GDPR leaflet enclosed - Pay negotiations and industrial action Page 5 Detrimental impact of workload on teachers Page 3 - The Irish National ...
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September 2018 Pay negotiations and industrial action Page 5 Detrimental impact of workload on teachers Page 3 INTO training courses 2018-19 Page 19 GDPR leaflet enclosed
Nuacht CMÉ Welcome back Your summer break, I hope, has been an Department of Education. While some those who have joined recently, please enjoyable one, it was certainly well- progress has been made regarding issues rest assured this teachers’ union remains deserved. As we begin the new school around workload, a number of as committed as ever to standing up for year, our incoming Chairperson Paddy significant issues central to the current your Terms and Conditions of Service. McAllister, the Northern Officials and I dispute remain unresolved. INTO, on To register for the INTO Members’ would like to take this opportunity to your behalf, continues to work towards a Area visit our webpage, this thank you for your ongoing membership settlement that is acceptable to you the is where you can sign up for INTO and support. members and which addresses the issues e-newsletters. Also, you can now 2017/18 was a challenging year not of pay and workload in a meaningful follow INTO on social media via least in respect of our way. You the members facebook and twitter. ongoing industrial will be given the final say 2018/19 will undoubtedly bring its disputes: the longest by means of a ballot challenges but through the collective running being our action when the negotiation strength of INTO, teachers will continue in regard to the process has been to have their voice heard where it Department of exhausted. matters. INTO will be there for you, the Education’s assessment INTO needs your full individual member when you need us, policy; a second dispute involvement in the but also working to ensure that our began in the 2014/2015 democratic process profession as a whole is safeguarded. year concerning cuts to through which our INTO continues to be centrally involved the budget in that year policies are determined in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and finally the latest and pursued. rough “Better Lives, Better Work” campaign dispute concerning the your school, local branch which if successful will have real benefits withholding of a cost of and district you have the for INTO members through greater living increase in the opportunity to meet investment in public services, ending the 2015/2016 year from other colleagues, receive pay cap and seeking to improve the teachers. detailed information quality of jobs available. Negotiations continue Gerry Murphy, about local Hopefully over the weeks and months between the Northern Northern Secretary developments, share in ahead you will have the opportunity to Ireland Teachers’ Council policy making and enjoy take an active interest in INTO’s work (NITC) which INTO is a key member of, the collegiality of being an INTO and may your new school year be happy the management bodies and the member. To long standing members or and satisfying. Sheila Nunan, General Secretary announces intention to retire The General Secretary of INTO, Sheila been rewarded by an increasing Nunan, announced her intention at the membership and a more effective August CEC meeting to retire from her organisation in the north. Leading an position in the summer of 2019. Sheila organisation such as INTO demands has been General Secretary of INTO for a much from the individual elected to the decade now and has led the role. The example she has set provides a organisation with distinction. Her significant benchmark for those seeking foresight and wisdom have seen the to succeed her. INTO confirmed as the premier teachers An election will now be conducted union across the island of Ireland. with a view to electing a successor in the Sheila has demonstrated an time ahead. All INTO members in the unwavering commitment to the INTO north are urged to engage with the membership in the north and under her campaigns to choose a successor. The stewardship INTO has invested heavily vibrant INTO, Sheila is passing on, will both in human and physical resources in benefit from a strong electoral input this jurisdiction. This investment has from INTO members in the north. PRINTOUT 2 JANUARY 2018
INTO news Detrimental impact of workload on teachers It is with solid determination that our from the new initiatives that schools feel in a very positive manner, facilitating membership is continuing with industrial compelled to take on board due to the necessary meetings during the school day action while we wait for a resolution that dark clouds of an approaching ETI especially from 2-3pm. Using sub cover or will provide the long needed pay rise that inspection. We have the workload reallocating teachers who are not assigned our members and their households need. agreement to help protect us from this to a class to release class teachers to get However, it is also extremely important to but we also have our industrial action work done can also be useful. remember that pay is one side of the issue which is having a great impact in The Industrial Action is giving teachers with the other being workload related. reducing workload to sensible levels. No and schools a breathing space from the It is very troubling that many of our meetings after school, no new initiatives ETI. Teachers and schools have the chance colleagues are working incredibly long and action on assessment are just a few to reconsider, without pressure from the hours and are on site 8am to 5pm or 6 pm aspects of industrial action which allows ETI, EA and DE, to decide what it can do with little breaks and lunches and then teachers to get on with their jobs without and what it can provide without going are going home and working late into the the need for constant meetings and paper- overboard and risking the health of evening. Weekends are not much better work. Many schools are responding to this teachers. Teachers and school leaders for many who give up family life to work should embrace the Industrial Action and on a Sunday. How long can we expect our colleagues to work at this rate before ill It is very troubling see it as almost a golden moment in Education when we can re-evaluate and health kicks in? Is this the sort of lifestyle that can be sustained up to the age of 68? that many of our normalise our working patterns, so we can enjoy doing the job we love as a I don’t think so. Something will give way. The teacher will lose heart in the job. They colleagues are teachers or as school leaders without risking our health. will fall ill. They will buckle under stress. They will sacrifice their family life. They working incredibly Every leader has to prioritise resources and time is a key resource. There are will postpone having a family. To put it long hours and are difficult decisions that are always needed very simply, there will be consequences to be made but they must be made in the for the teacher. The consequences may on site 8am to 5pm context of teacher health and well-being. happen in the short term or it may We are a caring profession. We want the happen in the long term but teachers or 6 pm with little best for our pupils but a sick teacher, a cannot work long term 50+ hours per stressed teacher, a teacher overwhelmed week without consequences. 50+ hours is breaks and lunches with workload won’t be able to deliver the the reality for many with 40+ hours being best for the pupils. It is time we all, both clocked up on site with work at night time and then are going teachers and school leaders, re-evaluated and weekends, pushing this past the 50+ and take stock of our working patterns in hour mark. home and working the context of the industrial action to look This however does not have to be the after ourselves and each other. case and should not be expected to be late into the the norm. The pressure to work at this Paddy Mcallister, Northern Committee rate comes from culture in schools and evening Chairperson NORTHERN COMMITTEE INFORMATION Area Branches Mobile INTO Email CEC 1 District 1 0101-0113 Seamus Hanna CEC Rep CEC 2 District 2 0201-0217 Dorothy McGinley CEC Rep 07342041938 BFC - Patrick McAllister BFC Rep 07828769034 NEP North Eastern Primary Region 0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111 Geraldine McGowan INTO N Ctte 07717277565 NES North Eastern Post-Primary Region 0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111 Siobhan McElhinney INTO N Ctte SEP South Eastern Primary Region 0110/0113 VACANT INTO N Ctte SES South Eastern Post-Primary Region 0110/0113 John Kelly INTO N Ctte 07809694954 BP Belfast Region Primary A 0106 Caroline McCarthy INTO N Ctte 07977935988 BP Belfast Region Primary B 0105 VACANT INTO N Ctte BS Belfast Region Post-Primary 0105/0106 Caoimhin MacColaim INTO N Ctte 07710234126 SP Southern Region Primary A 0202/0206/0208/0217 Marty Lavery INTO N Ctte 07733207887 SP Southern Region Primary B 0201/0203/0211/0214 Cathy Crozier INTO N Ctte 07763197253 SS Southern Region Post-Primary 0201/0202/0203/0206/0208/0211/0214/0217 Kevin Daly INTO N Ctte 07568528951 WP Western Region Primary A 0209/0213/0215/0216 Marie O'Shea INTO N Ctte 07802891109 WP Western Region Primary B 0207/0212 Moira O'Kane INTO N Ctte 07522937888 WS Western Region Post-Primary 0207/0209/0212/0213/0215/0216 Annmarie Conway INTO N Ctte 07701049789 PRINTOUT 3 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ Attention all teachers - are you on the correct pay scale? Have you been teaching for 6 or Movement to point 1 of the more years? Have you gone Upper Pay Scale is not through reshold and moved automatic onto the Upper Pay scale (UPS)? To ‘cross the threshold’ teachers Check your payslip and read the must demonstrate that they have information below to ensure you met all four are being paid on the correct pay standards of effective teaching. point! e standards relate directly or All teachers receive a pay slip monthly movement to the next point on the indirectly to – for permanent teachers these are sent Main Pay Scale on 1st September. teaching and learning: to their school and for temporary/ • core values, understanding of the substitute teachers they are sent to their Progression following moving on to curriculum and professional home address (Please ensure the DE has UPS1 is a 2 yearly process as it is for knowledge; your correct home address). Permanent teachers. Currently all • teaching and assessment of learning; progression is linked to successful • contribution to raising standards Current Pay Scales completion of EPD (Early Professional through pupil achievement; Development) or PRSD (Professional • effective professional development. Main Pay Scale from (UPS) from Review and Staff Development). reshold assessment is a voluntary 1 September 2016 1 September 2016 process and entirely a matter of choice Point Annual Daily Scale Annual PRSD (Performance Review Staff for individuals who are eligible to apply. Salary Rate Point Salary Development) Scheme M1 £22,243 £114.07 UPS1 £35, 217 Since 1st September 2005, progression Teachers are responsible for applying M2 £24,001 £123.08 UPS2 £36, 521 on the teachers’ pay spine is determined for threshold. Teachers who choose M3 £25,931 £132.98 UPS3 £37, 870 through the PRSD (Performance Review not to apply should inform the Staff Development) Scheme. e principal of their decision in writing. M4 £27,926 £143.21 Scheme applies to all qualified teachers M5 £30,127 £154.49 other than teachers participating in Please Note: INTO members are M6 £32,509 £166.71 Induction and EPD. e currently engaged on a Scheme involves an programme of Industrial annual review cycle of Action in relation to Pay Progressing up the pay scale planning and and workload, which Permanent Teachers preparation, monitoring includes ceasing to Teachers should progress up the main within the classroom and participate in all PRSD pay scale each year. All NQTs are placed a follow up review activities for those on the first point of the scale, M1 and discussion. Full details of members who are at the movement to the next pay point where the Scheme are available top of the pay scale. appropriate is generally on 1st to download from September each year. In exceptional in INTO NB Members who have circumstances progression may be Guidance on PRSDS. not yet completed all withheld. Progression from M1 – M6 is the PRSD stages are yearly. ereafter progression on the Threshold and the permitted to continue Upper Pay scale (UPS) takes 2 years Upper Pay scale (UPS) working their way from UPS1 to UPS2 and UPS2 to UPS3. reshold assessment is through these stages up It should be noted that teachers are part of a framework of to UPS 3. And members required to complete a reshold pay and standards that Nuala who are tasked with, or assessment to progress from M6 to provides a focus for a O’Donnell, in receipt of an additional UPS1. teacher’s career and Senior Official point or points for professional development. administering PRSD Temporary Teachers e threshold assessment process is schemes in their school are permitted to Providing a teacher has operable when a teacher has completed continue with this work 1 worked in at least 26 weeks of a school one year on point 6 of the Main Pay Full details of the Industrial action is year and Scale and wishes to be considered for available on the INTO website, 2 has successfully completed EPD or movement to point 1 of the Upper Pay PRSD there should be a yearly Scale. letins/BulletinsIndex2017-18/ PRINTOUT 4 JANUARY 2018
INTO news Pay Negotiations and Industrial Action Throughout the last academic year, INTO teachers on the main pay scale in England than their English colleagues and cannot has spent an inordinate amount of time in will get a 3.5% rise to their pay but higher be constrained by a 1% pay increase. pay negotiations with management. paid teachers will receive 2% and school It is this advice from treasury that will Throughout these negotiations INTO has leaders will only receive 1.5%. drive INTO’s negotiations. Teachers here been continually reminded by management The institute for fiscal studies agrees have, since 2008, seen a steady decline in side that while we have pushed for a rise that this 1.5% – 2% pay rise is still a below- the power of their earnings and in real of 5% they were constrained by treasury inflation award and will probably affect terms have received only a 1% pay increase guidelines and had to stay within the around 60% of teaching staff in England. over the last three academic years. Public Sector Pay ceiling of 1%. Nevertheless, this above 1% pay rise Therefore, INTO must, until a fair Then during the summer break the DfE coupled with the statement from Liz Truss, settlement is realised, instruct its members (England) announced an up to 3.5% rise the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, to continue with its action short of strike. for teachers in England. While INTO recognising a more flexible approach to Accordingly the actions detailed below are welcomes a 3.5% uplift and views it as the public sector pay cap, points to a new still ongoing and should be followed until moving towards our own 5% claim that dynamic when the pay negotiations further notice. However, INTO still reserves has been ‘presented’, it does recognise reconvene for the 2018/19 academic year. the right to increase the action and will, if that this is not an across the board rise. Simply INTO will argue that teachers in the needed at some future stage, direct the INTO is aware that in real terms classroom north must not be treated less favourably membership to withdraw its labour. SYSTEM LEVEL prepare, plan and assess for their pupils at out by clerical or Non-Cooperation with ETI a place and time of their choosing, this administrative staff: All members including principals can be at home if a teacher so chooses. INTO members, without specific shall not hand over any documentation, delegated responsibility, are to withdraw discuss any issues, complete teacher Performance Review Staff from duties such as word processing, questionnaires or teach in front Development (PRSD): photocopying, collecting money and data of ETI. INTO members should continue with analysis and storage which should be INTO principals are requested not to boycott of all PRSD activities. Those completed by administrative or clerical participate in any meetings with the ETI members who have not yet completed all staff at schools. or distribute parent questionnaires. the UPS stages should continue with PRSD and be assisted by their colleagues. Only provide cover in strict Boycott all new (School or accordance with the System based) initiatives Classroom observation Jordanstown Agreement Members are instructed to refuse to School principals may carry out classroom Cover arrangements should include all implement any new initiatives and cease observations however, they must not be a available teachers, including all members to engage in any current initiatives that substitute for PRSD, include all teaching of Senior Management Teams. Cover for have not been fully agreed with INTO Tommy McGlone, staff, have one agreed target, one week’s absent colleagues must only be provided members. No member can be compelled Senior Official notice and be limited to one visit per within the accepted framework of either to take part in any new initiative and the term. Observations cannot be delegated the 23.5 or 25 hour pupil contact time. INTO accredited school representative Continue to boycott the new by the principal. should, after consultation with the Assessment Arrangements Only provide, to Principals, members, inform the principal of the INTO members will not deliver or assess Provide only one written annual schemes of work and INTO members’ intentions. tasks for CCEA assessment. report per pupil per year a copy of their six week Teachers can include IT in their All reports should be meaningful and /termly planners Not to cooperate with the schemes of work but they will not be concise. Individual topics/subjects should There is no statutory requirement for preparation or circulation of forced to action it. not exceed 50 words and the total report teachers to have daily lesson plans. Annual Board of Governors length should not exceed 500 words per report School Development plan pupil. Monitoring of Pupils' Principals are instructed not to assist in Principals should limit any School workbooks (Book Scoops) compiling the Governors report nor Development plan to one year given the Not to attend any meetings Members will make pupil workbooks should they provide this to any outside fact that it reflects the single year budget outside of teaching hours available to the school principal for agency including DE, ETI or any external individually provided to each school. The INTO members are instructed not to internal evaluation and monitoring to a agency who seek or request it. SDP should be for internal use only and attend any meetings held outside normal maximum of two requests per year. should not be forwarded to any external contact time. This action includes Data to DE and other Outside agencies, i.e. CCMS, DENI, EA meetings held before the school day Special Needs Agencies begins and during recognised breaks or Members should, at both system and No Teacher or principal should provide lunchtime. This embargo on meetings school level, take due cognisance of any SCHOOL LEVEL ETI, DE or any other outside agency with includes both Prize and Parents' nights. educational or care plan for the young any data or information requested about Not to undertake any people in their charge who have special the school. (Members should continue to Directed Time: Not to undertake educational needs and ensure they are provide annual census data to DE and the Members are to teach their teaching Administration / Clerical not negatively impacted as a monthly returns.) hours only and should undertake to tasks that should be carried consequence of this industrial action. PRINTOUT 5 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ Belfast Pride 2018 A sea of rainbow colour was the order of the day for the 27th Belfast Pride parade on 4th August, as this year’s parade drew 50,000 people onto the streets of the city for what was the biggest, boldest and brightest parade to date. ere were participants from all sectors represented including civil servants, PSNI, business sector, community, voluntary and trade unions. INTO proudly represented the education sector with a float that carried our members and their family and friends along with our message of support for our LGBTQ teachers and pupils. e strong support that we received was evident as the thousands of onlookers clapped and cheered (and danced along to our music) as we carefully navigated our way up Royal Avenue towards City hall. ‘Come out for change,’ was the theme of this year’s 10-day Belfast Pride festival. INTO were proud to be once again nominated for a Pride Award for outstanding service to our LGBT members and support for Belfast Pride in the Trade Union Category on launch night at City Hall. Narrowly missing out to a worthy winner, our sterling work continues, and we look forward to next year’s festival with plans for bigger and better already being discussed! We thank all our members for taking part in this year’s pride and ask all our readers of Printout to join us in supporting our LGBTQ members, pupils and families in our school communities. seaN Kelly, Belfast West, Branch secretary PRINTOUT 6 JANUARY 2018
INTO news Inadequate budgets continue On the 22nd August 2018, the press costs is to decrease the work force. This inevitably lead to an increase in workload reported plans by the Education Authority, was highlighted in the media when it was for colleagues. as outlined in a letter between it and the further reported from a leaked letter; One of the major changes in recent Department of Education, to deal with a "The latest information indicates that years is the number of teachers who have predicted funding gap of £58 million. schools could overspend their allocations opted for part time working. While in The authority's initial budget plans for by some £30m after £20m of savings and many cases teachers elect to reduce the 2018/19 highlighted a number of "difficult income generation.” days they work for family or caring choices," it was faced with. These included "Costs can only be reduced by reducing reasons, many teachers are reporting that the removal of school crossing patrols, staff numbers.” they want to reduce the days that they withdrawing uniform allowances and At least the author of the letter had the are available to teach to allow a day at compulsory redundancies in schools. good grace to finally admit; home to keep up with the expected While much was made by the press of "In many cases further planning, preparation and the proposals in relation to school reductions cannot marking, thus allowing crossing patrols and the withdrawal of reasonably be made the opportunity to keep uniform allowances, indeed the headline without impacting their weekends free for on the BBC news website read ‘Lollipop educational outcomes time with their families. In men and women removal proposal and experiences.’ reality, due to their 'unpalatable,'’ the proposal in relation to This will not be news to increased workload and compulsory redundancies was largely anyone who works in the the threat to their health, ignored. education sector. The they are prepared to do Education funding has been in decline effects of these reductions five days’ work for four across the north for several years, and are already taking its toll days’ pay. This is an while the Education Authority has the on the heath and well- unacceptable situation luxury of reducing the service it offers to being of teachers, that must be challenged. schools in an attempt to balance the principals and all who School leaders and books, many schools are now beyond work in our schools. teachers have for many crisis point. Where a school reduces years made this broken Many essential services which were its work force due to system work, by finding once the responsibility of the Education budgetary restrictions, Mark McTaggart , ways to succeed despite Authority have now been delegated to there is a knock-on effect Assistant Northern Secretary being chronically under schools, placing undue burden on them, on the rest of the staff resourced and over despite them being already under within the school. Class sizes will increase, worked. The point has now arrived where resourced and poorly financed. putting an added burden on teachers, this is no longer an option. If the situation In the majority of schools, the budget and in some schools it will become remains as it is, more teachers will require which they have received has not necessary to composite classes. While the time off due to illness, which will lead to increased to match the needs of the amount of tasks that require to be even greater demands on school school. With the reduction in 2017/18 in completed remains the same, the number budgets, causing more redundancies and the AWPU, the incremental entitlement of of teachers performing these tasks the cycle will continue. It is imperative teachers to move up the pay scale, and reduces, leading to an increase in that the frontline services are fully inflation, most schools are in a less workload for class teachers, heads of funded, thus reducing the pressure on favourable financial position in real terms departments and school leaders. Many school leaders and teachers, and allowing than in September 2017. No matter how teachers who have held teaching them time to perform their core duty. This well schools have managed their budget allowances for the core subjects are would increase the chances of all school over recent years, many more will find requesting to give these up, because the age children to reach their full potential. themselves in deficit by April 2019. workload, expectation and responsibility It is time that the budget received Both the Education Authority and the they carry, especially in light of ETI meets the needs of the school, rather Department of Education believe that the outcomes, is not reflected in the than the school trying to manage within most effective way for schools to reduce remuneration they receive. This will the confines of an inadequate budget. PRINTOUT 7 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ Working in the Republic of Ireland Teachers who wish to work in the Once the form is completed then you Republic of Ireland (ROI) need to be also need to go to the Vetting section on registered with the Teaching Council. the Teaching Council website is process which includes your vetting and select can take up to 12 weeks from receipt of Guide for Applying for Vetting and all relevant documentation. proceed to complete the form. I thought it would be useful to ring up Once you have the registration and the Teaching Council just to enquire as vetting forms completed, then send all to what exactly a teacher in Northern heading click on the Download relevant documents to the Teaching Ireland (NI) needed to do to be able to Application Forms. Council who will duly process your work in the Republic of Ireland. Step 2: Select Forms and then select application. To my surprise it seemed quite “Registration Forms including e really good news is that for a straightforward, mind you I didn’t Qualification Assessment.” teacher in NI applying to teach in the actually go ahead and fill out the Step 3: Choose Primary Teacher or Post- ROI the fee is only €90 if you are a necessary forms. Primary Teacher application form and primary school teacher and €90 plus If you are a teacher wishing to teach in fill form in. €100 per subject for a post primary the ROI you need to be registered as a teacher. e other good news is that teacher similar to being registered as a e form has a section called Irish although processing applications can teacher with the General Teaching Language Requirement Option which take up to 12 weeks when all relevant Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI). basically allows you 3 years to get an documentation has been received, the Irish language certificate which when nice lady on the phone said that Step 1: Go onto the Teaching Council achieved will allow you to remain applications from NI teachers are website Scroll registered as a teacher in the ROI with generally being processed quicker than down and under the Registration the Teaching Council. that! However, the length of time to process an application depends also on the volume of applications the Teaching Council are dealing with. If you are applying to work in the Republic of Ireland I hope this information helps you. e most important thing to remember is that for a primary teacher who has completed a programme of teacher education outside Ireland, an Irish Language Requirement condition normally applies to his/her registration (an exception to this is teachers who have completed the bilingual Bed course in St Mary’s University College.) You can either complete an aptitude test (SCG – An Scrúdú le hAghaidh Cáilíochta sa Ghaeilge) or an adaption period (OCG – Oiriúnú le hAghaidh Cáilíochta sa Ghaeilge), which confirms your competence to teach the Irish language. A maximum of three years is permitted to satisfy the Irish language Requirement. For a post-primary teacher, you are required to gain a knowledge and understanding of the history and structure of the Irish education system. is can be done by successfully completing an aptitude test (facilitated twice yearly by the Teaching Council) or an adaptation period in the history and structure of the Irish education system. Paul GrooGaN iNto, trade union official PRINTOUT 8 JANUARY 2018
INTO news e year ahead– by the new Northern Chair It is with a strange mixture of feelings I am a credit to schools, but we should ask, at adequately. The problem for this lies with beginning my year as Chairperson of what cost to teachers especially in the the Department of Education and the Northern Committee. These include context of an uncontrolled and spiralling Government. You have to see the worth in feelings of nervousness and workload. This workload sometimes goes something to pay for it. The current levels apprehension along with determination, unmeasured against the Workload of funding of education indicates that the confidence and a sense of anticipation. Agreement, agreed by Management and Government does not see the worth in it. For the past six years I have been the Unions. When was the last time you were Thankfully the industrial action is keeping Principal of Holy Rosary PS. It is a very asked by whoever has line management funding issues to the fore. happy, diverse school in terms of responsibility for your work, be it a member In the year ahead I expect that Industrial language, religion and culture and I work of SLT, the Principal or the Chair of Action will take up a lot of my time. Teachers with a great staff. I have a wide range of Governors, exactly how many hours a week not only deserve, but more importantly experiences as a teacher, Senior Leader you are working? When was the last time for household finances, they need an and Principal in a variety of schools for you were told not to work so hard in case increase in salary. I am also very over 25 years which I bring to my role as you make yourself ill or just concerned about the lack Chairperson of Northern Committee. to leave your work and go of professional support for My involvement in the INTO goes back home and pick it up again an increasing number of two decades. I have held positions such as tomorrow because you teachers and school leaders School Rep and Branch Secretary. I served have had a very difficult who are dealing with ever on the Northern Committee for a few years day? There are many more emotionally as Southern Area Primary Rep before school leaders who take challenging pastoral issues. becoming a member of the Benefit Funds workload issues very Teachers and school Committee around 13 years ago. I am seriously. However, there leaders should have the currently the Chairperson of the BFC and are others in positions of same access to debriefing also a Trustee of the INTO. I have also been responsibility in schools in relation to their work as a member of the GTC(NI) and I have been a that will ignore workload counsellors have. Too many Governor of St. Mary’s University College. issues entirely and simply teachers are suffering and I suppose with the passage of time we expect teachers and leaders buckling with emotional all clarify for ourselves what we see as to work in a manner that stress and something being important in education and how will inevitably lead to ill needs to be done. schools should be organised. I have the health and burn out. Paddy McAllister, Overall however, my very clear view that we can successfully I am also amazed at the Northern Committee thoughts keep coming back educate children through focusing on the determination of our Chairperson to the importance of the teaching staff by providing them, the members to stand strong INTO as a successful, time to do the job, the training that’s in relation to industrial action. In many growing organisation that is member led. The needed for the job and the resources to ways the industrial action is resulting in fact it is member led is the key strength that do the job. If we do this the outcomes for sensible working patterns being forced we must continue to develop in the year and the pupils will inevitably improve. on schools. The complaint from some indeed the years ahead. If I can make an In the current educational environment, I schools that they are finding it harder to impact in relation to this I will be delighted. am amazed at the manner in which schools meet the needs of the children as a result are implementing School Development of industrial action is totally misdirected. Paddy Mcallister, Northern Committee Plans without support from DE or EA. This is Education has never been funded Chairperson Vere Foster Medal Winner Paddy McAllister presents the Vere Foster Medal to Zoe Cummings, 2018 winner, at the Stranmillis University College Graduation Celebration held on 3 July 2018 PRINTOUT 9 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ 2019 INTO Art Competition The ongoing success of the Art maximum of two per entrant, should be This annual event is usually held in May, at Competition provides an opportunity for based on one of the following themes: Vere Foster House, College Gardens, Belfast. INTO to showcase the artistic talent of its People - Animals - Landscape - All entries will be included in a future members. This may be the year you enter Seascape – Cityscape - Abstract Printout feature. For further information on for the first time and it could be your year! One overall winning entry will be chosen the competition please email Entrants have the choice of submitting a by a judging panel. The overall winner (and or telephone 02890381455. work, in two-dimensions, either painted, highly commended entry) will be Winning entry – £500 drawn or using mixed media. Each entry, a announced at the 2019 Vere Foster Lecture. Highly Commended – £250 2019 ART COMPETITION Application Form for Submission of Work/s Please complete and return this form to Northern Office. Entrants must submit a good quality photograph of their work/s, with this form, by 12 noon on Monday, 29 April 2019 Works without a corresponding application form will not be accepted. First Name Surname Home Address Member Number Branch Email Mobile Town/City County Postcode If submitting more than one entry please note the maximum of two entries per member Title of Work Title of Work Choice of Theme Choice of Theme Medium Dimensions Medium Dimensions I have read and agree to the conditions of entry and the INTO Data Privacy Policy. Please tick n Pieces submitted for consideration by the panel should be original works by the artist named, and should have been completed within the past 5 years. All entries are subject to selection. Winners will receive a cash prize but no additional monies. Winning entry will become the exclusive property of INTO. INTO retains its discretion to reject works considered objectionable or contrary to the aims and objectives of INTO. INTO will take all due care with entries but INTO accepts no responsibility for the damage, loss, theft, or accident, of any kind, from any cause. INTO reserves the right to make any further adjustments deemed necessary. The panel’s decisions are final. All entries will be included in a future Printout feature. INTO Data Privacy Policy: We refer you to the INTO Data Privacy Policy (‘Privacy Policy’). This Privacy Policy explains how the INTO processes personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988-2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (‘Data Protection Law’). This privacy policy may be amended and updated from time to time and can be accessed on the INTO website at PRINTOUT 10 JANUARY 2018
Activate your NEW 2018/20 Membership Plus Card for a chance to WIN a £50 Shopping Card You should have already received your new INTO Membership Plus Card for 2018 - 2020. Make sure you activate your new card by 31st October 2018 for a chance to win a £50 Shopping Voucher! Visit and follow the instructions which came with your card. You will also find information on our money back guarantee and contact details for the Membership Plus team. We have relaunched the Membership Plus App making it even easier to make great savings on the go. The App is free to download from the App Store for iPhone users or Google Play for Android phone users. Membership Plus Pull Out Offer Guide sometimes forget where you can use your Membership Plus Card. As such, we have produced this easy to use offer guide, for you to pull out and keep, showing you a selection of where your card is accepted. With over 1,500 offers across Northern Ireland, Ireland and Great Britain, please visit our website for the full range of discounts. Please familiarise yourself with the information on the How To Use page and the full terms of each offer on the Membership Plus website to ensure you receive a warm welcome at the venues. Greater Belfast Including Carryduff, Castlereagh, Dundonald, Glengormley & Newtownabbey 2 Taps Wine Bar, Belfast Bengal Brasserie, Belfast Cotswold Outdoor, Belfast Acton & Sons, Belfast Bespoke Hair, Belfast Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast Ambrosia Caffe & Ristorante, Belfast Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Crowne Plaza Belfast, Belfast Argento, Valid at all NI branches Bogart Menswear, Belfast Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast Athlos Triathlon, Belfast C S Cycles, Belfast Deanes at Queens, Belfast Aurora Studios, Belfast Cafe Nosh, Belfast Discover Outdoors Belfast, Belfast Avenue 22 Restaurant & Bar, Belfast Cafe Smart, Belfast Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Balloo Hire, Belfast Churchills Drycleaners, Belfast Doughzy Donuts, Belfast Balmoral Golf Club, Belfast Cinnamon, Dundonald Dundonald Old Mill, Dundonald Beauty Haven, Belfast Citigolf, Belfast Dunmurry Golf Club, Belfast Belfast Activity Centre, Belfast Clayton Hotel Belfast, Belfast DV8, Valid at all NI branches Belfast Cookery School, Belfast Clear Day Nurseries, Belfast & N’abbey Ecco Shoes, Belfast Belfast Giants, Belfast Clements, Belfast Embody Therapies, Belfast Belvedere, Belfast Colin Glen Trust, Belfast Europa Hotel, Belfast For full terms of use for each offer, please visit PRINTOUT 11 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ Fortwilliam Golf Club, Belfast Lauren May, Belfast Tale of Spice, Dundonald Fountain Bar and Restaurant, Belfast Louis Boyd Menswear, Belfast Tara Lodge, Belfast Framar Health, Belfast Love Pizza, Belfast The Berliner, Belfast Fratelli Belfast, Belfast Magee Health & Fitness, Belfast The Brasserie at Malmaison, Belfast Fresh Café & Restaurant, Belfast Magowan Tyres, Newtownabbey The Den Day Nursery, Belfast Fresh Pop, Belfast Maldron Hotel, Belfast The Eglantine, Belfast Funky Monkeys, Valid at all NI branches Malone Lodge Hotel, Belfast The Gregory, Belfast Funworks, Glengormley Marco Pierre White Restaurant, Belfast The Guild Practice, Belfast Glengormley Sportsbowl, Glengormley McConvey Cycles, Belfast The Ivanhoe Bistro, Carryduff Grand Central Hotel, Belfast McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches The Jharna, Belfast Gym Co. Belfast Menarys, Valid at all NI branches The Lamppost Café, Belfast Harmony Beauty Clinic, Belfast Molly Brown’s, Belfast The Ramp House, Belfast Hedonist Hair, Belfast No Alibis Bookstore, Belfast The Spa at La Mon, Belfast HMS Caroline, Belfast Noon Hair, Belfast The Spa at the Merchant Hotel, Belfast Holiday Inn, Belfast Odyssey Cinemas, Belfast the streat, Belfast & Newtownabbey House, Belfast Penelope Flowers, Belfast The Wellie Bar & Grill, Belfast HSS, Valid at all NI branches Pizza Hut, Belfast & Newtownabbey Thirty Six, Belfast Ibis Hotel, Belfast Podium, Belfast Timeless Beauty Clinic, Newtownabbey Il Pirata, Belfast Queen’s Sport, Belfast Total Hockey, Belfast India Gate, Belfast Ramada Encore, Belfast Tribal Burger, Belfast Indie Spice Cafe, Belfast Reubens Sandwich Bar & Deli, Belfast Ulster Orchestra, Belfast Jack Straws Board Game Café, Belfast Rockmount Golf Club, Carryduff Ulster Rugby Kingspan Stadium Tour, Belfast Jackson Sports, Belfast Ruby’s Bar, Belfast Vietnamese Coffee Co., Belfast Jason Shankey Hairdressing, Belfast Ryan’s Bar and Restaurant, Belfast Virgin Holidays, Belfast Jays Brow Bar, Valid at all NI branches Sassy Boutique, Belfast Vogue, Valid at all NI branches Jem Swim School, Belfast SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches wagamama, Belfast & Dundonald Jurys Inn Belfast Ski & Sports, Belfast Water Babies, Valid at all NI branches Karine and Co, Belfast Solo Restaurant + Bar, Belfast We Are Vertigo, Belfast Knock Golf Club, Dundonald Sonali Indian Restaurant, Belfast Wee Care Day Nurseries, Belfast La Bella Vita Hair & Beauty, Belfast Souls Restaurant, Belfast Wellfit, Carryduff La Mon Country Club, Belfast Spa Experience by Better, Belfast Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast Lagan Boat Company, Belfast Stormont Hotel, Belfast Woodstock Motorparts, Belfast County Antrim Allen Park Golf Centre, Antrim Evolve Health & Performance, Antrim Menarys, Valid at all NI branches Anne’s Tearoom, Portrush Fit4Less Lisburn, Lisburn Monkey Business, Ballymena Antrim Beauty Clinic, Antrim Flipping Crepes, Carrickfergus & Lisburn Old Bushmills Distillery, Bushmills Antrim Forum, Antrim Flossy Treats, Galgorm Ollar Hair Team, Ballyclare Argento, Valid at all NI branches Forest Fitness, Carrickfergus Ollie’s, Carrickfergus Balloo Hire, Ballyclare & Glenavy Fratelli Ristorante, Galgorm Outdoor Adventures NI, Ballymena Ballygally Castle, Ballygally Funky Monkeys, Valid at all NI branches Patterson’s Spade Mill, Templepatrick Ballymena Golf Club, Ballymena Galgorm Castle Fairy Trail, Ballymena Pizza Hut, Lisburn Ballyrobin Country Lodge Hotel, Crumlin Galgorm Castle Golf Club, Ballymena Portrush Atlantic Hotel Barnabys, Ballyclare Galgorm Resort & Spa, Galgorm R F Linton and Sons, Ballymena Barnish Cafe and Tea Room, Ballycastle Gracehill Golf Club, Ballymoney Roar and Explore, Dunmurry Bella Mia Boutique, Ballymoney Hilton Templepatrick Golf Course Robert Adair Jewellers, Ballymena Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Hoods Shoerack, Portrush Robinson’s Shoemakers, Carrickfergus Bluebird, Ballymena HSS, Valid at all NI branches Royal Court Hotel, Portrush Browns Coffee Co, Ballyclare Inn on the Coast, Portrush Ruby’s Bar, Antrim & Larne Caldwells Jewellers, Ballymena Inver Garden Centre, Larne Sams Yard, Ballymena Calm Massage & Beauty Bar, Randalstown Jeanette Kidd Beauty & Day Spa, Lisburn SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches Colin Glen Trust, Dunmurry Jeanius, Carrickfergus Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena Cordners, Ballymoney John M Hanna Cycles, Lisburn Shannon’s Jewellers, Lisburn Courtyard Coffee House, Carrickfergus Just Active Gym, Larne Shock Nails, Ballymena Cushendall Golf Club, Cushendall Karine and Co, Lisburn Spruce Meadows, Lisburn Del Toro, Lisburn Laragh Lodge Restaurant, Glenariff Style n Sport, Ballymena Dobbins Inn, Carrickfergus Larne Leisure Centre, Larne Templeton Hotel, Templepatrick Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Lisburn Bowl, Lisburn The Bank House Café, Whitehead Down Royal Park Golf Course, Lisburn LivingWell Health Club, Templepatrick The Belltower Restaurant, Ballymoney Drumbo Park Race Stadium, Lisburn Lowry Jewellers, Lisburn The Bentra Grill, Whitehead DV8, Valid at all NI branches Magowan Tyres, Carrickfergus The Breadshed Sandwich Bar, Ballymena Ed’s Bar & Grill, Lisburn Maldron Hotel Belfast Int. Airport The Cellar Restaurant, Ballycastle Elite Health and Fitness, Lisburn Marine Hotel, Ballycastle The Coach House Bistro, Carnlough Essence Interiors, Lisburn McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches The Cycle Zone, Lisburn For full terms of use for each offer, please visit PRINTOUT 12 JANUARY 2018
INTO news The Electric Chair, Ballymena Therapy Style Studio, Bushmills Vogue, Valid at all NI branches The FITfactory, Larne Trim Tone Tan, Ballymoney Water Babies, Valid at all NI branches The Spa at Galgorm Unite Gym, Ballymena Waveney Eye Care NI, Ballymena The Therapy Rooms, Ballymena Upton Grill Room, Templepatrick Whitehead Golf Club, Whitehead The Zip Yard, Valid at all NI branches Vanilla, Lisburn World Of Wonder, Carrickfergus County Armagh Allens of Armagh Escape Room, Lurgan Oasis Beauty Clinic, Portadown Alltrak Rallysport, Portadown Faith Jewellers, Craigavon & Portadown P.M. Spray Tanning, Moira Ardress House, Portadown Flexion Fitness, Craigavon Pot Belly Restaurant, Gilford Argento, Valid at all NI branches Focus Gym Ltd, Craigavon Release Massage Therapy, Craigavon Armagh Planetarium, Armagh Funky Monkeys, Valid at all NI branches Rogers Toymaster, Portadown Armagh Sports, Armagh Gosford Karting, Markethill Scallywags Party & Play Centre, Lurgan Armatile, Armagh HSS, Valid at all NI branches SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Indian Tree, Craigavon Setanta Fitness, Armagh Cafe Rendezvous, Moira Intersport House of Sport, Portadown Sheelagh McBride, Armagh Campbell’s Jewellers, Portadown Jays Brow Bar, Valid at all NI branches Skye Fitness, Craigavon Charlemont Arms Hotel, Armagh Karine and Co, Armagh & Craigavon Tandragee Golf Club, Tandragee Classic Blinds, Portadown Lila’s, Armagh The Craic’d Pot Coffee House, Armagh Clear Day Nurseries, Lurgan & Portadown McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches The Navan Centre & Fort, Armagh Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches McQuillans Menswear, Portadown The Zip Yard, Valid at all NI branches DV8, Valid at all NI branches Menarys, Valid at all NI branches Vogue, Valid at all NI branches Warehouse Gym, Portadown County Derry 68 Clooney Restaurant, Derry Downhill Demesne, Castlerock Raw Muscle Derry, Derry Argento, Valid at all NI branches Dulux Decorator Centres, Derry Red Duck Diving, Castlerock Avodah Bakehouse, Coleraine DV8, Valid at all NI branches Roe Valley Cycles, Limavady Beech Hill Country House, Derry Eglinton Eye Care, Eglinton Sass & Halo, Derry Bella Mia Boutique, Coleraine energie Fitness Club, Coleraine Se7en, Limavady Best Western White Horse Hotel, Derry Everglades Hotel, Derry Skydive Wild Geese, Garvagh Bishop’s Gate Hotel, Derry Faughan Valley Golf Club, Derry Springhill, Moneymore Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Foyle Golf Centre, Derry Suede Hair & Beauty, Derry Brown Trout Golf, Aghadowey Garden Vogue, Derry T Sports, Coleraine & Portstewart C5 Clothing, Derry Grain & Grill Bar and Restaurant, Derry The Belfray Country Inn, Derry Cafe Piazza, Limavady Groarty House and Manor, Derry The Crannagh Complex, Coleraine Campsie Karting & Paintball, Derry HSS, Valid at all NI branches The Gift Box Derry, Derry Carrowmena Activity Centre, Limavady Iona Inn, Derry The Grange B&B, Coleraine Chaps/Subzero, Limavady Jays Brow Bar, Valid at all NI branches The Pickled Duck Café, Derry City Hotel, Derry JumpLanes Coleraine, Coleraine The Real Health Store, Coleraine City of Derry Golf Club, Derry Ken Young Menswear, Coleraine The Spa on Pump Street, Derry Claudy Cycles, Derry Kular Fashion, Derry The Zip Yard, Valid at all NI branches Cloud Nine Beauty, Coleraine Maldron Hotel, Derry Thompson’s Restaurant, Derry Coleraine Leisure Centre, Coleraine McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches Tower Museum, Derry Crawford Fitness, Derry Menarys, Valid at all NI branches Veronica’s Boutique, Derry Creggan Country Park, Derry Moyola Park Golf Course, Castledawson Vogue, Valid at all NI branches Crown Decorating, Coleraine Only Skin Deep, Kilrea Waterside Theatre & Arts Centre, Derry Da Vinci’s Hotel, Derry Paolos Pizzas, Derry White Horse Leisure Centre, Derry Different Class, Derry Patricia McCormack Flowers, Derry Yoga & Pilates Centre, Derry Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Pyke ‘N’ Pommes, Derry County Down Ann’s Beauty & Spa Supplies, Newry Bokhara Bangor, Bangor Coco’s Adventure Playground, Newcastle Argento, Valid at all NI branches Bookends Bookshop, Bangor Comber Tandoori, Comber Ark Open Farm, Newtownards Bow Bells, Donaghadee Connolly Shoes, Downpatrick & Newry Armatile, Newry Bows Boutique, Newry Cordners, Newtownards Art & Home, Holywood Cafe Creme, Newcastle Cross Functional Fitness, Warrenpoint Bags of Bounce, Bangor Captain Cooks, Banbridge Crown Decorating, Bangor Balloo Hire, Bangor & Lisburn Castle Espie, Comber Culloden Estate and Spa, Holywood Bangor Aurora Adventure World, Bangor Castle Ward, Strangford Curran’s Bar, Ardglass Berling Boutique, Newry Charlotte’s Web Florist, Newcastle Curves, Newtownards Blackwood Golf Centre, Bangor Clandeboye Golf Club, Newtownards Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Clear Day Nurseries, Bangor Donaghadee Golf Club, Donaghadee Bogart Menswear, Newry Clover Hill Golf Club, Newry Donard Hotel, Newcastle For full terms of use for each offer, please visit PRINTOUT 13 JANUARY 2018
Nuacht CMÉ Down Leisure Centre, Downpatrick Lilis Chinese Restaurant, Bangor Scrabo Golf Club, Newtownards Dunhill Cottage, Hillsborough Linen Hill Kitchen & Deli, Banbridge SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches DV8, Valid at all NI branches Little Kingdom Kids, Bangor Sheridan Bakery, Bangor Eddie Irvine Sports, Bangor Lowry Jewellers, Banbridge Shoefair Sports, Banbridge Edenmore Golf Club, Craigavon Lyons Karting, Hillsborough Slice of Heaven, Donaghadee Elysium Gym, Bangor Maghera Inn, Castlewellan Slieve Donard Resort & Spa, Newcastle Essence at the Health Store, Newcastle Marine Court Hotel, Bangor Snakes N Ladders, Bangor Essence of Beauty, Kilkeel Maya Cafe Company, Newry Spice of India Newry, Newry Exploris Aquarium, Portaferry McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches St Colman’s Sports Complex, Newry Fashion Pharmacy, Holywood Menarys, Valid at all NI branches Style Gallery Clothing, Lisburn FIT Banbridge, Banbridge Mount Stewart, Newtownards Sugarcane Cafe Bistro, Comber Floral Creations, Comber Mountpanther Farm Park, Downpatrick Tavey Menswear, Newry Funky Monkeys, Valid at all NI branches Mourne Lodge, Kilkeel The Courtyard Gallery & Shop, Bangor Funny Farm Adventures, Castlewellan Newcastle Parks, Newcastle The Curious Fox, Craigavon Hammer Fitness NI, Ballynahinch Newry Leisure Centre, Newry The Echlinville Distillery, Newtownards Harbour House, Newcastle Niki’s Kitchen Cafe, Newcastle The Fun House, Newry Holywood Golf Club, Holywood North Down House, Comber The Goat’s Toe, Bangor HSS, Valid at all NI branches Number Seven, Newry The Gym Guru, Newry IMC Cinema Banbridge, Banbridge Oceanis Health & Fitness Club, Bangor The GYM Newry, Newry Jack Murphy Jewellers, Newry Porky’s Grill, Bangor The Jamaica Inn, Bangor James V Kelly, Newry Revivals Indian Restaurant, Hillsborough The Recovery Room, Banbridge Jarrah Cafe, Newtownards RoCo Boutique, Holywood The Yoghurt Tree, Bangor Jays Brow Bar, Valid at all NI branches Romas First Floor Bistro, Newtownards The Zip Yard, Valid at all NI branches Jem Swim School, Holywood & N’ards Rosie’s Closet, Newry TJ’S JEMS, Castlewellan JJ Donnelly, Ballynahinch & Downpatrick Rowallane Garden, Saintfield Total Hockey, Banbridge Jump Boxx NI, Banbridge Ruffles Boutique, Newcastle Tropicana, Newcastle Kilkeel Leisure Centre, Kilkeel Saint Patrick Centre, Downpatrick Turnip House Tearoom, Castlewellan Kilmorey Arms Hotel, Kilkeel Saints Cafe, Saintfield Urban Café, Castlewellan Kim On In, Downpatrick Saltwater Brig, Kircubbin Vogue, Valid at all NI branches Kirkistown Castle Golf Club, Newtownards Scallywags Play Centre, Banbridge Water Babies, Valid at all NI branches Koko, Newtownards Scarlet and Crimson, Holywood Wildfowler Inn, Greyabbey County Fermanagh Arch House B&B, Enniskillen Enniskillen Golf Club, Enniskillen McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches Arch House Restaurant, Enniskillen Florence Court, Enniskillen SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches Argento, Valid at all NI branches Franco’s Restaurant, Enniskillen Share Discovery Village, Lisnaskea Belleek Pottery Visitor Centre, Fermanagh Inishkeeragh Lodge, Broughshane Shuphoric Shoes, Enniskillen Belmore Court & Motel, Enniskillen Killyhevlin Healthclub, Enniskillen Sloans Shoes, Enniskillen Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Killyhevlin Lakeside Hotel, Enniskillen The Enniskillen Hotel, Enniskillen Castle Coole, Enniskillen Kove, Enniskillen The Lakeside Grill, Enniskillen Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Lakeland Karting, Kesh The Zip Yard, Valid at all NI branches DV8, Valid at all NI branches Lusty Beg Island, Kesh Vogue, Valid at all NI branches County Tyrone Action Extreme NI, Newtownstewart DV8, Valid at all NI branches Orba Health & Wellbeing, Omagh Adventure Tours International, Strabane Fit For Life & Club Energy, Omagh Paolos Pizzas, Strabane Allens of Caledon Frank McGirr, Coalisland Saretta Boutique, Dungannon Argento, Valid at all NI branches Funky Monkeys, Valid at all NI branches SD Kells, Valid at all NI branches Barboni’s, Omagh Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown She Ladies Boutique, Omagh Barrontop Farm, Strabane Healthy Bon Fitness Club, Strabane Spa at Corick House Hotel, Clogher Bejeweled@Soul, Strabane HSS, Valid at all NI branches Strabane Golf Club, Strabane Blue Inc, Valid at all NI branches Hurtlocker Fitness Strabane, Strabane The Argory, Dungannon Cardio Health NI, Coagh Intersports Superstore, Cookstown The Cellar Restaurant, Cookstown Carleton Restaurant, Clogher Janet McCleary Optometrist, Dungannon The Charm Inn, Omagh Cilento, Strabane JC Fitness, Coalisland The Millcourt, Coalisland Club Riviera, Cookstown La Bella Hair, Omagh The Ritz Multiplex, Cookstown Coalisland Foot Clinic, Dungannon McDonald’s, Valid at all NI branches The Tipsy Cow, Fivemiletown Corick House Hotel & Spa, Clogher McGoldrick Sports, Strabane Tru Glory, Strabane Corner Cakes, Cookstown Menarys, Valid at all NI branches VANITY Hair & Beauty, Strabane Crown Decorating, Dungannon Newtownstewart Golf Club, Omagh Vogue, Valid at all NI branches Domino’s Pizza, Valid at all NI branches Omagh Golf Club, Omagh Wellbrook Beetling Mill, Cookstown Dungannon Golf Club, Dungannon Omagh Leisure Complex, Omagh For full terms of use for each offer, please visit Details correct at the time of print but are subject to change. Please always check the website for full terms of each offer to ensure a warm welcome. PRINTOUT 14 JANUARY 2018
INTO news Down Branch fund raiser INTO staff members organised a very their Branch meeting to raise funds for Research and Mourne Mountain Rescue enjoyable pub quiz in the Harbour Inn at two very worthy causes – BRC1/2 Cancer Service. £310 was raised in all. Dympna Mc Peake (INTO) and Paul Boyd ( Branch Secretary) presenting a cheque Susan McMullan (INTO) presents a cheque to Neville Wilson and Martin McMullan to Rachel Ketona from Queens University. from Mourne Mountain Rescue. At UUC PGCE Recruitment Fair Theresa Devenney and Alastair Donaghy NEU, Leigh Cooper and Rebekka Gilpin UTU, with Helen Mawhinney and Paddy McAlister INTO Save the NHS protest was held in Belfast on Saturday, 30 June, to mark the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service Gerry Murphy, NIC ICTU Chairperson speaking at the protest. PRINTOUT 15 JANUARY 2018
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