EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

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EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020
By Liz Gammon
Independent Cruise Consultant
Written May 2020

EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

             3.      Foreword

             4.      Introduction

             5.      Great Influencers | Past and Present

             6.      From Russia with Love

             9.      Future Focus | The First Expedition World Cruise

             11.     Facts and Figures | Ships and Operators
             It is important to note that this report focuses on the Arctic and Antarctic.
             This report does not cover any river or exotic expedition cruising activity.
             This report was researched and written in Q1 2020 and published in May 2020

EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

 The mission of compiling and                 I was also intrigued to learn that         with his day. The passengers and crew,
 researching this overview has been           Victorian Ladies were great fans of        having long scarpered back to the
 much like an expedition in itself.           Arctic cruising – so great in fact that    vessel to watch the unforgettable, if
 A journey of enlightenment and               independent lady travellers were           not slightly bizarre, spectacle unfold.
 discovery that has left me with              awarded their own 12 berth cabin
 an even deeper sense of awe and              onboard the 142 berth St Sunniva for       The great Russian Captain, Petr
 wonder about this specialised and            the 1888 season. That’s 8.45% of the       Gorlikov who delighted in taking
 environmentally sensitive sector of the      total capacity. Such was demand!           his passengers to some of the most
 cruise industry.                                                                        remote areas of the Arctic and
                                              Every era has been dealt its own set of    Antarctic – setting new records in the
 To say that I have enjoyed the               challenges. The war years, the interwar    process and providing his guests with
 challenge, is an understatement, for I       years, the introduction of the airplane,   wonderful lifelong memories. He is
 have loved every minute of it.               financial crashes and climate changes.     fondly remembered as a formidable
                                              But the pioneering spirit that fuelled     after-dinner host, leading mentor and
 Upon starting out, it became apparent        expedition cruising in the first place,    Ice Master Extraordinaire!
 that in order to make any sense of the       has burned brightly throughout. Those
 present, and indeed the future, I first      that craved adventure would find it.       What wonderful legacies these great
 needed to dig into the past.                 And find it they did.                      explorers have bequeathed us. It is
                                                                                         now over to today’s itinerary planners
 And so, dig I did, unveiling a vibrant       Take Lars-Eric Lindblad, the               and expedition leaders to take the
 history of passion and adventure, high       explorer, entrepreneur and noted           batten and set a new course for
 jinks and determination.                     environmentalist who pioneered             expedition cruising.
                                              tourism to many remote and exotic
 I love the fact that the very first Arctic   parts of the world. Inspiring so many      They too will leave a ripple of legacies in
 expedition cruise was an independent         new explorers to follow their dreams       their wake and face their own challenges
 charter organised by an art collector        and discover this wonderful world          as they sail into the unknown.
 and an American artist.                      for themselves.
                                                                                         New ships, new itineraries, new
 William Bradford (1823-1892) dreamt          And the stories... the barbeque on an      explorations, new experiences and
 of painting the Arctic. He had seen          ice flow that attracted a curious Polar    new responsibilities – matched with
 pictures and vowed to experience             Bear, who, having taken full advantage     the old adage of exploring responsibly
 this sight for himself. The light, the       of the fine steak on offer and washing     and with purpose.
 landscapes, the icebergs, the silence…       it down with a bucket of Coca-Cola,
 Google him, his work is spectacular!         slipped away and continued quietly         Let the voyage begin!

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EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

Expedition cruising is without doubt      Not only is this an exciting             As an example, page 9. discusses
the fastest growing sector of the         predication, but there are those that    Silversea Cruises’ first ever 167-day
cruise industry.                          might argue that such unprecedented      Expedition World Cruise and the
                                          growth might add a rather unhealthy      opportunities created as a result of this
More than 39 new ice-classed,             burden to what some describe as an       new worldwide overview of expedition
expedition vessels are set to enter the   already crowded arena. (Noting that      cruising.
market within the next three years.       tourist vessels are but one of several
                                          contributing factors.)                   An indication that there is every reason
A majority of these vessels will carry                                             to get excited and involved in learning
less than 300 passengers and range in     Another factor to consider is that       more about this aptly nicknamed ‘last
size from 5,590 GRT 1 to an incredible    climate change has now ensured the       frontier of cruise holiday development’.
30,000 GRT 2.                             Northwest and Northeast Passages are
                                          even more open to navigation in the      1
                                                                                       Oceanwide Expeditions - Hondius
At the time of writing it is estimated    Arctic summer months.                    2
                                                                                       Compagnie du Ponant - Le Commandant Charcot
that there are currently around 57
expedition vessels in operation –         Hence the need for more destinations
sailing predominantly in the Arctic and   and ports outside of the Polar regions
Antarctic regions. If we add on the       to become actively involved in
anticipated orderbook numbers, this       showcasing what they have to offer
brings the total number up to 96.         this growing sector.

                                             USHUAIA, ARGENTINA TO TROMSØ, NORWAY

                                                           240      passengers
                                                                                          167        days

                                                                                          10      routes

                                              30            countries

                                             (correct 1.1.20)
EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

 The story of Arctic expedition               Lindblad chartered the 56 passenger,      In 1989 he was promoted to Master
 cruising essentially begins in 1869          Argentine supply ship Lapataia for        of the Kapitan Khlebnikov, one of
 with American artist, William                the 1965/66 season. The trip had          Russia’s most powerful diesel-electric
 Bradford’s cruise to Greenland in the        a strong scientific focus which was       icebreakers and shortly thereafter
 Newfoundland sealer, Panther. This           to be the trademark of all Lindblad       began a 30-year collaboration with
 was followed a few years later by            cruises and was a resounding              Quark Expeditions.
 Thomas Cook’s North Cape cruise in           success, however, ongoing charter
 the President Christie in 1875.              challenges eventually led to Eric-Lars    Alongside many other great
                                              Lindblad’s decision to build his own      achievements, Captain Golikov
 And whilst Antarctica has research           ship, the Lindblad Explorer.              commanded two complete
 stations that date back to 1957, cruise                                                circumnavigations of Antarctica, one
 tourism in Antarctica is a relatively        Alongside sailing Antarctica, the ship    of which was the first-ever passenger
 new phenomenon.                              also embarked on Arctic cruises and       voyage in 1996 with Quark Expeditions.
                                              in August 1972 Lindblad Explorer          He also commanded numerous
 It wasn’t until the arrival of the 2,398     managed to get to 82°N, a record at       voyages into the uncharted waters of
 GRT Lindblad Explorer in 1969                the time for a cruise ship.               both the Ross and Weddell Seas.
 that things really changed, and the
 Lindblad Prototype arrived on the            Lars-Eric Lindblad went on to establish   In the Arctic region Golikov frequently
 scene, all thanks to the travel visionary,   Creative Travel and died in 1994, but     transited the Northwest Passage (six
 Lars-Eric Lindblad.                          his son Sven-Olof still continues the     times), led the first ever expedition to
                                              family tradition today having founded     the geo-magnetic North Pole, and the
 Lars-Eric Lindblad is said to have been in   Lindblad Expeditions Inc. in 1979.        first ever passenger circumnavigation
 Outer Mongolia acting as tour leader for                                               of the Arctic Ocean. Throughout these
 a group of adventurous tourists, when,       Another of expedition cruising’s great    passenger voyages he assisted many
 somewhat under the influence of a            influencers is the renowned polar         nations – bringing staff and supplies to
 potent, fermented local brew, Koumiss,       explorer and icebreaker Captain           remote scientific outposts, and always
 he was asked where his next trip would       Petr Golikov.                             ready to assist in any way needed.
 be.. he consulted a Pan America World
  Airways map to see where they did           Born in Vladivostok, Russia, Golikov      Captain Golikov passed away
      not go and noted that Antarctica        graduated from the Far Eastern            April 15th, 2020.
         was not even on the map – he         Marine Academy in 1970 and began
            decided there and then that       his remarkable career as a junior         What wonderful
               this was to be his next        officer with the Far Eastern Shipping     legacies these trail
                  destination. Antarctica.    Company (FESCO).                          blazers leave!

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EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

 Captain Golikov also features in this      coincided with the crumbling of the         These research, and the small ice-class
 next instalment.                           Soviet Union.                               passenger ships, formed the backbone
                                                                                        of the emerging polar expedition fleet.
 For he, along with his fellow FESCO        Coincidentally, there had been an
 Captain colleagues of the time,            ongoing surge in the building of            They came complete with competent
 suddenly found themselves catapulted       research and oceanography ships             crews that understood navigating
 into a new working environment –           during the 80s.                             in ice, had acceptable, if basic,
 one with a completely new set of                                                       accommodation and charter rates
 responsibilities and duties. Passengers!   Almost all of the ships built in Finland,   were very reasonable.
                                            had facilities for 50-100 scientists and
 It can not be stressed enough how          came with varying degrees of comfort.       The importance of these Russian ships in
 great an impact the political reform                                                   the development of expedition cruising
 in Russia during the 1980s had on          Not just that, but all had at least         can be appreciated from the fact that
 expedition cruising.                       nominal ice-strengthening, whilst           prior to their availability from about 1991
                                            others were true icebreakers.               onwards, there were only three small
 A short history lesson and timeline                                                    ships cruising in polar regions; the Illiria,
 reveals why.                               The Berlin Wall fell on November            built in 1962; Lindblad Explorer built in
                                            9th, 1989 and the accelerating              1969; and World Discoverer, built 1975.
 Mikhail Gorbachev opened Pandora’s         deterioration of the Soviet Bloc
 Box in 1985 with his policy of Glasnost    was effectively complete by 26th            Two companies, Quark and Marine
   (loosely translated as transparency).    December 1991.                              Expeditions, were early adopters of the
                                                                                        Russian research ships for polar cruising.
          His reforms, along with           After the collapse of the Bloc, the
             growth in Soviet passenger     research ships became available,            Quark Expeditions is applauded for
                and research shipping       primarily for charter, but later for        pioneering North Pole cruises with
                   in the 1980s,            outright sale in some cases.                Russian icebreakers.

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EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020
                             EXPEDITION CRUISE

                                                 American artist, William Bradford’s
                                  1869           cruise to Greenland in the
                                                 Newfoundland sealer, Panther

Thomas Cook’s North
   Cape cruise in the
   President Christie

                                                 Antarctica Research
                                  1957           Stations established

         Illiria built for
         Adriatica line           1962

                                  1965           Lars-Eric Lindblad chartered the
                                                 Argentine supply ship Lapataia this
                                  1966           season for research trip to Antarctica

Lindblad Explorer built           1969

EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020
Captain Petr Golikov graduates
                                    from Far Eastern Marine Academy
                             1970   and joins Far Eastern Shipping
                                    Company (FESCO) as junior officer

    Lindblad Explorer sets
           record of 82*N    1972

                             1975   World Discoverer built

          Expeditions Inc.

                                    Mikhail Gorbachev introduced
                             1985   policy of Glasnost

              Captain Petr
      Golikov is promoted
  to Master of the Kapitan

                                    Captain Petr Golikov commands
                                    first ever passenger voyage
                             1996   circumnavigating the Antarctica
                                    with Quark Expeditions

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EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020

Silversea’s 2021 uncharted World Tour      is a genuine concern that the tried      historical roots. Tastes and stories.
marks the beginning of worldwide           and tested polar routes will become      Authenticity and originality.
expedition cruising.                       congested.
                                                                                    Traditionally, most expedition cruise
A wonderful first. A new adventure and     As will some of the river routes         lines operate rather differently
a new way of thinking. Dispelling, in      favoured by expeditions cruises          to the more mainstream
one swoop, the rumour that expedition      such as the Amazon and Mekong.           cruise lines in that they
cruising only applies to polar regions –   Sustainability is key in managing this   tend to run the majority
namely the Arctic and Antarctic.           growth effectively, which explains       of their excursions
                                           why itinerary planners are actively      independently
Silver Cloud will sail with 240            seeking new ideas and mapping out        and via their own
passengers from Ushuaia, Argentina to      new routes the world over. This is       expedition teams.
Tromsø, Norway on a voyage that will       exactly why destinations and tour
take 167 days, navigate 10 routes and      operators are encouraged to rethink      Preferring to come ashore
visit 30 countries.                        the typical cruise product and create    and explore via their own
                                           new experiences with the expedition      landing craft. Often not even a pier
One day visiting a landmark port, the      market in mind.                          or harbour is required for landing.
next snaking up a river in search of
rare birdlife.                             Expedition cruises are known for their   This obviously changes from region
                                           focus on nature, geology, history,       to region and from line to line and it is
It is not in the expedition cruise         wildlife, birdlife and marine mammals.   worth noting that there are still good
operators’ interest to overcrowd the       Cultural experiences that reflect a      opportunities to be found in the form
destinations that they visit, and there    region or destination’s cultural and     of pre and post cruise options.

EXPEDITION CRUISING: TO THE POLES AND BEYOND - www.seatrade-cruise.com - By Liz Gammon Independent Cruise Consultant Written May 2020
Ships’ expedition leaders and teams        really is the basic kit for all expedition    as helicopter and submarine touring,
 are responsible for the running of         cruise ships.                                 come at an additional price. Some
 expeditions and zodiac landings                                                          companies also charge an additional fee
 ashore. These teams are typically          Some of the new luxury builds                 for zodiacs and kayaking so it’s always
 made up of historians, geologists,         also boast helicopters, submarines,           good to check the small print!
 scientists, experts in marine mammals,     remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
 local cultures etc.                        and aqua bikes.                               The expedition sector is destined to see
                                                                                          enormous growth over the next few
 Almost all expedition vessels carry        Worth noting is that, whist almost all        years with an impressive number of new
 large inflatable landing craft (zodiacs)   companies include zodiac landings and         builds expected to join the existing fleet
 used for exploring and remote              touring in the ticket price, not all do and   by the end of 2023-39 at the time of
 landings – along with kayaks. This         some of the high-end experiences such         writing (3 May 2020).

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 If anyone reading this has already               Group A those that own and operate             selected ships (quite often the name of
 tried to make sense of the expedition            their own ships.                               the ship is not mentioned.) These are
 market, it is hardly any wonder that                                                            not included in the tables below.
 they might have come away scratching             Group B those that charter the ship
 their heads!                                     (paying the owner for the ship and the         There are also quite a number of
                                                  operating crew but using their own             operators who offer mega yacht and
 Because no matter how it is set up, it is        guides and staff.)                             yacht style cruises to regions favoured
 complicated.                                                                                    by expedition cruise operators.
                                                  Group C those that charter, and part
 Today’s expedition operators are made            own the ships.                                 These are typically 25 passengers
 up of several groups and, on occasion,                                                          or less and are not included in the
 these groups overlap – which is why              Group D those that advertise                   following tables.
 ships might be mentioned twice.                  expedition cruises and sell groups onto

                                              ARCTIC 2020/21 SEASON Correct 1/1/2020
  Company | Operator                                                      Ship(s) newbuilds included
  Abercrombie and Kent                                                    Le Boreal
  Adventure Canada                                                        Ocean Endeavour
  Albatros Travel                                                         Ocean Atlantic | Ocean Victory (2021) |
                                                                          Ocean Albatros (2022)
  Aurora Expeditions                                                      Polar Pioneer | Greg Mortimer | Sylvia Earl (2021)
  G Adventures                                                            Expedition
  Hapag Lloyd                                                             Bremen | Hanseatic Nature | Hanseatic Nature |
                                                                          Hanseatic Spirit (2021)
  Hurtigruten                                                             Fram | Spitzbergen | Roald Amundsen |
                                                                          Fridjof Nansen (2020)
  Lindblad Expeditions                                                    National Geographic Explorer | National Geographic
                                                                          Endurance | National Geographic Resolution (2021)
  Noble Caledonia                                                         Hebridean Sky | Island Sky | Caledonia Sky
  Oceanwide Expeditions                                                   Hondius | Plancius | Ortelius | Nordlicht
  Plantours Kreutzfarhten                                                 Hamburg
  Polar Quest                                                             Quest
  Ponant                                                                  Le Boreal | Le Soleal | Le Commandant Charcot (2021) |
                                                                          Le Jacques Cartier (2020) | Le Bellot (2020) |
                                                                          Le Dumont D’urville | L’Austral | Le Champlain
  Poseidon Expeditions                                                    Sea Spirit | 50 Let Pobedy
  Quark (North Pole Cruises)                                              50 let Pobedy
  Quark                                                                   Ocean Adventure | Ocean Nova
  Seabourn                                                                Seabourn Quest | Seabourn Venture (2021)
  Silversea Cruises                                                       Silver Cloud | Silver Explorer

 Bibliography: With special thanks to Christopher Wright, Of Penguins and Polar Bears,
 A history of cold-water cruising.

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ANTARCTIC 2020/21 SEASON Correct 1/1/2020
 Company | Operator                                  Ship(s) newbuilds included
 Abercrombie and Kent                                Le Lyrial
 Albatros Travel                                     Ocean Atlantic | Ocean Victory (2021) |
                                                     Ocean Albatros (2022)
 Antarpply Expeditions                               Ushuaia
 Antarctica XXI SA                                   Ocean Nova
 Aurora Expeditions                                  Polar Pioneer | Greg Mortimer | Sylvia Earl (2021)
 Bark Europa                                         Europa
 G Adventures                                        Expedition
 Grand Circle Corporation                            Corinthian
 Hapag Lloyd                                         Bremen | Hanseatic Nature | Hanseatic Spirit (2021)
 Heritage Expeditions                                Akademik Sholalskiy | Spirit of Enderby
 Hurtigruten                                         Fram | Spitzbergen | Roald Amundsen |
                                                     Fridjof Nansen (2020)
 Lindblad Expeditions                                National Geographic Explorer | National Geographic Orion |
                                                     National Geographic Endurance |
                                                     National Geographic Resolution (2021)
 Noble Caledonia                                     Island Sky | Caledonia Sky | Hebridean Sky
 Oceanwide Expeditions                               Ortelius, Plancius
 Plantours Kreuzfharten                              Hamburg
 Ponant                                              Le Boreal | Le Soleal | L’Austral | Le Bellot (2020) |
                                                     Le Commandant Charcot (2021) | Le Lyrial
 Polar Latitudes                                     Hebridean Sky | Island Sky
 Quark Expeditions                                   Island Sky | Ocean Diamond | Ocean Endeavour |
                                                     Ocean Adventurer
 Poseidon Expeditions                                Sea Spirit
 Seabourn                                            Seabourn Quest | Seabourn Venture (2021)
 Silversea Cruises                                   Silver Cloud | Silver Explorer
 Zegrahm Expeditions                                 Island Sky | Caledonia Sky
                                       Bibliography: With special thanks to Christopher Wright, Of Penguins and Polar Bears,
                                                                                            A history of cold-water cruising.

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