STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

Page created by Virginia Clarke
STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute


Suite 1, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Ave. Australian Technology Park Eveleigh NSW 2015 Sydney
CRICOS Provider Code: 02491D. TEQSA PRV12059
STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute


                     Top Education Institute, through its two professional
                     schools, the Sydney City School of Business and the
                     Sydney City School of Law, is committed to providing
                     quality higher education in international business
                     and law studies leading to careers in law, accounting,
                     business, and other professional areas in the public
                     and private, domestic and international sectors.
                     We seek to equip all students with a solid,
                     comprehensive knowledge base on which they
                     can receive advanced, systematic training in their
                     respective disciplines, and are encouraged to exercise
                     individual freedom of intellectual thought and curiosity.
                     By encouraging independent, critical thought and the
                     development of strong research skills, we prepare
                     our students for success in their chosen careers or
                     postgraduate fields of study. Through professional
                     internships, TOP students apply their academic
                     training and further develop teamwork and leadership
                     capabilities. Our curriculum, integrating classroom
                     learning, interaction with practicing industry specialists
                     and leaders, and work placement opportunities, adopts
                     an international perspective and emphasises particular
                     knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region that is now
                     increasingly important to all of our students.
                     Situated in the Australia Technology Park (Australia’s
                     Silicon Valley) we have a special focus on inculcating
                     values that promote innovation and commitment to find
                     and make a better way.
                     Moreover, it is the Institute’s mission to cultivate in its
                     students a sense of social responsibility and service to
                     the global community. In other words, a commitment to
                     preserve our heritage and build on the best of the past,
                     while improving our lives in the present and enabling a
                     better tomorrow for generations to come.
                     The motto of TOP is “Capability, Integrity,
                     Responsibility and A Winning Alliance”, which
                     highlights the spirit of TOP’s mission and its
                     character as a Higher Education Institute.

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

         Introduction to Top
         Education Institute
         Sydney City School of Business | Sydney City School of Law

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

         we are

                             Message from the Dean of the
                             Sydney City School of Business

                             The Sydney City Business School at TOP is on the move.
                             The Business School now offers undergraduate degree
                             programs in accounting, finance and management
                             and postgraduate degree programs in accounting,
                             international business, marketing and business
                             research. All of the Business School’s award courses
         Professor           are accredited by the Australian Government’s Tertiary
         Peter Eddey         Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) and the
                             accounting programs have additional accreditation from
         Dean, Sydney City   CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants ANZ, the Institute
                             of Public Accountants and the Institute of Cost and
         Business School     Management Accountants.

                             The Business School campus is located at the Australian
                             Technology Park, a heritage site close to Sydney’s
                             central business district. Teaching and learning facilities
                             are excellent with high quality teaching staff, a modern
                             library with e-books and e-journals, modern classrooms,
                             open spaces plus student support staff and student
                             facilities such as cafes and recreation areas.

                             The teaching and learning environment places an
                             emphasis on practical, career relevant education. This is
                             reflected in the teaching staff, most of whom have a mix
                             of academic credentials and professional experience
                             and provide exposure to the latest knowledge within
                             a contemporary business setting. It is a multicultural
                             campus too where students get to mix with others from
                             around the world and learn of different cultures and
                             perspectives and build solid friendships and networks
                             for the future.

                             We know that the education environment, fellow
                             students, staff, teaching methods and facilities are
                             important ingredients to a quality education. It is
                             the total experience that counts and this is what the
                             Business School strives to achieve. From student and
                             graduate responses to date, the Business School is on
                             the right track. We currently have around 800 students
                             who have chosen TOP as their preferred place for study.
                             I hope you can join us in this journey and experience
                             higher education with the Sydney City Business School.
                             The time you spend with us is sure to be productive.

                             Professor Peter Eddey
                             Dean, Sydney City Business School

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

         we are

                             Message from the Dean of the
                             Sydney City School of Law

                             At TOP, our philosophy and approach to legal education
                             are driven by a passion and commitment to train
                             lawyers with a global outlook in the practice of law and a
                             dedication to social justice.

                             We live in an increasingly globalised environment in
         Professor           which national legal, social and political issues are
         Philip Griffith     informed by and better understood in an international
                             context. With our state of the art technology and some
                             of the very best law teachers in Australia, we aim to train
         Dean, Sydney City   lawyers of the future equipped with the best practical
         School of Law       skills to deal with legal issues in the global market
                             environment. Welcome to the Sydney City School of Law.

                             Professor Philip Griffith
                             Dean Sydney City School of Law

                             Philip Griffith has been an academic in law schools since 1972. Philip
                             has specialised in the field of Intellectual Property and researched,
                             taught, published and engaged in policy debate and reform in the field
                             since 1972.

                             Prior to his work at Top Education Institute Philip served in senior
                             academic and academic management roles in other Australian and
                             international universities. He has served at various times as Dean,
                             Associate Dean, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, Associate
                             Dean Research and Director of International Programs.

                             Professor Griffith has also been involved in contributing to the
                             development of intellectual property education in Asia with particular
                             interests in Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan
                             and, most recently, in the People’s Republic of China. Philip has done
                             work for the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), APEC,
                             AusAID, Economic and Social Cooperation in Asia Pacific (ESCAP) and
                             other international organizations; a number of national governments;
                             for IP Australia; and other intellectual property offices.

                             Philip’s current academic interests are concerned with aspects of
                             comparative law with special interest in the development of the legal
                             system in the People’s Republic of China and the intellectual property
                             regime in the Republic of Indonesia.

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute
   A1. Mission Statement                               02
   A2. Introduction to Top Education Institute         03

   PART 1: CONTACT DETAILS                             08
           Staff offices
           Faculty contact details
           Transport and parking
           Social media

   PART 2: OUR COMMITMENT                              10

           Student rights
           TOP Student Responsibility:
           Code of conduct for students

   PART 4: STUDENT LIFE                                13
           Student number
           Student email
           Student ID card
           Unit materials and textbooks
           Learning Skills and Resource Support
           Classrooms and Facilities
           Student progression
           Early intervention for Students at Risk
           Student Documents

   PART 5: YOUR ENROLMENT                              18
           Credit transfer and articulation
           Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation

   PART 6: FINANCE                                     19
           Tuition fees
           Fees refund policy
           Additional study costs

   PART 7: LIBRARY RESOURCES                           20
           Library resources
           TOP library and the future
           Additional Services
           Library hours
           Library contact information

   PART 8: IT Services                                 21
           Moodle access and use
           Student portal access and use
           Copy and Print

   PART 9: SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS                     22
    Scholarships for students

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute
contents continued

            Internship Program
            Student Ambassador Program
            Professional Development
            NSW Young Lawyers
            SCSL Law Students society
            CPA Ambassadors Program
            CPA Australia Network
            TOP’s Career Edge
            Student Participation at TOP
            Social Activities

      PART 11: STUDY PATHWAYS                                    26
            University of Wollongong pathway
            University of Newcastle pathway

      PART 12: SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELLBEING                      27
            Cyber Safety
            General suggestions

            Living in Sydney
            Visa conditions
            Know your rights
            Legal Advice

            Behavioural Misconduct
            Academic Integrity

            Student Feedback
            Complaints process
            Grievance process
            External mediation

            NSW Work and Health Safety Act
            Discrimination and Harassment
            Privacy Policy


      PART 18: EMERGENCIES                     42
             Emergency contacts
             ATP security
             Redfern police station
             Emergency exit
             First aid and medical emergencies

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

         contact details
         Staff Offices                         Key Contact Details

             Administration Office:                General enquiries
             G01 Biomedical Building, No.          Email:
             1 Central Avenue, Australian
             Technology Park Eveleigh, NSW
             2015                                  Admission enquiries
             Academic Office:
             16101, 2 Locomotive Street,           Academic enquiries for business
             Australian Technology Park            Email:
             Eveleigh, NSW 2015

                                                   Law school enquiries
             Moot Court:
             Suite G11, 1 Central Avenue,
             Australian Technology Park
             Eveleigh, NSW 2015                    Academic transcript enquiries
             Phone: +61 2 9209 4888
             Email:                Finance enquiries
             Fax:   +61 2 9209 4887                Email:

             Office business hours:                Library services enquiries
             Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00       Email:

             Website:               Learning support enquiries

                                                   Student services enquiries

                                                   IT support

                                                   Individual faculty members are to
                                                   be contacted via their TOP email
                                                   address, provided in unit outlines
                                                   to enrolled students.

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute



                                                                                         STEET ENTRY

                                                       TOP          TOP
                                                       CLASSROOMS   RECEPTION

                                          MOOT COURT

                                                                                                             NY RO

   Transport and Parking
                                                                           By Car
   By Rail                                                                 The entrance to the ATP car park is from Henderson Road,
   From Redfern Station                                                    Eveleigh. As construction work is ongoing at ATP, parking is
   Exit via Platform 10 at Redfern Station. Walk past the                  located at 8 Central Avenue. You can use the DIVVY app to
   Water Tower apartment block and follow the walkway                      check available parking spots.
   through to the Australian Technology Park (ATP).
   Pedestrian access to the Locomotive Workshops are                       By Motorbike
   through Bays 1, 4 and 8.
                                                                           There is no parking in front of Bay 16, or on Locomotive
                                                                           Street. If you want to park your motorbike, there is parking at
   By Bus                                                                  the side of the Bay 1.
   There are frequent bus services to the ATP from the city
   and Sydney’s domestic and international airports. The                   Transport concessions
   bus stop closest to the ATP is on the corner of Boundary                Domestic students can apply for an Opal card in the
   and Regent Street. For bus timetables call the Transport                Administration Office. For international students please
   Infoline on 131 500 or visit                     refer to Part 13 of the handbook

   Social Media
   Our community is united by a passion for learning and
   innovation. To keep up with the latest events and news, you’ll
   always find something interesting to read on our social media:
   Facebook (Top Education Institute and Top Education Library),
   Google+(Top Education), Twitter (@top_education), LinkedIn
   (Top Education Institute) and Blog (

STUDENT 2018/19 - Top Education Institute

         our commitment

                The Top Education Institute logo has three symbols:
                the words Top Education, the heritage building of
                the locomotive workshops and an open book. The
                open book symbolises the pursuit of knowledge and
                the quality teaching and learning offered at TOP.
                The motto is “Capability, Integrity, Responsibility”,
                which highlights the spirit of TOP’s mission and its
                character as a Higher Education Institute.

                TOP is committed to pursuing and encouraging
                academic excellence in student performance
                and in its teaching across the undergraduate and
                postgraduate levels. A practical outlook and teaching
                emphasis on practical skills ensures that graduates
                from TOP enter the workforce as effective and highly
                skilled individuals, and have the capacity to build
                successful careers in their chosen areas.

                TOP is committed to maintaining academic and
                professional integrity and upholding ethical
                practice. Academic integrity is a priority for all
                students and for staff undertaking further study
                or research. TOP also ensures that TOP upholds
                standards of dignity and respect, and requires
                respect and integrity in all professional and
                teaching and learning relations.

                TOP is committed to responsibility for its students and
                staff. TOP is dedicated to building an equitable learning
                environment where all students are valued and respected,
                and is responsible for encouraging an environment
                of social inclusion and diversity. TOP maintains high
                safety practices within the Institute, and ensures that all
                individuals involved with TOP are protected and can work
                and study safely.


         Your Rights and
         In this section you will be introduced to your rights and
         responsibilities as a TOP student.

         Student Rights                                           TOP Student Responsibility
         TOP has a reputation of providing a safe, inclusive,     Enrolment obligations
         progressive and friendly place to study. TOP aims        Students are responsible for abiding with the
         to provide a supportive and collaborative teaching       conditions required under their enrolment. This
         and learning environment to every student, to            may include:
         benefit individuals and the community. You have
                                                                  1. Keeping their enrolment and contact
         the right to expect that your education at TOP will
                                                                     information (mobile number, address, etc)
         be at a consistently high academic standard. You            updated on the TOP’s system;
         have the right to equal access to resources and
         accurate and transparent information from the            2. Regularly checking their student email account
         Institute.                                                  and Moodle notifications;
                                                                  3. Planning their enrolment according to the rules
         TOP provides students with multiple channels
                                                                     of the course, within the required study period.
         to express their voice and their feedback. We
                                                                     It is expected that students consult and obtain
         encourage students to be active in the TOP                  relevant advice from the Admissions team on
         community, through participation in student bodies          recognizing credit for any prior learning;
         and professional development programs. For more
                                                                  4. Paying their fees in accordance with the
         information on Student Bodies and Professional
                                                                     deadlines given by the Institute; and
         Development Programs please refer to Part 10 of
         the handbook.                                            5. International students need to abide by their
                                                                     visa conditions in relation to their enrolment into
         We welcome student feedback and TOP students                a course.
         have the right to report issues or grievances on
         both academic and non-academic matters. If
         you have any problems, complaints or grievance,          Code of Conduct for Students
         you may report it to TOP’s Student Rights and
                                                                  TOP is committed to providing its students with a
         Protection Unit under the Student Experience
                                                                  rewarding and worthwhile learning experience. As
         Committee. For more information on Feedback,
                                                                  part of this experience, TOP and its students share
         Complaints and Grievances please refer to Part 15.       the responsibility of maintaining a safe, tolerant and
         TOP appreciates that privacy is very important to        harmonious for all. Outlined below are some of the
         students. When you enrol at TOP, any personal            responsibilities that we expect our students to embody
         information provided, such as address and contact        while studying at the Institute:
         details, is covered by the Privacy Act and the           Responsible Behaviour
         National Privacy Principles. TOP recognises your
                                                                  You are expected to behave responsibly and promote
         right to expect that your personal information           the values of TOP at all times. You should respect all
         will be kept confidential and held securely and          rules and regulations of ATP as well as the Institute. It is
         privately. For more information about Privacy and        expected that you will follow the policies and procedures
         Personal Information please refer to Part 16.            of TOP and attend to your duties as a student i.e.
                                                                  maintaining your academic performance as well as
         TOP prides itself on being a fair, tolerant, inclusive
                                                                  engaging with the wider community.
         and a welcoming environment to every student.
         Any acts of discrimination or harassment of any          Academic Misconduct
         manner will not be tolerated. For more information       Students are to conduct themselves responsibly during
         about Anti-discrimination and harassment, please         examinations and assessments. TOP will not tolerate any
         refer to the Student Policies and Procedures page        acts of plagiarism, cheating, academic dishonesty and/or
         at                                       fraudulent behaviour during exams and assessments.

PART 3   Your Rights and Responsibilities

         Such behaviour will result in disciplinary action and     Offensive Material
         may also lead to permanent mark on your record.
                                                                   Offensive material will not be displayed or produced in
         More information please refer to the TOP Website
                                                                   any part of the Institute.
                                                                   Noise Levels
         Respect for Others                                        Out of consideration for the other businesses located
                                                                   in ATP, a noise level that disturbs others is considered
         You are required to treat all members of staff and
         your fellow students with respect. Students are to be
         conscious of their behaviour and to not cause offense
                                                                   Alleged Illegal Activity
         or discomfort to the teaching staff or their fellow
         students. For example speaking consistently while         If a student is alleged, by a member of staff, to have
         lectures are in progress will not be tolerated and you    engaged in illegal activity under the laws of any State,
         will be asked to leave the classroom if you continually   Territory or Commonwealth jurisdiction, the matter
         interrupt the lecturer or other students.                 shall be reported to the police of that jurisdiction for
         Respect for Property
                                                                   Firearms and Dangerous Weapons
         Students are to respect and maintain the property of
         their fellow students, TOP and of ATP. Students are       Firearms or replicas of firearms (including ammunition
         not permitted to damage, destroy, pollute or vandalise    or magazines), weapons, flammables, explosives or
         any part of the premises, resources or facilities of      dangerous instruments are prohibited in the Institute.
         TOP or ATP. Students should also be mindful that their
         behaviour does not hinder other’s access to the use       Drugs and Alcohol
         and enjoyment of resources and facilities                 Students are not permitted to bring any drug or
                                                                   alcoholic substances on to the premises of TOP or ATP.
         Identification                                            No drugs, other than those prescribed by a medical
         For reasons regarding identification and attendance,      practitioner, or available over the counter without
         all students of TOP are required to have their student    prescription, will be tolerated on TOP premises.
         card on them at all times. This includes during class     Students are also not permitted to distribute drugs or
         attendance and exam attendance. If you fail to            alcohol to other students.
         produce your student card at the request of staff at
         TOP you may not be able to sit your exam. You may also    Smoking is a health hazard
         be asked to leave the premises.                           Smoking is a health hazard and is prohibited in all
                                                                   buildings of the ATP premises including the toilets. If
         Harassment                                                a student chooses to smoke they may do so outside
         Any act of physical or verbal abuse, bullying, improper   the building and at least five (5) metres away from the
         influence and/or intimidation committed by a student      doorway and within the designated area. Students are
         upon others within TOP or within the ATP will be          to ensure that they do not hinder or block the access
         deemed as misconduct and subject to disciplinary          of other users of the premises and must be mindful of
         action. Additionally, unwanted sexual attention           other users when they are in the designated area.
         including harassment, assault, stalking, and language
         are not tolerated by our Institute. Please refer to the   For more information on the Student Code of Conduct,
         Student Grievance Policy and Procedures for more          please refer to the Student Policies and Procedures
         information on bullying and harassment. You can           register which can be found at the TOP website: www.
         report these issues via  
         All student concerns will be kept private and
         confidential.                                             false documents
                                                                   Please be aware that if you provide falsified documents
         Discrimination                                            to TOP, then this could result in one of a range of
         A student is not permitted to discriminate, antagonise    penalties, from failure in the course or suspension
         or single out a person or a group of persons because      (where applicable), exclusion and/or the matter may
         of their gender, sexual orientation, race, religious      be reported to ICAC.
         beliefs, marital status, age or disabilities. Any form
         of discrimination is not acceptable at TOP and will
         not be tolerated. Serious cases of discrimination
         will be viewed as misconduct and will be subject to
         disciplinary action.


         student life
         Student Number                                           Assessments
         Your student number is generated at the time of          Details of assessment tasks for each unit are
         enrolment into your chosen course of study, and serves   available in each individual unit outline provided at
         as your unique identifier during your study at TOP.      the beginning of each semester. Assessments in a
                                                                  unit can be made up of several components, such
                                                                  as a formal examination, essays, tests, assignments,
                                                                  oral presentations and participation in class.
         Student Email
         Your student email will be provided to you following     The final mark that a student receives in a unit will
         your enrolment and all official correspondence from      be determined by the lecturer and examiner of each
         TOP will be sent to this email. The confirmation of      unit and will take into account all aspects of internal
         your student email with username, password and           and final assessment. For more information on
         instructions, will be sent to your personal email        assessment, please refer to the Assessment Policy
         account that has been provided to TOP during the         and Procedure.
         enrolment process. Students should receive this
         confirmation notification within 48 hours once
         completing enrolment. For assistance or if you do
                                                                  Special Consideration Procedures
         not receive confirmation, please contact:                                    A student who has been prevented through an
                                                                  illness or other unavoidable and/or unforeseen
                                                                  circumstances from satisfying the normal
                                                                  assessment requirements for a unit may apply for
         Student ID Card                                          special consideration of his/her assessment.
         Your student ID card will be provided to you following
                                                                  A student must complete a formal application for a
         your enrolment and serves as official identification
                                                                  supplementary assessment or special consideration
         for all assessment and administrative purposes.
                                                                  as soon as practicable and within seven working
         Student cards are required for borrowing library
                                                                  days of the assessment.
         resources, and can also have credit loaded on it
         for printing and photocopying services. This unique
                                                                  As stated above only students with extenuating
         student identification card is also required during
                                                                  and compelling circumstances are eligible for
         all examinations. Any fraud or inappropriate use of
                                                                  a supplementary examination. Extenuating and
         a TOP student identification card will be regarded as
                                                                  compelling circumstances may include:
         serious misconduct and may be subject to penalties
         and sanctions.
                                                                  •   Illness (supported by medical certificates)

                                                                  •   Family trauma (supported by evidence)
         Unit Materials and Textbooks                             •   Other emotional issues (supported by a letter
         Required textbooks and recommended texts and                 from the Student Services Manager).
         materials will be listed in each unit outline. A set
         number of key texts for each unit can be found in
         the TOP library, and are available for purchase via a
         range of sources. Library officers can assist students   Special Examination Arrangements
         in sourcing and purchasing texts and materials.          TOP will try its best to accommodate any student
         Students are required to purchase the required           with current medical condition/s and/or disabilities.
         text for each course. For help with using databases      Students who may require assistance are to seek
         and e-books, please contact our library support          advice from the Academic Administration team.
         staff. You can also attend workshops to enhance
         your information and resource searching. More
         information on library resources can be found on
         TOP’s Library Website:

PART 4   Student Life

         The Grading System

          Grade                         Descriptions

          High Distinction 85% - 100%   An outstanding level of achievement. The student has an extensive
                                        knowledge and understanding of the unit material and unit objectives
                                        beyond the normal expectations of the course; very high level of

                Distinction 75% - 84%   A high level of achievement. The student exhibits a comprehensive
                                        understanding of the unit content and unit objectives and can readily
                                        apply this knowledge; high level of competence.

                     Credit 65% -74%    Substantial level of achievement. The student has a thorough knowledge
                                        and understanding of the unit content and unit objectives and is
                                        competent in the processes and skills of the course; reasonable level of

                     Pass 50% - 64%     Satisfactory achievement. The student has demonstrated an acceptable
                                        level of knowledge and understanding of the unit content and unit
                                        objectives and has achieved a basic level of competence in the processes,
                                        skills and knowledge of this unit; adequate level of competence.

                         Fail 0 - 49%   Limited achievement in the unit. The student has some knowledge and
                                        understanding of the unit content and unit objectives but has not been
                                        able to demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge, competence or
                                        skills; inadequate level of competence.

                                 FCC    Failed compulsory component. A student with a current enrolment
                                        failed a component of the unit deemed essential to pass the unit.
                                        A FCC grade can apply to a student with an aggregate mark greater
                                        than 50%.

                                  FA    Fail Absent. A student with current enrolment in a unit did not attend
                                        the final examination of that unit.

                                   FI   Fail Incomplete. As student did not satisfactorily complete all required
                                        within-semester assessment tasks.

                                 FW     Fail Withdrawn. A student withdrew from the unit after census date,
                                        and before the last day of the teaching period, without showing
                                        justifiable reasons for withdrawal, for which a WITHDRAWN grade
                                        would otherwise have applied.

4   Student Life

    Learning Skills and
    Resource Support
    TOP designs tailored support programs and
    coordinates with the business and law schools to
    deliver substantive and effective learning skills study
    and available resources, designed to meet student
    needs and to facilitate learning. This includes:
    •   Assisting students participating in external
        library resource access, such as through
        membership with the University of Sydney
        Library. To apply for a membership card for the
        University of Sydney Library, please refer to Part
    •   Promoting PASS Program for undergraduate
        Year 1 students;
    •   Providing English language proficiency support;
    •   Running regularly face-to-face and online
        academic skills workshop and seminars;
    •   Other forms of learning support for students
        with special service/learning needs.

    You can always get advice and assistance from
    our Academic Support Team and Student Support
    Services. If you have any problems about unit
    content, we encourage students to raise questions
    and ask their lecturers or tutors. We also suggest
    that students book consultation sessions with
    lecturers if they need any extra assistance with their
    If you encounter any issues with, or questions about,
    writing assignments, using academic databases,
    and/or improving your English, you can attend an
    academic skills workshop and seminar, or take
    individual consultation with our Learning Skill and
    Language Support staff. Information on face-to-
    face academic skills workshops and seminars are
    available on Moodle. You can also contact learning@ for assistance, or contact the staff in
    person at the TOP library.
    TOP also offers an online Academic Integrity Module
    (AIM) to help students understand TOP’s academic
    culture and how to avoid academic misconduct. For
    more information on Academic Misconduct, please
    refer to TOP Website

PART 4   Student Life

         Classrooms and Facilities

                                                                                   Library and
          Classrooms                                                               resources
          TOP classrooms are located                                               Please refer to Part 4, Part
          in Bay 16, 2 Locomotive                                                  7 and TOP Website for
          St and 1 Central Avenue,                                                 details
          Australian Technology Park,
          Eveleigh 2015.

          Classrooms are equipped
          with computers,
          whiteboards, projectors
          and all equipment required
          for teaching purposes.

                                             Kitchen and dining area
                                             The kitchen and dining area is
                                             located on Level 1 Bay 16, and
                                             is equipped with microwaves,
                                             boiling/chilled water taps, sofas,
                                             tables and vending machines. It’s    Student common room
                                             a great place to enjoy sunshine
                                             and to have a chat with your         A Student Common Room is
                                             classmates and friends. There        also available for students
                                             is also a small kitchen with         to read, study and prepare
                                             microwaves and kettle next to the    for their classes. The room is
                                             Café on ground floor of Bay 16.      available on the Ground Floor
                                                                                  of the Biomedical building.

                                                                                  Common areas and
                                                                                  facilities at ATP
                                                                                  Students at ATP can enjoy
                                                                                  spacious indoors and outdoors
                                                                                  common areas, including free
                                                                                  BBQ facilities. To use these
                                                                                  facilities, students are required
                                                                                  to contact the ATP Security Office,
                                                                                  located at Bay 8. The ATP also
                                                                                  offers 5 cafes on campus. Bay
                                                                                  16 Café, offers coffees, drinks
                                                                                  and Chinese food for lunch. Sette
                                                                                  located in the Channel 7 building,
                                                                                  Charlotte’s Little Sister located in
                                                                                  the Biomedical building, Laissez-
                                                                                  faire located in Bay 8 and Funky
                                                                                  Chino located in the Innovation
                                                                                  Centre. To withdraw cash, an
                                                                                  ATM is located in the Channel 7
                                                                                  building and Bay 8. There are two
                                                                                  vending machines students can
          Moot court                                                              use. One is located in the kitchen
                                                                                  on level 1 Bay 16, and one is
          TOP’s Moot Court is at the heart of the Sydney City School of Law’s     located on the ground floor of Bay
          law programs, and serves as classroom and function room.                16, near the stairs.

PART 4   Student Life

         Student Progression                                     Student Documents
         During enrolment at TOP you must demonstrate            An Academic Transcript is a certified record of a
         consistency and progress in your studies.               student’s full enrolment history at TOP Education,
                                                                 including all courses attempted, results received
         Assessments of course progress will take place at       and awards conferred. To apply for an Academic
         the end of each semester. At this time you will be      Transcript, please call (02) 9209 4888 or email your
         formally assessed for course progress and if you        full name and student number to:
         are not meeting 50% of the course requirements
         you will be nominated as making unsatisfactory
         progress. Progression is also monitored                 A Completion Letter is the official document that is
         progressively throughout semester via attendance        required by an external organisation to confirm a
         and assessment performance.                             student has graduated or completed the necessary
                                                                 requirements to finish their degree. To apply for
         Each unit will have assessment tasks. You are           a Completion Letter, students must complete an
         required to complete each assessment task               ‘I Expect to Complete’ form and submit it to the
         to satisfy the course requirements. For more            Academic Department. If student’s have queries
         information on progression, please refer to the         regarding their eligibility to meet requirements,
         Student Progression, Exclusion and Graduation           they should contact an adviser in the Academic
         Policy.                                                 Department.

         Early Intervention for Students at                      A Graduation Certificate is a certified credential
         Risk                                                    that represents the completion of a degree at TOP
                                                                 Education. Students that do not wish to attend the
         Your performance within each teaching period will       Graduation Ceremony may collect their Certificate
         be monitored to assist you towards successful           from the Administration Office.
         completion of the units in which you are enrolled.
         Students whose performance is deemed to be at           A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) contains
         risk will be identified through an early intervention   significant information about an international
         strategy. Indicators of students at risk of not         student’s enrolment status at TOP. To apply for a
         completing the unit satisfactorily include:             CoE please call (02) 9209 4888 or email your full
                                                                 name and student number to
         •   Not attending lectures and/or tutorials.
                                                                 A Proof of Enrolment Letter is a letter used to
         •   Not performing adequately in assessment             verify and confirm a student’s enrolment at TOP
             tasks.                                              Education. To apply for a Proof of Enrolment Letter
                                                                 please call (02) 9209 4888 or email your full name
         If you are identified as being at risk of failure       and student number to
         you will be counselled on academic matters and
         advised to access available support services.           All documents can be collected from the
                                                                 Administration Office or received via email as a
         For more information on progression and                 PDF document. For information, please contact the
         early intervention, please refer to the Student         Administration Office at or call on
         Progression, Exclusion and Graduation Policy on         (02) 9209 4888.
         TOP’s Website.


         Your Enrolment
         Credit Transfer and Articulation                            admissions department directly.
         The award of credit transfer and recognition of prior
         learning is designed to facilitate a more tailored and      TOP initiated deferral, suspension or
         relevant course of study through validation of learning     cancellation
         gained through work and life experience. It also aids
         credit transfers between educational institutions, and      TOP may suspend a student’s enrolment where there
         helps eliminate duplication of learning.                    are instances of misconduct. Such circumstances
         TOP’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy            include where the student:
         strives to be equitable, evidence driven and provide        • has seriously breached a TOP rule;
         a transparent process for determining an appropriate        • is in breach of enrolment conditions; or
         amount of RPL credit for each student.                      • is considered to present a threat to the well-being
         For more information on credit transfer, please refer            of other students or staff.
         to the RPL policy available on the TOP website.
                                                                     TOP may cancel a student enrolment for:
         Withdrawal of the Course                                    • a serious breach of TOP policy;
         If you wish to cancel your enrolment you must               • breach of enrolment conditions;
         complete a Withdrawal of Course Form with all               • where a student is considered to provide a threat
         supporting documentation attached. You will receive             to the well-being of other students or staff;
         notification in writing of the outcome of the request. If   • serious misconduct;
         you have any questions about withdrawing from your          • failing to meet the requirements of the course
         course of study, please contact Student Services on             progress policy; and
         02 9209 4888 or                   • non-payment of tuition fee.

         Leave of Absence                                            Where suspension or cancellation is initiated by
         A Leave of absence is a period of time that allows          TOP, you will receive a notice of Intent to Suspend
         students to take a temporary break from studies. You        or Cancel Enrolment. This notice will clearly indicate
         are only permitted for a leave of absence during the        that you will be given 20 working days to access the
         course through a formal agreement with the Institute.       Institute’s internal appeals process. When the appeal
         For more information on a Leave of Absence please           process is initiated, TOP will maintain the student’s
         refer to the Student Progression, Exclusion and             enrolment until the internal appeals process is
         Graduation Policy.                                          complete.

         Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation                       For international students, the suspension or
         In some circumstance, after making a tuition fee            cancellation will be notified to the Department of
         payment you may still have the option to defer your         Home Affairs on completion of the 20 working days or
         course for up to one year. Deferment of a course is         at the end of the appeals process if the appeal is not
         open to both international and domestic students. All       upheld.
         applications for deferral are assessed on a case-by-
         case basis and may depend on your chosen course.

         To apply for a deferral, please submit a Deferment of
         Program application form to the admissions office.
         After your deferral application is processed, for
         international students TOP will inform the Department
         of Home Affairs via the PRISMS system and a new
         CoE will be issued. For domestic students, TOP will
         update your enrolment status in the system.

         For more information on deferral, please contact the


         Tuition Fees                                                entitled to a refund of Tuition Fees paid for the
                                                                     semester, less twenty per cent (20%) of the
         Student tuition fees are based on the current rate          prescribed semester fee;
         at the time of issuing an offer. Fees are reviewed
         annually and are subject to change.                    iv. Where a student gives notice in writing less
                                                                    than four (4) weeks prior to the commencement
                                                                    of that semester or the specified date for
         Fees Refund Policy                                         commencement of a program, and before the
                                                                    census date they will be entitled to a refund of
         Domestic Students
                                                                    Tuition Fees paid for the semester, less fifty per
         Tuition fees will be refunded only in the following        cent (50%) of the prescribed semester fee; or
                                                                v.   Where a student gives notice in writing of the
         i.    In the event that Top Education is unable to          cancellation of enrolment in a course after the
               provide the course, all tuition fees paid are         census date, no Tuition Fees are refundable.
               fully refunded.
         ii.   The student withdraws from a unit of study
                                                                International Students Fees are protected by the
               on or before the census date (see website for
                                                                Australian Government’s Tuition Protection Service
               current list of census date for
               that unit of study:
                                                                For full details of TOP’s refund policy please refer
               a.   the fees will be fully refundable, and/or
                                                                to the Refund Policy which can be found on the
               b. the student will not incur a FEE-HELP debt.   Student Policies and Procedures Register on the
                                                                website ( For more information,
         iii. The student withdraws from a unit of study
                                                                please contact the Finance Department on 02
              after the census date:
                                                                9209 4888.
               a.   no refund is applicable, and/or
               b. will incur a FEE-HELP debt.
                                                                Additional Costs
         iv. Exceptional circumstances will be considered.
                                                                Textbooks: Costs are dependent on the unit of study.
                                                                For business textbooks, you may need approximately
                                                                $120 per unit. For law textbooks, you may need
         Where a domestic student is a FEE-HELP
                                                                $200 - $300 per textbook. You may receive course
         student. The Australian Government through
                                                                notes from the lecturer, and you must buy your own
         the Department of Education and Training
                                                                stationary: folders, note-books, etc.
         has implemented interim tuition assurance
         arrangements in place for 2018.
         Domestic Students Fees (non FEE-HELP) fees are         Additional tuition fees: Replacement student
         protected through TOP’s membership with ACPET.         cards: All students will receive a student card at
                                                                enrolment. Replacement cards are $15 per card.
                                                                This is at the students expense.
         International Students
         Tuition fees will be refunded only in the following
         i.    The student is refused a visa for study in
               Australia (documentation required);
         ii. In the event that TOP is unable to provide
             the course, all tuition fees paid are fully
         iii. Where a student gives notice in writing at
              least four (4) weeks before commencement
              of that semester or the specified date for
              commencement of a program, they will be


         library resourses
         As is to be expected of the home of a well-           As well as acquiring a large number of database
         established business school and Sydney’s newest       and eBook resources, our new library website, is
         law school, TOP’s library and information resources   complete with subject-specific guides, and pages
         are structured to meet student needs.                 designed to assist students with every aspect of
                                                               their learning and professional development. On
         All core textbooks are available in hard copy         the home page of our site is our brand-new search
         form from the library, as well as numerous other      system, complete with Google-style functionality,
         resources spanning recommended readings and           giving students instant access, at a click, across
         related fields. Our librarians are highly trained     the wide range of journal and eBook resources we
         in information retrieval and analysis, and are        have available for their research needs.
         available by appointment for assistance and
         training with information resources.                  TOP library and the future
         Although there is a lot of space across the ATP       The library is entering an exciting phase in its
         campus, the library is a great hub to set up camp;    development, with new systems and resources
         close to class with space and computers available     currently under development and becoming
         for study use and research, as well as access to      available to students.
         kitchen facilities for breaks.
                                                               Although already possessing an excellent number
                                                               of electronic resources, we’re looking to further
                                                               expand our digital footprint, hoping to:

                                                               •   Make eBooks and eTextbooks available
                                                                   directly to students from the library page.

                                                               •   Expand our social media presence and

                                                               •   Provide a digital space for students to
                                                                   research and interact with each other and

                                                               We’re also seeking, in the near future, to upgrade
                                                               the library space; providing a world-class learning
                                                               space that stimulates creativity and increases
                                                               collaboration amongst students.

                                                               Additional Services
                                                               For students who desire to use the University
                                                               of Sydney’s Fisher Library and Law Library,
                                                               we are able to organise a Community Access
                                                               membership with the nearby University of Sydney,
                                                               offering students access to space and borrowing
                                                               rights through subsidised library cards. For
                                                               further information on this, please contact TOP’s
                                                               library staff.

                                                               Opening hours: 9am – 6pm




         IT Services
         Moodle Access and Use                                 Copy and Print
         TOP uses Moodle as an online platform to provide      Students can use the copy machine in the learning
         students with a collaborative and supportive          center to copy and print. The cost is 10 cents per
         learning environment. Moodle is a user- friendly      page. Students can have credit loaded onto their
         platform, and is accessible off-campus on PC, Mac     Student ID card via the IT Office and Library.
         OS, tablets, and mobile devices.
                                                               Student Wifi
         You can use Moodle to access your units for
         learning resources, to interact with your lecturer    TOP provides free on site WIFI services for all
         and classmates, participate in online academic        students. This service covers all TOP campus
         skills workshops, complete unit quizzes, and          areas. To access the student WIFI service, please
         submit assignments. Students can login to Moodle      follow the steps below:
                                                               •   Step 1: Choose WIFI named ‘Top Student’
         You should receive confirmation of your Moodle            from the device.
         username and password within 48 hours once
         completing enrolment. If you have any problems        •   Step 2: If there is no automatic Wi-Fi access
         using the Moodle platform, please contact                 page opened, please open any web browser for assistance.                      application such as Firefox, Chrome or IE.
                                                                   Input any website address such as ‘
         Student Portal Access and Use                   ’. Please ignore the certificate warning
                                                                   page and choose ‘Continue to this webpage’
         You can access the Student Portal to update your
         personal information, such as your address and        •   Step 3: Input your student WIFI account
         contact details, and check your final results. You        information (The information is provided
         can find all the information on the Student Logins        in notification email which is sent to each
         page via             individual student).

         Please remember that you need to complete             Please note, to avoid bandwidth flooding and
         registration before you can access your Student       other bandwidth issues, the student WIFI
         Portal. The registration steps are provided on the    connection will be dropped every 90 min.
         Student Portal website. If you have any problems,
         please contact for assistance.


         and Awards
         TOP offers a wide range of scholarships and awards
         each year to both domestic and international
         students. Scholarships and awards are designed
         to recognise academic, leadership and community
         achievements and to assist students for a variety of
         reasons. Student can get the detailed information

         To make further enquiries, please email


          Development, Student
          Participation and
          Social Activities
          TOP is invested in the success of its students. We want
          to prepare our graduates to be job ready and to be the
          best possible version of themselves, professionally,
          academically and personally.

          SCSL Placement Program
          The SCSL Placement Programs are aimed to provide
          students with an opportunity to apply the skills that
          they have learned in their studies at TOP to the
          real world. It is expected that TOP students will be
          well equipped with the skills of analysis, research
          and communication, and will be eager to utilise the
          opportunity to begin their journeys using their business
          and law skills in a wide variety of roles.

          The School will personally conduct matching sessions
          with interested students to assess which organisation
          will serve as the best fit for the student’s interests
          and aspirations. Interns can then work on site at TOP
          to attend to any work tasks required by their matched

          For the law program, we are currently in the process of
          developing the Placement Program to be rolled out to
          students in their penultimate to final year of studies.
          This program will be divided into two streams: work
          experience that is not supervised by a legal practitioner
          (Stream A) and work experience that is supervised
          by a legal practitioner and may be counted towards a
          student’s work experience component of their Practical
          Legal Training course (PLT) course (Stream B). Please
          note that it is up to the organisation as to whether they
          will be willing to consider the internship placement as
          supervised legal work experience that may be counted
          towards a student’s work experience component of
          their PLT course.

          Please also note that these placements may not be on
          a paid basis and this is dependent on the organisation
          accepting the placement.

          For expressions of interest or for further information
          on the Program, please contact (02) 9209 4888 or

PART 10       Professional Development, Student Participation and Social Activities

          Student Ambassador Program                                  Professional Development
                                                                      Sydney City School of Law Professional
          The Top Education Institute (TOP) Ambassador Program        Development
          is aimed at current students, who are committed to
          the institute’s values and are willing to share their       NSW Young Lawyers
          knowledge, experience and understanding about being
          part of our community.                                      NSW Young Lawyers, as part of the Law Society of
                                                                      NSW, is a platform for young lawyers to network
          TOP Ambassadors receive paid work experience and
                                                                      and communicate fresh new perspectives on the
          assist the marketing team in promoting the programs,
                                                                      profession, the community and legal and social issues.
          benefits and services offered to prospective students,
                                                                      As a law student of SCSL, you are automatically a
          parents, teachers and other stakeholders. Our
                                                                      member of the NSW Young Lawyers. It is important for
          Ambassadors must be also fully aware of:
                                                                      a SCSL student who is embarking on their journey into
                                                                      the legal profession to engage with the Law Society of
          •    Admission requirements
                                                                      NSW as early as possible as they are essentially at the
          •    Application processes
                                                                      forefront of the legal profession of NSW. Being involved
          •    Programs
                                                                      will also provide students with the invaluable insight
          •    Bonus Points
                                                                      into the profession they are entering into.
          •    Scholarships
                                                                      For more information please visit the Young Lawyers
          •    Alternative Entry Pathways
                                                                      NSW website on:
          •    Services – Campus Life
          •    Fees
          •    Early Offer
                                                                      SCSL Law Students Society
          •    Study Abroad Opportunity
          •    Events
                                                                      It is imperative for law students to collaborate and
                                                                      engage with their peers to make positive contributions
                                                                      to their law school environment. The SCSL Law
          Ambassadors are good students, respectful,
                                                                      Students Society will be a student driven initiative
          responsible and help anyone that requires more
                                                                      which will provide students with a forum to discuss
          information about TOP.
                                                                      their law school, career opportunities, organise
          Some of the events that Ambassadors attend are:             networking events and engage with their law faculty
                                                                      and the industry. Elections will be held annually.
          • School visits
          • Career Markets                                            For expressions of interest please speak to the School
          • Expos                                                     on: (02) 9209 4888.
          • Recruitment Events
          • Student Activities
          • Or wherever required to help
          There are many benefits of being an Ambassador.
          Besides being one of the first points of contact at these
          different events, students that work in this role;

          •    develop their communication and interpersonal
          •    get to travel around the Sydney Metropolitan area
               and New South Wales, and
          •    have the opportunity to get a reference from the
               marketing department stating their hard work,
               commitment and professionalism, which could be
               used to get employment.

          The marketing department is constantly looking
          for new recruits. For more information, contact the
          marketing department on 02 9209 4890 or info@top.

PART 10     Professional Development, Student Participation and Social Activities

          Sydney City School of Business                             Student Participation at TOP
          Professional Development
          CPA Ambassadors Program                                    TOP considers student participation a key element
                                                                     for the Institute’s development. Student participation
          TOP encourages all Business School students to join        provides an opportunity for students to communicate
          the Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia       their views and assist TOP in providing services and
          Student Ambassadors Program. This program is               activities that meet student need and interest.
          promoted by CPA Australia, and is designed to
          empower students to take the next step in their career     Student participation can include:
          and to provide them with leadership opportunities.         • Joining Student Bodies at TOP, such as Student
          Being a student ambassador can have a range of                 Law Society, and Chinese Students and Scholars
          benefits, including exclusive opportunities, resources         Association.
          and opportunities for networking. Most importantly, it     • Be nominated or self-nominated as the student
          provides the chance to be selected as a Future Leader          representative for TOP’s Council, Academic Board,
          in the industry. If you are interested in this program,        Teaching and Learning Committee, and Student
          please contact the Academic Office via           Experience Committee.
          for further information.                                   • Participate in Professional Programs, such as Student
                                                                         Ambassador Program and TOP Volunteer Program.
          CPA Australia Network                                      • rovide your feedback and suggestions to the Institute.
                                                                         For more information on providing feedback, please
          As a TOP business student, having an edge is very
                                                                         refer to Part 15.
          important for getting noticed in the world of business.
          TOP recommends all Business School students to
          join CPA Australia, which will help you to gain that
                                                                     Social Activities
          edge by boosting your connections, your skills, your
                                                                     At TOP, we offer students a wide range of events and
          employment prospects and your industry knowledge.
                                                                     social activities to enhance their student experiences.
          The CPA designation is a mark of high professional
                                                                     These include a number of cultural events and
          competence representing expert business knowledge.
                                                                     exchanges, sightseeing, and social activities
                                                                     throughout the year. Information on social activities
          As a TOP student, you are invited to join the CPA
                                                                     will be sent to students via a regular Student
          Australia Network. Please visit the link below and start
                                                                     Newsletter, and information will also be shared via
          your application.
                                                                     Moodle announcements.

                                                                    TOP also supports student participation in off-campus
                                                                    activities. TOP’s connections with The University of
          Once your application is approved you will be
                                                                    Sydney Union (USU) means that students can join
          connected to all CPA Australia students and graduates,
                                                                    the USU as a community member, and enjoy over
          and ready to join the world of success in business.
                                                                    100 student clubs and social events with friends
                                                                    and other students. TOP also encourages students
                                                                    to be a student member of The Sydney Institute. The
          TOP’s Career Edge
                                                                    Sydney Institute conducts roughly 60 policy forums a
                                                                    year on a wide range of issues, such as economics,
          An important part of being ready to enter the
                                                                    politics, international affairs, literature, history and
          workforce is building your practical professional skills.
                                                                    social policy, along with a well-attended annual
          Here at TOP, we have a number of initiatives to help
                                                                    dinner and lecture. It is a great chance for students
          prepare our students for their careers. We call this
                                                                    to enhance their academic and social understanding,
          TOP’s Career Edge.
                                                                    and particularly helpful for international students in
                                                                    understanding Australian society.
          We have a strong belief that your education is more
          than just what you learn in the classroom. Through
                                                                    To be member of The University of Sydney Union:
          TOP’s career development programs, our students will
                                                           and student associate
          be able to turn the theory they learn in class into real
                                                                    membership of The Sydney Institute: http://
          life experiences. These experiences will help shape our
          students to be outstanding candidates in today’s highly
                                                                    Fee can be reimbursed by TOP)
          competitive employment market. You can explore
          further information on our website:
                                                                    For assistance, please contact the Student Services



          University of Wollongong Pathway
          TOP Business School is invested in enhancing student
          potential and supporting academic achievement and
          potential transition. As a result of TOP’s involvement in
          the Australian education sector, TOP has developed a
          pathway with Wollongong University in which the TOP
          Diploma of Business can equal to a maximum of 48
          credit points towards the University of Wollongong’s
          Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Business
          degrees. To be eligible for this pathway, students must
          achieve a GPA of 2.4 or a 60% average in the TOP

          University of Newcastle Pathway
          A Business qualification can be a pathway to a range
          of Master degrees. At TOP, we aim to help you find the
          direction and ability to achieve your goals. TOP has
          partnered with one of Australia’s leading universities,
          The University of Newcastle, to provide various
          Master degrees in Accounting, Business, Finance,
          Management and others.

          The University of Newcastle is one of the top 300
          universities in the world, and will provide you with the
          practical skills and qualifications to give you direct
          entry into the workplace.

          To be awarded credit, a student must have completed
          all courses that comprise either the Graduate
          Certificate in Accounting or the Graduate Certificate
          in Business Management. Completion of a graduate
          Certificate could be as a standalone program, or as a
          nested program within a higher level program


          Safety, Health
          and Wellbeing
          TOP is committed to providing and maintaining a          can also escort students to Redfern Station if
          healthy, friendly and collaborative environment for      requested. Please contact 9209 4888 or visit the
          all students. You can find assistance via the TOP        ATP Security office on Ground Floor of Bay 8.
          student support team, online resources, workshops
          and professional bodies.                                 Fire Safety
                                                                   No matter if it happens in the ATP or in another
          Employment                                               place, the first priority in any fire situation is safety.
          All international students have the same workplace       Smoke kills. Do not place yourself at risk.
          rights as other workers in Australia. The Fair Work      If there is a fire/smoke happened in ATP, please
          Ombudsman provides free advice and assistance            follow the following the procedure:
          to all workers (including students) to help them
          understand their rights.                                 •   Remove yourself and others from danger;
          Please refer to                      •   Make a final check of the room and shut the door;
                                                                   •   Raise the alarm;
          Safety                                                   •   Follow the instructions by fire wardens;
          It is important to be aware of potential dangers         •   Commence evacuation and move to the
          and risks whilst travelling around the city. This            evacuation assembly area.
          may involve avoiding empty and badly lit places,
          especially at night. Walk with a friend or stay with a   Always remember, if there is emergency call 000
          crowd and avoid empty train carriages. Be aware of       (Police, Ambulance and Fire). You can also find
          your surroundings at all times, and make sure that       TOP’s Critical Incident Policy online:
          you can access assistance if necessary.        
          For more personal safety tips and crime prevention,      procedures/human-resources
          you can visit the safety page of City of Sydney via:
                                                                   Further emergency contacts for dealing with critical
          •        incidents are provided below:
          •            Lifeline: 131114
              essentials/                                          Victims of Crime Support Line: 1800 633 063
                                                                   Crime Stoppers: 131 444
          Multi languages are available. These safety tips         Alcohol and Drug Counselling: 02 9799 1199
          cover household safety, car security, personal           NSW Rape Crisis Centre: 02 98196565 or
          safety and fire safety.                                  1800 424 017
                                                                   Eastern and Central Sexual Assault Services:
                                                                   02 9515 9040
          Road Safety
          All road users in NSW should be able to arrive           Please note, if you encounter difficulty or danger
          safely at their destination.                             and need support from TOP, please do not hesitate
                                                                   to ask us. TOP staff is here to support you, help you
          In Australia we drive on the left side of the road       study and to live safely while in Australia.
          and walk on the left.
                                                                   ATP’s Construction Work
          For road safety tips refer to:                           You may notice the current construction work taking
          •          place on site. Construction working hours are 7.20am
              road-safety.html                                     to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 7.30am to 3.30 pm
                                                                   Saturday. Please be aware of your surroundings and
          ATP Security monitors the premises 24/7 and              watch your steps.

You can also read