Page created by Jennifer Lyons

PAGE A                        2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
2023 TOYOTA                                                         ROUND 6
                                                                    Friday, April 21
                                                                                                                                        ROUND 12
                                                                                                                                        Friday, June 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ROUND 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Thursday, July 13 - Sunday, July 16

                                                                    Fremantle vs. Western Bulldogs (OS) (N)                             Melbourne vs. Carlton (MCG) (N)                                      Adelaide Crows vs. GWS GIANTS (AO)
                                                                    Saturday, April 22                                                  Saturday, June 3                                                     Carlton vs. Port Adelaide (MRVL)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
                                                                    Port Adelaide vs. West Coast Eagles (AO)                                                                                                 Collingwood vs. Fremantle (MCG)

                                                                                                                                        Port Adelaide vs. Hawthorn (AO)
                                                                    GWS GIANTS vs. Brisbane Lions (MO) (T)                                                                                                   Geelong Cats vs. Essendon (GMHBA)
                                                                                                                                        West Coast Eagles vs. Collingwood (OS) (T)                           Gold Coast SUNS vs. St Kilda (MS)
                                                                    Geelong Cats vs. Sydney Swans (GMHBA) (N)                           Western Bulldogs vs. Geelong Cats (MRVL) (N)
                                                                    Sunday, April 23                                                                                                                         Melbourne vs. Brisbane Lions (MCG)
                                                                                                                                        Gold Coast SUNS vs. Adelaide Crows (TIO) (N)                         North Melbourne vs. Hawthorn (MRVL)
                                                                    Hawthorn vs. Adelaide Crows (UTAS)
ROUND 1                                                             Carlton vs. St Kilda (MRVL)                                         Sunday, June 4                                                       Sydney Swans vs. Western Bulldogs (SCG)
Thursday, March 16                                                  Gold Coast SUNS vs. North Melbourne (MS) (T)                        GWS GIANTS vs. Richmond (MCG)                                        West Coast Eagles vs. Richmond (OS)
Richmond vs. Carlton (MCG) (N)                                      Monday, April 24                                                    Essendon vs. North Melbourne (MRVL) (T)
Friday, March 17                                                    Melbourne vs. Richmond (MCG) (N)                                    Byes: Brisbane Lions, Fremantle,                                     ROUND 19
Geelong Cats vs. Collingwood (MCG) (N)                              Tuesday, April 25                                                   St Kilda, Sydney Swans                                               Friday, July 21 - Sunday, July 23
Saturday, March 18                                                  Collingwood vs. Essendon (MCG)                                                                                                           Brisbane Lions vs. Geelong Cats (G)
North Melbourne vs. West Coast Eagles (MRVL)                                                                                            ROUND 13                                                             Carlton vs. West Coast Eagles (MRVL)
Port Adelaide vs. Brisbane Lions (AO) (T)                           ROUND 7                                                             Thursday, June 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Essendon vs. Western Bulldogs (MRVL)
Melbourne vs. Western Bulldogs (MCG) (N)                                                                                                                                                                     Fremantle vs. Sydney Swans (OS)
                                                                    Friday, April 28                                                    Sydney Swans vs. St Kilda (SCG) (N)                                  GWS GIANTS vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MO)
Gold Coast SUNS vs. Sydney Swans (MS) (N)                           St Kilda vs. Port Adelaide (MRVL) (N)                               Friday, June 9
Sunday, March 19                                                                                                                                                                                             Melbourne vs. Adelaide Crows (MCG)
                                                                    Saturday, April 29                                                  Western Bulldogs vs. Port Adelaide (MRVL) (N)                        Port Adelaide vs. Collingwood (AO)
GWS GIANTS vs. Adelaide Crows (GS)                                  Brisbane Lions vs. Fremantle (G)                                    Saturday, June 10                                                    Richmond vs. Hawthorn (MCG)
Hawthorn vs. Essendon (MCG)                                         Sydney Swans vs. GWS GIANTS (SCG)                                                                                                        St Kilda vs. North Melbourne (MRVL)
St Kilda vs. Fremantle (OS) (T)                                                                                                         Hawthorn vs. Brisbane Lions (MCG)
                                                                    Western Bulldogs vs. Hawthorn (MRVL) (T)                            Adelaide Crows vs. West Coast Eagles (AO) (T)
                                                                    Melbourne vs. North Melbourne (MCG) (N)                             Fremantle vs. Richmond (OS) (N)                                      ROUND 20
                                                                    West Coast Eagles vs. Carlton (OS) (N)                              Sunday, June 11                                                      Friday, July 28 - Sunday, July 30
Thursday, March 23                                                  Sunday, April 30                                                                                                                         Adelaide Crows vs. Port Adelaide (AO)
                                                                                                                                        North Melbourne vs. GWS GIANTS (BA)
Carlton vs. Geelong Cats (MCG) (N)                                  Essendon vs. Geelong Cats (MCG)                                                                                                          Collingwood vs. Carlton (MCG)
                                                                    Richmond vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MRVL)                                 Carlton vs. Essendon (MCG) (N)
Friday, March 24                                                                                                                                                                                             Essendon vs. Sydney Swans (MRVL)
Brisbane Lions vs. Melbourne (G) (N)                                Adelaide Crows vs. Collingwood (AO) (T)                             Monday, June 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Geelong Cats vs. Fremantle (GMHBA)
Saturday, March 25                                                                                                                      Melbourne vs. Collingwood (MCG)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gold Coast SUNS vs. Brisbane Lions (MS)
Collingwood vs. Port Adelaide (MCG)                                 ROUND 8                                                             Byes: Geelong Cats, Gold Coast SUNS                                  Hawthorn vs. St Kilda (MRVL)
Adelaide Crows vs. Richmond (AO) (T)                                Friday, May 5                                                                                                                            Richmond vs. Melbourne (MCG)
Western Bulldogs vs. St Kilda (MRVL) (N)                            Carlton vs. Brisbane Lions (MRVL) (N)
                                                                                                                                        ROUND 14                                                             West Coast Eagles vs. North Melbourne (OS)
Fremantle vs. North Melbourne (OS) (N)                              Saturday, May 6                                                     Thursday, June 15                                                    Western Bulldogs vs. GWS GIANTS (MARS)
Sunday, March 26                                                    Richmond vs. West Coast Eagles (MCG)                                Port Adelaide vs. Geelong Cats (AO) (N)
Sydney Swans vs. Hawthorn (SCG)                                     Geelong Cats vs. Adelaide Crows (GMHBA)                             Friday, June 16                                                      ROUND 21
Essendon vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MRVL)                                 Gold Coast SUNS vs. Melbourne (MS) (T)                              Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney Swans (G) (N)                              Friday, August 4 - Sunday, August 6
West Coast Eagles vs. GWS GIANTS (OS) (N)                           GWS GIANTS vs. Western Bulldogs (MO) (N)                            Saturday, June 17                               Adelaide Crows vs. Gold Coast SUNS (AO)
                                                                    Fremantle vs. Hawthorn (OS) (N)                                     GWS GIANTS vs. Fremantle (GS) (T)               Essendon vs. West Coast Eagles (MRVL)
ROUND 3                                                             Sunday, May 7                                                       Richmond vs. St Kilda (MCG) (N)
                                                                                                                                                                                        Fremantle vs. Brisbane Lions (OS)
Thursday, March 30                                                  Port Adelaide vs. Essendon (AO)                                                                                     Geelong Cats vs. Port Adelaide (GMHBA)
                                                                                                                                        Sunday, June 18                                 GWS GIANTS vs. Sydney Swans (GS)
Western Bulldogs vs. Brisbane Lions (MRVL) (N)                      Collingwood vs. Sydney Swans (MCG)                                  Carlton vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MCG)
Friday, March 31                                                    North Melbourne vs. St Kilda (MRVL) (T)                                                                             Hawthorn vs. Collingwood (MCG)
                                                                                                                                        North Melbourne vs. Western Bulldogs (MRVL) (T) North Melbourne vs. Melbourne (BA)
Collingwood vs. Richmond (MCG) (N)                                                                                                      Byes: Adelaide Crows, Collingwood, Essendon, St Kilda vs. Carlton (MRVL)
Saturday, April 1                                                   ROUND 9                                                             Hawthorn, Melbourne, West Coast Eagles          Western Bulldogs vs. Richmond (MRVL)
Hawthorn vs. North Melbourne (UTAS)                                 Friday, May 12
GWS GIANTS vs. Carlton (GS) (T)                                                                                                                                                                              ROUND 22
St Kilda vs. Essendon (MCG) (N)
                                                                    Richmond vs. Geelong Cats (MCG) (N)                                 ROUND 15
                                                                    West Coast Eagles vs. Gold Coast SUNS (OS) (N)
Port Adelaide vs. Adelaide Crows (AO) (N)                                                                                               Thursday, June 22                                                    Friday, August 11 - Sunday, August 13
                                                                    Saturday, May 13                                                                                                                         Carlton vs. Melbourne (MCG)
Sunday, April 2                                                     Sydney Swans vs. Fremantle (SCG)                                    Geelong Cats vs. Melbourne (GMHBA) (N)
Gold Coast SUNS vs. Geelong Cats (MS)                                                                                                   Friday, June 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide Crows (G)
                                                                    North Melbourne vs. Port Adelaide (BA)                                                                                                   Collingwood vs. Geelong Cats (MCG)
Melbourne vs. Sydney Swans (MCG)                                    Hawthorn vs. Melbourne (MCG) (T)                                    St Kilda vs. Brisbane Lions (MRVL) (N)
Fremantle vs. West Coast Eagles (OS) (T)                                                                                                                                                                     Hawthorn vs. Western Bulldogs (UTAS)
                                                                    Brisbane Lions vs. Essendon (G) (N)                                 Saturday, June 24                                                    North Melbourne vs. Essendon (MRVL)
                                                                    Carlton vs. Western Bulldogs (MRVL) (N)                             Sydney Swans vs. West Coast Eagles (SCG) (T)                         Port Adelaide vs. GWS GIANTS (AO)
ROUND 4                                                             Sunday, May 14                                                      Fremantle vs. Essendon (OS) (N)                                      St Kilda vs. Richmond (MRVL)
Thursday, April 6                                                   Adelaide Crows vs. St Kilda (AO)                                    Sunday, June 25                                                      Sydney Swans vs. Gold Coast SUNS (SCG)
Brisbane Lions vs. Collingwood (G) (N)                              Collingwood vs. GWS GIANTS (MCG) (T)                                Collingwood vs. Adelaide Crows (MCG)                                 West Coast Eagles vs. Fremantle (OS)
Friday, April 7                                                                                                                         Gold Coast SUNS vs. Hawthorn (MS) (T)
North Melbourne vs. Carlton (MRVL) (T)                              ROUND 10                                                            Byes: Carlton, GWS GIANTS, North Melbourne,                          ROUND 23
Saturday, April 8                                                   Friday, May 19                                                      Port Adelaide, Richmond, Western Bulldogs                            Friday, August 18 - Sunday, August 20
Adelaide Crows vs. Fremantle (AO)                                   Port Adelaide vs. Melbourne (AO) (N)                                                                                                     Adelaide Crows vs. Sydney Swans (AO)
Richmond vs. Western Bulldogs (MCG) (T)                             Saturday, May 20                                                    ROUND 16                                                             Collingwood vs. Brisbane Lions (MRVL)
St Kilda vs. Gold Coast SUNS (MRVL) (N)                             North Melbourne vs. Sydney Swans (MRVL)                                                                                                  Fremantle vs. Port Adelaide (OS)
Sydney Swans vs. Port Adelaide (SCG) (N)                                                                                                Thursday, June 29 - Sunday, July 2
                                                                    Western Bulldogs vs. Adelaide Crows (MARS)                          Adelaide Crows vs. North Melbourne (AO)                              Gold Coast SUNS vs. Carlton (MS)
Sunday, April 9                                                     Fremantle vs. Geelong Cats (OS) (T)                                                                                                      GWS GIANTS vs. Essendon (GS)
Essendon vs. GWS GIANTS (MRVL)                                                                                                          Brisbane Lions vs. Richmond (G)
                                                                    Brisbane Lions vs. Gold Coast SUNS (G) (N)                                                                                               Melbourne vs. Hawthorn (MCG)
West Coast Eagles vs. Melbourne (OS) (T)                                                                                                Essendon vs. Port Adelaide (MCG)                                     Richmond vs. North Melbourne (MCG)
                                                                    Essendon vs. Richmond (MCG) (N)
Monday, April 10                                                                                                                        Gold Coast SUNS vs. Collingwood (MS)                                 St Kilda vs. Geelong Cats (MRVL)
                                                                    Sunday, May 21
Geelong Cats vs. Hawthorn (MCG)                                                                                                         Hawthorn vs. Carlton (MCG)                                           Western Bulldogs vs. West Coast Eagles (MRVL)
                                                                    Hawthorn vs. West Coast Eagles (UTAS)
                                                                                                                                        Melbourne vs. GWS GIANTS (TP)
                                                                    Carlton vs. Collingwood (MCG)
ROUND 5                                                             GWS GIANTS vs. St Kilda (GS) (T)                                    Sydney Swans vs. Geelong Cats (SCG)                                  ROUND 24
                                                                                                                                        West Coast Eagles vs. St Kilda (OS)
Thursday, April 13
                                                                                                                                        Western Bulldogs vs. Fremantle (MRVL)                                Friday, August 25 - Sunday, August 27
Adelaide Crows vs. Carlton (AO) (N)                                 ROUND 11                                                                                                                                 Brisbane Lions vs. St Kilda (G)
Friday, April 14                                                                                                                                                                                             Carlton vs. GWS GIANTS (MRVL)
                                                                    Friday, May 26                                                      ROUND 17                                                             Essendon vs. Collingwood (MCG)
Fremantle vs. Gold Coast SUNS (NO) (T)                              Sydney Swans vs. Carlton (SCG) (N)
Sydney Swans vs. Richmond (AO) (N)                                  Saturday, May 27                                                    Thursday, July 6 - Sunday, July 9                                    Geelong Cats vs. Western Bulldogs (GMHBA)
Saturday, April 15                                                  St Kilda vs. Hawthorn (MRVL)                                        Brisbane Lions vs. West Coast Eagles (G)                             Hawthorn vs. Fremantle (MCG)
North Melbourne vs. Brisbane Lions (AH)                             Melbourne vs. Fremantle (MCG)                                       Essendon vs. Adelaide Crows (MRVL)                                   North Melbourne vs. Gold Coast SUNS (BA)
Essendon vs. Melbourne (AO) (T)                                     Geelong Cats vs. GWS GIANTS (GMHBA) (T)                             Fremantle vs. Carlton (OS)                                           Port Adelaide vs. Richmond (AO)
Port Adelaide vs. Western Bulldogs (AO) (N)                         Gold Coast SUNS vs. Western Bulldogs (TIO) (N)                      Geelong Cats vs. North Melbourne (GMHBA)                             Sydney Swans vs. Melbourne (SCG)
                                                                                                                                        GWS GIANTS vs. Hawthorn (GS)                                         West Coast Eagles vs. Adelaide Crows (OS)
Sunday, April 16                                                    West Coast Eagles vs. Essendon (OS) (N)
Geelong Cats vs. West Coast Eagles (AO)                             Sunday, May 28                                                      Port Adelaide vs. Gold Coast SUNS (AO)
Hawthorn vs. GWS GIANTS (NO)                                        Richmond vs. Port Adelaide (MCG)                                    Richmond vs. Sydney Swans (MCG)
St Kilda vs. Collingwood (AO) (T)                                   Collingwood vs. North Melbourne (MRVL)                              St Kilda vs. Melbourne (MRVL)
                                                                    Adelaide Crows vs. Brisbane Lions (AO) (T)                          Western Bulldogs vs. Collingwood (MRVL)

(T) Twilight match; (N) Night match; (AH) Adelaide Hills (Peramangk and Ngarrindjeri), Adelaide; (AO) Adelaide Oval (Kaurna), Adelaide; (BA) Blundstone Arena (Palawa), Hobart; (G) The Gabba (Yuggera-Toorabul), Brisbane; (GMHBA) GMHBA Stadium (Wadawurrung), Geelong;
(GS) GIANTS Stadium (Wann-gal), Sydney; (MO) Manuka Oval (Ngunnawal), Canberra; (MARS) Mars Stadium (Wadawurrung), Ballarat; (MRVL) Marvel Stadium (Wurundjeri), Melbourne; (MCG) Melbourne Cricket Ground (Wurundjeri), Melbourne; (MS) Metricon Stadium (Yugambeh), Gold Coast;
(NO) Norwood Oval, (Kaurna), Adelaide; (OS) Optus Stadium (Whadjuk), Perth; (SCG) Sydney Cricket Ground (Bidjigal & Gadigal), Sydney; (TIO) TIO Stadium (Larrakia), Darwin; (TP) TIO Traeger Park (Arrernte), Alice Springs; (UTAS) University of Tasmania Stadium (Palawa), Launceston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE A


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
                                                                                       SA SHOWDOWNS                                 Q CLASH                          GRAND FINAL REMATCH                                     NT
                                                                                                                                                                        ROUND 6 & 16

                OPENING ROUND                EASTER THURSDAY                                                                                                                    V
                                                 ROUND 4                                                                                                         On a Saturday night in Round 6 at
                                                                                       ROUNDS 3 & 20                            ROUNDS 10 & 20                    GMHBA Stadium – Wadawurrung
                                                                                                                                                                       and in Round 16 at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Three matches being played in the Northern
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Territory in Rounds 11, 12 and 16 with the
                                                      V                                                                                                             SCG – Bidjigal and Gadigal.             Gold Coast SUNS and Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                                                             playing home games in the territory.
                                                                                              V                                       V
                                           Thursday April 6, 7.35pm                                                                                                SIR DOUG NICHOLLS ROUND
                                        The Gabba – Yuggera – Toorabul
                                                                             SA Showdown between Adelaide Crows           Q Clash between Brisbane and                                                                  TASMANIA
                                                                              and Port Adelaide in Rounds 3 and 20,        Gold Coast Suns in Round 10,
                                                GOOD FRIDAY                          Adelaide Oval – Kaurna             The Gabba – Yuggera - Toorabul and
                                                                                                                      Round 20, Metricon Stadium – Yugambeh
                                                  ROUND 4
                                                                                       SYDNEY DERBY
                                                                                                                                ANZAC DAY EVE                                                                   Eight matches to be played
                                                      V                                                                           ROUND 6                                ROUNDS 10 & 11                        in Tasmania with Hawthorn
                      ROUND 1                                                                                                                                                                                hosting in Rounds 3, 6, 10 and 22,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and North Melbourne hosting
                                                                                                                                                                Played across Rounds 10 and 11 with
                                            Friday April 7, 4.20pm                                                                                            all clubs to host a match. Featuring the          in Rounds 9, 13, 21 and 24.
                        V                Marvel Stadium – Wurundjeri                                                                  V                        Dreamtime at the ‘G match in Round 10
                                                                                                                                                                between Essendon and Richmond on
                                                                                                                                                                Saturday May 20 and, Sydney Swans                       CANBERRA
          Richmond and Carlton to             EASTER MONDAY                            ROUNDS 7 & 21                         Monday April 24, 7.20pm
                                                                                                                                                              hosting Carlton in the Marn Grook match
                                                                                                                                MCG – Wurundjeri                 on Friday night May 26 in Round 11.
            open the season on
         Thursday March 16, 7.20pm
                                                 ROUND 4
              MCG – Wurundjeri                                                                V                                   ANZAC DAY                           KING’S BIRTHDAY EVE
 ST KILDA 150TH YEAR CELEBRATION                                              Sydney Derby between GWS GIANTS                                                              ROUND 13
                                                                                and Sydney Swans in Round 7,
                                           Monday April 10, 3.20pm                                                                                                                                             GWS GIANTS hosting three
                                                                                SCG – Bidjigal and Gadigal and
                                              MCG – Wurundjeri
                                                                             Round 21, GIANTS Stadium – Wann-gal.                                                              V                              matches in the nation’s capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Rounds 6, 8 and 19.

                                               GATHER ROUND                              WA DERBIES                                                                   Sunday June 11, 7.15pm
                                                                                                                                                                        MCG – Wurundjeri                                 BALLARAT
                                                 ROUND 5
                                                                                                                                                                        KING’S BIRTHDAY
                                                                                                                                                                           ROUND 13

                                                                                       ROUNDS 3 & 22                                                                           V                               Western Bulldogs hosting
                      ROUND 3            A FESTIVAL OF FOOTY
                                            ROUND 5     APRIL 13-16                                                                 ROUND 6                                                                  two matches in their home away
                                                                                                                                                                     Monday June 12, 3.20pm                      from home in Ballarat in
                                                                                              V                                                                         MCG – Wurundjeri                            Rounds 10 and 20.

                        V                                                                                                             V                                                                   ROUNDS 16-24
                                       SA to host all 18-clubs at once for
                                        the first time with nine matches     Western Derby between Fremantle and                                                       MID-SEASON BYES                      FLOATING
            Saturday April 1, 7.25pm      played across three venues         West Coast Eagles in Rounds 3 and 22,          Tuesday April 25, 3.20pm               now spread over four rounds,                 and to be confirmed as the
               MCG – Wurundjeri                in the one weekend.                 Optus Stadium – Whadjuk                      MCG – Wurundjeri                         Rounds 12 to 15                           season progresses

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 3
All times are local

                                                                                         2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
The AFL has sought to develop a consistent and equitable schedule of matches
which connects with the community, assists in growing the game and continues
to build the financial stability of the AFL competition.


             To develop, as close as is possible,
             a fixture which gives all clubs equal opportunities.

             To maximise attendances at AFL matches in all markets,
             ensuring the best possible accessibility for fans.

             To maximise audiences across our television, digital and radio broadcast
             partners, ensuring national exposure for the game.

             To take into account the specific requests of AFL clubs, players and
             other key competition stakeholders, particularly venues and broadcasters.

             To continue developing the game nationally by scheduling matches
             across all states and territories throughout the season.

             To ensure the welfare of the players by providing a maximum of one
    6        five-day break, but otherwise minimum six-day breaks between
             matches for regularly scheduled rounds.
                                                                                         PAGE 4

                                                                                                              2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
                                TOP 6                       MIDDLE                       BOTTOM 6
                           TOP 6 v TOP 6               MIDDLE 6 v TOP 6              BOTTOM 6 v TOP 6
       TOP 6          Minimum 2 return meetings      Minimum 1 return meeting     Minimum 1 return meeting
                      Maximum 3 return meetings     Maximum 2 return meetings     Maximum 2 return meeting

                         TOP 6 v MIDDLE 6            MIDDLE 6 v MIDDLE 6           BOTTOM 6 v MIDDLE 6
      MIDDLE           Minimum 1 return meeting     Minimum 2 return meetings      Minimum 1 return meeting
                      Maximum 2 return meetings     Maximum 3 return meetings     Maximum 2 return meetings

                         TOP 6 v BOTTOM 6            MIDDLE 6 v BOTTOM 6          BOTTOM 6 v BOTTOM 6
     BOTTOM 6          Minimum 1 return meeting      Minimum 1 return meeting     Minimum 2 return meetings
                       Maximum 2 return meeting     Maximum 2 return meetings     Maximum 3 return meetings

With the expansion to 24-rounds for the 2023 Toyota AFL Premiership Season, an adjustment
has been made to the ‘Weighted Rule’ to accommodate for a sixth double match-up.
Top Six v Bottom Six matches will now have a maximum of two return matches.
Bottom Six v Top Six will now have a maximum of two return matches.

                                                                                                              PAGE 5

                                                                                                                 2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
The key factors in determining the 2023 Toyota             To best manage on-field equity for all clubs under
AFL Premiership Season Fixture include:                  the current competition model, the 2023 fixture has
                                                         again been constructed around the ‘weighted rule’,
SEASON STRUCTURE                                         whereby the final ladder from the previous season
In 2023, the AFL’s standard fixture timeslots for        is grouped into the top six teams, middle six teams
the home and away season will consist of the             and bottom six teams, with double match-ups for
below, with matches broadcast by our partners            all clubs managed as follows:
the Seven Network, Foxtel and Kayo.                      − TOP SIX: Clubs ranked 1-6 on the 2022 ladder
                                                           will have a minimum of two and maximum of three
 BROADCASTERS                                              return meetings with other top six clubs.
                                                           They will have a minimum of one and maximum
 Thursday             Seven     Foxtel      Kayo
                                                           of two return meetings with clubs ranked 7-12.
 Friday               Seven     Foxtel      Kayo
                                                           They will have a minimum of one and a maximum
                                                           of two return meetings with clubs ranked 13-18.
 Saturday Early                 Foxtel      Kayo         − MIDDLE SIX: Clubs ranked 7-12 on the 2022 ladder
                                                           will have a minimum of one and maximum of two
 Saturday Afternoon             Foxtel      Kayo
                                                           return meetings with clubs ranked 1-6 on the
 Saturday Twilight              Foxtel      Kayo           ladder. They will have a minimum of two and
                                                           maximum of three return meetings with other
 Saturday Night       Seven     Foxtel      Kayo           middle six clubs. They will have a minimum of one
                                                           and maximum of two return meetings with clubs
 Saturday Night                 Foxtel      Kayo
                                                           ranked 13-18.
 Sunday Night                   Foxtel      Kayo         − B OTTOM SIX: Clubs ranked 13-18 on the 2022
                                                            ladder will have a minimum of one and a maximum
 Sunday Afternoon     Seven     Foxtel      Kayo            of two return meetings with clubs ranked 1-6.
                                                            They will have a minimum of one or a maximum
 Sunday Twilight                Foxtel      Kayo
                                                            of two return meetings with clubs ranked 7-12.
                                                            They will have a minimum of two and a maximum
This spread of matches facilitates the widest
                                                            of three return meetings with other bottom
possible coverage of the game via the outstanding
                                                            six clubs.
support of our broadcast partners and works to
                                                         While this process cannot take into account form
provide fans with alternatives to attend and watch
                                                         fluctuations between seasons, and a significant
games, taking into account competing demands for
                                                         performance increase or decrease by any club
supporters’ time, such as work, home, junior and
                                                         may impact the fixture for others, the results of the
community-level sport and other forms of recreation
                                                         application of the weighted rule to previous season’s
and entertainment.
                                                         fixtures demonstrated a relative parity of double

ON-FIELD EQUITY                                          match-ups for all sides in the competition.

On-field equity is a key component of the AFL’s
philosophy. As such, providing all clubs with the
opportunity to be successful and contest the
Toyota AFL Finals Series is a crucial element
of the AFL fixture.
   Given the AFL competition comprises a 24-round
season involving 18 clubs playing 23 matches,
it is not possible to achieve complete equity with all
teams playing each opponent both home and away.
                                                                                                                 PAGE 6
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS                                        4. The provision of two consecutive days off for all

                                                                                                                  2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
                                                          players over the weekend following a five-day
Easter again coincides with Round Four of the 2023        break (or other time in that week where agreed
season, which will kick off on Easter Thursday with       by player and Club)
the Brisbane Lions hosting Collingwood at the Gabba.   5. In relation to travel:
AFL football will then be played on Good Friday for       a. No five-day break as part of a double travel
the sixth time, with North Melbourne and Carlton          b. No five-day break travelling out of Perth
to contest a twilight encounter at Marvel Stadium.        c. Travel into a five-day break subject to
The Geelong Cats and Hawthorn will then clash                 players having a minimum five nights in their
in the traditional Easter Monday holiday match                home city (where a team has travelled the
to close out the Easter weekend.                              week before)
  The ANZAC Round will be held in Round 6.                d. Travel acceptable out of a five-day break
The round starts with Fremantle playing the                   (noting this would be into a minimum
Western Bulldogs on the Friday night in their                 seven-day break)
annual Len Hall Tribute game. Melbourne then play         e. The AFL also determines that as the clubs with
Richmond on the Monday night, ANZAC Day Eve.                  the heaviest travel load in the competition,
ANZAC Day follows on the Tuesday, with the                    the West Coast Eagles and Fremantle,
traditional blockbuster between Essendon and                  will always alternate home and away matches
Collingwood taking centre stage. Port Adelaide will           so that they do not travel in consecutive weeks
host their annual ANZAC match commemorating                   at any stage. In doing this, all other clubs will
Peter Badcoe VC on the Saturday.                              have to travel at least once to Western
  Melbourne will host Collingwood in the King’s               Australia, to play either the West Coast Eagles
Birthday Monday holiday match to be played at the             or Fremantle. No other team in the competition
MCG in Round 13. In a new addition to the fixture,            travels interstate more than two weeks in
Carlton will host Essendon at the MCG in a King’s             a row and where possible, any successive
Birthday Eve match on the Sunday night.                       travels are accommodated with a trip to the
                                                              closest state (for instance, Sydney to

PLAYER WELFARE                                                Victoria or Queensland).
                                                       In 2023, the AFL has again elected to schedule
AND TRAVEL LOAD                                        a second bye round at the conclusion of the home
                                                       and away season. This week’s break gives the
The AFL competition is extremely demanding
                                                       top eight clubs extra time to prepare for the
on its players. From the start of the pre-season,
                                                       2023 Toyota AFL Finals Series.
through to the 2023 Toyota AFL Grand Final on
September 30, 2023, teams will play week in,
week out across the nation. Therefore, player
welfare and travel loads are primary considerations
                                                       CLUB REQUESTS
                                                       Our clubs make annual submissions relating to
in the preparation of the fixture each year.
                                                       the fixture, typically centred on travel, commercial,
  In 2023 Clubs may receive a maximum of one
                                                       venue, event and membership-driven requests.
five-day break between matches but are otherwise
                                                       The AFL endeavours to accommodate as many
ensured a minimum six-day break between matches
                                                       of these as possible, on the basis that they help
in regularly scheduled rounds.
                                                       promote the game and maximise attendances
  A five-day break may be used under the following
                                                       and television audiences.
parameters (excl. ANZAC Round):
1. A maximum of one five-day break per Club
    (inclusive of matches scheduled around public
    holidays e.g. ANZAC Day / Eve)
2. A minimum seven-day break on either side
    of a five-day break (i.e. minimum 7-5-7)
3. A maximum six-day break for the opposition team
                                                                                                                  PAGE 7
ATTENDANCES                                              GAME PROMOTION

                                                                                                                2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
Maximising attendances is a key objective of             AND DEVELOPMENT
scheduling and the AFL, thanks to the outstanding
                                                         In line with the AFL’s strategic imperatives,
work of our clubs and players and with the
                                                         matches have again been scheduled in all states
passionate support of our members and fans,
                                                         and territories of Australia.
saw 6,106,629 fans attending the 198 Premiership
                                                         The matches to be played include:
Season matches in 2022. The AFL has also scheduled
                                                         − Tasmania – Hawthorn will play four home matches
showpiece Thursday and Friday night matches
                                                             at Launceston’s University of Tasmania Stadium,
in Melbourne, Brisbane, Geelong, Sydney, Adelaide
                                                             while North Melbourne will host four matches
and Perth, giving as many supporters as possible
                                                             at Blundstone Arena in Hobart.
across Australia the opportunity to take part in the
                                                         − Ballarat – The Western Bulldogs will host two
blockbuster match-day experience.
                                                             matches for premiership points in Ballarat.
                                                         − Northern Territory – The Gold Coast SUNS will
BROADCAST AGREEMENTS                                         host two matches at TIO Stadium, while Melbourne
                                                             will host one match at TIO Traeger Park.
Providing comprehensive coverage of AFL matches
                                                         − Australian Capital Territory – The GWS GIANTS
on television is a fundamental component of
                                                             will play three home matches at Manuka Oval.
the fixture process, as is ensuring that matches
                                                         − S outh Australia – all Round 5 matches to be
are scheduled in accordance with the AFL’s
                                                             played in South Australia across three venues -
contractual obligations to our broadcast partners
                                                             Adelaide Oval, Norwood Oval and, Summit Sport
 in the Seven Network, Foxtel and Kayo.
                                                             and Recreation Park in the Adelaide Hills.
   Some of the factors that must be taken into
account from a broadcast perspective include:
− Where possible, the best match in each round           VENUE AGREEMENTS
    to be scheduled on Friday night.
                                                         The AFL has various venue obligations which must
− Matches scheduled in timeslots that enable
                                                         be fulfilled each year, while many of its clubs also
    television coverage of all matches across
                                                         have contractual obligations to play minimum
    each round, on the Seven Network and/or Foxtel.
                                                         numbers of matches at certain venues around
− West Coast Eagles/Fremantle, Brisbane Lions
                                                         Australia. All of these obligations must be taken
    Gold Coast SUNS, Sydney Swans/GWS GIANTS
                                                         into consideration when planning each round of
    and Port Adelaide/Adelaide Crows cannot be
                                                         matches, ensuring an even spread across the
    scheduled to play in the same or overlapping
                                                         country throughout the season wherever possible,
    timeslots, so that matches featuring local sides
                                                         to best accommodate player welfare, club travel
    may be broadcast in full on free-to-air television
                                                         loads, broadcast programming, attendances and
    in the relevant states (regardless of whether
                                                         promotion of the game.
    the match is produced by the Seven Network
    or Foxtel).
                                                                                                                PAGE 8

                                                                                                                                          2023 TOYOTA AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON
              18                                           23                                               24
                  CLUBS                         MATCHES PER CLUB                                              ROUNDS

 CLUB REQUESTS                          Accommodating, where possible, the requirements and requests of the clubs.

                                        All teams to play each other once and six teams twice, with double match-ups
 OPPONENT DISTRIBUTION                  determined by ‘weighted rule.’

                                        Clubs may receive a maximum of one five-day break between matches, but are otherwise
 PLAYER WELFARE                         ensured a minimum six-day break between matches in regularly scheduled rounds.

 TRAVEL                                 Travel load to be spread as evenly as possible between all clubs.

 FANS                                   All matches scheduled with fans in mind to maximise attendances and television audiences.

 GAME DEVELOPMENT                       Clubs playing home matches in developing regional markets.

 BROADCASTING AGREEMENTS                All matches scheduled in line with the AFL’s contractual obligations to its broadcast partners.

 VENUE AGREEMENTS                       Various contracts require a minimum number of matches to be played at certain venues.

                                               SEPTEMBER 7-10: Week One – Qualifying & Elimination Finals (4)
       2023 TOYOTA AFL                         SEPTEMBER 15 & 16: Week Two – Semi-Finals (2)

        FINALS SERIES                          SEPTEMBER 22 & 23: Week Three – Preliminary Finals (2)
                                               SEPTEMBER 30: Week Four – Toyota AFL Grand Final

 1ST                 QF1        SEMI-FINALS                            PRELIMINARY FINALS

 4TH                 QF1

                                            LOSER QF                             WINNER QF1                     GRAND FINALS
 5TH                 EF1                                                                                           W

 8TH                 EF1
                                        WINNER EF1                W
                                                                                 WINNER SF2                              WINNER PF1
 6TH                 EF2    W
                                        WINNER EF2                W
                                                                                 WINNER SF1                              WINNER PF2

 7TH                 EF2                LOSER QF2                                WINNER QF2
 2ND                 QF2           L


 3RD                 QF2
                                                                                                                                          PAGE A9
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