FY 2021 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects - MOVRC

Page created by Melvin Adams
FY 2021 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects - MOVRC
FY 2021
Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
                Interstate Planning Commission

Prepared by:
Wood-Washington-Wirt Interstate Planning Commission

In cooperation with:
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Ohio Department of Transportation
Mid-Ohio Valley Transit Authority
FY 2021 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects - MOVRC
Table of Contents


List of Commonly Used Abbreviations……………………………………………...3

Washington County Obligated Projects List…………………………………………6

     Project Location Map…………………………………………………………7

Wood County Obligated Projects List………………………………………………..8

     Project Location Map…………………………………………………………9

Summary of Federal Funds obligated by Funding Type…………………………….10

FY 2021

               Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
                                        In the
                   Interstate Planning Commission
                              Study Area

The Wood-Washington-Wirt (WWW) Interstate Planning Commission is the
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for transportation planning
activities within the study area of Wood County, West Virginia and portions of
Washington County, Ohio. The Washington County area includes Newport, Marietta,
Fearing, Muskingum, Warren, Dunham, and Belpre Townships. The figure below
illustrates the study area boundary.

                                                Study Area Boundary

MPO planning requirements are specified in the transportation legislation know as Fixing
America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-Act) which continued the annual listing of
projects requirement introduced and continued in previous legislation known as Moving

Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) and the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient, Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETY-LU). This planning
provision sets forth the requirement for MPO’s to develop and publish an annual listing
of obligated projects during the MPO’s previous program year. By definition, an
obligated project is one that has received authorization from a federal agency. This
authorization constitutes a legal commitment and obligation from the agency to pay for
the eligible federal share of the project cost. For projects that require FHWA approval,
an obligation occurs when FHWA approves the project and executes the project
agreement. For transit projects, obligations occur when the FTA grant is awarded. The
project program year follows the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June
30, 2021. The purpose of this effort is “to increase the transparency of government
spending on transportation projects and strategies in metropolitan areas to state and local
officials, and the public at large.”

The projects listing has been developed in accordance with FTA/FHWA guidance. The
guidance establishes a framework for developing the information in a user- friendly and
accessible format. It is the primary responsibility of the MPO to prepare the list, and it is
the MPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that serves as a basis for the
information. However, the MPO TIP identifies projects within the fiscal year that project
implementation is anticipated rather than when the project received Federal authorization.
Therefore, the obligated list of projects must be developed through a cooperative effort
with state and public transportation operators responsible for tracking project
authorizations and obligations. The list developed by WWW and presented in this report
was coordinated with the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT), Ohio
Department of Transportation (ODOT), and the Mid-Ohio Valley Transit Authority

The content of the annual projects list is consistent with the project listing in the TIP.
This includes project name and identification numbers, project location, project
description, as well as the amount of funds programmed in the TIP. However, the format
of the information varies from the TIP to convey the appropriate information. This will

include the amount of federal funds obligated in the fiscal year, and the amount of funds
remaining and available for use in subsequent years. In addition, the annual listing of
projects includes obligations for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This would include
identifying bicycle and pedestrian components of larger projects separately. Every effort
is made to identify the cost of that component in the overall project and documented
within the project list. When developing the project list, several abbreviations are used.
Those abbreviations and specific references can be found on the following page.

The tables beginning on page six document the annual listing of obligated projects in the
WWW study area. The list was developed through a cooperative process and represents a
complete list of federally authorized projects for FY 2021. In addition, maps have been
developed to illustrate the specific location of each project. The projects are keyed to the
map by a reference number on the project list.

List of Commonly Used Abbreviations


FHWA            Federal Highway Administration
FTA             Federal Transit Administration
ODOT            Ohio Department of Transportation
WVDOT           West Virginia Department of Transportation
WWW             Wood-Washington-Wirt Interstate Planning Commission
MOVTA           Mid-Ohio Valley Transit Authority
CABL            Community Action Bus Line

Federal Funding Types

IM         Interstate Maintenance                         NHPP    National Highway Performance
NHS        National Highway System                                Program
BR         Bridge Replacement                             BH      Bridge Rehabilitation
STP        Surface Transportation Program                 RS      Rural Secondary
RR/HWY     Railroad Highway Crossing Improvement          RRP     Railroad Crossing Protection
CH         Appropriation for APD Improvement              MG      Minimum Guarantee
ARC        Appalachian Regional Commission                APD     Appalachian Development
CMAQ       Congestion Mitigation Air Quality              TAP     Transportation Alternatives Program
APL        Appalachian Local Access                       RRST    Railroad Safety Transportation
ER         Emergency relief                               HSIP    Highway Safety Improvement
SB         Scenic Byway                                   SRTS    Safe Routes to School
                                                          MPO     Metropolitan Planning
G          Indicates 100% federal participation                   Organization
           when used with any federal funding             AC      Advanced Construction
5307       FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program

Highway Route Designations

CR      County Route                              I, IR   Interstate Route
SR      State Route                               WV      West Virginia State Route
TR      Township Route                            US      United States Route

Miscellaneous Abbreviations

Mi, M   Mile                                      LF      Linear Feet
I/S     Intersection                              EIS     Environmental Impact Statement
SB      Southbound                                ND      Northbound
WB      Westbound                                 EB      Eastbound
O/L     Overlay                                   ST      State
P, PE   Preliminary Engineering                   R, RW   Right-of-Way
C, CN   Construction                              NA      Not Applicable

Washington County, Ohio (study area only)
Federal Obligations in FY 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

Map Ref.   Project Identification   Project Description                                            Total             Federal      Federal                            Federal
Number     Number                                                                                  Cost              Fund         Authorization   Project            Funding
                                                                                                   (000's)           Type         Date            Phase              Obligated          Comments
           PID 107387               Extrusheet sign replacement project in District 10 for             $786              NHS        8/19/2020             CN              $521          Project Award Date: 10/22/20
                                    FY 2021.                                                                             STP                                               $6           Est. Completion Date: 11/30/21
                                                                                                                        Safety                                             $21

           PID 11409                Ohio's cost share for the WWW-MPO Long Range                       $183           STP (MPO)     8/27/2020               PL            $183          Est. Completion date 10/27/2021
                                    Transportation Plan Update.

           PID 114162               Safety Study along WAS 50 in Belpre Twonship.                         $51           Safety     11/10/2020               PL             $46          Est. Completion Date: 10/29/2021
                                    WAS 50 2.55-3.40.

           PID 113956               Pedestrian improvement project in the City of Marietta.            $162             Safety     11/10/2020       PE (Enviro.)           $9           Construction not yet Authorized
                                    Locations include: Butler Street, Putnam Street, 2nd Street,                                    1/25/2021     PE (Detail Des.)         $4           Scheduled for FY 2022.
                                    3rd Street, 4th Street, Front Street, Washington Street
                                    and Marion Street. Work includes pavement markings,
                                    signs, RRFB's, and signal timing.

           PID 109066               Bridge replacement project. WAS CR 20 6.58.                       $1,887             STP        12/3/2020             CN             $1,578         Project Award Date: 2/4/2021
                                                                                                                                                                                        Est. Completion Date: 9/3/2021

           PID 113401               WAS TR 50:                                                         $353              RRP        1/6/2021              PE               $10          Est. Completion Date 12/31/23
                                    Install flashing lights and roadway gates at the Belpre                                         1/6/2021              CN              $343
                                    Industrial Parkersburg Railroad, LLC grade crossing
                                    DOT #156134G. Installation will include any ancillary
                                    work to make warning devices function as designed,
                                    MUTCD compliant, and visible to roadway user.

           PID 113426               WAS Depot Street                                                   $389              RRP        1/6/2021              PE               $10          Est. Completion Date: 12/31/23
                                    Install flashing lights and roadway gates at the Belpre                                         1/6/2021              CN              $379
                                    Industrial Parkersburg Railroad, LLC grade crossing
                                    DOT #156051T. Installation will include any ancillary
                                    work to make warning devices function as designed,
                                    MUTCD compliant, and visible to roadway user.

           PID 113427               WAS TR 482 Gravel Bank Road                                        $283              RRP        1/6/2021              PE               $10          Est. Completion Date: 12/31/23
                                    Install flashing lights and roadway gates at the Belpre                                         1/6/2021              CN              $273
                                    Industrial Parkersburg Railroad, LLC grade crossing
                                    DOT #156066H. Installation will include any ancillary
                                    work to make warning devices function as designed,
                                    MUTCD compliant, and visible to roadway user.

           PID 113939               Full depth reclamation. WAS 821 4.44-11.74.                       $6,600             STP        2/5/2021              PE              $121          Construction not yet Authorized
                                                                                                                                                                                        Est. Award date: 7/1/2022

           PID 87123                Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay             $3,857             NHS        4/8/2021              CN             $2,885         Award Date: 6/4/2021
                                    treatment. WAS 7 14.03-17.60                                                        Safety                                            $250          Est. Completion Date: 11/15/2021

           PID 104862               Replace and rebuild existing guardrail. WAS CR 25 1.55-            $314           STP (MPO)     5/7/2021              CN              $250          Award Date: 7/1/2021

           PID 110274               Marietta- Construction of traffic signals and fiber optic          $686          CMAQ (MPO)     5/21/2021             CN              $686          Est. Award Date: 7/1/2022
                                    interconnecting system. WAS 7 21.76-24.92, WAS 26                                                                                                   Est. Completion Date: 6/30/23
                                    0.00-0.63, WAS 60 0.08-1.84, Front Street 0.34-0.36 and
                                    Greene Street 0.72-0.74.

                                                                              TOTAL                        $15,551                                                             $7,585

Wood County, West Virginia
Federal Obligations in FY 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

Map Ref.   Project Identification   Project Description                                     Total         Federal    Federal          Project Federal        Comments
Number     Number                                                                           Cost          Fund       Auth./Obl.       Phase Funding
                                                                                            (000's)       Type       Date                     Obligated
           S354-50-000.61 00        US 50 -Resurfacing project on US 50 from the Ohio           $2,698      NHPP        7/8/2020        CN         $2,158    Contract Award Date: 8/17/2020
           NHPP-0050(376)D          River to Marrtown Road.

           S354-21-3.93 00          SR 21 - Resurfacing Project from Lee Creek to Sugar          $570        NFA        9/3/2020        CN           $0      Funded with State General Obligation Funds
           NFA-2317(417)            Camp Road.

           U254-14-10.43 00         Widen WV 14 to provide additional lanes from 26th            $540        STP       9/27/2020        EN          $432     Right-of-Way and construction not yet
           STP-0014(174)D           Avenue to Blizzard Drive in Parkersburg.                                                                                 authorized.

           S354-14-7.48 00          Mineral Wells - Renovate traffic signal at southbound        $381        STP        2/3/2021        CN          $305
           STP-0014(173)D           exit ramp on WV 14.

           S354-77-157.01 00        Resurfacing project on I-77 from Jackson County Line        $2,917      NHPP        3/4/2021        CN         $2,917
           NHPP-0773(485)DTC        to Rockport.

           S354-50-9.32 00          Resurfacing project on US 50 from WV 618 in                 $1,308      NHPP        3/4/2021        CN         $1,308
           NHPP-0050(391)DTC        Parkersburg to Dry Run Road (CO 50/4).

           S354-VIENA-1.00          Vienna Connector Corridor Study. The study will               $50        STP       3/17/2021        PR          $40
           STP-2021(219)D           assess potential linkage to I-77.

           S354-50-8.03 00          Resurfacing project on US 50 from WV 47 overpass            $1,956      NHPP        5/6/2021        CN         $1,956
           NHPP-0050(390)DTC        to WV 618 Overpass.

           S354-14-24.76 00         Replace USMC PFC D Marshall Memorial Bridge on               $293        STP        6/7/2021        EN          $234     Right-of-Way and construction not yet
           STP-0014(188)D           WV 14 0.11 miles north of CO 21/2.                                                                                       authorized.

Wood 10
           S354-95-1.34 00          Renovate traffic signal at WV 95 (Dupont Road)               $651        STP          6/16/2021     CN          $521
           STP-0095(072)D           and Division Street.

           MOVTA                    Purchase 5 replacement Buses and Security Camera             $687       5339-1     4/28/2021        NA          $550
           WV-2021-010              System.

           MOVTA                    American Rescue Plan Act Operating Assistance.              $1,742      5307-9     5/14/2021        NA         $1,742

                                                          TOTAL                                 $13,793                                            $12,163

Summary of Federal Funds Obligated in FY 2021
By Funding Type
Wood County, West Virginia                                        Authorized

National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)                        $8,339,000
Surface Transportation Program (STP)                               $1,532,000
FTA Section 5307                                                    1,742,000
FTA Section 5339                                                    $550,000

                                               Total Obligation   $12,163,000

Washington County, Ohio                                           Authorized

Surface Transportation Program (STP MPO)                            $433,000
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ MPO)                        $686,000
Surface Transportation Program (STP)                               $1,705,000
National Highway System (NHS)                                      $3,406,000
Railroad Crossing Protection (RRP)                                 $1,025,000
Safety (100% Federal)                                               $330,000

                                               Total Obligation    $7,585,000

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