Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP

Page created by Diana Becker
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP
Norfolk and Suffolk
Enterprise Zones
Delivering clean growth and innovation
on our strategic investment sites
Five year strategic plan (2021-26)
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP
Enterprise Zones have for many years been part of the UK
Government’s wider plans for growth to support businesses
and enable economic prosperity in key areas. They have
established themselves as the driving force of many
local economies as they unlock key development sites,
consolidate infrastructure, attract business and create jobs.

The New Anglia LEP area of Norfolk       Great Yarmouth and King’s Lynn as       Anglia LEP and district and county
and Suffolk is home to two multi-site    well as larger urban areas such as      local authorities have enabled
Enterprise Zones which were awarded      Greater Norwich and Ipswich and         reinvestment of retained rates
status in 2012 and 2016 respectively.    surrounding area.                       income to help unlock commercial
The two Enterprise Zones cover 16                                                sites through new infrastructure as
                                         All business rates growth generated
commercial development sites which                                               well as supporting programmes
                                         by Enterprise Zones is kept by the
are all in key priority locations as                                             across the wider LEP area to assist
                                         LEP and relevant local authorities
identified in the Economic Strategy                                              businesses and supply chains, boost
                                         in the areas for 25 years to reinvest
for Norfolk and Suffolk. These include                                           innovation and enhance skills.
                                         in local economic growth. Across
the A11 and A14 Corridors, key coastal
                                         Norfolk and Suffolk, strong and
zone locations such as Lowestoft and
                                         effective partnerships between New

                                                                                                  Cover photos:
                                                                                                  Workers at the Amazon warehouse at Sproughton
                                                                                                  An aerial view of Norwich Research Park
2 Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones                                                            Completion of the Proserv headquarters at Beacon Park, Great Yarmouth
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP

Impact in Norfolk and Suffolk so far
Cover 16                                    Total�business rates retained                                                Growing businesses and
                                            over the lifetime of all sites is more than
commercial                                                                                                               international inward investors�
sites                                                            £200m with significant                                  have been supported, including LDH La�Doria,
in priority                                                      reinvestment into infrastructure                        Amazon,�Treatt, Unipart, Proserv,
locations                                                        and marketing to                                        Leaf Expression Systems,�Birketts,�IJYI,�
                                                                 accelerate development                                  Merxin,�Lexhag�and Raptor Aerospace.

                                            4,454 jobs,                                   A�successful                                          A proportion of retained business

                                                     supported�over 199
                                                                                          partnership                                           rates incomes supports
                                                                                          approach between                                      the delivery
                                                     businesses,                          the LEP,�county�and�                                  of the
                                                      ha                                  district�authorities to                               Local Industrial
                                            of development�land�                          deliver a strong�place                                Strategy�and�
                                                                                          unlocking commercial
                                                                                                                                                Economic Strategy�
                                                      and leveraged�
                                                                                                                                                for Norfolk
                                                      over £588m�                         sites and supporting
                                                                                                                                                and Suffolk
                                                      of�public and private sector�       business expansion.�

Major commercial                                      investment
developments completed at
Futura Park and Princes Street (Ipswich),   To the end of March 2021, the two enterprise zones have achieved the following outcomes:
Eastern Gateway (Sproughton),
Suffolk Park (Bury St Edmunds),                   Enterprise           Jobs           Businesses       Construction    Land made       Floorspace      Private capital Public capital
Norwich Research Park (South Norfolk),�             Zone               (net)             (net)            jobs        development          m2           investment      investment
Ellough�Enterprise Park (Beccles) and                                                                                  ready (ha)                           (£m)           (£m)
Beacon Park (Great Yarmouth)�
                                                 Gt Yarmouth
                                                 & Lowestoft           1,942               76               806           32             55,355               51               178

                                                    Space to
                                                                       2,512              123               2,832         84             187,954             205               154
                                                 Innovate 2016

                                                     Total             4,454              199              3,638          116            243,309             256              332

                                                                                                                                                    Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones 3
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP
2021-26 : Repositioning Enterprise Zones
                 for Clean Growth and Innovation
                 This strategic plan recognises and      This repositioning and a relaunch
                 reports on the significant progress     with targeted marketing will help to
                 made so far but importantly             raise the profile of Enterprise Zones,
                 identifies new opportunities to not     unlocking further development             The Connexions office building at Princes Street, Ipswich
                 only support further commercial         potential and attracting new
                                                                                                   Clean Growth is the golden thread
                 development and investment but to       investment.
                                                                                                   running through the Norfolk and
                 help drive clean growth and boost
                                                         A number of major strategic               Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy
                 innovation over the next five years.
                                                         innovation projects are proposed for      and Enterprise Zones can play an
                 This plan aims to reposition            development on several Enterprise         important role in enhancing clean
                 Enterprise Zones to drive clean         Zone sites including new innovation       growth in the future, underpinning
                 growth and innovation as part of        precincts, incubators and business        our drive to net zero. This plan
                 wider strategic investment zones.       centres which aim to accelerate           supports a number of activities and
                 These areas align with the Priority     business growth in key higher             projects aimed at repositioning
                 Places within the Norfolk and Suffolk   value sectors as well as boosting         Enterprise Zones for clean growth
                 Economic Strategy and importantly       innovative activity. Through this plan,   – through encouraging low carbon,
                 link Enterprise Zone development        these centres will be connected into      low impact developments, alternative
                 sites, innovation clusters and hubs,    the wider innovation, science and         local energy sources, supporting
                 knowledge and transport assets in a     research network to help enhance the      greener business practices in key
                 more connected way (and informed        ecosystem of high growth, high value      sectors and encouraging sustainable
                 by the Economic Recovery Plan).         businesses across Norfolk and Suffolk.    transport connectivity.

4 Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP
Measuring Success: Expected                                                           Our Enterprise Zones –
                                                                                      Strategic Locations
impacts for 2021-26 – an overview
New commercial development activities        •   3,377 Direct Jobs Created
are planned for most of the Enterprise
Zone sites across Norfolk and Suffolk        •   972 Construction Jobs Supported
for 2021-26. These projects include new      •   209 New Businesses Supported                                            A148

business incubation facilities, innovation
                                                                                                               King’s Lynn

centres and precincts, new industrial            37 Hectares of Land Developed                                                     A47

                                                                                                                                                                   Norwich Great
units, office and hotel developments         •   194,000 sq m of New Floorspace                                                 NORFOLK                                  Yarmouth

as well as infrastructure investments            Created and 3,700 sq m

to support growth in key sectors such            Refurbished
as renewable energy, health and life                                                                               A11

sciences, agri-food and advanced             •   £265 Million of Public Sector                          Bury St Edmunds

manufacturing.                                   Capital Investment                             Cambridge                                A14
                                                                                                                                                     Stowmarket        A12


                                                 £98.5 Million of Private Sector
Local Site Development Plans are                                                                                                                          Ipswich
                                                 Capital Investment
prepared for each of the Enterprise Zone                                                         M11

sites which map out key interventions,       •   £4.2 Million of Public and Private                                                A12

development pipelines and expected               Sector Revenue Investment
levels of investments.

With strong collaboration between New
Anglia LEP, local authorities and private                                              London

sector partners, the following overall
                                                                                                                            Enterprise Zone Sites
outputs are forecast over 2021-26 across
all Enterprise Zone sites:

                                                                                                                                   Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones 5
Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones - Delivering clean growth and innovation on our strategic investment sites - New Anglia LEP
Delivering Growth across Strategic Investment Zones – Major Projects and Planned Interventions to 2026

  Strategic              Enterprise Zone Sites                           Key clusters/           Key Assets                 Innovation Assets        Enterprise Zone Major
  Investment                                                             sector focus            (Transport,                (Hubs and Centres)       Development Projects
  Zone (Priority                                                                                 Infrastructure &                                    and Planned Interventions
  Place)                                                                                         Knowledge)                                          (Highlights from Site
                                                                                                                                                     Development Plans)

  Cambridge              Scottow Enterprise Park                         Life sciences,          Norwich Airport,           Norwich Research
  Norwich Tech                                                           agri-food,              UEA, NUA, WSC,             Park, Norwich Digital
                                                                                                                                                     Norwich Research Park:
  Corridor                                                               health, ICT,            Cambridge                  Hub (planned), Hethel
                                                                                                                                                     New additional commercial
                         Norwich Research Park                           advanced                University &               Innovation, Scottow
                                                                                                                                                     space and hotel development
                                                                         engineering,            Science Parks              Enterprise Park, Food
                                                                         creative                                           Innovation Centre
                         Suffolk Park (Bury)                                                                                (planned), Haverhill
                                                                                                                                                     Scottow Enterprise Park – New
                                                                                                                            EpiCentre, Bradfield
                                                                                                                                                     build expansion and gateway
                                                                                                                                                     site development
                         Haverhill Research Park*

  A14 Corridor           Suffolk Park (Bury)                             ICT, Logistics          Ports of Felixstowe        Adastral Park, Ipswich   Suffolk Park – Progress
                                                                         and distribution,       and Harwich (+             Waterfront Innovation    development of new commercial
                                                                         agri-food,              new Freeport               Centre, Stowmarket       units plus build out of EZ site
                         Gateway 14 (Stowmarket)                         advanced                zone), University          Innovation Labs,
                                                                         manufacturing,          of Suffolk, West           Gateway 14 innovation
                                                                         professional            Suffolk College            park (planned)           Gateway 14 - Development
                         Eastern Gateway (Sproughton)                    services                                                                    of new innovation precinct
                                                                                                                                                     and logistics operations
                                                                                                                                                     (Freeport East)
                         Ipswich sites; Futura Park, Princes
                         Street & Waterfront Site
                                                                                                                                                     Eastern Gateway - Attraction of
                                                                                                                                                     major occupiers for at least two
                                                                                                                                                     further logistics developments

                                                                                                                                                     Princes St, Ipswich -
                                                                                                                                                     Development of multistorey car
                                                                                                                                                     park, hotel and office precinct

*EZ sites part of the Cambridge Compass Enterprise Zone and included for reference but not formally part of this Strategic Plan

6 Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones
Strategic            Enterprise Zone Sites                Key clusters/     Key Assets         Innovation Assets      Enterprise Zone Major
 Investment                                                sector focus      (Transport,        (Hubs and Centres)     Development Projects
 Zone (Priority                                                              Infrastructure &                          and Planned Interventions
 Place)                                                                      Knowledge)                                (Highlights from Site
                                                                                                                       Development Plans)

 Norfolk and          Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft sites;    Energy & Energy   Ports at Great     Orbis Energy, CEFAS,   Great Yarmouth -
 Suffolk Energy                                            Supply Chain      Yarmouth,          GY Energy Business     Development of O&M Campus
 Coast                Beacon Park (GY), South Denes
                                                                             Lowestoft, East    Incubator (planned)    at Port of GY and new energy
                      (GY), Ellough, Mobbs Way, SLIE,      Manufacturing
                                                                             Coast College,                            business incubator
                      Riverside Road, Egmere (Wells)
                                                           Business          Sizewell B and
                                                                                                                       Lowestoft - Development of
                                                           services          C, Bacton, O&M
                                                                                                                       Power Park and Orbis
                                                                                                                       Construction of bridges –
                                                                                                                       Lowestoft and GY

 King’s Lynn          Nar Ouse (King’s Lynn)               Professional      King’s Lynn Port   KLIC, New Innovation   Nar Ouse, King’s Lynn
 – Cambridge                                               services                             Collaboration Space    - Development of new
 Corridor             Ely, Cambs*                                            ARU/UcWA,
                                                                                                (planned)              commercial units (phase 1)
                                                           ICT/Digital       Cambridge
                      Cambridge Research Park*
                                                           Creative          University &                              Planning for phase 2 including
                                                                             Science Parks                             proposed development of
                                                                                                                       additional innovation space

Construction of the LDH La Doria warehouse at Sproughton

                                                                                                                                       Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones 7
“Initially we didn’t think we could    “This marks an exciting chapter         “The new site will enable us to
                              afford to move – this is grade A       for the whole of Proserv as we         showcase science at the front
                              office space – but the Enterprise      invest significantly in our future     end of the business and attract
                              Zone benefits really helped.           and growth aspirations.”               the sort of customers and staff
                              We’ve got some ambitious               Simon Harvey, Head of                  we need to drive our business
                              growth plans … now we have the         Operations at Proserv, based at        forward in the future.”
                              space to grow our business.”           Beacon Park, Great Yarmouth
                                                                                                            Daemmon Reeve, Chief Executive
                              Chris Pont and John Nicholson,                                                Officer at Treatt, based at Suffolk
                              IJYI, based at Connexions in           “Our innovative, new facility          Park, Bury St Edmunds
                              Ipswich’s Prince’s Street district     will create the perfect environment
                                                                     for further improving efficiency and
                              “The simplified planning was a         excellence in the manufacturing
                              breath of fresh air and the business   of quality commercial and
                              rate incentive helped us grow, as      transport refrigeration and cooling
                              there are fewer overheads.”            equipment for the retail, food
                                                                     manufacturing and hospitality and
                              Ken Brown, Operation Manager,
                              Bus Industrial Tools on South Denes    pharmaceutical industries.”
                              Business Park, Great Yarmouth          Ilias Katsoulis, CEO of Hubbard
                                                                     Products, based on Futura Park,

Tel: 01603 510070

Published May 2021
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