Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook

Page created by Betty Ball
Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Community College

Student Handbook
Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
College Service Hours
                                                                  Fall and Spring Semesters
                                                                  Information Centers
                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
                                                                  Friday: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
                                                                  Saturday: 7:30 am to 3 pm (Coon Rapids Campus only)
                                                                  (Semester and Spring Break Hours: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm)

                                                                  Advising, Career Center and Admissions
                                                                  Monday-Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
                                                                  Tuesday & Wednesday: Advising Extended 4:30- 6:00pm
                                                                  Peak Service Hours (One week prior to start of semester and
                                                                  first week of semester)
                                                                  Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am to 6:00 p.m.
                                                                  Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                  (Saturday – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – only the Saturday before
                                                                  Fall and Spring semester start)
                                                                  (Semester and Spring Break Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm)

                                                                  Monday - Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
                                                                  Saturday: 8 am to 12:00 pm (Coon Rapids Campus only)
                                                                  Extended hours*
                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 8 am to 6:30 pm
                                                                  Friday: 8 am to noon
                                                                  (Only the Saturday before the start of fall and spring semester)

                                                                  *Two weeks prior to the start of fall semester and the first two
                                                                  weeks of the fall semester; also one week prior to the start of
                                                                  spring semester and the first two weeks of spring semester;
                                                                  also finals week of both fall and spring semesters.

                                                                  Business, Financial Aid and Records/Registration
                                                                  Monday - Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
                                                                  Saturday before start of fall and spring semesters: 8 am to
                                                                  12:00pm (Semester and Spring Break Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm)

                                                                  Summer Semester
                                                                  Information Centers
                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
                                                                  Friday: 7:30 to 11:30 am
                                                                  Saturday: Closed

                                                                  Advising, Career Center and Admissions
                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 5 pm
                                                                  Friday: 7:30 to 11:30 am
                                                                  Saturday before start of fall and spring semesters: 8 am to noon

                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 5 pm
                                                                  Friday: 7:30 to 11:30 am
                                                                  Saturday before start of fall and spring semesters: 8 am to noon

                                                                  Business, Financial Aid and Records/Registration
                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 5 pm
                                                                  Friday: 7:30 to 11:30 am
For more information visit:                                       Saturday before start of fall and spring semesters: 8 am to noon
disclosures/policies-procedures/procedure-1a1111-service-hours/                                                           2|Page
Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Tips for Success in College   4    Technology Services         11    Return of Title IV Funds       23

The Basics                    4    Campus Life and             12    Verification of Application    23
                                   Activities                        for Financial Aid (FAFSA)

Campus Life & Activities      4    Intercollegiate Athletics   12    Financial Aid Adjustments      24

Student Checklist             5    Community Events            14    Other Financial Aid Policies   24

Before You Become a           5    Clubs and Organizations     14-   Withholding                    24
Student                                                        17    Diplomas/Transcripts

Before Classes Begin          5    Art, Music, Theatre &       17    Books & Supplies               25

Each Semester                 6    Health & Wellness Center    18    Books                          25

Every Year                    6    Academics and Transfer      19    Other Services                 25

                                   Academic Advising           19    Financial Aid Note             26

Student Resources             6    Alternative Credits         19    Records & Registration         26

Academic Advising             6    Flexible Options            19    Change of Address/Name         26

Academic Departments          6    Generals/MnTC               19    Registration                   26

Apply to Graduate             6    Grades                      19    Add, Drop/Withdraw             27

Commencement Ceremony         6     Grade Point Average        19    Course Syllabus                27

Academic Support              6    Grade Reports               20    Dean’s List                    27

TRIO Services                 6    Transfers                   20    Enrollment Classifications     27

Adult Transitions             6    Transfer to Anoka-Ramsey    20    Enrollment                     27
                                                                     Verification/Good Student

Counseling Services           7    Residency Requirement       20    Apply to Graduate              28

Career Services               7    Cost and Aid                21    Commencement Ceremony          28

Office for Students with      8    Tuition & Fees              21    Placement Testing              28

Pregnant/Parenting Students   8    Payment Options             21    Prerequisites/Co-requisites    28

English Language Learners     8    Financial Aid               21    Property Rights                28

Libraries                     8    Types of Financial Aid      22    Repeated Courses               28

Veterans Services             8    Apply for Financial Aid     22    Satisfactory Academic          28

Voter Registration            9    Drug Conviction             23    Evaluation Period              29

 Public Safety                9-   Award Refund/Return         23    Notification                   29

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Appeals                        29                   Accreditation &                 30-                 Complaint Resolution         32
                                                     Governance                      31

 Reinstatement                  29                   Policies and Procedures         31                  Religious Observation        32

 Academic Evaluation            29                   Code of Conduct                 31                  Cambridge Campus Map         33

 Academic Standing              29                   Sexual Assault/Sexual           31                  Coon Rapids Campus Map       34

 Student Review &               29                   Discrimination/ Harassment      31                  Contact Information          35

 Transcripts                    29                   Data Privacy                    32                  APPENDIX A – Point of        36
                                                                                                         Contact/Reference Guide

 About Us                       30                   Consent for Release             32                  APPENDIX B – Complaint       38-
                                                                                                         Resolution                   39

 Student Population             30                   Equal Opportunity               32                  APPENDIX C –                 40
                                                                                                         Information for Parenting
                                                                                                         and Pregnant Students

 Assessment of Student          30                   Consensual Relationships        32                  APPENDIX D – Drug and        41
 Learning                                                                                                Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Notice: The provisions of this handbook do not constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between any applicant or student and Anoka-
Ramsey Community College. The purpose is to provide information to the student to assist in their success. The college reserves the
right to change any of the rules, programs, or policies whenever college administration determines it is necessary to do so.

Tips for Success                              • Be on time, participate in class           Use Your Resources!
                                                discussions, take detailed notes,             • Faculty and staff members are
The Basics                                      and ask questions of your                       here to help you. Ask us!
• Make the Anoka-Ramsey page                    instructor and/or classmates.
  at: your                                                                • Get to know your instructors,
                                              • Plan study time. Commit to a                    their office locations and
  home page.
                                                schedule that includes two to                   office hours. They are your
• Visit:                                        three hours of study per week                   greatest resource.                outside of class for every class
  endar/ often to find important                                                              • See an academic advisor early
  dates and deadlines, such as class                                                            and often. They can help you
                                              • Do not procrastinate. It causes                 figure out the best paths to get
  drop, add and withdrawal dates,               stress and you don’t learn the
  class start dates, final exam dates                                                           to where you want to be.
                                                material nearly as well.
  and more.                                   • Visit the Academic Support                    • Check into alternative credits
• Be prepared and ask for help                  Center (ASC) for free tutoring                  (see pg 23) to see if your out
  when you need it.                             help.                                           of college experiences can
                                                                                                earn credits toward a degree or
• Think about your course                     • Be original! Do not plagiarize. It
  selections. Read course                       is illegal and you do not learn by
  descriptions online and get help              doing it.                                     • Take advantage of the libraries
                                                                                                and academic advising
  from an academic advisor when               • Work hard and study hard to
  choosing your courses.                                                                        services at both campuses.
                                                meet your academic goals.
• Enroll in courses that interest             • Keep track of your grades and              Campus Life & Activities
  you and expand your horizons.                 Grade Point Average (GPA)                     • Take advantage of the many
• Do not miss the first class. You              Visit:                 opportunities Anoka-Ramsey
  will meet the instructor and learn            for a free grade point average                  offers for supporting your
  about course expectations,                    calculator.                                     education outside of the
  including attendance policy.                • Set goals for the day, the course,              classroom (see pg 15.).
• Understand the course syllabus-               the semester, the year, your                  • Get involved in athletics,
  an outline of course                          college career and your life.                   theatre, music, art, student
  requirements- evaluations,                    Write these goals down so you                   organizations and clubs,
  expectations and due dates.                   can refer to them often.                        campus events, and activities
                                                                                                (see pg 15).
Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Student Checklist
This list will help you take the necessary steps to achieve your goals at Anoka-Ramsey Community College. If you have any
questions, please call 763-433-1100. Additional details are also available throughout this Student Handbook and at the Student
Resources page:

Before You Become a                          Apply for Financial Aid                       Get Your Photo ID Cards at the
                                                                                           Cambridge or Coon Rapids
Student                                      To ensure priority consideration for
                                                                                           Information Desk
                                             all programs for the next school
                                             year, your financial aid file must be         Photo ID cards are generally issued
Visit:                                       completed by April. Files                     during Orientation and Registration to               completed after that date will be             and are available for all students.
review Steps to Becoming a Student.          processed and awarded if funds are            The card is required to check out
                                             still available. If you want your             library materials, access library
Complete the Placement Test                  financial aid in place for fall               databases, and use of the fitness
                                             semester, you need to have your file          center, open weight room or open
To ensure academic success, new
                                             complete with Anoka-Ramsey by                 gym. It is also required for free
students at Anoka-Ramsey are
                                             July 1.                                       entrance into some student activities,
required to take placement tests.
                                                                                           two free tickets to college
You may be exempt from some or               Star Alert (Emergency                         productions, use of the free car-
all of your placement test if you            Notification System)                          starting service at the Coon Rapids
meet certain conditions. Previous                                                          campus, and to receive student
                                             Star Alert is a free Anoka-Ramsey
college coursework, AP/IB, ACT,                                                            discounts at participating local
                                             Community College emergency
SAT and/or MCA scores may be                                                               businesses.
                                             notification system that allows
reviewed for placement.
                                             students and employees to receive             There is a $5 fee to replace lost
Complete Orientation and                     cell phone and/or e-mail notices of           ID cards.
Registration                                 campus-related emergencies. Star
                                             Alert also sends alerts about campus          Check your Student Email Every
Anoka-Ramsey provides students
the opportunity to learn the                 closings or if classes are delayed or
necessary information to begin               cancelled.                                    Your “”” email is
college successfully Every student                                                         the official means of communication
is matched with an academic                                                                between you and the college.
advisor who provides personalized            Students will use their Star ID to
guidance in choosing classes that            login to:                                     Before Classes Begin
meet the student’s goals.                                                                     • Pay Tuition or Set-Up a
                                             Campus computers                                   Payment Plan
Note: Transfer students with 12 or           Campus Wireless
more college-level credits are to                                                             • Buy Books
                                             Brightspace D2L
complete an online orientation.                                                               • Initialize Your Student Email
                                             E-services (course registration,
                                             grades/transcripts, financial aid             Your student email is the official
sions/new-student-orientation-               award)                                        form of communication from the
registration/ or Cambridge campus                                                          college. You may forward your
                                             Activating your StarID or resetting           school email to a personal email
(763-433-1840) or Coon Rapids
campus (763-433-1240) before                 the password can be done from any             account for easier access.
proceeding with online registration.         computer with an internet

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Each Semester                            Review Academic Catalog                   Mathematics, Music, Natural
Check Your Student Email Daily                                                     Science, Nursing, Philosophy,
                                         The Student Academic Catalog is
                                                                                   Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA),
                                         issued annually at
Meet with Your Advisor                                                             Physics, Political Science,
                                                                                   Psychology, Reading and
Be Aware of when registration            mics/academic-catalog/
                                                                                   Study Skills, Sociology, Spanish,
starts for the next semester             to provide information about
                                                                                   and Theatre.
                                         admissions, academic calendars,
Be Aware of Tuition Due Dates            registration and records, costs and
Failure to pay your tuition on time      financial assistance, transfer            Apply to Graduate
may result in you being dropped          policies, course descriptions,            Students who have completed their
from a class for nonpayment.             degrees and certificates, programs of     degree requirements must submit an
Students who have a FAFSA on file        study, student life activities, student   online Graduation Application
at ARCC will not be impacted. If         policies, student services, and more.     according to the deadline dates
financial aid is denied, student will                                              below:
need to self-pay or drop their           Student Resources
courses before the add/drop                                                          • July 1 for Fall Semester
                                         Academic Advising                           • November 1 for Spring
                                         Academic Advising is a great place            Semester
Check Class Add/Drop/Withdraw            to start for planning course
                                                                                     • April 1 for Summer Semester
Dates                                    registration and a path to your
                                         higher education goals. An
Check Dates for Midterms and             academic advisor can help you with:
Finals                                    • understanding placement and            Ceremony
                                                                                   Students who have completed their
                                            assessment tests
Be Aware of Satisfactory                                                           degree requirements in fall semester
Academic Progress Standards               • choosing classes                       and students who plan to complete
                                          • choosing a program or degree           their degree requirements in spring
You must maintain a cumulative           transferring credits                      or summer semester are eligible and
grade point average of 2.0 and a
                                                                                   encouraged to participate in the
cumulative completion rate of 67%
to remain in good standing, continue
                                         Academic Departments                      annual commencement ceremony.
                                         Faculty members in most subjects
enrollment and remain eligible for
                                         have developed academic                   mics/graduationcommencement/
financial aid.
                                         department web pages as resources
                                         for students in their classes.            Academic Support
Review Your DARS                                                                   Academic Support Centers
                                         Below is a list of academic               The Academic Support Center
The Degree Audit Report System
                                         departments:                              (ASC) provides free, drop-in peer
(DARS) is a report that provides you
                                         Accounting, American Sign                 tutoring in a variety of subject areas.
with current information on your
                                         Language, Anthropology, Art,              Professional tutors are also available
degree progress at Anoka-Ramsey.
                                         Biomedical Technology,                    by appointment for math and writing
                                         Biology, Business, Chinese,               on both, as well as chemistry and
Every Year
                                         Chemistry, Communication                  business in Coon Rapids.
Review Your Transcript.
                                         Studies, Computer and
                                                                                   The ASC supports an on-site
Your transcript is the official record   Information Sciences,
                                                                                   computer lab, a collection of
of your academic history, review it      Computer Networking,
                                                                                   handouts on study skills and
every year to be sure it is accurate.    Economics, Engineering,
                                                                                   writing tips, and study-group
                                         English, French, Geography,
                                                                                   information. The ASC also
                                         German, History, Honors,
                                                                                   provides tutoring support for
                                         Humanities, Integrative
                                                                                   online courses.
                                         Health and Healing,
                                                                                    Math Skills Center

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
The Math Skills Center on the           Cambridge, Isanti, North Branch,         that impact their college success
Coon Rapids Campus (Rm                  Princeton,                               such as:
L122) is available to help students     Braham, Mora, and St Francis The           • Life balance and stress
brush up on their math skills,          TRIO Upward Bound program at               • Support for depression and
improve their test scores and get the   Coon Rapids Campus serves 126               anxiety
assistance they need to succeed in      students from Anoka, Blaine,               • Grief
college. Tutoring available for         Champlin Park, Coon Rapids,
                                                                                   • Various mental health topics
students in Math 0100, 0230, 0240,      Osseo, Park Center and Spring
                                                                                   • Physical or sexual abuse
0250, 1100, and 1200.                   Lake Park High Schools.
                                        Upward Bound provides academic
Writing Center                                                                   Career Services
                                        support and social, cultural and other
Writing tutors can help you with                                                 A wide variety of Career Services are
                                        educational activities.
writing in any subject area and at                                               available to students and alumni.
any stage in the writing process,                                                Services     include      one-on-one
from brainstorming to a final draft.
                                        Adult Transitions                        assistance with job exploration, job
                                        Office of Adult Transitions              and internship searching strategies,
The goal is to make you a better
                                        Anoka-Ramsey Community                   resume and cover letter writing,
writer overall, not to fix an
                                        College is offering services designed    interview preparation, and a
individual piece of writing.
                                        specifically for Adult Learners          collection of resources on career
Tutoring services are not only for
                                        through the Adult Transition office.     related topics. ARCC students and
those students struggling with
                                        As a returning adult student, many       alumni have access to an online job
writing. Students at any level can
                                        times there are questions that arise     board, where employers post open
benefit from talking with a trained
                                        regarding how to navigate the            positions.
writing tutor.
                                        educational system to be successful,
                                        what resources there are for students
TRIO Services                           on and off campus, and examining if      Visit the Career Services Website to
TRIO Student Support Services           their past work experience along         access online resources and
The Student Support Services            with the skills/competencies they        information:
(SSS) program serves 180                bring to ARCC would be eligible for
students at the Coon Rapids             Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).         ces/career-services/
campus and 140 students on the          Make plans to visit with the Adults
Cambridge campus, providing a                                                    Create an account on the ARCC Job
                                        Transitions Advisor to design your
positive learning environment to                                                 & Internship Board and browse a
                                        educational plan.
help ensure the academic success                                                 variety of part-time, full-time,
                                                                                 internships, and volunteer
of its participants. Eligible           Counseling Services
participants are those who are                                                   opportunities:
                                        Career Counseling              
first-generation, low-income,
                                        Meet with a Counselor for one-on-        karamsey/
or have a documented disability.
                                        one assistance with choosing a
This free service includes academic
                                        career, individual career counseling,    Location: Cambridge Campus, by
advising, career guidance, transfer
                                        interpreting career assessments and      appointment only. Coon Rapids
planning, financial aid and
                                        providing career resource                Campus, SC-273.
scholarship assistance, and
                                        Career Development Course
For more information, visit:
                                         For more details visit:
TRIO Upward Bound                       descriptions/
The TRIO Upward Bound                   Personal Counseling
program at the Cambridge                Counselors are available to meet
Campus serves 120 students from         with students on personal issues

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Office for Students with                 ELL students are also encouraged to       It is our goal to create a community
                                         participate in the Conversation           that is accessible, engaging and open
Disabilities                             Partners Program, which partners          to a multitude of perspectives, as we
Anoka-Ramsey Community
                                         students, faculty, or staff who want      strive to build constructive,
College is committed to ensuring
                                         to practice their English skills with     rewarding, working and social
equitable access to our facilities,
                                         lifelong English speakers through         relationships.
services and academic programs for
                                         casual, cross-cultural conversations.
students with disabilities.                                                        We are committed to creating an
                                         Additionally, in the Writing Center,
                                         professional and peer writing tutors      environment at Anoka-Ramsey
The Office for Students with
                                         provide free support for ELL              Community College that is
Disabilities provides information
                                         students with various assignments.        welcoming and thriving with
and resources to support an
                                         In the library, students will find a      multicultural experiences,
environment that is accessible and
                                         videotape series profiling everyday       perspective and backgrounds.
inclusive for all individuals.
                                         situations faced by individuals new
                                                                                   Stop by the MOSAIC Cultural
Accommodations are determined on         to the United States. Additional
                                                                                   Center, SC178, form new alliances
an individual basis and could            resources include audiobooks of
                                                                                   and foster collaborations.
include, but are not limited to:         fiction, classics, and language skills.
                                                                                   Visit: https://www.Anoka-
   • Alternative Testing                 Libraries
   • Note Taking                                                         
   • Priority Registration               The Cambridge Campus and the              inclusion/
   • Books in Alternate Format           Coon Rapids Campus each have a            often to learn more about diversity
   • Assistive Technology                library to provide a variety of           and multiculturalism.
   • Accessible Furniture                instructional resources and services
   • ASL Interpreters                    to students. Each library also has        Testing Services
                                         individual study spaces as well as        The Testing Centers at the
                                         listening and viewing areas.              Cambridge Campus and the Coon
Pregnant and Parenting
                                                                                   Rapids Campus serve students by
Students                                 The book, periodical and nonprint
                                                                                   providing the Accuplacer for
Anoka-Ramsey is dedicated to             collections in each library are
                                                                                   appropriate course placement, as
meeting the needs of our parenting       coordinated with the college
                                                                                   well as alternative and make-up
and pregnant students. To assist in      curriculum to provide students with
meeting needs a campus and               the resources relevant to their
community resource list for pre-         courses of study.                         Visit:
natal care, housing and childcare                                                  resources/testing-services/ for more
                                         Photo ID cards are required to check
can be found in Appendix C.                                                        details.
                                         out materials, request materials from
                                         other libraries, and to access library
                                                                                   Veterans Services
English Language Learners                                                          Veteran services are available at
Anoka-Ramsey Community                                                             both campuses to assist veterans,
                                         Office of Diversity and
College is proud to offer reading and                                              current military members, and
                                         Multicultural Affairs
writing courses for English                                                        dependents with all aspects of
Language Learners                        Diversity and Inclusion are               their state and federal benefits.
(ELLA). As part of the ELL Course        important to all aspects of the           Anoka-Ramsey employs fulltime,
sequence, students will have access      college. The Office of Diversity and      dedicated, and knowledgeable
to additional support, including         Multiculturalism believes that            Veterans Services staff. Anoka-
Supplemental Instruction, where an       diversity is important to achieve         Ramsey also houses the North Metro
instructor will be available to assist   excellence and will aim to make           Regional Coordinator for the
with required course activities and      diversity an important part of the        Minnesota Higher Education
homework.                                college environment.                      Veterans Programs.

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Together, these resources provide for     The Coon Rapids Police Department         for service.
veterans’ needs regarding their           Reserves patrol the buildings and
education, state and federal benefit      grounds and provides security escort      Vehicle Unlock Service.
referral, and military-to-civilian        services, Monday through Thursday,        The Coon Rapids Police
transition issues.                        6:30 to 10:30 pm. The Coon Rapids         Department provides vehicle
                                          Police patrol outside grounds during      unlock services by calling 763-
                                          the late evening hours and Friday         427-1212. There is a $20
                                          night through the weekend and             charge for this service. The
                                          holidays.                                 dispatcher may also request
services/ for more information
                                          Star Alert (Emergency Notification        your vehicle information,
about veteran services.
                                          System)                                   including make, model and
                                          Star Alert is a free Anoka Ramsey         color. You will need to stay
Voter Registration                                                                  with your vehicle until an
                                          Community College emergency
Minnesota Voter Registration cards
                                          notification system that allows           officer arrives. They will not
are available at the Student Services
                                          students and employees to receive         service your vehicle if you are
                                          cell phone and/or e-mail notices of       not present.
(Cambridge Campus) and the
                                          campus-related emergencies
Student Activities Office
                                                                                    Security Escort Service
(Coon Rapids Campus)                      Star Alert also sends alerts about
                                                                                    A security escort service is available
                                          campus closings, and class delays or
                                                                                    at each campus to walk you to
                                          cancellations. For more details, visit:
                                                                                    and/or from your car or class
Public Safety and                         https://www.Anoka-
                                                                                    Monday through Thursday evenings,
Security.                                 security/
                                                                                    6 to 10 pm at the Cambridge
                                                                                    Campus and 6:30 to 10:20 pm at the
Safety and security is provided to        Register at:                              Coon Rapids Campus. To use the
Anoka-Ramsey students, faculty,     service, use the black courtesy
visitors and staff on a proactive basis
                                                                                    telephone at various entrances or
with an emphasis on crime                 Clery Act provides students               inquire at the Information Center.
prevention and awareness. Students        and the public access to review           Requests for the service must be
and staff are encouraged to report        the daily and annual crime                made prior to 9:45 pm at the
immediate safety/safety issues by         reports for Anoka Ramsey                  Cambridge Campus and 10 pm at
dialing 911 immediately. All other        Community College.                        the Coon Rapids Campus.
inquiries should be directed to           Information can be accessed at:
Public Safety Office at 763-433-          Annual Crime report:                      Drug & Alcohol-Free
1330.                                     https://arccpublicsafety.files.wo         Anoka-Ramsey adheres to the
Cambridge Campus                             federal Drug-Free Schools and
Heartland Security Services Inc.          final-report-20182.pdf                    Campuses Act (DFSCA) and
provides security at the Cambridge                                                  Minnesota State Colleges and
Campus, Monday through Thursday,          Daily Crime Log:                          Universities Board Policy 5.18
8 am to 4:30 pm The Cambridge             https://arccpublicsafety.wordpr           which prohibits the unlawful
Police Department patrols the                                     possession, use, or distribution of
outside grounds during the late                                                     alcohol and illicit drugs by students
evening hours and Friday night            Customer Services:                        and employees on the college
through the weekend and holidays.         Car Starting Service                      premises, or in conjunction with any
Coon Rapids Campus                        The Coon Rapids Campus                    college sponsored activity or event,
Heartland Security Services Inc.          offers a free car-starting service        whether on- or off-campus. In
provides security services at the         through Hwy 10 Mobile station,            accordance with federal regulations,
Coon Rapids Campus, Monday                Coon Rapids. Students need to             this policy is printed in the
through Thursday, 8 am to 6:30 pm;        call the Hwy 10 Mobile Station            Handbook.
Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.                   at 763-757-6789 directly and
                                          present Student/Tech ID card

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - 2019-2020 Student Handbook
Information on community resources      for loss of personal property left in        located in the Security Office at
and referral and policy locations can   classrooms, labs, or in any other area       each campus: Cambridge
be found in Appendix D.                 in or around campus.                         Campus Rm D108;

Immunizations                           Campus Security                            • Coon Rapids Campus Rm C107
Minnesota Statute M.S.                  Recommendations
135A.14 requires all students born                                               Pets or Children
after 1956 be immunized against           • Do not loan your keys to anyone,     With the exception of service
diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps,       even a classmate or a friend.         animals required to assist students
and rubella, allowing for certain         • Do not put your name or address      with disabilities, animals are not
specified exceptions No proof of           on key rings in case they are lost    allowed on campus. Due to
immunization is needed from                or misplaced. • Engrave               disruption and possible risk of
students who are assumed to be up-         identification numbers on your        harm, children may not be left
to date with their immunizations due       valuables. • Do not leave             unsupervised in the common areas
to requirements imposed by their           personal property                     of the college. Students may not
previous school enrollment, such as       • (purses, briefcases, calculators,    bring children to classrooms or
students who graduated from a              tech ID, etc) unattended or           labs.
Minnesota public high school in            visible in a locked car
                                                                                 Possession or Carry of Firearms
1997 or later.                            • Do not give personal                 No student is permitted to carry
                                           identification information to         or possess a firearm on college
Anoka-Ramsey students, employees                                                 property except as otherwise
                                          • Lock your car doors and do not       provided in the policy (chapter
and other people with a purpose or
                                           leave your keys in the vehicle.       5/5J4.)
function at the college may park on
college property. Numerous parking
                                          • Park your car in a well-lit or a
                                           secure area.                          Sexual Violence/Sexual Assault
areas have been designated for
accessible parking Violators of           • Avoid walking alone at night and     Sexual violence is an intolerable
                                           walk where there is plenty of         intrusion into the most personal
parking rules and regulations may be
                                           light and traffic.                    and private rights of an individual,
ticketed by the local law
                                          • Call for a security escort           and is prohibited at Anoka-
enforcement agency
                                                                                 Ramsey Community College.
                                           Cambridge Campus: 763-433-
Parking is prohibited on college           1840; Coon Rapids Campus:             In accordance with Minnesota
roadways, sidewalks, landscaped            763-433-1240/1330. Be alert to        State Policy 1B.3, Anoka-Ramsey is
areas, safety zones, loading zones,        your surroundings. If you suspect     committed to eliminating sexual
within 10 feet of intersections,           you are being followed, walk          violence in all forms and will take
adjacent to yellow curbs, and in           fast, go in a different direction,    appropriate remedial action against
areas where parking is expressly           go to the other side of the street    any individual found responsible for
prohibited by signs.                       and yell for help, and head           acts in violation of this policy. For
                                           quickly for a lighted area or a       more information on reporting
People parking automobiles on
                                           group of people.                      please see Appendix A.
property owned, leased or occupied
by Anoka-Ramsey do so at their            • Have your keys ready when
                                           returning to your residence or        Zero Tolerance for Violence
own risk. The college or the state
                                           vehicle and keep your personal        Anoka-Ramsey has adopted a
are not responsible for loss of
                                           or valuable items concealed and       Violence Prevention policy in
property, damage to automobile
                                           close to your body.                   accordance with it Minnesota Statute
while parked, damage which may be
                                          • Report suspicious activity by        (MS 1.50) Freedom from Violence
incurred through the process of
                                                                                 Act, which states: “The State of
impounding the automobile or for           contacting 911.
                                                                                 Minnesota hereby adopts a policy of
any other damage or loss, sustained        Cambridge Campus: 763-
                                                                                 zero tolerance of violence. It is
while on a college parking facility.       4331840; Coon Rapids Campus:          stated policy that every person in the
                                           763-433-1240 Lost and Found           state has a right to live free from
Personal Property
                                           The college Lost and Found is         violence”. Anoka-Ramsey will
Anoka-Ramsey is not responsible

                                                                                                        10 | P a g e
provide an educational and              property of Anoka-Ramsey. The use       your StarID and StarID password to
employment environment that is free     of technology resources is a            sign-in to the wireless.
from threats or acts of violence,       privilege. Students are required to
whether perceived or real.              abide by the college’s Computer         Printing
Employees, students and visitors        Network System Use and Security         Student printing is available in the
will be treated with respect and        Policy found on the Anoka-Ramsey        computer labs listed above. You
dignity. For more information on        website.                                may also print from your personal
reporting please see Appendix A.                                                computer or mobile device using the
                                                                                Mobile Printing service.
Technology Services                     You will use your StarID to login to:   Mobile printing is only available
Anoka-Ramsey provides technology                                                while connected to the college's
                                          • campus computers
resources to all enrolled students,                                             wireless network.
faculty and staff. The college            • campus wireless
Information Technology Department         • D2L Brightspace                     College Email Account
takes pride in providing high-quality     • E-Services (course registration,    After admittance to Anoka-Ramsey,
support and service. As a student          grades/transcripts, financial aid    each student receives an official
you will have access to campus             award)                               college email account which serves
wireless, access to open computer                                               as the official communication
                                        StarIDs are created at admission, but   method used by faculty and staff to
labs, Microsoft Office 365 (includes
                                        students need to activate them.         contact and update students.
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, access,
                                        Activating StarID or resetting the      Students are required to monitor this
and Outlook). For college-related
                                        password can be done from any           account and are responsible for any
technical assistance, please contact
                                        computer with an internet               communications received to this
the IT Helpdesk. Contact
                                        connection. For more details, or to     account. You can access your
                                        activate a StarID, visit:               college email account by visiting:
Phone: 763-433-1510             and
Email: mailto:IT.Helpdesk@ Anoka-       For security reasons, the StarID        using your full college email address                              password is set to expire 180 days      and StarID password to sign-in.
                                        after the account initialization and
Computer Lab Hours and                  every 180 days thereafter.              D2L Brightspace
Locations                                                                        D2L Brightspace is an online tool
Cambridge Rm F207                       Course Registration Account             Anoka-Ramsey faculty use to
                                        Upon admittance to Anoka-Ramsey,        facilitate online learning. Students
  • Mon-Thurs: 7:30am to                each student is provided a course       enrolled in online courses, hybrid
   10pm                                 registration account to manage their    courses or web-supplemented
  • Fri: 7:30am to 4:00pm               courses, view grades, pay tuition and   courses are granted access to course
  • Sat/Sun: CLOSED                     check financial aid status.             specific material, course related
                                        Provided with the acceptance letter,    discussion boards and other online
Coon Rapids Rm T124
                                                                                resources via D2L Brightspace. Not
                                        each student receives a unique
  • Mon-Thurs: 7:30am to                                                        all courses are available in D2L
                                        student number and a password. The
   10pm                                 password is temporary and needs to
  • Fri: 7:30am to 4:00pm               be changed at the first login to the    To access your D2L Brightspace
  • Sat: 7:30am to 3:30pm               course registration system.             account for the first time, select D2L
  • Sun: CLOSED                         College Computers and Wireless
                                                                                Brightspace from the Technology
                                                                                Services webpage and follow the
NOTE: Hours subject to change due       Your StarID and StarID password is
                                                                                onscreen instructions.
to observation of federal holidays.     used to access student computers
                                        throughout the college. You can
College Technology Use Policy           access the college wireless network
All technology resources are the        by connecting to StarLAN and using

                                                                                                      11 | P a g e
Campus Life and Activities
There is more to college than classes, and there is always something happening at Anoka-Ramsey Community College.
Academic, social, educational and cultural events are a great way get connected.

Intercollegiate Athletics
Anoka-Ramsey Community
College is a member of the
Minnesota College Athletic
Conference (MCAC) and the
National Junior College
Athletic Association (NJCAA), Region XIII, which includes community and junior colleges from Minnesota, North Dakota,
Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.

Students who recently participated in high school sports and/or have a high level of fitness and athleticism are invited to try out
for intercollegiate athletics.

Student-athletes must maintain at least 12 credits each semester and meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

Current Intercollegiate Athletics
Men’s Baseball (HPER 2210) Men’s Basketball (HPER 2211)
Mens’s Soccer (HPER 2215)
Women’s Basketball (HPER 2211)
Women’s Fastpitch Softball (HPER 2217)
Women’s Soccer (HPER 2215) Women’s Volleyball (HPER 2219)

                                                                                                                      12 | P a g e
Intramural & Recreational Sports Intramural and recreational sports offer something for everyone Regardless of skill level,
you are welcome to join in the fun. Various intramural activities and special events are held throughout the year.

  Flag Football
  Open Gym
  Sand Volleyball
  Tennis Volleyball

Club Sport
Club Hockey provides students the opportunity to continue playing competitive hockey beyond high school.

                                                                                                                     13 | P a g e
Community Events                      and more, visit: Anoka-               designed to supplement your
Anoka-Ramsey Community                        courses.
College is a hub of activities for                                          The Student Activities Office also
education and entertainment and       Clubs and Organizations
                                                                            sponsors social, educational, and
often both.                           Clubs and organizations are a vital
                                                                            cultural events throughout the year,
                                      part of college life at
For a current schedule of events                                            including concerts, art exhibits and
including athletic schedules, art                                           speakers.
sales and exhibits, concerts, guest   The Student Activities Office at
                                                                            If you would like to form your own
lecturers, plays, visiting writers,   each campus supports
                                                                            club, review the Clubs and
                                      extracurricular programming

                                                                                                 14 | P a g e
Organizations guide and meet with         support to all students who are        eliminate intolerance and
the Coordinator of Student                interested in learning about           prejudice, and to encourage
Activities. Visit:                        African history, culture and the       healthy social interactions,
https://www.Anoka-                        African higher-education               understanding, acceptance and             experience. (CR)                       safety. (CC)
organizations/ for more                 • Business Professionals of            • Gender Equality & Reproductive
information. Current Clubs and            America (BPA) is committed to          Rights League (GERRL)
Organizations include:                    the preparation of global              protects reproductive freedoms
                                          professionals through the              and gender equality through
• Adult Transition Club provides          advancement of leadership,             education on safe sex practices,
  non-traditional students a place        citizenship, academic and              pregnancy options, birth control,
  to share experiences and support        technological skills. (CR)             emergency contraception and
  each other as they find a sense of
                                        • Ceramics Guild focuses on              abortion. (CR)
  “balance” in their lives with
                                          appreciation of and participation    • Health Occupation Students of
  returning to school. There are
                                          in the art of ceramics. (CR)           America (HOSA) Club enhances
  unique challenges to returning to
                                        • Chemistry Club provides an             the delivery of quality health
  education, we collaboratively
                                          opportunity in chemistry and           care by providing opportunities
  explore solutions and encourage
                                          related fields, and for achieving      for knowledge, skill and
  each other. (CR)
                                          chemistry-related career goals,        leadership development for
• Anime Association spreads the           through activities such as             all health and science education
  appreciation of anime and other
                                          outreach, field trips and              students. (CC)
  visual cultures. (CR)
                                          fellowship. (CR)                     • Hearts Ablaze Christian
• Anoka-Ramsey Disability
                                        • Creative Writing Club                  Club creates a sense of
  Club’s (ARDC) purpose is to                                                    community for Christian
                                          encourages creative writing and
  help students with disabilities, to                                            students on campus, and
                                          group reading, and facilitates the
  recognize them, support for                                                    promotes and organizes events
                                          campus literary magazine.
  those looking to belong. and
                                          (CC/CR)                                relevant to students.
  encourage them to reach their
  individual goals. (CR)
                                        • CRU supports and encourages            (CC)
                                          students through Bible studies       • Kingdom Movements purpose is
• ARCCSec (Cyber Security                                                        to actively follow Jesus the
                                          and other Christian activities
  Club) is an ethical hacking club.
                                          Welcomes students from all             Messiah as a fellowship of new
  The purpose of this club is to
                                          denominations, and those               covenant people unified by His
  prepare members for a career in
                                          with no church affiliation. (CR)       spirit, death, resurrection and
  cyber security or enhance their
                                         (CR)                                    future coming as King in
  knowledge of personal security.
                                        • Engineering and Physics Club           Jerusalem; holding to the 66
                                          participates in tours of interest      books of the Bible as from God.
• Art Club provides regular                                                      (CR)
                                          and completes cool projects,
  opportunities to discuss art-
                                          such as a “battle bot” for           • Latinx Club brings students
  related ideas and to display and
                                          competition. (CR)                      together to share in the Latin
  sell artists’ wares. (CC/CR)
                                        • Environmental Club helps               culture on campus. (CR)
• Astronomy Club explores the
                                          students become                      • Literature Club aims at fostering
  final frontier to increase
                                          environmentally knowledgeable          a love for books and literature as
  understanding and knowledge of
                                          while working toward achieving         well as promoting literary
  the known universe. (CR)
                                          equilibrium between quality            activities. (CC)
• Biology Club studies life and           of life and quality of the           • Math Club offer activities such
  life forms and works to enhance
                                          environment. (CC)                      as specialty math topics
  local natural areas, raise
                                        • Gay Straight/Gender Sexuality          discussions, math games, math
  awareness of health issues, etc.
                                          Alliance/ (GSA) educates about         movies, a Math Alumni Day,
                                          gay, lesbian, bisexual,                and a spring math picnic. (CR)
• Black Student Union (BSU)               transgender and straight issues to
  provides academic and social

                                                                                                   15 | P a g e
• Math Team helps "mathletes”             Technology, Engineering and         honor society which fosters student
  prepare for the AMATYC                  Math (STEM), sponsors               scholarship in community colleges.
  Student Mathematics League              speakers, provides resources,       Members are recognized during
  against students from around the        reaches out to girls in grades K-   Commencement as they wear the
  country. (CR)                           12 and promotes interest in         Phi Theta Kappa distinguished
 • Multicultural Club is open to all      STEM to the greater community.      gold stole and tassel, and by a
   students interested in promoting       (CR)                                notation on their transcripts. Phi
   cultural diversity, and creating a   • Student Nurses Association          Theta Kappa membership requires:
   welcoming environment for              provides programs and activities    completion of 12+ collegelevel
   students of diverse cultures.          of interest to students in the      credits, overall minimum GPA of
   (CR)                                   Registered Nursing (RN)             3.25 (Cambridge Campus); 3.50
 • Muslim Student Association             program. (CC/CR)                    (Coon Rapids Campus); after
   provides opportunities designed      • Students for Life Club educates     initiation, maintain a minimum 3.0
   to enrich the Muslim faith life,       the college community about         GPA; and possess qualities of
   and to educate non-Muslims             issues related to the value,        citizenship and good moral
   about Islam. (CR)                      dignity, and truth of human life    character. (CC/CR)
 • Photography Club provides              and provides students with          Psi Beta is a national honor society
   opportunities for students to          meaningful opportunities of         in psychology for community
   explore the technical, practical &     activism in the larger pro-life     college students. Psi Beta
   creative aspects of photography.       cause. (CC)                         membership requires: completion
   (CC)                                 • Sustainability Club educates        of 12+ semester credits and at least
 • Psychology Club promotes               students about what                 one semester of psychology
   activities and awareness of            sustainability means, informs       coursework; overall minimum 3.0
   mental health issues.                  students about ways to be           GPA; and psychology minimum
   (CC)                                   sustainable and communicates        3.0 GPA. (CR)
 • Queer-Trans Union (QTU)                why sustainability is important
   educates about gay, lesbian,           to Earth. (CR)                      Events Planning Team
                                                                              The Events Planning Team is a
   bisexual, transgender and            • Swing Dancing Club provides
   straight issues to eliminate                                               group that helps brainstorm, plan,
                                          the opportunity to let out some
   intolerance and prejudice, and to                                          market and execute events and
                                          built-up energy. Even if you
   encourage healthy social                                                   activities on campus. (CC/CR)
                                          have never swing danced before,
   interactions, understanding,           come to learn. Wear
   acceptance and safety. (CR)            comfortable shoes. (CR)             Student Senate
 • Society for Creative                                                       Student Senate is the voice for all
                                        • Theatre Club encourages
   Anachronism is an international                                            students and, together with college
                                          students who share an interest,
   organization dedicated to                                                  administration, oversees student
                                          passion, or love for any and all
   researching and re-creating the                                            government affairs. Student Senate
                                          theatre arts through active
   arts and skills of pre-17th-                                               appoints student representatives to
                                          involvement in activities,
   century Europe.                                                            college committees; and advocates
                                          workshops, productions, and
   (CR)                                                                       for student needs and concerns.
                                          instruction. (CR)
 • Spanish Club provides a learning     • Veterans Club create a
   experience about culture,              community of students               Student Annual Creative
   history, and current realities of      interested in supporting veteran    Publication
   Spanish-speaking countries and         and/or military issues and          The Spirit River Review at the
   Spanish speaking communities           encourages public awareness of      Cambridge Campus and the Rapids
   within the United States.              the unique needs of veteran         River Review at the Coon Rapids
   (CC)                                   students. (CR)                      Campus are student-produced
 • STEM Chicks Club supports                                                  books showcasing the art works
                                        Academic Honor Society
   female students interested in                                              and writing of current students and
   majors or careers in Science,        Phi Theta Kappa is an international
                                                                              faculty members.

                                                                                                   16 | P a g e
Student Newspaper                       fees required). Students must be       The Cambridge Campus produces
The Campus Eye is a student-run new     registered in other courses to         at least one play each year.
spaper serving the Cambridge            qualify.
                                                                               The Coon Rapids Campus
campus and the Coon Rapids
                                        Instrumental Ensembles                 produces up to three plays each
campus, provides students with an
opportunity to gain experience and       • Concert Band - MUSC 1106            year.
proficiency in journalism,              • Jazz Band - MUSC 1146                Visit:
 photography, editing and design.       • Musical Theatre Ensemble -           life/art-creative-writing-music-            MUSC 1147                             theatre/ for more information.
                                        • String Ensemble - MUSC 1107
                                        • Guitar Ensemble – MUSC 1149          English Creative Writing Club
Art, Music, Theatre &
                                                                               provides opportunities for students
English                                 • Chamber Ensemble – MUSC
                                                                               interested in writing poetry, fiction,
Art Exhibits & Sales                                                           and creative nonfiction. The
Glassblowing, ceramics,                 • Drumming Ensemble – MUSC
                                                                               Rapids River Review and the Spirit
photography, painting, drawing,          1145
                                                                               River Review literary and arts
and sculpture are on exhibit and on     • Vocal Ensembles                      magazines are published annually
sale at Anoka-Ramsey throughout         • Concert Choir - MUSC 1108            by the members of the Creative
the year. Try your hand as an artist    • Chamber Singers - MUSC               Writing Club.
or simply check out the students’        1148
                                                                               The Minnesota Writers
work .There are exhibits and sales      • Chorale - MUSC 1188
at both Anoka-Ramsey campuses.                                                 Program at the Cambridge
                                        Theatre                                Campus hosts one premiere
Music                                   Anoka-Ramsey offers a vibrant          Minnesota author each year for
Whether you are a seasoned              theatre community. Whether you         readings and discussions.
performer or simply delight in new      prefer to be in the audience, or are
                                                                               The Two Rivers Reading Series at
opportunities, Anoka-Ramsey             an experienced performer or a
                                                                               the Coon Rapids Campus hosts
music ensembles may be just what        theatre novice, there is a place for
                                                                               several renowned visiting writers
you need to enliven your creative       you. In Practical Experience in
                                                                               for readings and discussions
spirit. Ensembles are available for     Theatre (THTR 1109), students
                                                                               throughout the academic year.
credit, as an elective, or to satisfy   participate in all aspects of
requirements toward an                  production including acting,
Associate’s in Fine Arts degree in      statecraft, lighting, costuming,
Music. These courses are also           stage management and assistant
available as an activity (no tuition;   directing.

                                                                                                     17 | P a g e
Health & Wellness Center                       The Coon Rapids Campus                     Wellness Programs
                                                Facility Offers:
The Health & Wellness Center is intended to
                                               • 5,000 Square Foot Fitness Center           •   Functional Fitness
provide health and fitness opportunities for
students, faculty, staff, teams and the        • Three full-sized Volleyball Courts         •   Meditation

community.                                     • Three full-sized Basketball Courts         •   Ripped

                                               • Walking Track                              •   Tabata

                                               • Mezzanine Fitness Area                     •   Turbo Kick

                                               • Fitness Studio                             •   Yoga
                                                                                            •   Zumba
                                               The Cambridge Campus Facility Offers:
                                               Fitness Center

Health & Wellness Center is FREE to Anoka-Ramsey Students!
For current semester Health and Wellness Center hours of operation visit:

Academics & Transfers
                                                                                                              18 | P a g e
Academics and Transfer
Americans average up to 10 different jobs in a lifetime. Anoka-Ramsey Community College offers education
and support every step of the way.

Academic Advising                                                                       F: Inadequate Achievement- 0
                                            Late Start Classes are scheduled to
Academic Advising is a great place to       start several times throughout each         grade points per credit (1000 level
start for planning course registration      semester and run in various formats         courses or above)
and a path to your higher education         including eight-, 10-, 14- and 16-
goals. An academic advisor can help                                                     NC: No Credit - Inadequate
                                            week options. Choose the pace and
you with:                                                                               Achievement (courses below
                                            the place that’s best for you.
 • understanding placement and                                                          1000-level and CBE courses)
   assessment tests                         Generals/MnTC                               P: Passing-average work (“C”) or
 • choosing classes                         Many students choose to                     above and suitable for transfer
 • choosing a program or degree             simply complete their                       (arranged with instructor)
transferring credits                        Minnesota Transfer
                                            Curriculum (MnTC) to                        AU: Audit-student registers, pays
                                            transfer into a four-year degree            and attends, but receives no credit
Alternative Credits                                                                     (initiated/ declared at registration)
                                            program. Other students
Options for earning credits to
                                            choose an associate’s degree to
apply toward a degree or                                                                I: Incomplete - temporary grade
                                            complete the MnTC requirements
certificate include:                                                                    based on written agreement
                                            and transfer into a four-year degree.
Advanced Placement, Articulated                                                         between student and instructor
                                            Anoka-Ramsey offers the following
Credit Program, Course Specific
                                            associate degrees for transfer:             W: Withdrawal - Student initiated
Examinations, College-Level
                                            • Associate of Arts Degree (AA)             by deadlines in course schedule
Examination Program
                                             • Associate of Science Degree
(CLEP), and Credit for Prior                                                            Z: Class(es) currently in progress or
Learning, Defense Activity for Non-                                                     no grade is given (i.e. zero credit
Traditional Education
                                             • Associate of Fine Arts Degree            classes, except music)
Support (DANTES/ DSST),
Independent Study,                           • Associate of Applied Science             Grade Point Average
                                              Degree (AAS)
International Baccalaureate, Military                                                   (GPA) Grade point total is the sum
and Prerequisite Test Out.                 (NOTE: all credits in a degree may           of grade points earned as
                                           not transfer)                                determined by multiplying the
Flexible Options                                                                        grade point value of the grade by
Online                                     Grades                                       the number of course credits. Grade
Anoka-Ramsey offers online classes          Anoka-Ramsey grading system:                Point Average (GPA) is the grade
in 20 different subject areas, and
                                            A: Superior Achievement - 4 grade           point total divided by the grade
several programs completely online.
                                            points per credit                           point credits. Only letter grades (A,
Saturday College                                                                        B, C, D and F) are used to
Saturday College courses are often          B: Above Average Achievement - 3            determine your GPA.
accelerated, hybrid courses, which          grade points per credit
means the pace is fast-often double
                                            C: Average Achievement- 2 grade
the pace of a typical semester course.
                                            points per credit
Furthermore, up to half of your
course work may be online.                  D: Below Average Achievement - 1
                                            grade point per credit

                                                                                                            19 | P a g e
• Course listings required for          • Consider one of the advanced
                                            specific majors, such as                degrees offered at Anoka-
                                            Engineering, Nursing or                 Ramsey campuses
                                           • Visit: for
                                            transfer information about            Transfer To Anoka-Ramsey
                                            Minnesota State Colleges and          Anoka-Ramsey will consider for
                                            Universities (Minnesota State).       transfer college-level coursework
                                           • Degree Audit Report System           completed at a degree-granting
                                            (Anoka-Ramsey students) or the        college accredited by one of the
                                            Web-based           regional associations of colleges
                                            (any internet user) offer free,       and schools, or by a comparable
                                            personalized transfer evaluation      international college or university.
                                            tools.                                Before registering, students with
Grade Reports                                                                     prior coursework from another
                                           • Academic Advisors at both
Your grade report is accessible online                                            institution are encouraged to:
                                            campuses help transfer students
through your student e-Services                                                   submit official transcripts from each
                                            understand degree requirements
account. Reports are not mailed except                                            institution to the Records Office.
                                            and interpret Degree Audit
through arrangements with Records
                                            Record System (DARS) and              To transfer credits from an
                                   information,        institution outside of the US,
Visit: https://www.Anoka-                   provide unofficial, limited           students must have their transcripts                interpretations of transfer credits   evaluated by Educational
for detailed information about grades.      and offer assistance with             Credential Evaluations ( or
                                            academic petitions.                   World Education Services
Transfers                                  • Petition process for unusual         (
Anoka-Ramsey and other public               circumstances.
colleges and universities in the           • Transfer From Anoka-Ramsey           Residency Requirement
Minnesota State Colleges and                 to another College/University.       To earn a degree from Anoka-
Universities system (Minnesota State)
                                                                                  Ramsey, at least 20 semester credits
work to make transfer easy for students.     Anoka-Ramsey offers                  must be earned at Anoka-Ramsey.
Transfer agreements have been                appropriate coursework for the       For students transferring at least
formalized with several institutions to      core requirements of most            eight semester credits from another
simplify transfer procedures for             bachelor degree programs             Minnesota State college or the
students and ensure transfer of credits
                                                                                  University of Minnesota, the
from Anoka-Ramsey to other colleges        Students are encouraged to:            requirement changes from 20 to 12
or universities.                           • Meet with an academic advisor        credits.
                                            to discuss transfer options and
Services for Transfer
  • Academic Advisors • Intersystem
                                            review the transfer guide for your    Grades/Grade Point
                                            intended school or major
    Agreement: Minnesota Transfer                                                 Average (GPA)
                                            Transfer guides are available at
   Curriculum (MnTC).                                                             All college courses in which a
                                            Educational Services
 • Early (joint, deferred) guaranteed                                             student has received a grade of A,
                                           • Complete the Associate of Arts       B, C, D, or P will be considered for
   admission to a university.
                                             degree that includes Minnesota
                                                                                  transfer evaluation.
                                             Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)

                                                                                                       20 | P a g e
Cost and Aid
Compare to be impressed! Anoka-Ramsey offers high-quality education at beautiful riverside campuses for an
affordable rate. Visit us to learn more about costs, financial aid, and more.

Tuition & Fees                              your check, and mail both to the              • You have been awarded a
General tuition and fee rates are           Business Office at least five                  scholarship from Anoka-Ramsey
approved by the Minnesota State             business days before the payment               Institutional Advancement, or
Board of Trustees and are subject to        deadline.                                     • You have successfully enrolled in
change without notice. Your tuition                                                        a payment plan and have
                                            Anoka-Ramsey Community
at Anoka-Ramsey Community                                                                  submitted the required down
                                            College-Business Office
College pays for approximately                                                             payment of tuition
                                            11200 Mississippi Blvd NW Coon
60% of the cost of your education.
                                            Rapids, MN 55433                            Do not rely on the drop for
The remainder of the cost is
appropriated by the State of                2. Payment Plan: You may choose             nonpayment process as a way to
Minnesota. Visit:                           to create a payment plan online:            drop your courses.
https://www.Anoka-           1.     Log in to your student account        Financial Aid
for current tuition and fee rates.          2.     Select "Bills & Payments" on          There are also many options to help
                                                   the left                              you pay for your college education,
About Payments
The Business Office collects tuition        3.     Select appropriate term               such as grant, loan, and work-study
payments, distributes financial aid         4.     Select "Create a new                  programs.
and scholarships, and processes                     FACTS payment plan"
                                                                                         Unless otherwise indicated,
refunds.                                                                                 eligibility for aid programs are
                                            Drop for Non Payment
Tuition invoices are not mailed. You         Anoka-Ramsey reserves the right             based on:
are responsible to monitor your             to drop your courses for non-
                                            payment. Your course registration             • Financial need as determined by
student account balance.
                                            may be canceled if payment                     the FAFSA (see Apply for
Payment deadlines for tuition and           requirements have not been met by              Financial Aid)
fees are posted online at:                  the published due date.                       • Enrollment status
http://www.Anoka-                           You are responsible for paying your           • Satisfactory Academic              full tuition/fees by the established           Progress
dates-deadlines/ You are financially        payment deadlines unless one or               • US citizenship or eligible non-
responsible for all courses for which       more of the following is true:                 citizens status
you register.                                                                             • Enrollment in an aid-eligible
                                             • You have applied for financial aid          degree and major
Payment Options                                  and Anoka-Ramsey has received
                                                                                          • High school diploma or
Choose the best payment plan:                    your FAFSA by the tuition
                                                 deadline from the Dept. of
1. Pay in full:                                  Education, or                           Most of the financial aid programs
Online: Log in to your student               • You are enrolled in the Post-             below require you to complete the
account to submit your payment                   Secondary Enrollment Options            annual FAFSA for the college’s
online using Visa, MasterCard,                   (PSEO) program, or                      Financial Aid Office to determine if
Discover or E-Check                          • You are a veteran who has been            you are eligible. For complete
                                                 certified to receive education          information including requirements
a.). In-person: The Business Office
                                                 benefits, or                            and links to resources, visit:
accepts cash, check, money order,                                              
Visa, or MasterCard.                         • You have submitted an approved
b.). By U.S. Mail: Print your billing            third party billing authorization
statement from your student                      or an official tuition waiver to the
                                                 Business Office, or
account, print your Customer ID on

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