Vision for the future; Australia's most liveable city - Minutes of Council Meeting held in the Function Centre, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren ...
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Minutes of Council Meeting held in the Function Centre, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren. Tuesday 2 February 2021 Commenced at 4:00 PM Vision for the future; Australia’s most liveable city.
Order of Business 1. Statement of Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Reading of the Diversity Statement................................................................................................ 4 2. Confirmation of Minutes ............................................................................................................................ 4 3. Declarations of Conflict of Interests and Personal Interests ...................................................................... 4 4. Public Question Time ................................................................................................................................ 4 5. Officer's Reports for Consideration ........................................................................................................... 6 5.1. Sale of Land at 65 Berwick Cranbourne Road Cranbourne East - Cranbourne Community Hospital ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2. Undertake public exhibition for Tooradin Recreation Reserve Master Plan and Rutter Park Recreation Reserve Master Plan ................................................................................................... 7 5.3. Public Exhibition of Edwin Flack and Pearcedale Master Plans ..................................................... 7 5.4. Casey Fields Lease ....................................................................................................................... 8 5.5. Update on Rating Matters Including Treatment of Hardship Assistance in 2020/21 ....................... 8 5.6. Councillor Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................... 9 5.7. Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2....................................................... 9 5.8. Environmental Health Contract Variation ..................................................................................... 10 5.9. Contract Acceptance and Sealing No CT000543 ......................................................................... 10 5.10. Minutes of the Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting - December 2020 .............................. 11 6. Consideration of Reports of Committees................................................................................................. 11 6.1. Record of Discussion ................................................................................................................... 11 7. Petitions .................................................................................................................................................. 11 8. Urgent Business ..................................................................................................................................... 11 9. Closed Council........................................................................................................................................ 11 Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 2
Administrators Present: Noelene Duff PSM Chairperson of Administrators Miguel Belmar Administrator Cameron Boardman Administrator In Attendance: Glenn Patterson Chief Executive Officer James Collins Director City Planning and Infrastructure Steve Coldham Director Community Life Sheena Frost Director Corporate Services Jen Bednar Director Customer and Business Transformation Jordan Barfoot AV Technician Jacinta MacLeod Minutes Assistant Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 3
1. STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chairperson of Administrators read the Statement of Acknowledgement. 1.2. READING OF THE DIVERSITY STATEMENT The Chairperson of Administrators read the Diversity Statement. 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 December 2020 be confirmed. Carried 3. DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS AND PERSONAL INTERESTS Declaration by Administrators of any Conflict of Interest pursuant to Section 130 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) in any items on the Agenda Paper. (Note that Section 130(2)(a) of the Act requires Administrators to disclose the nature of a Conflict of Interest immediately before the relevant consideration or discussion). Section 130(2)(b) also requires that the Administrator declaring a Conflict of Interest exclude themselves from the decision-making process in relation to that matter. 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME At 4.03 pm Question Time commenced. Note: Questions are reproduced as prepared by the Questioner and no guarantee is given that any subject matter or statement contained in the question is factually correct. At 4.07 pm Question Time concluded. Question 1 – Name Plaque, submitted by Mr Rex Flannery As a former councillor I would like my name to be removed from the councillors honour board 2016- 2020 and also on the Bunjil Place wall plaque for the opening. I do not wish to have my name associated with past and former councillors who have brought our council into disrepute. I also hope when IBAC delivers its Verdict into the Alleged corruption any ex and former councillors who are found to be guilty have their names removed from all plaques within the City of Casey, and their names also removed from the honour board. Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 4
Answer was prepared by the Manager Governance and read by the Chairperson of Administrators Council’s position in relation to the honour boards located at Bunjil Place is that the Honour Boards contain factual public information and as such will not be altered or changed. Plaques record an event in time and Council will manage these as required. Given the IBAC investigation is ongoing, it would be inappropriate to comment on that matter. Question 2 - Sewer mains within Narre Warren North Township Zone, submitted by Mr Andrew Feild (a) Is council planning on providing sewer mains to all residents within the Township Zone of Narre Warren North? (b) Can you please provide advice and assistance in providing access to sewer mains to all residents within the township zone of Narre Warren North? Answer was prepared by the Coordinator Public Health, Manager Safer Communities and Manager Planning and Building, and read by the Chairperson of Administrators (a) Council has no direct role in the planning of sewer reticulation systems as the provision of reticulated sewerage infrastructure is a function of the local water authority, in this case South East Water. South East Water have a sewer backlog program. The City of Casey has previously been advised that there are two areas within the municipality on the backlog program, one of which is the Narre Warren North township. Over the years Council has been advocating to South East Water to extend the sewer main network due to the potential environmental and public health risks associate with aging septic systems overflowing onto public land and waterways, without success. (b) All properties that are not connected to a reticulated sewerage system are required to have an onsite wastewater system. Prior to installing such a system, a permit must be obtained from the City of Casey. As part of the permit assessment process, each application is assessed to ensure that all wastewater generated by the property can be contained onsite. In the past, offsite discharge of wastewater was a legal option and the City of Casey is aware that a number of these ‘legacy’ systems exist in the Narre Warren North township area. Regardless of the system type, all operators of onsite wastewater systems are required to ensure that their system is maintained in accordance with their permit conditions. The City of Casey has and will continue to advocate to South East Water for the installation of a sewerage system to the two areas within the municipality that are on South East Water’s sewer backlog program. Residents in these areas wishing to have reticulated sewer infrastructure are encouraged to support Council’s advocacy efforts by contacting their State MP to expressing their concerns. It is also important that residents voice their concerns to South East Water to raise awareness of their needs. Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 5
5. 5.1. OFFICER'S REPORTS FOR CONSIDERATION SALE OF LAND AT 65 BERWICK CRANBOURNE ROAD CRANBOURNE EAST - CRANBOURNE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Sale of Land at 65 Berwick Cranbourne Road Cranbourne ITEM: 5.1. East - Cranbourne Community Hospital City Planning and Infrastructure Growth and Investment Kathryn Seirlis Purpose of Report: For Council to consider the disposal of land at part of 65 Berwick- Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne East and commence the statutory procedures in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989. Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council: 1. Commence the statutory procedures in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, for the sale of part of the land located at 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne East, known as the Casey Complex, to the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority as shown on the attached site plan (see Attachment 1) being approximately 17,130m2. 2. Advertise the Public Notice outlining the Proposal in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 including the intention to sell the land by private treaty. 3. Consider any submissions lodged in response to the public notice under Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 at a future meeting, the time, date and place for which shall be arranged by the Chief Executive Officer. 4. Receive a further report following the completion of the procedures under section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 once the public notice period has closed. Carried 5.2. UNDERTAKE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FOR TOORADIN RECREATION RESERVE MASTER PLAN AND RUTTER PARK RECREATION RESERVE MASTER PLAN Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 6
Undertake public exhibition for Tooradin Recreation ITEM: 5.2. Reserve Master Plan and Rutter Park Recreation Reserve Master Plan City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Purpose of Report: To seek approval to commence Public Exhibition of the master plan reviews undertaken for Tooradin Recreation Reserve and Rutter Park Recreation Reserve. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That the reviewed Tooradin Recreation Reserve Master Plan and Rutter Park Recreation Reserve Master Plan be placed on four weeks public exhibition to seek community feedback prior to adoption. Carried 5.3. PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF EDWIN FLACK AND PEARCEDALE MASTER PLANS Public Exhibition of Edwin Flack and Pearcedale Master ITEM: 5.3. Plans City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Purpose of Report: To seek approval to commence Public Exhibition of the draft Edwin Flack Reserve and draft Pearcedale Recreation Reserve Master Plans. Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That the Edwin Flack Reserve Master Plan and Pearcedale Recreation Reserve Master Plan be placed on four weeks public exhibition to seek community feedback prior to adoption. Carried 5.4. CASEY FIELDS LEASE Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 7
Casey Fields Lease ITEM: 5.4. Corporate Services Property and Procurement Chris Heath Purpose of Report: For Council to consider entering into a Lease with Melbourne City Football Club for use of the Casey Fields Regional Soccer Centre of Excellence. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council: 1. Commence the statutory procedures in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, to enter a lease for part of the land known as the Casey Fields to the Melbourne City Football Club. 2. Advertise the Public Notice outlining the Proposal in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989. 3. Consider any submissions lodged in response to the public notice under Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 at a future meeting which shall be arranged by the Chief Executive Officer. 4. Receive a further report following the completion of the procedures under section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 once the public notice period has closed. Carried 5.5. UPDATE ON RATING MATTERS INCLUDING TREATMENT OF HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE IN 2020/21 Update on Rating Matters Including Treatment of ITEM: 5.5. Hardship Assistance in 2020/21 Corporate Services Finance and Rates Bernard Rohan Purpose of Report: To update Council on Rating Matters Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That Council resolves that in response to the continued uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 crisis, that the City of Casey continue to implement freezes on interest on outstanding rates to 31 March 2021. Carried 5.6. COUNCILLOR CODE OF CONDUCT Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 8
Councillor Code of Conduct ITEM: 5.6. Corporate Services Governance Rhys Matulis Purpose of Report: Adopt the updated Councillor Code of Conduct Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council adopt the Councillor Code of Conduct as per attachment 1. Carried 5.7. LOCAL ROADS AND COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PHASE 2 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program ITEM: 5.7. Phase 2 City Planning and Infrastructure City and Asset Planning Keri New Purpose of Report: To seek Council delegation to submit and accept funds associated with projects to be submitted to the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar That the CEO be delegated execute the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant Agreement of $10,391,305 and to make any changes to projects should this be required. Carried 5.8. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONTRACT VARIATION Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 9
Environmental Health Contract Variation ITEM: 5.8. Community Life Safer Communities Caroline Bell Purpose of Report: To approve a contract variation for the delivery of Council’s Environmental Health Service under Contract No. CT000358. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That Council approve a variation to Contract No. CT000358: Provision of Environmental Health Services. Carried 5.9. CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND SEALING NO CT000543 Contract Acceptance and Sealing No CT000543 ITEM: 5.9. City Planning and Infrastructure City Design and Construction Trevor Griffin Purpose of Report: To report on the tenders received for Contract No. CT000543 Construction of Two (2) additional Recreation Reserve Facilities and recommend the acceptance of preferred tenderers and the overall project budget. Mover / Seconder: Mr Boardman / Mr Belmar 1. That Council award the tender for Contract No. CT000543 Construction of One (1) additional Recreation Reserve Facility (Package E), Clyde Recreation Reserve, Clyde to 2Construct Pty Ltd for the Final Tender Price and Construction Contingency as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report. 2. That, subject to funding from the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, Council award the tender for Contract No. CT000543 Construction of One (1) additional Recreation Reserve Facility (Package F), Lochaven Active Open Space Reserve, Cranbourne West to 2Construct Pty Ltd for the Final Tender Price and Construction Contingency as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report. 3. That Council notes the funding required in the 2021/22 Capital Works Program as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report. 4. That the Contract documents be signed and sealed. Carried 5.10. MINUTES OF THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - DECEMBER 2020 Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 10
Minutes of the Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting ITEM: 5.10. - December 2020 City Planning and Infrastructure Sustainability and Waste Michael Jansen Purpose of Report: To provide Council with the minutes of the Conservation Advisory Committee meeting held 2 December 2020. Mover / Seconder: Mr Belmar / Mr Boardman That the Minutes of the 2 December 2020 meeting of the Conservation Advisory Committee be noted. Carried 6. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Nil. 6.1. RECORD OF DISCUSSION That the Record of the Assembly of Councillors, as listed, be received and noted. 7. PETITIONS Nil. 8. URGENT BUSINESS Nil. 9. CLOSED COUNCIL Nil. Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 11
CONCLUSION OF MEETING The Meeting closed at 4.50 pm. Confirmed this 16 day of March 2021 …………………………………………. Ms Noelene Duff Chairperson of Administrators City of Casey JM Council Meeting - 2 February 2021 Page 12
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