UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield

Page created by Russell Hughes
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
UIS Orientation

        It’s your
         time to
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
UIS                           Table of Contents
                                                      1   Academic Calendar
                                                      2   Accounts, Billing, Payments
                                                      3   Tuition & Fees
                                                      3   Student Insurance

 Tuition               5-6                            4
                                                          Cost of Attendance
                                                          Tuition Smarter
 Smarter.              Student
                       Financial                      6   Financial Assistance
Monthly payments                                      7   Dining Services & i-card
 that fit your life.                                  9   Student Services & Resources
                                                     19 Brookens Library

                       7                             19 Tips for Parents
                       Dining                        21 UIS Abbreviations & Lingo
                       and                           24 UIS History & Facts
                       i-card                        27 UIS-Alert Emergency System
                                                     28 Campus Map


                                   UIS ORIENTATION
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Academic Calendar
Fall Semester 2021                                                 Summer Semester 2022
August 20        Full-Term and First-Half Classes Begin            June 6                   Full-Term and First-Half Classes Begin
September 6      Labor Day, Campus Closed                          July 2                   Mid-Point
October 16       Mid-Point                                         July 4                   Independence Day, Campus Closed
October 18       Half Classes Begin                                July 5                   Last-Half Classes Begin
October 20       Mid-Term Grading Deadline                         July 30                  Semester Ends
November 24-26   Thanksgiving Recess                               August 3                 Final Grading Deadline
December 4       Last Day of Classes
December 6-11    Finals Week
December 11      Semester Ends                                     Have questions? Contact Us
December 15      Final Grading Deadline
                                                                   Health Services
                                                                   217-206-6676 | uishealthservice@uis.edu
Spring Semester 2022
January 17       Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,                      University Bursar Customer Service
                 Campus Closed                                     217-206-6727 | bursarhelp@uillinois.edu
January 18       Full-Term and First-Half Classes Begin
March 12         Mid-Point                                         Financial Aid Office
March 14-18      Spring Recess                                     217-206-6724 | finaid@uis.edu
March 16         Mid-Term Grading Deadline
March 21         Last-Half Classes Begin
May 7            Last Day of Classes
May 9-14         Finals Week
May 14           Semester Ends/Commencement
May 18           Final Grading Deadline

                                                     UIS ORIENTATION | 1
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Student Accounts, Billing,
Direct Deposit, and Payment Plans
      New Student and Parent “To-Do” List
      Review our website at https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/ to become familiar with all our services and policies.
      The New Student Checklist can be found on our website.

      1. Learn how to access the student account: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/Access
      2. Students can set up parents as an “Authorized Payer.” We can only discuss the student account with the student
         and the “Authorized Payer.”
      3. The student needs to enroll in Direct Deposit for student account refunds.
      4. Explore optional student account Payment Plans: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/payments/PaymentPlan
      5. Note the fall, spring, and summer due dates on your calendar.
            • Fall = September 28
            • Spring = February 28
            • Summer = June 28
      6. Check your University assigned email account often for important messages from the University.
      7. Answers to Top Questions can be found at: https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/resources/TopQuestions.

Setting Up an                                  Any U.S. checking or savings account can                    • Enter the payment amount, then
                                               be used for Direct Deposit. Note: enrolling                   select the payment method.
Authorized Payer                               in direct deposit requires two factor
Instructions for the Student:                  authentication (2FA).                                An e-check is an electronic withdrawal from
                                                                                                    a checking or savings account at a domestic
  • https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/access                                                          (U.S.) bank account.
  • Select Student Self Service                Viewing Your Student Account
  • Select appropriate campus link             & Making Online Payments                             Credit cards are accepted for payment. All
  • Enter NetID and Password and click                                                              credit card transactions will be assessed a
     “Login”                                   At the beginning of each month, students             2.4% service fee.
  • Select Account Billing Information         will receive an email to their University
  • Read and click on each box and click       email address, and authorized payers will
                                                                                                    Payments By Mail
                                               receive an email reminding them to view
       • Select “UI-Pay”                       their Student Account for activity. It is the        Mailed payments should be sent at least
       • Select “Authorize Payers”             student’s responsibility to monitor their official   7–10 business days prior to the due date. The
       • Select “Add New”                      University email account on a regular basis.         student’s name and UIN must be written on
       • Enter Authorize Payer’s name, email   The University accepts both e-checks and             the check. A payment stub printed from the
          address and create a login name.     credit card payments online through UI-Pay.          “View & Pay Accounts” screen should be
                                                                                                    included to ensure proper credit. Payments
Website for Authorized Payers:                   • https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/access           may be mailed to the following location:
https://quikpayasp.com/uillinois/campus/         • Select Student Self Service
tuition/authorized.do                            • Select appropriate campus link                       University of Illinois Payment Center
                                                 • Enter NetID and Password and click                   Student A/R
Enrolling in Direct Deposit                        “Login”                                              28393 Network Place
                                                 • Select Account Billing Information                   Chicago, IL 60673-1283
Instructions for the Student:                    • Read and click on each box and click
  • Follow top 6 bullet items above                “Continue”                                       Please note: Scholarship payments should be
  • Select “Direct Deposit”                          • Select “UI-Pay”                              sent directly to the UIS Office of Financial
  • Select “Direct Deposit Enrollment”               • Select the “Make Payment” icon               Assistance.

                                                              UIS ORIENTATION | 2
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Tuition & Fees                                                                             Student Insurance
Tuition assessment is based upon an hourly          Student Insurance Fee: The Insurance             Notice on Student Health
rate and the year the student was admitted.         Plan provides worldwide coverage for our
Students are billed the below fees based upon       students. For further details regarding
full-time or part-time status. Additional           student insurance, please visit the UIS          Students, do you know your student account
tuition and fee information can be found at:        Student Insurance website at: uis.edu/           will be automatically billed each semester for
uis.edu/registration/registration.                  humanresources/studentinsurance.                 the UIS Student Health Insurance Plan fee?
                                                                                                     Fall 2021 fee is $947. Spring 2022 fee is $947.
Mandatory Fees                                      Student-to-Student Grant Fee: This fee           Summer 2022 fee is $498.
                                                    provides financial support to undergraduate
Service Fee: This fee provides support for a        and graduate students who demonstrate high       If students have provable private insurance
variety of co-curricular and extracurricular        financial need. This fee can be waived by        and do not want UIS Student Insurance
activities and services benefiting the student      contacting Records and Registration by their     please submit an online waiver at https://uis.
population.                                         posted deadline each semester.                   myahpcare.com/waiver. The waiver must be
                                                                                                     submitted by the posted deadline per semester.
General Fee: A fee comprised of debt service,       Green Fee: This fee provides funding necessary   Save confirmation number during submission
facility renewal and replacement funds,             to improve our campus commitment to              as it will be the only record of proof!
campus administrative charges, and general          environmental sustainability. This fee can be
University overhead charges.                        waived by contacting Records and Registration    The Office of Student Insurance will
                                                    by their posted deadline each semester. Full-    communicate open enrollment and waiver
Health Fee: This fee is divided between             time students only.                              periods through uis.edu email. Important
Campus Health Services and the Counseling                                                            information including fee schedule,
Center and supports annual operations of            Student Union Fee: Along with private            coverage dates, waiver deadlines and benefit
both services.                                      funding, this fee provides support for the       information (including optional dental) is
                                                    UIS Student Union.                               available on the website.
Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund
Assessment: An assessment to support                Student Insurance                                Questions regarding student insurance
deferred maintenance and facility                                                                    should be directed to the Student Insurance
renovations for academic buildings.                 Students may file for an exemption from          Office at 217-206-7020 or visit uis.edu/
                                                    the health insurance fee if they can provide     humanresources/studentinsurance
Campus and Library Technology                       proof of alternative coverage. The form for
Assessment: This assessment supports the            exemption is found at https://uis.myahpcare.
library to help pay for access to online journals   com/waiver. Please note—there is a deadline
and other materials and to Information              each semester to exempt out of the student
Technology Services to help pay for servers,        insurance.
internet access, smart classrooms, etc.

                                                                  UIS ORIENTATION | 3
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Cost of Attendance for Undergraduates (2021-22)
   Costs in this example based on 15 hours (see go.uis.edu/EstimatedCost)

          Tuition          $316.75 /credit hour (in state) guaranteed rate for 4 years ($4,751/semester)
                           $637.25 /credit hour (out-of-state) guaranteed rate for 4 years ($9,559/semester)

              Fees         $1,209 /semester for Freshmen (enrolled in 15 hours), OR
                           $1,559 /semester for Honors Freshmen (enrolled in 15 hours) *includes Honors Program Fee

        Insurance          $947 /semester

         Housing           $3,805 /semester (residence hall)

             Board         $1,400, $1,675 or $2,100/semester based on student meal plan

   Books/supplies          $600.00 estimated/semester

   Indirect costs included in the estimated total cost of attendance are $450 for transportation
   and $900 for personal miscellaneous expenses per semester.

      Direct Cost               Freshmen         Honors

      Tuition                   $ 9,502          $ 9,502
      Fees                      $ 2,418          $ 3,118
      Room                      $ 7,610          $ 7,610
      Board (based on                                                Tuition, fees, and assessments are all charged based
      $1400 per semester                                             upon a student’s primary UIS curriculum. Tuition,
      meal plan)                $ 2,800          $ 2,800             fee, and assessment amounts are estimates. Actual
                                                                     costs are determined when a student registers for
      Books                     $ 1,200          $ 1,200             classes each semester and are based on factors
                                                                     such as student level, residency, credit hours, and
      Total                     $ 23,530         $ 24,230            miscellaneous course fees. Additional tuition, fee and
                                                                     assessment information can be found online.

                                               UIS ORIENTATION | 4
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Tuition Smarter
                                  Payment      Methods
                                         Payment      Methods
                                   • Automatic bank bank
                                          •  Automatic   payment
                                   • Credit card (2.4% service fee assessed
                                             Credit card (2.4% service fee assessed per
                                             Cost to Participate
                               Cost to• Participate
                                           $40 nonrefundable enrollment fee per semester (Fall & Spring)
                                 • $40 nonrefundable       enrollment
                                         • $30 fee if a payment          fee per semester (Fall & Spring)
                                                                is returned
                  Payment Methods
                                 • $30 fee  if
                   • Automatic bank payment
                                               a payment    is returned
                                            (ACH)Steps to Enroll
                   •                           • fee
                                                               per payment) for enrollment instructions
                                  Simple Steps to Enroll
                       Credit card (2.4% service

                                   • Visit Target
                  Cost to Participate                Dates to EnrollforBy:
                                           paymybill.uillinois.edu          enrollment instructions
                   • $40 nonrefundable enrollment
                                           Fall 2021feeEnrollment
                                                        per semester (Fall & on
                                                                  available  Spring)
                                                                                June 1, 2021
                   • $30 fee if a payment    Dates to
                                            returned        EnrollonBy:
                                                       processed        the 20th of the month
                  Simple Steps  Fall to 2021
                                          Enroll Enrollment
                                                   Dates of available
                                                                    Numberon   of June 1,
                                                                                          2021 of         Enrollment
                   • Visit paymybill.uillinois.eduEnrollment        payments
                                                   for enrollment instructions          payments             fee
                                   Payments processed on the 20th of the month
                                     June 1-June 19                      6        June-November               $40
                  Target Dates to Enroll By:
                                         June of
                                               20-July 19 Number 5 of                Months of
                                                                                  July-November                Enrollment
                  Fall 2021 Enrollment
                                       available      19 1, payments
                                                 on June
                                         July 20-Aug        2021 4                   payments
                                                                                 August-November              $40 fee
                  Payments processed on   Augthe   20th19of the month
                                               20-Sept               3         September-November             $40
                                 June 1-June     19
                                          *Sept of
                                                                 6 2
                                                 20-Sept 28Months of
                                                                               October  & November            $40
                      Dates of        Number                                    Enrollment
                     Enrollment  June  20-July
                                       payments  19
                                               payment  of       5
                                                           paymentsaccount  balanceJuly-November
                                                                                    fee      at the time of         $40
                                         for the 2 month plan
                  June 1-June 19 July 20-Aug6   19               4
                                                         June-November           August-November
                                                                                    $40                             $40
                  June 20-July 19Aug 20-Sept5    192022  Enrollment
                                                                 3  available
                                                         July-November        on November   1, 2021
                                                                                    $40                             $40
                   July 20-Aug 19          Payments
                                              4         processed on the 20th of $40 the month
                                  *Sept 20-Sept      28 August-November
                                                                   2           October & November                $40
                   Aug 20-Sept 19             3 DatesSeptember-November
                                                        of       Number             $40
                                 *33% payment of student         accountof  balanceMonths
                                                                                    required of at the time
                                                                                                            of enrollment
                   *Sept 20-Sept 28           2 Enrollment
                                                        October &payments
                                                                  November          payments
                                                                                    $40                    fee
                                 for the 2 month plan
                  *33% payment of student account balance required at the time of enrollment
                                            Nov 1-Dec 19               6          December-May             $40
                  for the 2 month plan
                                 Spring 2022         Enrollment
                                            Dec 20-Jan  19        available
                                                                       5      on November
                                                                                   January-May1, 2021      $40
                  Spring 2022 Payments
                                             available on
                                                 20-Feb          on 1,the
                                                                       4202120th of   the month
                                                                                   February-May            $40
                  Payments processed on     *Febthe  20th28of the month
                                                  20-Feb               3            March-May              $40
                        Dates of        Dates
                                        Number  of
                                          *25% payment
                                                 of      ofNumber    of of balance
                                                            student account
                                                           Months                  Months
                                                                               Enrollment      of time of enrollment
                                                                                            at the           Enrollment
                       Enrollment      Enrollment           payments
                                          for the 3 month plan
                                        payments           payments                 payments
                                                                                   fee                            fee
                                       A minimum
                  Nov 1-Dec 19 Nov 1-Dec 6 19    balance of $500 is required to establish
                                                    December-May                 $40      a Payment Plan
                                                             6                December-May                        $40
                  Dec 20-Jan 19          5            January-May                $40
                                Dec 20-Jan 19                5                  January-May                       $40
                  Jan 20-Feb 19          4           February-May                $40
                  *Feb 20-Feb 28Jan 20-Feb
                                         3  19               4
                                                       March-May               February-May
                                                                                 $40                              $40
                  *25% payment of *Feb  20-Feb
                                    student      28balance required
                                            account               3 at the time of enrollment
                                                                                     March-May                    $40
                  for the 3 month plan
                                  *25% payment of student account balance required at the time of enrollment
                  A minimum balance of $500
                               for the      is required
                                        3 month                    paymybill.uillinois.edu
                                                    planto establish a Payment Plan

                                  A minimum balance of $500 is required to establish a Payment Plan
                                                     For additional help, please call us at 866.506.4637


                            For additional help, please call us at 866.506.4637

                                             For additional help, please call us at 866.506.4637

                        UIS ORIENTATION | 5
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Financial Assistance Facts
1.   You MUST have a 2021-2022 Free Application for Federal                      7.   Our web address is uis.edu/financialaid. Please visit this site
     Student Aid (FAFSA) form on file with the UIS Office                             and review the information.
     of Financial Assistance in order to have any aid, including
     scholarships, disbursed to your account.                                    8.   As a reminder, please note that there are indirect cost
                                                                                      components included in the estimated cost of attendance that
2.   All students who wish to receive financial assistance must make                  appear on your financial aid offer notification. Indirect cost
     sure they have provided their social security number to the                      items will never be charged to the student by the university. The
     university on their Admission application. If you have not done                  indirect cost components include books/supplies, transportation
     so already, then you need to provide a photocopy of your social                  and personal/miscellaneous expenses. For students who are
     security card and valid ID to the Admission Office.                              commuting and will not be living in on-campus housing, you
                                                                                      will also see estimated room and board in indirect costs.
3.   All correspondence from the Office of Financial Assistance will
     be sent to the student’s UIS email account. It is very important            9.   All grants, waivers and/or scholarships proceeds will be disbursed
     that students check their UIS email account at least once a week.                to your student account, beginning the week before the start of
     Respond to all correspondence from the Office of Financial                       classes each term if your financial aid file is complete. Refunds
     Assistance expeditiously. Time is always of the essence and failure              will be issued the Friday before the start of classes each term for
     to meet deadlines can have dire financial aid consequences.                      eligible students.

4.   You must complete Federal Direct Entrance Loan Counseling                   10. Don’t drop a course or withdraw from the University without
     and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) to receive your Federal                      speaking to a Financial Aid Advisor. Read the UIS Satisfactory
     Direct Loan funds. Go to the Financial Aid website or directly                  Academic Progress policy brochure which is also available on
     to The Department of Education’s Studentaid.gov page to                         our website under Guide to Financial Aid.
     complete these requirements as quickly as possible. You will need
     your FSA id and password to log-in.                                         11. If you are interested in working on campus, you may search
                                                                                     CareerConnect for available positions. CareerConnect may be
5.   Make certain to sign up for direct deposit at http://paymybill.                 accessed by going to: uis.edu/career/students/careerconnect.
     uillinois.edu/DirectDeposit. This will expedite the receipt of                  This site will direct you to all the current job listings with a
     any refunds which you may be eligible to receive for the fall,                  complete description of the position and pay rate. Beginning July
     spring and summer semesters.                                                    1st, all incoming fall students will have access to CareerConnect
                                                                                     72 hours after registering for classes. To apply students will need
6.   Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),                   to upload a resume into CareerConnect for the career counselors
     the UIS Office of Financial Assistance staff cannot discuss                     to review and approve. Once their resume has been approved the
     details of a student’s financial aid package with anyone except                 student can start applying for any current job posting.
     the student. Unless the student is present with his/her parent,
     we cannot discuss financial aid matters with parents. Please note
     that for your protection, inquiries regarding specific monetary
     amounts of financial assistance will not be given over the
     telephone, even to the student.

                                                                   UIS ORIENTATION | 6
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Dining Services and i-card
The Food Studio                                Inside the Food Studio                           Meal Plans and Campus Cash
Campus Food Service welcomes you to this       Beverages: Soda, coffee, tea, and more.          Meal plans can be used only for food and
unique food court located on the first floor                                                    beverage purchases. Campus Cash buys food
of the Student Union.                          Chef ’s Table: Roast beef, chicken, potatoes     and drink too, but it also covers service and
                                               and all the comfort foods of home.               retail purchases across UIS. Think copying,
Our main dining room is open seven                                                              printing, laundry, concessions, tickets at
days a week.                                   Deli / Salad Bar: Sandwiches, deli trimmings,    Sangamon Auditorium, and supplies from the
    Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.           soup, and salad bar.                             UIS Bookstore.
    Friday 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
    Saturday & Sunday 11:30 a.m.–2:45 p.m.;    Express: Grab-N-Go food—fruit, sandwiches,       Swipe and go with your i-card!
         3:45–6 p.m.                           salads, yogurt, ice cream, bottled beverages     With a meal plan and Campus Cash, you
                                               and milk. Everything you need when you’re        don’t need to carry a debit card, credit card, or
Chef ’s Table & World Flavors:                 in a hurry.                                      cash. Both accounts are linked to your i-card,
   Monday–Thursday 11 a.m.–2 p.m.                                                               so you just swipe it to pay. When you have
   Friday 11 am–2 p.m.; 4:30–6 p.m.            The Union Griddle: All of your favorites for     meal plan funds, they are debited first for food
   closed weekends                             breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks: eggs,       and beverage purchases. When you don’t have
                                               bacon, pancakes, burgers, steaks, chicken        a meal plan or you buy something other than
Union Griddle and Grab-N-Go:                   breasts, fries, nachos, pretzels and more!       food or drink, Campus Cash is debited.
    Monday–Friday 11 a.m.–close
                                               Pizzeria: 14” pizzas or by-the-slice goodness.   Get started
Deli, Pizzeria and Salad Bar:                                                                   Stop by the ID Center (info at bottom)
    Monday-Friday 11 a.m.–close                World Flavors: Have your meal cooked right       before the semester starts to choose your meal
                                               in front of you. Build your own skillet toss,    plan. Meal plans are billed to your student
                                               quesadilla, or burrito—pick your favorite        account. While you’re there, you can fund
                                               ingredients.                                     your Campus Cash account with cash, credit,
                                                                                                or debit.
                                                             UIS ORIENTATION | 7
UIS Orientation Guidebook - It's your time to - University of Illinois Springfield
Monitor and manage accounts
What’s your meal plan balance? How much
Campus Cash do you have? Watch the register
or vending display after each purchase to see
the latest info, or visit icardwallet.uis.edu.

Online access
icardwallet.uis.edu is a secure, mobile-friendly
site you can use 24x7 to check your meal
plan(s) and Campus Cash balances. You can
also fund your Campus Cash account using
any major credit card. There’s a $5 minimum

Questions? Answers!
The ID Center administers meal plans and
Campus Cash. If you have questions, call
or stop by.
     ID Center
     Student Affairs Building 30
     Open: Mon–Fri 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.                Starbucks Coffee
     idcenter@uis.edu                              A full-service Starbucks is located on the mezzanine of the Student Union. Hours during the fall
     www.icard.uillinois.edu                       and spring semesters are: Monday–Thursday 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.

Choose your                                                                     Signature                Gold                    Silver
Meal Plan                                                                       plan                     plan                    plan
                                                                                $2,100/sem.              $1,675/sem.             $1,400/sem.
Home on the weekends?
That’s a five-day “eating                             Cost per day
                                                      7 day week                  $19.26                 $15.36                  $12.84
Home for the holidays only?
That’s a seven-day “eating                            5 day week                  $26.58                 $21.20                  $17.72

                                                                UIS ORIENTATION | 8
Student Services and Resources

Athletics                                         Contact: UIS Athletics                           Contact: Bookstore
The mission of the Athletics Department is        The Recreation and Athletics Center (TRAC)       Public Affairs Center, 1st Floor
to shape our student-athletes into productive,    217-206-6674                                     217-206-6766
service-minded leaders and to center the          www.uisprairiestars.com                          www.bkstr.com/illinoisspringfieldstore/home
athletics experience on academic achievement,                                                      Efollett.com for 24/7 shopping and ordering
pursuits of championships, and community          Bookstore                                        on-line
outreach.                                         The UIS Bookstore is your source for team
                                                  apparel, gifts and accessories for women, men,   Campus Recreation
UIS sponsors 17 intercollegiate varsity sports,   and kids. Buy online, free in-store pickup.      Campus Recreation provides programs,
as well as Cheerleading, and is a proud           Services offered by the bookstore include:       services, facilities, and employment
member of NCAA Division II and the Great            • Textbook Sales & Rentals                     opportunities designed to promote the
Lakes Valley Conference.                            • Digital Textbooks                            awareness and benefits of lifetime health
                                                    • UIS Apparel                                  and recreation. Our staff encourage life-
Men’s Sports             Women’s Sports             • School and Office Supplies                   long learning and leadership development
Baseball                 Basketball                 • Gift and School Spirit Items                 and support making responsible choices to
Basketball               Cross Country              • Computer and Technology Items                enhance each individual’s well-being.
Cross Country            Golf                       • Sundries
Golf                     Soccer                                                                    Campus Recreation offers:
Soccer                   Softball                 Hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m.                 • The Recreation and Athletic Center
Tennis                   Tennis                   Summer 2021 hours are likely to change due           (TRAC) which has basketball, volleyball,
Indoor & Outdoor         Indoor & Outdoor         to slow customer traffic and construction            pickleball/badminton, racquetball, and
  Track & Field            Track & Field          on the PAC building, so please contact the           squash courts, an elevated running track,
                         Volleyball               bookstore first.                                     and cardio/weight training areas
                                                               UIS ORIENTATION | 9
• Outdoor Adventure trips                       Center for Academic Success &                        anxiety, alcohol and substance abuse,
  • Intramural sports, which are offered at no                                                         conflict resolution, communication skills
    cost to all students
                                                  Advising (CASA)                                      and relationship concerns. The Counseling
                                                  CASA serves entering first year students
  • Outdoor fields and courts, 9-hole                                                                  Center staff helps students build confidence,
                                                  (except for students in the Capital Scholars
    miniature golf course, and sand volleyball                                                         gain insight, and make changes to assist them
                                                  Honors Program), pre-nursing Students, and
    at Rec Park                                                                                        in being successful as students and in their
                                                  undecided students. Professional academic
  • 18-hole disc golf course                                                                           personal lives.
                                                  advisors help students determine courses
  • Fitness Classes, personal training, cooking
                                                  each semester to complete general education
    demos, and annual Wellness Fair                                                                    Counseling services are free of charge to
                                                  requirements and prepare for a major course
  • Team building on the challenge course                                                              UIS students that have paid the Health and
                                                  of study. They also monitor student progress
                                                                                                       Counseling Fee. Services include:
                                                  and connect students with other services on
Hours (Fall & Spring semesters):                                                                        • Individual Counseling for UIS students
Monday–Thursday: 6 a.m.–11 p.m.                                                                         • Couples and Group Counseling
Friday 6 a.m.–9 p.m.                                                                                    • Personal Development Workshops
                                                  In addition, CASA provides:
Saturday 10 a.m.–9 p.m.                                                                                 • Crisis Intervention
                                                    • Four-year advising guides for all
Sunday 1 p.m.–9 p.m.
                                                       undergraduate majors and minors
                                                                                                       Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
                                                    • Two-year planning for pre-nursing students
Contact: TRAC                                                                                          Extended hours offered on an individual basis.
                                                    • STARS Academic Success coach
Main Office: 217-206-7103                                                                              For after-hours crisis intervention, call 217-
                                                    • Depending on ACT/SAT scores, some
Front Desk: 217-206-6658                                                                               206-7122 to talk with the counselor on duty.
                                                       students may be required to complete
                                                       a placement exam. Scores from the
www.uis.edu/campusrec                                                                                  Contact: Human Resources Building, Room 64
                                                       placement exams give a more precise
                                                       indicator of skill level, thereby allowing
Career Development Center                              placement in courses for which they are
The Career Development Center provides                                                                 uis.edu/counselingcenter
                                                       best prepared.
comprehensive career planning services to                                                              Facebook: @UISCounselingCenter
                                                    • Peer Advisor/Peer Mentor Program
undergraduate, graduate, and online students.                                                          Instagram: @uiscounselingcenter
                                                       provides additional support to help new
The Career Center works in partnership                 students transition into college life through
with students throughout their time at                 individual and small group interactions         Dean of Students
UIS to develop career strategies and teach             with a peer leader. Students who are            The Dean of Students provides the oversight
students how to create meaningful real-                decided about a major are assigned a Peer       of various Student Affairs offices and for the
world opportunities and experiences that will          Mentor who helps guide appropriate              student services of:
enhance their opportunities after graduation.          decision-making about courses and career           • Advocacy and Assistance
Personalized services are provided through:            paths related to that major.                       • Community Standards and Student
   • Career Counseling and Career Advising                                                                  Conduct
   • Resume and Cover Letter Critiques            Hours: Monday–Thursday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.                 • Student Handbook
   • Online Career Planning Systems and           Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
     extensive resources                          Online appointments available during                 Contact: Founders Residence Hall, Room 178
   • Support through our Career Suite Open        traditional and nontraditional office hours.         217-206-8211
   • Job shadowing and informational              Contact: Brookens Library, Room 461
     interviewing with professionals and alumni   (academic side of building)
                                                                                                       Dining Services
   • Workshops, career fairs and career “field                                                         Campus Food Service welcomes you to this
     trips” to potential employers                                                                     unique food court located in the Student
   • Access to UIS CareerConnect, our online                                                           Union. If you find the choices overwhelming,
     internship and job board                                                                          we’ll consider that a compliment.
   • Interactions with recruiters on-campus
   • Customized opportunities related to your     Counseling Center                                    Our facilities include:
     career goals created in partnership with     The Counseling Center provides confidential           • The Food Studio is our main dining
     your Career Counselor                        counseling to address the personal concerns              room open seven days a week during the
                                                  of students in a safe and private environment.           fall and spring semesters, and Monday
Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.             Counseling sessions are available in person              through Fridays during breaks and
                                                  or by telehealth. The Center facilitates the             summer sessions. To learn about what is
Contact: Student Affairs Building, Room 50        academic progress of students by providing               included, please visit uis.edu/foodservice/
217-206-6508                                      counseling and outreach programming that                 facilities.
careerservices@uis.edu                            address issues of concern to students including       • Starbucks – Located on the 2nd floor of
uis.edu/career                                    stress and time management, depression,                  the Student Union, this is a full-service

                                                                UIS ORIENTATION | 10
Starbucks, accepting UIS Dining Dollars        We provide academic support services to           workshops/trainings that expose and combat
    (depending on the item), campus cash,          students with disabilities that include:          macroaggressions and microaggressions rooted
    cash, major credit cards, and Starbucks           • Priority Registration                        in privilege and oppression, educate about
    gift cards. This franchise is not currently       • Peer Note Takers                             self-defense, bystander intervention, critical
    accepting the Starbuck’s app payments             • Alternative Format Text Conversion           consciousness around group and identity
    nor online ordering.                              • ASL Interpreters                             development, consent, conflict resolution, and
                                                      • Alternative Seating Arrangements             cultural sensitivity that reduces bias, just to
Meal Plans – UIS offers several meal plans            • Adaptive Technology Training                 name a few. We work closely with other offices
to meet our students’ needs. Students SAVE            • Computer Lab                                 on campus for coalition building to ensure
9.75% on every purchase from their meal               • Extended time on exams.                      this happens often. Moreover, some of our
plan. On campus residents with a meal plan            • Quiet distraction free environment for       coalition endeavors allow us to collaborate and
do not pay sales tax. To learn more about our           taking exams.                                assist in recruiting, retention, and persistence
meal plans, please visit uis.edu/foodservice/                                                        efforts towards graduation for ethnic minority,
mealplans. Meal plans can be requested by          Contact: Human Resources Building, Room 80        first-generation, and other underrepresented
filling out a form at the i-card office (Student   Voice: 217-206-6666                               student populations. Much of the work we do
Affairs Building, room 30). Meal plans can be      TDD: 217-206-6668                                 helps us, as a campus, realize and work towards
changed up until the 10th day of classes in the    ods@uis.edu                                       a campus climate, where #equityoverinjustice
fall and spring semester. Meal plans roll over     uis.edu/disabilityservices                        is not just a moniker but also a movement
from fall to spring semester, but do not roll                                                        and lifestyle. Lastly, but equally as important,
over year to year.                                 Diversity Center                                  our space serves as a student-centered lounge,
                                                   The Diversity Center offers educational           library, and media lab where students can
Campus Cash – is another line of credit that       opportunities, social activities, and events      come to relax, study, and meet new people.
students can add to their i-card. It is easy to    that promote an inclusive, intersectional, and
do online from the i-card website                  multicultural experience. In the unit, there      In short, in an overarching fashion, the
go.uis.edu/UISiCard.                               are many entities housed to deliver a well-       Diversity Center (with the Women’s Center
                                                   rounded student experience. We coordinate         and Gender & Sexuality Student Services
Contact: Student Union, Room 202                   an array of programs with the Women’s             entities) is a cultural, educational, and social
217-206-7740                                       Center, Gender & Sexuality Student Services       entity on campus to represent and advocate
uis.edu/foodservice                                (GSSS), Greek Life/Affairs, the Necessary         for the concerns and challenges of all students.
                                                   Steps Mentoring Program for First-Generation
Disability Services                                College Students (NSMP), the Men of Color         Programs and Services include, but are not
The Office of Disability Services is the central   Initiative, and the Hispanic/LatinX Initiative.   limited to:
service that provides students with academic       Along with various support services within           • Women’s Center (www.uis.edu/
accommodations for disability services at          the center, we also coordinate many cultural           womenscenter)
UIS. A full-time Director provides leadership      and heritage months/weeks, including Black           • Gender & Sexuality Student Services –
to staff, which includes two specialists to        History Month, Hispanic/LatinX Heritage                GSSS (uis.edu/gendersexualitystudent
provide accommodations and serve other             Month, Queertober, and Women’s History                 services)
disability related needs to the UIS community.     Month, to name a few. Additionally, we               • Greek Life/Affairs (uis.edu/greeklife)
We encourage you to visit our website and a        provide advocacy and support to the campus           • Necessary Steps Mentoring Program for
Disability Specialist in our office at any time.   community by offering university-wide                  first generation students

                                                                UIS ORIENTATION | 11
• LGBTQIA+ Peer Mentor Program                    • Stereotype and Bias Reduction                 Financial Assistance
  • Hispanic/Latinx Initiative and Men of             Workshops.                                    The Office of Financial Assistance aspires to
    Color Initiative which serve to increase,       • (Virtual) Campus Vibe-Checks that             ensure access to and affordability of a UIS
    encourage, and support the inclusion and          provide healing and community                 education. We are committed to making every
    educational success of students of color,         spaces promoting self-awareness and           effort within our means to help all students
    particularly Hispanic/Latinx and African-         belongingness.                                secure the funds to attend UIS. We will guide
    American males                                  • Mentoring Inclusion, Connection               you through the financial aid application
  • Heritage Month Programs and Awareness             opportunities: Soup and Conversations,        process and will be available to assist you every
    Weeks: IT’S ON US Week, Trans                     Pan y Café, and DiversiTeas, LGBTea,          step along the way, ensuring that every student
    Visibility Week, Sexual Assault Awareness         Fluidity, Rise Up, Black Women of             has the opportunity to succeed at UIS.
    Month (SAAM)                                      Excellence
  • Cultural Diversity Events and Workshops                                                         Contact: University Hall 1015
  • End-of-the-Year Specialty Celebrations:       Contact: Student Life Building, Room 22           217-206-6724 | Fax 217206-7376
    Black & LatinX Graduation; Lavender           217-206-6333                                      finaid@uis.edu
    Graduation                                    diversity@uis.edu                                 uis.edu/cost-aid
  • National Coalition Building Institute         Facebook: UIS Diversity Center                    uis.edu/financialaid/scholarships
    (NCBI).                                       uis.edu/diversitycenter                           FAFSA: www.fafsa.ed.gov

Gender and Sexuality                              Among our services, we offer a mentor             gss@uis.edu
                                                  program for new LGBTQIA+ students, as             uis.edu/gendersexualitystudentservices
Student Services                                  well as students seeking additional support       Facebook: www.facebook.com/GSSUIS
Gender and Sexuality Student Services
                                                  navigating their personal journey, that pairs     Twitter: twitter.com/UISGSS
presents educational, cultural, and social        these students with returning and affirming       Snap Chat: www.snapchat.com/add/gssuis
opportunities for all students to challenge       LGBTQIA+ students and their allied peers.         TikTok: GSSSUIS
intolerance and promote affirmation in an         The goal of this program is to assist students
effort to create a more inclusive and affirming   in developing a social network at UIS, learn
campus climate for minoritized sexual and         about campus resources, attend group socials,     Health Services
gender identities (LGBTQIA+); LGBTQIA+            and to have a place to ask questions about        Health Services supports the mission of UIS
includes, but is not limited to, lesbian, gay,    campus life. All students, regardless of sexual   by providing cost effective, comprehensive,
bisexual, pansexual, trans*, genderqueer,         or gender identity, are welcome! Register in      accessible, professional health care. We
queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual         advance to learn about the first event:           provide preventive services and resources
students. As part of the Division of Student      go.uis.edu/mentor                                 that support participation in health care,
Affairs, we work closely with others in the                                                         enabling individuals to recognize health as
division to provide the most appropriate          Contact: Student Life Building, Room 22           a comprehensive state over which they have
service and support to students.                  217-206-8316                                      control. Health Services provides quality

                                                               UIS ORIENTATION | 12
care that is accessible and confidential. We        2. Identification and access – Swiping or          International Student Services
provide treatment for acute injuries and               scanning your i-card helps campus units         The Office of International Student Services
illnesses; allergy, seasonal flu shots and other       confirm your current status. You must           serves as a key resource to the UIS community
immunizations; women’s health exams; birth             identify yourself for the following services:   by assisting international students and the
control; sexual health testing and counseling;           • Library use – Students have borrowing       faculty and staff of UIS in understanding and
physician consultation and routine physicals.              privileges at Brookens Library.             complying with U.S. immigration laws. It also
                                                         • Door access – Persons receive access as     works to ensure that the University as a whole
Health Services Online Patient Portal Access:              needed.                                     maintains compliance with all regulations
go.uis.edu/patientportal                                 • Recreation – Students assessed the          governing its ability to enroll international
                                                           General fee swipe their i-card to use       students.
Student Immunization Requirements/                         Campus Recreation facilities                   • Advises international students, their
Records. Failure to provide proof of                                                                        dependents, and University departments
immunizations by the deadline results in            3. Campus Cash debit account – Carry your               on compliance with U.S. immigration
the assessment of an immunization non-                 i-card and carry less cash! You may check            laws and regulations.
compliance fee, as well as a hold restricting          your Campus Cash balance or add money              • Recommends and approves immigration
course registration for future semesters. Please       to your account at icardwallet.uis.edu or by         benefits.
review our policies uis.edu/healthservices and         visiting the ID Center. Use Campus Cash            • Verifies, tracks, and submits visa
submission requirements apply.uis.edu/apply/           to pay for:                                          immigration notifications through
status, go.uis.edu/patientportal online, contact          • Food and beverages – at UIS dining              the Student and Exchange Visitor
our office by phone or email.                                locations and vending machines,                Information System (SEVIS), as required
                                                          • Photocopying – at convenience                   by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Health Services recognizes the need to offer                 copiers.                                       Security.
appointment options to receive care from                  • Printing – at UIS computing facilities.       • Advises on adjustment to U.S. society
our providers. We can provide appointments                   Students are allotted $25 in printing          and American culture, academic
both in the office and using the online                      funds each calendar year, if they run          concerns, and community resources.
telehealth site, Doxyme.com. Doxyme.com                      out, they can add more.                      • Processes I-20s, travel signatures,
delivers a comfortable, secure, and private               • Textbooks and supplies at the UIS               and letters needed for employment,
option for online care. To make either type of               Bookstore                                      maintaining status, social security
appointment, please call our office to discuss                                                              numbers, and other immigration related
your options.                                       4. PNC Bank account – Springfield students,             matters.
                                                       you may bank with your i-card if you open          • Conducts workshops and orientation
Contact: Business Services Building, Room 20           a Virtual Wallet Student account and link            sessions for international students and
217-206-6676 | Fax 217-206-7779                        your i-card to it.                                   UIS departments.
go.uis.edu/patientportal                            5. Discounts – Show your i-card to save            Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
apply.uis.edu/apply/status                             money
                                                         • Athletics event discounts – Students        Contact: Human Resources Building, Room 10
i-card                                                     receive free admission to regular season    217-206-6678
The i-card is the official University of Illinois          games and discounts on conference           iss@uis.edu
identification card. Students use their i-card             and playoff Athletics events tickets.       uis.edu/internationalstudentservices
to pay for meals, borrow library books, access           • Performing arts event discounts –
                                                           Students may buy discounted tickets
campus facilities, and more. Your i-card serves
                                                           to events at the Performing Arts
                                                                                                       Internships and Prior Learning
as an ID card, wallet, and coupon all in one.                                                          IPL consists of 3 programs: Internships, Prior
You will need your i-card for many campus                  Center.
                                                                                                       Learning Assessment, and Service-Learning.
services and community conveniences, so                  • Shopping and service discounts –
                                                                                                       These programs allow students to earn
carry yours with you at all times.                         i-card Perks are discounts that local
                                                                                                       academic credit through experiential learning
                                                           merchants offer to University i-card
i-card uses:                                               holders.
                                                                                                         • Internships enables students to obtain
1. Meal plans – Use your i-card to access your                                                             real-world experience in their area of
   meal plan, provided by UIS Food Service.         Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
                                                                                                           study. Students earn credit by enrolling
   To get a meal plan, complete a Meal Plan                                                                in a course concurrently with a field
   Agreement form and submit it via email at        Contact: Student Affairs Building, Room 30
                                                                                                           experience: either an internship or
   IDCenter@uis.edu. Check your meal plan           217-206-7718
   balance at icardwallet.uis.edu or at the         idcenter@uis.edu
                                                                                                         • Prior Learning Assessment gives students
   ID Center.                                       icardnet.uillinois.edu/public
                                                                                                           an opportunity to earn credit for previous
                                                                                                           college-level learning experiences.

                                                                 UIS ORIENTATION | 13
Students earn credit by developing a        Hours: Monday–Thursday 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m.           Contact: Mark Dochterman, Assistant Vice
    portfolio about their experiences.          Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.                          Chancellor for Student Engagement and
  • Service-Learning courses allow students                                                         Veterans Services Coordinator
    to engage with the community and            Contact: Brookens Library, Room 460               Founders Residence Hall, Room 175
    develop an understanding of civic           217-206-6503                                      217-206-VETS (8387)
    responsibility by providing community       thehub@uis.edu                                    veterans@uis.edu
    service to non-profit agencies as part of   uis.edu/thelearninghub                            uis.edu/veterans
    their coursework.
                                                Military and Veterans Affairs                     Parking Operations
Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.           Military Connected Students (veterans,            All Students must obtain and display a
(Contact for remote-working information.)       military personnel, and dependents of disabled    current parking hang tag to park a vehicle on
                                                veterans) are a vital part of our student         university property. Parking maps, regulations,
Contact: Brookens Library, Room 482
                                                community, and we are here to assist you.         and the hang tag application may be found
(academic entrance)
                                                UIS Veterans Affairs serves as a resource to      on the Parking Operation’s Office website
                                                military connected students by assisting in the   uis.edu/parking. Parking hang tags must be
                                                completion of campus processes, providing         purchased online. They cannot be purchased
                                                programming specific to military connected        at the Parking Operations Office.
                                                students, and supporting opportunities to
The Learning Hub                                integrate into the larger UIS community. If       The parking services online form opens
The Learning Hub’s mission is to help all       you need assistance with the use of educational   prior to the beginning of each semester for
UIS students succeed in their academic          benefits at UIS, please be sure to contact our    purchasing hangtags:
coursework. Our staff are pledged to nurture    Certifying Official in the Office of Financial      • Fall semester – after August 15;
students academically using tried and true      Assistance (finaid@uis.edu, 217-206-6724).          • Spring semester – after January 5
approaches to teaching and learning. The        We hope you will make use of the Military &
Learning Hub offers students support with       Veterans Lounge located in the Performing         These dates are approximate and may vary.
their reading, writing, mathematics, computer   Arts Center (PAC) 117 and connect with the        Visit the Parking Operation’s website for any
science, science, and business courses.         Military and Veterans Club at UIS (which can      revisions to these dates. The vehicle license
                                                be found on the UIS Connection platform).         plate number and the make, year and color
A part of the Center for Academic Success,                                                        of the vehicle(s) is required to complete the
The Hub offers help to students in improving    If you need assistance in the process of          online parking hang tag application.
skills including:                               verifying credits through Records and
  • Writing                                     Registration, attaining academic advising         After you have purchased your parking hang
  • Math and Statistics                         through CASA or your major department,            tag online you can pick it up from the Parking
  • Accounting and Economics                    finding academic support through the              Operations Office. You must present a photo
  • Computer Science                            Learning Hub, seeking accommodations              ID in addition to your printed receipt when
  • Science                                     through the Office of Disability Services,        picking up your parking hang tag. Parking
  • Academic study skills                       developing your career path with the Career       Operations is available at the Student Union
  • And through a peer tutoring program,        Development Center, or connecting with the        on select dates and times for students to
      virtually any subject taught on the       Counseling Center, we are here to help make       pick up parking hang tags. Visit the Parking
      campus                                    those efforts as straightforward as possible.     Operation’s website for updates to its schedule

                                                             UIS ORIENTATION | 14
of events. Parking hang tags must be displayed    The perks of living on-campus with UIS              Student Affairs
as instructed.                                    Residence Life include:                               • Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
                                                    • Inclusive, supportive student-oriented            • Executive Director of Auxiliary Services
Contact: Business Services Building, Room 43          community environments                            • Dean of Students
217-206-8502                                        • High-speed Internet access in every room          • Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student
parking@uis.edu                                       with wireless connection campus-wide                Engagement
uis.edu/parking                                     • Free laundry for all on-campus residents          • Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor
                                                    • Abundant parking close to your residence
Records and Registration                            • Conveniently located near the bookstore,        The Division of Student Affairs is a team
The Office of Records and Registration (also          classrooms, food service, laundry services,     of professionals dedicated to the mission
known as the Office of the Registrar) consists        the library, and the Sangamon Mass              of UIS that contributes to the personal
of a number of units responsible for a variety        Transit District downtown shuttle stops         and professional development of students.
of duties. These units include: Applications/       • ADA accessibility options                       Programs and services offered inspire
Evaluations (including processing admission         • All utility costs included in each semester     students to take ownership of self and social
application paperwork and the evaluation              housing charges                                 responsibility, to become globally aware
of all credentials and degrees in progress),        • Statistically, we are one of the safest         citizens and appreciate human diversity, and
Registration (including course registration,          campuses in Illinois                            enhance holistic development and the students’
catalog/schedule maintenance, and tuition/fee       • Statistically, student who live on-campus       overall well-being. “Students First!” is the
assessment), Records (including the issuance          hold higher GPAs then those who live            philosophy that inspires, empowers, and unites
of official UIS transcripts, enrollment/              off-campus                                      us. Our programs, services, and facilities assist
degree verifications, and grade changes), and                                                         students in their transition to campus life and
Graduation (including the awarding of all         Education, socialization, self-discovery, and       help them to navigate and complete the college
degrees and associated diplomas).                 community building experiences are readily          experience and to derive the greatest value and
                                                  available through a variety of designed programs,   pleasure from their time at UIS.
Contact: University Hall, Room 1076
                                                  planned social events, organized learning
217-206-6174                                                                                          Contact: Founders Residence Hall, Room 171
                                                  communities, academic support services, and
registrar@uis.edu                                                                                     217-206-6581
                                                  spontaneous functions organized by Resident
uis.edu/registration                                                                                  vcsa@uis.edu
                                                  Assistants. Our goal is to intentionally connect
                                                  you with other residents, while providing           uis.edu/studentaffairs
Residence Life (On-Campus                         supportive academic and social environments
Housing)                                          which complement and complete your overall          Student Life
A lot of living, learning, and leading occur in   residential campus experience at UIS!               Student Life serves as a resource for all
our four distinct on-campus communities.                                                              students, providing opportunities for them
Every year, more than 1,100 students choose       Residence Life looks forward to welcoming           to engage in, contribute to, and benefit from
from among four diverse living options—           each of you to your home at UIS!                    the UIS and Springfield community. Student
suite-style residence halls, townhouses,                                                              Life cultivates programs and initiatives that
apartments, and family housing (limited           Contact: Homer Butler Commons                       enhances the student’s college experience and
availability). Our contemporary facilities are    217-206-6190                                        furthers the university’s mission of providing
fully furnished, well maintained, and fun         reslife@uis.edu                                     uniquely student-centered educational
living/learning communities.                      uis.edu/residencelife                               experiences both in and out of the classroom.

                                                                UIS ORIENTATION | 15
Through leadership programs, campus-wide         Student Union (Union, The Stu)                       Study Away Programs (formerly
social events and traditional events like Fall   The UIS Student Union is the social heart            International Programs)
& Spring Welcome, Homecoming, Springfest         of campus for students. In this signature            Study Away Programs offers many study away
and Late-Night Breakfast. Student Life works     building, so full of light and activity, students    opportunities which include: short-term study
alongside student leaders to promote academic    interact with each other and with faculty,           programs such as our long standing exchange
success and community on the UIS campus.         staff, and visitors, creating a vibrant and          program in Ashikaga, Japan and our new
                                                 thriving focal point for life at UIS. The            programs in England, Taiwan and Vietnam;
Student Life provides support to more than 60
                                                 Departments of Student Life, Volunteer &             full semester and year-long exchange programs
student clubs that range in the categories of:
                                                 Civic Engagement, Dining Services, and the           in Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom,
   • Academic/Honorary
                                                 Student Union administration office are all          China, France, Spain, Ireland, Denmark, The
   • Cultural/Diversity
                                                 located in the Student Union. The Union              Netherlands, Korea, and Mexico; and a means
   • Political/Advocacy
                                                 offers students lounge/study spaces, a gaming        to take advantage of study abroad programs
   • Social Greek
                                                 room, and electronic charging stations. The          offered by other universities and program
   • Sport Clubs
                                                 Union has two conference rooms and a                 providers including exchange opportunities
   • Religious/Spiritual
                                                 ballroom that can be subdivided into smaller         in 55 countries through our membership in
   • Volunteer/Service
                                                 spaces. The main campus eatery, The Food             the International Student Exchange Program.
   • Student Government Association (SGA)
                                                 Studio and the Sports Grille are located on the      UIS is also a member of the National Student
   • Student Activities Committee (SAC)
                                                 first floor and a Starbucks is also located in the   Exchange program which offers study away
   • Student Organization Funding
                                                 Student Union.                                       opportunities across the USA and Canada.
     Association (SOFA)
                                                                                                      We can help you study almost anywhere!
Contact: Student Union, Student Leadership       Contact: Student Union
     Center (Union 103)                          217-206-4782                                         Study Away Programs has also been involved
217206-4762                                      studentunion@uis.edu                                 with a variety of international initiatives that
studentlfe@uis.edu                               uis.edu/studentunion                                 have included international on-line education,
uis.edu/studentlife                                                                                   such as our on-line exchange program in

                                                                                                                                                  Jeff Dahlgren Photo

Political Science with the University of         Title IX Coordinator/Office of                       advises the campus on equity issues and also
Colima in Mexico, collaborative efforts with                                                          on accommodations for students, faculty, and
universities located outside the USA and the
                                                 Access and Equal Opportunity                         staff with disabilities.
development of multi/dual degree programs.       The UIS Associate Chancellor for Access and
                                                 Equal Opportunity helps foster a welcoming           Access and Equal Opportunity is a resource
Contact: Brookens Library, Room 483              campus climate in support of students’               for all students, including students of color,
217-206-8319                                     success. Access and Equal Opportunity                international students, nontraditional
intprog@uis.edu                                  addresses complaints of discrimination,              students, students from rural backgrounds,
uis.edu/studyaway                                harassment, and sexual misconduct and                students with religious interests, and students

                                                               UIS ORIENTATION | 16
who are gay, lesbian, and transgender. The          literacy. We encourage students to enroll into    Engagement Center is happy to assist any
Office provides educational awareness and           direct deposit for any refund the student may     student that has concerns about a background
prevention programming and workshops and            receive. In addition, we encourage students to    check process for a service opportunity not
collaborates with other units on inclusion and      set up their parent/guardian as an authorized     directly supported by our office. Students may
diversity, including the Diversity Center, the      payer. We have a website specifically             confidentially inquire about the requirements
Office of the Dean of Students, International       designed for our new students. This website       of a particular background check process
Student Services, and the ECCE Program.             is: paymybill.uillinois.edu/new_students/         before submitting the form.
The Associate Chancellor for Access and                                                               Contact: Student Leadership Center,
Equal Opportunity is the Americans with             Contact: Public Affairs Center, Room 184               Student Union 103
Disabilities Act (ADA) Campus Compliance            217-206-6727                                      217-206-7716
Coordinator and the Title IX Coordinator.           bursarhelp@uillinois.edu                          volunteer@uis.edu
Title IX is a UIS policy and U.S. law that          paymybill.uillinois.edu                           uis.edu/volunteer
includes rights and resources for victims of
sexual assault and other sexual misconduct,         Volunteer and Civic
including sexual harassment, dating and
                                                                                                      Women’s Center
domestic violence, stalking, and rape.              Engagement Center                                 The Women’s Center exists to provide
                                                    The mission of the Volunteer & Civic              programming and support for students across
                                                    Engagement Center is to provide all students,     a wide range of issues that relate to gender,
This office receives reports and addresses
                                                    faculty, and staff at University of Illinois      equity, and justice. Our comprehensive,
complaints of Title IX violations and also
                                                    Springfield with opportunities to learn and       intersectional, and welcoming approach to the
assists victims with campus and off-campus
                                                    lead by serving in the community. Our             community allows for uplift for individuals
resources, including scheduling counseling
                                                    office provides large-scale, one-time service     of any background and women-identified
appointments and working with UIS faculty,
administrators, and UIS Campus Police to            opportunities as well as weekly service           students and their allies to feel protected and
provide interim safety and academic success         opportunities, with transportation provided,      adequately represented. Our programming and
measures.                                           throughout the semester. We also help students    services cover a variety of topics, needs, and
                                                    locate ongoing service opportunities related to   special interests that allow for community and
View UIS Policy at: uis.edu/titleix                 their major or personal interest. The center:     engagement to manifest. These programs and
                                                       • oversees the Leadership for Life program,    services cover, but are not limited to, violence
Contact: Title IX Coordinator                          • advises Red Cross Club, Alternative          against women, women’s empowerment,
Human Resources Building, Room 52                        Spring Break, Habitat for Humanity           women’s health, and other identities that are
217-206-9999                                             Club, and UIS Dance Marathon, all of         plagued by systematic oppression. Overall,
titleix@uis.edu                                          which are open to any UIS Student,           the approach of the UIS Women’s Center is
                                                       • is the home of the UIS Cares Food            intended to be intersectional, recognizing that
Access and Equal Opportunity                             Pantry, and the UIS Deputy Registrar of      not all of those who may identify as women
Human Resources Building, Room 52                        Voting.                                      experience life the same way.
                                                    Service opportunities involving minors or         Some traditional events put on by the
University Bursar                                   based in schools require background check.        Women’s Center include: Bystander
University Bursar is the central billing and        The background check for weekly projects          Intervention week, healthy relationship
payment unit of the University of Illinois. The     with School District 186 requires a state         workshops, Women’s History Month, Take
office serves students at all three of the U of I   issued ID or passport but does not exclude        Back the Night, and other monthly special
universities. University Bursar includes both       individuals based on citizenship status.          interest events.
the Cashier Operations (Bursar) Office and          If Volunteer Center sponsored projects,
the Student Billing Office.University Bursar        other than those in schools, require a            Contact: Student Life Building, Room 15
helps students and their authorized payers          background check, the requirements of that        217-206-7173
with questions regarding student billing,           background check process will be included         womenscenter@uis.edu
authorized payers, payment options, due             in the description of the event as posted on      uis.edu/womenscenter
dates, refunds, 1098T reporting, and financial      UIS Connection. The Volunteer & Civic             Facebook: UISWomenCenter

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