WINTER 2018-2019 - Aalto-yliopisto
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What will Otaniemi look More green on campus – University at the heart of the WINTER 2018–2019 like in 2050? p. 20 transforming outdoor spaces p. 4 startup ecosystem p. 24
3 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 26 4 Green and urban From an ancient village to an Map of Aalto University campus development 6 Into a new era innovation hub 10 Otaniemi has over the years become an increasingly vibrant and open community, a truly unique place in Europe. From village The latest additions have made our campus a home for the to campus entire Aalto community. 12 A BRAND-NEW building invited the rest of the stu- of the community has been able to present their dents of the School of Arts, Design and Architec- ideas about the Centre’s services and functions. Architectural gems ture from Arabia to the Otaniemi campus from the Aside from the student restaurant and worksta- beginning of the new academic year 2018. In the tions, even minigolf and drone rental were added beginning of 2019, we will welcome the students on the wishlist. and staff of the School of Business from Töölö At the same time, a vision is being prepared to (pages 6–9). carry out the development of the campus up to We are much closer to our dream of a university year 2050. This is where we need your help. On where different fields of science, identities, cultures, pages 20–23 you will be able to familiarize yourself 18 and perspectives can meet in the same place. with three alternate future scenarios that we wish For students, this means new opportunities. For to receive feedback on. example, the layout of workshops in School of Arts, Welcome to Aalto University’s campus! Public art sparks Design and Architeture’s new Väre building helps to draft and to implement artistic projects. New our imagination spaces also allow multidisciplinary encounters be- tween students in different fields. Learning new perspectives open-mindedly is the heart of being part of the Aalto communi- ty (pages 10–11). The new services and restau- 20 rants located around Väre will delightfully refresh Ilkka Niemelä Otaniemi’s service offering. Students’ needs are President, Aalto University diverse, and Otaniemi’s development as an in- What will Otaniemi dependent neighbourhood will benefit all its in- habitants, businesses and communities (pages look like in 2050? 24–35). And we’re still on a journey. The next develop- ment projects are already going forward. For exam- ple, Aalto Works will provide new facilities for the School of Engineering and the School of Electrical 24 Engineering. Design Factory and Kiuas will also eventually move into the same block (pages 12–17). Students are involved in building the future campus. The Student Centre planned near the The startup space Metro Station is a joint venture between Aalto to explore University Student Union (AYY), Aalto Universi- ty Business Students (KY) and Teknologförenin- gen (TF), which aims to create a common meeting place for all members of the community. The pro- ject is in the design phase, whereby every member Publisher Aalto University, Campus Development Ristaniemi, Heini Saari, Jaakko Salavuo, Anu Salmi-Savilampi, Visa In Väre Image: Mikko Raskinen Noora Vänttinen Sippola, Kari Talvitie, Antti Tuomela, Outi Turpeinen, Rosa Väisänen Editor-in-Chief Antti Ahlava Managing Editor Noora Stapleton Translations Lingsoft Language Service Oy, Daniela Persson, Noora Chair of the Board, Stapleton, Svenska översättningsbyrån Ab Art direction, layout and photo editor Merkitys Address P.O. Box 18000, FI-00076 AALTO Aalto University Student Union Illustrations Merkitys / Tuomas Kärkkäinen Telephone +358 9 470 01 Cover image Tuomas Uusheimo Image: Tuomas Uusheimo Online Writers Andrew Flowers, Paula Haikarainen, Dakota Lavento, Eeva Lehtinen, Ilkka Niemelä, Noora Stapleton, Anne Tapanainen, Anu Email Vallinkoski, Noora Vänttinen Change of address Images A-konsultit / Tietoa Oy, Dora Dalila Cheffi, Anni Hanen, Reija Printing Unigrafia Oy, 2018 På svenska Hirvonen, Aki Rask, Mikko Raskinen, Unto Rautio, SLA, Tuomas Paper 52 g/m2 newspaper (grade 72) Uusheimo, Adolfo Vera, Verstas Arkkitehdit Contributors Marianna Bom, Sari Dhima, Nelli Huikari, Eevi Huhtamaa, Print run 35,000 Satu Kankaala, Mikko Keränen, Perttu Kähäri, Jukka Mäkelä, Pia Source of addresses Aalto University CRM Partnership and alumni universitetets-campus-tidning Ojanperä, Marika Paakkala, Jatta Reijonen, Sanna Reponen, Eetu data management Privacy notices
4 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 5 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Otaniemi in brief Green and urban Text 35% Anu Vallinkoski 18% OTANIEMI DOWNTOWN Otaniemi and the Aalto University campus are HELSINKI set to undergo rapid change, with plenty of new Otaniemi has a size of approximately 1.4 square development in the works. At the same time, the kilometres. The district is approximately the same size as character of the urban areas will be transformed downtown Helsinki, from Kallio into an inviting oasis of outdoor environments to Ruoholahti. Around 35% of Otaniemi is currently made up and verdant spaces. of green areas. The development of green areas will PARENTS pushing prams, food outlets and restau- ments the aim is to enrich the site. Currently, the create appealing environments that much in the same way as a municipal district or ‘The need for a future-proofed and sustaina- rants, outdoor sport and exercise facilities, urban green spaces are either entirely covered by lawns encourage people to leave their buildings neighbourhood. ble vision permeates every aspect of SLA’s de- and useful plants could benefit everyone cultivation plots, and plenty of new homes. There’s or have not been cultivated at all. More variation is on site. Illustration: SLA signs. They have considered the impact of climate life after 5 pm. This is the vision that Aalto Univer- needed’, Saari says. Future-proofing change, this ideal can be seen in the plans for pe- sity’s Campus Curator Heini-Emilia Saari has for Sustainability Manager Satu Kankaala Considering alternative visions is vital for envi- destrianisation and making the outdoor areas Currently, about 4,000 people the future of Otaniemi. (ACRE) is enthusiastic about the proposal to uti- ronmental planning. comfortable and lush with urban verdancy’, Kan- live in the area. In the future, ‘Future Otaniemi will be a living-breathing part lise useful plants. ‘Nobody knows what the future holds for cars. kaala says. the aim is to build houses for a of the city. People live and work here in increasing- ‘There’s no reason why the trees on the site Are we going to be driving more or less? Now, we further 7,000 new residents. ly diverse ways and in greater numbers than be- fore’, she says. shouldn’t bear edible fruit. The yield of apples, plums, and berries could benefit everyone on site’, Otaniemi build multi-storey car parks above ground. If our fondness for cars decreases in the future, these Different perspectives Various conditions had to be taken into considera- The City of Espoo plans to develop housing for 7,000 people in the area. The eventual aim is that she notes. According to Kankaala, the site’s biodiversity will become ground-level car parks can be knocked down and something else can take their place. There is no tion when planning the regeneration of Otaniemi. A prime example of these is the Laajalahti Na- approximately half of Otaniemi’s residents will be students. will be considered much more carefully than ever before. One example of this is the decision to no a coherent point sticking to a single vision of the future that may become problematic when change takes place’, ture Reserve, which is home to an international- ly-important wetland area, a migratory destination There are several landowners. Aalto University Properties Ltd In addition to the residential developments, numerous other buildings will be erected. These longer plant non-native species. urban hub, Talvitie notes. It is precisely for this reason that landscape ar- for numerous species of bird. The northern whea- tear and corncrake can be spotted there if you look and Senate Properties Oy are the major landowners. The City will be used by the university and its collaborative partners. For example, work on the new Student A pedestrianised city The central premise behind the development of surrounding chitecture must take climate change and its relat- ed factors into consideration. Increase in rainfall carefully. It is a stopping-off-point for flocks of birds during their spring and autumn migrations. of Espoo owns some of the many paths and thoroughfares. Centre is set to begin soon. The building is intend- ed for use by the university’s student bodies and is green areas is the creation of appealing environ- ments that encourage people to leave their build- both the and high winds in Northern Europe are the result of global warming. Otaniemi also boasts several examples of cul- turally and historically important architecture. Among others, Espoo Lutheran Church, Technopolis, and situated opposite Harald Herlin Learning Centre and the Metro station. ings and continue learning outdoors. The corri- dors and connecting pathways of both the in- and university SLA has designed different solutions to cope with rain and melt water runoff, including water features The environment and buildings must complement each other. Teknologföreningen all own plots of land in Otaniemi. Transportation connections will also be mod- ernised. Plans are already in place for the Jokeri outdoor spaces on the site are being reimagined as meeting places. and the Metro and the use of permeable surface materials. Another aspect considered by the proposed Yet another important consideration for the landscape architects is the issue of land ownership. Light Rail to wind its way around Otaniemi by 2024. It is clear that plans to update the outdoor ‘The hope is that people working and studying in different fields will spontaneously meet each station. plans is the way in which vegetation locally affects the microclimates in the site’s various outdoor Although Aalto University and Senate Properties own the major share of the real estate, Otaniemi is areas across the whole campus are needed. Aalto other simply by being outside. We have people spaces. The flora chosen for the site will be able to also owned by several private landowners. University has commissioned landscape architec- from the fields of business, technology, and the arts provide protection from the harsh winds or even ‘The City of Espoo also has its own plans for Ot- ture firm SLA to draw up plans for the wide array all making use of the site. They are from industry generate much needed cool air in the summer heat. aniemi. And the planning work must address the of environments in Otaniemi. and the university’, Talvitie says. perspectives of various stakeholders. There is one ‘SLA has come up with plans for Otaniemi to In addition to the plans for a more biodi- important issue on which all the landowners agree. become a network of interwoven and intercon- verse campus, another important factor is that They all view the many green areas as a strength’, nected green areas. The idea is that different kinds it will become a more pedestrian-friendly urban Saari says. of exercise and recreational spaces will be spread environment. throughout this network. In this way, somewhat ‘Currently, cars and car parks dominate this Work begins disparate areas will be seamlessly connected to part of the city. In the future, it will be much easier The landscape design work will be carried out Otaniemi has protected Nature each other’, says Kari Talvitie, Director of Property to go from one place to another on foot or by bike. gradually over a few years. Each time a new build- Reserves. Species such as Development at Aalto University Campus & Real The pedestrian and cycle routes have been well ing goes up or other substantial changes are made the flying squirrel and the Estate (ACRE). thought-out and will encourage people to get out to the environment, the design implementation for critically-endangered northern SLA specialises in sustainable environmental and enjoy the outdoor environments’, Saari says. the outdoor spaces will be reconsidered. wheatear make their home on planning. In 2016, the firm won the Nordic Built ‘Another benefit of the plans is that the travel The final regeneration of the site’s outdoor ar- the Otaniemi headland. Cities Challenge. time between different parts of the campus will eas will begin to take shape from 2020 onwards. be less. In the future, the university’s units will be Work will first begin near the end of summer 2019, Even more natural diversity closer to each other’, Talvitie continues. right at the heart of the Otaniemi campus area, A myriad of verdant environments will dissect the In this vision, Otaniemi becomes a coherent around the Metro station, Alvar Square, and the proposed green network; ranging from the com- urban hub, surrounding both the university and Dipoli building. pletely natural to fully landscaped urban gardens. the Metro station. The intention is to delineate the ‘In other words, biodiversity in Otaniemi is set particular characteristics and flora of other parts An uninterrupted loop, reaching from one end to the other across the area, to increase. In addition to preserving what is al- of the area. Every nook and cranny will be a lit- ties the different parts of Otaniemi ready there, by diversifying the natural environ- tle bit different and recognisable in its own right, better together. Illustration: SLA
6 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 7 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS A Bloc Into a new era Otaniementie 12 School of Business Ekonominaukio 1 Väre Otaniementie 14 Text Eeva Lehtinen School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the School of Business move to their new and modern facilities. A BIG building site has dominated Otaniemi for al- signed by Alvar Aalto: Aalto University Undergrad- Aalto University’s own shop opened in August most three years, but in September 2018, the cam- uate Centre and Harald Herlin Learning Centre. 2018. It sells university publications as well as pus has hatched from the scaffolding. Most of the An international architectural competition was products designed by students. brand-new building complex has now been taken organised in 2012–2013 regarding the design of the There are numerous permanent artworks in to use, and the rest of the facilities will be complet- heart of the campus, and the winning entry was the new buildings, following the percentage for ed at the turn of the year. submitted by Verstas Architects. The design was art principle Aalto University is committed to. All The new block consists of three integrally inter- described as fresh, clear and distinct. artists are connected with the university through connected buildings: Väre, the School of Business One of the strengths of the proposal was its study or work. Galleries and exhibition spaces and the shopping centre A Bloc, in connection with flexibility of spaces, should the need for new space displaying changing exhibitions also showcase art Aalto University’s metro station entrance. Each solutions arise. User orientation and sustainable created by students. building has its own entrance and address. development were already emphasised in the com- petition programme. Solar panels and geothermal The entire community involved in Alvar Aalto’s historic buildings next to a energy now produce energy for almost the entire designing the facilities new neighbour building. Väre, the new building of the School of Arts, Design The red brick building complex comprising four Shopping centre A Bloc located next to the and Architecture, was officially opened in Septem- floors is a perfect match for Otaniemi’s visual iden- metro station entrance was the first new building ber 2018. It houses workshops, studios, rooms for tity and architecture. It consists of rectangular to open its doors. It offers a wide range of servic- small group work, teaching and office facilities, fa- modules, whose lines are designed to follow the es such as coffee shops, restaurants, shops, and cilities for independent work, as well as places for coordinates of the closely situated buildings de- sports facilities. hanging out and meeting people. The address of School of Business’ new building is Ekonominaukio 1. The City of Espoo has named the square in front of the School of Business as Ekonominaukio Image: Tuomas Uusheimo according to the initiative by Aalto University. Image: Mikko Raskinen
8 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 9 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS A Bloc – the new shopping centre on campus OTANIEMI gained many new services when shopping centre A Bloc opened its doors at the end of August 2018. A Bloc can be found at the bustling heart of The spaces are flexible and configurable. Everything, apart from Solar panels and geothermal heat produce energy for almost the entire building. the campus, in the same block staircases, outer wall and toilet facilities, can be modified to Sustainable development was emphasized already during the design competition phase. with Väre and the School of suit the needs of the end-users better. Images: Tuomas Uusheimo Image: Mikko Raskinen Business, by the entrance to the Aalto University metro station. The shopping centre is home to The main entrance of Väre opens into a spa- The interior design solutions are aligned with The building concepts developed especially Sari Dhima, Project Manager cious lobby. A wide wooden staircase leads to the the spirit of the School of Business and inspired for the Otaniemi area, such as hustle and bustle of workshops, which can be ob- by the school’s history and the architecture of the project and Floor plan of A Bloc, School of Business Restaurant Metro the Who the xxxx is Alice, piz- served through glass walls. building: a lot of wood and repeat patterns can be zeria and bar offering drinks The majority of the activities of the School of seen. the transition School of Business School of Arts, Design and Architecture Bicycle parking and Neapolitan pizza, as well as Arts, Design and Architecture were located in the Users of the School of Business have been heard Technical the Lab Store, a new store con- former Arabia factory in Helsinki. in the planning of the new premises, and, in addi- to Otaniemi and Väre A Bloc spaces cept by Clas Ohlson. ‘The building project and the transition to Ota- tion to students and staff, also alumni have taken Image: Verstas Architects A Bloc also has restaurants, niemi were prepared carefully by the whole com- munity, and we wanted to ensure that the views of part. ‘The new facilities and technology offer great were prepared cafés, shops and other servic- es for the daily needs of those end-users were considered’, says Project Manager Sari Dhima. opportunities for the development of teaching. We piloted technology solutions already in Töölö, and carefully by living, working or studying in the area. The shops and restau- ‘We have organised approximately twenty user workshops from 2012 onwards, during which stu- solutions proven to be good will be implemented in the new building’, says Perttu Kähäri who manag- the whole rants are open from morning till evening on both weekdays community, 3 dents, staff and partners have had a chance to tell es the School of Business relocation project. and weekends. us about their wishes regarding the new premises.’ ‘It’s great that we can now move to the joint ‘I believe that A Bloc will A designer also needs to understand campus and become an even more integral part of the Aalto community. The activities of the School and we wanted become a place with a genuine Aalto style – a place where the concrete matters Teaching in the field of art and design requires a of Business are essentially based on people and in- teraction, and we have wanted this to show in the to ensure that members of the community want to spend their time and large amount of physical space, and it is still avail- able in the new building, but in a more efficient new premises’, Kähäri says. Väre and the School of Business building con- the views of meet up with each other’, says Eetu Ristaniemi, Director of manner. ‘The spaces are flexible and configurable: furniture can be moved and lighting adjusted. The tain teaching and study facilities and services that are available to both schools. Amongst the first end-users were Real Estate Investments at Aal- to University Properties Ltd. modularity of the spaces makes it possible to add and remove partition walls as required. The de- people moving to the new facilities were Aalto University’s multidisciplinary Master’s Degree considered. partments do not have their own studios, but fa- cilities meant for building prototypes or making patterns, for example, are in shared use’, Sari Dhi- ma continues. Programmes in International Design Business Management and Creative Sustainability. 2 Although design today is largely comput- er-based, workshops are needed for testing the functionality of engineered solutions, experiment- ing with materials, and making prototypes and The lime tree alley frames the building block, first parts of which were opened Main entrance models. ‘The designer must understand concrete in summer 2018. Image: Mikko Raskinen matters in order to visualise a functional solu- tion. High-quality workshop and studio facilities provide a connection between manual skills and thinking, thus combining theory and practice. They are the strength of Aalto University on an PYÖRÄPARKKI 1 international scale, and we want to maintain them’, To the metro says Dhima. The new building brings together the School of Business Master’s degree students, doctoral candidates and staff of the School of Business will move to the new building from the traditional Töölö cam- pus in February 2019. Bachelor level students have been studying in Otaniemi already for a cou- ple of years. There are four floor altogether. The ground floor G has a restaurant, a wine bar, a café and teaching Image: Tuomas Uusheimo facilities. The upper floors contain spaces such as Maintenance the BIZ Learning Hub for students, meeting rooms and facilities for departments and services.
10 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 11 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS History of Otaniemi From village to campus For many people who have studied Text in Otaniemi, the Anne Tapanainen most significant building is Dipoli, which was designed by Raili and Over the centuries, Otaniemi has lived through Reima Pietilä and completed in 1966. The secretariat the times of a village community, mansions, The earliest signs of human and canteen of the former Helsinki and a student village. We asked an alumnus, a life in the region date back to University of Technology were the Bronze Age 3,000 years located in Dipoli, student and a business how they see Otaniemi ago. As late as in the 16th and celebrations took place there, century, Otaniemi was a village today. community consisting of three too, up to 1993. Image: Tuomas Uusehimo houses, and connected to Helsinki by a church road. The taxes were also paid to Helsinki. Otaniemi became a part of Espoo at the end of the 17th century. TODAY, the ancient neighbours, Helsinki and Es- When Espoo residents were asked what they Creative technology and poo, are developing Otaniemi together. The Laajalahti area, the western part of Helsin- would like to be considered in the city develop- ment, two things appeared high on the list: nature deliberate collisions Today, top research, education and the core cam- The School ki and eastern Espoo form together a significant concentration of science, art and business. Col- and safety. According to Mäkelä, the same values are considered in the development of Keilaniemi, pus area make Otaniemi into a vibrant centre of innovation, which also attracts businesses. One of as a Service The startup hub A Grid is now model located in the laboration between the cities, Helsinki Universi- Otaniemi and Tapiola: nature in the region, the them is the Mehackit, a startup offering courses in former premises ty, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Natura area, the sea, and economically, ecological- creative technology for young people. of the School inspires of Electrical other research and business partners makes the ly, socially and culturally safe living environments. Thousands of secondary school kids have al- Engineering. region one of the most important cultural and sci- ‘A dialogue respecting the values of residents in ready taken part in Mehackit’s course in music and A Grid’s new residents include entific hubs in Europe. On Espoo’s side, Otaniemi’s the area is important. I believe that positive devel- visual arts programming and electronics. Now the the United Nations neighbours are Keilaniemi and Tapiola. The goal is opment is taking place.’ company wants to invest in inspired teachers and Technology Innovation Lab to provide the area with internationally competi- online courses. Entrepreneurship is not a new THE SCHOOL AS A SERVICE (UNTIL Finland), tive transport, living and working conditions. A unique place to live Mehackit has an adaptable space in the A Grid feature in Otaniemi. Already operating model has brought accelerators of the European ‘Over time, Otaniemi, the Keilaniemi business Rosa Väisänen, soon to be an architect after fin- startup hub, including an office and a studio. CTO at the beginning of the 20th Haukilahti and Pohjois-Tapiola Space Agency and community and the Tapiola Garden City are ex- ishing her master’s thesis, is one of a number of Creative Technology Orchestrator Sanna Repo- century, during the times of the Upper Secondary Schools to the the Aalto Start- Up Center and pected to grow together and constitute a viable en- students who live in Otaniemi throughout their nen says that the location also brings some synergy Sinebrychoff family of traders, campus, but soon Otaniemi will many companies, tity. The city and its urban residents, Aalto Univer- studies. Väisänen works as an expert in interna- benefits. the Hagalund-Otaniemi estate also have a school providing basic such as Surgify, Reaktor Space sity, research institutes and companies of all sizes tional affairs and issues relating to new students at ‘We appreciate direct contacts and cooperation consisting of two manors education. Lab and Mehackit. will collaborate there’, says Mayor of Espoo, Jukka the Aalto University Student Union AYY. In par- with the schools of Aalto University and the prox- became a model farm of the The model originates from Image: Unto Rautio Mäkelä. ticular, issues related to housing and welfare are imity of other businesses.’ area. Great attention was Aalto University. The idea is The metro enables travelling from the Helsinki important to her. The startup culture also plays a part, as it inter- paid to livestock and forest that the school environment is a Metropolitan Area to Otaniemi for study or work. ‘At AYY, we want to ensure that all interested connects companies in a natural way. management. The gardens, platform for shared thinking and In the 2020s, the Jokeri Light Rail will make pub- students have an opportunity to live in Otaniemi at ‘There is a low threshold to make contact with greenhouses, crops and parks social learning, making use of the lic transport from Otaniemi to Itäkeskus smoother. an affordable price.’ other startup entrepreneurs, exchange informa- flourished. physical premises and pedagog- Mäkelä thinks it is promising that the area is The 2200 joint flats of HOAS and AYY located tion and develop cooperation, or ask for help. We ical possibilities of the environ- now developed from the centre. in Otaniemi and the flats of other operators house also gained good experiences in mentoring from ment. The university provides ‘Otaniemi’s new urban centre is essential. The approximately 3,000 students. The aim is that by the xEdu business accelerator, although we do not services for schools. For example, metro will create an entrance to it and be sur- 2050, there will be up to 10,000 residents in the produce any learning applications ourselves, but upper secondary school students rounded by other operators.’ area. This requires thousands of new apartments. focus on the pedagogy and contents of technology have access to campus laborato- The new buildings have mainly one-bedroom education.’ ries and mutual canteen and ex- Urban development takes place flats, although communal living is encouraged. Reponen, who graduated from Aalto Universi- ercise services, and gain a better through dialogue ‘Experiencing everyday life in shared accommo- ty’s Media Lab Helsinki and worked in the Science idea about further studies and Jukka Mäkelä has fond memories of his studies at dation can be fruitful. Aalto has good experiences Centre Heureka, mentions Aalto Fablab as a good what businesses do. Some of the the Helsinki University of Technology in Otaniemi. from 5–10 people sharing their daily student life, meeting place. It is an open workshop for small- university courses are also open From the office of the Aalto He received excellent tools for life, not only from such as having film nights together.’ scale digital manufacturing. to upper secondary school pu- University Student his studies but also from the student union. Nature, the rural landscape and parks have ‘The maker culture of places like Fablab is close The Helsinki University of pils. In return, university teach- Union AYY in the old shopping At that time, the activity was very communal, been an integral part of Otaniemi for centuries. to us. We are also interested in lectures, work- Technology was not the ers have received pedagogical centre, there is a and now the City of Espoo is involved in the de- Rosa Väisänen thinks that urban development shops and other events where you can meet poten- first school in Otaniemi. The training. view over the Alvar Square on the velopment of land use in Otaniemi together with is welcome but it must take place respecting the tial partners and make things collide.’ first school in Otaniemi was The School as a Service Model Learning Centre’s the scientific community, the residents and busi- environment. What is Mehackit’s vision for the area? started in the 1860s by Anna has produced good and measured side and past the new metro station nesses. For example, student accommodation will ‘Otaniemi is a unique place to live, and the ‘Otaniemi could be a lively test platform for Sinebrychoff, the wife of beer results, and the development to the buildings be built in cooperation between the City of Espoo, proximity of nature also increases well-being. At businesses working in the field of learning and factory owner and businessman work will continue. The aim is of Chemical Technology. In the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsin- the Aalto University Student Union, our goal is to teaching. Cooperation would work well at different Pavel Sinebrychoff. Since also to make early childhood edu- both directions, ki Region HOAS and the Aalto University Student make the students’ daily life the best in the world, levels of education from early childhood education 1878, Hagalund’s elementary cation and basic education avail- the walking routes are framed by lush Union AYY. Apartments of AYY have also been so that everyone can concentrate on developing to higher education, and also businesses from the school operated in the area in able for the needs of incoming lindens with their built in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. their own competence.’ third sector would be involved.’ Swedish. foreign researchers and business roots reaching back to the times The significance of the Otaniemi area grows. employees. of the manors, Rail connections give everyone access to the ser- the end of the 19th century. vices in the area, as well as to the fields of creativi- Image: Mikko ty and science. Raskinen
12 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 13 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Architectural gems Text Dakota Lavento The architecture in Otaniemi pays homage to the legacy Alvar Aalto, Raili & Reima Pietilä and Heikki & Kaija Siren. The campus is emerging as a completely new and open place for study, work, living and leisure. The site is rapidly becoming a new kind of open and lively space in which to study, work, live, and spend free-time. Harald Herlin Learning Centre 1969, Otaniementie 9 Alvar Aalto NRT’s renovation 2016 The Harald Herlin Learning Centre, the former Helsinki University of Technology library, belongs to a series of important library designed by Alvar Aalto. When observing the fan-shaped building, one’s eye is drawn to the use of indirect light, staircases, and human scale. The renovation was awarded the Finlandia Prize for Architecture in the autumn of 2017. Image: Tuomas Uusheimo
14 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 15 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The heart of Aalto University’s campus area is constructed in line with Alvar Aalto’s land use Undergraduate Centre plan. 1965, Otakaari 1 Alvar Aalto Aalto University’s Undergraduate Centre, occupying the site of the main building of the former Helsinki University of Technology, is one of Otaniemi’s prime landmarks. The landscape-dominating IF Otaniemi was superimposed over central Hel- Otaniemi chapel, and Dipoli are all protected by stature of the new building is sinki, it would cover the area from Hakaniemi to DOCOMOMO (International Committee for Docu- equal to that of its predecessor. Ruoholahti. And owing to its super-size, Otaniemi mentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and In fact, with its surrounding is home to a wide variety of urban environments, Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement). terraced banquet courtyards, districts, and buildings. A large part of Otaniemi the building’s auditorium is has traditionally been the stronghold of Finnish A modern campus of many summits reminiscent of ancient Greece. technical education and research, but now a multi- Following his architecture competition win at the The listed building was restored disciplinary and diverse Otaniemi is being built for end of the 1940s, Alvar Aalto was commissioned by Aalto University in 2015. all to enjoy. to design the Otaniemi site as the Helsinki Uni- Image: Tuomas Uusheimo Originally the preserve of rural villages and versity of Technology prepared for its move from manor houses, Otaniemi is a special place in which Hietalahti, Helsinki. Aalto chose to position sever- donated the red bricks from the collapsed building to study and work. The campus brings together al buildings in ways that complimented the site’s to the technology students of the time. Once they some of the finest examples of traditional and con- many hills, setting aside the lowland areas for had been cleaned, the bricks were first put to use temporary Finnish architecture. grass fields and car parks. in the construction of the student residences de- Hopefully, the well-known campus buildings, In fact, there wasn’t much by way of forestry in signed by Heikki Sirén and Martti Melakari. workshops, creative events, business community, the area at this time, with arable and pasture land The belief that Otaniemi is entirely covered by lush greenery, and vibrant student life of today’s previously dominating the site. Otaniemi has a rich red brick buildings is not entirely true. Not even all Otaniemi will be as fondly remembered in decades history of manor houses dating back to the 16th of the buildings designed by Aalto himself are red to come by present students as was the case for the century. Indeed, alongside many of the area’s more bricked. For example, the Otahalli sports complex, so-called ‘teekkarit’ generation of technology stu- traditionally well-known features, the Haglund situated at Otaranta 6 and completed for the Hel- dents gone by. manor courtyard, located behind the School of sinki Olympics, and the Shopping Centre complet- Aalto University began operations in 2010, with Chemical Engineering’s main building, often goes ed in 1960 are both rendered with plaster. the merging of the Helsinki School of Economics, unnoticed. The site of the current Undergraduate the School of Art and Design, and the Helsinki Uni- Centre was previously occupied by the Otaniemi Multi-faceted architectural excellence versity of Technology. The new university took its manor house, once owned by the von Wright family. In Antti Ahlava’s opinion, the significance of Alvar name from perhaps the most internationally re- Alvar Aalto left the manor house’s original lime Aalto’s status as an architectural heavyweight in nowned and respected Finnish architect, Alvar Aal- avenues in his plans for the Otaniemi campus. Pri- his own time cannot be emphasised enough. to, who was also a designer and entrepreneur. or to his success in the state-sponsored architec- ‘In addition to the ways be made advances in ‘He is probably still better known than Aalto tural competition for the Otaniemi site, Aalto had physical architecture, Aalto also realised a new, University itself’, surmises Antti Ahlava, Vice Presi- been a visiting professor at MIT, Cambridge, Mas- more humanistic, organic, and everyday style.’ dent for campus development. sachusetts. In fact, the time he spent on American ‘Otaniemi was designed and built using the When the decision was taken to base Aalto Uni- campuses can clearly be seen to have influenced his limited resources and materials available after versity’s main campus in Otaniemi, everyone knew plans for Otaniemi. the war. And, yet, he still managed to make a ho- there was a lot of building work ahead. ‘Alvar Aalto perhaps envisioned Otaniemi as a rizon-dominating entity, replete with inventive The heart of Aalto University’s campus area mixture of MIT and Harvard University’s campus indoor spaces.’ The Undergraduate Centre and the is constructed in line with Alvar Aalto’s land use gardens, but in a slightly more modern and wild or Harald Herlin Learning Centre constitute an ar- plan. The well-known buildings now called the rugged way that suited the landscape’, Antti Ahlava chitectural whole. Undergraduate Centre (the former main building observes. Aalto also designed a residential building for The Otaniemi chapel of Helsinki University of Technology) and the Har- The origins of the red brick architectural style Otaniemi. The dynamically modelled student dor- 1956–1957, Jämeräntaival 8 ald Herlin Learning Centre (formerly the library found in both the former Helsinki University of mitory from 1966 can be found at the Jämerän- Heikki and Kaija Sirén of Helsinki University of Technology) both repre- Technology’s main building and the first student taival 1 street address. sent some of Alvar Aalto’s most important archi- residences are not, in fact, industrial in nature; While taking a tour of Otaniemi’s architectural Typical to the Nordic tradition of tectural works. Other architectural gems found on rather the use of the bricks stems from Alvar Aal- sights, one can also admire Aalto’s Saha building, nature-based modernism, the the Otaniemi campus include the Shopping centre to’s so-called ‘red brick period’. In the early days of completed in 1954 at the Konemiehentie 1 street glass south wall of the building designed by Aalto, Reima and Raili Pietilä’s Dipo- Otaniemi’s re-development, the decision to use red address. Today, the building is home to Aalto Uni- allows light to burst through li, and the Otaniemi chapel designed by Heikki and bricks was dictated both by chance and practical versity’s School of Business’ students’ banquet hall. from beneath the narrow roof Kaija Sirén. reasons. The materials used in the winding stairways slats. Situated in nature itself, Otaniemi has been designated as a nationally On the first night of heavy bombing in Helsinki and wooden roof structures of Alvar Aalto’s Ota- the altar lies at the head of the significant cultural environment by the National during the Continuation War, the Soviet Embassy halli sport complex, completed for the 1952 Olym- building, on the other side of the Board of Antiquities. The Undergraduate Centre, was itself badly damaged. The Finnish government pics, represent Aalto’s elegant functionalism. window. Image: Reija Hirvonen
16 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 17 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS For any fans of industrial architecture or the Towards a human-centred New apartments are being built in the Kivimies so-called ‘steampunk’ style of modern architecture, the towering glass façade of the heat distribution urban environment In addition to Alvar Aalto’s masterpiece, Otaniemi area on Otaniemi’s southern point. These will be joined by a Chemistry district in the vicinity of the Want to plant designed by Aalto, which can be found at the Otakaari 6 street address, is a must-see. The foun- naturally boasts some less-frequented districts and buildings. Metro station, which will also include recreation- al space for students, funded separately through a learn dations of the building lie 6.5 kilometres deep in bedrock, which is being drilled as part of the St1 ‘In contrast to today’s way of thinking, the ur- ban planning that took place at the midpoint of the project run by the university’s student organisa- tions. Apartments are also being built alongside more? Deep Heat pilot project. The project is seeking to 20th century, emphasised cars and especially the the Otakaari district, in Maari and Servinniemi. realise Finland’s first industrial-scale geothermal distance between buildings, as well as the mon- The multifunctional spaces on the building’s energy plant. umentalism of the architecture. When we asked ground floor will be open to everyone and home to Many new buildings have been built on the people using the area what their hopes for the innovative and welcoming workspaces, cafes, and Map of Otaniemi’s campus site over the years, although some pro- future of Otaniemi were, they wanted less refer- restaurants. walking routes gress is made at a more sedentary pace. It is fasci- encing of the past and a less institutional feel and, The idea behind this plan is that students and nating to see how the new generation of architects instead, more variety and a pedestrian-friendly ap- employees will create the daytime buzz about the campus/around_campus/ have tipped their hats to Alvar Aalto’s legacy. proach’, Antti Ahlava notes. place, while the apartments’ new residents will campus_maps/ One of the latest to put their own stamp on the He too hopes that Alvar Aalto’s legacy empow- continue this into the night. And thanks to its ex- Otaniemi site is Verstas Architects, who are re- ers brave architectural creativity, true to con- cellent transport connections, including the Metro History of Otaniemi sponsible for the A Bloc shopping centre and facil- temporary ideals, rather than restricting the de- and the upcoming Jokeri Light Rail line, Otaniemi ities for two schools. This development consists of velopment of Otaniemi. ‘The university wants to is the ideal venue to organise events serving the this-is-how-otaniemi-grew- two coordinated spaces, connected by four paral- continue to be an internationally significant archi- whole Greater Helsinki region. into-a-centre-of-technology- lel glass-ceilinged lightwells. The ambience of the tectural site.’ In Antti Ahlava’s estimation, Otaniemi has been business-and-art indoor spaces changes according to the purpose of a test case for ways to develop the suburban are- the space. The external façade grabs the attention Welcoming and energised as of the 1950s and 60s into more people-centred, Alvar Aalto and of onlookers with its pale silk prints on the glass- It is estimated that by 2025 there will be three to multifunctional, and enjoyable spaces. ‘The same his architecture work towards the top of the building, as well as four times as many people living and working in principles can be applied to developments in sim- with the School of Business’ glass gable end, which Otaniemi than in 2015. ilar areas to ours. In fact, the successes we’ve had english/person/1408 is somewhat reminiscent of a lantern. The architectural style of the former Helsinki are being closely followed by other cities.’ University of Technology very much represented Everyone visiting, living, and working in Ota- Heikki and Kaija Sirén the 1950s modernist fondness for urban planning niemi is currently bearing witness to the frenet- and their architecture around car transport and monumentalism, where ic building work going on throughout the area. In home life, work, and public services were thought the years to come, the Aalto Works district, home architect?apid=956487 of separately. According to Antti Ahlava, the tenets to innovation and start-up enterprises, the Aalto By 2025 there of contemporary design are human-centredness, Studios media centre, and much more will all sit Reima and Raili Pietilä walkable environments, multifunctional outdoor alongside the area’s new residential developments. will be three to spaces, and the blurring or merging of organisa- ‘Some people seem to think that when the work and their architecture tions. While nature on campus is set to be pre- on Väre and the School of Business is over, the de- four times as served, its vibrancy will only increase. velopment stops there. In actual fact this is just a architects/Reima_Pietila.html The more tightly-knit Otaniemi of today also small taste of what the future holds!’ many people has a new age-group to serve – the hundreds of school children who use the university’s buildings living and as part of its ‘School as a service’ operating model. working in Image: Tuomas Uusheimo Otaniemi than in 2015. Among Dipoli’s main features Nanotalo are its seven sculptural 1966, Puumiehenkuja 2 fireplaces, its exceptionally Alvar and Elissa Aalto Dipoli multi-functional layout, the 1966, Otakaari 24 natural light that penetrates the The building currently known Reima Pietilä and Raili Pietilä spaces between the building’s as Nanotalo, situated at (née Paatelainen) thick framework, and its Otaniemi’s Puumiehenkuja 2 ALA Architects’ renovation confoundingly modernist cave- address, was in large designed 2017 life spaces with their angular by Alvar Aalto and is one plastic geometry, juxtaposed of the area’s architectural Dipoli, constructed using natural against the rationalised office gems. Entering the building’s stone, concrete, copper, and area. Built with due reverence extremely well preserved wood is the crowning glory to its origins on the foundations lobby feels like stepping back of architects Raili and Reima of the former technology in time to a wealthy seaside Pietilä and one of the most students’ residence, Aalto villa. Nowadays, the building is expressive and radical examples University’s Dipoli building home to part of the Department of Finnish architecture. More is now protected thanks of Applied Physics and two than anything else, Reima Pietilä to the university’s efforts. Academy of Finland centres envisioned Dipoli as a site for Today, Dipoli functions as the of excellence run by Aalto human interaction and as a university’s main building and University’s Low Temperature continuously changing process, as a meeting venue. Image: Laboratory. Image: Adolfo Vera rather than a static space. Tuomas Uusheimo
18 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 19 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Image: D ora Da lil Public art a Ch eff i sparks our imagination Text Silja Puranen ‘World’s strongest man (one hand only)’, 2007. Fabric paint, transfer Tommi Grönlund and Petteri Nisunen ‘Insight’, 2018. Mirror, aluminium, stainless steel, electric rotators. Insight offers the Paula Haikarainen photograph, soft pastel and stitching on viewers constantly found textile. The strongest man series altering viewpoints, is located in the world of circus. Circus underlining how represents the otherness and difference our common together with performance culture and the environment is idea of a complete mastery of life. In today’s seen is various world, the weak need to be strong in order ways, none of to survive. The strongest man in the world which is as such is a boy with Down syndrome. Image: Mikko better than the Raskinen other. Image: Mikko Raskinen Research has AALTO University is the first university in Finland Väre – Global Equality Outi Turpeinen, Aalto University’s Art Coordinator to commit to the principle of the art percent. The The artistic themes of the collection on display in Image: D ora shown that Väre, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture’s Da art percent is a funding model for art purchases, lil whereby approximately one percent of a building new building, elicit a characteristically Finnish a Ch public art sense of social equality and emphasise the school’s eff project’s funds are allocated to art purchases. i Aalto University applies this principle to new strong international identity. There is a conceptual improves our construction and renovation projects, as well to expansions and infrastructural development. Art emphasis on the important role art plays in spark- ing public debate. wellbeing and procurements are made either by purchasing fin- ished works of art, commissioning site-specific The collection’s artworks address a wide array of issues, including identity and difference, na- also elicits pieces or organising art competitions. A strategy document has been prepared by the tionality, asylum-seeking, gender, and sexuality. The works are fundamentally brave and arresting many different university in order to guide the procurement of public art. The approach is both structured and precisely because they are placed under the direct scrutiny of both current and future artists and oth- emotions. It can systematic in its vision. The renovated Dipoli and two of the new buildings on campus have each er professionals in the field of the arts. In total, there are around 25 works of art. In fact, even make us been assigned their own theme or artistic concept, the aim of which was to incorporate the views of the collection includes works by alumni, former professors, and current students. Broad both in Kirsi Kaulanen ‘Lumen’, 2018. angry. In my the buildings’ users – primarily university staff and students – into the aesthetic of the buildings. terms of their scope and range of media, the art- works consist of textiles, ceramics, photography, Lasercut and welded stainless steel. Lumen opinion, art Dipoli’s Radical Nature painting, drawings, and sculptures. Multimedia art also comes to the fore in the shape of the ever- connects hard technology with nature and should always The Radical Nature art collection comprises 30 works selected specifically for the Dipoli building. changing info boards and in the exhibition spaces themselves. feminity. The site- specific artwork interplays with make us think. The building, designed by architects Raili and Rei- ma Pietilä was completed in 1966. There are three site-specific artworks: Tommi Grönlund and Petteri Nisunen’s installation In- the architectural space by stretching from floor to The collection’s name, Radical Nature, not only sight, Kirsi Kaulanen’s steel sculpture Lumen, ceiling and adding ornamentation to references Dipoli’s wild spaces, with their varying and student Gloria Lauterbach’s sculpture the straight lines of shape, but also the sense of responsibility peo- Kreutzstrasse, situated on the concrete wall ad- the space. Image: ple feel for the wellbeing of nature and the envi- joining Väre and the School of Business. Mikko Raskinen ronment as a whole. For example, in artist Rena- ta Jakowleff’s work, the enchanting spectacle of The School of Business takes thousands of glass droplets can be seen sparkling a human approach in front of a backdrop of concerns about marine In transitioning from the School of Business situ- pollution. ated in the district of Töölö to the Otaniemi cam- The exhibited artworks are by Aalto Universi- pus in Espoo, artistic means were employed to ty alumni and represent numerous different fields. smooth the way and create a new identity during a The majority of the works are from recognised and time of great change. Gloria Lauterbach experienced photographers such as Elina Broth- Central to the current school’s operations is the ‘Kreutzstrasse’, 2018. Copper, erus, Jorma Puranen, Ulla Jokisalo, and Ilkka notion of human interaction and it was this con- steel, birch tree. Halso. Three site-specific pieces where commis- cept that the procured artworks evoked. This con- Kreutzstrasse is a replica of sioned for the Dipoli building: Christian Berg’s ceptual approach sought to pay homage to the past a copper roof kinetic acrylic installation Color Space – Color while always keeping one eye on the future. For ex- element torn off by a heavy storm Lensing Blind, Renata Jakowleff’s glasswork mas- ample, the china clay used by artist Kirsi Kivivirta from a church in terpiece Blue, and Inni Pärnänen’s plywood wall harks back to the relief work façade of the School Zurich, Switzerland in 2015. For the ornament Keto (Engl. ‘Meadow’). of Business’ former main building. The piece is new Väre building, entitled Stage and conjures up a scenographic at- the roof remains have been re- mosphere in the way it conveys a space for people created including to meet and exchange thoughts. the entangled Im birch tree. Images: ag :D e or Mikko Raskinen aD alila C h ef fi
20 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 21 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Illustration: A-konsultit / Tietoa Oy What will Otaniemi look like in 2050? Text Noora Stapleton New buildings and services, more residents and plenty of green. The outlines for the next stage of development at the campus are already being drawn on the map. What do you think? Are we on the right track with the campus vision? Would you change something? What things would you emphasise? You can participate in creating the campus vision at campus/aalto-university-campus-2050
22 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 23 AALTO UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The next campus vision aims to year 2050. The whole Aalto community has now the Community Works Information Resort Health Wave opportunity to influence the A compact community of opposites A self-sufficient local district A diverse, well-being village weighting of the that is always open community vision options by taking part in the survey. Image: Tuomas Otaniemi has become a more compact and diverse The campus is a Nordic hub of entrepreneurship, Otaniemi’s renowned well-being campus has Uusheimo local district in which old and new buildings are innovation and top-level education. The local dis- grown to become part of the urban tapestry of Hel- woven together to form a unique fabric. At the same trict is known internationally for its abundance of sinki and Espoo, but has also succeeded in retain- time, it has shaped up to become a centre of cultural new patents, multidisciplinary skills and new busi- ing its village feel. Familiar faces greet passers-by, life. Cultural networks mix with both creative com- ness models. and the area is imbibed with an accepting and munities and also long-established technology and ‘Otaniemi is only lacking a birthing hospital’, is lively culture which supports quality-of-life and business networks. Art and design organisations an often-heard phrase which emphasises the ar- well-being. The student culture is very active and together with their members and workers attract ea’s self-sufficiency. A diverse range of amenities gives the area its own unique identity. visitors and social actors to the area. and services are available 24/7 to campus users The campus’s harmonious and beautiful sur- The campus offers for people of different ages and residents. Automatic transport options have roundings bring wholeness to both a human mind a lifelong learning environment which favours removed the need for parking areas. torn by digitalisation and to people’s fragmented forms of experimental learning and teaching and The campus is more compact, and many build- timetables. The campus also has digital-free areas which support learners and researchers. Ota- ing plots have been repeatedly rebuilt for decades, where visitors can focus on their thoughts with- niemi is one of Finland’s most international local so many blocks on the edge of the campus are out being distracted. The architecture and outside districts, and its community-orientated planning already pretty high-rise. Advanced building tech- areas have retained their traditional, clear features. mechanisms are imitated elsewhere. nologies are used to combine old and new in im- Together with its partners and students, the uni- The multifaceted reuse of old laboratory build- aginative ways. Energy production, energy stor- versity develops the campus’ new and innovative ings attracts new users to Otaniemi. Old buildings age and food production on the campus have been residential areas that support meaningful social offer spaces for artists and workshops for experi- maximised. and private life for different groups. menting with new technologies. The hybrid build- Climate change has been combated using cut- In the Otaniemi campus area, well-being is ings and quarters that flexibly mix different activ- ting-edge technology. The campus has also seen central, and the area is known for its splendid out- ities support human interaction. Local identity is the development of smart antennas which help door spaces, clean-air and human-centred life- built up through both the urban culture and ar- to protect against wind and enable complete, re- style which seeks out a good balance between work IT’S hard to visualise the changes that will have users, so it has been decided to open up the further tistic offerings. There are many different kinds of al-time management of air-conditioning, water and free time. These factors attract the best from taken place by 2050 – who, for example, would development of the alternative visions to the mem- events, and people come to Otaniemi from far away. and energy use. The challenge, however, comes around the world to come to study and work on have been able to predict 32 years ago the founding bers of the Aalto community. After collecting the The district’s ecosystem services support ur- from the systems’ energy use and continual need the campus. The well-being campus boasts crea- of Aalto University? And who in 1986 saw the po- feedback, the task force will come back together to ban culture, for example through the addition of to be updated. tivity and quality-of-life. Otaniemi’s natural qual- tential of the internet and the importance of mo- summarise the results, and then we will continue city gardens and roof gardens. It has been possi- ities are supplemented by luscious gardens, parks, As a university, ble to alleviate the worst effects of climate change courtyards and walkways. There is a wider variety Antti Ahlava, Vice President bile phones? working on the vision until November 2018. In the same way, the task force for university The task force will present three possible vi- through artful environmental planning. Otaniemi’s of natural habitats than before, ranging from wet- campus development is now facing a challenging sions, all of which will be viable options. Each in we should be different neighbourhoods have radically different identities and environments. lands to meadows, and the most significant effects of climate change have been dealt with by combin- task. The current development vision stretches its own way will use as a springboard the current only to 2021, and so now the sights are being set on strengths and draft concepts of the campus that able to develop ing cost-effective natural alternatives with innova- tive but expensive technological methods. the mid-point of our present century. can already be seen around us. Three alternative visions are under develop- a model People get around the campus using either automatic transport or on foot, and trips outside ment for the future development of the campus The community at the centre as a whole. ‘Our current plans will be fully imple- ‘Physical construction is campus development: at community of the campus are made by rail. Otaniemi has a comprehensive and diverse network of recrea- mented by 2035. The alternatives developed for the same time, it also develops the community and the future will function as continuations of these its activities’, says Antti Ahlava. and ideal city. tional routes which help to tackle the health prob- lems caused by automation and also attract visi- current plans’, explains Aalto University’s Vice The ways that the buildings are used will also President for Campus Development Antti Ahlava, change. It is important to examine, for example, tors from different parts of the metropolitan area. who is leading the task force. how different user groups and activities will be Along these routes can be found sports areas, play And each of these alternatives will be a viable mixed together. areas and other recreational areas for all different option. Ahlava hopes that the whole community will ages. participate in the visioning process. ‘As a universi- Turning an isolated campus into ty, we should be able to develop a model communi- a self-sufficient local district ty and ideal city. So we invite the whole communi- ‘In the future, Otaniemi may, for example, develop ty to join us in this work.’ into a local district that his self-sufficient in terms of both food and electricity, or is part of such a self-sufficient network.’ Since the start of 2018, Ahlava’s task force has been preparing the vision together with both the !!! university’s students and staff as well as external experts and partners. The task force has studied recent literature on the topic, organised work- shops and discussion sessions, and studied the campuses of other universities and companies overseas. ‘When making comparisons with other cam- puses, we have to take into consideration what our own resources are. We are not rich, but we have attractive surroundings and an inventive In the future, community.’ Otaniemi will International examples can help understand, increasingly link to Keila however, what methods are worth using for sus- niemi and tainable development, for steering development Tapiola. Growth in the region’s within the area, and for urbanisation. The current service offering strengths – such as a technology-orientated cul- and residential construction ture – will not be discarded, but new emphases create a new may be added alongside them. kind of entity. The best information about the campus’s short- Illustration: A-konsultit / comings and resources can be obtained from its Tietoa Oy
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