School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY

Page created by Dolores Hansen
School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Rowan Ramsey MP

2020 Resource Guide for

School Leavers
School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Front cover picture

     Rowan is pictured with school leaders from Clare High School
     Left to Right: George Cook, Ashley White, Jasmine Lawrie

                                                The Electorate of Grey
                                         covers almost 93% of South Australia

The material in this resource guide is made available for the purpose of providing access to government information and not as
professional advice. Before relying on the material, users should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular
circumstances to evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes. Some material in this resource guide
may include or summarise views, standards or recommendations of third parties. The inclusion of such material is not an endorsement
by the Commonwealth of that material and not an indication of the Commonwealth’s commitment to any particular course of action.
Links provided to internet sites are provided for the user’s convenience and do not constitute endorsement of the information at those
sites. The contents of this resource guide are based on information and advice as at the date of compilation, 2020.

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Dear School Leaver
Congratulations on your impending graduation!

Graduation from high school marks a new and exciting phase in your life as you take on the responsibilities and
challenges of adulthood. Your family and teachers are proud of what you have been able to achieve with
commitment and perseverance to your studies and the greater school community.
In Australia we enjoy the privilege of a rounded and balanced educational system. We are fortunate to have principals
and teaching staff in our region dedicated to ensuring you are leaving school with the skills you will need for the next
part of your life, so you can live, work and contribute as a well-balanced and responsible citizen of our great country.
Your life will continue to be a learning journey, constantly adapting to our fast changing world, built on the basis of the
importance of mainstream values such as hard work, tolerance, persistence and the respect for others I know your
parents and teachers have impressed upon you.

I trust you will find the information in this guide helpful. I also encourage you to enrol to vote if you have not yet done
I sincerely wish you a happy and successful future with whatever career you choose. Life is an exciting challenge,
full of choices and opportunities. Seek counsel, take advice, back your own judgement and live your dreams.

Please contact my office if I can be of any further assistance.

Yours sincerely

Rowan Ramsey MP
Federal Member for Grey

Your views are important to me
So if you have any feedback on this guide, or or ideas on information that would be helpful to other
school leavers, please contact me at:

            Port Pirie Office:                          Kadina Office:                          Whyalla Office:
           104 Ellen Street                            43 Taylor Street                       45a Playford Avenue
          Port Pirie SA 5540                          Kadina SA 5554                           Whyalla SA 5600
             P: 8633 1744                               P: 8821 4366                             P: 8645 4255
           P: 1300 301 742                                                                     P: 1300 301 651


School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Exploring Opportunities .................................................................................. 1
My Future .................................................................. 1
Job Outlook .................................................................................................... 1
Job Guide........................................................................................................ 2
Career Expos .................................................................................................. 2
Future Ready .................................................................................................. 2
ADF Cadets, Defence Force and Defence Force Gap Year.......................... 3
Education and Training Options .................................................................... 4
Australian Qualifications ................................................................................ 4
Vocational Education and Training (VET) ...................................................... 4
Course Seeker ................................................................................................ 5
My Skills .......................................................................................................... 5
Education and Training Providers ................................................................. 5
Technical and Further Education (TAFE) ...................................................... 5
Private Registered Training Organisations ................................................... 5
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Sector ............................................. 5
Universities .................................................................................................... 6
Courses at Regional Universities .................................................................. 6
Applying for University ................................................................................... 6
Study Assist .................................................................................................... 6
South Australian Universities ........................................................................ 7
Accommodation, Renting and Living............................................................. 8
Adelaide Student Hostels .............................................................................. 8
Renting............................................................................................................ 9
Finding a Property .......................................................................................... 9
Essential Services .......................................................................................... 10
Work while you Learn ..................................................................................... 11
Australian Apprenticeships ............................................................................ 11
Australian Apprentices with a Disability and Job Access ............................ 11
School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship .............................................. 12
Pre-Apprenticeships ....................................................................................... 12
Indigenous Apprenticeships Programme ..................................................... 12
Trade Support Loans ..................................................................................... 13
Living Away From Home Allowance............................................................... 13
Travel and Accommodation Allowance and TAFE Accommodation ............ 13
WorkReady ..................................................................................................... 13
Literacy and Numeracy .................................................................................. 14
Australian Apprenticeship Access Program.................................................. 14
Group Training ............................................................................................... 14
Internship Placements .................................................................................. 15
Empowering Youth and Transition to Work .................................................. 15
Community and Volunteer Work ................................................................... 15
Youth Jobs PaTH ............................................................................................ 15
Finding Employment ...................................................................................... 16
Foundation for young Australians. ................................................................ 16
Launch into Work. .......................................................................................... 16
Job Outlook ..................................................................................................... 16
National Work Experience Programme ......................................................... 17
Wage Subsidies .............................................................................................. 17
Generation Success ....................................................................................... 17
School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Job Services Australia ............................................................................................... 18
Starting a business ................................................................................................... 18
NEIS ............................................................................................................................ 18
Finding Employment ........................................................................................ 19
What to include in a resume......................................................................... 19
The interview .................................................................................................. 20
Work and Your Rights……………………………………………………………………………21
In the workplace ............................................................................................ 21
Equal opportunity employment ..................................................................... 21
Disability Rights ............................................................................................. 21
Sexual Discrimination .................................................................................... 22
Occupational Health and Safety ................................................................... 22
Financial and Other Support ......................................................................... 23
Services Australia (Centrelink) ...................................................................... 23
Youth Allowance ............................................................................................. 23
Independent Youth Allowance ...................................................................... 23
Parental income and assets test .................................................................. 24
Income Bank .................................................................................................. 24
Personal income and assets test ................................................................. 24
Youth Allowance Rates .................................................................................. 24
Rent Assistance ............................................................................................. 24
Health Care Card ........................................................................................... 24
myGov ............................................................................................................. 25
Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) ................................................. 25
Repaying your HELP Debts ............................................................................ 25
VET Student Loans ........................................................................................ 26
SA Fee Help .................................................................................................... 25
Scholarships................................................................................................... 25
Tertiary Access payment ............................................................................... 25
Student Start up Loans ................................................................................. 27
Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships................................................ 27
ABSTUDY and AUSTUDY ................................................................................ 27
Indigenous Youth Programmes ..................................................................... 27
Young Carer Bursary Programme. ................................................................ 27
Additional Information ................................................................................... 28
Enrolling to Vote ............................................................................................. 28
Tax File Number ............................................................................................. 28
Medicare Australia ......................................................................................... 28
Private Health Insurance ............................................................................... 29
Australian Organ Donor Register .................................................................. 29
Donating Blood .............................................................................................. 29
Return to Work ............................................................................................... 29
Mental Health ................................................................................................ 30
Headspace and Black Dog Institute. ............................................................ 30
Gambling ........................................................................................................ 30
Managing your Finances, Banking and Credit Cards ................................... 30
Credit Cards, Money Smart, TrackMySPEND ............................................... 31
Getting your Licence ...................................................................................... 32
Your Civil Rights ............................................................................................. 32
Leaving Home ................................................................................................ 32
Social Networking and Online Scams ........................................................... 33
Country Education Foundation. .................................................................... 33
Unique Student Identifier .............................................................................. 33
Heywire ........................................................................................................... 33
Useful Website………………………………………………………..Inside and Rear Cover

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
There are many pathways from school that
can lead to rewarding careers. It is important
to remember that people can move between pathways
and are not locked into one occupation or education level.

It is easy to move from work to study, TAFE to university, or from an Australian
Apprenticeship into a long-term professional career.
After school most young people choose between:

  •   Continuing a further education and training programme through vocational education and training or university
  •   Undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship
  •   Finding employment
  •   Participating in community or volunteer work
  •   Starting a business

This is an exciting time! You have almost finished school and are about to start your
post–school life. You may have a career path in mind or perhaps you are still a little
unsure of which direction you want to take.

   A good starting point can be to talk to your careers teacher. Remember these teachers are there to help and are a
   great place to start if you are not sure which career pathway to take. Another great resource is “myfuture”.

After Year 12 - myfuture – what next?
myfuture is a national, online career exploration and information system. Log on to myfuture to create your own
personal profile that can help you to identify a range of career options. You can:

  •   Find out more about yourself, your skills, interests, values and aspirations
  •   Discover what occupations suit you
  •   Learn about the world of work
  •   Explore your creativity and enterprise skills
  •   Plan your career pathway and set goals
  •   Get career insights
  •   Check out courses

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
myfuture - what next?                       Job Outlook                             Future Ready - Schooltowork
myfuture is a great resource for                                                  Future Ready is a National Career
students who are thinking about their                                             Education Strategy to help students and
post-school options. The portal has                                               parents make more informed decisions
tips and ideas on a wide range of                                                 about career options after school and
options available after Year 12                                                   where a vocational education and training
including:                                                                        (VET) qualification can take them.
                                          Job Outlook is a careers and labour
                                          market research information site
•      Future work opportunities                                                  It ensures every student in every school
                                          providing information on over 350
•      Post-school education and                                                  have access to high-quality career
       training                           occupations. It provides a wealth of
                                                                                  education to help make a successful
•      Working while you learn            information such as job prospects,
                                                                                  transition from school to further
•      The benefits of education and      weekly earnings and vacancies.
                                                                                  education, training, work or a
       training                           There are several links to reports
                                                                                  combination of these.
                                          about each job pathway. It can help
                                          to give you a starting point for
    You can also find out about:                                                  For more information visit
                                          making decisions about your career.
                                          You can get information about what
•      Occupations
•      Industries                         specific jobs involve and a list of     u/
•      Where to get funding, grants and   personal requirements and the           There are several links to resources and
       scholarships                       necessary education and training.       other websites such as the National
•      Online vacancies                   To access Job Outlook visit             Careers Institute under the Parents and
•      Volunteer opportunities                    Carers tab.
•      Support agencies
•      Australian Apprenticeships
•      Post-school education and          Career E xpos
       training courses                                                           Additional Career Information
•      Education and training providers   Each year in Australia, career expos
•      Employment conditions,                                                     The Australian Government provides a
                                          are held in major cities and regional
       employment trends and where                                                range of career information pamphlets
       the jobs are                       centres. They are great places to
                                                                                  and booklets which cover job searching,
                                          speak directly with employers, learn
                                                                                  skills identification and information for
                                          more about potential training and
For more information visit                                                        parents.
                                          further education options and                       access resources and career             For more information visit
                                          planning support.             
                                          Career expos provide the opportunity
                                          for you to talk with people from
                                          different industries and explore
                                          possible career and employment
                                          pathways through advice from the
                                          industry experts, training providers,
                                          government departments and
                                          education organisations.
                                          For more information about career
                                          expos in your area visit
                                          to see what events are happening near

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Australian Defence Force Cadets
The Australian Defence Force Cadets (ADFC) is a community-based youth development organisation open to young men and
women aged between 12 to 20 years of age. As a cadet you learn leadership, team building and survival skills, at the same time
experiencing what life is like in the Navy, Army or Air Force. There are units in several country areas and these can be located by

Australian Defence Force Gap Year and Cyber Gap Programs
The Defence Force Gap Year Program gives young Australians the chance to experience an exciting and rewarding role with the
Australian Defence Force between high school and higher education. Once successful applicants have completed basic recruit
and trade specific training, they will then be immersed in the ADF lifestyle while continuing to learn on the job, developing their
skills and all whilst being paid a great salary. It’s a unique opportunity to get a feel for a career in the Australian Defence Force,
however there are other short-term roles which may also be worth considering.
The Cyber Gap program is open to those already studying or currently enrolling in a cyber-related qualification. Defence can offer
a valuable insight into how you can protect Australia’s online systems and information whilst enhancing your cyber skills.

For more information visit or call 13 19 01
or for the Cyber Gap Program

Australian Defence Force
The Navy, Army and Air Force offer a range of challenging and worthwhile careers, with promotional opportunities and job
security. You will also receive the very best training to earn qualifications that in many cases are recognised Australia wide - all
whilst being paid. Before you can be accepted into the ADF you will need to pass a number of medical tests to ensure you are in
peak physical condition and able to serve to your maximum capability.

Joining the ADF
You can apply to join the Australian Defence Force online at or by calling
13 19 01. Successful applicants to the Australian Defence Force must be able to speak, read and write English proficiently. All
communications with the ADF are conducted in English, including the 13 19 01 call centre and the entire defence jobs website.

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Education and
Training Options
Australian Qualifications                     Vocational Education                          Australian School-based Apprenticeships
                                              and Training (VET)                            provide the option of starting an
To get a job in some areas you need to                                                      Australian Apprenticeship while still at
                                                                                            school and you can actually earn a wage
have a qualification or be working            Vocational education and training is
                                                                                            as you work and study – keeping your
towards a qualification. If you participate   competency-based and directly job
                                                                                            options open after finishing school.
in formal learning, you are likely to be      related. The VET system provides training
                                                                                            For more information visit
working towards a qualification.              for around 4 Million students annually in a
There are several levels of qualifications    wide range of workplace skills and
available in Australia. Qualifications that   knowledge-based competencies for many         aboutVet
are recognised across Australia meet          different occupations. VET provides
requirements as set out by the                employment opportunities for learners         Commonwealth
Australian Qualifications Framework           and a skilled workforce for employers.
(commonly known as the AQF). This
                                                                                            Scholarships Program
                                              Courses are offered through:
framework is a national system for                 • TAFE institutes                        for Young Australians
schools, vocational education and                  • Secondary schools
training and the higher education sector           • Commercial training providers          The Program provides
and links qualifications together across           • Industry organisations                 scholarships to successful
the education and training system.                 • Australian School-based                applicants of up to $5,000 a
                                                                                            year to undertake an approved
                                                   • Community training providers
The table below shows the AQF                      • Agricultural colleges                  course of study in one of 10
qualifications: For more                           • Universities                           regional areas experiencing high
information visit                                  • Adult and community training           youth unemployment. The                                          providers                           scholarships target occupations
                                              You can obtain nationally recognised          identified in projected growth
                                              qualifications in areas as varied as          industries and in-demand
                                              aviation, aged care, building and             occupations within each region.
                                              construction, hairdressing, children’s        Scholarship recipients will also
                                              services, car repairs, earth science,         complete a 20-day paid
                                              plumbing and nursing.                         internship and receive an
                                              Many schools offer ‘VET in school’            additional $3,000. For more
                                              courses that count towards both the
                                                                                            information visit
                                              senior secondary certificate and a
                                              nationally recognised vocational    
                                              qualification.                                wealth-scholarships-program-

              School                           Vocational Education and                             Higher Education
                                                      Training (VET)

    Senior Secondary Certificates of              Vocational Graduate Diploma                           Doctoral Degree
            Education Plus                        Vocational Graduate Certificate                        Masters Degree
            Certificate III                             Advanced Diploma                               Graduate Diploma
            Certificate II                                   Diploma                                    Bachelor Degree
            Certificate I                                  Certificate IV                               Associate Degree
                                                                                                       Advanced Diploma

School Leavers - Rowan Ramsey MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREY
Education and
    Training Options
                                             improved access to study options
                                                                                        Private Higher Education
                                             particularly for regional students.
                                             For more information visit                 Providers
                                                                                        There are approximately 4,000 private
 My Skills                                   Technical and Further                      Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
                                                                                        in Australia offering nationally recognised
 Australia’s online directory of training.   Education (TAFE)                           training. RTOs may be business colleges,
 Visit My Skills to connect to training                                                 secretarial colleges, computer training
 organisations. You can                      At TAFEs throughout Australia there        centres and industry-based training
 • Search for a training organisation        are over 5,000 courses available at        centres.
     or qualification                        approximately 500 campuses that            RTOs provide training from Certificate
 • Find out about the training               can prepare you for your first job,        I to Advanced Diploma in a wide
    experiences of others                    retraining or further study.               range of fields, such as beauty therapy,
 • View statistics on student outcomes                                                  hospitality, travel, business, computing,
 • View statistics on training               There are currently six levels of          music, aviation, childcare, art and design,
     organisations                           courses: Certificates Level I–IV,          naturopathy and languages.
                                             Diploma and Advanced Diploma. TAFE         If you are signing up with a training
 For more information visit                         training programmes are recognised at      provider, ensure they are registered and
                                             state, territory and national levels. A    reputable. If you are eligible for income
                                             small number of TAFE institutes also       support payments ensure the
                                             offer higher education courses, such       organisation is recognised by the
 The QILT website helps you compare          as Bachelor Degrees, Graduate              Department of Human Services. For
 student experience and employment           Certificates and Graduate Diplomas, in     more information visit the National
 outcomes data from Australian higher        selected fields of study.                  Training Information Service
 education institutions. Create your                                          
 own shortlist to compare different          TAFE also offers labour market
 study areas and institutions.                                                          rganisation
                                             courses, entry and bridging courses,
                                             adult and community education
 For more information visit                                                             Adult and Community                             classes and small business
                                             management courses.
                                                                                        Education (ACE) Sector
Course Seeker                                                                           Adult and Community Education (ACE)
                                             For more information visit the Education
                                                                                        centres include neighbourhood houses,
Course Seeker provides information           and Training Providers section of
on more than 7,000 higher                                                               schools, non-government adult education
education courses. Prospective                                                          providers and community centres. They
                                             or visit
students can make informed                                                              provide a wide range of short courses and
decisions about future study options                                                    programmes. Some ACE centres are also
by accessing information from right          or visit a TAFE in your local community:   Registered Training Organisations and
across Australia in a nationally             There are a number of campuses             offer pre-vocational and vocational
consistent and comparable format.            including the following locations:         training.
This interactive, searchable website         Ceduna, APY Lands, Clare, Coober Pedy,     For more information contact Adult
displays course information, entry           Kadina, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, Port     Learning Australia (ALA) on
requirements, admission processes            Lincoln and Whyalla.
and student satisfaction and                                                            (03) 9689 8623 or visit
graduate survey results giving

Universities                                    To find a Tertiary Admissions Centre in
                                                                                            Uni Hub Spencer Gulf
Universities offer a wide range of general                                                  Uni Hub Spencer Gulf is a not-for-profit,
                                                another state or territory visit the
and specific courses at undergraduate           Australian Conference of Tertiary           community-owned and driven tertiary
level (Diploma, Advanced Diploma and            Admissions Centres at                       education facility which brings
Bachelor Degree) and postgraduate level                           educational opportunities to people in
(Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma,                                                    the Spencer Gulf region. The Port Pirie
                                                In South Australia:
Masters Degree and Doctoral Degree).                                                        campus opened in 2019 with the Port
                                                South Australian Tertiary Admissions
Universities also run bridging and tertiary     Centre (SATAC),                             Augusta campus opening in 2020.
preparation courses that can help you           104 Frome Street, ADELAIDE SA               Funding has also been announced for a
build your skills in preparation for study      Phone: 1300 138 440 or                      further hub in Kadina.
or help you, if you are unsure about what       (08) 8224 4000                              Uni Hub Spencer Gulf provides the
you might like to study. Keep in mind that      or visit                   opportunity for people to study a range
it is possible to pursue university study by                                                of tertiary courses without the need to
transferring from recognised VET studies,                                                   relocate to a metropolitan area. By
undertaking bridging courses or studying                                                    working closely with industry, the
by distance education through a                 Distance and Online
                                                                                            community, schools and tertiary
university, Uni Hub or Open Universities        Study                                       providers, the hub offers tertiary courses
Australia.                                      Many providers offer alternative            that address skill shortages in the region
                                                modes of study to tertiary students,        however it is available to all students
University Open Days                            such as online or distance                  studying at university. For further
                                                education. You should check with            information visit
Most universities have open days during
                                                providers directly.
the year when you can visit and hear                                              
                                                One example is Open Universities
about course information, speak with
                                                Australia (OUA). (OUA are owned
lecturers and look at the facilities. This is
                                                and operated by a consortium of             Study Assist
a great way to get a feel for the University
                                                Australian universities and offers           Study Assist provides an extensive
                                                students access to higher                    range of information to prospective
                                                education study regardless of their          and current students. This includes:
Applying for University                         ATAR, previous education, age or           • Tertiary study options including
You can apply to your chosen university         location.                                    qualifications, courses,
through standard entry (on the basis of                             commonwealth assistance, distance
your senior secondary school                                                                 education and financial assistance
qualifications), special or alternative                                                    • Help with fees including HECS-HELP,
entry, or advanced standing entry               Courses at Regional                          FEE HELP, SA-HELP, OS-HELP and VET
(credit transfer or credit for prior            Campuses                                     FEE HELP
learning). In most states and territories                                                  • Student Income Support including
                                                Some universities have regional
and in some courses applications are                                                         Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy
                                                campuses. In our region the University
processed through a Tertiary                                                                 and scholarships
                                                of South Australia has a variety of
Admissions Centre. Application forms                                                       • Scholarships and Awards
                                                courses available at the Whyalla
are normally available from August                                                         • Information whilst studying including
                                                Campus including business and                keeping up to date with study debt or
onwards and it is advisable to apply            accounting, education, nursing and           withdrawing from courses
before November. Contact individual             rural health, computer and                 • Paying back your study loan
universities and Tertiary Admissions            information science, applied statistics,
Centres for further advice.                     social work, community wellbeing and        For more information visit
                                                arid lands technology.            

Education and
Training Options
Study Assist and Course Seeker provides students with a broad range of
information about Australian universities and other higher education providers. Start your
search to make an informed choice about what and where to study.
Undergraduate Courses
Search thousands of undergraduate accredited courses and compare details such as fee
and entry requirements.
Postgraduate Courses
For information about studying for a postgraduate research degree and search for
information on research quality and activity at Australian universities.
If you are considering going directly from school to university, it is important to fully explore
university and course requirements. Look at pre-requisite Year 11 and 12 subjects as well
as the range of courses and the campuses at which some courses are offered. For more
information visit or
Or for more information regarding universities which may offer the courses you
may be interested in studying in South Australia visit:

The University of Adelaide
Ph: 1800 061 459
There are several campuses depending on which course: North Adelaide, Roseworthy,
Waite, National Wine Centre and Thebarton. There is also a pathway program at Port

Flinders University
Ph: 1300 354 633
The main campus is located at Sturt Road, Bedford Park, Adelaide SA

University of South Australia
Ph: 08 8302 6611 or 1300 UNINOW
There are five campuses depending on which course: City West, City East, Magill,
Mawson Lakes and Whyalla

Open Universities Australia
Ph: 1300 738 512
GPO Box 5387, MELBOURNE VIC 3001
Online Higher Education Service owned by seven Australian Universities

University Indigenous Education Units
If you are from an Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander origin many universities have
dedicated Indigenous education units. For further information visit

Accommodation in                                                                   Student Living Australia
Adelaide                                                                           UniLodge South Australia (Manager of
                                                                                   Student Living) manages over 900 beds
Residential colleges are a very                                                    representing 420 apartments.
popular option for country                                                         Student Living currently manage
students who are studying in                                                       student accommodation in South
Adelaide. You are usually supplied                                                 Australia in the Adelaide suburbs of
with your own room and all meals.                                                  Magill, Kent Town and Adelaide City as
Bathrooms are generally shared                                                     well as several town houses in the city.
and communal lounge facilities                                                     For further information
are provided. All colleges have                                                    Tel: 08 8385 9007
excellent recreational facilities.
Boarding facilities located in Adelaide                                  
                                          Adelaide Student Housing
                                                                                   Commercial Student
Aquinas College                           Student hostels usually offer single
1 Palmer Place,                           bedroom accommodation, however may       Accommodation
NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006                    offer a limited number of twin, double   Commercial student accommodation
Ph 08 8334 5000                           and triple share rooms. Each bedroom     refers to purpose built facilities situated                       is fully furnished and includes access   off-campus and managed by private
                                          to a shared bathroom, laundry, lounge    management companies.
Lincoln College                           and recreational activities. Most are    For further information contact
45 Brougham Place,                        self-catering, however there are some    Urbanest
NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006                    that provide meals. Occasionally they    Ph 1800 260 801
Ph 08 8290 6000                           have a mix of both. For more                       information visit
                                                                                   University Accommodation
St. Ann’s College                                                                  Many universities have accommodation
187 Brougham Place,                                                                available on-campus or in hostels
NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006                                                             nearby which are managed by the
                                          Other private options include
Ph 08 8267 1478                                                                    university.
                                          Elmtree Lodge
                                                                                   Uni Hall and Deidre Jordan Village at
                                          2-4 Gladstone Street,
St. Mark’s College                                                                 Flinders University are two examples
                                          FULLARTON SA 5063
46 Pennington Terrace,                                                             and contain catered and self-catered
                                          Ph 08 8372 2500
NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006                                                             independent living units. For more
Ph 08 8334 5600                                                                    information visit                                                
                                          Australian Lutheran College
                                          104 Jeffcott Street,
Kathleen Lumley College                                                            Check with the university you enrol with
                                          NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006
(Postgraduates Only)                                                               to see what options they may have
                                          Ph 1800 625 193
51 Finniss Street                                                                  available.
Ph 08 8267 3270

Renting and Living
Renting                                 Get Good Advice
Where to start looking?                 Office of Consumer and
                                        Business Services
Newspapers: Look in the classified
section under the following
                                        The office has a huge range of
headings - "To let" and
                                        information about renting, tenants
"Accommodation Vacant". You could
                                        rights, landlords rights, public and
also consider advertising under
                                        private rental, specialised housing and
Accommodation Wanted in the
newspaper. Saturdays are the most       common problems renters face. It also
popular day for advertising             has a wide range of tenancy forms and
accommodation, so it pays to get in     fact sheets.
early. Wednesdays are also a good                                                 Community Notice Boards
day. Most papers now have all of        To access this information visit
their advertised rental properties                                                Often people advertise on a
online. Check your local paper for                                                community notice board, especially for
their website details.                                                            share accommodation. There are
You may also like to check some of      Finding a Property                        notice boards in some supermarkets,
the following websites                                                            shopping centres, universities and
                                        Real Estate Agents                        TAFEs. Just take down the details in a
                                                                                  notebook and call the number given.              Although real estate agents generally
                                                                                  The other tenants will probably want
                                        advertise places on the internet and                                                                 to meet with you and ask you some
                                        in the paper, it is also a good idea to
                                                                                  questions to see if you are the sort of                         contact them directly. They may have
                                                                                  person that will fit in well with them.               a property 'on their books’ which has
                                                                                  Generally when you answer an ad, you
                                        not yet been advertised, or for which                                                          will also need to go and look at the
                                        they are unable to find a tenant.
                                                                                  property and speak to the real estate                                                              agent. The real estate agent usually                   Free Community Newspapers                 checks references before they agree
property-for-rent/c18364                                                          to let you move in. Make sure you go
                                        The local community newspapers are        prepared. You will need to have: ID
                                        delivered to the majority of homes and    and proof of your employment or
Internet and Apps                       they often contain ads for rental         income; references from previous
                                        accommodation.                            landlords — if you’ve had any;
There are several apps and
                                                                                  and access to money for a bond and
websites for finding flatmates
                                                                                  one months rent in advance.
including Easy Roommate.
If you go to meet a potential
flatmate, always take a friend or
family member. If you advertise for a
flatmate, for safety reasons never
conduct an interview alone and
always ask for appropriate
identification and references.

Renting and Living
What to pay                                  Condition of premises                          Access and privacy
To sign a lease, you will have to pay        When you sign a lease, you should also         Your landlord has certain rights of access,
a bond and usually one month’s rent          be given a ‘Condition of Premises’ Report.     but it’s definitely not “open house”. Your
in advance. But don’t forget the extra       This lists all the rooms and fittings (such    landlord can enter your home to: inspect
costs of having the electricity, gas         as carpets, curtains, light fittings) in the   the property; carry out repairs; or show the
                                             property and their condition. The              property to prospective tenants or buyers,
and telephone connected.
                                             landlord should complete the Condition         but they must give you reasonable notice
Always get receipts                          Report and give you three copies within        they are coming.
Landlords or real estate agents              a day of you moving in. Check the report       For more information visit the website
must give you receipts unless you            and write down any disagreements you           of the office of Consumer and Business
have paid electronically where the           have about the condition of the property.      Services at
electronic deposit receipt is                You then keep a copy for yourself and
sufficient. They are important if            give the others back to the landlord. If
disputes arise about payments.               this is your first time renting – ask
They are also important if you need          someone more experienced to do it with         Getting connected
to claim rent assistance. Banks              you. Two sets of eyes are better than          THE ESSENTIAL SERVICES
can usually arrange for your rent to         one. This is really important protection       For many people, the first thing to do
be automatically deducted from               for you. Make sure you write down all          when they move into a house is to check
your bank account and paid to the            the problems there are, like stains on         whether the essential services are
landlord’s nominated account. This           the carpets, cracked windows
                                                                                            working. These are things like water,
saves the hassle of having to go to          etc. Most disputes when you get your
                                                                                            electricity, gas (if there is any), telephone
the landlord each week or                    bond back are caused by disagreements
                                                                                            and internet. The second thing to do is to
fortnight. You need to make sure             about whether or not damage was caused
                                                                                            make sure that these services are not just
enough money is in your account              by you as the tenant. You need to protect
                                                                                            connected, but are connected in your
or you might be charged a penalty            yourself as much as possible from such
                                                                                            name. Otherwise, you may receive bills
fee. Make sure receipts include the          disputes by keeping all the evidence you
                                                                                            intended for the previous tenant. Similarly,
following details: exactly what the          can. You may even consider taking photos
payment was for; the amount; the                                                            when you leave make sure you get these
                                             of the property while you are filling in a
date of payment; the period of time                                                         services disconnected, or you will end up
                                             condition of premises form.
the payment was for; and the                                                                paying someone else’s bill.
premises which the payment refers
                                             Rent increases                                 Getting wired
to.                                          Rent increase rules are different in each
                                                                                            Before you move in you should
                                             state and territory. Generally your landlord
Bonds                                        is not able to increase your rent unless
                                                                                            contact the electricity company to
You will need to pay a bond to the                                                          arrange for the electricity to be
                                             they give you a period of notice.
landlord or real estate agent before you                                                    connected. You may need to provide
move into the house or flat. It is held to   Repairs                                        proof of your identity and pay a
                                             Often tenants have difficulty getting          connection fee which will be added to
cover the cost of any unpaid rent or
                                             landlords to make repairs. If your landlord    your first bill.
damage which you may cause to the
                                             refuses to make repairs, try writing a
property. A landlord can’t charge you
                                             letter requesting action. If that doesn’t
                                                                                            Getting the gas
more than four weeks rent for a bond.                                                       To be connected to natural gas (where
                                             work, you can complain to the Agents
The landlord or real estate agent has to                                                    there is a gas supply but the meter is
                                             Board and Real Estate Institute in your
lodge your bond money with the Office                                                       turned off) you may be charged a
of Consumer and Business Services in                                                        deposit. Call your local gas supplier for
your state. You should receive a copy of                                                    further information.
the Advice of Lodgement Form.

Work while
    you Learn
Australian Apprenticeships                                                               Australian Apprentices
                                           • Recognition and credit for existing         with a Disability
What is an Australian                        skills and prior experience potentially     If you are an Australian Apprentice
Apprenticeship?                              reduce formal training time                 with a disability, you may be eligible
Australian Apprenticeships combine         • Full-time or part-time                      for assistance to help you reach your
training and employment and lead to a        opportunities, many schools also            potential as a skilled worker.
nationally recognised qualification.         offer part-time apprenticeships             The following assistance is available
Australian Apprenticeships may cover all   • Nationally recognised qualifications        to an employer who employs an
Certificate levels and selected Diploma      and skills which provide the basis for      apprentice with a disability in an
and Advanced Diploma qualifications.         further education and training over the     Australian Apprenticeship.
Australian Apprenticeships are available     course of your working life
to anyone of working age and do not                                                      •    Disabled Australian Apprentice
                                           • A pathway from school to work
require any entry qualifications.                                                             Wage Support (DAAWS)
Australian Apprentices are paid an         Apprenticeships can last up to four years,    •    Assistance through the
                                           but the faster you learn the skills, the           Employment Assistance Fund
income while being trained. The training
                                                                                              which helps by providing work
wage depends on the industry, the type     faster you can move towards becoming
                                                                                              related modifications
of apprenticeship and the level of         fully qualified.
                                                                                         •    Tutorial and mentor services for
schooling and training undertaken.         Australian Apprenticeships are available
                                                                                              off the job training such as TAFE
Australian Apprenticeships offer:          in a variety of certificate levels in more         and trade school
                                           than 500 occupations across Australia, in
•    A great way to get a head start in    traditional trades, as well as in a diverse   For further information visit
     a chosen career                                                           
                                           range of emerging careers, in most
•    Paid work and structured
                                           sectors of business and industry. No
     training that can be on-the-job,                                                    or call 13 38 73
     off-the-job or a combination of       matter what industry you might be
                                           interested in, there is likely to be an
     both. The training is provided by                                                   Job Access
     your employer and/or a TAFE           Australian Apprenticeship to meet your
                                                                                         Job Access is the national hub for
     Institute or other training           needs. For more information contact an
                                                                                         workplace and employment
     provider                              Australian Apprenticeship Support             information for people with a disability,
                                           Network Provider or contact 13 38 73 or       employers and their service providers.
•    ‘Competency based’ training
                                           visit                                         For more information visit
     means you can complete your
     training faster, if you reach the
     required skills level

School Based Apprenticeship                                                                Financial Incentives for
or Traineeship                                                                             Employers & Apprentices
Australian School-based Apprenticeships      It can be difficult for students to gain an   Australian Apprenticeships attract
and Traineeships combine schooling in        apprenticeship through lack of                financial assistance for eligible
Year 10, 11 and 12 with training and         experience in the field.                      employers to help reduce the real cost
employment.                                  Pre-apprenticeships assist by giving          of training. Employers hiring an
                                             students theoretical experience in the        Australian Apprentice may be eligible
A school based apprenticeship or             industry.                                     for a range of Australian Government
traineeship is not that different from a
                                                                                           and State Government incentives and
regular apprenticeship but is combined       For more information visit Australian         personal assistance for Certificate II -
with your schooling. You will have an        Apprenticeship Pathways at                    IV.
employer who will employ and train you
                                                                                           There are also a number of incentives for
on the job plus you’ll do some formal off-             apprentices to commence, continue and
job training with a training provider.       pprenticeships/Course-Finder                  complete their qualification especially in
Enrolling in a school-based
                                                                                           areas of skills shortage. It may be worth
apprenticeship can have a number of
                                                                                           approaching an employer to discuss the
benefits including:
•     Your training will contribute          Financial Support for                         incentives if you are keen to start an
                                                                                           apprenticeship. Incentives range from
      towards your SACE                      Australian                                    $750 to $3000. For more information
•     You’ll start your chosen career or
                                             Apprenticeships                               visit
      trade whilst you are at school
•     You will earn money while you learn
                                             The Australian Government provides  
•     You will get experience in the trade
                                             income support payments to eligible           .au/Employers/Incentives-and-Funding
      or vocation of your choice
                                             Australian Apprentices, to assist             or
•     Your school based training will
                                             them in the early years of their              https://www.australianapprenticeships
      convert to full-time when you leave
                                             apprenticeship when their wages are
                                             at their lowest.
For more information talk to your
                                             You may be eligible for extra financial
VET or careers teacher or visit
                                             support via one of the following Australian   ramme%201%20July%202019.pdf
vice-provider/trade-schools-for-the-         Government payments: Youth Allowance;
                                             Austudy; and ABSTUDY. However, your           Indigenous Apprenticeships
                                             ability to receive the payment depends on     Programme
                                             a number of factors, including your
                                             personal situation and your fortnightly       The Indigenous Apprenticeship Programme
Pre-Apprenticeships                          earnings.                                     is a pathway for Indigenous Australians to
                                                                                           start their career in the Australian Public
                                             For more information on eligibility,
There are a number of                                                                      Service. The programme provides full time
                                             contact Dept of Human Services on
pre-apprenticeship (PRE-VOC) programs                                                      entry level positions and a nationally
on offer which can help you increase         13 36 33 or visit
                                                                                           recognised certificate or diploma
your chances of gaining an                       qualification at completion.
apprenticeship.                              /individuals/students-and-trainees            Apprenticeships are offered throughout
Pre-apprenticeships provide the                                                            Australia, and include the opportunity to
opportunity for those wishing to gain                                                      study:
apprenticeships to complete pre-
requisite courses relevant to the                                                          •    Policy and program development
industry they hope to work in. Students                                                    •    Service delivery
do not need an employer to do a                                                            •    Administration
pre-apprenticeship course.
                                                                                           •    Technical or engineering

                                                                                           For more information visit

Work while
you Learn
Trade Support Loans                        Living away From Home                          You will be eligible if you:
(Formerly Tools for your Trade)                                                          • Have a current training contract
                                           Allowance                                        registered in South Australia
As an Australian Apprentice or trainee                                                   • Are eligible for government funded
                                           You may also be eligible to receive the
working in a skills need area you may                                                       training (with a government
                                           Living Away From Home Allowance if you
                                                                                            contracted training provider
be eligible for a Trade Support Loan of    leave home for the first time to take up or
                                                                                         • Travel a round trip distance in excess
up to $21,542 to help you cover the        remain in an Australian Apprenticeship
                                                                                            of 150kms between your normal
costs of living and learning. You          position.
                                                                                            place of residence and your closest
choose what to spend your money on.
                                           The Living Away From Home Allowance              contracted training provider in South
Buy work gear such as tools or boots,                                                       Australia
                                           provides assistance to eligible
or use it to cover living expenses such                                                  • Live within a non-metropolitan area
                                           Australian Apprentices in their first three
as rent, phone bills and bus tickets, or                                                    of South Australia.
                                           years of training, if they:
even save your payments to buy a
                                           • Have to move away from their
second-hand car or ute. You can opt-                                                     For more information visit
                                              parents’ or guardians’ home in order
in or out of the loan anytime and
                                              to take up or retrain via an
borrow a small amount, or take the                                             
                                              Australian Apprenticeship; or
full $21,542 over four years.                                                            skills/apprenticeships-and-
                                           • Receive essential supplementary on-
Trade Support Loans           have                                                       traineeships/becoming-an-
                                              the-job training with another
monthly payment limits of:
                                              employer; or                               apprentice-or-trainee/apprentice-
$718.07 per month in year 1
                                           • Are homeless                                support
$538.56 per month in year 2
$359.04 per month in year 3                For more information visit
                                                                                         TAFE Training
$179.52 per month in year 4
                                                                                         Accommodation for
Once you earn more than
$46,620 you will start repaying  
this through the tax system, the           incentives#:~:text=The%20Living%20A           TAFE SA’s Regency International House
same arrangements as applied to            way%20from%20Home,first%20three               (RIH), Regency Campus, is a purpose-
the HELP loans.
                                           %20years%20of%20training.&text=sta            built student accommodation facility
For more information on Trade                                                            where approx. 76 rooms are available
Support Loans contact                                                                    for regional students, training at
13 38 73 or visit                                                                        Tonsley, Regency or Elizabeth
                                           r%20employer                                  Campuses. Casual affordable                                                        accommodation including meals are
                                           Travel and Accommodation                      available for apprentices whilst
                                           Allowance for Training                        undertaking block training. Costs
                                                                                         associated with block training are
                                           If you have to travel more than 150kms        usually borne by the apprentice,
                                           to get to and from your closest               however first check with your employer.
                                           approved training provider / trade
                                           school, the State Government may              For further information visit
                                           contribute towards a portion of your
                                           travel and accommodation costs.     
                                                                                         or call 1800 673 097

WorkReady                                   To find out if you are eligible for this   Who can use Group Training
                                            program or get a referral, talk to         companies?
WorkReady is a career and workplace         Centrelink or your local Employment        • People of any age seeking
training initiative of the South            Service Provider including:                    apprenticeships or traineeship
Australian Government which aims to         • Jobactive                                    positions
ensure investment in training is            • Disability Employment Services           • Any enterprise interested in
aligned to strategic industry sectors       • Community Development                        employing one or more apprentices
and growth areas. Eligible individuals          Program                                    or trainees, even if only for a
can access subsidised training. An                                                         relatively short period of time
                                            • Transition to Work and
individual needs to meet course entry
                                            • ParentsNext                              • Secondary schools running
requirements and verify their eligibility
                                            For further information visit                  vocational courses or wanting
with the approved training provider of
                                                     industry placements organised
their choice before being enrolled in
government-subsidised training.             education-and-employment                   • Training providers, both public and
WorkReady will support direct                                                              private
connections between training and                                                       To find out more contact:
jobs at the local level and connect         Group Training                             Group Training Australia
people to the training and                                                             Call 1800 819 747 or visit
employment activity best suited to          What is Group Training?          
them over a working lifetime.               Group Training is an employment and
For further information visit               training arrangement whereby an
                                            organisation employs apprentices
                                                                                       How can I find an employer
                                            and trainees under an                       to take me on?
or telephone 1800 506 266
                                            Apprenticeship/Traineeship Training        There are a number of ways to find an
                                            Contract and places them with host         employer who will take you on as
Foundation Language,                        employers. A Group Training                an apprentice:
Literacy, Numeracy and                      Organisation (GTO) undertakes the          •     Contact your local Australian
                                            employer responsibilities for the                Apprenticeship Centre
Digital Skills Support                      quality and continuity of the              •     Contact your local Job Network
                                            apprentices’ and trainees                        agency to find any vacancies they
If you are a job seeker wishing to
                                            employment and training. The GTO                 have registered
develop your reading, writing and
                                            also manages the additional care and       •     Contact employer groups and
maths skills to improve your chances
                                                                                             associations for industries
of finding and keeping a job, the           support necessary to achieve the
                                                                                             which interest you
Skills for Education and Employment         successful completion of the training
                                                                                       •     Check the daily newspapers
(SEE) program can help.                     contract. Some specialise in
                                                                                       •     Approach employers directly
The program provides language,              servicing a particular industry, while
literacy and numeracy training to           others will work with many industries
                                                                                       Use the Yellow Pages to identify
eligible job seekers, to help you to        in their region.                           employers and write to, telephone or
participate more effectively in                                                        visit them to inquire about vacancies.
training in the labour force. You can       Over 40,000 apprentices and
get up to 650 hours of free                 trainees are employed by group             For further information visit
accredited training, starting at your       training companies, making the   
own level and working at your own           network the largest employer of            or call 13 38 73
pace.                                       apprentices and trainees in Australia

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