Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...

Page created by Eleanor Valdez
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...

Remembering Larry Morris
GCU and former GCEC director was a committed community volunteer
                                           We are deeply saddened by the death of            Former GCEC Board President Gene
                                           Graham County Utilities board member           Robert Larson noted Larry never missed a
                                           Larry H. Morris on January 28, 2021.           meeting.
                                               He was first elected to the Graham            “He was well prepared prior to the
                                           County Utilities Inc. board on May 31,         meeting date,” Gene says. “Larry had his
                                           1997.                                          own thoughts and would express them. I
                                               Larry served as the GCU board              appreciated and valued his opinions.”
                                           president from July 1998 to July 2013.            Larry was a member of GCEC since
                                           Bob Brown was vice president and Jerry         1952 and a member of Graham County
                                           Kempton was secretary during that time.        Utilities when it was bought from General
                                               Larry also served on the Graham            Utilities in 1989.
                                           County Electric Cooperative board from            He loved serving his community
                                           1997 to 2012. During his tenure on these       in many roles, including Pima Fire
         Larry Morris, 1934-2021           boards, the directors oversaw many             Department chief; Associated Firefighters
                                           accomplishments: the Pima Water Project;       of Arizona president; Pima Chamber of
         OPPOSITE PAGE: Larry, left, is    Cottonwood Wash upgrades; drilling             Commerce board member; Pima Unified
         presented with a plaque by
         Board President Jeff Larson       additional wells for increased services; Ft.   School District board member and board
         honoring 15 years of service as   Thomas water system upgrades; Safford          president; bishop of the Pima 1st Ward;
         president of the Graham County    Bridge natural gas crossing upgrades;          and many other areas of community and
         Utilities board.
                                           building the Pima and Talley substations;      religious service.
                                           building the new co-op offices; and, most         Larry was born in Safford but lived in
                                           recently, the sale of GCU gas services and     Pima. He was best known for his business,
                                           management of the Ashcreek Water Co.’s         The Sugar Shack Bakery. He and his wife,
                                           service area.                                  Betty, spent decades making donuts,
                                               He also served on the Arizona Electric     pastries, cookies, cakes, breads and other
                                           Power Cooperative board and the Sierra         items.
                                           Southwest board for several years.                Larry was named Firefighter of the Year
                                               “Larry will be missed as a director        and Citizen of the Year for the town of
                                           on the utility’s board,” says GCU              Pima.
                                           Board President Jeff Larson. “As the              Betty died 29 years to the day prior
                                           former president of the board, he was          to Larry’s death. They had five children:
                                           always a well-informed and prepared            Brent, John, Morey, Carrie Kelly and
                                           director. Larry was very involved in the       Trisha Kempton; and many grandchildren
                                           community as a business owner and              and great-grandchildren.
                                           served on many civic boards during his            Our heartfelt condolences and prayers
                                           lifetime. He will surely leave a hole in the   go out to his family. Larry will always be a
                                           community.”                                    part of our co-op family. n

4   MARCH 2021
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...
MARCH 2021   5
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...

GCEC Hires New
Project Manager
Josh Bryce was hired in             on our team. He brings a lot
January as a project manager        of experience and expertise
for Graham County Electric          in many areas that will help
Cooperative and Graham              us complete some important
County Utilities Inc. He replaces   electrical and water system
Jenny Howard, the compliance        projects. We will be very busy
and special projects manager        over the next few years with
who left the co-op in February.     upgrades to infrastructure
   Because the job evolved          and implementing new
from compliance to more             technologies.”
project management, Josh will          Josh was raised in the
be responsible for planning,        Gila Valley, attended Eastern
administering and completing        Arizona College and graduated
assigned projects. He will          from Arizona State University
develop and implement               with a degree in electrical
business processes necessary        engineering.
to manage capital projects.            Josh is a registered
   “We are really sorry to see      professional engineer in            Josh Bryce started at Graham County Electric Cooperative in
Jenny go and wish her all the       Arizona. He was president           January. He is developing business processes for capital projects.
best in her new ventures,” says     of Utility Industrial LLC, a
CEO and General Manager             consulting engineering firm,        Engineering and Architecture         excited to be back in the Gila
Phil Cook. “Jenny did a lot of      from 2014 to his hire date with     before 2011.                         Valley and be working with all
great work and moved many           GCEC. He also was employed             “Being part of the team           the great people at GCEC.”
programs across the finish line     as an electrical design engineer    here was a goal of mine from            Josh and his wife, Katy, are
for us.                             with ProConn Engineering            the time I started in the utility    raising their six children in
   “I am excited to have Josh       from 2011 to 2014, and Hanlon       industry,” Josh says. “I’m           Bryce. n

                                               Jenny Howard was the GCEC compliance and special
                                               projects manager for three years. One of the projects
                                               she worked on was expanding participation in the Rural

 Employee Is                                   Economic Development Loan and Grant Program. The
                                               funding from this program supports economic development
                                               projects in rural areas served by electric cooperatives.

  Expanding                                    We wish Jenny much success as she expands her
                                               businesses, Ginaveve’s Market Place and The Main Street

Her Business
                                               Bean. The Tiny Bean, a drive-thru coffee shop serving craft
                                               espresso and non-espresso beverages, specialty foods and
                                               deserts, will open soon. The shop will be on east Highway
                                               70 and will have a large deck for outdoor seating.

8   MARCH 2021
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...

Friends catch up during a past Graham County Electric Cooperative annual meeting. Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming joint
annual meeting in September.

A Combined Annual Meeting
GCEC and GCU to host combined                                            The communities that GCU and GCEC serve continue to be
                                                                      challenged by COVID-19, and keeping employees and members
annual meetings in September                                          safe is a priority. Management is working with vendors that will
The Graham County Electric Cooperative and Graham County              continue to provide audio visual support for in-person meetings.
Utilities Inc’.s 2021 annual meetings have been postponed.               Because much of the business from both entities deals with
  Typically, GCEC holds its membership meeting in February,           operating updates, management took the opportunity to reduce
and GCU was scheduled for June. Due to many factors, including        expenses associated with holding two separate meetings.
COVID-19, the directors have decided to combine both meetings,           Look for more information on your billing statements,
now tentatively scheduled for September.                              Facebook page and our website at n

                                                                                                                         MARCH 2021     25
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...
AZ-145   Postmaster: Send address changes to Currents, 5625 NE Elam Young Pkwy. Ste. 100, Hillsboro, OR 97124

                               Manager’s Message

                               Planning and Changing for 2021
                               I want to explain some of the 2021                                    in August. If you bought electric
P.O. Drawer B                  plans because we are well into the                                    service from us in 1974, you will
Pima, AZ 85543
                               new year. One important activity that                                 receive 100% of your share of that
                               occurs every January is the approval                                  retirement. If you bought electric
Toll-free: 800-577-9266        of the annual budget. The GCEC/                                       service from us in 2020, you will
Fax: 928-485-9491              GCU Board of Directors approved                                       receive a portion of that retirement.                       the 2021 budget at the January board                                     Our state and community continue
                               meeting.                                                              to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.
Graham County Electric            The annual budget requires                                         When considering the current
Board of Directors             several months of planning,                                           challenges of meeting together, the
President Reuben McBride       evaluating and discussion with the                                    GCEC/GCU boards decided to
Vice Pres. Mark Claridge       staff before bringing a final budget to                            postpone the annual meetings for both
Secretary Jim Bryce
                               the board. A few important budget                                  GCEC and GCU. The directors and
Chris Claridge
Tommy Clonts                   items include capital improvement                                  employees look forward to an early fall
Stephen Hooper                 projects, equipment replacements                                   in-person combined annual meeting for
Dennis Jacob                   and updating our maintenance plans.                                both GCEC and GCU members.
Gene R. Larson                 Our plans include implementation                                      Postponing the regular in-person
Gerald Schmidt
                               of infrastructure projects, technology, and               annual meeting was not an easy decision for
Graham County Utilities        expenditures that provide safe and reliable               your board of directors. However, we feel it is the
Board of Directors             services while looking for ways to be more                right decision for the health and welfare of the
President Jeff B. Larson       efficient.                                                co-op’s members and employees.
Vice President Steven Hooper      Our Graham County Electric Board of                       We hope all of our members, employees and
Secretary Gerald Schmidt       Directors authorized the return of $404,826               community continue to be safe and healthy!
Jim Bryce                      in capital credits to our electric members.
Tommy Clonts
Mike Crockett                  Some of our members will receive a credit to              Phil Cook
Dennis Jacob                   their electric bill and some will receive checks          CEO/General Manager
Gene R. Larson

CEO and General Manager
Phil Cook

32   MARCH 2021
Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ... Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ... Remembering Larry Morris - GRAHAM COUNTY - Graham County Electric ...
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