GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...

Page created by Louis Daniels
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
GCM College Testing Info Night

  1. Standardized tests are super fun:

Gardner Humphreys                  Jan. 2021
College & Career Center Specialist
George C. Marshall HS
gkhumphreys@fcps.edu 703-714-5506
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
What are the Tests

◼   SAT, ACT, (TOEFL, ASVAB, etc.)
◼   About 4 hours on 1 to 3 Saturdays
◼   Some colleges use as a common
    yardstick for admissions when other
    things equal.
◼   Both SAT and ACT widely accepted
◼   Not an IQ test, predictor of college
    success, or summary of your parenting or
    studenting skills!!!
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
Role in Admissions
◼   Most schools say grades and
     strength of schedule tops
◼   One more data point
◼   "Competitive" scores often mean a range, not
    a threshold; esp. helpful if “on the bubble”
◼   Value can depend on context: intended
    major, geographic region, gender, etc.
◼   Weigh your time/energy/$ investment vs. the
    potential return
◼   Growth of test optional and self reporting
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
Updates for 2020 - 2021

◼   Test Optional for (most) colleges for
    Class of 2021, many colleges Class 2022
    ◼   How to know if optional & should you use?
◼   Adjusting your calendar to rescheduling,
    cancellations, remote learning, etc.
◼   Declining role of tests in admissions
    (even pre-coivd 19)
◼   Updates to process: growing use of self-
    reporting, changes to fee waivers, etc.
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
Practice Tests
◼ 2020-21: 11th Grade PSAT scores posted

◼ College Board emails went out to students early
      ◼ If can’t login, try www.collegeboard.org
        Help Line: 1-866-315-6068
      ◼ For PSAT next year, plans not set,

      ◼ probably return to in-school, October,

      ◼ grades, possibly grades 10 and/or 11
GCM College Testing Info Night - Question: Gardner Humphreys College & Career Center Specialist George C. Marshall HS ...
Make a Plan
1.   What level of scores are my goal?
     ✓   use Naviance, college notes, other info
2.   Which tests are best?
3.   Focus on low sections
4.   Try ACT and SAT
5.   Make a calendar
6.   Try different methods, strategies
Naviance Research
➢   Research colleges and see if scores make a difference
    for students having similar grades
    ✓   See if green checks range a lot from left to right
GCM Library Test Prep
➢ Students login with Gale database password on library site
                (they know what that means)
GCM Ranges
SAT                              (Not this kind)
  ◼  Math 520-670
   ◼ Reading 520-660

   ◼ Combined 1050-1320

Subject Tests:
Consider: Math II, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology (M), Math I, Literature, US History

ACT    Top GCM students showing higher ACTs
  ◼ Composite 24-29
The Middle 50%

                         SAT            ACT
◼   VCU          980-1190               20-26

◼   GMU          1050-1250              23-28

◼   UVA          1240-1460              28-32

◼   Tufts        1360-1500              30-33
    ✓   Beware Naviance Scattergram averages,
        the specific average is not helpful since
        colleges use ranges. Look at context: school,
        region, major, etc.
Merit Aid & Scholarships

    ❖ Shepherd   U (WV) - 1100 SAT/3.0 = $3,000/yr
❖ Check Naviance for scholarships, plus
  finaid.org, meritaid.com, collegeboard.org
❖ Check with admissions and financial aid
  sites and offices
❖ Scholarship Dates: e.g. GMU is Nov. 1 !

   Students register at:


Registration Steps
1.    Pick date carefully
2.    Get a fee waiver if you qualify
3.    Select your 4 FREE colleges
4.    Register online – locations vary
5.    Use official name and address
6.    Decide if you want lots of mail!
      (they won’t share SSN, phone # or scores but
       will share your other responses to questions)
➢    App for “Question of the Day”
➢    Changes only until deadline, with fee
Test Day
◼   You slept, right? No cram.
◼   Practice finding site, visit the room
    = less unkowns, more knowns!
◼   What to bring:
    ◼ Ticket, ID, calculator, pencils, snack
    ◼ Checklist online
Sending Scores
◼   Student responsibility
◼   Use the 4 Free? (up to 9 days after test)
◼   Sent about 3 weeks after test date and posted
    online; otherwise 1-2 weeks after you request,
    college takes times to process and post to your
◼   Most use or SuperScore for SAT
◼   Beware of Score Choice and Rush Delivery,
    most college don’t want used
◼   Reports cost 12$ per school after free window
Common Questions
✓   NCAA Division I eligibility changes
✓   AP and IB test scores not used by most
✓   Scores and admission calendar (ED, rolling,
    deferred, waitlist, etc.)
✓   Transferring
✓   Community College
✓   Schools outside U.S.

◼   gcmhslibrary.com – (ACT & SAT Subject Tests)
  GCM Library\Databases\Career, College,
◼ collegeboard.org/practice - with Khan Academy,
  link accounts
◼ actstudent.org/sampletest – practice questions
  and sample writing prompts and essays
◼ FREE study guides and practice tests in Career
  Center – When back in person or local library, check
  from last 2 years, don’t use if not
Test Optional Colleges

◼   Verify with each college.
    Often have requirements in order to qualify
    (Example: if GPA below 3.5 you may want to
    submit scores if within their middle 50% range,
    see Mr. H)
◼   List of some colleges at www.fairtest.org

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