With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

                                        with love
                                 FROM RUSSIA,

                      Combining new and experimental ideas with age-old traditions,
                      Hazendal Wine Estate in Stellenbosch is the perfect mix of
                      history, family and innovation. Malu Lambert explores the
                      different aspects this dynamic farm has to offer – from hopping
                      hares to Fabergé eggs

                      62                   APRIL 2019
With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

              Avant-Garde means to             detail is felt everywhere in Avant-Garde,
              be forward-looking in            yet it is never imposing.”
              respect to art, culture             Lunch starts with a hula hoop of a
              and society,” says               pastry called baranki served with a glass
              chef Michélle Theron,            of chilled ice tea – a traditional Russian
              explaining the thinking          welcome. Through floor-to-ceiling glass
              behind Hazendal’s new            doors, the Bottelary day blazes away in
              restaurant of the same           comparison to the cool, hushed setting
name. “We want to push boundaries              of the restaurant. “Avant-Garde is all
with our contemporary interpretation           about contrasts; in particular, the
of South African and Russian recipes,          juxtaposition of the old and the new,”
and celebrate the coming together of           Michélle says. “This message is carried
these two cultures.” Michélle always           across in both the food and the interior,
looks as if she’s ready to spring into         from the contemporary art on the walls
action – she has an intrinsic energy           to the hand-painted ceiling.” The latter
and a warm, open face, much like               took a purported two months to
the sun that’s pouring down on the             complete and is straight out of a Tolstoy
recently restored farm.                        novel set in Russian high society.
                                                  From my table, I can see into the wine
The restaurant, which operates only            cellar walled in by glass, the domain of
for lunch service (though the space is         winemaker, Clarise Sciocatti-Langeveldt.
available for evening functions), officially   A beautiful multi-column copper still is
opened on 26 December 2018. “We                positioned directly in my eyeline. With
literally built the restaurant from the        this still, Hazendal will be making vodkas
ground up,” Michélle shares. Prior to her      from wine-grape cultivars. They are still
appointment here as executive chef, she        in the beginning stages of this alchemy,
held the same title at Pierneef à La Motte     but they have plans to produce a range
restaurant in Franschhoek. “At La Motte,       of vodkas and to open a vodka bar.
we also had to start from the very                Hazendal dates all the way back to
beginning. I learnt so much; this would        1699. The story goes that German settler
not have been possible without the             Christoffel Hazenwinkel was granted
building blocks I gained there.”               60 hectares of land in the Bottelary Hills
    Michélle spent eight years at Pierneef     by Governor Willem Adriaan van der Stel.
à La Motte and, as sad as she was to           Inspired by his name, as well as the
leave, she says she couldn’t say no to         population of Cape hares that inhabited
this opportunity. “It’s always good to         the area at the time, Christoffel called
make a change. You have to keep those          the farm Hazendal which, in Dutch,
creative juices flowing,” she muses. Her       translates to “the valley of the hares”.
enthusiasm is clear – she’s bubbling              Through the years, the farm changed
away with ideas for all the different          hands fairly often. It was the Bosman
sections of the farm that fall under her       family – who owned the farm for five
guidance. “I run the whole culinary show       generations – that transformed it into a
here,” she says with a wide smile.             wine-producing estate. During this time,
    Much like the matryoshka doll (Russian     Bacchus – the Roman god of agriculture
nesting doll) itself, there are many layers    and wine – became the farm’s emblem,
to this estate. Having undergone a             as it still is today.
radical rebirth, it now features – along          The Russian influence came to
with the restaurant – a new winery and         Hazendal in the form of current owner,
distillery, deli, Russian Tea Garden,          Dr Mark Voloshin – a Russian-born
conference room, wedding pavilion, art         entrepreneur. “I fell in love with South
gallery and a children’s education             Africa and the Cape when I first visited
centre called Wonderdal.                       the country in the 1980s,” Mark says. He
    We’re welcomed by food and                 bought Hazendal in 1994. “My dream was
beverage manager, Willem van der               to create a unique destination in the
Merwe, who says as he shows us to our          Winelands, as well as leave a positive
table: “I want our guests to feel as if        impact on the community.”
they’re seated in the dining room of a            The business is family-run, and Mark
very grand, stately home. The feeling          says he enjoys working closely with his
of grandeur, elegance and attention to         daughters Simone and Ina Voloshin,

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With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

                                        FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: MANAGING DIRECTOR
                                        AT HAZENDAL, SHLOMI AZAR; EXECUTIVE
                                        DIRECTOR AND SHLOMI’S WIFE, SIMONE
                                        VOLOSHIN; OWNER, DR MARK VOLOSHIN;
                                        AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INA VOLOSHIN

                      64   APRIL 2019
With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

who are both executive directors of the        This is followed by a chilled bowl of soup
estate, and Simone’s husband, Shlomi           called okróshka. “It’s inspired by a
Azar, who is the managing director of          classic Russian dish,” Sherman says.
Hazendal. Though he has numerous               “Our version is made from potato, onion
business ventures across the globe,            and buttermilk, garnished with spring
which means a fair amount of travelling,       onions and chives.” With its bright,
Mark says he is happiest at Hazendal,          herbaceous flavour, it’s a cool and
his “true home”. “The revamp was an            energising way to start a meal.
extension of my 25-year-old dream                  Russian influences playing lightly with
and, as such, I was very involved in the       South African flavours are woven
reimagining of the estate,” he smiles.         throughout the meal. Like the barbecued
   When asked about the decision to            watermelon reduction that comes with
relaunch the estate, Simone explains:          octopus terrine, green melon, saltbush,
“A 320-year-old farm needs to reinvent         dehydrated tomatoes, salsa verde and
itself in order to stay significant, both      cured ham. Then in the lamb dish, a
from a cultural and financial point of view.   traditional Russian staple, porridge, is
The most important aspect was that the         put in the spotlight with a savoury barley
whole farm needed to be reimagined,            risotto served alongside slow-braised
as old and new should always be in             lamb, hazelnuts and mushrooms.
harmony. The renovations and additions             The dishes are somehow new yet
were done on a large scale. Existing           nostalgic at the same time. “We’re
structures were intertwined; for example,      having a lot of fun with the menu,”
our wine-tasting lounge is in the estate’s     Michélle grins. “Originally, I knew nothing
original cellar, blending traditional and      about Russian food, but the owners have
contemporary design.”                          been so open with me, always bringing
   Other additions include a custom-           me different foods to try and, through
built conferencing facility. The Pavilion      tasting and talking, I’ve learnt so much.
venue is also something to behold – it         They are amazing people and have
floats above water and is framed by the        been so collaborative in the process.
magnificent views of the Bottelary Hills       Though they have given me free rein of
and Simonsberg mountains. “A huge              the menu, I think if you gave them half a
focus is on culinary offerings,” Simone        chance, they would be cooking with me
continues. “At Avant-Garde, Michélle           in the kitchen!”
seamlessly merges South African and                At Avant-Garde, Michélle works
Russian cuisines to create works of art.       alongside head chef, Sergio Jacobs,
On the other hand, the Babushka                whose enthusiasm is palpable. “It is
Deli is perfect for breakfasts and             always exciting to try new things and         CAPTION TO GO HERE CAPTION
                                                                                             TO GO HERE CAPTION TO GO
casual lunches.” At the deli, Michélle         learn fresh ways of approaching a dish,”      HERE CAPTION TO GO HERE
works with head chef, Carmel Watts,            he says. “I love working with Russian         CAPTION TO GO HERE CAPTION
on a bistro-style menu with Soviet             recipes and local produce to create
nuances, from piroshky (Russian                dishes that celebrate both cultures in
half-moon pastries stuffed with a              an interesting and contemporary way.”
variety of fillings) to beetroot dishes            Michélle continues, “There aren’t any
and up-styled potato salad.                    boundaries – I try something new and
   “Further offerings include the Dacha        I apply global cooking methods. A good
Picnics, to be enjoyed on the expansive        example is the other day, when I was
lawns, as well as after-work Zakuski           playing around with a ramen-style dish.
[Russian-inspired tapas-style food] in         Russia has pelmeni, a [dumpling-like]
the historic Kraal. One of the most            filled pasta that looks like honeycomb.
unique offerings at Hazendal is the            I’m using that with duck and apples –
Russian Tea Ceremony served under              both ingredients are very big in Russia.
the canopy of historic oak trees in the        To go with it, I’ve made a kombu [kelp]
Russian Tea Garden,” Simone adds.              dashi with roasted apple. Apple kombu
   Back at lunch, restaurant manager,          is going to be the next big thing – you
Sherman Matthews, brings over a                heard it here first,” she says, laughing.
breadboard with black rye bread,                   Although her inspiration and vision
tangerine butter and a carrot-miso dip.        know no bounds, Michélle has kept her
“Tangerine is big in Russia,” he smiles,       focus to local suppliers, sourcing much
presenting the citrus-infused butter.          of her produce from neighbouring farms.

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With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

                      “Wherever you are in the world, it’s the    harvest is predicted for 2020). “I buy in
                      ingredients – not the recipe – that make    only the cultivars we’ve planted and
                      the dish different and particular           I source locally – I don’t want the style of
                      to that place,” she smiles.                 wine to change once we are using our
                         Michélle sources grass-fed beef from     own vineyards,” Clarise explains over a
                      Ryan Boon and the farm has its own          glass of the estate’s MCC, Scarlet Sails.
                      vegetable-and-herb garden which,            “It’s a dream project for a winemaker;
                      though relatively new, is already           I’ve basically planted my wish list of
                      rewarding Michélle, particularly with her   cultivars that suit this region,” she beams.
                      new favourite pumpkin called a Turk’s          Their white cultivars include sauvignon
                      Turban. “We also make our own butter        blanc, chenin blanc, marsanne, rousanne
                      with cream from Camelot Dairy,”             and even albariño (a Spanish varietal);
                      Michélle enthuses.                          while the red category has pinot noir,
                         “As I get new things in, I put new       shiraz, cabernet, carignan, carménère
                      dishes on [the menu]. I’ve also always      and Pinotage. “Dr Voloshin loves
                      built my menus in such a way that I can     Pinotage,” she says emphatically. “I’ve
                      cater for everyone, so the dishes can       made him a small consignment of
                      easily become vegetarian or vegan.          Pinotage MCC before.” The foiled labels
                      For example, with the lamb dish, I use      of the Hazendal range are beautiful and
                      vegetable stock instead of lamb stock       the owners have played a large part
                      for the barley risotto. We also make our    in the conception of the design. “They                   CAPTION TO GO HERE CAPTION
                      own vegan cheese from cashew nuts.”         know what they want,” Clarise smiles.                    TO GO HERE CAPTION TO GO
                                                                                                                           HERE CAPTION TO GO HERE
                         Dessert arrives and it’s a moment of        Next up is the whimsical lifestyle wine               CAPTION TO GO HERE CAPTION
                      total theatre. There’s the Anna Pavlova –   range called Christoffel Hazenwinkel,
                      a pile of meringue cigars housing cream-    which features a white and red blend, as
                      cheese custard fillings with green-tea      well as a rosé. Each bottle shows a hare
                      sablés [shortbread cookies], matcha-        in a different pose which, Clarise says,
                      coated milk “rocks” and strawberries-       are actual photos – a special hare’s head
                      and-cream ice cream. Pastry chef,           was made for a person to pose in.
                      Corien Hatting, says, “The inspiration         On my way out, I stop at the Marvol
                      behind these desserts came from the         Gallery which, according to Ina, should
                      Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova and her      be a catalyst for the discovery of the
                      stunning ballet tutus.”                     Russian culture while forging connections
                         There’s also a chocolate and edible-     between Russian and South African
                      gold-foiled Fabergé egg [a jewelled egg     artists. “I want to reach out to the wider
                      created by the House of Fabergé in          community and support conversations
                      St Petersburg, Russia] that comes with      on many different topics which are
                      its own hammer to smash it open. Corien     relevant to both traditions,” she says.
                      comments on this one, too: “Hazendal        “In the long term, [I want] to build a
                      is known for the owners’ extensive          Russian cultural centre that not only
                      collection of Fabergé eggs, so we           exhibits art but also provides many
                      thought it would be interesting to do a     different experiences with artists,
                      signature dessert inspired by them, and     thinkers, musicians and literary figures.”
                      the flavours will change regularly.”           As I leave, carefully placing the pieces
                         After enjoying Hazendal Chardonnay       together like the aforementioned
                      at lunch, I make my way to the tasting      matryoshka doll, I think the experience
                      room on the other side of my dining         here resembles this Russian symbol
                      spot to chat to winemaker Clarise. The      for another reason: the doll can be
                      double-volume space features oil            opened and, inside, you’ll find other
                      portraits of all the estate’s owners        dolls; each nestled inside one another.
                      displayed over the entrance.                The number of figurines nested in one
                         Clarise, a South African with Italian    matryoshka doll usually ranges from              WITH A HIGHER
                                                                                                                   PERCENTAGE OF
                      heritage, is an Elsenburg graduate who      three to twelve, and it’s said the dolls          PINOT NOIR TO
                      cut her teeth at Avondale and Eaglevlei     represent future generations which, in            CHARDONNAY,
                                                                                                                  HAZENDAL’S MCC,
                      wine estates before she found herself       turn, fittingly symbolise hope and the           SCARLET SAILS,
                      making the wines at Hazendal. They          value of family – a lot like Mark’s vision     LEADS WITH TOASTY
                                                                                                                   BRIOCHE NOTES
                      are currently buying in all their grapes    for his family farm, if wuold say.             FOLLOWED BY BAKED
                      while they wait for their newly planted     BOTTELARY ROAD, STELLENBOSCH;                      GREEN APPLE
                                                                                                                     AND CITRUS
                      vineyards to mature (the inaugural          021-903-5034; HAZENDAL.CO.ZA

                      66                     APRIL 2019
With love - Hazendal Wine Estate
                                           TO GO HERE CAPTION TO GO HERE
With all its new offerings, Hazendal       CAPTION TO GO HERE
now employs more than 150 people; in
this, the farm offers fully serviced and
renovated accommodation for more
than 40 residents (over 20 employees
and their families) as well as a fully
equipped after-school village crèche
for 15 children.
   On that note, Hazendal is equally                               TURK’S TURBAN SQUASH
                                                                     AND KALE PELMENI,
committed to the planet as it is to its                               CURED KEI APPLE,
people. Managing director Shlomi                                    CHEDDAR CREAM AND
                                                                     HAZELNUT DUKKAH
Azar says, “Hazendal is treading as
lightly as possible on its little corner
of the planet. As such, the farm has
installed solar panels to reduce its
carbon footprint, and we’re carefully
managing the property’s entire water
cycle. We source water from a
borehole and treat effluent and
wastewater before feeding it into
the reservoir, which is then used for
irrigation. Every drop is valued.                                                            ONLINE BONUS!
   “In terms of Hazendal’s products                                                         FOR THESE
and packaging, great care has gone                                                          ADDITIONAL
into selecting materials that are                                                          RECIPES, VISIT
biodegradable and/or that come from                                                        FOODANDHOME.CO.ZA

sustainable natural sources. This
policy of being mindful of the planet is
an estate-wide strategy, which is why
napery isn’t used in the restaurants
and waste is deliberately minimised.                    OKROSHKA BROTH, SEARED SALMON
Hazendal also has an on-site refuse                    TROUT, BRONZE FENNEL AND MINT OIL

centre in which glass, paper, plastic
and perishable waste are recycled.”
With love - Hazendal Wine Estate

                                                                                                             out piece of dough. Prick the discs with
                                                                                                             a fork and transfer to the prepared
                                                                                                             baking sheets. Bake in the preheated
                                                                                      RUSSIAN HONEY
                                                                                        LAYER CAKE           oven until golden, about 12 minutes.
                                                                                                             Remove from oven and set aside to
                                                                                                             cool completely.
                                                                                                             4 While the cakes are baking, make
                                                                                                             the citrus sugar syrup. Combine all
                                                                                                             of the sugar-syrup ingredients in a
                                                                                                             small saucepan. Bring to a boil over
                                                                                                             medium heat. Continue to boil until the
                                                                                                             sugar has melted and the mixture has
                                                                                                             reached a syrupy consistency, about
                                                                                                             5 minutes. Remove from heat and, using
                                                                                                             a pastry brush, brush the cake layers
                                                                                                             with a generous basting of sugar syrup.
                                                                                                             5 For the honey crème, place the 140g
                                                                                                             honey in a heavy-based saucepan and
                                                                                                             heat over medium heat until it starts to
                                                                                                             caramelise. Soak the gelatine leaves
                                                                                                             in a bowl of cold water until soft, about
                                                                                                             1 minute. Squeeze the excess water
                                                                                                             from the softened gelatine leaves and

                                                          cook’s tip
                                                                                                             add them to the caramelised honey.
                                                                                                             Add 110ml of the cream. Mix until well
                                                                                                             combined. Remove from heat and set
                                                                                                             aside to cool.
                                                            Cut any remaining pieces of dough                6 Beat the remaining 335ml cream
                                                          and cereal crunch into different-sized             until soft peaks form. Add the vanilla
                                                        triangles and bake/freeze along with the             essence. Fold the whipped cream into
                                                                   discs for decoration.                     the honey mixture. Add the sour cream
                                                                                                             and mix until just combined. Scale 4
                                                                                                             x 180g portions of the mixture and
                                                                                                             reserve the remaining 200g. Set aside.
                                                                                                             7 For the cereal crunch, melt the
                      RUSSIAN HONEY LAYER CAKE                    CEREAL CRUNCH
                                                                                                             chocolate and nut butter together in a
                                                                  80g 37% milk chocolate
                      Serves 6 – 8 A LITTLE EFFORT 2 hrs                                                     medium saucepan over medium heat.
                                                                  45g nut butter of your choice
                                                                  90g Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, crushed         Add the cereal and mix until all of the
                      WHAT YOU NEED                                                                          corn flakes are coated. Roll out the
                      CAKE                                                                                   mixture between 2 sheets of baking
                                                                  honeycomb shards, to garnish
                      3 eggs                                                                                 paper until 2cm in thickness. Using a
                      133g castor sugar                                                                      20cm round cake tin, cut a disc out of
                                                                  HOW TO DO IT
                      90g unsalted butter, at                                                                the layer. Place in the freezer to chill
                                                                  1 For the cake, preheat the oven to
                      room temperature                                                                       until just set, about 15 minutes.
                                                                  160˚C. Line 2 baking sheets with baking
                      70g honey                                                                              8 To assemble, place 1 cake layer on
                                                                  paper. Set aside until needed.
                      400g cake flour                                                                        a cake stand. Spread with one of the
                                                                  2 Combine the eggs and castor sugar
                      5g bicarbonate of soda                                                                 180g portions of honey crème followed
                                                                  in a large glass bowl placed over a pot
                                                                  of barely simmering water (do not allow    by a second layer of cake and 180g
                      CITRUS SUGAR SYRUP                                                                     honey crème. Place the chilled cereal
                                                                  the base of the glass bowl to touch the
                      50ml water                                                                             crunch layer on top and spread with the
                                                                  water). Mix until well combined. Add the
                      50g white sugar                                                                        third 180g portion of honey crème. Top
                                                                  butter and mix until melted. Remove
                      1 tbsp orange-blossom water                                                            with another cake layer and the final
                                                                  from heat and add the 70g honey along
                                                                  with the remaining cake ingredients.       180g portion of honey crème. Finish off
                      HONEY CRÈME                                                                            with the last cake layer.
                                                                  Mix until a firm dough forms.
                      140g honey                                                                             9 Spread the 200g reserved honey
                                                                  3 Divide the dough into 4 pieces, each
                      4 (1g) gelatine leaves                                                                 crème over the outside of the cake.
                                                                  weighing 175g. Roll out each piece
                      445ml thick/double-thick cream                                                         Decorate with the cake and cereal
                                                                  between 2 sheets of baking paper until
                      1 tsp vanilla essence                                                                  crunch offcuts (see our Cook’s Tip), as
                                                                  2,2cm in thickness. Using a 20cm round
                      335ml sour cream                                                                       well as with the honeycomb shards.
                                                                  cake tin, cut a disc out of each rolled-

                      68                   APRIL 2019
With love - Hazendal Wine Estate With love - Hazendal Wine Estate With love - Hazendal Wine Estate
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