External Experts Registration module - User Manual - European Commission

Page created by Johnny Brooks
External Experts Registration module - User Manual - European Commission
                                         Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG

                                         Resources, Communication
                                         Information Technologies

       External Experts Registration module
                                                        User Manual

 Date:                                   11/01/2019
 Version:                                1.3
 Authors:                                Wim NAHON – Angela RACANATI
 Revised by:                             Sergio ORTEGA LOPEZ – Angela RACANATI
 Software version:                       SWIM 10.5.17

Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11.

Commission européenne, L-2920 Luxembourg. Telephone: (352) 43 01-1.
External Experts Registration module - User Manual - European Commission
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
   1.1. Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.2. Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.3. Important remark about Curriculum vitae versions .................................................................. 4
2. Creating your Expert account in the External Experts Registration module....................... 5
   2.1. Using EU Login authentication .................................................................................................... 8
       2.1.1. Creating a personal EU Login account ..................................................................... 8
       2.1.2. Resetting a forgotten EU Login password ............................................................. 11
3. Updating and publishing the first version of your CV ........................................................ 14
4. Creating a new version of your CV ..................................................................................... 26
5. Supporting Documents ........................................................................................................ 30

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Document History

      Version      Date         Comment                By
      1.0          06/06/2016   Initial version        Wim NAHON
      1.1          21/08/2017   EU Login Update        Angela Racanati
      1.2          09/10/2018   New Europa Lay out     Angela Racanati
      1.3          11/01/2018   Supporting Documents   Angela Racanati

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1.1. Definition
The European Commission is looking for independent experts with expertise in the policy areas of
employment, social affairs and inclusion to assist with the evaluation of grant applications.

You can become an external expert online by:

        Registering online as expert
        Completing and submitting your profile

In case you are selected, you will have access to the task assigned to you as well as any other
information related to your work at the Commission.

1.2. Disclaimer
The information contained in this manual is for guidance only and is a description on how to use the
External Experts registration module. There can be no guarantees as to the accuracy of the
descriptions due to the evolving nature of the system. In no way does this information replace the
regulations or could be considered as a legal interpretation of the Commission services.

1.3. Important remark about Curriculum vitae versions
You will learn in this manual that you can submit multiple versions of your CV. It is important to
understand how the European Commission will analyse the submitted CV versions.

When the European Commission selects evaluation experts, it does not necessarily takes into
consideration your last submitted CV version. In order to guarantee the equal treatment of all
candidates, the Commission defines a deadline for the submitted CV's. Only CV versions submitted
before this deadline date will be taken into account.

Example 1:

The European Commission defines a deadline on 01/06/2016. Expert A submits his first CV version
on 10/06/2016.

Result: This expert will not be taken into account for this selection process.

Example 2:

The European Commission defines a deadline on 01/06/2016. Expert B has submitted a CV version
on 15/05/2016 and submits a new version on 05/06/2016.

Result: Only the CV version submitted on 15/05/2016 will be taken into account for this selection
process. The new CV process submitted on 05/06/2016 has been submitted after the deadline and is
therefore not considered for this selection process.

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Follow this procedure to create your Expert Account in the External Experts Registration module:

1. Access the External Experts page on the Europa portal.
    Click the following URL:
    The External Experts page looks as follows:

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2. Click the link Register as expert.
    The EU login screen is displayed:

    Enter your email address and click 'Next', then enter your password and click the 'Sign in' button.
    This procedure assumes you already dispose of an EU Login account and you know the password.
    If this is not the case, you may consult the following detailed procedures:
       Creating a personal EU Login account
       Resetting a forgotten EU Login password

3. Once you enter your EU Login credentials, the page Create your expert account is displayed:

4. Click the button Create account.
    The following page is displayed:

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Note: Once have created your account and you log on to the External Experts Registration
    module again, you will immediately go to this page.

5. Click the DRAFT profile icon (    ) or the Edit link.
    The Edit CV page is displayed:

6. You can now start updating your draft CV. The procedure to update your draft CV is explained
   in chapter Updating your draft CV .

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2.1. Using EU Login authentication
The External Expert Registration module uses EU Login as authentication method. This section

       how to create a personal EU Login account
       how to reset a forgotten EU Login password

You may refer to these procedures if you do not dispose of an EU Login account yet or if you need to
reset its password.

2.1.1. Creating a personal EU Login account

Follow this procedure to create a personal EU Login account:

1. Go to the EU Login account creation screen by clicking here.
    The following screen is displayed:

2. Fill out the fields as indicated above and click the Create an account button.
    The following screen is displayed:

3. A confirmation email is sent to the mail box you indicated in the Create an account screen.

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    Check if you received it.

4. Click the link provided in the confirmation email in order to create your password.

Dear xxx,

You have been registered in EU Login.

Your email address is xxx.yyy@gmail.com.

To create your password, follow the link below:

this link

You have a maximum of 24 hr, starting from the time that this message was sent, to create
your password, but you are encouraged to do so immediately if possible. After this time, you
can make another request by following the same link: you will then need to re-enter your
username and confirm your request.

If the above link does not work, you can copy the following address (make sure the complete
address is copied!) and paste it into your browser's address bar:

Instead of replying to this message, if you have a problem, please follow the help or contact
information on the site where you were trying to register.

Note that it may take up to 5 minutes after reception of this mail before the above-mentioned
site will recognize your registration.

Sent to you by EU Login

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The New password screen is displayed:

5. Choose and confirm your EU Login password and then click the Submit button.
    The screen confirming the password change is displayed:

6. Click the Proceed button.
The Successful login screen is displayed:

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This screen confirms that you now dispose of a valid personal EU Login account. You can now
    close the browser session or click the Logout link.
2.1.2. Resetting a forgotten EU Login password

Follow this procedure to reset your EU Login password:

1. On the EU Login screen, click the link Lost your password? :

2. You will be asked to enter the security code displayed in the frame:

3. Enter the displayed code and click the Get a password button.

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The following screen is displayed:

    An email has been sent to your mailbox.

4. Go to your e-mail account and open the e-mail message entitled EU Login Password

Dear xxx,

You have requested a reset of your EU Login password. You can do this by following the link below, preferably immediately
- but a maximum of 24 hr after this message was sent. You should therefore follow the link before 30/08/2017 17:05

If you did not make or authorise this request yourself, it may be due to a typing error by another user. To cancel the
request, please click here.

If the above mentioned link does not work, you can copy-paste it (without any line break) in your browser address bar.
If this message was delayed or for some other reason you are unable to complete the rest of the process within 24 hr,
please return here to make another request.

If you suspect that someone else is trying to obtain or reset your password, please report this to your local support desk.

Sent to you by EU Login automated password reset service

5. Click (or copy) the link in the e-mail message.
The New password screen is displayed:

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6. Enter and confirm your new password. Then click the Submit button.
    The following screen is displayed:

7. Click the Proceed button.
    The Successful login screen is displayed.

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Follow this procedure to update and publish the first version of your CV. This procedure assumes
that you have already created an expert account.

1. Use the following URL to access the External Experts Registration module:
2. Once you have logged on with your EU Login user name and password, the following page is

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3. Click the DRAFT profile icon (    ) or the Edit link.

    The Edit CV page is displayed:

    The page contains a number of tabs and sub-tabs, containing mandatory and optional fields. The
    following tabs are available:
            Personal Information (with sub-tabs Personal details and Contact details)
            Qualifications (with sub-tabs Higher Education and Languages)
            Fields of Expertise (with sub-tabs Policy Areas and Cross-cutting issues)
            Experience (with sub-tabs Research and Publications, Professional experience and
             Evaluation experience)

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4. Fill out or update the fields on the Personal details sub-tab.
    The Personal details sub-tab contains the following fields:

        Fields                             Description                                             M/O*
        Title                              This drop-down list allows selecting the required title. M
                                           By default, the required setting is copied from your
                                           EU Login account. You can however select another
                                           entry if required.
        First name                         This field contains your first name. By default, the M
                                           first name is copied from your EU Login account.
                                           You can however edit the first name if required.
        Surname                            This field contains your Surname. By default, the M
                                           surname is copied from your EU Login account. You
                                           can however edit the surname if required.
        Date of birth                      This field allows entering your date of birth. You can M
                                           manually enter the date or select the required date
                                           from the calendar.
        Nationality                        This drop-down list contains all nationalities of the M
                                           EU member state. Select the required entry.
        Second nationality                 This drop-down list contains all nationalities O
                                           worldwide. You may select an entry, if applicable.
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)
5. Fill out or update the fields on the Contact details sub-tab.
    The Contact details sub-tab looks as follows:

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The following fields are available:

        Fields                             Description                                             M/O*
        E-mail address                     This field allows entering your e-mail address.         M
        Address                            This field allows entering your street address.         M
        Postal code                        This field allows entering your postal code.            M
        City                               This field allows entering the name of your city        M
        Country                            This drop-down list allows selecting your country. M
                                           The EU member states are listed on top of the list.
        Phone number 1                     This field allows entering your first phone number.     M
        Phone number 2                     This field allows entering your second phone O
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

6. Fill out or update the fields on the Higher education sub-tab of the Qualifications tab.
    The Higher Education sub-tab looks as follows:

    You have to declare at least one higher education qualification. You may also click the Add
    qualification button to declare additional qualifications.
    For each declared qualification, the following mandatory fields are available:

        Fields                             Description                                             M/O*
        Title of qualification             Enter the title of the qualification in this field.     M
        Subject or field                   Enter the subject or field description in this field.   M
        Name of the institution            Enter the name of the institution where you obtained M
                                           the qualification.
        Country                            From the drop-down list, select the country where M
                                           the institution is located.
        Graduation year                    Enter the year during which you obtained the M
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

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7. Fill out or update the fields on the Languages sub-tab of the Qualifications tab.
    The Languages sub-tab allows you to indicate which languages you master and which level you
    have for each language. The sub-tab looks as follows:

    You have to declare at least one language entry. You may also click the Add language button to
    declare additional qualifications.
    For each declared language, the following mandatory drop-down lists are available:

        Drop-down list                     Description                                            M/O*
        Languages                          Select the required language from the drop-down list. M
                                           The drop-down lists contains the official languages
                                           from the European Union and of the candidate
        Understanding                      Select the level indication from the drop-down list.   M
        Writing                            Select the level indication from the drop-down list.   M
        Speaking                           Select the level indication from the drop-down list.   M
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

    Note: The level indications are based on the Common European Framework – Self assessment
    grid. Click the link for more information.

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8. Select your fields of experience in the Policy Areas sub-tab of the Fields of Expertise tab.
    The Policy Areas sub-tab looks as follows:

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9. Select your fields of experience in the Cross-cutting issues sub-tab of the Fields of Expertise
    The Cross-cutting issues sub-tab looks as follows:

10. Fill out or update the fields on the Research and Publications sub-tab of the Experience tab.
    The Research and Publications sub-tab looks as follows:

    You have to declare at least one research or publication reference. You may also click the Add
    entry button to declare additional references.
    For each declared research and publication reference, the following fields are available:

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Fields                             Description                                           M/O*
        Title                              Enter the title of the research or publication in this M
        Reference      of    the Enter the reference of the publication or research in O
        publication, research    this field, if available.
        Start date                         Enter the start date or select it from the calendar   M
        End date                           Enter the end date or select it from the calendar     M
        Effective     number       of The system indicates automatically the number of O
        months                        months, based on the entered start and end dates.
                                      However you may edit the obtained value.
        Brief description          of Enter a short description of the research or O
        content                       publication
        Fields of expertise                Select the fields of expertise that were relevant for O
                                           this research or publication. If a field of expertise is
                                           not listed, you may have to select it on the Fields of
                                           expertise tab.
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

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11. Fill out or update the fields on the Professional experience sub-tab of the Experience tab.
    The Professional experience sub-tab looks as follows:

    You have to declare at least professional experience reference. You may also click the Add entry
    button to declare additional references.
    For each declared professional experience reference, the following fields are available:

        Fields                   Description                                            M/O*
        Title                    Enter the title of the professional experience in this M
        Employer name            Enter the employer name in this field.                 M
        Start date               Enter the start date or select it from the calendar    M
        End date                 Enter the end date or select it from the calendar      M

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Fields                             Description                                           M/O*
        Effective     number       of The system indicates automatically the number of O
        months                        months, based on the entered start and end dates.
                                      However you may edit the obtained value.
        Brief description                  Enter a short description of       the professional O
        Roles                    and Describe your roles and responsibilities in the O
        responsibilities             professional experience
        Fields of expertise                Select the fields of expertise that were relevant for O
                                           this research or publication. If a field of expertise is
                                           not listed, you may have to select it on the Fields of
                                           expertise tab.
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

12. Fill out or update the fields on the Evaluation experience sub-tab of the Experience tab, if
    Note: This sub-tab is optional.
    The Evaluation experience sub-tab looks as follows:

    For each declared evaluation experience reference, the following fields are available:

        Fields                             Description                                           M/O*
        Reference of the call              Enter the reference of the call for proposals or call O
                                           for tender, for which you participated in the
        Call title                         Enter the title of the call for proposals or call for O
                                           tender, for which you participated in the evaluation.
        Call published by                  Enter the name of the institution (European, national, O
                                           international organisation,…) publishing the call.
        Evaluation         contract Enter the start date or select it from the calendar.         O
        start date

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Fields                             Description                                   M/O*
        Evaluation         contract Enter the end date or select it from the calendar.   O
        end date
         (* M = Mandatory, O = Optional)

13. Complete the tabs and sub-tabs as required.
    Once all mandatory fields on the different tabs and sub-tabs have been completed, the Publish
    button becomes active:

14. Click the Publish button if you want to submit your cv.
    The following screen is displayed:

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15. Click link Published CV – Version 1.
    The PDF file is opened. The first two pages look as follows:

    The system automatically assigns an External Expert code in the format EE9999 (where 9999 is a
    sequential number). Please remember this code, as it will be used to identify your CV.

16. You may again click the      icon or the Edit link in order to create a new CV version.
    This procedure is explained further in chapter Creating a new version of your CV.

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Follow this procedure to update and publish a new version of your CV. This procedure assumes that
you have already created and published at least one version of your CV.

1. Use the following URL to access the External Experts Registration module:
2. Once you have logged on with your EU Login user name and password, the following page is

    The section PUBLISHED profile gives access to the CV versions that were already published.

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3. Click the DRAFT profile icon (    ) or the Edit link to create a new CV version based on the last
   published version:

    The Edit CV page is displayed:

    The starting values are copied from the last submitted version of the CV (in this example version

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4. You may now perform the required updates on the various tabs and sub-tabs.
5. Once you have permed all required updates, you click the Publish button.
    The following page is displayed:

    The new CV version is now displayed as the most recent CV. The previous version (in this
    example version 3) is moved to the list of Published profile versions:

    Note: When the European Commission selects evaluation experts, it does not necessarily takes
    into consideration your last submitted CV version. In order to guarantee the equal treatment of
    all candidates, the Commission defines a deadline for the submitted CV's. Only CV versions
    submitted before this deadline date will be taken into account.
    Example 1:
    The European Commission defines a deadline on 01/06/2016. Expert A submits his first CV
    version on 10/06/2016.
    Result: This expert will not be taken into account for this selection process.

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Example 2:
    The European Commission defines a deadline on 01/06/2016. Expert B has submitted a CV
    version on 15/05/2016 and a new version on 05/06/2016.
    Result: Only the CV version submitted on 15/05/2016 will be taken into account for this selection
    process. The new CV process submitted on 05/06/2016 has been submitted after the deadline
    and is therefore not considered for this selection process.

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As external expert, you are allowed to attach supporting documents to your profile.
Maximum 10 files of 5mb size are allowed.
Extensions of the files: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xslx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .ppt, .pptx and .zip.
The supporting documents can be uploaded in any moment.
Once uploaded, the documents are immediately visible to the expert selectors of DG Employment
provided that the profile has been already published.

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You can also read