GAS2018 - Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Page created by Kim Saunders
GAS2018 - Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Georgia Anesthesia symposium

            attendee brochure
     The DeSoto + savannah, Georgia
   Exhibitor dates: october 5 - 7, 2018
                       Presented by:
 The Georgia Association of nurse anesthetists

       educate + engage + empower

                      Conference Coordinator:
             Laura Moritz + Association Meeting Planners + 336.577.8450
GAS2018 - Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists
   Georgia Anesthesia symposium                    The Details
   Tuiion                                                       Accreditaion
   Georgia Associaion Member:                                   This program has been prior approved by the Ameri-
   $525 - Three Day Atendance or $175 Daily                     can Associaion of Nurse Anestheists for 16.00 Class
   (RN may atend at member rate)                                A CE credits; Code Number 1036565; Expiraion Date
   Non Member:
   $600 - Three Day Atendance or $200 Daily                     Special Events - Saturday
   Associate Member (SRNA):                                     12:30 p.m. - GANA Luncheon & Awards
   $200 - Three Day Atendance or $70 Daily                      4:30 or 6:00 p.m. - GANA PAC Event: Escape Savannah
   September 1, 2018:
   • ALL full atendance Rates increase $50
                                                                Cancellaion received by September 1, 2018:
   • ALL daily rates increase $20/day
                                                                Refund less $100 processing fee.
   On site registraions increase addiional $25.                 Cancellaion received ater October 1, 2018:
                                                                Full credit towards future GANA conference.

                                             Location & Lodging
   Overlooking Madison Square in the heart of Savannah’s Historic District, The DeSoto is a treasured landmark blending
   the elegance, history, and charm of one of America’s oldest ciies with a generous dash of modern Southern hospitality.
   The DeSoto
   15 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401
   (912) 232-9000
                                                                               The DeSoto, Savannah, GA
   Discounted rates:
   Guestroom Single/Double occupancy: $229
   Corner King: $259
   Tax/fees are currently thirteen percent (13%), local
   occupancy fee of $1.00 and state hotel-motel fee of
   $5.00 per room per night will apply to each room,             BOOK YOUR ROOM EARLY, THE RESORT WILL SELL OUT!
   taxes and fees are subject to change.                         Online reservaions:
   Reservaions by phone                                          1. Choose your dates and check click ‘check availability’
   Call (844) 257-3520                                           2. Enter group code: GAN
   Idenify yourself as guest of Georgia Associaion of            3. Select your room type
   Nurse Anestheists                                             4. Complete reservaion

                        2018 GANA PAC Event: Escape Savannah
              Saturday, October 6 - $60 includes transportaion via Old Savannah Trolley - Register at
4:30 – 5:30:                                                  6:00 – 7:00:
Pirate Escape Room (Maximum paricipants, 10)                  Pirate Escape Room (Maximum paricipants, 10)
Haunted Escape Room (Maximum paricipants, 10)                 Haunted Escape Room (Maximum paricipants, 10)
Your group will be locked inside a fully immersive game room by your ghost or pirate guide. You have one hour to decipher the
clues and puzzles in the room that will help you escape.
The Old Savannah trolley will pick up the group at the front of the Desoto and drive around Forsyth Park to the Escape Room.
  Conference Coordinator: Laura Moritz, Associaion Meeing Planners -
The Program Schedule
                                    Friday, October 5 - 5 CE Credits
11:00 a.m.    Registraion, light snacks & refreshments - EXHIBITS OPEN
12:00 p.m.    Opening Ceremony & Introducions                                            Support your
12:15 p.m.    What’s New in Anesthesia Pracice? - L. Reede, DNP, MBA, CRNA                exhibitors!
1:15 p.m.     Criical Incident Stress Management - L. Reede, DNP, MBA, CRNA             They enable us
2:15 p.m.     Break - VISIT EXHIBIT HALL                                                 to keep your
2:45 p.m.     AANA Update - G. Brydges, CRNA, DNP, ACNP-BC, Execuive MBA                  tuition rate
4:45 p.m.     Dan Ebald Memorial Lectures - TBA                                           affordable.
                                   Enjoy your evening in Savannah

                                  Saturday, October 6 - 6 CE Credits
7:00 a.m.     Registraion, Breakfast - EXHIBITS OPEN
8:00 a.m.     Enhanced Recovery - G. Brydges, CRNA, DNP, ACNP-BC, Execuive MBA
9:00 a.m.     What keeps the CEO of the AANA up at night? – R. Moore, DNP, MBA, CRNA
10:00 a.m.    Break – VISIT EXHIBIT HALL
10:30 a.m.    Where the AANA needs to go and how we are going to get there: Puing strategy into acion
              – R. Moore, DNP, MBA, CRNA
11:30 p.m.    Leading Paient Safety on Paient at the Time with Infecion Control and Prevenion Strategies
              – L. Reede, DNP, MBA, CRNA
12:30 p.m.    Business Luncheon & Awards
2:00 p.m.     Muli-Modal Anesthesia: The Alternaive Pain Management – E. Thomas, CRNA
3:00 p.m.     Ultrasound Guided Trunchal Blocks – E. Thomas, CRNA
4:00 p.m.     Last visit to exhibit hall

                     2018 GANA PAC Event: Escape Savannah - 4:30 or 6:00

                                   Sunday, October 7 - 5 CE Credits
 7:00 a.m.     Registraion, Breakfast
 7:30 a.m.     Get Your Game Face On - Oice Based Anesthesia for the CRNA – L. Jeter, DNP, MSNA, CRNA
 8:30 a.m.     Business Panel Discussion - L. Jeter, DNP, MSNA, CRNA - S. Smith, CRNA, MA - B. Cranill, CRNA,
               MHS, MBA, FAAPM
 9:30 a.m.     Break – Visit Exhibits
 10:00 a.m.    Background of Pediatric Anesthesia Car – R. Halterman, DNP, CRNA
 11:00 p.m.    The ABCs of PEDS Anesthesia – M. Coni, PhD, CRNA
 12:00 p.m.    Minimizing Risk of Respiratory Compromise and Perioperaive Hypoxemia with SuperNO2VA™
               Nasal PAP Venilaion - M. Pedro, MD Anesthesiologist

                                         Farewell - Travel Safely!

Conference Coordinator: Laura Moritz, Associaion Meeing Planners - 336.577.8450                        GAS2018
                                                                               Georgia Anesthesia symposium
registration + payment                                                             GAs2018
IMPORTANT!                                                                         Georgia Anesthesia symposium
MAIL PAYMENT TO: GANA, 3069 Amwiler Road, Suite 3, Atlanta, GA 30360




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Enroll me all three days - 16 CE Credits:
Enroll me the following days: Day 1 (Friday)         Day 2 (Saturday)     Day 3 (Sunday)

   GEORGIA ASSOCIATION                 NON                         STUDENTS                     Cancellations
        MEMBER                        MEMBER                                                 Cancellaion received by
                                                                                                 October 1, 2018
     $525 - FOUR DAYS             $600 - FOUR DAYS             $200 - FOUR DAYS          Refund less $150 processing fee.
       $175 - DAILY                 $200 - DAILY                  $70 - DAILY                 Cancellaion received ater
                                                                                                    October 1, 2018
                                                                                             will receive full credit to next
      Ater September 1, 2018, ALL rates increase $50/3days or $20 daily                             GAS symposium.
             All on site registraions increase an addiional $25
                On line registraion is available at

     Check #______ sent to GANA: 3069 Amwiler Road, Suite 3, Atlanta, GA 30360

                              In the event it is necessary to cancel a program,
                         GANA’s liability shall be limited to a full refund of tuiion fee.

                     Conference Coordinator: Laura Moritz, Associaion Meeing Planners
                  - 336.577.8450
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