University of the West of Scotland Outcome Agreement 2018/19 to 2020/21

Page created by Dana Newton
University of the West of Scotland Outcome Agreement 2018/19 to 2020/21
University of the West of Scotland
Outcome Agreement 2018/19 to 2020/21

Over the last four years, under the Dreaming, Believing, Achieving Corporate
Strategy framework, UWS has achieved significant success in delivery of
activities and improved outcomes across the SFC’s priority measures.

UWS continues to take a nationally leading role in providing access to higher
education for people from the widest range of backgrounds, and is already
ahead of the recommendations of CoWA. In this Outcome Agreement the
University maintains its commitment to that sector leading performance. The
most recent participation indicators show that in 2015/16, over a fifth (20.9 per
cent) of young, full-time Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants to UWS
came from SIMD20 areas, which is more than double the Scottish average
(10.4 per cent). UWS is also the sector leader in articulation, and is
commitment to articulating over 1,200 students with advanced standing each

Since 2014 the University has increased efforts to ensure that students from
all backgrounds receive high quality education that enables and supports them
to successfully complete their programme of choice. Across the period this has
resulted in significant improvement in retention data. The proportion of
Scottish domiciled full-time first year undergraduate UWS students returned to
study in year two has increased by almost 9 percentage points between
2012/13 and 2016/17, from 78.9 per cent to 87.7 per cent.

At the same time the University has re-energised its efforts to support positive
graduate outcomes. UWS has a KPI of 85.0 per cent of graduates in
professional employment or further study by 2019/20 which has been
achieved ahead of schedule in 2016/17 with 85.7 per cent of respondents
reported as securing professional employment or further study. This is
considerable progress from the 2013/14 outcome, when 74.5 per cent of
graduates were found to be in professional education or further study – and is
evidence of the success of the 2014-2020 Corporate Strategy, Dreaming,
Believing, Achieving.

The maintenance of the UWS allocation of Widening Access and Retention
Funding (WARF) across this period has underpinned all three elements of
success noted above and is fundamental to the University’s success.

UWS remains committed to delivering education across our four campuses in
Scotland. UWS continues to be one of the major providers of higher education
in Dumfries and Galloway, serving an area of high priority for the Scottish

This Outcome Agreement sets out how the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) will
build on our significant recent progress to help deliver the national priority areas identified by
the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) for 2018/19 to 2020/21.

In 2016, we refreshed our Corporate Strategy to 2020 to ensure it continues to set a clear
and focused direction for the University. We undertook extensive engagement with our staff,
students and other stakeholders to ensure our strategy enables us to deliver our ambitious
goals in the current environment. The refreshed strategy includes updated corporate
priorities and performance measures to ensure UWS remains clear about our ambitions in
light of recent developments, including political and economic changes. The strategy is
arranged around three core themes:

1. Student Success
We will deliver personalised and transformative higher education and ensure that our
students enjoy a rounded experience that includes exciting, extra-curricular activities such as
sport, volunteering and citizenship. We will achieve this through investment in, and
enhancement of, our teaching methods, environments and technologies to put our students
and their success at the heart of everything that we do.

2. Research and Enterprise
Our international research presence and our partnership with business will inform and propel
our learning provision and create an enterprise culture that will support economic growth
locally and globally. Through the strengthening of our academic excellence and application
of our academic expertise, we will significantly increase turnover, broaden income streams
and contribute to the international development of knowledge.

3. Global Engagement
We will be an international university that provides a springboard for all our learners to
contribute globally. We will deliver an academic portfolio that provides our students with
globally relevant skills, is internationally attractive and contributes to global reach.

Our strategy is based on a solid foundation that has been put in place over the last 120
years, since the University was originally founded in 1897. We are famed for being a
dynamic and responsive University that delivers exceptional vocationally oriented
higher education. Our Corporate Strategy sets out how we will ensure our graduates will be
work-ready, have globally relevant skills and the employees of choice for businesses around
the world because of their enthusiasm for learning and their ability to transfer knowledge into

UWS is a university that dares to be different. We are an inclusive organisation that
welcomes and values diversity. We lead the way across Scotland in widening
participation in higher education by some of the most under-represented sections of
Scottish society and are proud of the difference we make.

UWS is well known for its work in building partnerships with business to support the
development and delivery of our programmes and placements for our students to ensure
they are work-ready on graduation.

UWS is a university that is going places. We are building on a solid foundation and we have
much to be proud of. Whilst we continue to place significant importance on investment in our
learning environments, our success is driven by the people that make up this great

We also know that we face a number of challenges. But we are determined to address these
challenges through investment in people and infrastructure, robust performance
management and ensuring our academic offer is continuously refreshed. We have a range
of enabling plans across the university that support our Corporate Strategy and these plans
will help us to address the challenges we face.

We are here for our students and it is their success that is at the centre of our Corporate
Strategy – Dreaming, Believing, Achieving.

SFC key priorities and intensification
Areas identified by the Scottish Government for prioritisation and enhanced focus include:
widening access; articulation; attainment and retention; gender; skills; and innovation.1 The
outcome agreement is structured according to the Framework for developing Outcome
Agreements: outcomes, commitments, and evidence of progress outlined in the guidance.

UWS’ refreshed Corporate Strategy continues to sit well with these national priorities, and in
a number of priorities UWS is already a sector leader. UWS has mapped the Corporate
Strategy KPIs and other performance measures against SFC’s priorities to help ensure a
common direction of travel. UWS’ targets against SFC’s strategic plan priorities are set out in
Appendix A.

UWS is committed to delivering the Scottish Government’s priority outcomes and
Commission of Widening Access (CoWA) recommendations. We recognise ambitions to
intensify the outcome agreement process. It is through the allocation of and support from
strategic funding through Widening Access and Retention Funding that the University has
been able to consolidate its position as a major contributor to Government’s national targets.

As the leading institution in Scotland for articulation and recruitment from SIMD20 areas,
UWS’ commitment over the outcome agreement period is to maintain this sector-leading
position. In order to achieve intensification aims, UWS will continue to deploy WARF funding

        Harmonise student retention rates across all protected characteristics by 2020/21 to
         show our commitment to providing an equitable experience across different groups.
         Our ambition is for all students to have a successful experience at UWS, regardless
         of their social background or other characteristic.
        Strengthen and extend our partnership and collaboration.

1SFC   Guidance for the development of University Outcome Agreements: 2018-19 to 2020-21

   Affirm our commitment to delivering education across four diverse campuses in
    Scotland: Ayr, Dumfries, Lanarkshire and Paisley. UWS is the biggest provider of
    education in Dumfries and Galloway, serving an area of high priority for the Scottish

Access to education for people from the widest range of
backgrounds, including implementation of the recommendations of
CoWA and addressing gender balance

Widening Access and Retention Funding (WARF)
UWS acknowledges the importance of the SFC’s WARF support as being fundamental to
the institution in allowing it to implement a range of initiatives aimed at continuing strong
performance in widening access, participation, retention and progression. WARF has

      Investment in the role of Programme Leaders (as part of a wider Student Attainment
       Project) and other support staff
      Embedding the role of School Enhancement Developers to support all aspects of
       student success
      Delivery of a targeted range of student recruitment and engagement events in areas
       with a high proportion of SIMD20
      Developing partnerships with local colleges (UWS has two full-time College
       Engagement Advisers who have a key role in promoting and supporting articulation
       by Further Education students to the University)
      Providing support for care leavers
      Widening the approach to contextualised admissions

UWS has a clear commitment to the support, retention, and successful outcomes of students
from the most disadvantaged and deprived backgrounds. The WARF funding enables UWS
to implement a range of initiatives to improve retention rates and ensure successful
outcomes. These and other initiatives are discussed in more detail in Priorities 1 and 2 of
this Outcome Agreement.

Widening Access and Participation
UWS is widely recognised as one of Scotland’s leading institutions in widening participation
in higher education. In 2016/17, 25.9 per cent of Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants
at UWS (1,300 students) were from the 20 per cent most deprived postcodes, and 48.0 per
cent (2,406 students) were from the 40 per cent most deprived postcodes. As the sector
leader in recruiting students from SIMD20 areas and following discussion with
colleagues in the SFC, UWS is aiming to maintain this level of access over the period
covered by this Outcome Agreement. Likewise, UWS aims to maintain the proportion
of full-time first-degree Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants from the 20 per
cent most deprived data zones in support of the CoWA aims.

The most recently published Scottish Participation Indicators show that in 2015/16, over a
fifth (20.9 per cent) of young, full-time Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants to UWS
came from SIMD20 areas, which was more than double the Scottish average (10.4 per
cent). UWS also had the highest proportion of Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants to

UWS from SIMD40 areas (40.0 per cent) by a considerable margin, with the next highest
institution Glasgow Caledonian (34.2 per cent).

Scottish HEIs with the highest percentage of young Scottish-domiciled
entrants to full-time undergraduate from SIMD20 (2015/16)
      Institution                            From 20% most deprived areas

        UWS                                  20.9%
        Glasgow Caledonian                   17.0%
        Glasgow School of Art                13.5%
        Dundee                               13.0%
        Abertay Dundee                       11.7%
        Strathclyde                          11.5%
        Stirling                             10.4%
        Royal Conservatoire                  10.3%
      Average for Scotland                   10.4%

Over the period of this Outcome Agreement, UWS is committed to continued strong
performance in improving access for those from the widest possible range of
backgrounds. UWS already delivers far greater than the national average in this
important area and our aim is to maintain that position.

Around 11.8 per cent of UWS’ total current student population (eligible for SFC fees) are
fees-only. This is higher than the average across the Scottish HE sector (around 8 per cent).
While the recruitment of fees-only students brings flexibility, and supports widening access
and articulation by FE learners, the University only receives around £1,800 per student
(around one quarter of the average gross income of £7,000). This results in a notional
income deficit of several million pounds each year. Given the SFC’s recent funding
announcement, UWS continues to consider the implications (including financial) of reviewing
its percentage of fees-only students and is keen to discuss future funding arrangements.

UWS continually monitors and annually reviews its admissions procedures to ensure it is
responsive and applicant-focussed, and compliant with relevant legislation and best practice
in admissions. The University updated its Admissions Policy in June 2015 to include a
contextual admissions statement. Following discussions with Supporting Professionalism in
Admissions (SPA), UWS is confident that existing provision embeds this provision and
ensures that appropriate data are used. The University has reviewed Access Thresholds in
line with the recommendations from the Commission for Widening Access and is confident
that its current approaches meet the spirit of those recommendations.

Engagement with Local Schools
UWS has continued to work closely with all schools in all local authority areas. This allows
us to play a key role in our communities as an enabler of student success, and remains
focussed particularly on low-participation areas and hard-to-reach groups.

The examples below give an outline of activity with schools. In addition to these specific
projects, all UWS Academic Schools work in partnership with local schools and deliver
opportunities for school pupils to visit our campuses and sample different subject areas and
activities as part of their public engagement activity.

UWS’ current approach to widening participation involves a broad range of engagement
activities with schools and colleges, including:

      The Schools for Higher Education Programme (SHEP)
      Access to a Career in Teaching (ACT) Project
      Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP West)
      Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce Schools Event
      Wee University
      Broader, UWS specific outreach and engagement

       Schools for Higher Education Programme (SHEP)
As part of the national Schools for Higher Education Programme (SHEP), UWS works with
schools with low progression rates to higher education through the SFC-funded FOCUS
West ‘Routes for All’ initiative. All activities delivered in this programme aim to raise
aspirations of pupils in the SFC/FOCUS West selected schools. A team of approximately 50
fully trained Student Mentors is integral in the delivery of this programme, which aims to give
S5 and S6 pupils the necessary tools to progress to higher education.

FOCUS West is a joint collaboration between the six Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
and partner colleges. Routes for All has been delivered since 2008/9 and is available to all
37 Focus West Secondary Schools across a number of local authorities in the West of
Scotland. UWS delivers to 20 schools within the programme. In 2016/17, Routes for All
worked with 480 pupils in 20 schools, and since 2010 has worked with approximately 4,000

Routes for All aims to raise pupils’ awareness and understanding of higher education and to
support the work carried out by schools and Skills Development Scotland (SDS). The
programme is tailored to support pupils who are considering applying for higher education
courses. It has been developed to give pupils the necessary tools to succeed in their journey
towards post-school education, preparing them to make the transition from school to college
and then university. In 2016/17, 2.8 per cent of Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants to
UWS (142 students in total) came from SHEP schools.

Routes for All has been further reviewed in 2016/17 and the revised programme is now
bringing pupils onto both university and college campuses and has new materials and a
more focussed approach. It is a two-year programme targeted at S5 and S6 pupils hoping to
achieve 1-3 Highers by the end of S6 and who are considering going to college to complete

an HNC/HND and are likely to articulate onto University. The in-school sessions are
delivered by UWS staff and facilitated by student mentors. The pupils visit a College campus
in S5 and a University campus in S6 where they have a direct input from the College
Engagement Advisers and learn about articulation options and develop interview skills.

UWS has been working to establish Progression Agreements for pupils who take part in
Routes for All with four partner colleges in the South West of Scotland and Ayrshire College,
Dumfries and Galloway College, South Lanarkshire College and New College Lanarkshire.
Dumfries and Galloway college were first to agree to guarantee interviews for pupils who
had taken part in the programme.

UWS also host visits from pupils on FOCUS West S3 Campus Days. Pupils from FOCUS
West schools take part in a series of group activities which are led by current students who
are studying at UWS and other partner universities. These pupils get the chance to meet
pupils from other schools, find out about the various routes to university and learn how to
take notes at a lecture.

      Access to a Career in Teaching (ACT)
The Access to a Career in Teaching Project (ACT) is now in its fourth phase, building on the
successful Access to Primary Education (APE 1999-2014) Project. The ACT Project
supports pupils who would like to become Primary or Secondary School teachers and
encourages them to return to teach in their own communities. Pupils from secondary schools
across the Glasgow area are selected from applicants who meet the entry criteria and who
can demonstrate their commitment to the teaching profession; for 2017/18 98 pupils have
been selected from 21 schools for 2017/18, the highest cohort ever to be involved in the
Project This is a collaborative project funded by Glasgow City Council working in partnership
with the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. The Project includes a
series of organised events which incorporate study skills such as note-taking in lectures and
essay writing techniques. It also includes a placement in a local school and supports pupils
in their fifth year at secondary school through to submitting their UCAS application in sixth
year. The Project dovetails with the FOCUS West Top-Up Programme as each pupil
progresses on to this Programme in S6.

     Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP West)
UWS has the largest proportion of Scottish Wider Access Programme West students
progressing into its Degree provision. SWAP students receive a range of pre-entry support
to university through: 1-1 support from the Senior Widening Participation Development
Officer (SWPDO); participation in the SWAP HE Fayre in November each year; Study Skills
Days and more recently Access to STEMs Sessions. UWS works in partnership with
colleagues at SWAP West to support and prepare students to make the transition from the
programme to higher education. UWS offers a wide range of progression routes from the
SWAP West Access to Humanities, Access to Life Science, Access to STEMs and also
Access to Specialised Programmes such as Primary Education, Nursing and Physics. UWS
provides ongoing support for these students and monitors their progression to ensure it
provides appropriate support when needed. UWS is involved in the governance of
SWAPWest as the University’s Head of Student Recruitment, Admissions and Participation

is on the Executive Group. UWS academic staff participate in subject-related committees
and the SWPDO is a member of the Access Co-ordinator’s Group.

     Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce Schools Events
Since 2012 we have been working in collaboration with the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce
and more recently to promote the Developing the Young Workforce agenda to encourage
Ayrshire pupils to consider Higher Education. UWS has welcomed over 300 pupils over 4
events and hosts a one day taster event for S4/5 pupils from Ayrshire at the Ayr Campus. In
June 2017, 59 pupils from 6 Ayrshire Schools attended the event at which the University
delivered a range of workshops. These events provide pupils with first-hand experience of a
subject area that they are interested in pursuing as a career, as well as providing an insight
into university life. They also include an information session on the university’s admission
process for school teaching staff as well as providing an opportunity for them to find out
more about the university and tour the new campus.
Further to the programmes outlined above UWS attends a number of younger years events
at Primary Schools and transitional events with low progression schools during the year. We
are currently developing activities for younger years to use within schools. UWS also
recently attended the Glasgow STEM Festival at the Glasgow Science Centre and delivered
workshops in Engineering and Computing. Pupils from all over Glasgow attended the event,
many from low progression schools.

     The Wee University
Our School of Education’s ‘Wee University’ initiative was officially launched by Shirley-Anne
Somerville MSP – Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science – in
February 2017. The Wee University brings together UWS Childhood Studies students and
early learning and childcare centres to promote lifelong family learning. It aims to enhance
awareness at an early age of future educational opportunities, help break down potential
barriers around access to further and higher education and boost the confidence of parents
and carers around opportunities offered to future students. The Wee University of the West
of Scotland is aligned with priorities for the Scottish Government’s Widening Access to
University agenda, Raising Attainment for All and National Parenting Strategy – and in line
with our strategic commitment to providing routes to education for all.

     Broader, UWS specific outreach and engagement
The Student Recruitment Team at UWS has attended career evenings at local high schools
in Dumfries and Galloway, speaking with pupils from S2 to S6 about study opportunities at
the university. As well as School Career Evenings, the team have also delivered two
presentations at Stranraer academy, where we have given pupils an overview of life at UWS,
as well as helpful advice on making their university application. The Student Recruitment
Team collaborated with the School of Engineering and Computing to participate in the
Dumfries and Galloway Science Festival.

All Schools at UWS regularly engage with local schools. Recent examples include the
School of Science and Sport played a key role in the delivery of a number of STEM

workshops in local schools as part of British Science Week. During the workshops pupils got
the chance to find out more about STEM as well as the exciting work being undertaken at
UWS such as the BREATH (Border and Regions Airways Training Hub) project. The
BREATH project will develop cross-border research to better understand and alleviate the
impact of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Next academic term the School of Engineering and Computing will be working with SDS’
Equality Executives to support the delivery of activities in Dumfries and Galloway secondary
schools, encouraging the progression of S3 and S4 female students studying a science
related subject into Engineering. Over the two day event topics covered will include: routes
into STEM, qualifications for progression into Engineering roles, employability skills, career
progression and female role models.

The School of Engineering and Computing has invited representatives from secondary
schools in Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire, Inverclyde and East Renfrewshire to a STEM
engagement event in May 2018. The event aims to create new partnerships with local
secondary schools and discuss how UWS can help stimulate interest in STEM among pupils
and address gender balance in STEM subjects.

Support for At Risk Groups at UWS
UWS outreach activities are inclusive support all of the groups considered to be at risk (as
determined by the Scottish Government). Through UWS outreach work and engagement
with relevant organisations the University aims to provide information, guidance and advice.
When working with school pupils, UWS engages with year groups where possible to ensure
that pupils from the most vulnerable groups will benefit from the activities and support.

     Support for Care Leavers
UWS continues to support those students who are care experienced from pre-entry to two
years after graduation. The University realises that students from families that have no
history of further or higher education face many barriers to learning. UWS believes that
through its support mechanisms will help address many of these barriers and provide care
experienced students with the tools to believe that they have the ability to achieve a positive
experience at university.

UWS is a committed ‘Corporate Parent’ and continues to work with local authorities to help
create and contribute to their action plans to support Care Leavers. UWS’ Corporate
Parenting Plan 2015-2018 outlines the following statement of intent:
      The University of the West of Scotland is an inclusive university committed to
      ensuring that every student gets the most out of their university experience,
      regardless of their personal circumstances or background. To meet this
      commitment, we have developed a wide range of support services to ensure that
      all students fulfil their potential, achieve their goals and enjoy their time at UWS.
      We have a strong tradition of working with care experienced applicants and
      students and this commitment is embedded in all of our provision. This is a
      strategic priority for UWS and we will continue to work in partnership both

internally and externally with other Corporate Parents to provide information,
      advice and guidance so that our care experienced students will have a positive
      experience at UWS from pre-entry to after graduation.

UWS continues to develop and implement care leaver activity and support and has
increased the number of care leavers accepting offers in the Institution. In 2016/17, care
leavers made up 0.5 per cent (27 students) of Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants,
with the highest number and proportion in the School of Health Nursing and Midwifery. UWS
is committed to increasing the number and proportion of care leavers over the
outcome agreement period.

     Support for Carers and Young Carers
The SWPDO works in partnership with Carer’s Centres; the Young Carers Trust; Unity
Enterprise and other relevant organisations to identify Carers and Young Carers so that we
can provide information, guidance and support with regards to going to university. We offer
pre-entry support to help with the transition to university-level study and also provide
ongoing support through the SWPDO and relevant colleagues in Student Services to help
students who are Carers so that they have a positive experience at UWS.
UWS is participating in the Young Carers Trust initiative Going Higher in Scotland and we
are committed to: identify the number of student carers attending their university; support all
student carers throughout their education to ensure they maintain good mental health,
complete their course and achieve the best grades possible and also report on the progress
students are making in their university so that they can deliver appropriate support and
showcase student carers’ achievements. UWS has also introduced a carers’ fund to provide
additional financial support for staff to attend conferences or events outwith their normal
work pattern that they might not otherwise be able to attend due to caring responsibilities.

     Estranged Students
UWS is now a Champion University for the Stand Alone initiative which supports those
students who have lost contact with their families. Support for this group has been
developed and implemented. The SWPDO is working in partnership with SAUWS to promote
the support available at UWS through the NUS Estranged Students Solidarity Campaign
which has been promoted at all campuses during 27th November to 2nd December 2017. The
SWPDO also works in partnership with the SAUWS Caseworkers to support this group.

     Asylum Seekers
The Widening Participation Team at UWS has hosted a Campus Day for Asylum Seekers
and Refugees who participate in the Bridges Programmes in Glasgow. We offered
information, guidance and advice on funding, applying to university, qualifications needed
and progression routes to university both with their current qualifications and articulation
from college. We hope to offer this opportunity again soon. The Senior WP Development
Officer is the named person for Asylum Seeker/Refugee support.

     People with Criminal Convictions
UWS have a Criminal Conviction Policy that applies to both applicants and students. The
Depute Head of Recruitment, Admissions and Participation contacts applicants if an offer is
either about to be made by admissions or if the School have indicated they wish to make an

offer. She then makes contact and if the conviction is of a serious nature she then meets
with the Criminal Conviction Panel that includes colleagues from the Academic School.
Schools such as Health Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Education follow their own
agreed process as their applicants go through the PVG application.

      Transgender
UWS has a process in place for any students wishing to change their name and gender.
Until recently they access this information through Student Support Services but we are
currently reviewing this process to make it easy for any student to do this without having to
go to student support. We currently have facilities in the Student Hub Area at Paisley
Campus and are reviewing our facilities to identify further sites. We work in partnership with
the Students Association for UWS (SAUWS), the LGBT Liberation officer and the DEAR
Alliance which is the Renfrewshire Equality and Diversity group to help raise awareness of
the support available to this group. The Equality and Organisational Development Officer is
the lead person and works with Admissions; Student Administration and Student Services to
address the barriers this group may encounter. Student Services provide ongoing guidance
and counselling services to transgender students. Training has been provided to Student
Support staff and to the Registry team and we are also currently looking at procuring
eLearning training on Transgender awareness.

     Gypsy Roma and Traveller Communities
UWS is currently liaising with two schools in the Southside of Glasgow and the Roma
Society of Scotland to offer support for Roma, Gypsy and Traveller pupils. We hope to host
activities on campus with guest speakers who are role models from the Roma, Gypsy and
Traveller Communities. The SWPDO is working in partnership with colleagues from the
School of Media, Culture and Society at present to create activities for this group and this
model will be rolled out to include other Schools within UWS.

      Mental Health
Students who take advantage of pre-entry support from the SWPDO and identify themselves
as having a Mental Health problem can be referred to Disability and Dyslexia Services
and/or the Counselling Team which are offered through UWS Student Services before
enrolment. The Student Services Counselling Team provide an equality of services and care
to everyone, regardless of age, disability, race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity,
religion or belief. The Counselling Service has three different types of appointment: Well-
being appointments, Counselling appointments and Drop-ins. Students at UWS are also
offered a self-help module – Silvercloud – gives students a secure and immediate access to
interactive and engaging online CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) modules. It uses
interactive tools and activities and students can access it anywhere through a computer,
tablet or mobile phone. Students who have a diagnosed mental health condition can also
meet with a Disability Adviser to discuss reasonable adjustments which may assist them
during their course of study.

UWS participates in the NUS Scotland Think Positive project; we work closely with the
Students Association at UWS (SAUWS) and staff, including our Multifaith Chaplains and
have participated in training provided by SAUWS for supporting students in distress. The

Disability Service has also delivered various training sessions and workshops to raise
awareness of the support staff can offer to students experiencing Mental Health difficulties.

SAUWS coordinate ‘Paws against Stress’ which gives students the opportunity to play with
dogs in order to de-stress in the run-up to deadlines and exams and improve mental health
and wellbeing.

UWS continues to be the lead university in Scotland for articulating students from
colleges. The university has established formal partnership agreements with eight local
partner colleges, and students from up to ten additional colleges articulate into our courses
each year at either Level 8 or Level 9.

To date, over 2,000 students have progressed from college to UWS in 2017/18. Of these,
1,229 have articulated with advanced standing (61.2 per cent of all articulated students),
including the 200 additional funded places. UWS has therefore already met the SFC’s target
of 60 per cent of HN entrants articulating with advanced standing by 2019/20. UWS has
committed to articulate at least 1,200 Scottish domiciled students from colleges with
advanced standing, noting the University’s target for subsequent years will depend
on funding arrangements.

In 2014/15, 63.7 per cent of Scottish-domiciled learners articulated from college to degree
level courses at UWS with advanced standing, compared with the national average of 47.7
per cent. This was 22.5 per cent of the total articulation with advanced standing in the whole
of Scotland.2 Student numbers on certain courses in Colleges have reduced and so the
potential pool of applicants from which all universities have been trying to recruit additional
students has also been reduced.

UWS works closely with colleges to support students and encourage smooth transition to the
University. In 2016/17 students from specific subject areas were welcomed on campus to
take part in taster sessions and experience a sense of university life prior to application.
Feedback from these sessions was positive and sessions are expanding and continuing in

UWS continues to work with colleagues internally and externally to maintain successful
relationships and effective communication. Engagement Partners continue to provide
transition support to over 60 groups of college students. They have also facilitated FE/HE
liaison groups to ensure that appropriate support is offered by both colleges and the
University, and to maintain a good match in curricula to promote smooth articulation
transition and a positive student experience.

With the end of specific funding for articulation hubs, we have embedded and made
permanent our two College Engagement Partner posts. This will ensure that we continue to

1718/University_Outcome_Agreements_Summary_2016-17.pdf, page 18

provide high-quality support and guidance for transition and maintain our strong relationships
with College partners. To further embed this work these posts are now placed in Marketing,
Recruitment and Engagement Directorate. This represents a significant investment in
supporting articulation and ensuring that expertise in this area continues to be at the core of
our provision.

     Maximising progression
Articulating students have been and will remain central to UWS provision. UWS provides a
range of courses that focus on entry at Level 9 and are aimed specifically at articulating
students and UWS also deliver some of our degrees on a franchise basis within Colleges in
order to maximise progression from College to University study.

Our formal College Partnership Agreements feature agreed learner pathways reviewed on
an annual basis. In addition, we have introduced formal articulation agreements for specific
areas to ensure progression for particular subjects. An example is HNC Childhood Practice
into Level 8 BA Hons Childhood Studies, a classic ‘1+3’ model delivered in three campuses,
including Dumfries, with 20 students from Dumfries and Galloway College articulating to this
programme in 2017/18. These partnership agreements have been expanded outwith the
south west region and new pathways have been created from Forth Valley College and Fife

UWS College Engagement Partners continue to seek new articulation routes and increase
momentum of existing routes. An example is the new BSc Cyber Security degree that will
start in Sept 2018 with both a Level 7 and 9 entry allowing college students a new pathway
for progression. Of UWS’ provision over 90 per cent of undergraduate programmes allow
direct entry with advanced standing, which ensures UWS can continue to lead the way and
be an exemplar for articulation.

Maximising progression from College to University remains at the core of our delivery, and
the baseline commitment to 1,000 places per year is more than achievable in the current

      Additional funded places
UWS receives 200 additional funded places each year, the largest allocation to any
university in Scotland. These places allow the university to increase widening access
activities and to articulate more students than would otherwise be possible. UWS distributes
the places among partner colleges, and allocate them to courses where traditionally there
has been significant articulation activity. UWS takes care to ensure that students identified
for additional funded places are treated similarly to other students, and that all students in
partner colleges are aware and able to take advantage of the learner pathways into UWS

     Associate Student Scheme
The UWS Associate Student Scheme is offered to all students studying on a course that is
part of a UWS learner pathway. We have not linked it to the additional funded places and will
continue to offer it beyond the end of that scheme. In 2016/17, over 1,000 students signed
up to the scheme and this is set to continue.

The Associate Student Scheme allows students to access a range of UWS facilities,
including the university library, sporting facilities, student unions, and the UWS virtual
learning environment. Students also have access to information and guidance on moving on
to a degree programme at UWS, and receive academic support to help smooth the transition
from HN to degree-level study. This may take the form of in-college workshops with UWS
staff or visits to a UWS campus.

      Transition Support
UWS builds relationships with colleges to allow them to promote routes to higher education
in their recruitment. This allows students to begin planning their learner journey from entry to
college. UWS College Engagement Partners offer a long induction to students on courses
that are part of the UWS learner pathways. This includes an initial visit to first year HNC/D
students. We promote the opportunity to progress to UWS on successful completion of their
HND as well as offering them access to the Associate Student scheme to help them make
an informed decision.

For HND groups, the College Engagement Partners provide advice and information on
specific subjects, funding and decision-making processes. They also hold workshops on
UCAS information and generic study skills, and offer subject-specific support in line with
what the colleges feel is most beneficial for their groups. This is offered to the whole cohort
to avoid disadvantaging any student and to maximise the potential for students to articulate
onto our courses. A series of college to university on campus Taster Sessions are offered to
college students including hands on experience of a lab, tutorial or workshop from the
relevant school, a campus tour, interactive sessions on preparing to become a university
student and the support available at UWS.

Once at UWS, Student Enhancement Development Officers continue to support direct entry
students to smooth their transition to the degree course. This includes pre-inductions for
direct entrants and online support. Ongoing support is then provided to assist students
completing to Honours in line with the university’s strategic objective that an Honours
qualification should be the norm for all our students.

     Subject-specific support
UWS’ College Engagement Partners have introduced Subject Liaison Groups over the past
year and these continue to expand. These groups bring together academic staff from all our
Partner Colleges and the University together with the Student Voice and support staff to
share information about course content, entry requirements and future developments in
support of greater collaboration between the institutions and the delivery of the College
partnership agreements. These groups have been successful and generated positive
feedback, allowing curriculum match to take place as well as developing innovative routes
into HE.

     MCR Pathways
UWS works in partnership with the MCR Foundation providing an extended programme of
provision, including intergenerational mentoring, residential summer programmes and

access to a wide variety of widening access initiatives, designed to improve the educational
outcomes and rates of progression to Higher Education for Looked after Young People and
Care Leavers. The programme currently supports over 1,000 young people across 28
secondary schools in the Glasgow area, and in 2018 will expand into five more local

Information on the support available for Care Leavers in Higher Education is provided
through a leaflet funded by Focus West and disseminated by the Senior Widening
Participation Development Officer to Local Authorities, Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare
Forum and other relevant organisations. By working with our College Engagement Advisors,
we also support articulating students who are care experienced with their transition from
college to Higher Education.

High quality learning in a learning system which is seamlessly
connected for the learner, including learning which prepares
people well for the world of work, prioritising provision that meets
known skills gaps in the economy

UWS continues to see improvement in the numbers and percentage of Scottish-domiciled
full-time first year undergraduate UWS students returning to study in year two.

In the lifespan of the current Corporate Strategy, UWS has seen steady annual
improvement, with a shift from 85.4 per cent in 2014/15 to 86.1 per cent in 2015/16 to
87.7 per cent in 2016/17 (excluding guaranteed places).

Widening Access and Retention Funding underpins this successful improvement and
while retention rates at UWS are improving, the University recognises the need to
make further progress in this area, and remains committed to improving retention

UWS has taken major steps to invest Widening Access and Retention Funding to improve
support for students. Several support departments, including Registry, Admissions and
Recruitment, Library, Student Services and Sport were brought together under a single
‘Student Life’ grouping under a newly-created Director post in 2016. This new grouping aims
to deliver a seamless, efficient and effective student support service across all UWS’

The University has a range of initiatives across the institution aimed at further improving
student retention and attainment, for example:
     Student Life has introduced a year-long induction programme which aims to provide
       new students with information at the point in time that they need it most rather than
       provide information on all services and facilities available to students during
       Welcome Week. For example, the Library will deliver sessions in Schools at the point
       in time where a cohort is preparing for their first major assessment. To support this
       induction programme, Student Life has developed a "student roadmap" to help sign-
       post students to particular information on a weekly basis. Student Life has also
       produced paper notebooks that contain information on services so that students can
       refer to this later in their studies should they have questions or need information on
       the various support services on offer.
     The year-long induction programme has allowed Student Life to provide new
       opportunities for different student groups. For example, this year we set up coffee
       mornings aimed at our students who have children. We offered fun things for children
       of different age ranges to do while providing a setting for student parents to meet
       other student parents. These events have proved to be very well attended and our
       students have asked for more events such as these in the future.

   Student Life recently reviewed the university’s Student Pregnancy and Maternity
    Policy in May 2017 and has consulted on the support for student parents with
    stakeholders and committees.
   Gathering data to better understand why students withdraw in year 1 of their studies.
    Information has been collected by the Hub Team through a comprehensive calling
    campaign, and the data have been used to highlight issues and develop solutions.
    For example, a streamlined process for logging withdrawals from the University was
    launched this summer. This includes a new requirement for Schools to conduct exit
    interviews with follow-up provided by the Hub Team with the aim to re-engage
   Financial advice and support included the Funding and Advice Team delivering a
    ‘Student Funding and Money’ presentation at Scottish Wider Access Programme
    events on all UWS campuses. Pre- entry students and applicants were informed
    about student funding to help them prepare financially for transition to university in
    September. Money Week 2017 had high levels of student engagement with the
    'waste not, want not' theme. The initiative was delivered across all UK campuses in
    partnership with SAUWS Environmental Team, UWS Catering, Library, Finance, and
    Renfrewshire and Solway Credit Unions. The initiatives delivered by the Funding and
    Advice Team have been recognised externally, winning three awards – two
    specifically related to their financial capability enhancements and one as part of the
    wider Student Services Team – Herald Award for Student Support Team of the Year.
   Student Life has been leading on learning analytics at UWS since 2016. UWS
    implemented a learning analytics and engagement platform in 2015 as a trial in one
    school and the system was released for all students across the institution in 2016.
    The system is known as MyJourney and MyJourney helps students to review and
    develop their approach to learning and understand how well they are tackling
    assessments. There are two elements to the system: 1. Engagement 2.
    Performance. The engagement section in MyJourney shows attendance and use of
    the library, online resources and learning environments, benchmarked against other
    students. The performance section allows review of assessment marks in the context
    of the whole class. MyJourney also provides an opportunity for students to discuss
    progress with their personal tutor and identify ways in which to grow and develop.
    Careful consideration is given to privacy and the engagement and performance
    information is presented in ways that maintains security and privacy of personal data.
    Through the development of MyJourney, university staff and students have created a
    rich opportunity for self-reflection and development that empowers students to take
    ownership of their own university and learning experience.
        o Uptake of the system by students has progressed more slowly than we would
            have liked, however, much work has been done to address this with improved
            performance seen in March/April 2018. Further work will be done over the
            summer months to ensure that more students are informed about the benefits
            of MyJourney when the new academic year begins in September 2018. Once
            higher utilisation rates are achieved, we can begin to look at the impact of the
            system on student retention. There are promising results from system use on
            retention at Nottingham Trent University.
   As part of improved induction and welcome for students, there is a new library
    programme (tours, Library Essentials programme and information points).

   UWS has launched ‘Westie’ the Chatbot to help prospective students successfully
       apply and enrol in university. The new virtual assistant engages students in two-way
       conversation on Facebook Messenger is available 24/7 365 days a year to answer
       questions about UWS, student life, campus services, funding advice, housing, and
       more. A product of artificial intelligence and supervised machine learning, Westie,
       builds on UWS’s already impressive range of digital services for students.
       Colleagues from across the University have supported in the building of the
       knowledge base for Westie.

As part of the wider student support offered to students, UWS launched The Hub in
September 2016 to enhance the student experience at the University. The Hub area
provides a vibrant space for students, and includes self-help resources, a service desk and
both learning and social spaces, including The Hub Café and pop-up spaces for events and
campaigns. The Hub is the central information point for students at the University, bringing
together a range of student-facing facilities. For example, the Disability Service offers lecture
capture (where lectures are recorded, usually the slide show plus audio) and assistive
software is provided on all campus PCs with packages for mind-mapping, read-aloud and
enhanced spelling and grammar checking.

Students at UWS can access the Counselling Service at every Scottish campus, and choose
between a wellbeing appointment, counselling appointment or drop-in session. The Hub also
offers financial advice to students on statutory student support, such as student loans, grants
or bursaries, in addition to a range of Discretionary and Childcare Funds.

Recognising the importance of providing support to our students outwith core trimester
dates, UWS offers pastoral and academic support over the summer months and across
other student vacation periods.

The academic Schools also have a range of initiatives in place to improve retention rates.
    Progression and retention in the School of Engineering and Computing have shown
      steady improvements in recent years. While Levels 7 and 8 are showing good
      progress, progression from Level 9 still proves challenging for key groups within the
      School. The School is holding specific events and activities around transitional
      arrangements for articulating students, working closely with partner colleges as well
      as specific events to discuss the benefits of progressing to Honours.
    The School of Business and Enterprise’s new undergraduate programmes have been
      designed to offer maximum flexibility to allow students more ways of completing a
      programme. Offering fewer core modules will allow students additional opportunities
      to succeed or transfer to other programmes, The School organises revision sessions
      to support resits (alongside Moodle support sites), and has appointed two fixed term
      posts for 2017/18 to support student retention and progression by embedding new
      digital learning technologies.

A large analysis on retention and progression at the University is currently underway to
discover which groups are most at risk of dropping out so that support can be effectively

UWS’ refreshed Corporate Strategy 2017-20 includes the KPI to achieve 90 per cent of full-
time first degree students projected to receive an award by 2019/20 – current performance is
on trajectory to achieve that objective.

Labour Market Needs
UWS is committed to training and developing the health and social care workforce. We are
the largest nursing provider in Scotland, offering BSc in adult nursing, mental health nursing
and midwifery. We also teach a Health and Social Care Cert HE and Integrated Health and
Social Care BA (second year entry), along with a wide range of postgraduate courses. The
Student Recruitment Team hosted an annual event for potential Nursing students at our
Dumfries campus in November 2017. Last year, we welcomed over 70 pupils to the campus,
where they enjoyed a day of interactive and informative workshops, and received their first
taste of what it is like to study a Nursing programme at UWS.

UWS contributes to training the Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) workforce, offering a BA
Childhood Studies that prepares and develops ELC staff as practitioners and a BA
Childhood Practice and graduate diploma Childhood Practice that prepares staff for
leadership roles in ELC.

Postgraduate courses provide the formal teaching qualification for provisional registration
with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) in secondary teaching in the
following subjects: Art and Design; Biology with Science; Chemistry with Science; English;
Mathematics; Modern Languages (French, German, Spanish); Physical Education; or
Physics with Science. The School of Education has successfully co-validated two ‘STEM
with education’ degrees for recruitment in September 2018 to assist with retention in
Chemistry and Physics subjects and improve recruitment for PGDE in those areas. The
courses are accredited by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) and will
enable students to complete a four-year degree programme and begin their career as a
teacher one year sooner than via existing routes. The SFC agreed to increase the number of
funded places for these new routes due to high numbers of applications.

The School of Engineering and Computing has a range of postgraduate programmes that
form a market-attractive and relevant portfolio that is aligned to the Scottish Government
agenda. These include Advanced Computing, which includes Big Data, e-Health and
Internet of Things (IoT) streams, and Information and Network Security, which is a clear
response to the Scottish Government’s ‘Secure and Prosperous: a cyber resilience strategy
for Scotland’, aligning to the priority to place Scotland as a world leader in cyber resilience.

UWS welcomed students from across Scotland to host the Cyber Security Inter-University
Challenge in November 2017 and we are one of the universities taking part in Cyber Nexus,
launched by the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance, aiming to establish a
coherent and vibrant Scottish Cyber Security and Resilience innovation community.

Whilst GAs are outwith the scope of this Outcome Agreement, the University is an active
provider of GAs – strong evidence of the UWS commitment to providing programmes that
address Scotland’s labour market needs. Michael Sinclair, who is undertaking a GA

programme in Engineering Design and Manufacture at UWS, won a Hammermen Award as
one of the most promising young engineers attending university in the Glasgow area.

In 2016/17, 18.0 per cent of Scottish-domiciled undergraduate entrants to UWS were to
STEM subjects. UWS are keen to engage with the Scottish Government’s STEM Strategy
and is committed to enhancing the uptake of STEM provision.

The School of Engineering and Computing, for example, have used Virtual/Augmented
reality for engagement with prospective students to generate interest in STEM-related
subjects. The School of Science and Sport delivered of a number of STEM workshops in
local schools as part of British Science Week. During the workshops pupils got the chance to
find out more about STEM as well as the exciting work being undertaken at UWS such as
the BREATH (Border and Regions Airways Training Hub) project.

Furthermore, we promote increased diversity and equity in participation, attainment and
outcomes in STEM study. UWS is taking part in an ECU Scotland “Attracting Diversity”
project called “Giving Girls another Chance to Choose Physics and Engineering” which is
investigating changing the admissions criteria for all applicants to Physics, Mechanical
Engineering and Aircraft Engineering programmes. The School of Science and Sport has
plans to log all student STEM ambassadors by gender and encourage staff and students,
who are in gender underrepresented areas, to become STEM ambassadors. Further
activities are outlined in our Gender Action Plan.

Careers and Employability
HESA data for 2015/16 show that 93.1 per cent of Scottish-domiciled graduates (1,614
students) entered positive destinations. This was a decrease of 2.0 percentage points
compared to last year. The 2015/16 Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)
data shows 57.6 per cent of Scottish-domiciled full-time first degree respondents (998
students) were employed in professional level destinations; UWS is committed to
increasing the proportion to 67 per cent in 2018/19.

UWS has a KPI for 85 per cent of graduates entering professional employment or
further study by 2019/20. This was achieved three years ahead of schedule in 2016/17
with 85.7 per cent.

UWS’ strategic approach towards support for student success led to the realignment of
Careers and Employability services within operational Employer Engagement and Careers
and Skills teams. This operational model is now in place for the first full academic year.

Partnership between the Careers and Skills team and the Employer Engagement team
facilitates a central professional service engaging with students, academic staff and
business and enterprise partners. This approach supports UWS’ commitment to enhancing
students’ professional employment prospects.

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