Dublin City Council Weekly Planning List 06/22

Page created by Ethel Wallace
Dublin City Council

                              Weekly Planning List

All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordanc e
with Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and
subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a
subsequent publication.

                                                                                                     1|P age
Area 4
Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3225/22
Application Type                      Retention Permission
Applicant                             On Tower Ireland Limited
Location                              Site adjacent to Finglas Business Centre, Jamestown
                                      Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Registration Date                     07/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: The development consists of existing foundations, cabins and cabinets,
fencing, access gate and all other associated site development works that are within the
administrative area of Dublin City Council. A concurrent application for retention permission is to be
submitted to Fingal County Council for the existing telecommunications support structure toghether
with antennas, dishes and part of the equipment cabins and cabinets, fencing and all other
associated site development works, which are within the administrative area of Fingal Council
Council. The development will continue to provide high speed wireless broadband and data


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3246/22
Application Type                      Permission
Applicant                             Kathleen Shaw and Marie Corcoran
Location                              31 Ratoath Drive and 136 Abbotstown Avenue, Finglas,
                                      Dublin 11
Registration Date                     09/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the construction of 4 no. houses in the combined side and part of rear
gardens of 31 Ratoath Drive and 136 Abbotstown Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11. The development
consists of 2 no. semi-detached 3 storey 2 bedroomed houses to the side of 31 Ratoath Drive with
vehicular access off Ratoath Drive and 2 no. detached 3 storey 2 bedroom houses to the side of 31
Ratoath Drive with vehicular access off Ratoath Drive and 2 no. detached 3 storey 2 bedroom
houses to the side of 136 Abbotstown Road with vehicular access off Abbotstown Avenue.
Alterations to existing houses 31 Ratoath Drive and 136 Abbotstown Avenue including demolition
of existing kitchen to 31 Ratoath Drive, alterations to existing driveways, boundary and garden
walls, gates and entrance steps, and relocation of the existing front doors from the side to the front
of the houses and all ancillary site works.


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3253/22
Application Type                      Permission
Applicant                             Percolt Limited
Location                              Raven House, Jamestown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Registration Date                     10/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for the refurbishment and extension of the existing Raven House office
building to provide 37 No build to rent apartment units, consisting of 26 No. one bed units and 11
No. two bed units. The development involves conversion of the entrance to the office
accommodation at ground floor level and the existing four floors of office accommodation above
                                                                                           2|P age
existing retail units at ground floor level into residential accommodation, to provide four floors of
residential accommodation above the entrance lobby to the building and provide an additional floor
of residential accommodation, raising of the existing stair core to access the new floor of residential
accommodation and also the proposed roof terrace, resulting in a 6-storey building with all
associated site development works including 13 No. car parking spaces and 84 No. bicycle parking


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3256/22
Application Type                      Permission
Applicant                             Mairead Harold
Location                              43, Barry Park, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 W9T8
Registration Date                     10/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission sought for a single storey 2 bedroom detached 54.58 sq.m
bungalow incorporating a (kitchen, living room and two bedrooms) plus all associated site works, at
the rear and a shared vehicular access previously approved plan No 6623/07 and communal
parking to front of 43 Barry Park.


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3269/22
Application Type                      Permission
Applicant                             Finglas Regen Limited
Location                              Building C, Jamestown Business Park, Finglas, Dublin
Registration Date                     11/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for development at this site (2.61ha). The development will consist
of alterations to the western elevation of the existing industrial warehouse building (known as
Building C) comprising the creation of 4 no. openings (1 no. opening to facilitate a 4.25m wide x
4.35m high aluminium roller door and the remaining 3 no. openings to facilitate the provision of 3
no. loading bays with associated dock levellers, dock shelters and ramp access). Planning
permission is also sought for the removal of existing boundary fencing and access gate and the
installation of new galvanised steel security boundary fencing (2.45m high) including a new
entrance gate (6.4m wide x 2.45m high) at the northern entrance of the site and new internal
access gate to the west of existing entrance gate.


                                             Area 4
Area                              Area 4 - North West
Application Number                3231/22
Application Type                  Permission
Applicant                         Carol & Patrick English
Location                          272, Glasnevin Avenue, Dublin 11, D11 PP9X
Registration Date                 08/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for development consisting of: (1) The construction of a new single storey

                                                                                            3|P age
first floor extension with pitched roof to the side/rear of the existing two storey semi-detached
dwelling, (all over the existing single storey flat roof extension at ground floor level); (2) Alterations
to the existing internal layouts and minor adjustments to the front and rear elevations of the
existing structure; (3) New porch with new pitched roof extending over existing ground floor
projection to the front of the house; (4) All associated site development works.


Area                                   Area 4 - North West
Application Number                     3252/22
Application Type                       Permission
Applicant                              Karl O'Reilly and Lynsey Rigney
Location                               232, Glasnevin Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, D11 VX99
Registration Date                      10/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission to refurbish and extend our existing dwelling house consisting of
the following: Demolition of the existing flat roof garage/store/kitchen to the east side of the
dwelling, demolition of all existing sheds to the rear of the dwelling and to the north end of the back
garden, the erection of a single storey extension to the east side of the dwelling in place of the old
garage with a new utility room and living area and a new first floor extension over to the rear (north
side) incorporating a bedroom/ensuite and replace all existing windows and front door complete
with all ancillary site works associated with the development on our site.


Area                                   Area 4 - North West
Application Number                     WEB1093/22
Application Type                       Permission
Applicant                              Liam O' Reilly
Location                               12, Wellmount Drive, Finglas West, Dublin 11
Registration Date                      07/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: The proposed development will consist of the proposed construction of a single storey
extension to the rear of the house, proposed attic conversion with a dormer roof extension and
rooflight to the rear of the house. Proposed associated internal modifications to the house and
associated site works, including ancillary works to the rear elevation to accommodate single storey


Area                                 Area 4 - North West
Application Number                   WEB1113/22
Application Type                     Retention Permission
Applicant                            Beatrice Glynn
Location                             75, Pinewood Crescent, Glasnevin North, Dublin 11
Registration Date                    10/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: Retention Permission to retain the existing single storey timber clad
garden room structure for use ancillary to the main dwelling in the rear garden.


                                                                                                4|P age
Area 4
Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    0431/21
Application Type                      Section 5
Decision                              Refuse Exemption Certificate
Decision Date                         10/02/2022
Applicant                             Arthur McGuinness
Location                              189, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Additional Information                Additional Information Received
Proposal: EXPP;Currently operates a barbers shop from the front ground floor room of the
premises. He wishes to convert this space to an Ice Cream Parlour selling Ice Cream out through
the front window. Customers will not enter the unit. The front facade will remain as it is, with a
variation in paint colour and signage. The existing front window will be replaced with
sliding/opening window in similar style to the existing ( currently non openable. there are changes
to the side facade. WE understand that this is in the same Use category as the Barber Shop and
no greater intensity of use in envisage. the rest of the premises remains unaffected


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3208/22
Application Type                      Permission
Decision                              APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                         09/02/2022
Applicant                             Michael Doyle Funeral Directors
Location                              Unit 11 and 12 Drogheda Mall, Finglas Village, Dublin
                                      11, D11 RT26
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: The development for which retention permission is sought consists of:
The change of use of unit 11 from retail to funeral home use, the retention of the existing layout of
unit 11 (approximately 59.4 sqm GFA) and the amalgamation of unit 11 and unit 12 to provide a
funeral home (with an overall area approximately 112.8 sqm GFA). The retention of unit 11 & 12’s
existing façade treatment (including the existing entrance and glazing/window arrangements)
addressing Main Street and existing car park, signage detail, and all associated site developm ent


Area                                 Area 4 - North West
Application Number                   3213/22
Application Type                     Permission
Decision                             APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                        09/02/2022
Applicant                            Terence & Gearoid Christie
Location                             Ballygall Road West, Finglas, Dublin 11
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for development on Ballygall Road West, Finglas, Dublin 11. The
proposed site is .075 hectares and is bounded by a private car park to the North West, a mixed use
residential development to the North East and a small commercial yard to the South West. The
development fronts onto Ballygall Road West. The proposed development consists of one block of
apartments with parking in the semi basement for 12 cars, 36 cycle spaces and a 48m2
commercial unit fronting onto Ballygall Road West. The Block, 5 storeys over semi basement, has
                                                                                         5|P age
a total of 30 residential units, consisting of 15 two bedroom units and 15 one bedroom units with
balconies. The scheme also includes a generous communal roof garden with allotments, picnic
area and play space and all associated site works at Ballygall Road West, Dublin 11, X.Y=
713277.7011, 738862.1592. Adjacent to the former Parcochail House site.


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    3216/22
Application Type                      Permission
Decision                              APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                         08/02/2022
Applicant                             Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited
Location                              Site at the existing Aldi Store site, St. Margaret's
                                      Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Additional Information
Proposal: The proposed development involves: 1) The demolition of the existing Aldi store (1306
sqm gross); 2) Construction of a 2-storey commercial block fronting St. Margaret's Road,
incorporating a foodstore measuring 2620 sqm gross (1,326 sq m net retail), with ancillary off -
licence sales area, at first floor level over under croft car parking, including an external service
area; 3) associated signange consisting of 4 no. internally illuminated fascia signs (4 no. of 4.8 sq
m each, total area 19.2 sq m) and 4 no. vinyl signs (4 no. of 1.8 sqm each, total area 7.2 sqm); 4)
Reconfiguration of the existing car parking to provide for a reduction of car parking spaces from
171 existing to 154 proposed; 5) 20 no. cycle spaces; 6) Revised southern vehicular access off St.
Margaret's Road; 7)All landscape, boundary treatment and site development works.


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    4009/21
Application Type                      Permission
Decision                              ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                         08/02/2022
Applicant                             Patrick Hyland
Location                              35, Pinewood Drive, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, D11 AT89
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for garage conversion and first floor extension to side, new window at
ground floor level on north eastern elevation. Single storey extension to rear, attic convers ion with
three number velux roof windows to rear and all associate site works.


Area                                  Area 4 - North West
Application Number                    4027/21
Application Type                      Permission
Decision                              GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                         09/02/2022
Applicant                             Trevor & Deirdre Flanagan
Location                              474, Griffith Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, D11 X7R0
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of upgrading works to existing two storey semi-detached
house to include demolition of existing garage, utility room, wc, play room, shed and chimney stack
to side. Proposed works include new single storey extension to side and rear to include
replacement garage and additional habitable space, 3 no. flush type rooflights, SuDS drainage,

                                                                                             6|P age
landscaping works, bin store structure to front and all associated ancillary works to facilitate the


Area                                   Area 4 - North West
Application Number                     4059/21
Application Type                       Permission
Decision                               GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                          11/02/2022
Applicant                              Metro Santry Hospitality Ltd
Location                               The Metro Hotel Ballymun Road and Santry Avenue,
                                       Santry Cross , Ballymun,Dublin 9
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of:
•       Change of use of existing ground floor retail unit (152m2) to hotel use consisting of 3 no.
hotel rooms and ancillary hotel office space;
•       All associated internal and external alterations to façade, site, drainage and landscaping


                                             Area 4
                                         Appeals Notified



                                             Area 4
                                         Appeals Decided



                                                                                             7|P age
Dublin City Council




                              8|P age
Area                                Area 4 - North West
Application Number                  0039/22
Application Type                    Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant                           Mairead Harold
Location                            43, Barry Park, Finglas, Dublin 11 D11 W9T8
Registration Date                   10/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC: A single storey detached bungalow at the rear and a shared vehicular access
and communal parking to front of 43 Barry Park.


                                                                                    9|P age
Dublin City Council




                            10 | P a g e
Area                                Area 4 - North West
Application Number                  0034/22
Application Type                    Section 5
Applicant                           Annemarie Dixon
Location                            St. Joseph's National School, Balcurris Road,
                                    Poppintree, Ballymun, Dublin 11
Registration Date                   08/02/2022
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: Letter required stating planning permission is not required for the continued use
of a room within the school as a preschool service, service hours being extended by one hour.
Hours changing from 9:15 - 12:15 to 9:15 - 1:15.


                                                                                       11 | P a g e
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