Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021

Page created by Sandra Daniel
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
         Father’s Day
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
This Weekend:
                   5:15 p.m. Padraig Alexander,
                 Jack Dougherty, Benjamin Grafer,
                         Anthony Morello

                      10:30 a.m. Maria Ferzola,
                          Teressa Gonzalez

              Next Weekend:
5:15 p.m. Charlotte Connolly, Ashley Esnes

10:30 a.m. Nora Andersen, Alex Donadoni,
                Maksim Klein

  Obligation to Attend Sunday Mass

                 Bishop Barres has lifted the
                 obligation to attend Mass for
                 Sundays and Holydays during the
                        This will change as of
                      Sunday, August 15, 2021.
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
A Blessed Father’s Day
    to all the men
    of our parish!
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
28. Nativity of St. John the Baptist: June 24th:

                                    This Thursday we celebrate the Solemnity of the
                                    Nativity of St. John the Baptist, a very ancient
                                    feastday in the church. Usually the feastday of a
                                    saint is on the day they died, their “birthday in
                                    heaven,” but John (and the Blessed Mother),
                                    have feastdays on their birthdays. Because John
                                    is the Forerunner of the Messiah, his birth is
celebrated six months before Christmas Eve. In the old Roman calendar, like the
Nativity of the Lord, there were separate Masses for the Vigil, Mass at Dawn, and
Mass during the Day. In the new Roman Missal of 1970 it is the highest form of a
feast called a “solemnity.” There is the Gloria, the Creed and three readings.

The feast is celebrated in some places with bonfires, festivals and the “maypole.”
It begins on “St. John’s Eve,” June 23rd at sunset. It coincides (in the Western
Hemisphere) with the June Solstice, “Midsummer.” The herb St. John’s Wort,
would be collected on this day.

The feast of St. John is the backdrop for music
and theater: Mussoursky’s Night on Bald
Mountain (featured in Disney’s Fantasia),
Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and
Wagner’s Die Meistersinger

Not only is this feast celebrated by Catholic
Christians, but also in the Orthodox Churches,
the Lutheran Church and the Anglican
(Episcopal) Church.

       St. John the Baptist, pray for us!
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
St. Mark, Shoreham
                                   Part-time, weekday mornings, Saturday
                                   evening and Sunday morning.

                                       St. John the Baptist, Wading River
                                         Preschool Secretary/Bookkeeper
                                   Part-time; knowledge of Microsoft Office
                                           and QuickBooks required.
        Please contact Dr. Jeffrey Pedersen, 631-929-4339, ext. 10,
                         or jpedersen@sjbwr.org
                        St. John the Baptist Preschool
                            Teachers and Assistants
 We are looking for part time teachers and assistants for our preschool.
 Flexible hours available. Please contact Gayle Mercurio, 631-929-3220.

Bookkeeper East End of Long Island
The Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre, Office of Parish Support, is seeking
Bookkeepers to provide bookkeeping and accounting services to a select group of
parishes and schools on the East End of Long Island. Regular travel to assigned
parishes and schools is required.
Position Requirements - Associate degree, preferably in the discipline of account-
ing or bookkeeping preferred, Knowledge of Microsoft Office software products,
Good verbal and written communications skills, Quickbooks experience a plus.
Please email your cover letter and resume, in word format as an email attachment,
employment@drvc.org. Please note “Part-Time – Bookkeeper” in the subject line.
Or mail/fax to
Human Resources Department: Diocese of Rockville Centre, P O Box 9023,
Rockville Centre, NY 11570 - Fax: 516-678-9566.
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
As of June 16, 2021
                                 Bishop Barres has lifted
                                all pandemic restrictions.

               Masks are optional in church.

We will continue to be a welcoming community where all are
          treated with respect and understanding.

                        Canned chicken
                        Canned white potatoes
Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
Mass Presiders Schedule
       This Weekend: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                          Father’s Day
Saturday, June 19, 5:15 p.m. Father Frank
Sunday, June 20, 8:00 a.m.    Father James
Sunday, June 20, 10:30 a.m.   Msgr. Bennett

     Next Weekend: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, June 26, 5:15 p.m. Msgr. Bennett
Sunday, June 27, 8:00 a.m.    Father Frank
Sunday, June 27, 10:30 a.m.   Father James

Father's Day 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 20, 2021
Please remember
Monday, June 21, 8:30 a.m.,
                                    the faithful departed.
Larry Desimone
                                     Margaret Rice
Tuesday, June 22 8:30 a.m.,          Michele Stevens
Henry & Joan Lutz

                                  May they rest in peace.
Wednesday, June 23 8:30 a.m.,
Bill Vitollo

Thursday, June 24, 8:30 a.m.,
William Hipp

Saturday, June 26, 5:15 p.m.,
Fran Kidd

Sunday, June 27,
8:00 a.m.
Louise Bitalvo

10:30 a.m.                            Upcoming Baptism Dates:

Gerard Andrews                               12:00 Noon
                                               July 11
                                               July 18
                                              August 1
                                              August 15

                                Baptism Class last Sunday of the month
                                    right after the 10:30 a.m. Mass

Sunday Collection, June 13, 2021:                   $ 8,943.00 (up 9.5%)
Sunday Collection, June 11, 2020:                   $ 8,162.26

 Many are facing financial hardship, and we are deeply grateful to those
     who have mailed in their envelope, dropped it in the mailbox
              in the upper parking lot, or used Faith Direct.
    Thank you to those who “caught up” with a full month’s donations!

Please consider “automated giving” as you reflect on support of our parish family!
The fruitful ministries at our parish are examples of how
many of you have answered, and continue to answer,
that call. To ensure such work can continue requires not
only gifts of time, but also of financial help. I ask you to
prayerfully consider supporting our parish with electronic
donations through Faith Direct. You can find paper enrollment forms in the parish
office, or you can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net by using our church code,

     Special Collections:              Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Service

06/20   Father’s Day                   This week, practice the pillar of service by
                                       doing something special for someone else. It
06/27   Peter’s Pence
                                       could be helping a relative with a project, doing
07/04   Grammar Schools                extra chores for your spouse or sibling, or
08/01   Grammar Schools                making a gift to your parish or the DRVC’s
                                       Catholic Ministries Appeal
Finance Committee, 2020-2021
      Dr. Barbara Fontana, Trustee, ex officio
       Steven Gallagher, Trustee, ex officio           Pastoral Council Members,
                Robert Lutz, Chair                             2020-2021
                  Richard Amper
                Thomas McEnany                           Vincent Manzello, Chair
                     Lisa Kelly                               Daniel Bealey
                                                              Linda Bealey
                                                           Rosemary Desimone
          Worship Committee, 2020-2021                Dr. Barbara Fontana (trustee)
            Cheryl MacDougall, chair
                                                            Michelle Gaffney
               James MacDougall
                William Hennessy
                                                            Michelle Gallucci
                Barbara Johnston                              Kevin Heavey
                    Liz McNeill                              Maria Maxwell
                   John O’Hare
                                                             Richard Rossin
              Elizabeth Waskowiak
               Edward Waskowiak

                                        PASTORAL STAFF
                                      Phone: 631-929-4339
Pastor: Father Frank Schneider, ext. 16                 pastor@sjbwr.org
Associate Pastor: Father James Calledo                  paxjim94@yahoo.com
Deacon: Fred Finter, ext. 44                            deaconfred@sjbwr.org
Deacon: Vincent Pozzolano, ext. 45                      v7vac@hotmail.com
Parish Organizational Associate: Dr. Jeffrey Pedersen jpedersen@sjbwr.org (ext. 10)
Faith Formation Coordinator: Mrs. Jane Oliva, ext. 12   reled@sjbwr.org
Outreach Director: Deborah O’Hare, ext. 22              stjohnsparishoutreach@gmail.com
Music Coordinator: Liz McNeill (631) 495-8913           emcneill@sjbwr.org
Pastoral Assistant: Barbara Johnston
Bookkeeper: Lindsay Finter, ext. 17                     lfinter@sjbwr.org
Receptionist: Sue Kozakiewicz, ext. 10                  office@sjbwr.org
Preschool        Director: Mrs. Gayle Mercurio, ext. 14 preschool@sjbwr.org
                 Secretary: Susan Plattner, ext. 19     preschool@sjbwr.org
                 Preschool Phone: 631-929-3220
Maintenance: Servio Ortiz
Weekend Priest Assistants: Msgr. John Bennett
                      Parish Outreach Hours: Tues & Thurs 10am-2pm

                                    Parish Office Hours
                            Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                  Website: www.sjbwr.org
Fall 2021 Start-Up of Ministries and Events

Before Parish volunteers can return to ministry,
they are required to update their “digital
record” on the www.virtus.org website.

           Volunteer Re-Registration
    All parish volunteers are asked to visit
       www.virtus.org and update their
                “digital record.”
            If you need assistance,
       please contact the Parish Office.
Bread, wine, altar candles
                         Should you like to donate the candles, bread, wine for the celebration
                                               of the weekend Eucharist,
                                          especially in memory of a loved one,
                               please contact the Parish Office, 631-929-4339, ext. 10.

                              Tabernacle Lamp
The Tabernacle Lamp indicates that the Blessed Sacrament is present in church. The
           red candle can be memorialized for the week of your choice.
                    All memorials are published in the bulletin.

                       Eucharistic Adoration
        The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration
                       on the main altar
          in the church every Wednesday afternoon.

                              2:00—4:00 p.m.

                                                 For those serving in the Military
                                       Michael Brennan, Patrick Hanley, Jeffrey L. Beilman
                                      Jr., Ryan Santiro, Thomas G. Verbeeck, Michelle Ver-
   beeck, Joseph DeMonte IV, Michael Anderson, Devin Henry, Marielle Verbeeck, Cassidy
                 Vail, Evan Purdy, Sean Tully, Sean Brady, Lauren Rodriguez

                     For the Homebound, the Sick and in Hospice Care
         For all those who are suffering from the coronavirus, and also John Ryan,
       Thomas Mongiello, Ann Bertolini, Edward Hegel, Christine Pernice, Pat Krupski

                                        Sunday Mass continues to be
                                        livestreamed at 10:30 each weekend.
                                        Follow the link on the parish website
                                        and the parish Facebook page.
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