Participants & Navigators - Asia-Europe Foundation

Page created by Yolanda Brooks
Participants & Navigators - Asia-Europe Foundation
#ASEFYLS4        4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit   Page 1 of 59
                     Participants & Navigators

            Participants & Navigators
Participants & Navigators - Asia-Europe Foundation
#ASEFYLS4                         4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                                 Page 2 of 59
                                      Participants & Navigators

      Salutation, First Name,   Country of                                            Leadership in Action
                                              Designation, University/Workplace
      LAST NAME                 Citizenship                                           Project

                                              Undergraduate Student, University       #14: Podcast Climate
 1    Ms Kelsey GRAY            Australia
                                              of Newcastle                            Action

                                              Assistant Director, Australian
                                              Government Department of
 2    Mr Arthur LAU             Australia                                             #12: Food Forests
                                              Industry, Science, Energy and

                                                                                      #13: HE for Climate
 3    Mr Ian MANN               Australia     Director, Future Architecture

                                              Executive Assistant, Refugee &
 4    Mr Nick PENTNEY           Australia                                             #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                              Migrant Children Center (RMCC)

                                              Graduate Student, The University of     #3: The Well-being
 5    Mr James TAIT             Australia
                                              Melbourne                               Platform
                                              Undergraduate Student, University       #1: End the stigma.
 6    Mx Patrizia FINK          Austria
                                              of Vienna                               Period.

      Ms Valerie-Sophie                                                               #11: Leaders of the
 7                              Austria       Co-Founder, Circular Cocreation
      SCHOENBERG                                                                      Future Bootcamp (LFB)

                                              Graduate Student, University of
 8    Ms Sandra WOHLAUF         Austria                                               #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                              Senior Protection Associate (SGBV),
                                                                                      #1: End the stigma.
 9    Ms Rubina AKTER           Bangladesh    United Nations High Commissioner
                                              for Refugees (UNHCR)
                                              Research, Planning and
                                              Implementation Officer, Foreign,        #14: Podcast Climate
 10   Mr Asif AMER              Bangladesh
                                              Commonwealth and Development            Action
                                              Office (FCDO)

                                              Deputy Manager (Programs &
                                                                                      #10: The Adjustment
 11   Mr Abdullah AR RAFEE      Bangladesh    Projects), The Institute for Policy,
                                              Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG)

                                              UNV Project Assistant, United
 12   Ms Zannat GHANI           Bangladesh    Nations Development Programme           #15: Atlas-Akhyana

                                              Junior National Consultant, United
                                                                                      #3: The Well-being
 13   Ms Lamia MOHSIN           Bangladesh    Nations Development Programme
                                              (UNDP), Bangladesh
                                              Undergraduate Student, University       #5: Teaching & Learning
 14   Mr Nayem MOLLA            Bangladesh
                                              of Dhaka                                during COVID-19

      Ms Laurence VAN DEN
 15                             Belgium       Manager, Velia BV                       #2: The Soap Factory
      Mr Nicolas VANDE                        Graduate Student, College of            #13: HE for Climate
 16                             Belgium
      KERCKHOVE                               Europe in Natolin                       Action
      Mr Maxim                                Assistant Coordinator on Innovation
 17                             Belgium                                               #8: Economic Diplomacy
      VANDEKERCKHOVE                          Diplomacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
                                Brunei        Undergraduate Student, Universiti       #11: Leaders of Future
 18   Ms Nadia BINTI HJ AJI
                                Darussalam    Brunei Darussalam                       Bootcamp

                                Brunei        Undergraduate Student, Monash
 19   Ms Miasarah FIRDAUS                                                             #12: Food Forests
                                Darussalam    University Malaysia

                                              Undergraduate Student, Sofia            #14: Podcast Climate
 20   Ms Roberta GUEVSKA        Bulgaria
                                              University                              Action
Participants & Navigators - Asia-Europe Foundation
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                                  Participants & Navigators

                                       Doctoral Student, University College   #3: The Well-being
 21   Ms Dina ZLATUNOVA     Bulgaria
                                       London                                 Platform

                                       Undergraduate Student, Yale-NUS        #10: The Adjustment
 22   Ms Dolphie BOU        Cambodia
                                       College                                Manual

                                       Young Economist, Ministry of           #10: The Adjustment
 23   Mr Pirun CHAN         Cambodia
                                       Economy and Finance, Cambodia          Manual
                                       Research and Communication
 24   Mr Dechkunn CHHAY     Cambodia   Intern, Open Development               #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                       Undergraduate Student, Paragon
 25   Ms Chhiv Ing CHHOUN   Cambodia                                          #12: Food Forests
                                       International University
                                       Co-Instructor, Department of Social
                                                                              #13: HE for Climate
 26   Mr Rathany CHHUM      Cambodia   Work, Royal University of Phnom
      Mr Vanndasambath                 Undergraduate Student, Paragon         #14: Podcast Climate
 27                         Cambodia
      CHHUON                           International University               Action

                                       Enterprise Support Coordinator,
 28   Mr Visal CHOURN       Cambodia                                          #12: Food Forests
                                       Undergraduate Student, Sirindorn
                                                                              #11: Leaders of Future
 29   Mr Lyhour HAK         Cambodia   International Institute of
                                       Technology, Thammasat University
                                       Director, Climate Change
                                                                              #13: HE for Climate
 30   Dr Mao HAK            Cambodia   Department, Ministry of
                                       Graduate Student, Monash               #1: End the stigma.
 31   Ms Rithmonich HENG    Cambodia
                                       University                             Period.

                                       Communications Manager, SHE            #4: BEEP Media
 32   Ms Keolydeth HUN      Cambodia
                                       Investments                            Campaign

                                       Undergraduate Student, the             #6: Access & Success for
 33   Ms Tepmonyneath KIN   Cambodia
                                       University of Cambodia                 Students with ASD

                                       Program Officer, Cambodia              #10: The Adjustment
 34   Ms Sopheavy KOY       Cambodia
                                       Development Center                     Manual

                                       Undergraduate Student, Royal
 35   Ms Kimsivgech LO      Cambodia                                          #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                       University of Phnom Penh
      Mr Chan Oudom                    Undergraduate Student, Tianjin
 36                         Cambodia                                          #15: Atlas-Akhyana
      MEATRA                           University
                                       Official, Department of Planning,
                                                                              #5: Teaching & Learning
 37   Ms Huy Teang MENG     Cambodia   Ministry of Education, Youth and
                                                                              during COVID-19
                                       Undergraduate Student, Royal           #3: The Well-being
 38   Ms Lim NICH           Cambodia
                                       University of Law and Economics        Platform
                                       Recent Graduate, University of
 39   Ms Sokneang SAM       Cambodia                                          #2: The Soap Factory

                                       Undergraduate Student, Royal           #4: BEEP Media
 40   Ms Por SEAK           Cambodia
                                       University of Phnom Penh               Campaign

                                       Undergraduate Student, American        #5: Teaching & Learning
 41   Mr Meas SOTHYRO       Cambodia
                                       University of Phnom Penh               during COVID-19

      Mr Muong                         Research Associate, Asian Vision       #3: The Well-being
 42                         Cambodia
      SOVANPONNARITH                   Institute (AVI)                        Platform
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                                  Participants & Navigators

                                       International Relations Lecturer,
 43   Ms Setthikun SUN      Cambodia                                           #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                       Royal University of Phnom Penh
                                       Undergraduate Student, American
 44   Mr Nguonlim TAN       Cambodia                                           #9: Econ4Life
                                       University of Phnom Penh
                                       Marketing & Communication               #3: The Well-being
 45   Ms Kaliane TEA        Cambodia
                                       Manager, Soma Group                     Platform
                                       Communications Coordinator, STEM
                                                                               #6: Access & Success for
 46   Ms Rachna THIM        Cambodia   Education Organisation in
                                                                               Students with ASD
                                       Lecturer, Royal University of Phnom     #4: BEEP Media
 47   Mr Chandara TITH      Cambodia
                                       Penh                                    Campaign

      Mr Vongmonasekar                 Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
 48                         Cambodia                                           #8: Economic Diplomacy
      VUTHY                            and International Cooperation

                                       Undergraduate Student, Royal            #14: Podcast Climate
 49   Mr Kyhok YEH          Cambodia
                                       University of Phnom Penh                Action

                                       Undergraduate Student, Royal            #1: End the stigma.
 50   Mr Yet YOEUM          Cambodia
                                       University of Phnom Penh                Period.
                                                                               #4: BEEP Media
 51   Mr Dean CHEN          China      Programme Officer, UNESCO-ICHEI

                                       Political Affairs Program Officer,
 52   Mr Nan HAO            China                                              #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                       Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat

      Mr Matko Sanjin                  Attorney Trainee, Law Office
 53                         Croatia                                            #9: Econ4Life
      JOVANOVIĆ                        Jovanović

                                       Disability Counsellor, Administrative   #5: Teaching & Learning
 54   Ms Svea KUČINIĆ       Croatia
                                       School Zagreb                           during COVID-19

                                       Undergraduate Student, University       #3: The Well-being
 55   Ms Eleonora LAI       Croatia
                                       of Zagreb                               Platform

                                                                               #11: Leaders of Future
 56   Ms Kaja PAVLINIĆ      Croatia    Product Manager, Speck Agency

      Mr Charalampos                   Undergraduate Student, University       #1: End the stigma.
 57                         Cyprus
      CHRISTODOULOU                    of Patras                               Period.

      Mr Alexandros                    Undergraduate Student, National         #3: The Well-being
 58                         Cyprus
      GEORGIADIS                       Kapodistrian University of Athens       Platform

                            Czech      Graduate Student, Charles               #4: BEEP Media
 59   Ms Ludmila FILIPOVÁ
                            Republic   University                              Campaign

      Mr Martin             Czech      4EU+ Alliance Coordinator, Charles
 60                                                                            #9: Econ4Life
      HAMMERBAUER           Republic   University

                            Czech      Graduate Student, University of         #6: Access & Success for
 61   Mr Stepan KMENT
                            Republic   Cambridge                               Students with ASD

                            Czech      President, European Youth
 62   Mr Martin SIMACEK                                                        #8: Economic Diplomacy
                            Republic   Parliament Czech Republic

                                                                               #14: Podcast Climate
 63   Mr Dennis NIELSEN     Denmark    Journalist, Radio LOUD
      Ms Monika Margrethe                                                      #13: HE for Climate
 64                         Denmark    President, Youth Climate Council
      SKADBORG                                                                 Action

                                       Assistant Attorney, Gorrissen           #4: BEEP Media
 65   Ms Danna ZHANG        Denmark
                                       Federspiel Law Firm                     Campaign

                                       Chief Specialist, Ministry of Social    #3: The Well-being
 66   Ms Hanna ALAJÕE       Estonia
                                       Affairs of Estonia                      Platform
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                                  Participants & Navigators

                                        International Officer, Estonian
 67   Mr Aivar KAMAL        Estonia                                             #9: Econ4Life
                                        National Youth Council
                                        Graduate Student, University of         #1: End the stigma.
 68   Ms Lembe KULLAMAA     Estonia
                                        Tartu                                   Period.
                                        Civic Engagement Consultant,
                                                                                #6: Access & Success for
 69   Mr Lauri HEIKKINEN    Finland     Finnish National Agency for
                                                                                Students with ASD
                                        Doctoral Student, University of         #10: The Adjustment
 70   Ms Emilia LAKKA       Finland
                                        Jyväskylä                               Manual

                                        Graduate Student, SOAS University       #11: Leaders of Future
 71   Mr Otto LILJA         Finland
                                        of London                               Bootcamp

                                        Graduate Student, College of            #11: Leaders of Future
 72   Mr Eliott BOUMRAR     France
                                        Europe                                  Bootcamp

                                        Undergraduate Student, Catholic         #1: End the stigma.
 73   Ms Audrey HOFFMANN    France
                                        Institute of Vendée                     Period.
                                        Deputy-Attaché for Science and
 74   Mr Kévin KOK HEANG    France      Technology, Embassy of France in        #2: The Soap Factory
                                        United States of America
                                        Graduate Student, College of            #3: The Well-being
 75   Mr Pavlo STERGARD     France
                                        Europe in Natolin                       Platform

                                        Graduate Student, Brandenburg
 76   Ms Stephanie VEITH    Germany                                             #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                        Technical University
                                        Graduate Student, National              #10: The Adjustment
 77   Mr Janik WEIGEL       Germany
                                        University of Singapore (NUS)           Manual
                                                                                #13: HE for Climate
 78   Mr Ioannis BATAS      Greece      IT Project Manager, Dataphoria

                                        Doctoral Student, Aristotle             #13: HE for Climate
 79   Ms Victoria DATSI     Greece
                                        University of Thessaloniki              Action

                                        Undergraduate Student, Agricultural
 80   Ms Anna PORICHI       Greece                                              #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                        University of Athens

      Mr Ákos                           Graduate Student, Central               #10: The Adjustment
 81                         Hungary
      BAUMGARTNER                       European University                     Manual

                                        Event Management, International
 82   Ms Borbála IVICSICS   Hungary                                             #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                        Eucharistic Congress Secretariat
                                        Research Student, Waseda
 83   Ms Virág KEMECSEI     Hungary                                             #8: Economic Diplomacy

                                        Associate Data Scientist, Innoplexus
 84   Mr Nikhil DADHEECH    India                                               #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                        Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

                                        District Youth Officer, Ministry of     #4: BEEP Media
 85   Ms Rashmeet KAUR      India
                                        Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt of India   Campaign

                                                                                #1: End the stigma.
 86   Mr Aashraya SETH      India       Founder, STEMinism in India

                                        Associate National Project Officer -    #5: Teaching & Learning
 87   Mr Mayank SHARMA      India
                                        Data Science, UNESCO MGIEP              during COVID-19

                                        Recent Graduate, Symbiosis School       #10: The Adjustment
 88   Ms Prakriti SHARMA    India
                                        for Liberal Arts                        Manual

                                        Recent Graduate, University of          #5: Teaching & Learning
 89   Mr Alvin ADITYO       Indonesia
                                        Indonesia                               during COVID-19
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                                   Participants & Navigators

                                         Undergraduate Student, Tokyo
 90   Ms Amelinda AGUS      Indonesia                                         #9: Econ4Life
                                         International University

                                                                              #3: The Well-being
 91   Mr Yosua ANDREE       Indonesia    CEO & Founder, Able.ID
                                         Undergraduate Student, Dublin City   #13: HE for Climate
 92   Mr Ross BOYD          Ireland
                                         University                           Action
                                         Recent Graduate, Trinity College     #6: Access & Success for
 93   Mr Scott BYRNE        Ireland
                                         Dublin                               Students with ASD

                                         Marketing Intern, Adult Continuing   #1: End the stigma.
 94   Ms Joni HENDRICK      Ireland
                                         Education, University College Cork   Period.

      Ms Martina                         Graduate Student, College of
 95                         Italy                                             #12: Food Forests
      CHIARALUCE                         Europe in Natolin

                                         SME Consultant, Manzeera
 96   Ms Agnese CIGLIANO    Italy                                             #2: The Soap Factory
                                         Sales and Development Intern,
                                                                              #5: Teaching & Learning
 97   Ms Federica LORUSSO   Italy        Italian Chamber of Commerce for
                                                                              during COVID-19
                                         Hungary (CCIU)
                                         Doctoral Student, Universidad del
 98   Mr Stefano TORRESI    Italy        Pais Vasco & Euskal Herriko          #2: The Soap Factory
                                         Assistant Manager, Mitsubishi        #11: Leaders of Future
 99   Ms Yukari KAYAMA      Japan
                                         Corporation                          Bootcamp

                                                                              #10: The Adjustment
100   Mr Makito TSURU       Japan        PR Associate, Baynich.Inc

                                         Programme Officer, Stockholm         #5: Teaching & Learning
101   Mr Kohei YAMADA       Japan
                                         Environment Institute, Asia          during COVID-19

                                         Country Director, AIESEC in          #11: Leaders of Future
102   Mr Tomas AKYNOV       Kazakhstan
                                         Kazakhstan                           Bootcamp

      Ms Aruzhan                         Undergraduate Student, Nazarbayev    #6: Access & Success for
103                         Kazakhstan
      OTEGENOVA                          University                           Students with ASD

104   Ms Shangyoon PARK     Korea        Analyst, Doosan Corporation          #7: ASEM Folk Tales

                                         Virtual Sales Account Manager,
105   Ms Eunkyung SON       Korea                                             #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                         Cisco Systems
                                         Project Coordinator, Asian
      Ms Pakham
106                         Lao PDR      Development with the Disabled        #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                         Persons (ADDP)
                                         Data Compiling and Translation
      Mr Anoudeth
107                         Lao PDR      Officer, United Nations Office on    #9: Econ4Life
                                         Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

      Ms Sounilanh                       Recent Graduate, National            #6: Access & Success for
108                         Lao PDR
      SIENMANEESAM                       University of Laos                   Students with ASD

                                         Consultant, Strategic
                                                                              #10: The Adjustment
109   Ms Anna PLAUDIŅA      Latvia       Communication and Coordination
                                         Department, State Chancellery
                                         Undergraduate Student, Riga
110   Ms Eliza SEMKINA      Latvia                                            #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                         Graduate School of Law
                                         Project Manager & Communication
                                                                              #5: Teaching & Learning
111   Ms Zane SKUJINA       Latvia       Manager, Latvian Paralympic
                                                                              during COVID-19
                                                                              #10: The Adjustment
112   Mr Gustavs UPMANIS    Latvia       Founder, All Opportunities
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                                   Participants & Navigators

      Ms Laura                             Doctoral Student, Vytautas Magnus
113                          Lithuania                                            #2: The Soap Factory
      ALČIAUSKAITĖ                         University

      Ms Aleksandra                        Global Public Policy and Advocacy,
114                          Lithuania                                            #8: Economic Diplomacy
      GOLOVLIOVA                           UN Special Envoy for Road Safety

                                           Undergraduate Student, SOAS            #6: Access & Success for
115   Ms Aiša LOGINOVA       Lithuania
                                           University of London                   Students with ASD

                                           Recent Graduate, Queen Mary
116   Ms Ieva URBONAITE      Lithuania                                            #9: Econ4Life
                                           University of London

                                           Assistant, China-Luxembourg
117   Mr Maurice GAJAN       Luxembourg                                           #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                           Chamber of Commerce

                                           Graduate Programme, Banque
118   Ms Marleen KRAUSCH     Luxembourg                                           #2: The Soap Factory
                                           Centrale du Luxembourg

                                                                                  #3: The Well-being
119   Mr Yik Wai CHEE        Malaysia      Co-founder, Crowdsukan

                                           Go-To-Market Strategist, Digi          #11: Leaders of Future
120   Mr Jonathan DASON      Malaysia
                                           Telecommunications                     Bootcamp
                                           Communications & Capacity
                                           Building Officer, All Party
      Ms Nur Syahirah                                                             #13: HE for Climate
121                          Malaysia      Parliamentary Group Malaysia on
      KHANUM                                                                      Action
                                           Sustainable Development Goals
                                           Senior Planning, Design &              #13: HE for Climate
122   Ms Carmen YONG         Malaysia
                                           Sustainability Executive, S P Setia    Action
                                           Coordinator of Communications,
                                           Visibility and Outreach, Advisory
123   Mr Sean ELLUL          Malta                                                #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                           Council on Youth of the Council of
                                           Undergraduate Student, University      #11: Leaders of Future
124   Ms Maria Anne FSADNI   Malta
                                           of Malta                               Bootcamp
                                           Communications Specialist, Food
125   Ms Lisa ZAMMIT         Malta         and Agriculture Organisation of the    #12: Food Forests
                                           United Nations
      Ms Munkhjiguur                       Undergraduate Student, National
126                          Mongolia                                             #9: Econ4Life
      BAYARSAIKHAN                         University of Mongolia

      Dr Myagmarsuren                      Lecturer, Mongolian National           #6: Access & Success for
127                          Mongolia
      OROSOO                               University of Education                Students with ASD
                                           Community Project Assistant,
                                                                                  #10: The Adjustment
128   Ms Htet MAW            Myanmar       International Organisation for
                                           Graduate Student, Asian Institute of
129   Ms Pyae NAING          Myanmar                                              #15: Atlas-Akhyana

                                           Graduate Student, Leiden University
130   Mr Bart HEUTS          Netherlands                                          #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                           & the Clingendael Institute

131   Mr Marcel KEMPERS      Netherlands   CEO, Pyropower                         #15: Atlas-Akhyana
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                                  Participants & Navigators

                                          Graduate Student, University of
132   Ms Helen NAGELHOUT    Netherlands                                         #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                          Humanistic Studies

                                          Cultural Affairs Officer, The Dutch   #14: Podcast Climate
133   Ms Ankie PETERSEN     Netherlands
                                          Ministry of Defence                   Action

                                          Undergraduate Student, Victoria       #13: HE for Climate
134   Ms Lila MADDEN        New Zealand
                                          University of Wellington              Action

                                          Youth Advisor, New Zealand
                                                                                #14: Podcast Climate
135   Ms Sabrina MANU       New Zealand   Electoral Commission (Te Kaitiaki
                                          Take Kōwhiri)
                                          South Asia Engagement and
136   Ms Pratibha SINGH     New Zealand   Partnerships, Human Rights            #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                          Measurement Initiative
                                          Undergraduate Student, Auckland
137   Mr Taylor TUTAWA      New Zealand                                         #7: ASEM Folk Tales
                                          University of Technology

                                          Undergraduate Student, Keio
138   Ms Nora BERLIN        Norway                                              #2: The Soap Factory

                                          Undergraduate Student, University
139   Ms Olivia HYNNE       Norway                                              #12: Food Forests
                                          of Oslo

                                          Graduate Student, Norwegian
140   Mr Einar MICHEL       Norway                                              #9: Econ4Life
                                          School of Economics (NHH)

                                                                                #4: BEEP Media
141   Mr Sinan CHARANIA     Pakistan      Content Producer, Taskeen

                                          Expert Consumer Insights &            #11: Leaders of Future
142   Mr Ans KHURRAM        Pakistan
                                          Business Analytics, Jazz              Bootcamp

                                                                                #3: The Well-being
143   Ms Zara SHAFIQUE      Pakistan      Host, Aur Network
      Ms Syeda Eesha                      Undergraduate Student, Forman
144                         Pakistan                                            #7: ASEM Folk Tales
      ZAINAB                              Christian College University
      Mr Juanquine Carlo                  Student, University of the            #14: Podcast Climate
145                         Philippines
      CASTRO                              Philippines - Mindanao                Action
                                          Environmental Planner &
      Mr Francis Josef
146                         Philippines   Cartographer, Boondocks and Cities    #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                          Doctoral Student, University of
147   Mr Daryl MAGNO        Philippines                                         #2: The Soap Factory

      Ms Kathryn Patricia                 English Language Teacher, CEIP        #5: Teaching & Learning
148                         Philippines
      REYES                               Zelaieta HLHI                         during COVID-19

                                          Ensign - Officer Cadet, Military      #11: Leaders of Future
149   Mr Piotr DZIKOWSKI    Poland
                                          Academy of Land Forces                Bootcamp

                                          Undergraduate Student, University     #1: End the stigma.
150   Mr Franciszek PLOCH   Poland
                                          of Warsaw                             Period.

                                          Blue Book Trainee, European           #5: Teaching & Learning
151   Ms Dorota SMÓLSKA     Poland
                                          Commission                            during COVID-19

      Ms Carolina DE                      Blue Book Trainee, European
152                         Portugal                                            #8: Economic Diplomacy
      ALBUQUERQUE                         Commission

      Mr Joao Pedro DOS                   Co-founder & Executive Director,      #11: Leaders of Future
153                         Portugal
      SANTOS DUARTE                       Impulso                               Bootcamp
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                                    Participants & Navigators

                                           Research Assistant, Institute for
      Mr Tiago Filipe SOUSA                Systems and Computer Engineering,
154                           Portugal                                            #15: Atlas-Akhyana
      GONÇALVES                            Technology and Science (INESC
      Mr Mihai                             Graduate Student, Central              #4: BEEP Media
155                           Romania
      CONSTANTINESCU                       European University                    Campaign

      Ms Raluca                            Head of Sustainability, Asociatia      #3: The Well-being
156                           Romania
      DUMITRESCU                           GEYC                                   Platform
                                           Specialist of the International
      Ms Valeriia             Russian
157                                        Section, Federal Agency for Youth      #9: Econ4Life
      CHERNOGORODOVA          Federation
158   Ms Olesya DOVGALYUK                  Project Lead, SCOLAR Network           #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                                           Resource Mobilisation and
                              Russian                                             #1: End the stigma.
159   Mr Ruben GAZANCHIAN                  Monitoring Specialist, United
                              Federation                                          Period.
                                           Nations Population Fund
      Ms Sneha                             Graduate Student, National
160                           Singapore                                           #15: Atlas-Akhyana
      MANIMURUGAN                          University of Singapore
                                                                                  #11: Leaders of Future
161   Ms Wei Ching ONG        Singapore    Data Scientist, Holmusk

                                           Manager, Strategic Planning            #14: Podcast Climate
162   Ms Su Chen TEH          Singapore
                                           Division, MND                          Action

                                           Undergraduate Student, Nanyang         #14: Podcast Climate
163   Mr Jun Hao WONG         Singapore
                                           Technological University               Action

      Ms Katarína                          Graduate Student, Slovak University
164                           Slovakia                                            #12: Food Forests
      BLIŠÁKOVÁ                            of Agriculture

      Ms Michaela                          Undergraduate Student, King’s          #4: BEEP Media
165                           Slovakia
      KNOSKOVA                             College London                         Campaign

                                           Graduate Student, University of        #5: Teaching & Learning
166   Ms Živa JAKŠIĆ IVAČIČ   Slovenia
                                           Ljubljana                              during COVID-19

                                           Administrative Clerk, National
                                                                                  #6: Access & Success for
167   Ms Tea MARTINOVIĆ       Slovenia     Assembly of the Republic of
                                                                                  Students with ASD

                                           Graduate Student, Modul University
168   Ms Ana UDOVIC           Slovenia                                            #15: Atlas-Akhyana

                                           Undergraduate Student, University      #11: Leaders of Future
169   Mr Tadej URŠIČ          Slovenia
                                           of Ljubljana                           Bootcamp

      Mr Aleix BALLART                     Graduate Student, La Salle -
170                           Spain                                               #2: The Soap Factory
      PÉREZ                                Universidad Ramón Llull

      Mr Ander MARTINEZ                    Doctoral Student, Vrije Universiteit
171                           Spain                                               #15: Atlas-Akhyana
      ALONSO                               Brussels

      Mr Jorge SOLOZABAL                   Undergraduate Student, University      #3: The Well-being
172                           Spain
      ZAPATA                               of Sheffield                           Platform

      Ms Ruth VERA                         Recent Graduate, Rey Juan Carlos
173                           Spain                                               #7: ASEM Folk Tales
      DELGADO                              University

                                                                                  #1: End the stigma.
174   Ms Yosra ALI            Sweden       Student, Fryshusets Gymnasium

      Mr Geronimo FAGER                    Undergraduate Student, Stockholm
175                           Sweden                                              #7: ASEM Folk Tales
      CLEMENTE                             University
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                                  Participants & Navigators

                                          Student, International School of the
176   Mr Vipul GAHLAWAT     Sweden                                               #9: Econ4Life
                                          Stockholm Region (ISSR)
                                          Undergraduate Student, University
177   Mr Emanuel AEGERTER   Switzerland                                          #12: Food Forests
                                          of Zurich (UZH)
                                          Intern, Federal Department of          #4: BEEP Media
178   Ms Miranda BILGER     Switzerland
                                          Foreign Affairs (FDFA)                 Campaign

                                          Graduate Student, Sciences Po          #1: End the stigma.
179   Ms Alicia JOHO        Switzerland
                                          Paris                                  Period.

                                          Undergraduate Student, University      #13: HE for Climate
180   Mr Elischa LINK       Switzerland
                                          of Basel                               Action

                                          Graduate Student, Pompeu Fabra
181   Mr Voradon LERDRAT    Thailand                                             #7: ASEM Folk Tales
      Ms Sarulchana                       Consultant, Levante International
182                         Thailand                                             #2: The Soap Factory
      VIRIYATAVEEKUL                      Development
                            United        Undergraduate Student, SOAS,           #4: BEEP Media
183   Ms Sinem ISHLEK
                            Kingdom       University of London                   Campaign
                            United                                               #6: Access & Success for
184   Mr Christopher PIKE                 Programme Manager, Media Trust
                            Kingdom                                              Students with ASD

                            United        Scholar, Daiwa Anglo Japanese
185   Ms Isabelle WARD                                                           #15: Atlas-Akhyana
                            Kingdom       Foundation

                                          Research Assistant, Woolcock
186   Dr Ha Xuan NAM        Viet Nam                                             #2: The Soap Factory
                                          Institute of Medical Research, Hanoi

                                          Teaching and Research Assistant,
187   Mr Anh Duc NGUYEN     Viet Nam                                             #8: Economic Diplomacy
                                          Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

                                          Undergraduate Student, University
188   Ms Hong Bao NGUYEN    Viet Nam                                             #12: Food Forests
                                          of Wroclaw

                                          Undergraduate Student, University      #10: The Adjustment
189   Ms Trang NGUYEN       Viet Nam
                                          of Economics Ho Chi Minh City          Manual
#ASEFYLS4              4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                      Page 11 of 59
                           Participants & Navigators


   Ms Kelsey GRAY                          Kelsey is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree
                                           in Law and recently completed a Bachelor’s
           Australia                       degree in Biology from the University of
                                           Newcastle, Australia. In 2017 she was an
                                           Australian Youth Delegate at the United Nations
     Undergraduate                         Climate Talks in Bonn (COP23). Kelsey has
           Student                         gained experience in a diverse array of
       University of                       professional environments including the United
         Newcastle                         Nations, academia, not-for-profit environmental
                                           organisations, climate litigation research, and
                                           commercial law. She attended the 9th Model
                                           ASEM in 2019, representing China. Kelsey’s
                                           interests lie in strengthening global cooperation
                                           towards climate change. Kelsey is an ASEFEdu

    Mr Harry MANN                          Harry is an architect and entrepreneur, with a
                                           Master’s degree in Advanced Architecture and
           Australia                       Business Administration. He is the founder of an
                                           architecture, urban design and interior design
                                           studio in Phnom Penh. Through Future
            Director                       Architecture, Harry is training and developing his
 Future Architecture                       team to deliver contemporary architecture using
                                           leading software and design standards, including
                                           BIM and Virtual Reality. Future Architecture also
                                           aims to upskill and empower young Cambodian
                                           architects. Harry co-founded the ethical clothing
                                           brand Saintfield in 2019, which uses highly
                                           sustainable materials such as hemp as well as
                                           ethical supply chains and production to deliver
                                           high quality Australian fashion. Harry is an
                                           ASEFEdu alumnus.

  Mr Nick PENTNEY                          Nick has a Bachelor’s degree in International
                                           Business from RMIT University and is currently
           Australia                       pursuing a Master’s degree in International
                                           Relations at Monash University. Besides his
                                           studies, he is working as an Executive Assistant
 Executive Assistant                       at the Refugee, Migrant & Children’s Center
 Refugee & Migrant                         (RMCC), and is volunteering as an educator for
    Children Center                        the Australian Climate Coalition. Nick has
            (RMCC)                         completed internships with the Australian
                                           Institute of International Affairs and Assisi Aid.
                                           Nick has also worked as a sports coach in
                                           basketball, tennis and Australian football. His
                                           educational interests focus on global politics of
                                           refugee resettlement and climate change action.

     Mr James TAIT                         James is pursuing Ecological Economics studies
                                           at the University of Melbourne, where he also
           Australia                       works as Climate Adaptation Researcher. James
                                           has extensive experience working with Australian
                                           entrepreneurs and start-ups with whom he
  Graduate Student                         collaborates to problem-solve in civic, policy and
   The University of                       private spaces. James’s work focuses on
        Melbourne                          empowering local communities and their leaders
                                           to 'think globally and act locally' by researching
                                           how community services like foodbanks and
                                           homeless shelters are vulnerable to climate
                                           change impacts.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                        Page 12 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

    Mx Patrizia FINK                        Patrizia obtained their Bachelor's degree in
                                            Korean Studies from the University of Vienna in
              Austria                       July 2020 and they are currently pursuing a
                                            Linguistics major in the same university. Patrizia
                                            is currently aiming at pursuing a Master's degree
     Undergraduate                          in International Politics in South Korea as a result
             Student                        of their strong interest in socio-political issues.
 University of Vienna                       Their academic focus lies heavily on North Korea
                                            and its relations to other countries.

   Ms Valerie-Sophie                        Valerie-Sophie holds a Bachelor's degree in
      SCHOENBERG                            European Studies and a minor in International
                                            Business from Maastricht University. She is
              Austria                       currently completing her Master's degree in
                                            Socio-Economics at the Vienna University of
                                            Business and Economics. Valerie-Sophie is the
          Co-Founder                        Co-founder of the sustainable strategy consulting
  Circular Cocreation                       network Circular Cocreation, whose vision is to
                                            co-create a sustainable and prosperous future for
                                            our planet and ourselves. She has also been a
                                            trainer in intercultural communication with the
                                            NGO Youth for Understanding and has recently
                                            started pro-bono consulting as part of the
                                            Coaches for Future network. Valerie-Sophie is an
                                            ASEFEdu alumnus.

          Ms Sandra                         Sandra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Japanese
          WOHLAUF                           Studies with a minor in Korean Studies and is
                                            currently pursuing a double Master's degree in
              Austria                       East Asian Economy and Society as well as
                                            Intercultural Communications and Translation at
                                            the University of Vienna. During her studies she
  Graduate Student                          took part in various funded academic exchanges
 University of Vienna                       with Asian universities. Sandra has gathered
                                            experience in governmental institutions such as
                                            the Austrian Embassy and Arakawa City Hall in
                                            Tokyo and is a member of the United Nations
                                            Youth and Students Association of Austria, an
                                            academic youth forum on foreign affairs.

       Mr Asif AMER                         Asif is currently seeking a Master’s degree in
                                            Educational Leadership and School Improvement
         Bangladesh                         at the BRAC University. His interest in education
                                            led him to participate in the 'Teach for
                                            Bangladesh' fellowship. He has co-founded the
  Research, Planning                        MASTUL Foundation, an organisation that
 and Implementation                         designs human-centred and impact-oriented
              Officer                       activities. Asif has also founded Alleviation 360,
             Foreign,                       a youth organisation which utilises youth
 Commonwealth and                           participatory based activities for community
 Development Office                         development.
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                          Page 13 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

     Mr Abdullah AR                          Abdullah graduated from the Institute of
             RAFEE                           Business Administration (IBA) of the University of
                                             Dhaka. He has worked for the Institute for Policy,
         Bangladesh                          Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG) conducting
                                             research, developing policy and managing
                                             projects. Abdullah is also the Network Manager
    Deputy Manager                           for Bangladesh for the UN Sustainable
         (Programs &                         Development Solutions Network (SDSN), where
             Projects)                       he regularly writes articles, and speaks in
     The Institute for                       international conferences on the aforementioned
    Policy, Advocacy,                        areas in international media outlets.
    and Governance

   Ms Zannat GHANI                           Zannat completed her Bachelor’s degree in
                                             Urban and Regional Planning from Khulna
         Bangladesh                          University of Engineering and Technology. She is
                                             currently enrolled as a Master’s degree student
                                             for     Development       Studies     at     the
         UNV Project                         University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She also holds
           Assistant                         a diploma from the University of Twente,
      United Nations                         Netherlands on Participatory Mapping and Land
       Development                           Administration. Zannat has worked in the
         Programme                           development sector for over 5 years and currently
         Bangladesh                          serves as a United Nations Volunteer under
                                             UNDP, serving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
                                             Bangladesh. Zannat volunteered as a Country
                                             Director of the International Youth Alliance for
                                             Peace Bangladesh. She is an active member of
                                             the Innovation for Change South Asia.

  Ms Lamia MOHSIN                            Lamia is currently working as a Junior Consultant
                                             at the Resilience and Inclusive Growth Cluster,
         Bangladesh                          United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
                                             where she provides for the needs of the
                                             marginalised population in the climate vulnerable
      Junior National                        coastal areas of Bangladesh. Additionally, Lamia
          Consultant                         is the co-founder of Standing up For the
      United Nations                         Underprivileged, a youth-driven voluntary
        Development                          organisation that works on areas such as social
 Programme (UNDP),                           inclusion, reduced inequalities and access to
         Bangladesh                          education for underprivileged children. Besides
                                             that, she has won a number of research grants,
                                             including the Young Researcher grant funded by
                                             UNDP, SDC and DANIDA.

  Mr Nayem MOLLA                             Nayem is an undergraduate student at the
                                             Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies,
         Bangladesh                          University of Dhaka. He is a disability rights
                                             advocate and peace activist in Bangladesh. Since
                                             2019, he has been volunteering at the Physically-
     Undergraduate                           challenged Developed Foundation. Nayem is a
             Student                         trainer and has facilitated sessions on various
 University of Dhaka                         topics such as conflict, diversity or disability rights
                                             issues. He also led several campaign including 'I
                                             Am the Bangladesh', an online hashtag campaign
                                             to counter hate speech and promote harmony
                                             during the COVID-19 pandemic.
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                      Page 14 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

  Mr Nicolas VANDE                           Nicolas is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in
       KERCKHOVE                             European Studies at the College of Europe in
                                             Natolin, Poland. He completed his Bachelor's
            Belgium                          degree in Literature, Culture, Linguistics and
                                             History of Germanic languages at the Université
                                             Saint-Louis, Brussels, and a Master’s degree in
   Graduate Student                          Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the
 College of Europe in                        Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. In 2016
              Natolin                        he took part in a university exchange programme
                                             at the University of Münster. Those six months
                                             enabled him to deepen his knowledge of German-
                                             Dutch political and cultural relationships as well
                                             as gender linguistics.

        Mr Maxim                             Maxim obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law
 VANDEKERCKHOVE                              combined with a Master’s degree of Public
                                             Economy. He wrote his thesis on Transnational
            Belgium                          City Networks and their impact on Smart City
                                             developments. He is currently working as
                                             Assistant Coordinator at the expertise workgroup
             Assistant                       on Technology, Science and Innovation
     Coordinator on                          Diplomacy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Maxim
           Innovation                        has also experiences as Erasmus+ facilitator and
           Diplomacy                         participated in a joint internship at the EEAS and
    Vrije Universiteit                       the African Union, where he was the coordinator
              Brussel                        of the “Business and Job Creation Cluster”.
                                             Maxim is an ASEFEdu alumnus.

  Ms Nadia BINTI HJ                          Nadia studied Business Administration at the
                AJI                          University of Brunei Darussalam. In 2021, she
                                             was a Delegate of the Australian-ASEAN Youth
 Brunei Darussalam                           Program (AASYP) Break The Chain, where she
                                             wrote an op-ed about human trafficking, forced
                                             labour and modern slavery in the context of
     Undergraduate                           Brunei Darussalam. Currently, she is a full-time
             Student                         Marketing Intern at Perspective Insan Academy.
    Universiti Brunei                        She is also a member of Global Shapers Bandar
        Darussalam                           Seri Begawan Hub.

       Ms Maisarah                           Maisarah is currently pursuing her Bachelor's
          FIRDAUS                            degree in Biotechnology at Monash University
                                             Malaysia. She volunteers as a Campaign
 Brunei Darussalam                           Coordinator for UN SDG Action Brunei. Prior to
                                             that, Maisarah interned at the Strategy and Policy
                                             Unit at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
    Undergraduate                            of Brunei, where she worked on a project to
           Student                           economically empower women in a temporary
  Monash University                          settlement centre through agriculture. In 2020,
          Malaysia                           she won a Social Innovation Challenge and
                                             founded Padian Packs, Brunei's first online
                                             vegetable box scheme.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                       Page 15 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

         Ms Roberta                         Roberta is currently doing her Bachelor's degree
          GUEVSKA                           in European Studies at Sofia University. She also
                                            works as an Administrative Assistant at the
            Bulgaria                        Information Centre of the European Union in
                                            Sofia, and gained earlier working experiences as
                                            Project Coordinator for GEM Bulgaria. Roberta
     Undergraduate                          volunteers in various youth movements and
            Student                         associations, such as JEF Bulgaria, UNA News
     Sofia University                       and YOUTHub. Roberta is devoted to youth
                                            development and community engagement and
                                            contributes to these areas as a Junior Delegate
                                            and Social Media Expert at the pilot initiative of
                                            the Representation of the European Commission
                                            in Bulgaria - Team Europe Junior.

           Ms Dina                          Dina pursued her studies in Psychology, with a
        ZLATUNOVA                           particular research focus on Clinical, Cultural and
                                            Critical Psychology. Dina works as European
            Bulgaria                        Social Fund Integration Officer in London, and
                                            focuses on Black, Asian and minority ethnic
                                            group. She is currently designing and monitoring
    Doctoral Student                        projects that aim to improve social and
   University College                       psychological well-being.

    Ms Dolphie BOU                          Dolphie is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree
                                            in Urban Studies at Yale-NUS College. At Yale-
          Cambodia                          NUS, she heads Womxn in Policy, a
                                            subcommittee of Womxn in Business. As a result
                                            of her interest in public health and women's
     Undergraduate                          rights, she interned at a telemedicine company
           Student                          that provides discreet and convenient sexual
   Yale-NUS College                         healthcare services such as birth control and STI
                                            testing. She was awarded two consecutive ASEAN
                                            Scholarships to pursue educational opportunities
                                            in Singapore, where she now resides.

     Mr Pirun CHAN                          Pirun works at the Ministry of Economy and
                                            Finance, where he conducts research and
          Cambodia                          provides analytical inputs for strategic policy
                                            development. Additionally, Pirun works as
                                            Research Associate at the Centre for Inclusive
   Young Economist                          Digital Economy at Asian Vision Institute, where
 Ministry of Economy                        he covers the topic of "Developing Cambodia's
         and Finance                        Digital Economy: Youth's Perspective". Pirun is a
                                            volunteer at the Global Shapers Community's
                                            Phnom Penh Hub.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                       Page 16 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

      Mr Dechkunn                           Dechkunn received his Bachelor’s degrees in
           CHHAY                            Information Technology Management from the
                                            American University of Phnom Penh and in
          Cambodia                          Computer Science from Fort Hays State
                                            University. He is currently working as a Research
                                            and    Communications        Intern    at   Open
     Research and                           Development Cambodia (ODC) and is a member
    Communication                           of the UN Youth Advisory Panel Cambodia
            Intern                          (UNYAPC). Prior to this, he was a Junior Research
 Open Development                           Associate at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
        Cambodia                            Cambodia.

       Ms Chhiv Ing                         Chhiv Ing is currently a student in Political
          CHHOUN                            Science and International Relations at the
                                            Paragon International University of Cambodia.
          Cambodia                          She combines her studies with her work for the
                                            Thmey Thmey news and media website as an
                                            International News Writer. Chhiv Ing is a former
     Undergraduate                          delegate of Model United Nations, Paragon
            Student                         International University of Cambodia. She is also
            Paragon                         a member of Cambodia Scouts and the Union of
       International                        Youth Federations of Cambodia.

 Mr Rathany CHHUM                           Rathany currently works as a Field Learning
                                            Programme Manager and Co-instructor at the
          Cambodia                          Department of Social Work, Royal University of
                                            Phnom Penh. He is responsible for developing
                                            and overseeing community service-learning
      Co-Instructor,                        opportunities for social work students. Rathany
     Department of                          also engages as a volunteer in activities involving
        Social Work                         youth empowerment, community building and
  Royal University of                       grassroots activism.
       Phnom Penh

 Mr Vanndasambath                           Vanndasambath is a student in Political Science
          CHHUON                            and International Relations at Paragon
                                            International University with a focus on ASEAN-EU
          Cambodia                          relations, Cambodia-UK bilateral relations, and
                                            International      Development.          Currently,
                                            Vanndasambath is an intern at the Ministry of
     Undergraduate                          Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                        Page 17 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

   Mr Visal CHOURN                          Visal holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy
                                            from the Seattle Pacific University and is currently
          Cambodia                          finishing up his Master’s degree in Public Policy
                                            from the University of Cambodia. Visal also works
                                            as Enterprise Support Coordinator for SHE
  Enterprise Support                        Investments, an organisation that empowers
          Coordinator                       women to become leaders in business and
SHEInvestments/Uni                          communities. He is a Research Fellow at the
 versity of Cambodia                        Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace,
                                            Sub-Editor at Australia ASEAN Youth Strategic
                                            Partnership, and member of the Executive
                                            Committee of Young SEAkers Cambodia Chapter.

     Mr Lyhour HAK                          Lyhour is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in
                                            Computer Engineering. More specifically, he is
          Cambodia                          conducting research on crime prevention as well
                                            as protection in cybersecurity with an outlook to
                                            promote the newest software models. Lyhour has
     Undergraduate                          been involved in volunteering for various years on
            Student                         events that promote the improvement and
           Sirindorn                        development of human interaction with
       International                        technology.
         Institute of

     Ms Rithmonich                          Rithmonich is a Biomedical Science student at
             HENG                           Monash University in Australia and focuses on
                                            cell development, reproductive sciences,
          Cambodia                          infertility treatments and Assisted Reproductive
                                            Technologies. Before moving to Australia to
                                            pursue her graduate studies, she did her
  Graduate Student                          Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Science in New
  Monash University                         Zealand, where she engaged actively in the
                                            Cambodian Student Association of Victoria
                                            University of Wellington, as well as at the New
                                            Zealand Red Cross.

  Ms Keolydeth HUN                          Keolydeth holds a Bachelor’s degree in Media
                                            Management and is currently working as a
          Cambodia                          Communications Manager at SHE Investments
                                            where she aims at raising female entrepreneurs'
                                            profiles at higher social classes. She worked in
   Communications                           the tech industry for various years in search of
          Manager                           common ground between women and tech.
   SHE Investments
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                      Page 18 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

  Ms Tepmonyneath                            Tepmonyneath is a Law student at the University
              KIN                            of Cambodia, and a Chinese Literature student at
                                             the Royal University of Phnom Penh. She
           Cambodia                          combines this with her job as a legal assistant
                                             and as administrator at the Confucius Institute of
                                             Royal Academy of Cambodia. Tepmonyneath was
     Undergraduate                           a Cambodian Delegate for the 5th China-ASEAN
            Student                          Youth Summit and a KAS-Female Legal Youth of
    The University of                        Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Cambodia.

   Ms Sopheavy KOY                           Sopheavy is a student of International Studies at
                                             the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Besides
           Cambodia                          pursuing her degree, she works as Program
                                             Officer at the Cambodia Development Center.
                                             Prior to this she interned at the East Asia
     Program Officer                         Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
          Cambodia                           International   Cooperation     in    Cambodia.
 Development Center                          Sopheavy participated in the ASEAN Youth
                                             Community (AYC) in Singapore as part of the
                                             Cambodian delegation.

  Ms Kimsivgech LO                           Kimsivgech is currently pursuing two Bachelor's
                                             degrees in English Literature and in International
           Cambodia                          Business Management at the Royal University of
                                             Phnom Penh. She volunteers in the youth field
                                             supporting young people in finding their desired
      Undergraduate                          career path. Kimsivgech participated in the
             Student                         KHMER Model ASEAN Meeting on the topic of
   Royal University of                       "ASEAN in the Post-Pandemic World".
        Phnom Penh

    Mr Chan Oudom                            Chan Oudom pursues a Bachelor’s degree in Civil
          MEATRA                             Engineering at Tianjin University, China. He
                                             volunteers in various organisations, such as the
           Cambodia                          Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia. He has
                                             also taken part in an exchange programme of the
                                             Cambodian Youth Action (CYA).
    Tianjin University
#ASEFYLS4                 4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                       Page 19 of 59
                              Participants & Navigators

       Ms Huy Teang                           Huy Teang received her Master’s degree of
              MENG                            Education majoring in Global Education
                                              Leadership from Korea National University of
           Cambodia                           Education, South Korea. She is currently working
                                              at the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport,
                                              Cambodia. Huy Teang is a member of the ASEAN
 Official, Department                         Socio-Cultural Community in Cambodia and has
           of Planning                        co-published two articles. Huy Teang is an
            Ministry of                       ASEFEdu alumnus.
    Education, Youth
            and Sports

        Ms Lim NICH                           Lim is currently a dual degree student at the
                                              Royal University of Law and Economic. On top of
           Cambodia                           this, she is also undertaking an English Language
                                              based Bachelor of Law Programme. She
                                              participated in the 8th ASEAN Students Leader
     Undergraduate                            Forum at Chiang Mai University, as well as in the
            Student                           Willem C. Vis International Commercial
  Royal University of                         Arbitration Moot in Vienna.
 Law and Economics

          Ms Jo SAM                           Jo has recently graduated in Food Engineering at
                                              Debrecen University in Hungary, where she
           Cambodia                           focused on sustainability in production and
                                              entrepreneurship. She is now working on a start-
                                              up initiative to develop edible insect products to
    Recent Graduate                           increase their acceptability in the EU and global
        University of                         markets, based on their sustainability and
          Debrecen                            nutrition benefits.

        Ms Por SEAK                           Por is currently pursuing a dual Bachelor's degree
                                              in International Studies at the Royal University of
           Cambodia                           Phnom Penh and International Business at the
                                              University of Cambodia. Prior to this, she interned
                                              as a Project Team member at the Department of
     Undergraduate                            International Studies. Besides, she is actively
            Student                           involved in community works including
  Royal University of                         volunteering as an English teacher for the
       Phnom Penh                             EnglishEd Project of the Global Peace Foundation
                                              and as a volunteer to take care of the elderly at
                                              Blossom Seed under the iVolunteer Project in
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                        Page 20 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

 Mr Meas SOTHYRO                             Meas is currently pursuing his Bachelor's degree
                                             in Information and Communication Technology at
           Cambodia                          the American University of Phnom Penh. In 2019,
                                             he participated in the Asian Science Camp
                                             programme. Meas was also selected as a head
    Undergraduate                            speaker in Puthisastra University in 2019 for the
           Student                           technological innovation workshop to expand and
 American University                         motivate young learners to pursue their
    of Phnom Penh                            education on technology.

       Mr Muong                              Ponnarith is a Research Associate at the Mekong
 SOVANPONNARITH                              Centre for Strategic Studies of the Asian Vision
                                             Institute. He holds two Bachelor’s degrees in
           Cambodia                          International Relations from the Royal University
                                             of Phnom Penh and in Law from the Royal
                                             University of Law and Economics. Ponnarith
 Research Associate                          previously worked as an Associate at the legal
Asian Vision Institute                       firm SokSiphana and as Research Assistant in
                 (AVI)                       the research project ''Victimhood after mass
                                             violence''. He is also a former member of the
                                             United Nations Youth Advisory Panel Cambodia
                                             and a former member of the ASEAN Youth
                                             Organisation - Cambodia.

  Ms Setthikun SUN                           Setthikun is an International Relations lecturer at
                                             the Department of International Studies of the
           Cambodia                          Royal University of Phnom Penh, where she
                                             obtained her Bachelor’s degree in International
                                             Relations. Setthikun is a research associate at
        International                        the Centre of Governance, Innovation, and
  Relations Lecturer                         Democracy of the Asian Vision Institute. Formerly,
  Royal University of                        she was a national intern at UNV working on
        Phnom Penh                           youth employability project.

   Mr Nguonlim TAN                           Nguonlim is a senior student in a dual degree
                                             programme between the American University of
           Cambodia                          Phnom Penh and the University of Arizona.
                                             Besides studying, Nguonlim volunteers at
                                             Accessed Educators, a project led by Southeast
    Undergraduate                            Asian youths with a mission to improve the
           Student                           education system in Southeast Asia through
 American University                         digital solutions during and after the pandemic.
    of Phnom Penh                            He is a certified tutor at the Learning Center at his
                                             school where he assists and mentors students
                                             during their academic journey.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                     Page 21 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

   Ms Rachna THIM                           Rachna is pursuing her studies in Media
                                            Management at the Royal University of Phnom
          Cambodia                          Penh. She is also a Communications Coordinator
                                            at the STEM Education Organisation of
                                            Cambodia, where she is develops and manages
   Communications                           its media channels.
   STEM Education
    Organisation in

      Mr Kyhok YEH                          Kyhok is a dual degree student pursuing both
                                            International Relations and Professional
          Cambodia                          Communication at the Institute of Foreign
                                            Languages of the Royal University of Phnom
                                            Penh. He used to be a Chinese teacher and an
     Undergraduate                          intern at Teach For Cambodia, working to
            Student                         promote the educational equity in Cambodia.
  Royal University of                       Kyhok was also one of the SDGs Youth Reporter
       Phnom Penh                           in 2019 whose role was to raise awareness of the
                                            right to information to realise a participative

     Mr Yet YOEUM                           Yet is an International Relations student at the
                                            Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
          Cambodia                          Besides studying, he is currently employed as a
                                            young professional intern at Transparency
                                            International Cambodia, where he works on anti-
     Undergraduate                          corruption, good governance mobilization, and
            Student                         youth and women empowerment. Moreover, Yet
  Royal University of                       is an active volunteer at the ASEAN Youth
       Phnom Penh                           Organisation-Cambodia,

     Mr Dean CHEN                           Dean holds a Master’s degree in EU International
                                            Relations and Diplomacy from the College of
               China                        Europe in Bruges, and a Bachelor’s degree in
                                            International Relations from the King's College
                                            London. Dean currently works on higher
  Programme Officer                         education digital transformation in developing
      UNESCO-ICHEI                          countries at UNESCO-ICHEI.
#ASEFYLS4                 4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                      Page 22 of 59
                              Participants & Navigators

        Mr Nan HAO                            Nan holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy
                                              under Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship from
                China                         Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National
                                              University of Singapore. He is a political affairs
                                              Program Officer at a Northeast Asia regional
      Political Affairs                       intergovernmental organisation based in Seoul.
     Program Officer                          As a practical scholar, he has been involved in
             Trilateral                       several book projects including Artificial
        Cooperation                           Intelligence and Global Governance, Overseas
          Secretariat                         Risk Prevention and Reduction for Institutions
                                              and Individuals. Nan is an ASEFEdu alumnus.

    Mr Matko Sanjin                           Matko has a Master’s degree in Law from the
        JOVANOVIĆ                             Faculty of Law in Zagreb and is currently working
                                              as an Attorney Trainee in a law firm. During his
              Croatia                         studies he spent a semester at Stockholm
                                              University studying International Economic Law
                                              and Swedish Law and language. During his last
    Attorney Trainee                          years of studies, Matko was awarded with the
 Law office Jovanović                         Chancellor's Award for a thesis on nuclear
                                              disarmament and the Dean's Award for "Youth
                                              Engaged" - a project aiming to further engage
                                              youth in participating in EU decision-making
                                              processes. Matko is an ASEFEdu alumnus.

    Ms Eleonora LAI                           Eleonora is a Pharmacy student at the Faculty of
                                              Pharmacy and Medical Biochemistry of the
              Croatia                         University of Zagreb. She is a member of the
                                              Croatian Pharmacy and Medical Biochemistry
                                              Students’ Association. Furthermore, she was an
     Undergraduate                            active member of the European Pharmacy
              Student                         Students' Association (EPSA) and eSTUDENT, the
 University of Zagreb                         biggest student association in Croatia where she
                                              held the position of marketing team member. She
                                              is currently holding the position of President of

   Ms Kaja PAVLINIĆ                           Kaja is works as Project Manager in the IT
                                              industry. She has a Master’s degree in Computing
              Croatia                         and is a member of the Steering Board of the
                                              Croatian Youth Network and owns her own
                                              business, called KAJUŠKA. In her previous work,
    Product Manager                           Kaja organised and participated in over 40 local
       Speck Agency                           and international projects regarding civic
                                              engagement, diplomacy and youth.
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                       Page 23 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

    Mr Charalampos                           Charalampos is a student at the University of
   CHRISTODOULOU                             Patras' Medical school, working towards
                                             becoming a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). He has
              Cyprus                         partaken in a professional medical student
                                             exchange programme (SCOPE) of IFMSA, at the
                                             National University of Asuncion in Paraguay.
      Undergraduate                          Charalampos is an elected Board Member of the
              Student                        Student Society of Cypriots in Patra and President
  University of Patras                       of Student Democratic Party of Patras. He also
                                             participated at a volunteer organisation of
                                             ActionAid-Hellas by building up a school class in

      Mr Alexandros                          Alexandros is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in
       GEORGIADIS                            Law at the National Kapodistrian University of
                                             Athens. He used to be a representative in the
              Cyprus                         National Student Union of Cypriots in Athens.
                                             Since various years ago he independently writes
                                             articles on current affairs.
 University of Athens

         Ms Ludmila                          Ludmila is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Media
           FILIPOVÁ                          Studies at Charles University in Prague. She is a
                                             member of multiple youth organisations that
      Czech Republic                         focus on engaging students in politics and
                                             community volunteering. Ludmila currently
                                             interns at the International Sustainable Finance
   Graduate Student                          Centre (ISFC). She also regularly participates in
 Charles University in                       various student competitions and hackathons
              Prague                         tackling sustainability problems, most recently
                                             winning with her international team the
                                             Business4Change hackathon organised by the
                                             European Commission.

  Mr Stepan KMENT                            Stepan is studying a Master’s of Philosophy at the
                                             University of Cambridge and works part-time as a
      Czech Republic                         Research Assistant at the private research
                                             company PAQ Research. He completed his
                                             Bachelor’s degree in Education Studies at the
   Graduate Student                          UCL Institute of Education and spent a term
        University of                        abroad at the University of Helsinki. He has junior
         Cambridge                           experience in all three sides of the policy-making
                                             triangle: the public sector when he interned at the
                                             MoE, the private sector, and the NGO sector
                                             where we carry out work as an Analyst for two
                                             years with the organisation EDUin.
#ASEFYLS4               4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                       Page 24 of 59
                            Participants & Navigators

 Mr Martin SIMACEK                          Martin has a Bachelor's degree in Economics
                                            from the University of Groningen and is currently
      Czech Republic                        pursuing a Master's degree in Finance from
                                            Imperial College London. Martin is the President
                                            of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) in the
           President                        Czech Republic and is actively involved in the EYP
     European Youth                         network, one of the world's largest youth
    Parliament Czech                        organisations.

 Mr Dennis NIELSEN                          Dennis is specialised in war and conflict reporting
                                            with an Erasmus Mundus Master's degree in
            Denmark                         journalism, media and globalisation from the
                                            Aarhus University and the Swansea University.
                                            Dennis is a freelance journalist and China
           Journalist                       correspondent at the national youth radio
         Radio LOUD                         broadcaster Radio LOUD. He has previously
                                            worked as a journalist at the Danish Broadcasting
                                            Corporation. Dennis is an ASEFEdu alumnus.

          Ms Monika                         Monika is currently pursuing her Master’s degree
         SKADBORG                           in Environmental Engineering at the Technical
                                            University of Denmark. She is the Chairperson of
            Denmark                         the Youth Climate Council in Denmark, and a
                                            former Youth Delegate to the United Nations.
                                            Monika is a Board Member in the European Youth
           President                        Forum, the umbrella organisation for National
       Youth Climate                        Youth Councils and International Youth NGOs in
             Council                        Europe.

   Ms Danna ZHANG                           Danna holds a Master’s of Law degree and is
                                            currently working as an Assistant Attorney at the
            Denmark                         Danish law firm Gorrissen Federspiel. Danna has
                                            extensive involvement with pro bono work and
                                            serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Board at
   Assistant Attorney                       Fonden Bindeleddet, a Danish volunteer
 Gorrissen Federspiel                       organisation aimed at supporting homeless
            Law Firm                        youth.
#ASEFYLS4                4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit                        Page 25 of 59
                             Participants & Navigators

  Ms Hanna ALAJÕE                            Hanna has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and
                                             a Master's degree in Public Health from the
              Estonia                        University of Tartu. She is currently working in the
                                             Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia. Hanna has
                                             volunteered for various organisations, including
     Chief Specialist                        the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme, the
    Ministry of Social                       Estonian Food Bank and the Estonian LGBT
    Affairs of Estonia                       Association. She was recently the Projects
                                             Director of AEGEE-Europe, a pan-European
                                             interdisciplinary youth organisation, where she
                                             was managing projects on topics like active
                                             citizenship, circular economy, mental health,
                                             gender mainstreaming and being responsible for
                                             the organisation's actions related to SDGs.

    Mr Aivar KAMAL                           Aivar is working towards his Bachelor's degree in
                                             International Business Administration at the
              Estonia                        Tallinn University of Technology as well as a
                                             Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of
                                             Tartu. For the past years, he has been actively
 International Officer                       involved in the development of youth work in
   Estonian National                         Estonia and at the international level and
       Youth Council                         coordinates the European Union Youth Dialogue
                                             at national level. In the Estonian National Youth
                                             Council, he is also responsible for international
                                             cooperation     and      the   development     of

          Ms Lembe                           Lembe has a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, and
         KULLAMAA                            she is presently finishing her graduate studies in
                                             public health and epidemiology. Her current
              Estonia                        research is focused on unmet health care needs
                                             in migrant population, and mental health. She is
                                             an active volunteer on issues related to patient
   Graduate Student                          rights, youth policy, and access to health care.
   University of Tartu                       She is currently working at Estonian National
                                             Institute for Health Development. Lembe is an
                                             ASEFEdu alumnus.

 Mr Lauri HEIKKINEN                          Lauri has an academic background in languages
                                             and has partaken in advocacy actions such as
              Finland                        deinstitutionalisation of people with disabilities in
                                             the EU or international mobility opportunities for
                                             young people. He has worked with the Finnish
   Civic Engagement                          National Agency for Education as part of a pan-
          Consultant                         European task force providing support to young
    Finnish National                         people engaged in EU mobility projects. Lauri is
Agency for Education                         an ASEFEdu Alumnus.
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