               128 Green Lane
                                Derby    DE1 1RY
Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner
The trustees (who are also the directors of the company for the purposes of
company law) are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The
trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144
(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent
examination is needed.
Having satisfied myself that the charity is not subject to an audit under
company law and is eligible for independent examination, it is my
responsibility to:
 examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act;
 follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the
  Charity Commission under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act; and
 state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner's report
My examination was carried out in accordance with general Directions given
by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the
accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts
presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual
items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as
trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not
provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently
no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a “true and fair view”
and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below.

Independent examiner’s statement
In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:
1 which gives me reasonable cause to believe that, in any material respect,
  the requirements:
     to keep accounting records in accordance with section 386 of the
       Companies Act 2006; and
     to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records,
       comply with the accounting requirements of section 396 of the
       Companies Act 2006 and with the methods and principles of the
       Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting and Reporting by
       Charities have not been met; or
2   to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a
    proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Trustees on the
23rd July 2020 and signed on their behalf by: Martin Townsend (Chair)

                         BALANCE SHEET
                           31 MARCH 2020

                                        2020                   2019

                                  £              £         £          £
Fixed assets
UK Investments                                 75,513               80,485

Current assets
Debtors                           5,841                    1,315
Cash at bank and in hand        151,339                  119,944

                                157,180                  121,259
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year              (1,000)                  (6,379)

Net current assets
                                               156,180              114,880

Total assets less current liabilities          231,693              195,365

Net assets                                     231,693              195,365


Restricted                                      70,291              23,670
Unrestricted                                   161,402             171,695

TOTAL FUNDS                                    231,693             195,365
                           YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2019

                                                                     Total Funds      Total Funds
                                   Unrestricted       Restricted          Year to         Year to
                                        Funds            Funds       31 Mar 2020     31 Mar 2019

                                          £                  £                                £
Incoming from:
Donations                                103             -                 103               922
Charitable Activities                 70,062        226,219            296,281        232,465
Investment income                        -              -                -                 -

Total incoming resources              70,165        226,219            296,384        233,387

Expenditure on:
Raising Funds
Charitable activities                 75,486        179,598            255,084        220,673

Total expenditure                     75,486        179,598            255,084        220,673

Net income (expenditure)              (5,321)         46,621            41,300         12,714

Transfer between funds                   -               -                -              -
                                     ————           ————              ————           ———–--

Net movement in funds                 (5,321)         46,621            41,300          12,714

Unrealised gain/(loss) on             (4,972)            -               (4,972)         2,098

Fund balances at 1 Apr 2019          171,695          23,670           195,365        180,553

Fund balances at
31 March 2020                        161,402        70,291            231,693         195,365

                   The company has no new or discounted activities during the year
Membership List:
Following organisations and individuals are members of
Derbyshire Dales CVS as at October 2020

                                        Bakewell and District Tai Chi Group
                                        Bakewell Area U3A
Full Members:
                                        Bakewell Artability
1914 - 1918 Community                   Bakewell Choral Society
    Commeration Group                   Bakewell Gardening Association
1st Matlock Boys Brigade                Bakewell Gardening Association -
1st Youlgrave Guides                        Monyash Road Allotments
6th Matlock (Darley Dale)               Bakewell in Bloom
   Scout Group                          Bakewell Oxfam Supporters' Group
Ace Youth Worker Trust                  Bakewell Photo Club
Age UK Derby & Derbyshire               Bakewell Women's Institute
All Saints Bakewell PCC                 Bakewell Working Men's Club
Alzheimer's Society-Derbyshire          Baslow & District Luncheon Club
Amnesty International -                 Baslow Community Orchard Group
    Wirksworth & District               Baslow Senior Citizens Club
Ashbourne & District 50+ Forum          Big Theatre
Ashbourne & District Stroke             Blackwell Hall Kiln
    Support Club                        Bonsall Village Hall
Ashbourne Community Transport           Bradwell Community Land Trust
Ashbourne Heritage Society              Bradwell Preschool Group
Ashbourne Partnership Charitable        Bramwell Memorial Institute
    Trust (APCT)                        Brassington Allotments Association
Ashbourne Tai Chi Group                 Brassington Over 60’s
Ashbourne Treasures CIO                 Calver, Curbar and Froggatt
Ashbourne Women’s Institute                Senior Citizen's Club
Ashford-In-The-Water War                Care Farming Development CIC
    Memorial Institute                  Careline
Association of Bakewell Christians      Carsington & Hopton After
B M & W Brass Band                         School Club
Babbling Vagabonds Storytelling         Carsington Sailability
    Theatre                             CHICKS - Country Holidays for
Bakewell & District Cancer                 Inner City Kids
    Research                            Community Fayre
Bakewell & District Club for            Connex Community Support
    the Disabled                        Crafty Natters
Bakewell & District Friday Group        Cromford Community Centre
Bakewell & District Historical          Dales Heart Cardiac Support
   Society                                 Group
Bakewell & District Probus Club         Darley Dale Croquet Club
Bakewell & Eyam Community               Darley Dale Film Society
    Transport                           Deaf & Hearing Support
Dent House Nursing Home               Grindleford & Eyam Playgroup
   (Caritas Services)                 Grindleford Allotment Association
Derby & Derbyshire Citizens           Grindleford Community Shop Ltd
   Advice Bureau                      Grindleford Playing Fields
Derby Mountain Recue Team                 Association
Derbyshire Advocacy Service           Grow 2 Give
Derbyshire Association for            Growtheatre CIC
   Local Councils                     Haarlem Artspace CIC
Derbyshire Borderline Personality     Handmade Cinema
   Disorder Support Group             Hannage Brook (Wirksworth Patient
Derbyshire Dales Ramblers                Participation Group)
Derbyshire Federation for             Hassop and Bakewell RC Churches
   Mental Health                      Hathersage Book Group
Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group        Hathersage Bowling Club
Derbyshire LGBT+                      Hathersage Befriending Service
Derbyshire Open Arts                  Hathersage Luncheon Centre
Derwent & Wye Valley Railway Trust    Hathersage Nursery Class
Derwent and Dove Scouts District      Healthwatch Derbyshire
Derwent Rural Counselling Service     Helen’s Trust
Dethick, Lea and Holloway (Heritage   High Peak Access
    Group (DLH)                       High Peak Community Arts
Do Something Different Club -         Holiday Heroes
     Matlock & Darley Dale            Hope Careline
Dovefest                              Hope Sports Club
Drop Inn Centre                       Hope Valley Centenary Trefoil Guild
Elton Gardening Club                  Hope Valley Christian Youth Work
Empire Cinema Group                   Imperial Good Food
Eyam Sports Association               Joseph Whitworth Centre
Faith in Action (Derby                King George's Field
   Diocesan Mission and Ministry      Lane End Farm Trust
   Team)                              Lilybank Care Home - Residents
Fountain Square Church                    Group
    (Methodists/United Reformed       Little Canyon Printworks
    Church)                           Longford Youth Club
Friends of Castle View                Mappleton Village Social Committee
Friends of Cromford Canal             Matlock & District Hard of
Friends of Hurst Farm                     Hearing Club
Friends of Little Longstone           Matlock and District Artability
   Chapel                             Matlock and Surrounding
Friends of Taste Tideswell                Communities 50+ Forum
Glee Club of Wirksworth               Matlock Area U3A
Go Wild in Wirksworth                 Matlock Bath Bowls Club
Golden Oldies                         Matlock Derwent Valley Lions Club
Granby House (Youlgrave               Matlock Gilbert & Sullivan Society
   and District) Society Ltd          Matlock in Bloom
Greenfields Over 60's Club            Matlock Moor Methodist Church
Matlock Musical Theatre Group          The Derbyshire Makers
Matlock Pre-School Playgroup           The Do Something Different Club
Matlock Rotary                         The Environmental Quality
Matlock Social Fund for the Disabled       Mark CIC
Matlock Tai Chi                        The Farming Life Centre
Matlock Toy Library                    The Get Together Club
Medway Community Centre                The Maltings Wirksworth
Memory Lane Darley Dale                The Mid-Derbyshire Association
Mid Derbyshire Riding for                  for Mobile Physiotherapy
    the Disabled                       The StarDisc Trust
National Stone Centre                  Tideswell & District Allotment
Osmaston History Group                     Association
Parkinson’s Support Group -            Tideswell & District Community
    Bakewell                               Association
PCC of the Parish of St Oswald’s       Tideswell & District Sports
    Ashbourne                              Association
Peak District Mining Museum            Tideswell & District Voluntary
Peak District Mosaic                      Organisation
Peak Music Society                     Tideswell After School Holiday
Peak Railway Association                  Club
Peaks and Dales Advocacy               Tideswell Community Orchard
Pomeroy War Memorial Hall              Tideswell St John the Baptist PCC
River Network                          Tideswell Village Luncheon Club
Rotary Club of Bakewell                Tools for Self Reliance
Rowsley Pre-School                     Town Hall Events Wirksworth
Rural Action Derbyshire (RAD)          Transition Wirksworth
Sight Support Derbyshire               Trent Rivers Trust
Singing for the Mind                   TURN Education
St Oswald's Church -                   Umbrella Derby & Derbyshire
    Ashbourne                          Vasculitis UK
St Oswald’s Hospital League of         Venture
   Friends                             Victim Support (North Derbyshire)
Starkholmes Allotment Association      Well Heeled Appalachian Dance
Stoney Middleton & Region Therapy      Wellpaca Treedom
    Support (SMARTS)                   Winster & Elton Luncheon Club
Sudbury Gas Works Restoration          Winster Village Magazine
   Project                             Winster Village Shop
Sudbury Senior Citizen’s Club             Association Limited
Sustainable Bakewell                   Wirksworth Care Centre Trust
Sustainable Youlgrave                  Wirksworth Community Growers
Taddington Old People's Club           Wirksworth Community Theatre
Tansley Tuesday Club                   Wirksworth Festival Ltd
Tansley Village Hall                   Wirksworth Heritage Centre
The Air Ambulance Charity Shop         Wirksworth Junior Table Tennis Club
The Arkwright Society                  Wirksworth Pre-School Playgroup
The Arts Society Dove Valley           Wirksworth Swimming Pool
The Connection Space CIC
WISH (Wirksworth in Support of    Chesterfield Ladies Football Club
   Health))                       Cubley Parish Council
Youlgrave 1914-1918 Community     Darley Dales Town Council
   Group                          Flowing with Life Yoga, Massage &
Youlgrave Bangbutt Village Link      Counselling
Youlgrave Cinema                  Foundation Derbyshire
Youlgrave Community Land          Growing Rural Enterprise
  Trust Ltd                       Hathersage Parish Council
Youlgrave Village Hall            High Peak CVS
Youlgrave WI                      Matlock Bath Parish Council
Youlgrave Youth and Community     Matlock Town Council
   Project                        Mount Cook Activity
                                  One East Midlands
                                  Peter Stone Consulting Ltd
                                  Relate Derby & Southern
                                  Rowsley Parish Council
                                  Sheldon Parish Meeting
                                  Stoney Middleton Parish Council
                                  Sue Lewis Counselling
                                  Tideswell Parish Council
                                  Victim Support (North Derbyshire)
 Wirksworth Community Growers     Voluntary Action Sheffield

                                  Individual Members:

                                  Steve Capes
                                  Helen Bovey
                                  Anthony Godbehere
      Tideswell Luncheon Club     Cllr Susan Hobson
                                  Georgia Litherland
                                  Jeffrey Marsh
                                  Adele Metcalfe
                                  Cllr Tony Morley
Associate Members:                Bev Shephard
                                  Phil Stanyer
Ashford in the Water Parish       Martin Townsend
   Council                        Janet Walker
Bakewell Town Council
Bonsall Parish Council
Bradwell Parish Council
Brassington Parish Council
01629 812154

           Derbyshire Dales CVS
        Agricultural Business Centre,
   Agricultural Way, Bakewell, DE45 1AH

DDCVS is a Company Limited by Guarantee,
      Company Number : 4428280
  Registered Charity Number : 1093087
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