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                                                                                                      SUMMER CLASSICS
                                 REGENCY FIREPLACE PRODUCTS

                                                                 MEMPHIS WOOD FIRE GRILLS

                                                                                                   SEASIDE CASUAL

                  Colorado's Chic Culinary Store                                            | 32
Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas

                                                                                                                                  Florida shade company
                                                                                                                                prospers as residential and
                                                                                                                                hospitality markets expand.

                 SUCCESS                                                                                                               BY LARRY THOMAS

  AS 2020 BEGAN, manufacturer FiberBuilt Umbrellas & Cushions                              Despite the downturn, she notes          “As restrictions have eased, which fortu-
  had a lot to celebrate. It was the Florida-based company’s 20th anniversary,         that the company’s CEO, Paul Knapp,          nately coincided with the beginning of
  and all signs pointed to another year of strong sales for its signature umbrellas    didn’t lay off any employees and kept        the casual furniture season, we’ve been
  that feature flexible fiberglass ribs.                                               operations running throughout the            slammed with new business. We’re now
     But as we all experienced, about three months into the year, the begin-           pandemic by implementing a combina-          focused on hiring additional employees,
  nings of a worst-case scenario unfolded. A pandemic brought the hospitality          tion of social distancing, mask wearing      but that continues to be a challenge.”
  busine ss to a halt, and since the majority of FiberBuilt’s sales come from hos-     and remote work procedures for its               The com pany also has seen a solid
  pitality customers, within weeks those stellar sales forecasts became irrelevant.    staff. He also centered sales efforts on     uptick in retail sales for both its umbrel-
     “Prior to the pandemic, we were on track to have a banner year in 2020,”          the retail market since so many people        las and custom replacement cushions.
  says Chantell Holmes, the company’s retail sales manager. “As you might              were now spending all day every day at        “We chalk that up to homeowners’
  expect … sales took a hit. But we continued to fill orders that were already in      home. “FiberBuilt’s employees ha ve           desire to reimagine their surroundings
  house, and we saw an increase in retail sales for standard and custom products.”     always been there, giving their best for      in a more comfortable, colorful, fashion-
                                                                                                    the company, and we were         able light,” Holmes says. “People began
                                                                                                    determined to be there for       improving their outdoor space when the
                                                                                                    them as well,” Knapp says.       indoor walls started closing in.”
                                                                                                        The company even                 She notes that sales of FiberBuilt’s
                                                                                                    forged ahead with plans for      Market umbrellas have remained
                                                                                                    a new 88,000-square-foot         strong, along with a noteworthy
                                                                                                    headquarters and factory in     increase in orders for Cantilever, Beach,
                                                                                                    Pompano Beach, Florida,         and Lucaya umbrellas.
                                                                                                    which opened its doors in            According to Holmes, homeowners
                                                                                                    January of this year. The       have come to appreciate the impor-
                                                                                                    strategy paid off. As pan-      tance of shade products as they refur-
                                                                                                    demic restrictions have         bish outdoor living space because it
                                                                                                    eased in recent months,         allows them to enjoy their time out-
                                                                                                    those 2020 forecasts have       side more fully. That has resulted in
                                                                                                    already been surpa ssed.        increased orders for larger canopies
                                                                                                        “The hospitality market     that deliver shade footprints of 10-
                                                                                                    is definitely sprucing up and   foot square and 13-foot diameter.
                                                                                                    preparing for vacation and           “There’s also a meaningful interest in
                                                                                                    business travelers who have     umbrellas with design options such as
  Above: Lucaya umbrella from the Prestige Collection                                               a pent-up desire to get away    scalloped valances and fringe, as well as
  Top: Venice umbrella from the Euro Collection                                                     from home,” Holmes says.                           continued on page 97

Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas
INSIGHT FIBERBUILT                         continued from page 58

more unique shapes that bring an addi-          hospitality and con-
tional element of architectural appeal or       tract furniture seg-
contemporary silhouettes,” she says.            ments remain the com-
    The new Pompano Beach facility              pany’s bread and but-
includes a showroom geared toward inte-         ter – accounting for
rior designers – a move that proved for-        more than half of sa les.
tuitous and has helped drive increased              Of late, Holmes
business with the design channel. Many          notes that the compa-
 designers, in fact, now bring clients to the   ny is seeing increasing
 showroom to see the products in person.        numbers of retailers
                                                                                   Umbrellas with
     “Designer business has increased, not      establish contract fur-            scalloped valances
only for residences, but also for condo-        niture divisions or                are increasingly
 miniums, HOAs, schools and RV parks,”          devote more resources
 Holmes says. “When a designer gets             to market segments
 involved, the specifications for the           such as condomini-
 umbrellas tend to become more creative         ums, apartment com-
 with the addition of custom options such       plexes, time share
 as scalloped valances, fringes and logos.”     developments and
     Plus, they coordinate the canopies         office parks with outdoor seating and            FiberBuilt’s umbrellas are made for use     the supply chain woes that have plagued
 with orders for matching cushions to           dining areas.                                    in high-traffic and high-wind locations.”   all segments of the home furnishings
 update the comfort of the existing furni-          “The construction, specifications and            The new headquarters and factory        industry for more than a year.
ture. She adds that designers sometimes         durability of products appropriate to            have enabled the company to maintain            “Supply chain issues remain a con-
choose separate fabrics for the top and         these locations are more in line with h os-      its domestic production of all cushions,    cern, but we’re working with our domes-
underside of the umbrella, which further        pitality for which FiberBuilt’s wide array       pillows, poufs, and the majority of its     tic and overseas suppliers to bring in
customizes the client’s outdoor space.          of shade products are designed,” she says.        umbrella canopies and bases. Holmes        components as quickly as possible ,” she
    But while the retail segment, which         “We have maintained that commitment               says some components are imported, but     says. “We’re doing everything we can to
includes e-commerce sites, is showing           to commercial-grade strength.                     most come from U.S. suppliers, which       bring our lead times back to pre-pan-
impressive post-pandemic growth, the            Homeowners appreciate that                        has shielded the company from some of      demic time frames.”

Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas Get Grilling - Backyard Beauties - Colorado's Chic Culinary Store | 32 - FiberBuilt Umbrellas
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