Page created by Jerome Nunez

              Alabama State Department of Education
 Office of Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development
                      Post Office Box 302101
                       50 North Ripley Street
                Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101
                          (334) 694-4752
                    (334) 694-4954 (facsimile)

               General Instructions           ❖      Tips for Success          ❖      Participant Policies

CDC Theme (required) ........................................................................ District Only
Employability Skills................................................................................. District only
Math Skills ............................................................................................ District only
Creative Problem-Solving ........................................................................ District only
Decision Making ..................................................................................... District only
Communication Triathlon ........................................................................ District only
Students for Service (required) ........................................................... District only
Employment Interview (required) ............................ District, Top 4 advance to State
Public Speaking .......................................................... District, Top 4 advance to State
JAG Bowl ................................................................... District, Top 4 advance to State

State CDC Program Cover ......................................................................... State only
Outstanding Chapter Yearbook (required) ............................................. State only
Outstanding Chapter Exhibit (required) ................................................. State only
Essay (required) ................................................................................... State only
Chairman’s Recognition Award (required) ............................................. State only
Power Point Presentation ........................................................................... State only

    A.   Eligible Chapter Names, Locations and Advisors        F.   Four Goals of the Alabama Career Association
    B.   Career Association District Lines                     G.   Alabama Career Association JAG Bowl Question Bank
    C.   2018-2019 JAG Theme (TBA)                             H.   Simulated Job Position Opening
    D.   District CDC Due Dates                                I.   Employment Interview Questions
    E.   State CDC Due Dates                                   J.   Media Release

Alabama State Department of Education, Eric G. Mackey, State Superintendent of Education

The Alabama State Board of Education and the Alabama State Department of Education do not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age in their
programs, activities, or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. The following person is responsible for handling inquiries regarding the non-
discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, Alabama State Department of Education, P.O. Box
302101, Montgomery, AL 36130-2101, telephone (334) 694-4717.

1.    Competitors must be active members in the Alabama Career Association (ACA) and must be
      freshman (9th grade), sophomores (10th grade), juniors (11th grade) or seniors (12th grade).

2.    Competitors, including Chapters and Chapter representatives, must abide by the guidelines
      and timelines for each event or be penalized or disqualified according to judge’s rating

3.    Competitors must report to the competitive event site at the time specified or be
      disqualified. Generally, competitors will wait in the appropriate “holding area” while waiting
      to compete, unless they are attending a workshop or instructed otherwise.

4.    When events have time limits, the event will be stopped at the end of the time limit.
      Competitors may suffer point reductions as a result of not completing the elements listed
      on the event rating sheet. No additional penalties will be assessed.

5.    All competitors and/or chapter event representatives will attend an event orientation at the
      time and place specified in the conference agenda.

6.    Competitors must report to the competitive event site at the time specified. At the
      discretion of the event director, late competitors may be disqualified or may be assessed 10
      penalty points from their final score.

7.    For some events, competitors will wait in the specified holding area until they are called to
      report to the competitive event site.

8.    When not in competition, competitors will participate in one or more of the scheduled

9.    Substitutions for competitive events are allowed only at the discretion of the JAG State Staff
      and for good cause.

10.   Participants shall wear appropriate business attire--no jeans, shorts or tennis shoes.
      Competition facilitators may deduct 5 points from the total score for inappropriate attire.

11.   Competitors must leave the competition area after their presentation and go on to the next
      scheduled activity, i.e., holding area for the next event or workshop.

12.   When events involve written tests, the competition facilitator will determine if competitors
      who finish early may turn in their test and leave the event site.

13.   Competitors must bring their own #2 pencil to tests, and their own pencil/pen to written

14.   Unless otherwise noted in the guidelines, team/competitor appointment times and numbers
      will be randomly assigned.

15.   Students may only participate in one competitive “on-site” event at District or State.

16. The decision of the judges is final.

During competitive events, the following errors can be eliminated by proper preparation:

1.    Tardiness. Late participants will be disqualified unless tardiness is approved by State staff
      (Ensure that competitors know which conference room they are to assemble or where the
      assigned holding area is located.)

2.    Unprepared for events.

3.    Unaware of what the competitive event involves.

4.    Failure of Chapter Specialist to allow students to review judges’ rating sheets prior to

5.    Employment Event competitors need to simulate a job interview and not spend time
      during the event discussing items (school, etc.) that are not related to the job.

6.    All participants shall be dressed in business attire.

7.    No gum chewing! No smoking! No loud talking! No use of cell phones!

8.    Do not use liquid paper or handwritten corrections on resumes or applications.

9.    Competitors should maintain positive eye contact with judges.

10.   Make sure presentations for the Public Speaking Event are related to the theme and

11.   Chapter yearbooks need to reflect activities and events depicting the Chapter’s Program
      of Work. Pictures should have captions to explain the activity or event and should be
      placed under the correct section.

12.   Public speakers and presenters should refrain from using slang and street language. They
      should be coached that this is a business-training event.
                   PARTICIPANT POLICIES
    Participants are responsible for reading and abiding by every item on this sheet.

  The Career Development Conference (CDC) is a very dignified, conservative event.
  Participants should avoid flashy clothes and refrain from using loud voices. Career
  Association members’ attire will be neat and modest with no skintight attire, no rips/tears,
  no cleavage or revealing slits.

     o   Gentlemen are required to wear a collared shirt or shirt and tie, fitted slacks, belt,
         and shoes; no chains or earrings; no sunglasses.

     o   Ladies should wear nice slacks or skirt and top or dress; no large or noisy jewelry
         (bracelets) or sunglasses.

     o   No jeans, shorts, t-shirts, or tennis shoes.

     o   You are representing your local JAG program. Keep voices soft and be attentive.
         No horseplay or actions that call attention to yourself.

     o   This is a pleasant activity, not a party. Participation in CDC is a privilege extended
         only to those who agree to meet standards regarding attitude, conduct and dress.
         If you do not plan to meet your JAG Specialist’s expectations with respect to dress
         or behavior, DO NOT get on the bus!

     o   Meals are included in CDC registration. Use good table manners and keep voices
         soft. Enjoy polite conversation at your table. Do not talk about others in your
         group or students from other JAG programs.

     o   Do not talk unless it is appropriate for you to do so. Do not whisper or talk among
         yourselves except when there is a break.

     o   Pay attention to speakers and the competitions as they are proceeding.

     o   Keep your remarks positive. Remember, competitors are nervous and need your
         encouragement, not your criticism. If a competitor has difficulty, remain stoic and
         be kind. Do not laugh or fidget.

CDC Theme (required) ............................................ District only
Employability Skills ..................................................... District only
Math Skills ................................................................ District only
Creative Problem-Solving ............................................ District only
Decision Making ......................................................... District only
Communication Triathlon ............................................. District only
Students for Service (required) ............................... District only
Employment Interview (required) District, Top 4 advance to State
Public Speaking ............................... District, Top 4 advance to State
JAG Bowl........................................ District, Top 4 advance to State
                                  REQUIRED - DISTRICT ONLY

                       Each Career Association will submit one THEME idea to be used in competitive
                       events at both District and State Career Development Conferences for the
DESCRIPTION:           current school year.
                       Idea must be TEXT (words) only—no graphics, artwork or interpretation
                       should be submitted.

                       To encourage chapter members to demonstrate their imaginative abilities and
PURPOSE:               higher order thinking skills by creating a theme which promotes JOBS FOR
                       ALABAMA’S GRADUATES for the current school year.

                       All chapters are REQUIRED to compete.
                       Submissions limited to one entry per chapter.

COMPETENCIES:          C.18, D.22, D.23, E.26, E.29, E.30, F.34, F.35, G.41

OBSERVERS:             Not applicable

COMPETITION RULES:     1. The THEME idea must be generated by chapter members.

                       2. The THEME (words only) must be received electronically in the
                          State JAG Office no later than September 27, 2019.
                          E-mail theme as an attachment to using entry
                          sheet provided and 2020 CDC THEME as the subject line.

                       3. The THEME should offer a variety of ways for chapters to express,
                          develop, portray, and employ the theme in competitive events including
                          Essay, Speech, PowerPoint, Chapter Yearbook and Chapter Exhibit.

                       4. NO graphics, artwork or other visual interpretation (font, color,
                          etc.) should be submitted—only words!

                       5. The THEME should attract the attention of high school students and
                          promote the value and purpose of JAG.

                       6. Entries will be rated based on the criteria contained in the judges’ rating
                               ENTRY SHEET & JUDGES’ RATING SHEET
                                SUBJECT LINE MUST READ:   2020 CDC THEME



Point Analysis:             Excellent = 20 – 18                       Fair = 12 – 7
                            Good = 17 – 13                            Poor = 6 – 0

Pre-Judging Qualification:
   1. Has the chapter complied with competition rule #2:                              YES _______
        The THEME (words only) must be received electronically in the State JAG
        Office no later than September 27, 2019. E-mail theme to as an attachment using entry sheet provided and
                                                                                       NO ________
        2020 CDC THEME as the subject line.

                                                                                  POINTS   POINTS
                                                                                  POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

       Originality                                                                    0-20
  I.      ▪ Distinctive qualities; although idea may not be entirely
             original, credit awarded for new approach.

     Potential Interpretation
       ▪ Theme offers a variety of ways for chapters to express,                      0-20
          develop, portray, and employ the theme in competitive events
 II.      including Essay, Speech, PowerPoint, Chapter Yearbook and
          Chapter Exhibit.
          ▪   Only words submitted--NO graphics, artwork or other visual              0-20
              interpretation (font, color, etc.).

       Selling Power                                                                  0-20
          ▪ Theme attracts the attention of high school students.
          ▪   Theme promotes the value and purpose of Jobs for Alabama’s
              Graduates and the Alabama Career Association.                           0-20

                                          TOTAL POINTS                                100
                                   OPTIONAL   - DISTRICT ONLY

                       Competitors will (1) take a written multiple-choice employment test that
                       measures the student’s ability to respond appropriately in job-related
DESCRIPTION:           situations and to correctly identify key concepts in employability skills and
                       basic math and (2) complete an application for employment.

                       To enable students to demonstrate their ability to make work-related
                       decisions and to help students prepare for the world of work.

                       This event is optional. Each chapter of the Alabama Career Association
ELIGIBILITY/ENTRIES:   may enter ONE competitor in this District ONLY event. Awards will be made to
                       the top four competitors.

                       A.1, A.3, B.12, C.14, C.15, C.16, C.18, C.20, D.22, D.25, E.29, F.31, F.33,
                       F.34, F.35

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed.

                       Instructions/test distribution                            5 minutes
COMPETITIVE EVENT      Testing time (Application + Employment Test)             90 minutes
TIME:                  Scoring time for judge                                   30 minutes
                       Total Time                                              125 minutes

                        1. Competitors must enter this event on the conference registration form as
                           per the established deadline.
                        2. Competitors will report to the event room as directed. All competitors
                           will test at the same time, in the same room.
                        3. Competitors will have 90 minutes to complete the Employment Test and
                           the Employment Application. Items may be T/F, multiple choice or short
                        4. Time remaining will be announced at 5 minutes and at 1 minute. When
                           time expires, all competitors will put their pens down and tests will be
                        5. The event facilitator will provide an orientation and will answer any
                           questions. Once testing begins, the event facilitator cannot answer any
                           questions related to the event.
                        6. No student will be admitted after the test starts, nor will anyone be
                           allowed to leave and re-enter the room until the testing time is
                           completed. The event facilitator will remain in the testing room for the
                           duration of the test period.
                        7. Competitors will not be permitted to use any type of dictionary,
                           thesaurus or cell phone.
                        8. Competitors may bring a personal data sheet or resume that includes
                           important dates and details (references, employment history, etc). Such
                           information can be true or may be fabricated for the purpose of
                           completing the application.
                        9. Competitors must bring two blue pens. Scratch paper will be
                       10. In the event of a tie, competitors’ short answer responses to a question
                           on the application will be used to break the tie.
Rating Sheet

                              EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS

Competitor: ____________________________________________

School: ________________________________________________

     Point Analysis:           Excellent = 10 – 9              Fair = 5 – 3
                               Good = 8 – 6                    Poor = 2 – 0

                                                                 POINTS  POINTS
                                                                POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

         I. Employability Skills Test.                              62

              (a) Neatness
        II.   (b) Spelling
              (c) Completeness
              (d) Followed directions

                                              TOTAL POINTS         102

  → Competitors will have 90 minutes to complete an employability test and an employment

  → Items may be T/F, multiple choice or short answer.

  → Answers must be printed legibly on this answer sheet.

  → Time remaining will be announced at 5 minutes and 1 minute.

  → When time expires, all competitors will put pens down and tests will be collected.

  → Competitors will be permitted to use a basic calculator (without scientific or graphic
    functions). Calculators will NOT be provided. Participants must bring their own.

  → Competitors must bring two blue pens. Scratch paper will be provided.
                                   OPTIONAL   - DISTRICT ONLY

                       The competitor will take a test to demonstrate skills in practical math and
DESCRIPTION:           basic problem solving.

                       To evaluate students’ problem-solving skills by enabling students to
PURPOSE:               demonstrate competency in solving practical consumer math problems and to
                       prepare students for the competencies needed in the world of work.

                       This event is optional. Each chapter of the Alabama Career Association
ELIGIBILITY/ENTRIES:   may enter ONE competitor in this DISTRICT ONLY event. Awards will be
                       made to the top four competitors.

COMPETENCIES:          C.14, C.18, C.19, D.22, D.25, E.29

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed.

                       Instructions/test distribution              5 minutes
COMPETITIVE EVENT      Testing time                               90 minutes
TIME:                  Scoring time for judge                     30 minutes
                       Total Time                                125 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:      1. Competitors must enter this event on the conference registration form as
                           per the established deadline.

                        2. Competitors will report to the event room as directed. All competitors will
                           test at the same time, in the same room.

                        3. Competitors will have 90 minutes to complete a math skills test. Items
                           may be T/F, multiple choice or short answer. Competitors will not be
                           required to show their work. Time remaining will be announced at 5
                           minutes and 1 minute. When time expires, all competitors will put pencils
                           down and tests will be collected.

                        4. The event facilitator will provide an orientation and will answer any
                           questions. Once testing begins, the event facilitator cannot answer any
                           questions related to the event.

                        5. No student will be admitted after the test starts, nor will anyone be
                           allowed to leave and re-enter the room until the testing time is
                           completed. The event facilitator will remain in the testing room for the
                           duration of the test period.

                        6. Competitors will be permitted to use a basic calculator.

                        7. Competitors must bring two pencils with erasers. Scratch paper will
                           be provided.

                        8. In the event of a tie, only questions with an * will be graded in order to
                           break the tie. In the event that a tie cannot be broken with the *
                           questions, an “overtime” test consisting of 5 questions will be
                           administered in a 5-minute time period.
Rating Sheet

                                   MATH SKILLS

Competitor: _______________________________________________

School: __________________________________________________

  → Competitors will have 90 minutes to complete a math skills test.

  → Competitors will not be required to show their work.

  → Answers must be printed legibly on the answer sheet.

  → Competitors will be permitted to use a basic calculator.
                                  OPTIONAL - DISTRICT ONLY

                       This event involves a team of 3-4 members who are given a hypothetical
                       problem related to a school or community issue. Teams will have 30 minutes
DESCRIPTION:           to analyze the problem. Selected resource materials to the problem will be
                       provided, if applicable. At the end of the preparation time, teams will have
                       10 minutes to present their solution to a panel of judges.

                       To encourage students to work as a team to apply their problem solving
                       (decision-making) skills in creating a solution to a hypothetical problem. This
                       event will build confidence in dealing with decision-making principles and
                       working in teams and will strengthen students’ communication skills.

                       One four (4) member team from each of the Alabama Career Association
ELIGIBILITY/ENTRIES:   Chapters will be eligible to enter this optional competition. Awards will be
                       presented to the top four teams.

                       C.14, C.17, C.18, C.19, D.22, D.24, E.26, E.27, E.28, E.29, F.32, F.33, F.34,

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed in the preparation or competition room.

                       Preparation/situation time                     30 minutes
                       Competition time                               10 minutes
                       Judges’ questions to team                       5 minutes
                       Scoring time for judges                         5 minutes
                       Total time                                     50 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:      1. The team/competitors must enter this event on the conference
                           registration form as per the established deadline.

                        2. Each team will be asked to solve the same problem.

                        3. In the event of a tie, the area on the rating sheet with the highest point
                           value will be used to break the tie.

                        4. Team numbers and order of competition will be pre-assigned on a
                            random basis.

                        5. Competitors will be provided with index cards and pens for making notes
                           and for use during their oral presentation. No other printed materials
                           may be brought into the presentation room. Notes may not be taken to
                           the holding area where the team waits to present their presentation.

                        6. At the conclusion of the 30-minute preparation time, teams will be
                           escorted to the room for their oral presentation. Teams may take the
                           index cards they prepared during the preparation time and use them
                           during the oral presentation.

                        7. Teams will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes for their oral
                           presentation of a solution to the problem. Time will be called with 5
                           minutes and 1-minute remaining. Following the oral presentation, the
                           judges will have a maximum of 5 minutes to ask questions related to the
                           problem and the team’s solution.
Rating Sheet

                            CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING

School: ___________________________________________________

Competitor Names:         ________________________________________




      Point Analysis:           Excellent = 10 – 9              Fair = 5 – 3
                                Good = 8 – 6                    Poor = 2 – 0

                                                                          POINTS   POINTS
                                                                          POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

  I. Understanding of the problem or issue.                                    0-10

 II. Solution was clear and logical.                                           0-20

 III. Solution was financially sound and workable.                             0-10

 IV. Solution showed good use of research/expert data.                         0-10

      An imaginative and innovative approach was used to solve the
 V.                                                                            0-10

 VI. Evidence of teamwork in reaching a solution.                              0-10

VII. Organization, delivery and quality of oral presentation.                  0-10

VIII. Quality of answers to judges’ questions.                                 0-10

 IX. Total group involvement and presentation of solution.                     0-10

                                        TOTAL POINTS                           100
                                  OPTIONAL - DISTRICT ONLY

                       The student will demonstrate application of decision-making principles by
DESCRIPTION:           making and justifying decisions on situations related to employment, peer
                       group, school, etc.

                       To enable students to: (1) arrive at a decision using decision-making
                       principles, (2) build confidence in dealing with problems, (3) consider the
                       position and point of view of other individuals, and (4) strengthen his/her
                       communication skills.

                       Only ONE member from each ACA Chapter is eligible to compete in this
                       optional event. The top four competitors will receive awards.

                       C.14, C.15, C. 16, C.17, C.18, C.19, D. 21, D.24, E.28, E.29, F.32, F.33,
                       F.34, F. 35, F.36

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed in the preparation or competition room.

                       Preparation/situation time                     30 minutes
                       Competition time                               10 minutes
                       Judges’ questions to team                       5 minutes
                       Scoring time for judges                          5 minutes
                       Total time                                      50 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:     1. The competitor must declare his/her intent to enter this event on the
                          conference registration form as per the established deadline.
                       2. All materials (note cards, pens) will be provided by the event
                          chairperson. Notes may not be taken to the holding area where the
                          competitor waits to present his/her presentation.
                       3. The event facilitator will present the situation to the participant and allow
                          him/her 30 minutes to examine it and decide. The event facilitator may
                          not answer any questions concerning the situation.
                       4. At the end of thirty (30) minutes the competitor will meet with the
                          judges for 10 minutes to explain or identify the problem, the possible
                          solutions, the solution recommended by the competitor, and the reasons
                          for selecting that solution.
                       5. The competitor may use notes prepared during his/her preparation time
                          for the examination by the judges.
                       6. The competitor should be able to define his/her choice of action in a
                          business-like manner. The judges will ask questions about the
                          competitor and the competitor’s presentation.
                       7. Each competitor will have the same situation. Competitors will be rated
                          based on the criteria in the judges’ rating sheets.
Rating Sheet

                                    DECISION MAKING

Competitor: _______________________________________________

School: ___________________________________________________

        Point Analysis:          Excellent = 10 – 9             Fair = 5 – 3
                                 Good = 8 – 6                   Poor = 2 – 0

                                                                             POINTS POINTS
                                                                            POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

        Attitude. Did participant greet and address the judges, tell name
   I.                                                                          0-10
        and act friendly; thank judges?

      Poise. Did participant seem relaxed, but attentive; sit up straight
  II. and look at judges; good eye contact; explain his/her decision           0-10

      Diplomacy. Did participant use acceptable English; allow judges to
      make comments without interrupting; take other people’s feelings
 III.                                                                          0-10
      into account when making decisions; say what effect his/her
      decision would probably have?

     Problem-Identifying Ability. Did participant say what he/she
 IV. thought the problem was; why this was the problem; and believe            0-10
     he/she identified the problem correctly?

     Fact-Finding Ability. Did participant pick out the correct facts to
  V. back up his/her thoughts; told what aspects were changeable and           0-10
     which were not.

     Identification of Alternatives. Did participant suggest at least
 VI. two possible actions; was he/she able to predict the possible             0-10

     Decision and Follow-up Procedure. Did participant select a
VII. workable solution; suggest ways to see that problem did not come          0-10
     up again; suggest ways to handle the same situation in the future?

        Conviction. Was participant able to convince judges the solution
VIII.                                                                          0-10
        would work, and did he/she stand by decision?

                                        TOTAL POINTS                           80
                                  OPTIONAL - DISTRICT ONLY

                       The student will exhibit effective communication skills by demonstrating the
                       ability to spell words correctly and edit a business letter.

                       To enable students to demonstrate communication skills critical for to
                       success in the world of work.

                       Only one student from each ACA Chapter is eligible to compete in this
                       optional event. The top four competitors will receive awards.

COMPETENCIES:          B.12, C.14, C.15, C.18, C.19, D.22, D.23, E.29, F.37

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed in the competition room.

                       Competition time                     90 minutes
                       Scoring time for judges              30 minutes
                       Total time                          120 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:      1.   The competitor must declare his/her intent to enter this event on the
                             District Competition Registration form as per the established deadline.

                        2.   The competitor will report to the event room, ready to begin at the
                             appointed time.

                        3.   The event facilitator will provide the following materials:
                              a)    Multiple choice spelling test
                              b)    Business letter with errors

                        4.   Participants MUST bring a pencil, a red pen, and a blue or black pen.

                        5.   The spelling/grammar test will include multiple-choice questions. The
                             competitor must select the correct letter for the terms common to the
                             world of work.

                        6.   The business letter will contain errors in grammar, punctuation,
                             spelling and format. Competitors must circle each error found. The
                             judges will award four points for each error correctly circled in red and
                             will subtract one point for each time the competitor circles something
                             that is not an error.

                        7.   Time will begin when all competitors have their event packets. A 5-
                             minute warning will be given after 85 minutes have passed. Time will
                             be called at 90 minutes, and the event facilitator will collect all event

                        8.   Competitors will be rated based on the criteria contained in the judges’
                             rating sheet.
Rating Sheet

                             COMMUNICATION TRIATHLON

Competitor: ______________________________________________

School: __________________________________________________

      Point Analysis:            Excellent = 10 – 9              Fair = 5 – 3
                                 Good = 8 – 6                    Poor = 2 – 0

                                                                               POINTS POINTS
                                                                              POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

I. Spelling Test.                                                               176

   Editing Business Letter. The judges will award four points for each
   error correctly circled in red and will subtract one point for each time
   the competitor circles something that is not an error.

II. Number of errors correctly identified       __________                      100

   (Minus) Incorrect edits                  -   __________

                             TOTAL              __________

                                       TOTAL POINTS                             276
                                    REQUIRED - DISTRICT ONLY

                       The chapter will create a manual/scrapbook presenting most, if not all, of its
DESCRIPTION:           community service projects.

                       To promote and display community service projects of the Alabama
                       Career Association.

                       Each Alabama Career Association Chapter must enter this REQUIRED

                       C.14, C.18, C.19, D.21, D.23, D.24, E.26, E.27, E.29, E.30, F.32, F.33, F.34,
                       F.35, F.36, F.37

OBSERVERS:             Observers are not allowed in the judges’ evaluation room.

COMPETITIVE EVENT      Judging                               90 minutes
TIME:                  Total time                            90 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:     1. STUDENTS FOR SERVICE manuals must be brought to district
                          competition and submitted at registration.

                       2. The manual must be designed, implemented, and presented as the work
                          of chapter members. This required event will show only projects by the
                          local JAG chapter.

                       3. The manual must cover the current school year (i.e., August 1 to the
                          entry deadline for the current year’s District CDC).
                       4. The manual must not be more than 100 surfaces (50 pages if both sides
                          are used). A “view” binder with a clear plastic overlay may be used so a
                          custom cover can be inserted. Protector sheets may be used.
                       5. An information sheet must be completed for each project and
                          included in the manual/scrapbook. *see Appendix F
                       6. If the manual has sections, there must be a divider surface for each
                          section. Each section must have a tab.

                       7. Each activity should include all available items to explain the activity.
                          Items of documentation may include, but are not limited to: (a) pictures
                          with captions, (b) printed materials, (c) letters, and (d) items used in
                          publicity and public relations including, but not limited to: bulletin
                          boards, exhibits, media, internet, assemblies, artifacts, etc.

                       8. A letter of introduction to the judges should be prepared by a
                          student and placed at the front of the notebook.

                       9. The community service project(s) must be planned and carried out by the
                          JAG students as a Career Association activity. The activities must involve
                          service and not merely raising money. All community service projects
                          must meet the guidelines set by JAG and Alabama Career Association.
                       10. The emphasis of this event is to judge the impact of community service
                           activities on the community and the students. Judging will be based on
                           contact and quality – not on total hours.
Rating Sheet
                                   STUDENTS FOR SERVICE
School: _____________________________________________________

        Point Analysis:            Excellent = 10 – 9                   Fair = 5 – 3
                                   Good = 8 – 6                         Poor = 2 – 0

                                                                                   POINTS    POINTS
                                                                                  POSSIBLE   ACHIEVED

   I.   Introductory letter from student(s) is well written and                     0-10
        explains the purpose of community service.

      Information sheet(s).
  II.    Includes details, summary and evaluation of community                      0-10
         service projects.

         Page layout/design.
 III.      Attractive and effective graphic design.                                 0-10
            Not more than 100 pages (50 pages if both sides used)

 IV.                                                                                0-10
            Unique projects or approaches.

  V.        Consider average hours invested and number of students in               0-10
            the JAG program.

         Public Relations.
           Effective use of promotional items and media to increase
           awareness of service projects, JAG and Alabama Career
 VI.       *Note – Promotional items may include, but are not limited to:           0-10
           pictures with captions, bulletin boards, exhibits, internet,
           assemblies, artifacts, and printed materials such as letters, cards,
           e-mails, newsletters, articles, brochures, flyers, handouts,
           programs, invitations, etc.

VII.        Service projects were organized and executed effectively.               0-10

         Project Impact.
VIII.                                                                               0-10
            Impact of project(s) on community.

                                              TOTAL POINTS                          80
                                    REQUIRED - DISTRICT
                                (TOP FOUR ADVANCE TO STATE)

                       The student will compete for a simulated job opening by experiencing a job
DESCRIPTION:           interview and submitting a personal resume. (See Appendix I)

                       To enable students to demonstrate their ability to secure employment
PURPOSE:               through proficiency in the interview situation and development of a personal
                       resume applicable to the job opening.

                       This event is required. One competitor from each Alabama Career
                       Association Chapter. All Chapters must compete.

                       A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, B.7, B.8, B.9, B.11, B.13, C.14, C.15, C.19,
                       D.23, D.24, E.29, F.36, F.37

                       Observers are allowed in the competition room during the competition.
                       Observers will consist of ACA members/delegates assigned to the event hall
                       by the Chapter Specialist and other invited guests/attendees. Observers
                       must always remain quiet during the competition.

                       Competition time (approximately)        10 minutes
                       Scoring time for judge                   5 minutes
                       Total Time                              15 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:      1. Each Chapter must enter this event. Competition will be held on
                           District level. First, second, third and fourth place winners will compete
                           at the State CDC. Failure to have a contestant in the District
                           competition will jeopardize the local accreditation of the JAG program.

                        2. Resumes should reflect the simulated opening (see Appendix I)
                           and must contain only FACTS with respect to the applicant’s
                           background, work experience, academics, activities, awards, etc.
                           **Competitors may not fabricate or embellish items included on resume.

                        3. All resume must be completed prior to the Conference. Resumes must
                           be received in the State JAG Office two weeks (14 days) prior to
                           the District competition. Submit resume electronically to
                  Use CDC Resume as the SUBJECT line.
                           Faxed copies of resumes will not be accepted. This is the responsibility
                           of the JAG Specialist. Failure to comply will result in the loss of resume

                        4. Resumes will be given to judges for rating prior to the competitor
                           entering the competition room. Resumes will be rated for identification,
                           content and neatness.

                        5. The competitor should report to and wait in the specified holding area
                           for the Employment Interview. Each competitor will be assigned a
                           number in the order in which they will compete.

                        6. The competitor will be called by a student runner at his/her time to
                           compete. The student runner will escort the competitor into the
                           competition area. The student will introduce the competitor by number
                           only. The competitor will introduce him/herself to the interviewers.
7. The competitor will be judged on GNAP (greeting, name, affiliation,
                         purpose), appearance, attitude, enthusiasm, communication/grammar,
                         career effectiveness and closing.

                      8. District winners must submit resumes two weeks (14 days) prior to
                         State Conference to the State JAG Office.

                      9. Do not send cover letters with resumes.

                     10. After participants complete the interview, they will join non-competitors
                         for workshops. Participants will not return to the holding room.

JUDGING              1.   Judges should familiarize themselves with the competition rules and
INSTRUCTIONS:             procedures prior to the start of competition.

                     2. The judges will evaluate and rate each resume prior to the interview
                        process. Points should be entered on the Employment Interview rating

                     3. The judges(s), through a series of questions, will interview each
                        competitor. Each competitor’s responses, presentation, listening,
                        communication skills and appearance will be evaluated by completing the
                        Employment Interview rating sheet.

                     4. The judges will: (1) tabulate all rating sheets, (2) determine the first,
                        second, third and fourth place winners at the District competition or first,
                        second and third place winners at the State CDC, and (3) give rating
                        sheets/results to the contest Facilitator.

                     5. The contest Facilitator will submit results to the awards presenter at the
                        District competition or State CDC for announcement during the awards
                        ceremony. Judges will break ties by either re-evaluating the score sheets
                        or calling the competitors back for an equal number of further questions.

                     6. Rating sheets may be reviewed by JAG Specialists after the conferences.

                Sample Interview Questions in Appendix J
Rating Sheet

                                   EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW

Competitor: ___________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________

       Point Analysis:              Excellent = 10 – 8                  Fair = 4 – 2
                                    Good = 7 – 5                        Poor = 1 – 0

                                                                                    POINTS POINTS
                                                                                   POSSIBLE ACHIEVED


  I.                                                                                   0-10
       Name, complete address (with zip code), phone number (with area code).
 II. Objective, education, work history, and/or accomplishments, activities,           0-10
       skills, and references.
III. Overall appearance, format, typed, free of errors/whiteout, misspellings,         0-10
       grammar errors.


  I. Did participant Greet judge and tell Name, school Affiliation and Purpose         0-10
       of visit?
 II.                                                                                   0-10
       Professional attire.
III. Did applicant say he/she wanted to learn, was willing to take instructions,       0-10
       could take criticism, acted friendly, and smiled?
 IV.                                                                                   0-10
       Participant made a commitment, showed interest in the job.
  V. Participant used words that interviewer understood, used accepted                 0-10
       language, avoided slang, enunciated and articulated correctly.
 VI. In relation to the particular job for which he/she is applying and the            0-10
       respective company.
VII. Participant ended interview on a positive note, thanked the interviewer,          0-10
       shook hands, etc.

                                    TOTAL POINTS                                       100
                                   OPTIONAL - DISTRICT
                                (TOP FOUR ADVANCE TO STATE)

                       The competitor will prepare and present a three to five (3 – 5) minute speech
DESCRIPTION:           using the current theme. The speech will be presented before a panel of

                       To allow the students to make a public presentation using the principles of
PURPOSE:               verbal communication, demonstrate self-confidence and poise in speaking
                       before peers and the general public, and strengthen communication skills.

                       This event is optional. A competitor from each ACA Chapter is eligible. All
                       Chapters are eligible to compete.

COMPETENCIES:          C.14, C.18, D.24, E.27, E.28, E.29, E.30, F.32

                       Observers may be allowed in the competition room and are subject to proper
                       decorum. Observers attempting to communicate with competitors will be
                       asked to leave the competition room, and if that observer is determined to be
                       from the same ACA Chapter as the current speaker, speaker may be subject
                       to disqualification. Observers may not enter or leave the room while a
                       student is speaking/competing. Observers will be ACA members from all
                       Chapters as designated to attend by Chapter specialist and any
                       guest/parents invited to attend the Conference.

                       Competition time (approximately)        3-5 minutes
                       Scoring time for judge                     5 minutes
                       Total Time                                10 minutes

COMPETITION RULES:     1. Each Chapter may enter this event. Competition will be held on District
                          level. First, second, third and fourth place winners will compete at the
                          State CDC. First, second and third place winners will be selected at State
                          competition (CDC).

                       2. Each competitor will present a student written speech on the current year
                          theme. Failure to speak on current theme will result in disqualification.

                       3. Each competitor’s speech must be the result of his/her own effects;
                          however, facts and working data may be secured from any available

                       4. Each speech will be at least three minutes long, but not to exceed five
                          minutes in length. No time warning will be given to students during the

                       5. A two-point penalty shall be assessed for each fifteen (15) seconds over
                          the five-minute time limit or under the three-minute minimum for any
                          competitor’s presentation.

                       6. During the speech, notes may be used, but outside materials,
                          illustrations, or audio-visual aids are prohibited and will constitute

                       7. Judging will be based on the presentation and content.

                       8. The competitor must stand (unless physically handicapped) during
                          his/her presentation. The competitor may use a podium if desired.
9. The State JAG Office must receive an electronic copy of the
                   speech two weeks (14 days) prior to District competition.
                   Speeches should be submitted to with CDC
                   Speech as the SUBJECT line. Timely submission is the responsibility of
                   the JAG Specialist.

                10. The competitor should report to and wait in the specified holding area for
                    Public Speaking. Each competitor will be assigned a number in the order
                    in which they will compete.

                11. The competitor will be called by a student runner at his/her time to
                    compete. The student runner will escort the competitor into the
                    competition area.

                12. Students advancing to state competition may not modify their speeches
                    for the State CDC.

                13. The first-place winners from District may be asked to give his/her speech
                    at the Awards Ceremony during the State CDC.

JUDGING         1. Judges should familiarize themselves with the competition rules and
INSTRUCTIONS:      procedures prior to the start of competition. If the judges understand the
                   event prior to starting the competition, all competitors will be treated
                   consistently in the ratings.

                2. The student has three to five minutes to give the speech presentation.
                   The judges and timekeeper are not to give a warning when time is
                   almost up or when time has expired. The student should be allowed to
                   finish his/her speech.

                3. Two points shall be deducted from the total score for each fifteen
                   seconds under the three minutes or over the five minutes allotted for the

                4. The timekeeper must be exactly accurate in keeping time for each
                   competitor to avoid excessive penalties. The timekeeper will announce
                   the length of the speech for all competitors to the judges immediately
                   after presentation for judges to reach the overall score on the rating

                5. The judges will: (1) tabulate all rating sheets, (2) determine the first,
                   second, third and fourth place winners at the District competition or first,
                   second and third place winners at the State CDC, and (3) forward all
                   scores and materials of the event to the contest Facilitator.

                6. Judges will break ties by either re-evaluating the score sheets or calling
                   the competitors back for an equal number of questions about the content
                   of their speech.

                7. Rating sheets may be reviewed by JAG Specialists after the conferences.
Rating Sheet

                                        PUBLIC SPEAKING
  *NOTE: Event facilitator will introduce competitors to judges and audience. No bonus credit shall be
  awarded for any speaker introducing himself/herself.

Competitor: ___________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________

CONTENT – Judges’ evaluation of written speech prior to CDC
                                                                    POINTS POINTS
                                                                   POSSIBLE ACHIEVED
                    I.                                               0-10
                         Introduction, topic/theme
                   II.                                               0-10
                         Grammar, spelling, sentence structure
                 VII.                                                0-10
                         Summary, conclusion
                VIII.                                                0-10
                         Purpose – informs, persuades

DELIVERY – Judges’ evaluation of oral presentation of speech at CDC
                                                                           POINTS POINTS
                                                                          POSSIBLE ACHIEVED
           I. Appropriate business attire                                    0-15

          II. Pitch, temp, inflection                                        0-15

         III. Poise, eye contact, gestures                                   0-15

         IV. Purpose – informs, persuades                                    0-15

                                           TOTAL POINTS                      100

               LESS PENALTY POINTS
               Minus 2 points for each full 15 seconds under 3
               minutes or over 5 minutes.

                                           TOTAL POINTS
               *Use this score to rank for awards

                                    OPTIONAL - DISTRICT
                                (TOP FOUR ADVANCE TO STATE)

                       Two teams, each comprised of four (4) ACA members, will participate by
                       giving appropriate responses to items presented by a moderator. The team
DESCRIPTION:           responding correctly to the greatest number of items within a designated
                       time period wins the match. Overall winners will be determined by a series of
                       elimination rounds.

                       The purpose of the JAG Bowl Event is to stimulate and motivate the students
PURPOSE:               to participate on teams and test their knowledge of various topics and
                       situations related to the world of work.

                       This event is optional. One four (4) member team from each of the
                       Alabama Career Association Chapters will be eligible to enter the competition.

                       A.2, A.3, A.6, C.14, C.15, C.16, C.18, D.21, D.22, D.24, E.26, E.29, E.30,
                       F.31, F.32, F.34

                       Observers may be allowed in the competition room during the competition.
                       They will consist of ACA members/delegates assigned to the event hall by
OBSERVERS:             Chapter Specialists, parents, and other invited guests. Observers must enter
                       the room between competitions and remain seated until the match is

                       At the District Conference, time periods will be consistent for all teams, based
COMPETITIVE EVENT      on the number of teams in the event. The event will be single elimination. At
TIME:                  the State Conference, each match will be six (6) minutes in duration and the
                       event will be single elimination.

COMPETITION RULES:     1.   Each Chapter may enter one (1) team comprised of four (4) ACA
                            members. Competition will be held on the District level. First, second,
                            third and fourth place winners will compete at the State Career
                            Development Conference.

                       2.   Team members cannot compete in any other event at the District or
                            State Career Development Conference. The members of the team may
                            not change during the competition and no new members may be added
                            during the competition. If there is a team member change prior to
                            competition, this change must be cleared by the section leader before
                            the event begins.

                       3.   Team schedules will be randomly selected prior to the contest.

                       4.   Only two (2) teams can compete at one time. All team members must
                            check in prior to the contest and remain in the holding room until they

                       5.   Questions will come from JAG classroom curricula and are selected from
                            the question bank by the moderator. Three (3) state and/or national
                            current events questions may be asked per match. The current events
                            questions will be selected by the State JAG staff prior to the
6.   The moderator will present all questions. After the moderator has
     finished presenting the questions, five (5) seconds will be allowed for a
     team member to strike the buzzer. The team member who strikes the
     buzzer first has five seconds to give a response, once recognized by the
     moderator, without discussion with other team members. No score shall
     be given unless the moderator first recognizes the team member. If a
     team member strikes the buzzer before the moderator has finished
     presenting the question, the moderator will stop reading and call for the

7.   If no response is given after the team member has been recognized, a
     responder operator shall call “time” at the end of the five (5) seconds.
     Teams will not be permitted to use notes or have discussion during the
     initial question.

8.   If the question is not answered at the end of five (5) seconds or is
     answered incorrectly, the other team is given the opportunity to respond
     to the question. The second team will have up to (10) seconds for
     discussion to come up with the answer. This situation is the only
     instance that a question may be repeated unless the moderator deems
     it necessary to repeat the question.

9.   The individual that first strikes the buzzer will be given the opportunity
     to answer the question. No other answers will be accepted. If a team
     member accidentally strikes the buzzer first, he/she must still attempt
     to answer the question.

10. One point is given for each item answered correctly. The team that has
    the highest number of points in the designated time period will be
    declared the winner of that match. The scorekeeper/timekeeper shall
    keep the points on a scoreboard.

11. In the event of a tie score, five (5) tiebreaker questions will be asked
    and the team with the highest score will be the winner. This process
    may be repeated if necessary.

12. During the preliminary rounds, the moderator will not give the correct
    response to a question if neither team can answer correctly. That
    question will be retained for further use. Answers may be given during
    the final rounds.

13. Communication between team members and any member of the
    audience will not be permitted. Any audience member who attempts to
    communicate with a team member will be required to leave the room.

14. Team members may challenge any answer. Any challenge must be
    made before the next question is asked. The moderator makes all
    rulings. The moderator will call time-out while reaching a decision.

15. Violations: One warning will be given per team, regardless of the
    offense; additional offenses will result in a point for the other team.

16. The winning team of each round must return to the holding room until
    recalled; they may not observe the competition.

17. If a team qualifies for State competition, a maximum of two alternates
    can participate or the team is disqualified. If a team is disqualified, the
    5th place District winner will be allowed to compete.

State CDC Program Cover ....................................................... State only
Outstanding Chapter Yearbook (required) .......................... State only
Outstanding Chapter Exhibit (required) .............................. State only
Essay (required)................................................................. State only
Chairman’s Recognition Award (required) ......................... State only
PowerPoint Presentation ......................................................... State only
                                    OPTIONAL - STATE ONLY

                       Program cover will be developed by students to effectively promote the
                       Alabama Career Association and the theme for the current school year.

                       To encourage chapter members to demonstrate their artistic, creative, and
PURPOSE:               imaginative abilities by creating a program cover which promotes JOBS FOR
                       ALABAMA’S GRADUATES and the theme for the current school year.

                       All chapters are eligible to compete.
                       Submissions limited to one entry per chapter.

COMPETENCIES:          C.18, D.22, D.23, E.26, E.29, E.30, F.34, F.35

OBSERVERS:             Not applicable

COMPETITION RULES:     1. The program cover must be submitted electronically to the State
                          JAG office no later than January 31, 2020. E-mail cover as an
                          attachment to with 2020 PROGRAM COVER as the
                          subject line.

                       2. The program cover must be designed, implemented, and presented as the
                          work of chapter members.

                       3. The program cover may be created using a variety of colors. The finished
                          size should be 5½” x 8½”. Each chapter will be responsible for securing
                          the program cover material.

                       4. Drawings, artwork and text must be computerized and submitted via e-
                          mail as an attachment.

                       5. The following must appear on the program cover:
                            a. Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates
                            b. Program Year 2020
                            c. Date, Place, and Theme

                       6. The current theme must be used.

                       7. The program cover should attract the attention of high school students
                          and promote the value and purpose of JAG/ACA.

                       8. The official Alabama JAG logo and/or tag line may be used in the design of
                          the program cover.

                       9. Entries will be rated based on the criteria contained in the judges’ rating
Rating Sheet

                          STATE CDC PROGRAM COVER

School: _____________________________________________________

    Point Analysis:           Excellent = 20 – 18             Fair = 12 – 7
                              Good = 17 – 13                  Poor = 6 – 0

    Pre-Judging Qualification:
    Has the chapter complied with competition rule #5, i.e., the   YES _______
    program cover contains the following information: “Jobs
    for Alabama’s Graduates,” Program Year, Date, Place and        NO ________

                                                                   POINTS   POINTS
                                                                   POSSIBLE ACHIEVED

         Overall Appearance
           ▪ Neat
      I.                                                             0-20
           ▪ Space creatively used
           ▪ Appropriateness of materials

           Layout and Design
     II.                                                             0-20
              ▪ Artistic representation, use of color.

          Selling Power
             ▪ Purpose clear in emphasizing theme which
     III.                                                            0-20
                promotes JAG and the Alabama Career

            ▪ Distinctive qualities; although ideas may not
     IV.                                                             0-20
               be entirely original, credit awarded for new

                                              TOTAL POINTS           120
                                       REQUIRED - STATE ONLY

                       All Chapters will create a yearbook highlighting current school year activities
                       that helped Chapter members achieve the goals of the Alabama Career
DESCRIPTION:           Association (ACA). Chapters will plan and conduct events relative to the
                       program whereby aims and objectives are established and executed
                       accordingly (see Appendix F for the Four Goals of the ACA).

                       To encourage Chapters to compile a yearbook that will be documentation of
PURPOSE:               the current school year activities and efforts of the Chapter in the fulfillment
                       of the goals of the Alabama Career Association.

                       This event is required. All Chapters must compete, but only one entry per
                       Chapter. All yearbooks will be submitted the day of the conference.

                       A.1, A.2, A.6, C.18, D.22, D.23, E.26, E.27, E.29, E.30, F.31, F.32, F.35,
                       F.36, F.37

OBSERVERS:             No observers are allowed in the immediate area during the judging.

COMPETITION RULES:        1. Each Chapter must enter this event. Failure to enter will jeopardize
                             the local accreditation of the JAG program.

                          2. The Chapter yearbook must be designed, implemented, and presented
                             as the work of the Chapter’s members. This is to be the work of the
                             students and not the Specialist. However, the Specialist should review
                             and approve final product.

                          3. The yearbook must not be more than 200 surface pages (100 pages if
                             both sides are used). A penalty of five (5) points per surface page will
                             be assessed for each surface over 200. The surfaces must be standard
                             “8½ x 11”.

                          4. Each chapter must purchase and/or provide its own notebook. All
                             notebooks must be WHITE with clear protective plastic covers. The
                             JAG State Office will provide the notebook cover page to be inserted in
                             clear view cover.

                          5. The yearbook must be divided into six (6) sections. A divider page with
                             tab will be required for each section. Only the section title will appear
                             on the divider page. The tab must be labeled. Dividers will not be
                             counted as pages. Failure to comply will result in loss of five (5) points
                             per infraction.

                          6. Contents of the six (6) sections must be as follows:
                                i.    Introduction to Chapter/Overview
                                              A. Letter of Introduction
                                              B. Installation and Initiation Ceremony
                                              C. Pictures, Further Explanation

                                 ii.   Leadership   Development
                                              A.    Activities Held to Achieve Goal
                                              B.    Public Relations Used
                                              C.    Items of Support
iii.   Career Preparation
                    A. Activities Held to Achieve Goal
                    B. Public Relations Used
                    C. Items of Support

     iv.    Social Awareness
                    A. Activities Held to Achieve Goal
                    B. Public Relations Used
                    C. Items of Support

      v.    Citizenship
                    A. Activities Held to Achieve Goal
                    B. Public Relations Used
                    C. Items of Support

     vi.    Outstanding Activity of the Year (only one Best Practice)
                   A. Activities Held to Achieve Goal
                   B. Public Relations Used
                   C. Items of support

    Each of the sections should include all available items to explain the
    activity (See Appendix F). Items of documentation for Public
    Relations may include, but are not limited to: pictures with
    captions, bulletin boards, exhibits, displays, assemblies,
    websites, media interviews/clips, marquee messages, artifacts,
    and printed materials such as letters, cards, certificates, e-
    mails, minutes, newsletters, articles, brochures, flyers,
    handouts, programs, invitations, etc.

7. Include detailed captions for pictures which provide information that is
   not obvious. Without a caption, the picture is meaningless to the

8. Ensure that each picture is associated with an activity (students doing
   something with a purpose), and it is a JAG activity.
Rating Sheet
                            OUTSTANDING CHAPTER YEARBOOK

School: ____________________________________________________

       Point Analysis:        Excellent = 20-18 / 10-9              Fair = 12–7 / 5-3
                              Good = 17-13 / 8-6                    Poor = 6–0 / 2-0

** NOTE: Public Relations and Items of Support may include, but are not limited to: pictures with captions,
bulletin boards, exhibits, displays, assemblies, websites, media interviews/clips, marquee messages, artifacts, and
printed materials such as letters, cards, minutes, certificates, e-mails, newsletters, articles, brochures, flyers,
handouts, programs, invitations, etc.

                                                                               POINTS         POINTS
                                                                              POSSIBLE       ACHIEVED
                a. Letter of Introduction                                       0-10
                b. Installation & Initiation Ceremony                           0-20
                c. Pictures, Further Explanation                                0-20
                a. Activities to Achieve Goal                                   0-20
                b. Public Relations Used                                        0-10
                c. Items of Support                                             0-10
                a. Activities to Achieve Goals                                  0-20
                b. Public Relations Used                                        0-10
                c. Items of Support                                             0-10
                a. Activities to Achieve Goal                                   0-20
                b. Public Relations Used                                        0-10
                c. Items of Support                                             0-10
           V. CITIZENSHIP
                a. Activities to Achieve Goal                                   0-20
                b. Public Relations Used                                        0-10
                c. Items of Support                                             0-10
                a. Activities to Achieve Goal                                   0-20
                b. Public Relations Used                                        0-10
                c. Items of Support                                             0-10

                (over 200 pgs, no dividers w/tabs – see rules)
                                                 TOTAL POINTS                   250
You can also read