Montana Ave - City of El Paso

Page created by Ashley Robinson
Montana Ave - City of El Paso
12708 Montana Ave.
City Plan Commission — July 15, 2021
                                                               SITE PLAN
CASE NUMBER:                        PZDS21-00021
CASE MANAGER:                       Jorge Olmos, 915-212-1607,
PROPERTY OWNER:                     Cimarron Commercial
REPRESENTATIVE:                     Carrera Group, Inc.
LOCATION:                           12708 Montana Ave. (District 5)
PROPERTY AREA:                      5.316 acres
REQUEST:                            Detailed Site Development Plan Approval per Ordinance No. 16801
PUBLIC INPUT:                       None

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a detailed site development
application as required per Ordinance No. 16801, dated December 18, 2007. The detailed site
development plan shows a commercial development on the subject property.

SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends APPROVAL of the request. The
proposed development meets the requirements of the El Paso City Code Section 20.01.150 –
Detailed Site Development Plan.

   Figure A. Subject Property & Immediate Surroundings
Montana Ave - City of El Paso
DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to construct a shopping center comprising of seven (7)
one-story buildings, with a maximum height of 25’3”, ranging in size from 3,000 square feet to 16,000 square feet.
The applicant is also proposing a parking lot with 243 parking spaces. The proposed development is allowed a
maximum of 235 parking spaces. The detailed site plan demonstrates compliance with Title 18.46 of the Landscaping
Ordinance and with Section 20.14.050.E which requires at least one (1) additional parking lot tree for every five (5)
parking spaces in excess of maximum parking requirements. Access is proposed from Montana Ave.

PREVIOUS CASE HISTORY: On December 18, 2007, City Council approved a rezoning of the subject property,
changing its designation from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to C-4 (Commercial) with the following condition:

“That a detailed site development plan be reviewed and approved per the El Paso City Code prior to building permits
being issued.”

As per section 20.04.150, the detailed site development plan shall be reviewed by the City Plan Commission due to
the proposed development being in excess of two acres of land in size, as well as owing to the proposed construction
of more than two building structures.

COMPATIBILITY WITH NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: The property is bordered to the west by commercial
development, the south by vacant land, and to the north and east by the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.

 COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE – When evaluating whether a proposed
 Detailed Site Development Plan is in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, consider
 following factors:
 Criteria                                      Does the Request Comply?
 El Paso City Code Section 20.04.140 – When                      Yes. Per the body of Ordinance No. 5643, dated
 Required. Except as stated herein, a detailed site              December 17 th , 2007, “a detailed site development
                                                                              P   P

 development plan is required prior to development in            shall be reviewed and approved per the El Paso City
 a special purpose district or with a special permit             Code prior to building permits being issued.”
 application and may be required if a zoning condition
 exists on a particular piece of property. Detailed site
 development plans are not required for any projects
 for development in the Mixed Use District (RMU, GMU
 and IMU) or for any other projects other than those
 located in special purpose districts or as otherwise
 required herein.
 Compatibility with Zoning Regulations: The zoning               Yes. The detailed site development plan demonstrates
 district permits the proposed use, and all applicable           compliance with the C-4 (Commercial) district
 regulations are met                                             regulations.
     UC-4 (Commercial) District : The purpose of the

      district is to allow for commercial uses intended to
      serve the entire City by permitting heavy
      commercial uses characterized by automotive and
      light warehousing. This zoning designation
      provides a transition from general business areas
      to industrial and manufacturing uses, and serves
      to accommodate major locations of commerce,
      service and employment activities.

PZDS21-00021                                                 2                                             July 15, 2021
Montana Ave - City of El Paso
COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE – When evaluating whether a proposed
 Detailed Site Development Plan is in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, consider
 following factors:
 Historic District or Special Designations & Study Area N/A. The subject property does not lie within a
 Plans: Any historic district or other special          Historic district or other special district.
 designations that may be applicable. Any adopted
 small areas plans, including land-use maps in those
 Potential Adverse Effects: Potential adverse effects   No. There are no anticipated adverse impacts from the
 that might be caused by approval or denial of the      approval of the Detailed Site Development Plan
 special permit.                                        request.
 Natural Environment: Anticipated effects on the        None. Subject property does not involve greenfield or
 natural environment.                                   environmentally-sensitive land or arroyo disturbance.

freeway/expressway, and provides adequate access for the proposed development.

SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS: There were no objections to the request. All major
comments have been addressed. Applicant is responsible for obtaining all applicable permits and approvals prior
to construction.



The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. The
City Plan Commission (CPC) has the authority to advise City Council on Zoning matters. In evaluating the request,
the CPC may take any of the following actions:
1.     Approve/Recommend Approval of the Detailed Site Development Plan, finding that the request is in
       conformance with the review criteria of Plan El Paso as reflected in the Staff Report, or that the request is in
       conformance with other criteria that the CPC identifies from the Comprehensive Plan. (Staff
2.     Approve/Recommend Approval of the Detailed Site Development Plan With Modifications to bring the
       request into conformance with the review criteria of Plan El Paso as reflected in the Staff Report, or other
       criteria that the CPC identifies from the Comprehensive Plan.
3.     Deny/Recommend Denial of the rezoning request, finding that the request does not conform to the review
       criteria of Plan El Paso as reflected in the Staff Report, or other criteria that the CPC identifies from the
       Comprehensive Plan.

1. Future Land Use Map
2. Department Comments
3. Neighborhood Notification Boundary Map
4. Detailed Site Plan

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Montana Ave - City of El Paso

PZDS21-00021            4         July 15, 2021
U   Planning and Inspections Department – Plan Review

Recommend approval.

U   Planning and Inspections Department – Landscaping Division

Recommend approval.

U   Planning and Inspections Department – Land Development

1.         No objections to proposed detailed site plan.
2.         TXDOT review and approval required prior to or at time of building permits.
3.         Verify no permanent structures over any easements at time of construction.

U   Streets & Maintenance

As per the approved 12708 Montana Ave TIA, the developer shall provide a proportionate share of 20%
at Hueco Club/Montana and 6% at Rich Beem/Tierra Flores for new traffic signals.

U   El Paso Water

EPWater does not object to this request.

           The subject property is located within the City of El Paso 2005 Annexation Service

           Area. Annexation fees will be assessed and collected at the time the El Paso Water receives an
           application for water and sewer services.

Within Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision there is an existing twelve ( 12 ) inch diameter water main
located immediately south and parallel to Montana Avenue. This main is located inside a 30-foot wide PSB
Easement. This main dead-ends approximately at the easternmost boundary line of Hueco Commercial Unit
Three subdivision and it is available for main extensions.

Within Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision there is an existing eight ( 8 ) inch diameter water main
aligned parallel to the eastern boundary line of Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision. This main is
located within a 20-foot wide PSB Easement. This main is available for main extensions.

Previous water pressure readings conducted on fire hydrant number 10809 located within Hueco
Commercial Unit Three subdivision approximately 845 feet east of Rich Beem Street have yielded a static
pressure of 50 pounds per square inch (psi), residual pressure of 44 psi, discharge of 822 gallons per
minute (gpm).

Sanitary Sewer
Within Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision there is an existing fifteen ( 15 ) inch diameter sanitary
sewer main located immediately south and parallel to Montana Avenue. This main is located inside a 30-foot
wide PSB Easement. This main dead-ends approximately at the easternmost boundary line of Hueco
Commercial Unit Three subdivision and it is available for main extensions.

Within Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision there is an existing eight ( 8 ) inch diameter water main
aligned parallel to the eastern boundary line of Hueco Commercial Unit Three subdivision. This main is

PZDS21-00021                                          5                                        July 15, 2021
located within a 20-foot wide PSB Easement. This main dead ends approximately 221 feet south of the
described PSB Easement and it is available for main extensions.

Service to the subject Property will require water and sanitary sewer main extensions within the subject
Property inside an easement south and parallel to Montana Avenue. The sizes of the mains shall be twelve
(12) inches for water and fifteen ( 15 ) inches for sanitary sewer. Additionally, water and sanitary sewer main
extensions will be required along Hueco Club Road to cover the entire frontage of the subject Property.

The Developer is responsible for the acquisition of all off-site and on-site easements and all costs associated
with the easement acquisitions.

All easements dedicated for public water and/or sanitary sewer facilities are to comply with EPWater-PSB
Easement Policy.

Easement grantor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the El Paso Water – Public Service Board from
and against any and all claims, liability, actions, and damages for bodily injury and property damage to third
parties or to the El Paso Water – Public Service Board which may be caused by or arise out of the maintenance
and existence of said water and sanitary sewer mains in the easement area.

The alignment and location of the proposed EPWater-PSB easement shall enable the placement of water
meters outside of the parking areas and minimize the length of services. No vehicular traffic is allowed
over the water meters. EPWater-PSB requires access to the proposed water, sanitary sewer facilities,
appurtenances, and meters within easements 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

No building, reservoir, structure or other improvement, other than asphaltic paving (HMAC), shall be
constructed or maintained on the above referenced El Paso Water - Public Service Board Easements
without the written consent of EPWater-PSB.

The PSB easement shall be improved to allow the operation of EPWater maintenance vehicles.

Proposed surface improvements such as paving, landscaping, other types of low maintenance surfacing
shall be reviewed for approval by EPWater-PSB.

Use of low maintenance easement surface improvements is required. The Owner of the property is
responsible for maintenance of the easement surface; surface maintenance is not the responsibility of

EPWater-PSB requests the Developer to refrain from constructing rock walls or any structure that will
interfere with the access to the PSB easements.

EPWater-PSB requests the Developer to refrain from constructing signs within the PSB easements.

EPWater requires a new service application to serve the subject property. New service applications are
available at 1154 Hawkins, 3 rd Floor. The following items are required at the time of application: (1) hard
                              P   P

copy of subdivision plat; (2) finalized set of street improvement plans, including storm sewer; (3) digital
copy of subdivision plat; (4) benchmark check; and (5) construction schedule. Service will be provided in
accordance with the current EPWater – PSB Rules and Regulations. The owner is responsible for the costs
of any necessary on-site and off-site extensions, relocations or adjustments of water and sanitary sewer
lines and appurtenances.

PZDS21-00021                                          6                                           July 15, 2021
U   El Paso Water – Stormwater

We did a CPC review on this property under Montana Town and required the property to withhold its own
runoff; the proposed ponding area/s shall be designed for a 100-yr. storm event.

U   Fire Department

Recommend approval.

U   Sun Metro

Recommend approval.

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