SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide

Page created by Roberta Barnes
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide

                      2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 1
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Registration Dates - Fall & Winter Programs
Registration Date              Program                            Grade   Program Begins       Fee            Fall-Winter: Schools Out & Holiday Schedule
After School Program, Vacation Days & Bus Transportation                                Pages 8-9             Monday, August 30th (First Day of School)             After School Program/Open Gym Begins
August 11 - Ongoing            After School Program & Bus         K-8     Aug. 30 - Ongoing    Varies         Monday, September 6th (Labor Day)                     Closed
August 17 - Ongoing            School’s Out Program               K-5     Days Off of School   $50/day        Tuesday, September 7th (Rosh Hashanah)                Open - Vacation Day Schedule*
TBD (February)                 Summer Camp                        K-10    June 20              Varies         Thursday, September 16th (Yom Kippur)                 Open - Vacation Day Schedule*
                                                                                                              Tuesday, September 28th (FPS Early Dismissal)         Open 1:00pm
Basketball Leagues, Clinics & Tournaments                                               Pages 10-12
                                                                                                              Thursday, October 7th (FPS Early Dismissal)           Open 1:00pm
August 12                      Girls Junior 4-on-4 League         6-8     September 13         $95            Tuesday, October 12th (FPS Early Dismissal)           Open 1:00pm
August 24                      Shooting Stars Basketball Clinic   K-2     October 2            $85            Wednesday, October 13th (FPS Early Dismissal)         Open 1:00pm
August 31                      Pee Wee Basketball League          3-5     November 8           $110           Tuesday, November 2nd (No School- PD)                 Open - Vacation Day Schedule*
August 31                      Pee Wee Skills Academy             3-5     October 2            $50            Thursday, November 11th (No School - Veterans Day)    Open - Vacation Day Schedule*
September 21                   Fall 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney     6-8     November 2           $20            Wednesday, November 24th (Thanksgiving Eve)           Open 1:00pm
October 19                     Boys Junior Basketball League      6-8     January 31           $95            Thursday, November 25th (Thanksgiving)                Closed
November 15                    Red Baker League                   9-12    January 4            $95            Friday, November 26th                                 Closed
TBD (October)                  Travel Basketball                  4-8     TBD (November)       $725           Saturday, November 27th - Sunday, November 28th       TBD
STEAM & Educational Development                                                         Pages 13              Thursday, December 23rd (FPS Early Dismissal)         Open 1:00pm
Ongoing                        Birthday Parties                   K-12    Ongoing              $225           Friday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)                 Open - Vacation Day Schedule* Close @ 4:00pm
September 7                    Babysitting/CPR                    6-8     September 22         $75            Monday, Dec. 27 - Friday, Dec. 31 (December Vacation) Open - Vacation Day Schedule* Close 12/31 @ 4:00pm
September 21                   Open Resume Night                  9-12    October 26           Free           Saturday, Jan. 1 - Monday, Jan. 3 (New Year’s)        Closed
November 10                    Night Owls                         3-5     December 10          $10            Friday, January 14th (FPS Early Dismissal)            Open 1:00pm
Ongoing                        Fine Arts Exhibit                  K-12    February 1           Free           Monday, January 17th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)     Open - Vacation Day Schedule*
Sports, Fitness & Recreation                                                            Pages 14              *Open 8:00am-6:00pm for K-5th grade School’s Out Program (Fee applies) & 6th-12th graders.
September 7                    Starry Night Movies                3-8     9/24, 10/22, 11/5    $15/night      3rd-5th grade Open Gym drop-in begins 11:00am on days off from school.
September 14                   Kickball Tournament                3-5     October 13           $20            Early Dismissal Days
September 21                   Dodgeball Tournament               3-5     November 2           $20            The Club opens at 1:00pm on Fairfield Public Schools’ scheduled Early Dismissal Days for K-8th graders normally
September 21                   Fall 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney     6-8     November 2           $20 (pg. 12)   enrolled in the After School Program on that day of the week. The Club does not open early on days when schools
October 26                     Middle School Madness              6-8     December 3           $10            close early due to weather or other unexpected reasons.
November 2                     Letters to Santa                   K-2     December 10          $25
Character Leadership                                                                    Pages 15-17
August 15                      Torch Club                         7-8     September 17         $80
August 15                      Keystone Club                      9-12    September 17         $80                                     Register for all programs online, except where noted, at
August 15                      Mentoring                          9-12    September 20         Free                                    Registration begins at 10:00am
Adult Programs                                                                          INQUIRE AT CLUB
Ongoing                        Adult Open Rec Time                23+     September 8          $195
Ongoing                        College/Young Alumni Open Rec      19+     September 8          $25
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Membership & Program Registration                                                                                        Policies & General Information
                                                                                                                             Wakeman Boys & Girls Club offers two modern facilities: the Southport Clubhouse in Southport and the Smilow-
     Annual Membership Dues
                                                                                                                             Burroughs Clubhouse in Bridgeport. WBGC facilities are open during the school year on weekdays, weekends and
     Membership dues can be paid one time in full or by season.                                                              scheduled days off from school including many holidays. The membership fee entitles members to use either Club’s
     Must have valid membership for entire duration of program.                                                              facilities on a daily basis, with some restrictions. Bus transportation is provided from all Fairfield elementary and
     Grade/Age                  Term                                      Price                                              middle schools to the Southport Clubhouse. Membership also provides access to many fee-based programs, leagues
                                                                                                                             and classes including basketball, other sports programs, STEM, arts programs, Keystone Club, Torch Club, After
     K - 8th Grade         Full Year (Sept 2021–August 2022)                  $145
                                                                                                                             School Program at the Southport Clubhouse and Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse, and numerous other top-quality
                           Sept - Dec 2021                                     $60       For more information contact:       programs. Both clubhouses also offer traditional full day summer camps and specialty camps. Some traditional
                           Jan - June 2022                                     $60       Jessica Gerber                      programs are not scheduled for the 2021-22 year due to COVID.
                           Summer 2022                                         $25       Membership Director
     9th - 12th Grade      Full Year (Sept 2021–August 2022)                   $75 or          Southport Clubhouse Facility & Outdoor Spaces:
                                                                                         (203) 259-4805 x 251                Red Baker Gym & Warren Gym: 2 full court basketball gyms with 6 hoops in each space. Both gyms have the ability
                           Sept - Dec 2021                                     $25
                                                                                                                             to run 2 side court games, and floor to ceiling dividers for smaller group practices and activities.
                           Jan - June 2022                                     $25
                                                                                                                             Game Room: Open and supervised during designated hours for K-12th grade members. The game room contains
                           Summer 2022                                         $25
                                                                                                                             ping-pong, foosball, carpet bowling, air hockey, shuffle board and multi-game table.
     College/Young Alumni (19-22yo - limited hours - please inquire)           $25
                                                                                                                             WIFI: Guest WIFI network is available to members only. The Homework Room, Lobby, Teen Lounge and Classrooms
     Adult Membership (23+ - limited hours - please inquire)                  $195
                                                                                                                             are ideal places to use WIFI for school work and Club activities on their personal or school issued devices. A limited
                                                                                                                             number of Club computers are available for member use. By using WIFI network, members agree to WBGC internet
    Membership Registration                                            go as they wish. At least one gym will be available   policies.
    Membership applications are available August 1st for               to shoot around or play pick-up games. Often the
                                                                       game room, turf field and/or Sport Court will also    Turf Field: Full size turf field lined for lacrosse, soccer and field hockey is a favorite hangout of members year round
    the 2021-22 school year. Membership is available to all
                                                                       be open. Parents are not permitted in Open Gym        for games and sports of all kinds. The field is typically available to members 3:00pm-6:00pm after school and
    K-12th graders regardless of their age or town of residence.
                                                                       and cannot remain in program spaces during            8:00am-6:00pm vacation days. On weekends, there is no supervision provided for the Turf Field/Sport Court.
    A current membership is required to participate in any
    program or Open Gym Drop-In. All 2020-21 memberships               practices or classes. They are encouraged to drop     Sport Court: Tucked behind the Warren Gym, the outdoor Sport Court features two full sized basketball courts with
    must be renewed for the 2021-22 school year. Membership            off their child.                                      adjustable rims. The Sport Court features quick drainage and a three season tent on one court. On weekends, there
    is valid at both our Southport Clubhouse and Smilow-               Guest Policy: A member is allowed to bring            is no supervision provided for the Turf Field/Sport Court.
    Burroughs Clubhouse for program and membership use.                one guest per visit at a cost of $5 per visit. A      Homework Room (Power Hour): This is dedicated homework space on the 2nd Floor where After School Program
    Membership enrollment and renewal is online. Please                guest application must be filled out by an adult.     members can focus on homework with assistance of staff and volunteer tutors.
    remember to update grade and school when renewing                  Children are only allowed to be a guest once per      Middle School Lounge: NEW! An exclusive lounge for 6th-8th graders is available to members after school and on
    memberships online.                                                program year. Guests may not attend programs          days off from school. This space includes games, books, TV, WIFI, couches and more.
    Wakeman Boys & Girls Club is committed to providing high           unless specifically noted. Guest fees paid to
                                                                       WBGC will not be applied to future membership         Outdoor Play Area: NEW! Watch this space as our cool features will continue to grow beyond the current Gaga Ball
    quality staff, facilities and programs for its members. WBGC
                                                                       payments.                                             Pit, picnic tables, Four Square Court and blacktop chalk area.
    receives income from a variety of sources including grants,
    special event fundraisers, annual charitable appeal and            Adult/College/Young Alumni Memberships:               STEM Center: Our multipurpose room provides after school program members with space to explore the world of
    program fees. Without these multiple sources of income,            Required for anyone beyond high school age. This      STEM, brush up on their art, build towers of Legos, and much more.
    the membership fee alone would cost over $500 per child.           allows use of facility and outdoor spaces during      K-2nd Classrooms: Our youngest members have dedicated spaces after school and vacation days for art,
                                                                       designated school hours from September – June.        homework, STEM and games. Outside of K-2 activity hours, one room functions as our fully outfitted Art Studio.
    Southport Clubhouse Open Gym Drop-In Hours*:
                                                                       Background checks are conducted on all adult/
                      3rd-8th Grade     9th-12th Grade
                                                                       college/young alumni members before use of
    Mon-Fri           6:00pm-9:30pm     2:30pm-9:30pm
                                                                       facility is permitted. For more information on                              Financial Assistance
    Sat               12:00pm-8:00pm    12:00pm-8:00pm
                                                                       adult memberships, email Membership Director
    Sun               12:00pm-6:00pm    12:00pm-6:00pm                                                                                             Annual membership fees can be paid at one time or seasonally. After School Program fees
                                                                       Jessica Gerber or call
                                                                                                                                                   are structured in a tiered system for families to determine their ability to pay. Those unable
    *Hours vary based on seasonal basketball, athletic                 (203) 259-4805.
                                                                                                                                                   to afford full membership or fees for other programs should submit a completed financial
    programs and vacations. Specific Club hours are posted                                                                                         aid application to the Membership Director at least two weeks prior to registration date to
    monthly in lobby and                                                                                                           best allow a careful review of application. Application must include copy of most recent tax
                                                                             K–8th graders must be enrolled in the
    Open Gym: Time set aside for members in 3rd-12th grade                   After School Program to use the club                                  returns for each parent/guardian with partial or full custody of child, including step-parents.
    to use the facility on a drop-in basis. K-2nd graders may                   during 3:00pm–6:00pm M–F                                           Additional documents or third-party verification of financial condition may be requested. All
    not participate in Open Gym. The Club is supervised during              9th–12th graders have access to Open                                   requests are given careful consideration. Financial Assistance Application is available at
    open gym, but games and play times are not organized.                           Gym 2:30pm–5:30pm                                     under the Membership tab.
    Parents should be advised that members may come and
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SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Club Commitment, Rules & Mission                                                                                      Policies & General Information
    Club Commitment – A Message From Our Staff                                                                            Safety & COVID-19
    Countless hours are put into the program planning process: organizing activities,                                     The safety of young people is our #1 priority. We work everyday to create a safe, fun environment for kids and teens.
    scheduling gyms and field times, recruiting referees, volunteer coaches and                                           More about safety can be found at - including our current COVID-19 policies. Directors
    instructors. Before registering for any program, please be certain your child                                         are available to speak more about any aspect of safety at the Club.
    is prepared to attend classes, practices, games or clinics unless, of course,                                         Check In/Out Procedure
    he or she is injured, ill or academically ineligible. Club staff have made a                                          Members are required to check in upon arrival and out at departure. Members in grades K-5 must be signed out
    commitment to provide each child with the best possible Club experience.                                              by someone from their Authorized Pick Up List during hours between 8:00am and 6:00pm. Parents/guardians can
    We ask our members and families to make the same commitment in return.                                                update their members’ Authorized Pick Up List by speaking to staff at the front desk.
    Club Rules                                                                                                            Insurance
    Everyone who comes to the Club is looking to have fun. We ask everyone to                                             Members are responsible for securing their own health and accident insurance. Wakeman Boys & Girls Club and
    follow these simple rules to ensure a good time and a safe Club.                                                      Wakeman Memorial Association Inc. will not be responsible for injuries sustained by members or visitors as a result
    • Check in at front desk upon arrival and departure of Club.                                                          of their participation in Club activities or while on Club property.
    • Have fun, play fair, be nice and respectful to everyone.                                                            Parking Lot
    • Resolve disagreements nonviolently and if you need help, alert a staff member.                                      Please follow the one-way signs once you pull into the parking lot. Use caution pulling in – and especially out – when
    • Walk unless you are in a gym or on field.                                                                           parking. Refrain from using cell phones while driving on Club property. State law prohibits any use of the handicap
    • Consume all food and drink in the lobby and designated program spaces.                                              parking spots without a valid handicap marker. This includes when quickly dropping off or picking up children.
    • Please leave hats, wallets, jewelry, watches and cash at home when you come to the Club.
                                                                                                                          Website & Social Media
    • Wakeman BGC cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen property.
                                                                                                                 and social media are valuable tools for the Club to communicate with families. Check the
    • Staff will not tolerate foul language, teasing, taunting, bullying, fighting, etc.
                                                                                                                          website for open gym times, league schedules, announcements, program descriptions, staff contacts, registration
    • No use of alcohol, tobacco or cannabis products is allowed anywhere on Club property.
                                                                                                                          dates and cancellations. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Several of our programs also have
    • General conduct will be closely scrutinized by our staff. Generally, one warning will be issued for inappropriate
                                                                                                                          dedicated pages on Instagram (Torch, Travel Basketball) or Twitter (Red Baker League)
      behavior before a member is dismissed for the day or evening. Any violation of Club rules may result in
      suspension of membership privileges at Unit Director’s discretion. Incidents deemed of a more serious nature        Data Collection
      may be referred to proper local authorities, including police and schools.                                          Wakeman Boys & Girls Club may collect information via online or written surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus
    • The Club’s full behavior policy is available at under “Southport” drop down options.            groups and member applications. Aggregated results of these analyses may be shared with Club staff, Boys & Girls
                                                                                                                          Clubs of America (BGCA), funders, and other community stakeholders to evidence program effectiveness and/or
                                                                                                                          impact on our members.
                                                                                                                          Inclement Weather
    Our Mission:                                                                                                          Club closings due to inclement weather will be announced on and Facebook. When area
                                                                                                                          schools are closed due to snow, the Club will typically open at 3:00pm. Updated hours will be posted as possible.
    “To guide and inspire young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full                            Please contact your child’s coach or go to and click on “daily cancellations” for possible practice
    potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.”
                                                                                                                          Program Refund Policy/Cancellations
                                                                                                                          We understand there are instances where participants would be entitled to a refund of fees paid. No matter how
                                                                                                                          diligently one plans their family’s and children’s activities, situations may arise that require a change. However, as
                                                                                                                          an organization, we must set guidelines that allow us to plan for our seasonal needs such as ordering equipment,
                                                                                                                          supplies and assignment of officials. All of these activities have associated costs. For these reasons we have
                                                                                                                          developed a comprehensive, fair refund policy. Visit to view our policy.

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SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
After School Program, Vacation Days                                                                                      After School Program, Vacation Days
    & Bus Transportation                                                                                                     & Bus Transportation
    After School Program                                                                                                     NEW! After School – Daily Program
    Grade K–8						                                                                        Register: August 11 Online Only   NEW! K-2nd Grade: Dedicated classroom staff with structured
    Welcome to our NEW after school program for all members in grades K-8 using the Club from 3:00pm-6:00pm                  games, art, gameroom, STEM activities and more, indoors and
    after school! Club members who missed this past year will see an enhanced after school experience throughout the         outdoors. K-2nd graders remain with their group at all times.
    Clubhouse, including extended Open Gym times, Power Hour with dedicated homework space and staff, new outdoor            3rd, 4th, 5th Grade: Flexible variety of supervised activity spaces
    play area and frequent STEM, Creative Arts and other special activities.                                                 available every 30 minutes with a blend of staff-organized and
                                                                                                                             self-organized activities. 3rd-5th graders can move about premises
    All K-8th graders attending the Club after school must be enrolled in After School Program.
                                                                                                                             on their own, with some limitations.
                                                                                                                             6th-8th Grade: Dedicated Teen Center along with Gym, Turf and
                                                                                                                             other spaces available for exclusive teen use at designated times.
        After School Program Fees:                                                                                           6th-8th graders can move about premises on their own.
        Fall Session (Aug. 30–Dec. 23)                  Winter (Jan. 4–April 14)               Spring (April 25–June 14)     Homework help is available for all grades Monday-Thursday.
        Winter/spring registration will be announced in October.                                                             Open Gym is available daily for 9th-12th graders. After School
                                                                                                                             Program registration is not required for high school students to
        NEW! TIERED PRICING: We understand families have differing abilities to pay for programs. In an effort to            drop in during after school time.
        make the Club more accessible for all families, we are introducing a tiered pricing system for our After School
        Programs. Please choose the tier most fitting for your family. All members will have the same experience no          Bus Transportation
        matter which tier a family selects. Tier selections are confidential and can be selected online.                     Registration for after school bus transportation is online with After             For more information contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Geoff Baranger
                                                                                                                             School Program registration, enrolled on a first come, first served               Senior Program Director
        TIER A - Based on the direct cost of participating in the selected program. If you are able to pay this amount,      basis. Members must register for the After School Program to be          or
        please do so.                                                                                                        eligible for bus transportation.                                                  (203) 259-4805 x 253
        TIER B - A more substantial financial assistance rate for families who are financially challenged. If you are        Middle Schools: Fairfield Woods, Tomlinson, & Roger Ludlowe
        unable to afford Tier A, please pay this amount.
                                                                                                                             Elementary Schools: Burr, Dwight, Holland Hill, Jennings, Mill Hill, McKinley*, North Stratfield, Osborn Hill, Riverfield,
        TIER C - This option provides a more heavily subsidized rate for families who have greater need than the             St. Thomas, Sherman, The Southport School.
        subsidized rate above. If you are unable to afford Tier A or B, please pay this amount.
        TIER D - Thanks to our generous donors, we can provide some funding especially due to layoffs, families eligible     *NEW: The McKinley School Before & After School Enrichment Program launches at McKinley in Fall 2021, providing
        for free lunch, or unforeseen circumstances. If you are unable to afford Tier A, B or C, please pay this amount.     an exciting free to low cost program for K-5th McKinley students funded by a 21st Century Learning Center Grant and
                                                                                                                             Boys & Girls Clubs of America. More information is available at under “Outreach”. 4th-5th
                                                                                                                             graders may still choose to attend the Southport Clubhouse after school.
     Weekly Fee per Child
                                                                     Please Note:                                            Visit for Frequently Asked Questions about After School Time at the Southport Clubhouse and
     # of Days Attending ASP Per Week
                                                                                                                             transportation from Fairfield Public Schools.
                                    5    4     3     2      1        • Families should notify Membership Director of
                                                                       changes in family financial status affecting tier
     K-2nd               Tier A    $60   $48   $36   $24   $12
                         Tier B    $40   $32   $24   $16   $8
                                                                     • WBGC reserves the right to request a financial
                                                                                                                             School’s Out Program (Vacation Days)
                         Tier C*   $20   $16   $12   $8    $7          aid application at any time if there is reason to     Grades K-5 | $50/day                                                                     Register: August 24 Online Only
                         Tier D*   $7    $7    $7    $7    $7          believe the selected tier is below family means.      Join us on your day off from school for organized games, challenges, sports, art, STEM and other activities. Members
     3rd-5th             Tier A    $50   $40   $30   $20   $10       • ASP payments are made through recurring               may be dropped off/picked up any time. Members should bring a morning/afternoon snack and lunch.
                         Tier B    $33   $26   $20   $13   $7          weekly credit/debit card charges that will
                                                                       total the amount owed for session based on            Fall/Winter SOP Dates: September 7, 16, November 2, 11, December 24*, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31*, January 17.
                         Tier C*   $17   $13   $10   $7    $7
                                                                       enrollment date.                                      8:00am-6:00pm. Structured activities begin at 9:00am and end at 5:30pm.
                         Tier D*   $7    $7    $7    $7    $7
                                                                                                                             6th-12th graders may drop into the Clubhouse on days off from school any time of day for free.
                                                                     • Weekly rate includes early opening on Fairfield
     6th-8th             Tier A    $20   $16   $12   $8    $5          Public School’s scheduled early release days.         *Club closes at 4:00pm on December 24th and 31st.
                         Tier B    $15   $12   $9    $6    $5          ASP rates do not include days off from school
                         Tier C*   $10   $8    $6    $5    $5          and are not prorated based on missed days,               Connecticut Childcare Disclosure:
                         Tier D*   $5    $5    $5    $5    $5          vacation days or snow.                                   Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s After School Program, serving ages 5-12, is exempt from the State of Connecticut childcare
                                                                     • Financial Assistance Application is required if          licensure as per the Office of Early Childhood. All Wakeman Boys & Girls Club programs adhere to the membership and
                                                                       family cannot afford Tier D.                             safety standards set forth by Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
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SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Basketball                                                                                                                Basketball
    Girls Junior 4-On-4 Basketball		                                                                                          Pee Wee Basketball
    Grades 6-8 | $95 								                                                             Register: August 12 Online Only     Boys & Girls Grades 3-5 | $110 		                                                   Register: August 31 Online Only
    Divisions are offered for 6th grade girls and 7th-8th grade girls, with teams coached by volunteer coaches who have       The Southport Clubhouse’s legendary Pee Wee Basketball League is a great experience for players of all skill levels to
    successfully completed Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s Coaches Certification Course. Each team practices for one              learn the game in a fun and welcoming environment. Separate divisions exist for boys and girls and each grade. Each
    hour on a week night and plays an 8 game schedule on Saturdays (dates listed below). All games will be held in Red        team practices one night weekly and plays one game each weekend. Teams are coached by volunteers who have
    Baker Gymnasium. All players will be assigned to a team based on a skill level and availability. Evaluations of each      successfully completed WBGC’s Coaches Course and Child Safety Training. Players must attend one evaluation for
    player’s abilities are used to balance teams (this is not a tryout). Evaluation dates are listed below.                   their grade listed below. Teams will be formed based on evaluation and player conflict information.

    Team roster/practice time placement will be posted at by Monday, September 6. Families                Practice Times: Weekdays 5:30pm-6:30pm, 6:30pm-7:30pm or 7:30pm-8:30pm. Each team practices once weekly.
    are responsible for checking website for team placement/practice time.                                                    All times are not available for all divisions. Games begin the weekend of November 11th.

    Practice begins the week of September 13. Game dates: Saturdays 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30,
    11/6. Grade 6 will likely play at 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm and 1:30pm. Grades 7-8 will likely play at 3:00pm,             Division            Game Days              Game Dates** Evaluation 1*            Evaluation 2*          Evaluation 3*
    4:30pm, 6:00pm, 7:30pm. Game times are subject to change. Potential practice times are weekdays 5:30pm-                                                                            Saturday                Sunday                 Wednesday
    6:30pm, 6:30pm-7:30pm or 7:30pm-8:30pm. Each team will practice one day per week.                                         Boys 3rd Grade                                           October 2               October 10             October 20
                                                                                                                                                                                       12:00pm                 10:00am                6:00pm
                                                                                                                                                  Saturday Mornings
     All girls must attend only one evaluation:                                                                                                                                        Saturday                Sunday                 Wednesday
     Evaluation Dates                        6th Graders                             7th-8th Graders                          Girls 3rd Grade                                          October 2               October 10             October 20
                                                                                                                                                                         12/4, 12/11,
     Tuesday, August 31                      5:30pm-6:15pm                           6:30pm-7:15pm                                                                                     1:00pm                  11:00am                7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                         12/18, 1/8,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Monday                  Sunday                 Tuesday
     Wednesday, September 1                  6:30pm-7:15pm                           5:30pm-6:15pm                                                Saturday Mornings      1/15, 1/22,
                                                                                                                              Girls 4th Grade                                          October 4               October 17             October 19
                                                                                                                                                  Saturday Afternoons    1/29
                                                                                                                                                                                       6:00pm                  10:00am                6:00pm
    Boys Junior Basketball			                       		                                                                                                                                 Monday                  Sunday                 Tuesday
    Grades 6-8 | $95 		                                                                  Register: October 19 Online Only     Girls 5th Grade     Saturday Afternoons                  October 4               October 17             October 19
                                                                                                                                                                                       7:00pm                  11:00am                7:00pm
    Boys Junior League is split into 6th, 7th & 8th grade divisions. Players are placed on teams by Wakeman staff based
    on skill level and availability. Teams practice one hour weekly on a weeknight between 5:15pm and 8:30pm starting                                                                  Tuesday                 Sunday                 Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                         11/14, 11/21,
    the week of January 31. Teams play an 8 game schedule with the addition of single elimination playoffs. The 6th and       Boys 4th Grade                                           October 6               October 24             October 26
                                                                                                                                                                         12/5, 12/12,
    7th grade divisions will play the majority of their games on Saturdays between 8:30am and 6:30pm. The 8th grade                               Sunday Mornings                      6:00pm                  10:00am                6:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                         12/19, 1/9,
    division will play the majority of their games on Sundays between 9:00am and 7:00pm. Game weekends include                                    Sunday Afternoons                    Saturday                Sunday                 Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                         1/16, 1/23,
    Feb 5/6, 12/13, 26/27, March 5/6, 12/13, 19/20, 26/27 April 2/3. NO GAMES FEB 20/21. Playoffs for all grade               Boys 5th Grade                                           October 9               October 24             October 26
    divisions will be the week of April 4. Final day of playoffs will be Friday, April 8th.                                                                                            12:00pm                 10:00am                7:00pm
    Teams are coached by volunteer coaches who have successfully completed Wakeman Boys & Girls Club’s Coaches                * Players should attend only 1 evaluation. Pre-registration for evaluations is required - only registered Pee Wee
    Certification Course. When registering, please take into consideration any school teams or other leagues that your        players may attend evaluation. Evaluations take 45 minutes.
    child may participate in which may interfere with your child’s commitment to Boys Junior League. A more detailed          **No practices or games 11/22-11/28. No games or practices 12/20-1/2.
    information packet including exact practice time options, conflict sheet, volunteer coaching form, and league
    information will be mailed after registration.
    Volunteer Coaches
    Volunteer coaches are integral to providing a unique, quality experience for members. All potential coaches are
    required to submit a volunteer application, undergo a background check and complete an online child safety course
    in addition to a one hour Coaches Course focused on practice planning, skill development, rules, communications               For more information contact:
    and philosophy.                                                                                                               Geoff Baranger
                                                                                                                                  Senior Program Director
    Volunteer applications can be found at under “Support Us” tab. Click “Volunteer”. Coaches        or
    who attend a Coaches Course will be added to the Club’s potential volunteer list to be considered based on                    (203) 259-4805 x 253
    availability and need on an individual basis each season. Please RSVP for course date to
    Coaches Course Dates:        September 9 at 6:00pm or September 11th at 11:00am - ideal for Girls Junior League Coaches
    			                          October 31 or November 6th at 11:00am - ideal for Pee Wee League Coaches
    			                          January 22 or January 29th at 11:00am - ideal for Boys Junior League Coaches

10 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                                                                                           2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 11
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Basketball                                                                                                                 STEAM & Educational Development
    Shooting Stars Basketball Clinic		                                                                                         Babysitting/CPR
    Grades K-2 | $85				                                     Register: August 24 Online Only                                   Grades 6-8 | $75 		                                                                Register: September 7 Online Only
    This introductory class is ideal for girls and boys in grades K-2, with a focus on fun while                               This excellent class provides aspiring babysitters and older siblings the tools and confidence to become fully certified
    learning basic concepts such as dribbling, shooting and passing. Participants play with                                    in Infant, Child & Adult CPR and better prepared to serve as babysitters. Class is taught by our longtime instructor
    size 7 basketballs provided by WBGC. Games and friendly competitions will have your                                        and Registered Nurse Karen Ann Simmons. It is mandatory members attend all 5 classes to become certified.
    budding star eager to come back for more hoops action! Classes will be held Saturdays                                      Program Dates: Wednesdays, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 from 4:30pm-6:30pm.
    October 2, 9, 23 and 30, November 6th from 10:00am-10:45am. No class Oct. 16.
                                                                                                                               Open Resume Night
    Pee Wee Skills Academy
                                                                                                                               Grades 9-12 | FREE		                                    Register: September 21 -–Keystone Page
    Grades 3-5 | $50                                                                       Register: August 31 Online Only
                                                                                                                               Starting the college application process? Feeling a little lost? Come to the Club for some tips on how to set up your
    Under the guidance of Basketball Director Geoff Baranger and experienced high school player-instructors, this 5            resume, brush up your interview skills and get a head start on the college process. Sponsored by Keystone Club, this
    week introductory course is prior to the Pee Wee season. Players learn through games, drills and competitions to           is a free program offered to any WBGC high school member. Teens sit with a professional for 20 minutes and gain
    gain confidence and understanding in the weeks leading up to the start of the Pee Wee Program. Participants will           assistance building resumes, developing college essays or gaining interview experience. This is a one-night event
    learn and practice basics of dribbling, shooting, passing and defense. Focus will be on player development and             and spots are limited so sign up fast!
    learning the game in a fun and exciting way. Players who attend this course and are also signed up for the Pee Wee
    League do not need to sign up for an evaluation for the Pee Wee League. Clinic is held 11:00am-12:00pm Saturdays           Program Date: Tuesday, October 26th from 6:00pm-7:45pm. Sign up for 20 minute period.
    October 2, 9, 23, 30, November 6. No class 10/16.                                                                          Night Owls
    Fall 3-on-3 Tournament 				                                                                                                Grades 3-5 | $10		                                                                Register: November 10 Online Only
    Grades 6-8 | $20/player		                                          Register: September 21 Form on          Come enjoy the evening as we create owl crafts, dissect real owl pellets and learn more about these amazing
    Members in grades 6-8 are welcome to join our first annual Fall 3-on-3 Double Elimination Tournament on Election           animals. Members will also play games, do activities and enjoy owl themed snack time. Space is limited. Sponsored
    Day. Players can submit their roster of 3 or 4 players by filling out team application available at    by Torch Club.
    on Tuesday, September 21. Teams receive a tournament shirt. Pizza and drinks available for purchase. Members               Program Date: December 10 from 6:30-8:00pm
    of winning team earn a prize! Each player must be a current members and pay $20 tournament fee. For questions
                                                                                                                               Fine Arts Exhibit
    please email Note: registration form is on the Southport Basketball webpage of, not in the online registration portal.                                                                Grades K-12 | Free		                                                                    Submit By: February 1, 2022*
    Program Date: Tuesday, November 2nd at 1:00pm.                                                                             Each year we showcase artistic talents of members in conjunction with Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Fine Arts
                                                                                                                               Exhibit. The exhibit is a program designed to promote creativity using various media and to encourage artistic skills
    Travel Basketball 					                                                                                                    and cultural enrichment. Each year, more than 300 pieces of artwork are submitted by young artists. Last year,
    Grades 4-8 | $725                                                                          Register: October (Date TBD)    WBGC had 5 pieces at the Regional level in Massachusetts move on to the National Fine Art Exhibit in Atlanta, GA,
    The WBGC Winter Travel Basketball Program is for experienced players looking for a high caliber training and playing       and one National Fine Arts Winner! Any artwork created by a Club member in 2021 or 2022 at home, school or the
    experience. Teams are coached by paid/experienced coaches and play in the Fairfield County Basketball League               Club may be entered into the exhibit.
    (FCBL). Players must try out for the team; placement is not guaranteed. If selected, player must be a current WBGC         *All entries must be received by February 1st. Event Date: February 22nd-25th. All dates tentative - TBD by
    Member and pay program fee. Program fee includes customized uniforms, warm-up apparel and tournament fees.                 11/1/2021.
    More information on tryouts, selection and coaching will be made available in September. There is no fee to try out,
    membership is not required to try out but participation is limited to Fairfield/Southport residents per FCBL eligibility
    Red Baker 4-on-4 Senior League
    Grades 9-12 | $95                                                                   Register: November 15 Online Only
    The Greatest League on Earth will return to the Southport Clubhouse for Winter 2021-2022. Members in grades
    9-12 can submit their own teams and compete for the coveted Red Baker League Championship. Freshmen (9th
    Grade) play Wednesday evenings and Sophomores-Seniors (grades 10-12) play Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings
    along with Sunday afternoons/evenings. Teams play an 8 game regular season schedule followed by a single
    elimination playoff. Games begin Tuesday, January 4th. Playoffs end by March 25th. All players must register online
    for membership and program enrollment. Players must also submit roster to Program Director no later than Tuesday,
    Dec. 21. Game schedule and rosters will be made available by Thursday, Dec. 30th.
    *Players must submit team form by Dec. 21. Registration deadline may end earlier than Dec. 21 if league fills up.

12 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 13
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Sports, Fitness & Recreation                                                                                               Torch Club (Character & Leadership)
                                                                                                                               Torch Club
       Parties (Birthdays, etc.)
                                                                                                                               Grades 7-8 | $80
       Grades K-8 | $225			                                                               Register by Email or In-Person
                                                                                                                               Application available August 17 | Deadline: September 17
       Celebrate your birthday or other special day at the Club with a private 2 hour party including 1 hour of gym
       time, 30 minutes of Gameroom time and 30 minutes of party room time! Keystoners entertain guests with gym               Torch Club is a powerful vehicle through which young people develop and
       activities and assist with party room set up. Popular activities include capture the flag, dodgeball, basketball and    strengthen their 21st-Century leadership skills, giving them a firm foundation
       soccer - other activities welcome. Due to COVID, family is responsible for serving food and clean up, and bringing      of good character and integrity. Torch Club members elect officers and work
       items needed for the party, including food (nut free), drink, candles, matches, cake knife, paper products, and         together to implement projects in the four focus areas: service to Club and
       utensils. NO HELIUM BALLOONS ALLOWED. A maximum of 25 children are allowed including siblings. Current                  community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation.
       WBGC COVID rules must be followed. Parties are held select Saturdays and Sundays during school year. Email              Application Process or call (203) 259-4805. Party for Member: $225, Party for Non-Member: $275
                                                                                                                               1. Application should be submitted online by September 17.
    Starry Night Movies				                                                                                                    2. Interview will be held for all new Torch applicants. Returning Torch Club members and potential new Torchers are
    Grades: 3-8 | $15 suggested donation/night 		                                       Register: September 7 Online Only         required to apply & sign agreement of service and attendance. Acceptance into Torch Club is not guaranteed.

    Our new 20 foot big screen at the Southport Clubhouse’s gym will feature favorite kid movies. Movie title will be          * Based on applications and interview, candidates will be notified their acceptance via email. The first Torch meeting
    announced one week before registration. Popcorn included! Those who attend can purchase snacks and drinks from             is September 30th at 7:00pm. Accepted members must have an updated paid 2021-22 membership. Please make
    the Torch Club snack stand. Don’t forget your favorite sleeping bag, pillow, lawn chair, etc.                              sure you will be able to fulfill the commitment of attending meetings and completing all volunteer hours of Club/
                                                                                                                               Community Service.
    Program Dates: Fridays, September 24 (G/PG), October 22 (PG/PG13), and November 5 (G/PG)
    Doors open at 7:00pm; movie starts 7:30pm.                                                                                 Hour long meetings are typically twice-monthly on Thursdays between 7:00pm-8:30pm but meeting day may change
                                                                                                                               occasionally due to presenter availability and special events.
    Kickball Tournament
                                                                                                                               REQUIREMENTS: Members attend 2 meetings monthly and perform 2 hours of Club or community service monthly
    Grades: 3-5 | $20 per player 		                                  Register: September 14 - Form on
                                                                                                                               from October-May. All hours are completed through projects planned by Torch Club members and Club advisors, as
    Members create their own team of 7-8 players. Teams play a round-robin double elimination tournament on the                well as approved non-profits and community organizations.
    Club’s Turf Field. All participants must be members at time of registration or team will not be accepted. Players
                                                                                                                               Program fee includes a Torch Club shirt.
    receive a T-shirt. Pizza and drinks are available for purchase. Note: registration form is on webpage, not in the online
    registration page portal.
    Program Date: Wednesday, October 13 from 3:00pm-5:30pm.
    Dodgeball Tournament
    Grades 3-5 | $20/player			                                       Register: September 21 - Form on
    The Club just might be one of the last places on earth where dodgeball is played! For this double elimination
    tournament, players submit teams of 6-7 players by completing a team application available at
    on Tuesday, September 21. Tourney end time varies for teams. Each team’s players will receive a tournament shirt.
    Pizza and drinks will be available for purchase starting at 11:00am. Members of winning team earn a prize! Each
    player must be a current member and pay $20 tournament fee. Note: Registration form is on webpage, not in the                  For more information contact:
                                                                                                                                   Coreen Ahmad
    online registration page portal.                                                                                               Program Director
    Program Date: Tuesday, November 2 from 10:00am-12:00pm                                                                         (203) 259-4805 x 256
    Middle School Madness
    Grades 6-8 | $10 ($5 Torch Club Members)		                                            Register: October 26 Online Only
    Middle school members: Join us for a takeover of the Club with sports, game room, art, music, snacks and more!
    Program Date: Friday, December 3 from 8:00pm-10:00pm
    Letters to Santa
    Grades K-2 | $25 suggested donation 		                                               Register: November 2 Online Only
    Join us for an evening full of holiday cheer as Torch Club hosts its annual Letters to Santa. Write a letter to Santa,
    enjoy a holiday craft project, movie, cookies and milk! Proceeds support Torch Club’s gift drive for families in need.
    Program Date: Friday, December 10 from 5:45pm-8:00pm.
14 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 15
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Keystone Club (Character & Leadership)                                                                              Mentoring & Outreach
    Keystone Club
    Grades 9-12 | $80 		                                                                                                     McKinley & Holland Hill Elementary Schools
    Application available: August 17 | Deadline: September 17                                                                Since 2005, Wakeman Boys & GIrls Club’s Outreach at McKinley has provided after-school enrichment and
    Keystone Club is the Boys & Girls Club Movement’s most dynamic                                                           mentoring programs for McKinley School’s diverse student population and volunteer opportunities for high
    teen program. Keystone Clubs are chartered leadership and service clubs for boys and girls ages 14-18 designed to        school students. The Outreach focuses on improvement of students’ social skills, healthy lifestyles and
    develop good character and help members grow to become productive, responsible adults. Keystoners elect officers         academics. The program opens the door to participation in Wakeman BGC after-school programs, leagues
    and implement their own service projects in three core areas: Character and Leadership, Service to Club                  and summer camps.
    and Community, Education & Career Exploration.                                                                           NEW! The McKinley School Before & After School Enrichment Program launches at McKinley in fall 2021,
    Keystone Club is designed to help teen members become more productive citizens and leaders. Each year,                   providing an exciting free to low cost program for K-5th McKinley students funded by a 21st Century
    Keystoners develop a National Keystone Project which is the combined action of hundreds of local Keystone Clubs          Learning Center Grant and Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The Mentoring Program continues to be a vital
    resulting in a service project with a national scope.                                                                    part of the McKinley Outreach.
    Keystone Club members annually have the opportunity to attend Regional and National Conferences with teens               The Holland Hill Mentoring Program was created in Fall 2018 through a grant from the Kiwanis Club of
    from around the globe. This gives members further development of their leadership skills and understanding of the        Fairfield and in partnership with Fairfield Public Schools Superintendent’s Office.
    broader scope of service. Teens can be nominated to steering committees that help organize these Conferences.            The K-5th grade Great Futures Mentoring Program will serve over 100 McKinley students with 125
    Any applicant, returning or new, is required to complete an application and a Service & Meeting Attendance               high school volunteers during the school year. The Holland Hill Program currently serves 21 Holland Hill
    Agreement. Meetings are typically twice-monthly on Tuesdays from 7:30pm-8:30pm but meeting day may change                students and 30 teens.
    occasionally due to presenter availability and special events. The first meeting is Monday, September 27th.              In addition to the programs at McKinley and Holland Hill, bus transportation is available from school to
    Program fee includes a Keystone Club shirt.                                                                              Wakeman Boys & Girls Club daily after school. Many students also participate in leagues and vacation
                                                                                                                             activities at the Club.
    Application Process
                                                                                                                             Through after-school mentoring, McKinley and Holland Hill students connect with consistent role models
    Applications will be online at under Southport Clubhouse > Keystone Club, starting August 17.
                                                                                                                             and strengthen their academic skills, while increasing opportunities to socialize with peers. Teen
                                                                                                                             volunteers develop their patience, compassion and knowledge while exploring careers working with youth,
                                                                                                                             fulfilling school community service requirements and giving back to the community. Since 2014, nearly 40
                                                                                                                             former McKinley mentees have returned as volunteer teen mentors.

                                                                                                                        Teen Volunteer Programs
                                                                                                                        Grades 9-12 | Free                                                             Register: August 15 Online Application
                                                                                                                        Volunteer two hours a week or more at our McKinley School Outreach or Holland Hill School Outreach and you’ll make a
                                                                                                                        difference in a child’s life. They’ll also make a difference in your own life! More than 155 teens and 10 adult chaperones
                                                                                                                        chose to make a difference last year and overwhelmingly felt the experience greatly impacted their own life.
                                                                                                                        Teens frequently use their hours toward college applications, Fairfield Prep Christian Service, National Honor Society,
                                                                                 For more information contact:          High School Key Club, SASO and other programs. Programs begin mid-September but volunteers may be accepted
                                                                                 Coreen Ahmad                           any time space is available. Volunteers must commit to a consistent day for a minimum 1 season of school year
                                                                                 Program Director                       (fall, winter, spring).
                                                                                 (203) 259-4805 x 256                   Great Futures Mentoring: 9th-12th grade volunteers mentor their K-5th grade mentee in a weekly two-hour session,
                                                                                                                        spending time with other mentors and students for homework, life skills, social lessons, games, crafts, sports, and
                                                                                                                        more. Mentors can choose between Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays 3:00pm-5:00pm at McKinley or
                                                                                                                        Tuesdays 2:45pm-4:45pm at Holland Hill.

                                                                                                                        ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS:            ROLE MODEL: (After School Program): McKinley Outreach
                                                                                                                        				POWER HOUR HOMEWORK TUTOR: Southport & Smilow Burroughs Clubhouses
                                                                                                                        				ASSISTANT ENGINEER (STEAM): McKinley Outreach

                                                                                                                        Volunteer application and full updated details about various volunteer options are available at the Southport
                                                                                                                        Clubhouse or Click “Outreach”, then “Teen Volunteer Opportunities”.

16 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                                                                                        2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 17
SOUTHPORT CLUBHOUSE 2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide
Your Support of Our Organization                                                                                         Staff & Club Leadership
                                                                                                                             Southport Clubhouse
       How Can You Support Wakeman Boys & Girls Club?
                                                                                                                             385 Center Street, Southport, CT 06890
       $1.8 million, or 60% of the Club’s annual budget is raised through individual contributions, grants and special       Phone: 203-259-4805
       events. Both individuals and businesses help to financially support Wakeman Boys & Girls Club so that we can          Fax: 203-254-1431
       fulfill our mission of building GREAT FUTURES for our members.                                                        Tim Cepetelli           Unit Director                                    x252
                                                                                                                             Geoff Baranger          Senior Program Director                          x253
    Participate In One of Our Great Fundraising Events                                                                       Coreen Ahmad            Program Director, Leadership & Outreach          x256
    OVER THE EDGE – October 16, 2021 at People’s United Bank Headquarters, 850 Main St, Bridgeport                           Jessica Gerber          Program Director, Membership                     x251
                                                                                                                             Caitlyn Reddy           Program Coordinator, McKinley Outreach           x254
    If rappelling down a building is on your bucket list, we have the event for you! It’s easy: visit
    to register, raise $1,000 for Wakeman Boys & Girls Club, and you’ll secure a spot to rappel 248 feet down the tallest    Smillow-Burroughs Clubhouse
    building in Bridgeport! No rappelling experience is necessary – it is fun, easy, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!   2414 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605
                                                                                                                             Phone: 203-908-3378
    GREAT FUTURES GOLF TOURNAMENT – June 13, 2022 at the Country Club of Fairfield. Contact Gina Luczaj at                   Fax: 203-908-3382 for more information.                                                                             Laura Magnotta           Unit Director                                   x103
    Make A Contribution                                                                                                      Melissa Moy              Program Dir., Healthy Lifestyles & Fitness      x106
                                                                                                                             James Murphy             Program Director                                x104
                                                                                                                             Gina Osegueda            Program Director, Academics & Leadership        x105
    Together, individual donations make up more than half the funds needed for Wakeman BGC to sustain daily                  Tania Palermo-DeJesus Fine Arts Coordinator & Admin. Aide                x102
    operations and expand programming to serve more kids and teens.
                                                                                                                             Administration Office
    INVOLVE YOUR BUSINESS OR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT                                                                             268 Post Road, 2nd Floor, Fairfield, CT 06824
    Wakeman BGC partners with various businesses, civic groups, and family and community foundations in support of           Phone: 203-908-3381
    programs, operations, and facility improvements. If you are involved with a business or organization that provides       Fax: 203-908-3380
    grants or sponsorships to youth-related causes, please let us know!                                                      Sabrina E. Smeltz      Chief Executive Officer                           x208
                                                                                                                             Brenda Marsian         Chief Development Officer                         x204
                                                                                                                             Elena Simoes           Chief Financial Officer                           x209
                                                                                                                             Gina Luczaj            Director of Community Engagement                  x205
                                                                                                                             Margaret Reynolds      Director of Foundation & Gov’t Relations          x206
                                                                                                                             Dee Gasper             Database Administrator                            x207

                                                                                                                             Board of Trustees – Officers
                                                                                                                             Sean Sullivan, Chairman
                                                                                                                             Stacey Hoin, 1st Vice Chair
                                                                                                                             Sheila Clancy, 2nd Vice Chair
                                                                                    For more information contact:            Robert Lyons, Treasurer
                                                                                    Coreen Ahmad                             Michelle Guzzi, Secretary
                                                                                    Program Director
                                                                           or                Unit Advisory Board – Southport Clubhouse
                                                                                    (203) 259-4805 x 256
                                                                                                                             Jody Sommers, President
                                                                                                                             Kirsten Sabrowski
                                                                                                                             Colin Arsenault
                                                                                                                             Michael Savicki
                                                                                                                             Elizabeth Kontomerkos Vancho
                                                                                                                             Robert Scheetz
                                                                                                                             Tiffany Mahoney
                                                                                                                             Jason Scully
                                                                                                                                                                                      View our full organizational leadership list of Board of
                                                                                                                             Fred Paulmann                                            Trustees and Smilow-Burroughs Clubhouse Unit Advisory
                                                                                                                             Alyson Torello                                           Board members at

18 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                                                                                       2021-2022 Fall & Winter Program Guide | 19
                                                                                                       US POSTAGE
                                                                                                      PERMIT #409
                                                                                                      WESTPORT, CT
    Southport Clubhouse
    385 Center Street
    Southport, CT 06890

                          Register for all programs online, except where noted, at
                                              Registration begins at 10:00am

    Follow Us
                                                                          Wakeman Boys & Girls Club does
                                                                          WHATEVER IT TAKES to serve our community.
    Visit Us Online at
20 | Wakeman Boys & Girls Club
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