SIUSLAW HIGH SCHOOL VIKINGS - Student Handbook 2019-2020 - AWS

Page created by Chad King

   Student Handbook
Welcome back to Siuslaw High School. This school year will be exciting, energetic, and
filled with challenges and opportunities. Everyone here is dedicated to helping you gain
the skills, abilities, behaviors, and knowledge that will open doors for your future.

Learning, therefore, is the number one goal, and our mission at Siuslaw High School is
to motivate and prepare all students to reach their greatest potential.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide all students and parents with details about
the organization, activities and policies of the high school. Students will review this
handbook in PRIDE and will be held accountable for the contents of the handbook.
Not reading it is no excuse for ignorance of the rules or other information the
handbook contains.

The material covered within this student handbook is intended as a method of
communicating to students and parents regarding general district information, rules and
procedures and is not intended to either enlarge or diminish any Board policy, administrative
regulation or negotiated agreement. Material contained herein may therefore be superseded
by such Board policy, administrative regulation or negotiated agreement.

District and school policy, administrative rule, and handbook citations may be revised
at any time as a result of School Board, Oregon School Boards Association, Oregon
Revised Statute, Oregon Administrative Rule changes or case law arising from court
action. Revisions will be re-posted after passage of any such action.

Siuslaw High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national
origin, disability, marital status sex or sexual orientation in providing education or
access to benefits of education services, activities and programs in accordance with
Title, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Students receive the Student Code of Conduct and consequences of violation of the
Code annually.

We look forward to the new school year with you - a year filled with learning,
thinking, growing, and great memories!


SCHOOL CALENDAR                             4
BELL SCHEDULES                              5
ACADEMICS                                   5
ANTIDISCRIMINATION                          6
ASSEMBLIES                                  7
ATTENDANCE                                  7
CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS                     9
CODE OF CONDUCT                             10
COMPUTER AND INTERNET USE                   13
CONFERENCES                                 13
COUNSELING & ADVISING                       13
DANCES/ SOCIAL EVENTS                       14
DIRECTORY INFORMATION                       14
DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS                   15
DRESS AND GROOMING                          15
EDUCATION RECORDS                           19
ELECTRONIC DEVICES POLICY                   20
FEES                                        21
FIELD TRIPS                                 21
FOOD & DRINK                                22
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION                       22
FUND RAISING                                22
GRADUATION                                  22
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS                     23
HONOR ROLL                                  25
INTERDISTRICT TRANSFERS                     25
LOCKERS                                     25
MEDIA ACCESS TO STUDENTS                    26
MEDICINE AT SCHOOL                          26
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY                      26
PASSES                                      26
REPORT CARDS                                26
SCHEDULE CHANGES                            26
SCHEDULING ACTIVITIES                       27
SEARCHES AND QUESTIONING                    27
SPECIAL SERVICES                            27
STUDENT COUNCIL                             27
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS                        27
VEHICLES ON CAMPUS                          28
VISITORS                                    28
WEAPONS POLICY                              29

Aug. 26 - 29              District In-Service
Sept. 2                   No School – Labor Day
Sept.3                    First Day of School – Grade 9
Sept. 4                   First Day of School – Grade 10 – 12
Sept. 20                  No School – Teacher In-Service
Oct. 11                   No School – Statewide Teacher In-Service
Oct. 17                   No School – Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am – 8:00pm)
Oct. 18                   No School – Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am – 12:00pm)
Nov. 8                    No School – Grading Day
Nov. 11                   No School – Veterans’ Day
Nov. 12                   Beginning of 2nd Quarter
Nov. 27 - 29              No School – Thanksgiving
Dec. 6                    No School – Teacher In-Service
Dec. 21- Jan. 5           No School – Winter Break
Jan. 6                    No School – Teacher In-Service
Jan. 7                    Back to School
Jan. 20                   No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 31                   No School – Grading Day
Feb. 3                    Beginning of 3rd Quarter
Feb. 7                    No School – Teacher In-Service
Feb. 17                   No School – Presidents’ Day
Mar. 6                    No School – Teacher In-Service
Mar. 12                   No School – Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am – 8:00pm)
Mar. 13                   No School – Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am – 12:00pm)
Mar. 21 - 29              No School – Spring Break
Apr. 10                   No School – Grading Day
Apr. 13                   Beginning of 4th Quarter
May 15                    No School – Teacher In-Service
May 25                    No School – Memorial Day
May 29                    Last Day for Seniors & Senior Check-Out
Jun. 3                    Senior’s Deadline to Walk at Graduation
Jun. 5                    Graduation
Jun. 11                   ½ Day - Last Day for Grades 9-11
Jun. 12                   Last Day for Teachers – Teacher In-Service


Period   M/T/F - Regular7+P          Period    W/R - Block+P
  1      8:22-9:12                     1       8:22-9:10
PRIDE    9:16-9:46                   PRIDE     9:15-9:55
  2      9:50-10:35                   2/3      10:00-11:30
  3      10:39-11:24                 Lunch     11:30-12:00
Lunch    11:24-11:54                  4/5      12:05-1:35
  4      11:58-12:43                  6/7      1:40-3:10
  5      12:47-1:32
  6      1:36-2:21
  7      2:25-3:10

Period   Half Day - Short7           Period    F - Pep Assembly  Period          F - Long Assembly
  1      8:22-9:00                      1      8:22-9:05            1            8:22-9:07
  2      9:04-9:30                      2      9:10-9:55            2            9:12-9:55
  3      9:34-10:00                     3      10:00-10:45          3            10:00-10:43
  4      10:04-10:30                    4      10:50-11:35          4            10:48-11:31
  5      10:34-11:00                 Lunch     11:35-12:05       Lunch           11:31-12:01
  6      11:04-11:30                    5      12:10-12:55          5            12:06-12:49
  7      11:34-12:00                    6      1:00-1:45            6            12:54-1:37
Lunch    12:00-12:30                    7      1:50-2:35            7            1:42-2:25
                                    Assembly   2:35-3:10        Assembly         2:25-3:10

Advanced Placement/ College Credit Now
Advanced Placement Courses are currently available at Siuslaw High School. The Advanced Placement exam is administered in
May and students may receive college credit for the course by scoring a 3 or higher on the exam. The fee for the exam must be
paid by the students. We also have courses available through College Now in Art, English, Foreign Language, Health
Occupations, Math, Science and Social Studies.

Class Standing
A student is considered on-track for graduation if he/she earns an average of at least ¼ of the number of credits required for high
school graduation by the end of each school year. Credits earned may be counted as long as they are awarded before the
beginning of the next school year (August 31), including advanced credits earned in 8 th grade and summer school credits. By the
end of each year a student should have earned:
Freshman – 6 credits
Sophomore – 12 credits
Junior – 18 credits
Senior – 24 credits*

*Additional graduation requirements other than minimum credits earned must be completed for students to be eligible for an
Oregon Diploma, as outlined by the Oregon Department of Education graduation requirements.

Credit by Examination
Students who can demonstrate competence in a course without having enrolled in the course may earn credit by exam for that
course. Students will receive Pass/Fail grades if they successfully complete the exam. Credit for the course will be noted on the
transcript, and the course will count toward graduation requirements, both in total credits and required course enrollment. Rules
and Procedures for Credit by Examination:
     1. A student must complete the Application for Credit by Examination and submit it to a counselor.
     2. After the second week of the semester, students may not apply for credit by examination for courses in which they are
     3. Tests must be taken within three weeks of application.
     4. A grade of 80% or better is the expectation for satisfactory completion of credit by examination; in possible
          combination of other criteria considered if applicable and determined by Principal as appropriate.
     5. Students may not attempt credit by examination for a sequential course below the level at which they are enrolled. (i.e. a
          student may not attempt credit by exam for General Math if they are currently taking Algebra I.)
     6. A student may attempt credit by exam for a particular course only once.
     7. Credit by exam will be given for semester credit only.

Instructional Aide & Teacher Aide
This request must have administrative approval based on the following:
     Student is a junior or senior
     Has at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
     Has at least 90% (95% for office aide) attendance rate
     Has no significant behavioral referrals

Students may have no more than two (2) periods of aide classes per semester and may earn no more than 3 credits as an aide for
their high school career.

Work Study
Students can earn ½ credit for 72 hours through the work study application. Grade is on a Pass/ No Pass basis. A student may
only achieve 3 credits maximum through work study; they must be scheduled for at least four (4) credits at the high school.

The district shall promote nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, age or disability and/or because of the race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin, marital status, age or disability of any other persons with whom the individual associates.

In keeping with requirements of federal and state law, the district strives to remove any vestige of discrimination in employment,
assignment and promotion of personnel; in educational opportunities and services offered students; in student assignment to
schools and classes; in student discipline; in location and use of facilities; in educational offerings and materials; and in
accommodating the public at public meetings.

The Board encourages staff to improve human relations within the schools and to establish channels through which citizens can
communicate their concerns to the administration and the Board.

The superintendent shall appoint and make known the individuals to contact on issues concerning the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990 and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues. The Board will adopt and the district will publish
grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints.

Federal civil rights laws prohibit discrimination against an individual because he/she has opposed any discrimination act or
practice or because that person has filed a charge, testified, assisted or participated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing.
ADA further prohibits anyone from coercing, intimidating, threatening or interfering with an individual for exercising the rights
guaranteed under the Act.

All students and staff are required to attend school assemblies. Exceptions may be arranged with the administration.
Any student leaving campus during an assembly, unless signed out of the office with office permission, will be considered
truant and subject to discipline action.

The Student Code of Conduct applies to student conduct in assemblies, and students behaving inappropriately will be
subject to disciplinary action.

Except when exempt by Oregon law (ORS 339.030), all students ages 7 - 18 who have not completed Grade 12 are required to
attend school full time on a regular basis at the designated school within the attendance area.

Students who fail to maintain regular enrollment in school may have either their driving privileges suspended or the right to apply
for driving privileges suspended.

Any parent who fails to send a student to school within three (3) days of notification by the district that their student is not
complying with compulsory attendance requirements may be issued a citation by the district for the student’s failure to attend
school. Violation is a Class C violation of law and is punishable by a court-imposed fine up to $500, as provided by ORS 339.065.

The district will notify the parent in writing that, in accordance with law, the superintendent will schedule a conference with the
non-attending student and his/her parent(s) to discuss attendance requirements. The written notice will include the following:
     The superintendent or designee has the authority to enforce the provisions of the compulsory attendance laws.
     Failure to send a student to school is a Class C violation.
     A citation may be issued by the district in the amount of a $500 fine.
     A conference with the parent and student is required.
     The written notification will be in the native language of the parent.

Additionally, a parent or guardian, or other person lawfully charged with the care or custody of a student under 15 years of age,
may be found by the courts to have committed the offense of failing to supervise a child who has failed to attend school as
required. Violations, as determined by the court, may be punishable by a requirement to complete a parent effectiveness program
approved by the court and/or a fine of $500.

Attendance & Behavior requirements for Interdistrict Transfers: See interdistrict transfers

Absences and Excuses
Regular daily class attendance is essential for student success. Students and parents are responsible for school attendance. The
attendance secretary will contact parents (automated phone dialer) when students are absent. Excessive absences may result in
loss of credit and grades, removal from class(es) and/or referral to an attendance or truant officer. (ORS 339.065)

Absence Procedure
When returning to school after an absence, a student must have a note or phone call from the parent/guardian within 24 hours of
the absence. The note must give the date of the absence and justifiable reason for being absent.

Absences will be considered UNEXCUSED if there is no valid or verifiable information provided by the parent regarding the
absence, or if the reason for absence do not align with ORS 339.065. Examples of unexcused absences: oversleeping, missing the
bus, car problems, working, doing homework or studying for another class, hair and/or nail appointments, shopping trips,
luncheons, job interviews, swimming, golfing, vacations (unless Pre-Arranged Absence form has been properly completed), etc.
Students are responsible for making up class work/assignments that were missed due to their absences and must communicate
with the teacher.

In accordance with ORS 339.030, absence from school or class will be excused only under the following circumstances:
      Presence of a fever
      Vomiting and/or diarrhea
      Death in the family/illness in the family
      Life threatening or immediate injury followed by a signed note from a medical professional
      Public health emergencies or exclusions, such as: head lice, whooping cough (pertussis), norovirus, hand-foot-and-
         mouth, pink eye, seasonal influenza, etc.
      Any absence accompanied by a signed note from a medical professional or a counselor (considered a medical absence)
      A mental or emotional health crisis necessitating removal from school by administration to ensure student safety

Repeated Unexcused Absences
Excessive absences negatively affect a student’s academic progress. Eight unexcused one-half day absences in any four-week
period during which the school is in session shall be considered irregular attendance. A student may be excused by the District
for a period not to exceed five days in a term of three months, or not to exceed ten days in any term of at least six months. Any
such excuse shall be in writing direct to the building administrator, and include documentation (e.g., healthcare provider) (ORS

According to Oregon state law, any student absent from school for ten consecutive days must be dropped from school rolls (ORS
339.250, OAR 581-23-006). Persons having legal control of a student ages 7 – 18 who have not completed Grade 12 are required
to have the student attend school as pursuant to ORS 339.020. Violation of this requirement is a Class C violation. If the school
determines that a parent/guardian has failed to enroll the child and to maintain the child in regular attendance, written notification
shall be given to the parent/guardian, requiring the parent/guardian to attend a conference with a designated school official. If
the parent/guardian does not attend or fails to send the child to school after the conference, state law and District policy allow
the Superintendent/designee to issue a citation to appear in Circuit Court.

A student who is absent from school or from class without permission will be considered truant and will be subject to detention,
suspension, ineligibility to participate in athletics or other activities and/or loss of driving privileges. (See ORS 339.065)

In an effort to correct attendance problems and to strongly encourage students to attend classes, disciplinary measures will be
taken in cases of unexcused absences or when proper attendance procedures are not followed.

Ten Day Consecutive Absences
If a student misses ten consecutive days, Oregon Law requires the school to drop the student. A letter will be sent to parents
informing them that their child has been dropped and the procedure to re-enroll.

Exemption from Compulsory Attendance
The school may grant an exemption from compulsory attendance to the parents of a student who is 16 years old or older
or an emancipated minor provided the student is:
        1. Employed full-time;
        2. Employed part-time and enrolled in school part-time;
        3. Enrolled in a community college;
        4. Enrolled in another state-registered alternative education program

All such requests must be submitted in writing to the principal and include documentation of the student's employment or
enrollment status. The school requires notification should the student's employment or enrollment status be terminated.

Each athlete shall be in attendance at school all day, and each day practices, contests, performances or activities are held
unless the absence is pre-arranged or excused through the Athletic Director or the building Principal. A participant shall
be in all classes on Friday to be eligible to participate in an activity during the weekend unless pre-arranged or excused by
the Athletic Director or the building Principal.

Pre-Arranged Absence
Pre-arranged absence arrangements should be filled out and submitted/completed for anticipated absences in a timely fashion,
especially if the absences will exceed three (3) days. For example: emergency, family trips, serious illness, hospitalization, etc.
Forms are available in the office and on district web site; parent/guardian signature is required for approval.

Students may be excused on a limited basis from a preplanned activity or from selected portions of the established curriculum on
the basis of a disability or for personal, religious or ethnic considerations.

Make-Up Work
Students will be given the number of excused dates absent plus one to make up all work missed. Students will have formative and
summative opportunities across the curriculum to assess for learning. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate with
their teachers when they will be gone for a pre-arrangement absences and/or school activity. Students do not have additional
days to make up long-term assignments when they miss school on the day it is due without communication with instructor and

Parents should contact the office (see SHS Office Homework form) to arrange for the collection of homework assignments for a
student who will be absent three days or more. Parents requesting homework should give the office 24 hours to gather the
materials from classes. Students and Parents are also strongly encouraged to use the Siuslaw High School website
( to access assignments when they have missed classes.

Checking Out
A student who finds it necessary to leave school during the day MUST BRING A NOTE FROM A PARENT OR LEGAL
GUARDIAN. Proper sign-out and authorization must be completed at the office before departure. A student who becomes ill
during the school day should, with the teacher’s permission, report to the office. The office staff will decide whether or not the
student should be sent home and will notify the student’s parent/guardian as appropriate. Failure to properly sign out at the
office will render a student “truant” and will result in disciplinary measures. If returning the same day, the student must sign back

Students who are eighteen may, with parental consent, apply to write their own notes for attendance/excuse reasons. Attendance
rules continue to apply, and this privilege (if granted) can be revoked. Applications are available in the office. Administration
must approve completed forms after a meeting with administration, parent and student.

Tardiness is an attendance issue that creates a consistent disruption to the classroom learning environment and to a student’s own
learning opportunities. Students are expected to arrive to class on time with appropriate materials. Being tardy means that a
student has not arrived before class time has begun. A student is not considered tardy if held after class by the preceding teacher
and provided with a note. On the third tardy for any one class during a semester, parents are notified and detention time is
assigned. Additionally, students who are consistently tardy following the lunch break may/will lose open campus privileges for
lunch as well as PRIDE time.

Students who ride bicycles to school must park them in the area provided for bicycles. Bicycles that are not locked and secured
properly are subject to damage and/or theft. Bikes may not be ridden through the parking lots or through the main driveway
areas, and may not be on sidewalk areas. Students under the age of 16 must wear a helmet as required by law. Repeat offenders
will not be allowed to have bikes on campus.
Skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, or any other similar wheeled vehicles are not allowed on any district campus or grounds
including use on sidewalks, in driveways, or in the parking lots. This does not include wheel chairs. Failure to comply with this
policy will result in disciplinary action. Board policy specifically bans skateboards from any district property for any reason.

Student clubs and performing groups such as the band, choir, rally, dance and athletic teams may establish rules of conduct
and consequences for misconduct that are stricter than those in the Student Code of Conduct &/or Athletic and Activities
Code. If a club violation is also a violation of the Student Code, the consequences specified by the district shall apply in
addition to any consequences specified by the organization (ie. OSAA).

All student clubs and organizations must have at least one faculty or district approved adult advisor, coach, or mentor.
New clubs must apply to and be recognized through student council before meeting on district grounds. In addition, all
clubs should establish a constitution and set of by-laws outlining the purpose of the group and conditions of membership.
Groups wishing to open an ASB account need to apply for one through student council.

Special problems confront administrators and teachers in conducting schooling programs free from disruption and free
from distracting behavior which impedes the learning of any student. School officials may occasionally find it necessary to
discipline a student or even temporarily remove the student from the formal learning environment. Teachers and
administrators have discretionary powers in invoking disciplinary actions and procedures and in maintaining a climate
conducive to learning and protecting life and property. School disciplinary actions are civil, not criminal, matters.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Among the student rights and responsibilities guaranteed by state and federal laws are the following:
1. Civil rights - including the rights to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination; the responsibility
not to discriminate against others;
2. The right to attend free public schools; the responsibility to attend school regularly and to observe school rules essential
for permitting others to learn at school;
3. The right to due process of law with respect to decisions which the student believes injure his/her rights;
4. The right to free inquiry and expression; the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights;
5. The right to assemble informally; the responsibility to not disrupt the orderly operation of the educational process, nor
infringe upon the rights of others;
6. The right to privacy, which includes privacy in respect to the student's education records; the responsibility to respect
others’ right to privacy;
7. The right to know the behavior standards expected, the responsibility to follow them or accept the consequences.

Classroom Conduct
Behavior in the classroom is first managed by the teacher, and may include verbal warnings, natural consequences, conference
with student and/or parent, phone calls home, behavior contract and possible assistance by counselors, leading to possible
teacher managed detention time in the teachers room. If classroom intervention is unsuccessful and low level misbehavior/minor
infractions continue, the student will then be referred to administrators. Defiance, disrespect, and not complying with student
handbook, including electronic device/cell phone policy, are possible classroom behaviors that could lead to disciplinary

Each teacher has a set of rules and consequences governing his/her classroom. Serious infractions will result in immediate
referral to the office. Students sent to the office should not expect minimum actions to be taken. If a student’s behavior
problem is serious or chronic, the student may be referred for expulsion or an alternative education plan.

Behavior Contracts
Students who accumulate offenses or demonstrate serious behavioral problems may be placed on behavior contracts.
Also, students who have demonstrated inappropriate behavior the previous semester may be placed on a behavior contract
upon re-entry to the next semester. Consequences outlined by the behavior contract supersede those that are indicated in
the student handbook. If a student refuses to sign the contract, the contract remains in force but a copy will be sent to the

Prohibited Behaviors
     Theft, damage or destruction of school or private property.
     Disruption of school functions, activities, events, or processes;
     Assault, fighting or threats of harm to self or others will be reported to the police.
     Violations of district transportation rules will be subject to transportation supervisors discipline policy;
     The possession of lighters, matches or any incinerating devises is prohibited. Any arson (fire starting) on school
        property is strictly forbidden;
     Blatant plagiarism or cheating - 1st Offense – No grade on assignment, 2nd Offense – Failure of class (may result
        in forfeiture of membership in NHS and/or class ranking of Valedictorian and Salutatorian);
     Leaving school grounds or school-sponsored events without permission;
     Use or display of profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures;
     Willful disobedience, disrespect, insubordination, or open defiance of school personnel authority;
     Committing extortion, coercion or blackmail, that is, obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling
        person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force;
     Name-calling, ethnic or racial slurs or derogatory statements that may substantially disrupt the school
        environment or incite violence;
     Physical contact or public lewdness - NO sitting on laps, NO excessive hugging and kissing with another student.
        Public lewdness encompasses any inappropriate, indecent or offensive act that implies or involves contact of a
        sexual nature. This includes inappropriate public display of affection.
     Sexual harassment, verbal or physical; sexting, which may include requests for sexual favors, name-calling, teasing,
        inappropriate touching, or any other intimidating sexual conduct;
     Hazing, harassment, intimidation, coercion, cyber bullying, or any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces a student
        or staff member will not be tolerated.
     Possession of laser pointers, matches, lighters;
     Assaulting or menacing a district employee or another student. Menacing means by word or conduct the student
        attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury;
     Gambling;
     Possession of squirt guns, water balloons or other water devices;
     Dress code violations (see section DRESS AND GROOMING);
     Displaying and/or advertising alcohol, tobacco, or drugs in any manner is prohibited;
     Gang behavior;
     Truancy and other unexcused absences (see section ATTENDANCE);
     False fire alarms and bomb threats;
     Vehicle safety/guideline violations.

A student shall not steal or attempt to steal or cause damage to school or private property regardless of the location of the
school property either on the school grounds or during a school activity, function or event off the school grounds. The
amount of damage shall be determined and an action may be brought against the student and student’s parents for the
amount of the assessed damages not to exceed $5,000 plus cost in addition to any other remedy provided by law.

In accordance with Oregon law, the superintendent may request that the driving privileges of the student or the right to
apply for driving privileges be suspended for one year for any student who has been expelled for bringing a weapon to
school or suspended or expelled at least twice for assaulting or menacing a district employee or another student, willful
damage or injury to district property, or for use of threats, intimidation, harassment or coercion against a district employee
or another student.

A second such request may result in suspension of driving privileges or the right to apply for driving privileges until the
student is age 21. A meeting with the parent or guardian will be held prior to submitting such request to the department of

A student may appeal district decisions regarding driving privileges under established due process procedures for
suspensions and expulsions.

Enforcement of the district’s drug, alcohol and tobacco policy may include the use of locker, handbag/backpack, and/or
personal searches, trained police dogs and/or undercover law enforcement officers.

Students in violation of the district’s alcohol, and tobacco policy will be subject to disciplinary action and referral to law
enforcement officials. The use, possession, consumption, or any form of traffic or commerce involving alcohol, and
tobacco in any form, real or imitation regulated or defined either by Oregon or federal law, or these regulations, by any
student of this district on school district property or the surrounding area (1000 feet), or in any relation to school activities
or functions or while being transported to/from school activities wherever occurring may result in expulsion.

Students in violation of the district’s drug policy will be subject to disciplinary action and referral to law enforcement
officials, as appropriate. At the minimum, the use, possession, consumption, or any form of traffic or commerce involving
drugs in any form, real or imitation regulated or defined either by Oregon or federal law, or these regulations, by any
student of this district on school district property or the surrounding area (1000 feet), or in any relation to school activities
wherever occurring may result in expulsion.

All employees of this district seeking to reasonably enforce these rules in good faith are granted, to the fullest
lawful extent, the immunity of the district from all liability to others.

Conduct Violations - Discipline
School personnel are in complete authority over students during school hours and at school functions whether on or off
school grounds regardless of time or location and while being transported in district-provided transportation.

Students are responsible for conducting themselves in accordance with the policies of the district and lawful directions
from staff. A student who violates the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action including
but not limited to:
    1. An informal conference and/or counseling;
    2. A formal conference and reprimand;
    3. Lunch detention;
    4. Friday or Saturday school;
    5. Parent contact.
    6. In-school suspension;
    7. Out-of-school suspension;
    8. Expulsion;
    9. Placement in an alternative education program;
    10. Placement on a behavior contract;
    11. Reporting behaviors which might violate state law to police.

All students will be given due process including the right to appeal the discipline decisions of staff and
administrators, and all decisions affecting the discipline, records and continuance of a student in school shall be
based on careful and reasoned investigation of the facts and the consistent application of rules and regulations to
ensure fair and objective treatment.

However, the administration will take into consideration past performance, maturity and impact on other students and the

A student may be detained outside of class-time on one or more days if the student violates the Student Code of Conduct.
If detention is not served, an additional detention will be assigned. Willfully failing to serve detention will result in
increased measures up to and including an out of school suspension.

A student may be suspended from school for up to and including 10 school days for willful and/or repeated violations of
the Student Code of Conduct, including but not limited to conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of
others to an education, endangers the student or other students or district property. The school will make a reasonable
and prompt effort to notify the parents of a suspended student. The district may also require a student to attend school
during non-school hours as an alternative to suspension.

While under suspension, a student may not attend any school activities or athletic events, be present on district
property, or participate in any activities directed or sponsored by the district.

A student may be expelled for severe or repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The expulsion hearing will
occur within 10 school days of the student’s suspension pending expulsion. No student may be expelled without a hearing
unless the student's parent or the student, if 18 years of age, waives the right to a hearing, either in writing or by failure to
appear at a scheduled hearing. An expulsion shall not extend beyond one calendar year.

Students may be permitted to use the district’s computer system (and student owned devices – with administrative approval) only
to meet the instructional objectives of the school and district or to conduct research related to education consistent with the
district’s mission statement. Students and parents must sign a Student Agreement for an Electronic Communications System
Account Form before a student is allowed to use the internet while at school. The forms are available in the office and will be
filed with the school administration. By signing the form, the parent and student indicate they understand the provisions
within the contract and accept the responsibilities and consequences contained therein. Facebook, Twitter and other social
networking sites are prohibited. No social networking sites or boards are allowed.

Student Violations/Consequences
    1. Students who violate general system user prohibitions shall be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion and/or
         revocation of district system access up to and including permanent loss of privileges.
    2. Violations of law will be reported to law enforcement officials and may result in criminal or civil sanctions.
    3. Disciplinary action may be appealed by parents, students and/or a representative in accordance with established district

Regular Parent/Student conferences are scheduled annually in the fall. Students and parents may also expect teachers to request a
conference 1) If the student is not maintaining passing grades or achieving the expected level of performance. 2) If the student is
not maintaining behavior expectations. 3) In any other case, the teacher considers a necessary positive step.

The district strongly encourages a student or parent in need of additional information or with questions or concerns to confer
with the appropriate teacher first, counselor second, and administrator third. Parents may request conferences at any time by
contacting the High School office, 541-997-3448.

Academic Advisor
All students in grades 9-12 and their parents shall be notified annually about graduation requirements and the
recommended courses for students.

Personal Counseling
A counselor is available on a regular basis to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns, including social,
family, emotional, academic, drug, alcohol or tobacco dependency issues. The counselor may also make available to
students information on available community resources and health facilities. Students meeting with the counselor during
class times will be excused from the class.

Occupational and Educational Training
The counseling department provides the student with information to help students understand the high school program, various
educational and vocational opportunities, and the requirements related to college and career choices. In addition, resources are
available to assist students in applying for financial assistance towards higher education.

ASPIRE Program
Access to Student Assistance Programs In Reach of Everyone (ASPIRE) The goal of this statewide
program will be to map out high school coursework, plan for post-high school training/education, and identify the financing
needs to make these dreams a reality. The Oregon student Assistance Commission, (OSAC) administers ASPIRE. This
organization qualifies students for grants and scholarships to attend Oregon schools.

The rules of good conduct, dress, and grooming shall be observed for school dances and social events. Guests will be
expected to observe the same rules as students attending the events. The person inviting the guest will share responsibility
for the conduct of the guest.

Anyone leaving before the official end of the activity will not be readmitted. Students who want a guest who is not
enrolled at Siuslaw High School must have a guest pass approved 3 days prior to the dance by administration. A student
may have only one guest at an event.

    1.  Current Student body cards are required for admission to all dances.
    2.  All students may be subjected to the use of a breathalyzer at the entrance to any or all extracurricular activities, including
    3. Attendance at after-game dances is limited to Siuslaw High School students.
    4. Students planning to attend a dance must attend school the week before the dance.
    5. Guests (dates who are not SHS students) are allowed for only four dances: Homecoming, Red Heart Hop, Winter
        Formal and Prom. Students must have guest form filled out and submitted to office 3 days in advance if they plan to
        bring a guest. Any guest must come with the SHS student who signed them up.
    6. SHS underclassmen attending prom as a guest of a junior or senior must be in good academic and behavior standing,
        have regular attendance and must fill out a guest pass. The guest pass must be approved 3 days prior to the dance by
    7. Middle school students or persons over the age of 20 may not attend high school dances.
    8. Students and guests who are requested to leave the dance for inappropriate conduct will be subject to disciplinary action
        and could lose the privilege to attend further dances for the remainder of the school year.
    9. Dances on Friday and Saturday evenings will end by 11:00 pm. Social events held on weekdays must end at 10:00 pm.
    10. Dances or social events are sponsored by school organizations and classes. An administrator must approve plans for an
        event at least one week in advance. The advisor of the sponsoring group must be in attendance at all times during
        preparations and the event itself.
    11. The organization sponsoring the dance is responsible for clean-up.

By policy the following information is considered directory information and may be released through proper
procedures: student's name, address, telephone listing, and photograph; date and place of birth; participation in officially
recognized activities; dates of attendance; degrees or awards received; weight and height on team members; and most recent
school or program attended.
Parents or students 18 years of age or emancipated may request an exclusion from the release of directory information within 15
days of annual public notice. Such requests must be made in writing and presented to the attending school and is only valid for
the present school year. Please understand that unless the parent objects to the release of any or all of this information within
fifteen (15) school days of the date this student handbook was issued to your child, directory information may be released by the
District for use in local school publications, other media and for such other purposes as deemed appropriate by the
Principal. Siuslaw School District shall forward requested education records within 10 days of receiving the request. Education
records policies are available for review at the Siuslaw School District Office at 2111 Oak Street, Siuslaw, OR 97439.

Parents or eligible students have the right to: 1) inspect and review the student's education records; 2) request the amendment of
the student's education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy
or other rights; 3) consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records; except
to the extent that these rules authorize disclosure without consent; 4) pursuant to OAR 581-21-410, file with the U.S. Department
of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the school District to comply with requirements of the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act; and 5) obtain a copy of the Board Policy JO-Education Records.

A student and/or parent with a complaint regarding possible discrimination of a student on the basis of color, sex, race,
national origin, age, marital status, religion, or handicap should contact the principal. If the complainant wishes to pursue
the matter, he/she will be provided, upon request, a copy of all applicable district procedures.

All aspects of school-sponsored publications, including newspapers and/or yearbooks, are completely under the
supervision of the teacher and principal. Students may be required to submit such publications to the administration for
Written materials, posters, signs, banners, handbills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes or other visual or
auditory materials may not be sold, circulated or distributed on district property by a student or a non-student without the approval of the
administration. Written material displayed without authorization will be removed. Any student who posts printed material
without prior approval shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Materials not under the editorial control of the district must be submitted to the principal or their designee for review and
approval before being distributed to students. The review will be based on legitimate educational concerns, including
whether the material is defamatory; age appropriate to the grade level and/or maturity of the reading audience; poorly
written; inadequately researched; biased or prejudiced; not factual; not free of racial, ethnic, religious or sexual bias; in
conflict with public school laws, rules and/or Board policy; deemed inappropriate for students; or which may be
reasonably perceived by the public to bear the sanction or approval of the district.

Responsibility for dress and grooming rests primarily with students and their parents; however, the district expects student dress
and grooming to meet standards which ensure that the following conditions do not exist:
    1. Disruption or interference with the classroom learning environment;
    2. Threat to the health and/or safety of the student concerned or of other students.

Students who represent the school in a voluntary activity may be required to conform to dress and grooming standards and may
be denied the opportunity to participate if those standards are not met.

Responsibility for dress and grooming rests primarily with students and their parents. Students may generally dress as they please,
but there are some restrictions in keeping with basic health and safety standards, as well as minimizing disruptions to the learning
environment. Provisions for dress and grooming for performance, activity-based, career or special activities will arise directly from
the needs of the course or activity. Courses in science, career-technical education, music, fine arts, and alike, will outline the
specific dress needs for safety, performance or venue in the respective course syllabi and/or safety contracts. Special activities or
field trips will have specific dress needs outlined prior to departure so that both students and parents are prepared for both the
activity and site location.

Each school has a pantry that contains clean clothes and toiletries for students. Students may use locker room facilities or other
private bathing facilities as they request. When student hygiene impacts the ability of others in the classroom environment to
learn, they may be asked by teaching or administrative staff to make use of the bathing facilities or pantry supplies.

Student religious apparel and head or hair coverings (yarmulke, kippah, kufi, hijab, dupatta, turban, pagri, bonnets, etc.) are

   1. Shirts and shoes are required.
   2. Clothing with illicit drug, alcohol or tobacco messages are prohibited as these substances are illegal for minors or are
       illegal by law.
   3. Clothing with vulgar, plainly offensive, profane, obscene or sexually explicit references, graphics or comments are
   4. Clothing may not advocate prejudice, violence, or depict violence.
   5. Hoods, scarves, bandanas, facemasks, etc. that obscure a person’s face or identity pose a safety hazard/threat and are not
       permitted on school grounds or during school activities (exceptions may be made for special activities such as Spirit
   6. Clothing that depicts gang affiliation or other hostile messages that could be interpreted as harassment in their message
       (implied or not) may not be worn.
   7. Undergarments should not be visible to others. Clothes designed primarily as undergarments may not be worn as
       exterior, visible clothing. Clothes that are see-through and/or worn in a way that reveal undergarments are not
       appropriate and may not be worn.

Students who do not follow the above guidelines will be asked to change their clothes and/or will be provided with alternative
clothing from the student pantry/school office if the student has nothing readily available on campus. Clothes provided by the
office are for temporary use. Hygiene products provided by the office do not need to be returned. Flagrant, deliberate or repeated
violations will result in disciplinary action.

Specific references and definitions related to the Athletic & Activity Substance Abuse Policy are an application of the following
Siuslaw School District policy and administrative rules:
      Policy JFC – Student Conduct
      Policy JFCG/KGC/GBK – Tobacco and Inhalant-Free Environment
      Policy JFCG-AR – Use of Tobacco
      Policy JFCH – Alcohol
      Policy JFCH/JFCI-AR – Use of Alcohol and Drugs
      Policy JFCI – Substance/Drug Abuse
      Policy JFCIA/JFCIA-AR – Student Drug Testing – Extracurricular Activity Participants

The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited. No student involved in OSAA extracurricular, OSAA co-curricular and
district-sponsored activities shall knowingly possess, use, sell, supply or be under the influence of alcohol, a tobacco product,
performance enhancing drug, inhalants or controlled substance of any kind. This policy shall be in effect 24 hours a day from the
first day an athlete or activity participant signs the participation agreement throughout the remainder of that school year and all of
their subsequent high school years. Student-athletes and activity participants are expected to maintain the policy standard during
any school-sponsored activity outside the established school calendar (i.e., summer camps, competitions or events).

The use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited. No student involved in OSAA extracurricular, OSAA co-curricular and
district-sponsored activities shall knowingly possess, use, sell, supply or be under the influence of alcohol, a tobacco product,
performance enhancing drug, inhalants or controlled substance of any kind. This policy shall be in effect 24 hours a day from the
first day an athlete or activity participant signs the participation agreement throughout the remainder of that school year and all of
their subsequent high school years. Student-athletes and activity participants are expected to maintain the policy standard during
any school-sponsored activity outside the established school calendar (i.e., summer camps, competitions or events).

Participation in OSAA extracurricular or OSAA co-curricular activities sponsored by the Siuslaw School District is not
required; it is a privilege. Students choosing to participate in OSAA extracurricular, OSAA co-curricular and district-sponsored
activities are prohibited from knowingly attending or remaining at events where individuals are engaged in breaking the law by
possessing, using, delivering, and/or selling alcohol, marijuana, and/or other illegal substances. These events include, but are not
limited to parties and group gatherings. It is the student’s responsibility to immediately remove himself or herself from the party
or group gathering as soon as the student or activity participant becomes aware that alcohol, marijuana, and/or illegal substances
are being possessed, used, delivered, or sold in violation of the laws of the state of Oregon. The student should inform their
parent or guardian immediately and report the incident to a coach, athletic director or administrator at the start of the
next school day. The student does not need to report on others in attendance.

The Siuslaw School District recognizes a student cannot be responsible for the misbehavior of other individuals; however, it is the
student’s responsibility to avoid associating with individuals engaging in illegal activities. Students that knowingly transport others
to or from such an illegal event are in violation of the policy; being a ‘designated driver’ is a concept for those of legal age and
status. Students will be found in violation of this policy by knowingly attending or remaining at such an event and attendance at
such an event will be treated as a first, second or third offense, depending on any previous violations of the athletic and activity
policy by the student.

“School year” is defined as the first date in August when practices may commence, defined annually by the OSAA, through the
end of the school calendar established by the Board of Directors.

“Co-curricular” activities are those which take place during the school day and are associated with a curricular program.

“Extracurricular” activities are those which take place outside the school day and arenot associated with a curricular program.

“Illegal drug” is any drug which an individual may not sell, possess, use, distribute or purchase under state law, or as defined in
schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 812) including, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine,
opiates, amphetamines and phencyclidine (PCP). As used in this policy, “illegal drug” also means possession, use, sale or supply of
prescription and nonprescription medication - in violation of Board policy JHCD - Administering Noninjectable Medicines to
Students and accompanying administrative regulation [and JHCDA - Administering Injectable Medicines to Students]. “Illegal
drug” shall also include alcohol.”

Siuslaw School District believes that student safety is paramount in building positive extracurricular, co-curricular and other
district-sponsored programs. Because of this belief, all students involved in OSAA extracurricular, OSAA cocurricular and other
district-sponsored programs may be tested for illegal substances. This includes all students involved in OSAA competitions,
leadership and other possible activities.

Students who participate in OSAA extracurricular, OSAA co-curricular and other district-sponsored programs may be tested
randomly during the season. Random testing will be conducted periodically throughout the entire season, from the opening of
practice through the conclusion of games, contests or festivals. Selection for random testing will be by lottery from a pool of all
current participating students in
OSAA extracurricular, OSAA co-curricular and other district-sponsored programs in the district at the time of the drawing. The
superintendent shall take reasonable steps to assure the integrity, confidentiality and random nature of the selection process
including, but not limited to, assuring that:
     1. The names of all current participating students will be in the pool for testing;
     2. The pool of names for testing is entered into a spreadsheet;
     3. Spreadsheet line numbers are selected via an on-line random number generator;
     4. The random number generation and spreadsheet cross-referencing process will be observed by at least two adults.

These tests will be urine analysis (UA) that will be given by administrators and/or their designee. Samples will be collected on the
same day the student is selected for testing or, if the student is absent on that day, on the day of the student’s return to school. If
a student is unable to produce a sample at any particular time, the student will be allowed to return later that same day to provide
the sample. All students selected for testing will be given the option of providing samples in private.

Sample containers will be labeled and sealed by the participant. After completion, each participant will bring the container to the
test administrator who will take it and place the container on a table and keep it private from other participants.

The test will be for one or more illegal drugs. The superintendent shall decide prior to selection of students which illegal drugs
shall be screened. Samples will not be screened for the presence of any substance other than an illegal drug or for the existence of
any physical condition other than drug intoxication.

Parents will always be contacted if their child has a positive result on any test.

Students who refuse to provide a sample will be considered to have tested positive and will be subject to the procedures listed

1.   A violation of the Athletic & Activity Substance Abuse Policy will be established by one or more of the following
          a. Self-Admission (consequence may be reduced by one-half)
          b. Positive result on a drug screening test
          c. Police Report
          d. Coach, teacher, or staff observation
          e. Preponderance of evidence (testimony of others, verified social media posts, etc.)
2.   Violations: Each consecutive school year, participants will re-affirm their knowledge of the Athletic & Activity
     Substance Abuse Policy during registration for the upcoming extracurricular and co-curricular seasons and activities.
          a. Any violation, in season or out of season, will accumulate during an athlete's four-year high school
               career. Every subsequent violation moves the athlete down to the next step. (Violations that are more than
               two years apart are not considered consecutive and the student would repeat the previous level consequence.)
          b. All suspensions from participation will coincide with the OSAA sporting calendar. Out of season violation
               consequences will take effect during the next sport season in which the athlete participates.
          c. Any violation of the athletic substance abuse policy will be dealt with separate from any legal procedures,
               formal or informal.
          d. Any drug and/or alcohol violation during the regular school day will be considered a violation of the Athletic
               Substance Abuse Policy (violations of policies: JFC, JFCG/KGC/GBK, JFCG-AR, JFCH, JFCH/JFCI-AR,
               JFCI, JFCIA/JFCIA-AR).
          e. Reports containing materials of a vague origin and/or indeterminate time frame, fall outside of policy
               guidelines or are not relevant to the current activity may be set aside by administration. The validity of such
               materials will be at the determined by the administrator receiving the initial report, and then confirmed if the
               building level decision is appealed to the superintendent.
          f. Materials related to evidence of violations, substantiated or alleged, are archived separate from regular student
               discipline records so that if these materials surface again, as in the case of reposted social media entries, old
               photographs, or cached images from internet postings, etc., that they cannot be used to generate a new
               violation based on a previously decided or closed incident.
3.   Consequences:
          a. First Offense
                      i. Notify student and parent/guardian.
                     ii. A 14 calendar day suspension from participation in all athletic games, competitions and activities.
                         (Must attend all practice sessions.)
                    iii. Attend mandatory follow-up sessions with the student, parent/guardian, school counselor,
                         administrator and athletic director. Reinstatement of the student into the activity is contingent upon
                         the student complying with recommendations presented and having clean UA’s throughout the 14
                         calendar day suspension. UA’s will be conducted on or near day 7 and day 14 of the suspension
                         period. Failure to comply with the recommendations will be treated as a second offense.
                    iv. Submit to drug testing at any time during the remainder of the season.
          b. Second Offense
                      i. Notify student and parent/guardian.
                     ii. Full suspension from participation in all athletic games, competitions and activities for 45 calendar
                         days. (Must attend all practice sessions.) However, students may still participate in the following
                         school year’s activities with the principal, athletic director and school counselor’s unanimous approval.
                    iii. Attend mandatory follow-up sessions with the student, parent/guardian, school counselor,
                         administrator and athletic director. Reinstatement of the student into the activity is contingent upon
                         the student complying with recommendations1 presented and having clean UAs throughout the 45
                         calendar day suspension. UAs will be conducted on or near day 14, day 28 and day 45 of the
                         suspension period. Failure to comply with the recommendations will be treated as a third offense.
                    iv. Submit to drug testing at any time during the remainder of the season.
          c. Third Offense
               Full suspension from all extracurricular activities and district sponsored programs for the remainder of the
               school year and the following school year per OSAA calendar. However, students may still participate in the
               following school year’s activities with the principal, athletic director and school counselor’s unanimous

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