EY Mobility Consumer Index (MCI) 2022 study

Page created by Dwayne Pham
EY Mobility Consumer Index (MCI) 2022 study
EY Mobility Consumer Index (MCI)
       2022 study
       May 2022

       EY Knowledge Analysis

Prepared by

              Gaurav Batra               Akshi Goel     Ankit Khatri   Menaka Samant
              AM&M Analyst Team Leader   AM&M Analyst   AM&M Analyst   AM&M Analyst
              EY Knowledge               EY Knowledge   EY Knowledge   EY Knowledge
EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study

                                                                           Launched in 2020, the EY Mobility Consumer Index
                                                                           (MCI) is an annual study that provides unique insights
                                                                           on the shifts witnessed in travel patterns and mobility
                                                                           mix in the post-COVID world.

                                                                           Based on a global survey of respondents, the MCI also
                                                                           aims to gauge the car buying intent, analyse the pace of
                                                                           shift towards the adoption of electric vehicles, and
                                                                           assess the consumers’ car buying journey process.

                                                                             Survey Details
                                                                               18                     ~13k               Conducted in
                                                                               countries              respondents        March 2022
             Australia              Italy             New Zealand Sweden
                                                                            Themes Covered
             Canada                 India             Norway      UK
             China                  Japan             Singapore   US                Mobility/travel                 Electric vehicles &
             France                 Mexico            South Korea                   behavior                        sustainability
             Germany                Netherlands       Spain
                                                                                      Car buying &                   Retail analysis
Countries added in the 2022 study

Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                            Survey conducted in March 2022
Executive Summary (1/2): EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study

                    MOBILITY SHIFT AHEAD                                             BUYING BOOM BECKONS                                                   ELECTRIC CAR’S THE STAR

      9% decline in overall travel compared to                           45% consumers intend to buy a car (32%                              52% car buyers prefer an EV* for their next
      pre-COVID                                                          prefer new car, 13% prefer used car), up                            purchase. 3x growth in preference for fully
        Overall travel     Work travel       Non-work travel             12% points from the 2020 study.                                     electric cars from 7% in 2020 to 20% in 2022

                                                                                                50%                                                                                   52%
             -9%                                    -8%
                              -11%                                                                                                                                     41%                Fully electric /
                                                                                                                                                                                          plug-in hybrid /
                                                                              2020             2021               2022                                                                    hybrid
    ~2x growth in respondents working from                               63% plan to buy a car in the next 12 months                                                                  21%
    home at least 3-4 times a week                                                                                                                                     19%                      Hybrid
                                                                                                                                                                       12%             20%    Fully
                                                                                                                                                      7%                                      electric
                                                                                         63%              37%
                   17%                   31%                                                                                                                           10%            10%        Plug-in
                                                                                                                                                      7%                                         hybrid
                                                                                  With in 12 months      12-24 months
            Before C-19                                                                                                                             2020              2021           2022

    Public transport saw the most decline in                             China, India, Mexico are expected to lead the                       Environment continues to be the top motivator
    journeys owing to heightened safety concerns                         car buying activity
                                                                                                                                             for consumers buying an EV
                                                                                      China                        75%
       Public Transport     -13%                                                       India                       74%
              Car rental                                  3%
                                                                                                                                                 Environmental concerns                   38%
                                                                                    Mexico                       66%
     Car sharing / clubs                      -1%                                     Spain                51%                                      Rising penalty on ICE               34%
              Cab / taxi               -6%                                    United States               48%                                    Lower cost of ownership            25%
          Micromobility          -9%                                           South Korea                47%                                        Monetary incentives            25%
   Personal two wheeler        -10%                                                      UK              44%
           Personal car       -11%                                                 Norway
                                                                                                                                           Evs have now longer range                24%

  Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis      EV includes fully electric, plug-in hybrid, and hybrid powertrains                  Survey conducted in March 2022
Executive Summary (2/2): EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study
                                                                              PHYSICAL TOUCHPOINTS ARE HERE TO
               CHARGERS AREN’T HOME YET                                                                                            MULTI-CHANNEL ON RISE

    Lack of charging stations replaced high                                 While digital channels are gaining            Consumers are actively adapting digital
    upfront cost as the top inhibitor to purchase                           prominence, in-personal experience will       channels seeking information, price
    EVs                                                                     remain important for pre-purchase testing,    transparency and enhanced experience
                                                                            final purchase (both new and used cars) and    Use of digital channels for car purchase
    Lack of charging stations in…                         34%
                                                                            aftersales services
                     Range anxiety                       33%                                                                                       26%
                      Upfront cost                     27%
                                                                                         car buyers prefer to interact
          Absence of adequate…                       26%                                 with salesperson at
         Charging/running cost                       26%
                                                                              63%        dealership to gather                          2021        2022
                                                                                                                          Digital sales and service model will continue to
                                                                                                                          evolve driven by tech advancements
  ~80% of EV owners use home charging,                                                   New car buyers prefer to
                                                                                         purchase vehicle from                                 car buyers prefer to use
  indicating a strong need for home charging
                                                                              64%        dealership/showroom                                   apps / websites / social
  infrastructure                                                                                                                66%            media to gather
                                                                                                                                               information about the
               28%               32%             21%         12% 7%
                                                                                         Used car buyers prefer to
                                                                              39%        purchase vehicle from                                  Opted for price calculator
       Daily   Multiple times a week   Once a week   Occasionally   Never                dealership/showroom                    59%             as the most popular online

  Shopping centres / retail locations emerge as
  the most preferred non-residential charging                                            prefer dealers for car           Potential EV buyers are more likely to use
  location                                                                    51%        servicing
                                                                                                                          online tools such as price calculator and car
                                                                                                                          configurator compared to ICE buyers

  Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                                                 Survey conducted in March 2022
Key takeaways: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study

Consequence of shifting mobility choices                              Key to achieving sustainable EV future              Evolving role of dealerships and
                                                                           To capitalize strong consumer interest in      multichannel retail
•   Overcoming the satisfaction gap is a                              •

    major challenge for city transport                                     EVs, automakers and dealers need to
                                                                           rethink their dialogue with consumers and      •   While dealers play a key role
    authorities, with sustainable transport a
                                                                           develop new messages, relationships, and           currently, to remain at the front-of-
    key plank in climate change initiatives
                                                                           tools to bring the EV experience to life           mind will require a better
•   A carrot and stick approach may yield                                                                                     understanding of the customer
    results, with 46% of consumers saying                             •    Smart new finance packages and ownership           decision journey
    that free public transport would reduce                                models are imperative to prevent the
                                                                                                                          •   OEMs and Dealers need to develop
    their usage of private cars, and 38%                                   emergence of a damaging social divide,             new ways of making the first contact
    saying that urban traffic charges would                                providing affordable EVs for both low- and         – be it digital or physical, and
    lead them to take fewer journeys by car.                               high-income groups                                 smoothly manage the transition
•   Many city transport authorities – under                           •    Government, OEMs and charging providers            between online and offline channels.
    severe financial pressure after months                                 should collaborate to develop national         •   Dealers need to reinvent themselves
    of reduced passenger revenues – may be                                 charging plans. Greater interoperability and       as trusted expert advisors. To not
    tempted by the revenue potential of                                    transparency will help allay related fears         only maintain existing revenues, but
    road usage fees, which could act as a                                                                                     also take advantage of new
                                                                      •    OEMs also need to focus on repurposing
    hedge against falling incomes from                                                                                        opportunities as they arise
                                                                           and reconditioning of EV battery packs as
    vehicle and fuel taxes as EVs become                                   well-to-wheel sustainability calls for a
    prevalent                                                              holistic focus on the EV life cycle

    Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                                               Survey conducted in March 2022
Respondents in Italy, Spain, Norway are expected to drive the EV adoption in Europe;
       China, South Korea shine in APAC, while the US sits at the bottom in North America
        % of car buyers intend to buy a fully electric / plug-in hybrid / hybrid car

                                         EUROPE: 55%                                                                 ASIA-PACIFIC: 54%                                 North America: 39%

2021         63%          -          -        48%        40%          -        -       38%       48%       51%       53%       42%       30%       28%       17%       35%         -          28%

                        62%                                                                                63%
                                              52%                                                                             53%                                      GLOBAL AVERAGE: 52%
                                                         49%         48%                                                                49%
                                                                              46%      45%                                                        45%                 46%


       EV includes fully electric, plug-in hybrid, and hybrid cars    Note: Mexico, Spain, Norway, France, and Netherlands are the new markets added in Wave 3
       Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                                                                  Survey conducted in March 2022
Fully electric: Purchase consideration for a fully electric car is highest in China,
       followed by South Korea and Norway, while it is the lowest in the US and Japan
       % of car buyers intend to buy a fully electric car

2021         17%        24%          -        14%        9%        13%        6%        -        11%        -        7%       14%        9%         -        6%          -        8%          4%


                       32%        31%

                                                                   22%        21%
                                                                                      20%       19%                                                                    GLOBAL AVERAGE: 20%
                                                                                                          17%       16%       16%
                                                                                                                                                  13%       13%

       EV includes fully electric and plug-in hybrid                     Note: Mexico, Spain, Norway, France, and Netherlands are the new markets added in Wave 3
       Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                                                                  Survey conducted in March 2022
Home charging frequency: Respondents across geographies rely heavily on home
      charging facilities
      How often do you charge your EV at home?
      % of EV owners

        Never                          1%         4%        4%         5%    5%    6%    6%    7%    8%    9%    10%   10%    10%
  Occasionally 13%                                          5%                                                                          13%       16%
                                                 14%                  11%                      7%                                                             21%
                            25%                                                    14%   12%         9%          7%            5%
                                                                             20%                           13%         11%
                                                                      11%                      15%               10%
 Once a week 23%                                                                                                              20%                             9%
                                                 18%        35%                          18%                                                      23%
                                       29%                                                                             16%
                                                                                   24%               27%
                                                                             18%                                                        20%
                            29%                                                                                                                               17%

                                                 25%                                                             42%   25%    25%                 16%
Multiple times
                 36%                                        22%       52%                37%   50%                                      21%
       a week                                                                                        24%
                                       34%                                         34%
                                                                                                           38%                                                38%
                            28%                                                                                                                   26%

                                                 39%                                                                   38%    40%
                                                            34%                                      32%                                36%
        Daily    27%                                                                                             31%
                                       22%                            20%          22%         21%
                            18%                                              18%                                                                  19%
                                                                                                           13%                                                15%

      Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                                   Survey conducted in March 2022
Motivations: Environment is still the top motivator for consumers to buy an EV;
 Increasing penalty on ICE vehicle emerges as another factor influencing EV sales

                                                            2021 study                      2022 study

    Environmental concerns                                         49%                         38%          Environmental concerns

          Monetary incentives                                      29%                         34%          Rising penalty on ICE vehicles

EVs have now longer ranges                                         28%                         25%          Monetary incentives

            Better charging                                        28%                         25%         Lower cost of ownership
  infrastructure availability

   Lower cost of ownership                                         26%                         24%         EVs have now longer ranges

 Note: Figures indicate sum of the top three ranks of the share of responses per category
 Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                    Survey conducted in March 2022
Concerns: Lack of charging infrastructure has emerged as the key inhibitor in the 2022
   study, while the concerns around upfront cost seemed to have declined significantly
                                                                                                                              Flourish link for
    Top 5 concerns of respondents who prefer ICE over EVs in their next car purchase                                         interactive chart

                                                         2021 study                           2022 study

                                                                                                34%        Lack of charging stations in
                Upfront cost                                 50%                                           your city / travel route

             Range anxiety                                   33%                                33%        Range anxiety

Lack of charging stations
in your city / travel route                                  32%                                27%        Upfront cost

                                                                                                           Absence of adequate home /
        More comfortable                                     27%                                26%        work charging infrastructure
                with ICE

                                                             27%                                26%        Charging / running cost
        Charging duration

   Note: Figures indicate sum of the top three ranks of the share of responses per category
   Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis                                     Survey conducted in March 2022
Respondent demographics

             COUNTRIES SURVEYED (18)                                                     AGE GROUP                                                               INCOME

        China                                      1002
                                                                            Gen Z                12%                                    Low Income                           31%
         India                                     1002
           UK                                      1000
                                                                        Millennials                                29%
    Australia                                      1000
    Germany                                        1000                                                                              Medium Income                                          57%
                                                                             Gen X                            25%
United States                                      1000
      Canada                                       1000                  Boomers                                         34%
       Mexico                                      1000                                                                                High Income             12%

        Japan                                      1000
        Spain                      503                                                 AREA OF RESIDENCE
       France                      502                                                                                                                          GENDER
                                                                                      City centre                              32%
 Netherlands                       501
                                                                                                                                                      Male                            50%
New Zealand                        500                                                   Suburbs                    19%
      Norway                       500                                                                                                               Female                           50%
          Italy             302
                                                                         Small town / rural areas                   20%
                                                                                                                                         Non-binary / third
   Singapore                302                                                                                                                                0,3%
                                                                                Medium sized city                   19%                       gender
      Sweden                300
                                                                                                                                       I would not prefer to
 South Korea                300                                                  Small city / town           11%                                               0,1%

                                                                                               No. of respondents ~13,000                            Survey conducted in March 2022
 Source: EY Mobility Consumer Index 2022 Study, EY Knowledge analysis
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