THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

Page created by Mathew Lawrence
THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

9AM – 3.30PM
THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...
Welcome to
the University of Auckland
Introduction                                   3
Faculty lectures and activities:
Arts                                         5-8
Student bloggers 2018                          9
Business                                   10-11
Creative Arts and Industries               12-13
(Architecture, Dance Studies, Fine Arts,
Music, Urban Planning)
Education and Social Work                     15
Engineering                                16-17
Global Studies                                18
Law                                           19
Medical and Health Sciences                   20
Science                                    21-23
Everything else                          24-26
(See what other learning opportunities and
student support services you can find out about.)
Centre for Innovation and                     27
Parents 101                                   28
Schools Partnership Office                    29
Careers                                    30-31
Getting here                               32-33
Student life                                  34
Lecture timetable                   Back cover
Plan your day                       Back cover
Campus Map                          Back cover

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

A relevant and high-quality qualification opens up exciting global and local opportunities, and enables you to
collaborate with some of the best minds in the world. A degree from the University of Auckland will empower
you to make a difference – whatever your goals.

                                        People are what make the University of         clubs, make friends, take part in research
                                        Auckland New Zealand’s world-ranked            projects and competitions – and even study
                                        university – our staff, our students, our      a semester abroad in another top university
                                        partnerships, the research that we do and      through our international partnerships.
                                        the impact we can make in our communities      Explore your options, visit us during Courses
                                        and beyond.                                    and Careers Open Day in August and apply
                                        By studying at the University of Auckland,     to take the next step in your journey with the
                                        you will be exposed to research-informed       University of Auckland. We look forward to
                                        teaching from highly talented staff. Many      welcoming you in 2019.
                                        are specialists in their field and some have
                                        received national teaching excellence
                                        awards. You will be encouraged to be an
                                        independent thinker, to challenge yourself
                                        and to be curious.
                                        The support and opportunities here at the
                                        University are exceptional. You will find      STUART MCCUTCHEON
                                        impressive facilities and student support      Vice-Chancellor
                                        services, as well as opportunities to join     The University of Auckland

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THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...
This one day could change your life.
We want the decisions you make
today to bring amazing benefits
that last a lifetime. So we’re here
to help you discover the learning
opportunities that are just right for
you. You’ll learn how to gain entry to
the University of Auckland, what it’s
like to be a student here, and what
careers your study could lead to.
While studying, you’ll need regular
snacks and entertainment, so we’ll
show you all the food outlets and
activities available. Everything at the
City Campus is within easy walking
distance. Keep hold of the fold-out
map we’ve provided for today. It’ll
be useful next year!

Test drive the social side of
University life at Courses and
Careers Open Day. It’s a big part of
what makes us special.
Chill out to some DJ beats in the
bean bag lounge in the John Hood
Plaza outside the Business School.
And, once your energy levels have
revived, why not play some lawn

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

Level 4 (street level)                               Come and experience provocative thinkers, extraordinary cultures, profound
                                                     histories, and disrupted industries at New Zealand’s leading internationally-
Social Sciences Bldg
                                                     ranked Arts faculty.*
10 Symonds St
                                                     Check out inspiring lectures and explore new interests such as Criminology,
                                                     Māori Studies, Media, Film and Television, Politics and International Relations,

                                                     and Anthropology.
                                                     Be sure to catch our graduate careers panel. You’ll hear recent students talk
                                                     about the jobs and industries they’ve moved into. They’ll also describe how
               2A 2B 2C                              their Arts degree set them up for interesting and meaningful careers.
                                                     *Ranked in the world’s top 40 for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in the QS World University Rankings 2018.

                                                                                                               Art History
 Bachelor of Arts (BA)
 3 years full-time
                                                      ARTS LECTURES                                            Visual ideas – Dr Greg Minissale
 360 points                                          Anthropology                                              3-3.30pm
 Applications close 8 December 2018.                                                                           Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
                                                     What does it mean to be human?
                                                                                                               In many ways, works of art are visualisations
                                                     – Dr Mark Busse
Admission and enrolment advice                                                                                 of history’s most important ideas, values and
                                                     11.40am-12.10pm                                           emotions. Art History students learn how the
“Do I need to have studied a subject at school to    Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)      skills of visual perception are used to recognise
take it at Uni?”, “What’s a major?”, “How many
                                                     Anthropology was recently listed as the second            this history and provide a foundation for new
courses should I take in my first year?”, “What
                                                     most needed degree for the future by the Irish            ideas, knowledge and leadership.
is General Education?” For answers to all these
                                                     Independent. This lecture provides a brief
questions and more, visit the Arts Students’
Centre display. Staff will be happy to meet you
                                                     introduction to Anthropology, which stands at             Asian Studies
                                                     the intersection of science and the humanities.
and answer your questions.
                                                     Come and hear why understanding human                     A cultural history of ramen noodles in
                                                     origins, human diversity and the human condition          East Asia – Dr Ellen Nakamura
Careers for Arts graduates                           matters more than ever in today’s world.                  12.20-12.50pm
An Arts degree can prepare you for an                                                                          HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
increasingly changing job market. It provides        Tour the Archaeology lab                                  10 Symonds St (2A)
transferable skills and advanced knowledge that      Open 9am-3pm                                              Do you like to eat ramen noodles? Come
are sought-after in a wide range of careers –        Room 707, Level 7, Social Sciences Building,              and learn about how these Chinese noodles
including those we cannot yet imagine.               10 Symonds St (2)                                         became one of Japan’s favourite dishes and
Our graduates have secured rewarding positions       Visit the Roger C. Green Archaeological Science           taste one example of East Asia’s rich and
in fields as diverse as advertising and marketing,   Laboratory. There you’ll meet current students            complex cultural history.
business management, translation and                 and learn about some of the exciting discoveries
interpreting, international development and local    that are made in this space.                              Five ways to lose your head in China
and national government. Through your BA study,
                                                                                                               (and in Chinese!) – Dr Melissa Inouye
you too can prepare yourself for the modern          Applied Language Studies and                              12.20-12.50pm
landscape of work by developing the skills and       Linguistics                                               Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
attributes that employers value. These include:                                                                What is the worst possible thing a person could
                                                     The good, the bad and the ugly of                         do? 17th century capital punishments in China
• Advanced communication skills                      language teaching – Lizzy Roe                             give us insights into cultural gaps and bridges.
• Adaptability and openness to different             9-9.30am                                                  Come and learn about our offerings in the
  perspectives                                       HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,                  language, history, and culture of one out of every
• Independent, critical and creative thinking        10 Symonds St (2A)                                        five humans.
• The ability to research, evaluate and interpret    What makes for effective language teaching? How
  multiple information sources                       can you engage students and motivate them in a
• Teamwork and collaboration                         language lesson rather than turn them off? Why
                                                     and how has language teaching changed for the
• Global awareness
                                                     21st century?

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THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...
Japanese: Fascinating language,                        The ancient world is good to think                     Want drama? An introduction to
fascinating culture                                    with! Why you should study Classics                    theatre – Dr Rina Kim
– Dr Wayne Lawrence                                    and Ancient History – Dr Dougal Blyth                  12.20-12.50pm
9-9.30am                                               2.20-2.50pm                                            Drama Studio, Arts 1, Room 325 (2C)
Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   Drama students take practical and theoretical
The Japanese language is both simple and               This presentation explores why antiquity is as         courses that encourage their creativity. This
regular (the spoken language) and difficult (the       relevant and important today as it ever was. Hear      interactive lecture will begin with the opening
written form). Both are quite different from what      what students of the ancient world can gain for        scene of Samuel Beckett’s play Krapp’s Last
we have in English, and as such contain much           their future in the modern world.                      Tape (1958), performed by one of our Drama
that is of interest to the inquiring mind. This talk                                                          students. Through this scene, we will introduce
will introduce a number of aspects of Japanese         Criminology                                            the key concepts of understanding and analysing
language and culture.                                                                                         a dramatic text and performance.
                                                       What is Criminology?
Learn to read the Korean alphabet in                   – Dr David Mayeda
                                                                                                              Cultures and Languages
ten minutes                                            1.40-2.10pm
– Dr Inshil Yoon and Dr Mi Yung Park                   Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   German – open up a whole new world
                                                                                                              for yourself! – Dr Nicole Perry
                                                       This talk will introduce Criminology as a field
HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               of study by exploring the key questions that           9-9.30am
10 Symonds St (2A)                                     criminologists ask. We’ll discuss studying             HSB2, Level 3, Human Sciences Building,
                                                       Criminology here in the Faculty of Arts and explain    10 Symonds St (2A)
Koreans use an alphabet, invented in 1443.
Learn to read Korean words in just 10 minutes in       where a degree in Criminology might take you.          German, that’s hard, right? No, no harder than
this informal, hands-on workshop – and be in to                                                               other European languages – and knowing English,
win a prize! There is no need for prior knowledge      English and Drama                                      you’ve got a head start on vocab. But isn’t it
of Korean.                                                                                                    enough to speak English? Not any longer in our
                                                       High intensity literary training                       globalised world. Add German to your skills, and
                                                       – Professor Brian Boyd
Classics and Ancient History                                                                                  you’ll end up discovering a whole new world of
                                                       2.20-2.50pm                                            ideas and opportunities.
Literature, art and mythology                          HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
– Associate Professor Marcus Wilson                    10 Symonds St (2A)                                     Italy: the extraordinary commonplace
10.20-10.50am                                          Just as high intensity physical training transforms    – Gabriella Brussino
Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   our body’s capabilities, high intensity literary       1.40-2.10pm
This lecture explores the rich cultural heritage       reading boosts the mental systems we use more          HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
of the ancient world through different media           than any others. It expands our ability to handle      10 Symonds St (2A)
and from different angles. Come and gain new           words and images and to understand people:             Did you know that Italy is a world leader in
perspectives on one of the oldest disciplines at       characters, authors, readers; ourselves; and           major infrastructures, pharmaceutical and
the University of Auckland.                            the people we encounter now, as well as those          biomedical products, manufactured goods,
                                                       from different times, places and cultures. As          machinery, and aerospace technologies? Come
                                                       a student of English you will engage with fun          along and discover how Italian could be useful
                                                       and challenging content, learn how to handle           in your future.
                                                       concepts and discover how to search and assess
                                                       contexts. You can also acquire skills that are
                                                       both rewarding in themselves and essential in
                                                       whatever you choose for your future: critical and
                                                       creative reading, thinking, and writing.

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...
On villains and heroes: Media                          History                                                Living a mediated life: Why study
representations of Latin America in a                                                                         Media, Film and Television?
global and trade context – Associate                   History shows you the world                            – Associate Professor Neal Curtis
Professor Walescka Pino-Ojeda                          – Dr Joseph Zizek
11.40am-12.10pm                                        11.40am-12.10pm                                        HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   10 Symonds St (2A)
10 Symonds St (2A)                                     History is everywhere in the news. From Brexit         We live in a world that is increasingly dominated
How much do we really know about Latin                 to Black Panther, from royal babies to Trump’s         by media institutions and technologies. More than
America? New Zealand’s increased diplomatic            tweets, human communities knowingly (and               ever before, we citizens, consumers and users,
and trade relations with the region have narrowed      sometimes unknowingly) use the past to                 need to understand old media, new media and
the real and mental distance that once existed.        criticise or justify the present. Why do humans        the relations between the two.
However, much of the information we have               everywhere still fight over real as well as imagined
access to is mediated by corporate media outlets       pasts? Why do the stories we tell about the past       Visual storytelling
following their own business interests. This talk      matter so much? How do we know if those stories        – Associate Professor Jake Mahaffy
looks at some of these issues and the need for         are true? Come and learn how studying History          3-3.30pm
New Zealand to gain well-founded knowledge of          at the University of Auckland better equips you to     Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
Latin America.                                         understand the world in which you live – and how
                                                       it came to be this way.                                Where is the art in a highly technical medium
                                                                                                              like filmmaking? What are the basic elements of
Bonjour! Going places with French
– Associate Professor Deborah                          What is medical history?                               constructing visual narrative? We’ll discuss and
Walker-Morrison                                        – Professor Linda Bryder                               demonstrate some basic film-making principles.

10.20-10.50am                                          3-3.30pm
                                                       HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               Pacific Studies
HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
10 Symonds St (2A)                                     10 Symonds St (2A)                                     Pacific futures: Globalisation and
Knowing French can give you a competitive              How are patient experiences central to the             change – Associate Professor Damon
edge in almost every area of work: teaching,           history of medicine? This lecture shows how            Salesa, Dr Jemaima Tiatia-Seath and Dr
translating, foreign affairs, international law,       medical history is much more than a catalogue          Lisa Uperesa
engineering, medicine or business. Review course       of scientific discoveries and advances. Starting       3-3.30pm
and career options, hear what students think of        with the transformation of tuberculosis from           HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
our programme and where it is taking them.             a “romantic” affliction to a dangerous and             10 Symonds St (2A)
                                                       “loathsome” infection in the early 20th century,
                                                                                                              New Zealand’s future is strongly linked to the
More than words: Spanish language                      this lecture examines the impact of the social
                                                                                                              Pacific through its Pacific neighbours and the
and cultures on the global stage                       definition of disease on patients.
                                                                                                              Pacific people that make New Zealand their
– Dr Kathryn Lehman and Professor                                                                             home. The world of global sports like rugby
José Colmeiro                                          Māori Studies                                          and American football, the growing economic
1-1.30pm                                               “I want to educate you for a change”:                  competition between China and the US and
HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               Māori activism at the University of                    the challenge of Pacific languages, cultures and
10 Symonds St (2A)                                     Auckland – Dr Tiopira McDowell                         identities in New Zealand place the Pacific at the
The history of Spain has a central role in our                                                                forefront of global change.
understanding of current global political and          HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
cultural events and trends. The coexistence            10 Symonds St (2A)                                     Philosophy
of Christians, Jews and Muslims gave rise to
                                                       Universities have long been breeding grounds for       Exploring and mapping arguments
Spain’s unique cultural wealth. This multicultural
                                                       radical viewpoints and challenging new ideas, and      about euthanasia – Dr Vanya Kovach
dynamic is relevant today in the current crisis
                                                       the University of Auckland is no exception. Over       11-11.30am
created by the global war on terror. On the other
                                                       the past four decades the University has both          Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
hand, current US immigration policies can be
                                                       inspired and been a target of Māori activism. This
understood in the context of Spanish colonialism.                                                             This interactive session will offer an opportunity
                                                       lecture will draw on case studies from the 1970s
We’ll address some of these topics to understand                                                              for the audience to construct and begin to
                                                       through to the present day to explore the complex
current European, Latin American and US social                                                                evaluate a number of arguments for and against
                                                       and crucial role the University has played in the
and cultural challenges and trends.                                                                           euthanasia – a very topical issue in applied ethics.
                                                       development of Māori activism.
                                                                                                              This is a great way for you to become familiar with
Gender Studies                                         Media, Film and Television
                                                                                                              one of the ways in which philosophers practice
                                                                                                              their craft.
Gender matters – Dr Carisa Showden
                                                       Communication is everything! Studying
9.40-10.10am                                           Communication with us                                  Organisms, Orgasms, and the
Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   – Associate Professor Neal Curtis                      Philosophy of Science – Dr Emily Parke
Gender is everywhere in our society, culture, and      1-1.30pm                                               1-1.30pm
media. This talk explores how Gender Studies           Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   Lecture theatre B15, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
lets you see the everyday ways of the world in a                                                              Is a colony of ants a single organism? Why
                                                       Communication is the basis of human civilisation
new light. We will explain what you can do at the                                                             do human females have orgasms? Learn
                                                       and essential to every aspect of life. We examine
University of Auckland and beyond with a degree                                                               why philosophers engage with these sorts of
                                                       communication in the workplace and in
in Gender Studies.                                                                                            questions, and how philosophy and science
                                                       advertising, across social media and a range of
                                                       other media and technologies.                          can interact.

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THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...
Politics and International                             Sociology
Relations                                              What is Sociology, and why is it
                                                                                                              GENERAL LECTURES
China and North Korea: Understanding                   important? – Dr Bruce Cohen
global politics in the “Asian Century”                 12.20-12.50pm                                          Arts Scholars Programme
– Dr Stephen Noakes                                    Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   Dr Lindsay Diggelmann
11-11.30am                                             This talk is an introduction to Sociology. It will     9.40-10.10am
HSB1, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               show you what Sociology is, how it works and how       HSB2, Level 3, Human Sciences Building,
10 Symonds St (2A)                                     it can be important in your future career. We’ll       10 Symonds St (2A)
The 21st century has seen a shift in the global        take a look at what you will be able to do in the
                                                                                                              Learn, make friends, and push yourself to
balance of power away from the United States           world with a BA in Sociology from the University
                                                                                                              the next level as an Arts Scholar. Join our
towards new and ascendant powers in East               of Auckland.
                                                                                                              whānau of creative and high-achieving
Asia. This talk explores the China-North Korea
                                                                                                              Arts students. Boost your Arts degree with
relationship, to understand the role of each           Social Science for Public Health                       multidisciplinary study, mentorship, and
in international security dialogue. It looks at
the historic affinity between China and North
                                                       Courses and careers in Social Science                  undergraduate research and internship

Korea, China’s part in denuclearisation talks,
                                                       for Public Health – Dr Tara Coleman                    opportunities. Come along and hear from
                                                       11-11.30am                                             current students about their journey so far.
and the implications for the US, New Zealand
and their allies.                                      HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,
                                                       10 Symonds St (2A)                                     Support for Arts Students
Hot air or hard choices? Climate                       This talk introduces the Social Science for Public     Thriving in your first year in Arts
politics in New Zealand                                Health programme. You’ll learn how it gives you        1.40-2.10pm
– Dr Julie MacArthur                                   a strong grounding in the social science of health     Lecture theatre B15, General Library,
10.20-10.50am                                          – and how it’s useful for careers in the health or     Alfred St (2B)
Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)   welfare sector, including research, or in education
                                                                                                              Join a session with current students as
We face the reality of a warming planet and            and health promotion.
                                                                                                              they talk to you about their experience as
increasingly unpredictable weather events. We                                                                 an Arts student during their first year. Hear
need to address both the causes of climate             Theological and Religious                              from a parent as they discuss their journey
change and the infrastructure needed to                Studies                                                supporting their child with the transition to
manage it. How can we ensure that we achieve                                                                  tertiary study. There will also be a Q and A
                                                       Studying religion: From global to local
these goals quickly, fairly and effectively? This                                                             session with the Arts Students’ Centre and
                                                       – Dr Caroline Blyth and Dr Nick
talk examines climate challenges in New Zealand                                                               Student Engagement Team.
and what the study of politics can tell us about
where we go from here.                                 12.20-12.50pm
                                                       HSB2, Level 3, Social Sciences Building,               Careers with a BA
                                                       10 Symonds St (2A)                                     How will an Arts degree prepare me
                                                       Religion is complex, ever changing, and key to         for employment?
                                                       understanding how people think, act, and treat         11-11.30am | 2.20-2.50pm
                                                       each other, even in secular countries like New         Lecture theatre B28, General Library,
                                                       Zealand. Theological and Religious Studies invites     Alfred St (2B)
                                                       you to look at religion from different perspectives.
                                                                                                              Come and hear stories from some of our
                                                       You’ll learn more about studying religion at the
                                                                                                              Arts graduates. They’ll tell you why they
                                                       University of Auckland, and hear from some of our
                                                                                                              chose a BA and how it’s helped them with
                                                       students about how it’s shaping their studies and
                                                                                                              their careers. You’ll also find out what skills
                                                       career pathways.
                                                                                                              employers value and how an Arts degree can
                                                                                                              prepare you for a rapidly changing workforce.

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

                                                                                  Student Blog

Meet our 2018 student bloggers to get the inside word on what life’s really like at University.
We have a session in Case Room 1, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg, 12 Grafton Rd,
at 10.20-10.50am and 1-1.30pm, so think up some questions now!
THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND - SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 9AM - 3.30PM - The University of ...

Business School Foyer                               Whatever your passion, a degree from the Business School can set you
                                                    up for an exciting and challenging career. Choose from a wide variety of
Level 1, Owen G Glenn Building
                                                    programmes in Accounting and Finance, Commercial Law, Economics,
12 Grafton Rd                                       Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Property.
                                                    Speaking of property, we have some great real estate! Classes are held in

                                                    the award-winning Owen G Glenn Building. There you’ll find lecture theatres,
                                                    computer labs and study rooms, as well as a café and a bank.
                                                    The Business School has a dedicated Careers Centre. We’re keen to help you
                                                    choose a career path, prepare for interviews and network with people in the
                                                    So come and talk to us – we’re here to get you started.

                                                    Why study Accounting?                              Why study Finance?
 Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
                                                    11-11.30am | 2.20-2.50pm                           1-1.30pm
 3 years full-time
                                                    Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,                  Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,
 360 points
                                                    Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                             Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
 Applications close 8 December 2018.
                                                    Almost every business and organisation needs       In this major you’ll learn about capital markets
 Bachelor of Property (BProp)                       accountants to measure performance and             and the financing decisions that businesses
 3 years full-time                                  provide information for decisions. Find out how    and organisations need to make. Find out how
 360 points                                         studying Accounting can lead to a career as an     studying Finance can lead to a career as an
 Applications close 8 December 2018.                accountant, auditor, business consultant or        investment banker, stockbroker, financial analyst
                                                    financial manager.                                 or treasury specialist.

 BUSINESS LECTURES                                  Why study Commercial Law
                                                    or Taxation?
                                                                                                       Why study Business Analytics* or
                                                                                                       Information Systems?
Careers in Business – your start-up                 9.40-10.10am | 1.40-2.10pm                         11-11.30am | 3-3.30pm
9-9.30am                                            OGGB5, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)             OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)              If you’re engaged in any type of business, it’s    These two majors bridge the gap between IT
How do you prepare yourself for a graduate          essential to know about tax and the law. These     and other core business functions. Learn how
role in the increasingly changing landscape of      subjects lead to great careers in the public and   information and communications technology
work? By making the most of your time at the        private sectors, and also apply to many non-       can be used to achieve strategic goals.
Business School. Find out the skills employers      business activities. Find out how.
are seeking – and hear how we can help you                                                             Why study Innovation
identify your strengths, meet recruiters, develop   Why study Economics?                               and Entrepreneurship?
your networks and get business-ready.               11.40am-12.10pm                                    1.40-2.10pm
                                                    Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,                  OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
Careers in Property                                 Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
                                                                                                       Do you want to understand how to test
– much more than real estate
                                                    Many of the great national and global issues       innovative ideas, fund a start-up venture
9-9.30am                                            confronting societies require trade-offs between   and sell new products and services in New
OGGB3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)              conflicting objectives. These are the essence of   Zealand and overseas? Find out how studying
The Bachelor of Property prepares you for an        economics, which is a core component of the        Innovation and Entrepreneurship can lead to a
exciting and challenging career in the property     social sciences. Find out where knowledge and      career as an entrepreneur, business consultant
profession in New Zealand or internationally.       skills in Economics can take you.                  or strategic analyst.
Come and find out what you’ll study, how you’ll
meet people working in the industry, and where
your degree can take you.
                                                                                                       *Subject to CUAP approval

Why study International Business?                                                                        Business School – a smart decision for
11.40am-12.10pm | 1-1.30pm                           GENERAL LECTURES                                    international students
OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                                                                   9.40-10.10am
                                                    Your first year at the                               Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
In this major you examine why firms that            Business School
operate across borders exist, how they succeed                                                           We provide a range of specialised support for
in a complex environment and what their                                                                  international students to help you settle into life
                                                    Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,
activities mean for the countries in which                                                               at the Business School and the University. Find
                                                    Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
they do business. Find out how studying                                                                  out how to access our support services and how
International Business can lead to a career in an   Your first year doesn’t need to be daunting.         they can benefit you.
internationally active organisation.                We’re here to help! Find out more about
                                                    planning your timetable, attending lectures and      Tuākana: Ensuring success for Māori
Why study Management?                               tutorials, your exams and assessment, and what       and Pacific students
10.20-10.50am | 2.20-2.50pm                         kind of workload you can expect.                     11.40am-12.10pm
OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                                                                   OGGB5, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
                                                    Your first year and beyond
Students pursuing a variety of degrees and                                                               The Business School has created a culture of
                                                    3-3.30pm                                             support, guidance and excitement to ensure that
majors need to know about managing people,
                                                    Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,                    the experience for Māori and Pacific students
and management processes generally. Find
                                                    Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                               is positive and successful. Find out about our
out how studying Management can lead to a
career in business strategy, recruitment, human     Your journey at University is about more than        He Tuākana academic services, the Commerce
resources, employment relations, public policy      building knowledge. Find out what professional       Association Pacific and Māori (CAPM) and our
or consulting.                                      and personal capabilities you will develop during    vision to create “pathways for success”.
                                                    your studies at the Business School.
Why study Marketing?                                                                                     Why study a conjoint degree?
10.20-10.50am | 1.40-2.10pm                         Secrets for success                                  1-1.30pm
Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,                   12.20-12.50pm                                        Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                              Lecture Theatre 260-098, Level 0,                    A conjoint degree allows you to complete two
                                                    Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                               degrees within four to five years of full-time
Marketing is all about communication, creativity
and sharp business sense. Marketers can satisfy     Find out what first-year Business School             study. This is ideal if you have interests in
customer needs through product and service          students wish someone had told them before           diverse areas and wish to broaden your skill set
development, planning, pricing, promotion and       they started university.                             and enhance your knowledge. Find out how a
distribution. They also know how to manage key                                                           conjoint can increase your career opportunities.
relationships. Find out how studying Marketing      How clubs and societies can enhance
can lead to a career as a sales representative,     your experience                                       Leverage your business expertise
marketing consultant, brand manager or social       11-11.30am | 1.40-2.10pm                              with an MBA
media manager.                                      Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
Why study Operations and Supply                     Getting involved with student organisations and       Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
Chain Management?                                   extra-curricular activities not only helps to make
                                                                                                          Are you here with a parent or caregiver?
                                                    you more employable, it’s also a great way to
11.40am-12.10pm                                                                                           Are they ready to take their career to the
                                                    expand your social networks while having fun.
Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)                                                              next level? The University of Auckland MBA
                                                                                                          is designed to develop you into a confident
Learn how to solve complex business problems
                                                                                                          leader in complex times, contributing high-
related to the journey of products from the
                                                                                                          value decision making to your business
manufacturer to the customer. Understand
                                                                                                          and beyond. Come along and explore the
techniques for managing the integration of
                                                                                                          pathways to an MBA and how we can help
design, resources, processes and customer
                                                                                                          you confidently transition to the next chapter
                                                                                                          of your career.

             Conference Centre Bldg                Architecture | Urban Planning | Dance | Fine Arts | Music
             22 Symonds St                         Welcome to Creative Arts and Industries. Come along to meet our staff and

                                                   students and find out more about what you will study, how to get in and the
                                                   career opportunities available when you graduate.
             7A 7B 7C 7D

                                                                                                         Architecture and Urban Planning tours
 Bachelor of Architectural Studies
                                                    SCHOOL OF                                            9.30am | 10.30am | 11.30am | 12.30pm |
 3 years full-time                                  ARCHITECTURE AND                                     1.30pm | 2.30pm
                                                                                                         Creative Arts and Industries Student Centre,
 360 points
 Applications close 8 December 2018.                PLANNING                                             Architecture and Planning Bldg,
                                                                                                         26 Symonds St. (7A)
 Bachelor of Urban Planning                                 Large, open-plan studios, workshops and
 (Honours) (BUrbPlan(Hons))                                                                              specialist facilities support your learning.
                                                   Experience Architecture
 4 years full-time                                                                                       Current students will take you on a tour of
 480 points                                        9-11am | 11.30am-1.30pm                               our spaces and answer your questions about
 Applications close 8 December 2018.               Starts at the Conference Centre Lecture Theatre,      student life in the School.
                                                   22 Symonds St. (7)
 Bachelor of Dance Studies
                                                   The School of Architecture and Planning is New         “I will always feel immensely grateful
                                                   Zealand’s leading school for architecture and          for the studio based learning the Urban
 3 years full-time
                                                   the built environment*. This two-hour session          Planning programme offered me. Our
 360 points
 Applications close 1 October 2018.                begins with a talk where you will hear what
                                                                                                          tutors challenged and encouraged us to
 (Late applications will be considered if places   studying Architecture with us is really like and
                                                                                                          think more critically about how our built
 are available.)                                   how to apply for the Bachelor of Architectural
                                                   Studies programme. You’ll also learn about our         environments are shaped.”
 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)                   connections with industry and how students             Sebastian Clarke, Urban Planning
 (BFA(Hons))                                       combine future-based speculations with real-           graduate and Heritage Policy Adviser for
 4 years full-time                                 world projects. We shall then move on to one of        the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
 480 points                                        our studio spaces where you will participate in a
 Applications close 1 October 2018.                design studio session alongside current students.
 (Late applications will be considered if places
 are available.)                                   Experience Urban Planning
                                                   9-11am | 11am-1pm
 Bachelor of Music (BMus)
                                                   Starts at the ALR1 Lecture Theatre, Conference
 3 years full-time
                                                   Centre, 22 Symonds St. (7)
 360 points
 Applications close 8 December 2018.               We offer New Zealand’s only Urban Planning
 (Late applications will be considered if places   bachelors degree. This two-hour session begins
 are available.)                                   with a talk where you will hear from staff, current
                                                   students and recent graduates about what it’s
                                                   really like to study Urban Planning. We’ll also
                                                   discuss the career paths available to you when
                                                   you graduate. Then we’ll take you to one of our
                                                   studio spaces to participate in a master planning
           Join us online                          exercise experimenting with the design and use
                                                   of public spaces.
            Connect with us at:

                                                                                                          Image Test 4: Quae Memoria, performed at the 2017 Dance Studies
12 | COURSES AND CAREERS OPEN DAY 2018                                                                    Performance Series. Choreographer, Sarah Foster - Sproull.

Experience Dance Studies
Starts at the Conference Centre Seminar Room,
22 Symonds St. (7)
In our Dance Studies Programme, you’ll be part
of a tight-knit and supportive community. This
two-hour session begins with a talk where you’ll
hear from our staff, current students and recent
graduates about what studying dance with us
is really like, and the career paths available to
you when you graduate. You’ll then proceed
to one of our dance studios to participate in a
one-hour group movement workshop alongside
current students.
                                                         Architecture thesis project, Pop Up Reality Shop, 2017. Photo credit: Linus Goh.


Why study contemporary art?
10-11am | 1-2pm
Conference Centre Seminar Room,
22 Symonds St. (7)
Elam is New Zealand’s leading school for art and
design.* In this session you will hear from our staff
and current students about studio life at Elam.
We’ll talk about the multidisciplinary workshops
that will support your practice and explore
how contemporary art contributes to society.
You’ll hear how Elam graduates are using their
qualifications in a variety of industries around the
world – and there’ll be plenty of opportunities for
you to ask questions.

Application portfolio workshops
10-11am | 11.30am-12.30pm | 1-2pm |
2.30-3.30pm                                              SCHOOL OF MUSIC
Elam Common Room, Elam School of Fine Arts,
20 Whitaker Pl. (7B)
Ready to apply for a Bachelor of Fine Arts? Our         Experience Music
staff will talk you through how to best present         10-11.30am | 12.30-2pm
your application portfolio. To make the most of         Music Theatre, School of Music, 6 Symonds St. (7D)
these one-hour sessions we encourage you to
                                                        Our School of Music is the most comprehensive
bring along physical copies of your own work in
                                                        music school in New Zealand. In this session you
order to receive valuable feedback.
                                                        will enjoy performances by our students. They
Elam tours                                              and our teachers will also describe what it’s like
                                                        to study music with us. You’ll also learn how your
9.30am | 10.30am | 11.30am | 12.30pm |
                                                        study will prepare you for the modern music
1.30pm | 2.30pm
                                                        industry and extended creative sectors.
Projectspace Gallery, Elam School of Fine Arts,
20 Whitaker Pl. (7C)                                    Songwriters workshop
Large, open-plan studios, workshops and
specialist facilities support your learning.
                                                        Music Theatre, School of Music, 6 Symonds St. (7D)
Current students will take you on a tour of
our spaces and answer your questions about              This workshop will provide you with a taste of
student life at Elam.                                   the songwriting, collaboration, accompaniment
                                                        and performance skills developed in our popular
 “My mum and I took a tour of Elam,                     music area. Network with our renowned staff
 and as soon as I saw what the students                 as well as current students to learn how your
 were doing, I just knew that was where I               music technology and performance skills will be
                                                        enhanced, allowing you to engage effectively in the
 wanted to be.”
                                                        popular music industry.
 Lana Lopesi, Elam graduate and Editor-
 in-chief for the Pantograph Punch
*Source: QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018                                                                              | 13




SOCIAL WORK                                         Transform your world. Study for a career where you can have a positive impact on
                                                    people’s lives and make a difference in society.
Level 0, Owen G Glenn Building
                                                    With programmes in teaching, social work, sport, health and physical education,
12 Grafton Rd                                       there are many study pathways and professions to choose from.

                                                    We’re ranked 17th in the world for Education as a subject. We’re also in the top 20
                                                    for employer reputation in Education.* This means your degree from the University
                                                    of Auckland will position you competitively for future employment.
                                                    We offer programmes across three campuses – Epsom, Manukau and Whangarei. So
                                                    come and explore how our degrees can set you up for life.

                                                    A degree in teaching can lead to a variety of         The world of Sport, Health and Physical
  Bachelor of Education (Teaching)                  careers, inside or outside the classroom. Hear        Education Studies
  (BEd(Tchg))                                       from our graduates and ask them questions about       12.20-12.50pm | 1.40-2.10pm
  3 years full-time                                 the diverse career options that await you when        Case Room 3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
  360 points                                        you graduate with a teaching degree from the
  Applications close 1 December 2018.               University of Auckland.                               The Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical
                                                                                                          Education is your opportunity to become a
  Bachelor of Sport, Health and                     Early Childhood Education: making a                   leader in a number of fields. Find out about the
  Physical Education (BSportHPE)                    difference in young children’s lives                  range of courses and disciplines you can choose
  3 years full-time                                                                                       from to create a pathway that fits your interests
  360 points                                                                                              and career aspirations. Explore sport leadership
                                                    Case Room 3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
  Applications close 1 December 2018.                                                                     and coaching, health education and promotion,
                                                    2.20-2.50pm                                           sport science, health and physical education,
                                                    OGGB5, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
  Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)                                                                           and dance.
                                                    Learn about the career opportunities available
  4 years full-time
                                                    in this rapidly growing sector. This exciting         Study Education within an Arts degree
  480 points
                                                    profession offers opportunities for a career in a     2.20-2.50pm
  Applications close 1 December 2018.
                                                    diversity of settings – in kindergartens, Education   Case Room 2, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
                                                    and Care Centres, government policy units and         Learn how you can study Education as a major
 EDUCATION/                                         more. Hear from experts about the importance
                                                    of early childhood education and from students
                                                                                                          subject or minor in a Bachelor of Arts. It’s
                                                                                                          blended together with other disciplines such as
 TEACHING                                           and graduates about our Early Childhood               psychology, philosophy, sociology and history so
                                                    specialisation in the Bachelor of Education           you can address important educational questions
Hear from current students and from recent          (Teaching), as well as programmes for graduates       and issues.
graduates who are now teaching in schools.          who wish to enter the profession.
That’s the best way to find out what it’s like to
study with us.                                      Secondary Teaching: Share your
                                                                                                           SOCIAL WORK
How to become a primary teacher                     11.40am-12.10pm | 1-1.30pm
                                                                                                          What it takes to become a social
9-9.30am | 11-11.30am                               Case Room 3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
Case Room 3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)        Are you passionate about your subject area and
Learn about the Primary and Huarahi Māori           able to inspire the next generation? To study
                                                                                                          OGGB4, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
specialisations in the Bachelor of Education        secondary teaching at the University of Auckland
(Teaching) and programmes for graduates             you first need to gain a bachelors degree in any      2.20-2.50pm
who wish to enter the profession. As a primary      area, making sure to include courses that link        Case Room 3, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)
teacher you could work in schools, kura, and        to a subject(s) taught at secondary school. As        Social workers play a vital role in advocating for
whānau or bilingual units in Aotearoa New           a secondary school teacher you can inspire the        social justice and helping people work through
Zealand or overseas.                                next generation of advocates, innovators and          adversity to make positive changes in their lives.
                                                    makers. With a qualification in Māori language,       Discover how, with a Bachelor of Social Work,
Beyond the classroom: Where a                       some areas of special education, or one of the        you could work in hospitals, the justice sector,
teaching degree can take you                        STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering       youth services, government, mental health,
9.40-10.10am                                        and Mathematics), you’ll be in especially high        schools, addiction services, the police force and
Case Room 3 Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg. (8)         demand as a teacher.                                  community groups in New Zealand and overseas.

*QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018                                                                            | 15

Levels 2-4 (street level)                          See what it’s like to be part of a community of change-makers. As engineers,
                                                   in our daily lives we’re privileged enough to directly witness the positive
Faculty of Engineering Building
                                                   impact we create – from earthquake prevention, to producing innovative
20 Symonds St                                      new materials and healthcare devices, and ensuring that we have clean and
                                                   sustainable energy.

  6            6A 6B
                                                   We’re also diverse, with nine specialisations that each have something
                                                   unique to contribute to our ever-evolving technological world. If you’re
                                                   passionate about Mathematics, Physics and designing tangible solutions to
                                                   global problems, come along to discover where Engineering can take you.

                                                                                                           Computer Systems Engineering
 Bachelor of Engineering Honours
                                                    ENGINEERING                                            Internet-connected intelligent
 4 years full-time                                  LECTURES                                               computing devices
 480 points                                                                                                11.40am-12.10pm | 2.20-2.50pm
 Applications close 8 December 2018.               Chemical and Materials                                  Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
                                                   Engineering                                             Computers hidden within electro-mechanical
                                                                                                           environments are surprisingly ubiquitous.
Join the conversation                              Processing for better living                            They’ve made a huge impact on our civilisation.
We’ll be posting live updates throughout the day   10.20-10.50am                                           Examples include wireless technology in cars,
on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so follow      Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)            game consoles, robotics, home automation,
us at UoAengineering, ask us questions, or send    Chemical Engineering touches every aspect               appliances, factory automation, mechatronics
us your thoughts and photos.                       of our daily lives through the processed goods          systems, instrumentation and embedded
                                                   we rely on, such as food, drink and fuel.               systems. Engineers who design such complex
Engineer her future                                By engineering green, sustainable process               systems need advanced skills in computer and
Come join us on 20 September for Engineer Her      technologies we can also help save the world            electronic engineering.
Future, aimed at high school-aged girls who are    from irreversible ecological damage. Better
interested in engineering.                         processing leads to better living.                      Electrical and Electronic                                                                            Engineering
engineerherfuture                                  Inside materials that have reshaped
                                                   our world                                               Electrical forces rule the world!
                                                   1-1.30pm | 3-3.30pm                                     11-11.30am | 1.40-2.10pm
                                                   Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)            Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
   ENGINEERING                                     We take for granted the vast array of materials         It’s a fact that electrical forces shape the world

   DISPLAYS                                        that have so powerfully transformed our modern,
                                                   technological society. Yet inside each one, there
                                                                                                           we live in. Factories, offices and homes are
                                                                                                           powered and controlled by electricity. Electrical
                                                   is a fascinating story. In this session we’ll explore   devices are so pervasive that we can scarcely
 Level 3, Faculty of Engineering Bldg,             several of these with live demonstrations.              imagine a world without lights, electric motors,
 20 Symonds St. (6)                                                                                        power sockets, computers, cell phones,
 Experience Engineering hands-on. Our              Civil and Environmental                                 hybrid cars, video cameras or the internet.
 displays feature live experiments and             Engineering                                             Electrical and electronic engineers know how
 innovations, and our student clubs will                                                                   to harness the immense power of electricity
 showcase the many opportunities you’ll            Engineers needed to save the planet                     and magnetism, together with the properties
 have outside of study. We will also be onsite     10.20-10.50am | 11-11.30am |                            of electronics, to solve practical engineering
 all day to answer questions about your            1.40-2.10pm | 2.20-2.50pm                               problems the world over.
 study options and what it’s like to be an         Eng 1.439, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
 Engineering student here.                         Civil engineers are needed worldwide. They              Engineering Science
                                                   provide new buildings, bridges, dams and                Mathematical modelling in medicine
                                                   infrastructure, and upgrade ageing water                and industry
                                                   supplies and roads. In New Zealand especially,
                                                   we need more engineers to build and rebuild
                                                                                                           Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
                                                   for earthquake resistance. As we move into
                                                   the future, environmental engineers will play a         11.40am-12.10pm
                                                   critical role in minimising waste and protecting        Eng 1.439, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
                                                   the environment.                                        From understanding the human body to
                                                                                                           optimising the layout of a telecommunications

network, modern engineers use sophisticated        Tuākana: Māori and                                  Life as an Engineering student
mathematical modelling to develop solutions        Pacific students                                    2.20-2.50pm
for problems more diverse than you could ever
imagine.                                           11-11.30am                                          MDLS Flexi 4, Level 2, Faculty of Engineering
                                                   MDLS Flexi 4, Level 2, Faculty of Engineering       Bldg, 1 Grafton Rd. (6B)
Engineering solutions for renewable                Bldg, 1 Grafton Rd. (6B)                            We’re known for being a faculty that’s passionate
energy                                             The BE(Hons) is a professional degree that can      – for engineering as a discipline, and also for our
3-3.30pm                                           empower you with the skills and knowledge           vibrant student culture. Our 20-plus student
Eng 1.439, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)       to enhance the sustainability of our Māori and      clubs, networks and initiatives reflect our up-
Energy sources worldwide are diversifying to       Pacific communities. Find out how Tuākana           beat and diverse community focus. Hear what
include wind power, solar and other renewable      Engineering and SPIES (South Pacific Indigenous     some of these clubs and networks do to support
technologies. This leads to an increasing          Engineering Students’ Association) can provide      each other, generate interest in their hobbies,
demand for professionals with the knowledge        Māori and Pacific students with the tools for a     and more. With all our social, employment-
to tackle new challenges. See how you can          successful engineering career. Come along to        related, and engineering-focused activities,
use your engineering skills to help create a       our stand on Level 3 in our expo space and meet     you’ll find plenty of opportunities to make
sustainable world.                                 current Māori and Pacific role models, SPIES        friends and enliven your University experience.
                                                   students, and the Tuākana Engineering group.
Mechanical Engineering
The present and future of innovation
                                                   Women in Engineering Network                         WORKSHOPS
9-9.30am | 12.20-12.50pm
                                                   11.40am-12.10pm | 1-1.30pm
                                                                                                       Coding for beginners
Eng 1.439, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
                                                   MDLS Flexi 4, Level 2, Faculty of Engineering       9.40-10.10am | 11.40am-12.10pm |
Come and find out about the exciting career                                                            1.40-2.10pm
                                                   Bldg, 1 Grafton Rd. (6B)
paths open to modern mechanical engineers,                                                             Eng 1.301, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6B)
who use problem solving, design and computer       Learn about the fantastic opportunities available
                                                   to women who choose Engineering. We’re a            The ability to code is essential to many industries,
skills to develop innovative technologies.
                                                   friendly, collaborative and helpful group who       including engineering, business, design and more.
                                                   will support you throughout your studies. Learn     Come along and get some hands-on experience
Mechatronics Engineering                           more about our social and networking initiatives,   with computer code and see how it can be
Prospects and challenges                           and find out why we have more female students       applied to solve engineering problems.
9.40-10.10am | 1-1.30pm                            than any other Engineering school in New            We’ll be running a range of exciting workshops
Eng 1.439, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)       Zealand or Australia.                               representing our diverse departments that you’re
                                                                                                       welcome to drop in and out of throughout the
Discover how mechatronics engineers apply
                                                                                                       day. You don’t need any prior experience either,
modelling, electronics and computers to design
                                                                                                       just turn up with an open mind and see how easy
intelligent products and processes.
                                                                                                       it is to learn a fun new skill for your future!
Software Engineering
Enabling the connected world
9.40-10.10am | 12.20-12.50pm
Eng 1.401, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. (6A)
In today’s world, software systems are crucial.
They support communication networks, the
health service, banking systems and transport
networks. When these break down, the impact
on society can be catastrophic. Software
Engineering lies at the heart of our everyday
lives, so it’s best to avoid heart attacks!

Engineering for parents
and families
10.20-10.50am | 12.20-12.50pm
MDLS Flexi 4, Level 2, Faculty of Engineering
Bldg, 1 Grafton Rd. (6B)
We have dedicated staff who aim to ensure that
engineering students are well-supported during
their time here. Learn more about how as parents
and caregivers, you can help your student
engineer through their academic journey.

                                                                                                                       | 17

Level 4 (street level)
Social Sciences Bldg
                                         Become an informed global citizen with the capacity to think on a global
10 Symonds St                            scale, and in relation to real-world problems. The University’s new inter-
                                         faculty degree, the Bachelor of Global Studies, is offered by a number of
                                         overseas universities but within New Zealand it’s unique to the University
 2B                                      of Auckland.

                                                                                  Bachelor of Global Studies
                                                                                  3 years full-time
                                                                                  360 points
                                                                                  Applications close 8 December 2018.

                                                                                With the Bachelor of Global Studies, you’ll get to
                                                                                apply your knowledge to practical contexts in the
                                                                                workplace through experiential learning and a
                                                                                capstone research project. You will also complete
                                                                                language training and study an area of the world
                                                                                where your chosen language is spoken.
                                                                                Come to our lecture and find out about the four
                                                                                Global Studies majors:
                                                                                • Global Environment and Sustainable
                                                                                • Global Politics and Human Rights
                                                                                • International Relations and Business
                                                                                • Transnational Cultures and Creative Practice
                                                                                Global Studies graduate careers include:
                                                                                human rights advocacy, journalism, policy
                                                                                analysis, international trade consultancy – in
                                                                                environments such as: NGOs and not-for-profits,
                                                                                local and national government, international
                                                                                development and the environmental sector.

                                                                                Dare to be different, make a
                                                                                difference: Go Global!
                                                                                - Dr Hilary Chung,
                                                                                Director, Bachelor of Global Studies
                                                                                Lecture theatre B28, General Library, Alfred St (2B)
                                                                                The Bachelor of Global Studies addresses
                                                                                the growing need for people who understand
                                                                                current global issues and are prepared to
                                                                                tackle them. Learn how to better understand
                                                                                the increasingly complex political, economic,
                                                                                scientific and cultural issues of our world, come
                                                                                along to our lecture and find out whether Global
                                                                                Studies is for you.

LAW                                                Law at Auckland is challenging, exciting and taught by some of the best-
                                                   known legal scholars in the country. We can teach you how to think critically,
                                                   how to analyse and how to persuade by logical argument.
Level 1, Owen G Glenn Building                     The Auckland Law School is ranked the top law school in New Zealand.*
                                                   It also has the highest entry standard for second-year Law, meaning our
12 Grafton Rd                                      graduates are highly sought after. You can study Law within a wide range
                                                   of conjoint programmes (in Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Global Studies,
                                                   Health Sciences, Music, Property or Science) and we offer the largest range

                                                   of undergraduate courses of any New Zealand law school.
                                                   Come along to hear our friendly staff and students speak about the courses
                 9                                 offered and the career opportunities available to law graduates.
                                                   *QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018 ‒ Law (ranked 29th worldwide).

 Bachelor of Laws (LLB)                            Mock moot and How to Law School
 4 years full-time                                 10.20-11.05am | 11.15am-12pm |
 480 points                                        1-1.45pm | 1.55-2.40pm
 Applications close 8 December 2018.               Algie Lecture Theatre, Bldg 801,
                                                   Auckland Law School. Take the pathway from
                                                   Waterloo Quadrant marked on the map. (9)
                                                   Mooting is the oral presentation of a legal issue
 LAW LECTURES                                      or problem against an opposing counsel and
                                                   before a judge. The Mock Moot is always both
                                                   informative and entertaining for anyone who’s
A future in law and why                            thinking of pursuing a legal career. Afterwards
Auckland Law School?                               you’ll have the chance to ask the students
                                                   questions. We’ll also show our How to Law
10.20-11.20am | 1-2pm
                                                   School videos.
Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium, Level 1,
Owen G Glenn Bldg, 12 Grafton Rd. (8)              On the career path – a parents’ guide
Marcus Roberts is a Senior Lecturer at the         to opportunities with a Law degree
University of Auckland Faculty of Law. His legal   9.40-10.10am | 12.20-12.50pm
interests lie in contract and tort law, focusing   Algie Lecture Theatre, Bldg 801,
on common law developments in these areas in       Auckland Law School. Take the pathway from
New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia.     Waterloo Quadrant marked on the map. (9)
A former solicitor at Minster Ellison Rudd         A Law degree from New Zealand’s leading Law
Watts, Marcus holds a Master of Laws from the      School opens the door to a wide range of careers
University of Auckland.                            – both inside and outside Law. Come along to
Kayur Ramsom is an Associate in the Financial      hear our Employment Engagement Manager
Advisory Services team at PWC working to           and recent graduates talk about some of the
implement cloud technology for his clients.        available options.
He also teaches Information Systems at the
Business School. He made the most of his time       Self-guided library tour
at University, being involved in and running a
number of clubs and societies, volunteering for     11am-1pm
the Police Prosecution Service and participating    The Davis Law Library
in the Auckland Law Revue, before graduating        Take the pathway from Waterloo Quadrant
with a BCom/LLB in 2016.                            marked on the map. (9)

                                                                                                                         | 19

                                                 One of the most noble questions an individual can ask is “What does society

                   Level 0                       need – and what role can I play in meeting that need?”*
                   Owen G Glenn Building         Come along to our presentations and hear from our students, teaching staff
                                                 and researchers. They’ll tell you first hand what it’s like to study and work in
                   12 Grafton Rd
                                                 the world of Medical and Health Sciences.
                                                 Be inspired by our presentations and speak to one of our team of advisers
                                                 about your study options and how to start your journey with us.

  Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc)             Our faculty supports an enormously diverse            Optometry and Vision Science
                                                 range of vocations in the world of healthcare, all
  3 years full-time                                                                                    Play a crucial role in primary healthcare – and
                                                 of which offer possibilities for rewarding careers.
  360 points                                                                                           aim towards cutting-edge clinical, biomedical
                                                 When you meet professionals from these areas
  Applications close 8 December 2018.                                                                  and vision research.
                                                 you’ll see that, beyond the job titles, many of
  Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor              these vocational pathways can lead to truly
                                                 extraordinary career opportunities.                   Pharmacy
  of Surgery (MBChB)
                                                 Wherever you want your career to go, start your       Help improve the health of all New Zealanders
  6 years full-time                                                                                    by focusing on the optimal use of medicines
  720 points                                     journey with the best.
                                                                                                       in our society. Pharmacy is a rewarding
  You must first complete Year I of either the   • We’re New Zealand’s leading University in the       community-based career, which can include
  BHSc or the BSc in Biomedical Science.           QS World University Rankings 2019.                  vaccination programmes, monitoring and more.
  Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs)                    • We are also placed 18th worldwide for
                                                   Anatomy and Physiology.                             Population Health
  3 years full-time
                                                 • The QS World University Rankings by Subject         Work to improve the health and wellbeing of
  360 points
                                                   2018 were great news for our School of              communities by addressing issues such as
  Applications close 8 December 2018.
                                                   Nursing, which climbed from 50th in 2017 to         addiction, poverty and the cultural aspects of
  Bachelor of Optometry (BOptom)                   41st in 2018.                                       health.
  5 years full-time
  600 points
                                                 Your healthcare qualifications could lead to
                                                 amazing opportunities in the following fields:         MEDICAL AND
                                                                                                        HEALTH SCIENCES
  You must first complete Year I of a BSc in
  Biomedical Science.
                                                 Medical Sciences
  Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)                  Explore the world of scientific and medical            LECTURES
  4 years full-time                              advances, where you can make your mark in
                                                 improving treatments in New Zealand and               Information on Biomedical Science,
  480 points
                                                 around the world.                                     Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing,
  You must first complete Year I of a BHSc or
                                                                                                       Optometry and Pharmacy
  a BSc.
                                                 Medicine                                              9-10am | 11.40am-12.40pm | 2.20-3.20pm
                                                                                                       Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium, Level 1,
                                                 Whilst the study of medicine can allow you to
                                                                                                       Owen G Glenn Bldg, 12 Grafton Rd. (8)
  Our faculty’s commitment to helping            work in general practice, you can also choose
  Māori and Pacific students find the            from many other specialist disciplines to
  right pathway for their health career          improve the lives of patients from a diverse
                                                                                                       Vision 20:20 – Recruiting and
  development includes the Certificate           range of cultures. The choices you make today
                                                                                                       retaining Māori and Pacific students in
  in Health Sciences (CertHSc). We have          about your first year of study will influence the
                                                                                                       the health workforce
  designed this one-year foundation              career outcomes you can achieve tomorrow.             10.20-10.50am | 1-1.30pm
  programme for Māori and Pacific                                                                      OGGB5, Level 0, Owen G Glenn Bldg.
  students who require strengthening in          Nursing                                               12 Grafton Rd. (8)
  the necessary science-related topics.          Draw on your empathy and people skills to             Learn about MAPAS, the Whakapiki Ake Project
                                                 assess patients’ needs and assist accordingly.        and the Certificate in Health Sciences programme.
                                                 Make a difference in this rewarding career.
*Inspired by the words of Benjamin Franklin.

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