TOWN OF RIB MOUNTAIN Town Board Meeting November 4, 2020

Page created by Gail Mcgee
                                   Town Board Meeting
                                    November 4, 2020
Chairman Al Opall called the November 4, 2020, Regular Meeting of the Rib Mountain Town Board
to order at 6:01 p.m. at the Rib Mountain Municipal Center, 227800 Snowbird Avenue, Wausau

Other Supervisors present included Fred Schaefer, Dan Fiorenza, Brad Conklin, and Gerry Klein.

Also present were Community Development Director Jared Wehner, Street and Park Superintendent
Scott Turner, Administrator Gaylene Rhoden and SAFER Deputy Chief Josh Finke. Finance Director
Nicole Dunbar, Town Attorney Dean Dietrich and Sheriff Deputy Seubert were present via telephone
conference. *Clerk Joanne Ruechel joined the meeting under #12 Reports.

On November 4, 2020, copies of the meeting notice were made available to the media, Town Board,
Town Attorney, posted at the Rib Mountain Municipal Center, SAFER Fire Department, Rib Mountain
Sanitary District office, and the Town website.

Comments from the Public Related to Town Board Agenda Items- None

Approve Minutes of the October 20, Regular Town Board Meeting, Special Town Board Budget
Meeting and Open Meeting. Motion by Schaefer/Fiorenza to approve the October 20, 2020,
Regular Town Board Meeting, Special Town Board Budget Meeting and Open Meeting minutes.
Questioned and carried 5:0.

Acknowledgement of October 28, 2020 Plan Commission meeting minutes – No Comments.

Docket #2020-20: Discussion and action on a requested Conditional Use Permit for a Detached Private
Residential Garage, Carport or Utility Shed in excess of 1,000 square feet at 147980 Pepperbush Lane.
Community Development Director Wehner briefed the Board on the application. It was noted that the
property owner will be constructing a new building and the other out buildings would be removed. The
Plan Commission added the condition that the other buildings need to be removed by September 30,
2021. The applicant was present and agreed to the conditions by the Plan Commission. It was noted
that this a larger parcel and that setbacks are not an issue. There would be no plumbing, only electrical.
Supervisor Conklin asked whether a permit would be needed for a well. It was stated that this is not
required. Motion by Schaefer/Fiorenza to approve the conditional use permit for a detached
private residential garage as recommended by the Plan Commission with the additional
condition that the other buildings be removed by September 30, 2021. Questioned and carried

Docket #2020-21: Discussion and action on a requested Conditional Use Permit for a Detached Private
Residential Garage, Carport or Utility Shed in excess of 1,000 square feet at 150485 Strawberry Lane.
Community Development Director Wehner said the applicant is requesting a detached three-car stall
garage. It was noted that the garage would have similar design as the house, as required by the
homeowners’ covenants. There would be no second driveway access needed. This garage would only
have gas/electric. The Plan Commission had no concerns. It was noted no business operations could
occur out of the garage. Motion by Schaefer/Fiorenza to approve the conditional use permit for a
detached private residential garage as recommended by the Plan Commission. Questioned and
carried 5:0.

Docket #2020-022: Discussion and action on proposed 2-Lot Certified Survey Map to reconfigure
property on the southeast corner of Redwing Way and Whippoorwill Road. Community Development
Director Wehner presented the CSM request for Redwing and Whippoorwill Road. The intent was to
create a buildable lot, which would be sold for the construction of a new single-family home. It was
noted the area is very wet. Director Wehner said that the property owner still needs to have the
wetlands delineated. Staff reports no other concerns. Motion by Schaefer/Conklin to approve the
Certified Survey Map for the southeast corner of Redwing Way and Whippoorwill Road as
presented. Questioned and carried 5:0.

Approval of Marathon County Humane Society Agreement for Non-Dog Strays 2020. Administrator
Rhoden explained the agreement is done annually and has not changed from the last agreement. Also,
money has been aside in the budget to pay for services. Motion by Schaefer/Conklin to approve the
Marathon County Humane Society Agreement for Non-Dog Strays 2020. Questioned and carried

Approval of Funding for Tree Removal at Dog Park Expansion It has been requested that the Town
move forward with clearing the property for the dog park expansion. The funding would be taken from
the Contingency Fund. Supervisor Schaefer expressed his concern over spending Town money on the
park without fundraising. It was stated that if the property is cleared that this would give better
visibility for the park expansion and would help start the fundraising. Chairman Opall asked whether
tourism funds could be used. Finance Director Dunbar encouraged the Board to wait on using tourism
funds until the end of the project or to use tourism funds for more capital improvements at the park.
Supervisor Conklin asked whether the same contractor could be used for Liberty Park as it is the intent
to clear the park property for the disc golf course. Motion by Schaefer/Fiorenza to approve using up
to $15,000 of contingency funds for tree clearing for the dog park and if there any remaining
funds to be used for Liberty Park tree clearing. Questioned and carried 5:0.

Approval of Recommend Approval of Ordinance 20-04 Heavy Traffic Prohibited on Certain Streets. The
Public Works Committee discussed this earlier tonight. It is recommended by the Public Works Committee
to approve Ordinance 20-04 Heavy Traffic Prohibited on Certain Streets with the fine set at $200. The
Board asked Deputy Seubert to enforce the ordinance. It was the hope of the Board that the message would
get out that large vehicles should not be using Valley Inn Way. Motion by Schaefer/Klein to approve
Ordinance 20-04 Heavy Traffic Prohibited on Certain Streets with a fine of $200. Questioned and
carried 5:0.

Approval of Purchase of Equipment for Public Works
             Lawn Mower and Attachments Supervisor Schaefer explained that this purchase was
             discussed at the Public Works Committee meeting. The Committee recommended to
             approve the purchase of the Bad Boy mower and Ventrac attachments. Motion by
             Schaefer/Fiorenza to approve the purchase of the Bad Boy mower from Lang
             Equipment and Ventrac attachments from Central Lawn at a cost of $23,737.34.
Questioned and carried 5:0.

              Trailer Supervisor This was another item from the Public Works Committee meeting. The
              Committee recommended to purchase the trailer from King Company. Motion by
              Schaefer/Klein to purchase the trailer from King Company at a cost of $2,300.
              Questioned and carried 5:0.

              Walk Behind Saw This item was recommended to be tabled until the FY 2021 Budget is

Approval of Sale of Town Equipment
              Public Works - 2007 International Patrol Truck This item was discussed at the Public Works
              Committee meeting. The Town receive a bid to purchase the International Patrol Truck for
              $42,500. Motion by Schaefer/Klein to accept the bid of $42,500 for the 2007
              International Patrol Truck. Questioned and carried 5:0.

              Miscellaneous Furniture Administrator Rhoden explained that staff while cleaning and
              organizing the Municipal Center, determined that there were items that needed to be
              disposed of. The desks and map table could be sold through Facebook, the Town’s website
              and posted on the front doors. Administrator Rhoden suggested that in the future the Town
              consider adopting a policy that would allow staff to dispose of items of low value without
              formal Town Board approval. This could be discussed at a Finance & Personnel Committee
              meeting. Board members recommended that if the items do not sell that they be donated.
              Motion by Schaefer/Klein to dispose of items listed by selling them and if they do not
              sell to donate them. Questioned and carried 5:0.

Approval of New Hire – Substitute Crossing Guard Administrator Rhoden stated that there is always a need
for substitute crossing guards. Ms. Fosbender is currently a poll worker. She was interviewed and
background checks came back clean. Motion by Fiorenza/Conklin to approve the hire of Shirley
Fosbender as a substitute crossing guard at a pay rate of $12.04/hour. Questioned and carried 5:0.

Approval of Operator’s Licenses- Attorney Dietrich has reviewed the applicants and recommends
approval. Motion by Schaefer/Klein to approve the operator’s licenses for Tamara Al-Khateb
and Michael Malinowski. Questioned and carried 5:0.

Town Board
Supervisor Conklin complimented Clerk Ruechel on a well-run, organized election. He also mentioned
a deer concern from a resident in the Indigo Heights neighborhood.

Supervisor Schaefer thanked Clerk Ruechel for handling a smooth election. He suggested that there
should be a thank you luncheon for the poll workers along with a debriefing of the election.

Supervisor Klein said that Clerk Ruechel did a great job and the City of Wausau mentioned that Joanne
was very helpful to the new City Clerk.

Supervisor Fiorenza mentioned that Clerk Ruechel’s training was exceptional for poll workers. He also
mentioned that Lynne Kolden did a great job.
SAFER – Chairman Opall stated that there will be a meeting on November 10 at the Rib Mountain
Municipal Center. Deputy Chief Josh Finke mentioned that COVID calls have slowed. Interfacility
transfers have been up.

Other Agencies – Chairman Opall mentioned that the County will be voting on the County budget.

Town Attorney – Attorney Dietrich mentioned that the legal counsel for the Liberty property will have
the front and rear yard cleaned up per the Board’s request by the end of the week. Attorney Dietrich
will be double checking on Friday.

Town Administrator – A written report was provided. Administrator Rhoden made note of the changes
in health insurance that was included in her report.

Community Development Director – A written report was provided. Director Wehner stated that he is
looking into the corridor study for Rib Mountain Drive. He thought it would be better to have this
completed by the second quarter of 2021. This would allow the Town to develop a TIF policy based on
the corridor study and provide guidance on how to distribute funding. The Board requested a Request
for Proposals (RFP) be sent to the Board for approval.

Street-Parks Superintendent – A written report was provided. Superintendent Turner mentioned that
the Swan Avenue and Oriole Lane road projects are now completed.

Finance Director – A written report was provided. In addition, a memo was handed out to the Town
Board letting the Board know that unpaid refuse and recycling bills, weed bills, and culvert bills will
be placed on the tax bills.

Town Clerk – A written report was provided. Clerk Ruechel thanked Supervisors Conklin and
Fiorenza for assisting in the election setup last weekend. Joanne Ruechel also provided a handout on
the summary of the election. She thanked staff for their assistance.

Town Deputy- A written report was provided. Supervisor Conklin asked for assistance for traffic
control near school bus stop areas near CTH KK. He stated that cars are passing the buses when they
are stopped to pick up kids.

Park Commission – There is a meeting next week. The Flax Tot Lot is complete.

Finance & Personnel – There was a meeting held prior to the Board meeting. Uncollectables and
Routes to Recovery were discussed.

Public Works Committee – A meeting was held prior to the Board meeting. Items discussed were
brought to the Board for recommendations.

Public Safety Committee – The Committee has not met lately. Supervisor Conklin asked about the
status of the nuisance tags. Director Wehner said he would follow-up.
Bicycle/Ped Committee –No report.

General Comments- Supervisor Klein mentioned that there was a nice article in City Pages about the
Trillium trail by Iron Bull.

It was also mentioned that there are residents who enjoy the deer and they are not interested in getting
rid of the deer.

Adjourn - Motion by Schaefer/Conklin to adjourn at 6:54 p.m. Questioned and carried 5:0.

                                      Respectively submitted by
                                    Gaylene Rhoden, Administrator

Note: These minutes are not to be considered official until acted upon at an upcoming regular meeting,
therefore, they are subject to revision.
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