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Join us to help catalyze a bold, new world.
2020 Year in Review

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a bold, new world.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that
the stakes have never been higher
for our planet. Across the globe,
more people are losing their homes
to unpredictable weather, climate
disasters—and now—to a deadly
pandemic likely linked to humans’       From the director
destruction of natural habitats.        In the ten years since David ’60                                                renewed urgency on the
Every future human endeavor             and Patricia Atkinson endowed                                                   future. We are seeding
                                        the Cornell Atkinson Center for                                                 high-risk collaborative
rests on sustainability. For the last                                                                                   research, training
                                        Sustainability, the past year stands
decade, Cornell Atkinson has built      out as a reminder of the urgency to                                             sustainability scholars,
                                        understand and address the world’s                                              hatching insights and
vital cross-disciplinary research
                                        sustainability challenges. We have                                              interactions through working
connections: bringing the best          witnessed the consequences                                                      groups, and catalyzing
minds together to solve humanity’s      of increasing pressures on our                                                  these efforts to translate
                                        planet and its people due to rapidly                                            knowledge to impact
biggest shared challenges. But          accelerating climate change,             Photo: Sheryl Sinkow
                                                                                                                        through collaborations with
research alone is insufficient           population growth, shrinking                                                    corporations, foundations,
                                        biodiversity, and widening economic and                       government partners, and NGOs.
to change opinions, practices,          social inequalities.                                          I am energized by our growing community of
products, and policies.                 Because of our long-term success, I remain                    faculty, students, staff, alumni, and partners.
                                        optimistic that large-scale solutions can                     In the face of tremendous uncertainty and
                                        leverage Cornell University’s broad and deep                  upheaval, their work and our efforts to support
                                        expertise in key areas of research, including                 them continue to advance our mission to
                                        climate, energy, food, and health. Which is to                change public opinions, products, practices,
                                        say, the work of Cornell Atkinson has never                   and public policies necessary to solve the
                                        been more critical. I am proud to share the 2020              world’s foremost sustainability problems.
                                        Year-in-Review with an emphasis on Cornell                    This is world-changing and soul-fulfilling work
                                        Atkinson’s distinctive approach to incentivizing              that reflects who we are at Cornell University
                                        novel, cross-college collaborations.                          and helps us realize who we can be. Together,
                                        Cornell Atkinson is celebrating its                      we’re building a resilient tomorrow.
                                        accomplishments while focusing with                       Sincerely,
Join us to help catalyze a bold, new world.
Powerful                                                       Transition to Boost                                           Microbes for More
                                                                Regenerative                                                  Sustainable
 Partnerships                                                   Agriculture                                                   Rare-Earth Mining
 Cornell Atkinson connects corporations, policymakers,                                                                        A 2019 AVF project,
                                                                Regenerative agriculture systems that minimize soil
 foundations, and NGOs to interdisciplinary research            disturbance, maximize crop diversity, maintain root           led by Buz Barstow       “The AVF award was so
 projects that drive creative solutions, new ideas, and         structure, and integrate livestock have been shown to         (CALS), explored           important. It allowed
 big impact.                                                    reduce sediment and nutrient runoff from farms. But           using microbes to          us to apply a new
                                                                adoption has been hindered by actual and perceived            mine rare-earth           approach to genetics,
                                                                costs and risks. The Great Lakes Protection Fund has                                    with the outcome
 Innovations to Increase                                        awarded Cornell Atkinson $1.2 million to develop innovative
                                                                                                                              minerals and lower
                                                                                                                              the carbon footprint      of separating and
 Food Security                                                  transition loan products that provide a safe, attractive
                                                                option for farmers wanting to embrace regenerative
                                                                                                                              of smart energy           extracting rare
                                                                                                                                                        earth metals.”
                                                                                                                              systems. In 2020,
                                  Innovations                                                                                 a U.S. Department        -Buz Barstow, Principal
                                  in agri-food                                                                                of Energy agency          Investigator, (CALS)
                                  systems          “There’s no silver bullet            The Cornell team, led by Alan
                                                                                                                              awarded a $1 million
                                  have brought       in food innovation.                Martinez (Cornell Atkinson)
                                                                                        and Fellow John Tobin-de la
                                                                                                                              grant to Barstow and
                                  dramatic           During the Green                                                         fellow researchers Mingming Wu (CALS), Esteban
                                  advances in        Revolution, breeders               Puente (Dyson), will tap into the
                                                                                        expertise of Cornell Atkinson’s       Gazel and Megan Holycross (College of Engineering)
                                  human well-        improved seeds, but
                                  being. Yet                                            conservation finance working           to genetically program microbes to mine the minerals
                                                     scaling those advances                                                   used in consumer electronics and in advancing
                                  these gains                                           group as well as well as faculty
                                  are becoming
                                                     involved improving                 and student researchers from          renewable energy.
                                  unsustainable      roads and offering                 across the university. They
                                  due to mas-        services to educate                will engage a broader set of
 sive, adverse spillover effects on climate,         farmers on using seeds
 natural environment, public health and              properly. These many
                                                                                        stakeholders and behavioral
                                                                                        change experts as they aim            Affordable Digital
 nutrition, and social justice. To map the way
 forward, Cornell Atkinson and the journal
                                                     pieces were essential,
                                                                                        to co-create and test a range
                                                                                        of investment strategies
 Nature Sustainability convened a global             elements.”                         that support regenerative             Many rural areas lack adequate cellular service
 panel of more than 20 experts in business,                                                                                   and wireless telecommunication infrastructure.
                                                   -Chris Barrett, lead author          agriculture starting with farmers
 economics, ethics, and plant and energy                                                                                      In 2018, Max Zhang (ENG) and his team received
                                                    (Dyson)                             in the Lake Ontario watershed
 science. The year-long effort, led by Chris                                                                                  AVF funding to test an affordable, public “Internet
                                                                                        in New York State.
 Barrett (Cornell Dyson School of Applied
                                                                                                                              of Things” (IoT) in Tompkins County, NY to bridge
 Economics and Management), produced
 a report, outlining recommendations for making                                                                               the digital divide between
 future food systems healthy, equitable, resilient, and                                                                       rural and urban areas.
 sustainable. A key component? Combining social and                                                                           IoT infrastructure refers
 technological innovations for a better local fit and
 higher likelihood of adoption.
                                                                Bright Minds,                                                 to digital connections
                                                                                                                              between everyday things,

                                                                Bold Timelines                                                like home thermostats
                                                                                                                              controlled by smartphones
                                                                                                                              via wireless internet.
 Soil Health Calculator                                         Since initiated in 2018, the Academic Venture Fund
                                                                (AVF) has supported 135 projects, with more than 280          In 2020, the research team received a $1.5 million grant
 Supports Climate-                                              Cornell researchers from every college and school on          from the National Science Foundation to help design
 Smart Farming                                                  campus. The AVF supports novel, risky, and innovative
                                                                projects that go on to attract external funding. The
                                                                                                                              the nation’s first statewide public IoT infrastructure.
                                                                                                                              The project team—co-led by Lee Humphreys (CALS) and
 In June 2020, Cornell Atkinson’s strategic partnerships        projects below are poised to contribute to large-scale        Steve Wicker (ENG), and including David Shmoys (ENG),
 team hit a key milestone with partner Walmart: Fellows         sustainability solutions.                                     Rick Geddes (College of Human Ecology), and David Kay
 Peter Woodbury, Dominic Woolf , and Christina Tonitto                                                                        (CALS)—will work with Cornell Cooperative Extension
 (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) delivered their                                                                   specialists to collaborate with community partners
 online Fertilizer and Soil Tool for estimating greenhouse
 gas emissions (FAST-GHG). In the fall, Walmart adopted
                                                                Tracking the Impact of                                        across New York.
 FAST-GHG for its Project Gigaton, an initiative that aims to   Toxic Algal Blooms
 remove one billion metric tons (a gigaton) of greenhouse
 gases from its global supply chain by 2030. The tool allows
                                                                In 2019, Kathryn Fiorella (College Veterinary Medicine),
                                                                Chris Barrett (Dyson), and Peter McIntyre (CALS)
                                                                                                                              Cornell’s Earth Source
 U.S. producers of corn, soybean, and wheat to calculate
 their avoided GHG emissions associated with cover crops,       received an AVF award to examine the health dangers           Heat Transformation
 reduced tillage, and nitrogen fertilizer.                      and socioeconomic challenges created by toxic algal
                                                                blooms. In 2020, the National Science Foundation              In 2015, Cornell
 Cornell Atkinson’s strategic partnerships team coordinat-      awarded the research team a five-year, $1.5 million            Atkinson began
 ed and funded the project, while Cornell faculty worked        grant to continue the study.                                  supporting Fellow Jeff
                                        alongside scientists
                                                                                                                              Tester’s research to
                                        from the Environ-
“Looking beyond this                                                                                                          determine whether
                                        mental Defense
 partnership, other                                                                                                           Earth Source
                                        Fund and The Na-
 organizations could build              ture Conservancy
                                                                                                                              Heat (ESH) was a
 on this process for more               to create and refine                                                                   sustainable way to heat Cornell’s Ithaca and NY
 agricultural products in               the tool.                                                                             campuses, and meet the university’s goal of carbon
 different parts of                                                                                                           neutrality by 2035. Thanks to funding from three AVF
 the world.”                                                                                                                  awards, this project progressed through several
-Peter Woodbury, (CALS)
Join us to help catalyze a bold, new world.
phases and has engaged engineers, social scientists,
and experts from across Cornell.                                Training the Next Generation
In 2020, these efforts took a leap forward when
Cornell secured a nearly $7.2 million grant from a U.S.         of Sustainability Scholars
Department of Energy agency to fund exploratory
research—in the form of a two-mile-deep borehole—to             Cornell Atkinson is training the next generation of sustainability
help verify the feasibility of the novel ESH system, which      scholars, preparing Cornell students and postdoctoral associates to
will bring the heat of the earth to the Cornell campus.         become pioneers in solving our planet’s sustainability challenges.

Flexible Funding,                                                  Cornell Atkinson –
                                                                   Environmental Defense                 “It was motivating to see
                                                                                                          the passion the people at
Real-World                                                         Fund Internship provides
                                                                   ten undergraduate and
                                                                                                          the Environmental Defense
                                                                                                          Fund share. I grew so much
                                                                   graduate students                      in such a rich and accepting
Impact                                                             with real-world experience             environment.”
                                                                   in sustainability                     - Rashika Mittal,
Cornell Atkinson’s Rapid Response Fund (RRF) supports                                                     2020 Sustainability Intern
urgent sustainability initiatives and Cornell’s collaborative
research community.

COVID-19 Rapid                                                                                                                               Photo: Rashika Mittal

Response Fund                                                                                            Cornell Atkinson Postdoctoral Fellowship supports four
                                                                                                         outstanding scholars working across the globe
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Cornell Atkinson
offered flexible targeted funding to support Cornell
faculty to conduct surveys, design tools and products,
and gather data quickly during the evolving global crisis.
                                                                                                        “The Cornell Atkinson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sustainability
The special call for proposals was issued in collaboration                                               facilitates interdisciplinary connections with Cornell faculty and
with Cornell’s Master of Public Health Program, the                                                      partnerships with local NGOs. These cross-cutting collaborations
Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs, and                                                 are essential to the conceptual and practical work of sustainability.”
Cornell Research Service’s SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Rapid
                                                                                                        - Jesse Rodenbiker, 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow
Response Research initiative.
Thanks to these
COVID-19 RRF awards,
Cornell faculty, post-                                            Photo: Jesse Rodenbiker
doctoral researchers,
and students from 11
colleges are working
on COVID-related
research projects. The
Center awarded 30 RRF
                                                                  Cornell Atkinson
grants in 2020. Many                                              organized Cornell’s
have already gathered                                             first-ever Sustainability
insights and designed                                             Hackathon
applications to inform new research approaches, such
as mitigating the proliferation of misinformation on
                                                                  The hackathon virtually
social media and using real-time, high-resolution data
                                                                  hosted 84 students from 12
to measure the economic and environmental impact of
                                                                  universities around the world
the pandemic.
                                                                  in October. Student-led teams
                                                                  worked together to devise
                                                                  solutions for market-ready,
Endowed position from Cornell                                     energy-smart systems.
                                                                  Students gained mentoring
alumnus secures continuous                                        support from industry experts,
thought leadership                                                who empowered participants
                                                                  tto create real-world solutions
We are grateful to David Drinkwater ‘94, who
has made a generous gift to endow a Faculty
                                        culty                      ffor sustainably producing, storing, and distributing energy. A team of
Director position at Cornell Atkinson Center,
                                        nter,                       Cornell students took home the Grand Prize for their project focused
to be known as the David Drinkwater                                 on optimizing electric vehicle charging behavior.
Faculty Director. Daryl Nydam, professorr                         Programs like the Sustainability Hackathon provide Cornell students
in Population Medicine and Diagnostic                             with learning opportunities for impactful careers in sustainability.
Sciences in the College of Veterinary
Medicine, currently holds the position.
Join us to help catalyze a bold, new world.
For fiscal year 2020 (FY20), ending June 30, 2020,
Cornell Atkinson expenses totaled $6.4 million,
including $3.7 million to support sustainability research
and programs across campus. FY20 revenues totaled
$7.8 million, with endowment income (52 percent) and
program-specific current use gifts (35 percent) as the
main sources of revenue.
We appreciate funding from generous individual donors
to support our: working groups ($1.5 million), EDF                      Vital Connections
partner programs ($475,000), TNC partner programs
($350,000), and Cornell Atkinson Postdoctoral
Fellowship program ($365,000). We also appreciate
receiving annual financial support from Cornell college                  At Cornell Atkinson, we forge new and unexpected connections to ensure
deans and the Office of the Provost .                                    that people and the planet not only survive, but thrive. With Cornell
Overall, Cornell Atkinson’s FY20 revenue was seven                      University’s deep and broad knowledge base as our foundation, we
percent above budget. These financial results place us
in a strong position to advance the goals of our 2018-                  bring together experts, inventors, practitioners, business leaders, and
2023 strategic plan.                                                    philanthropists to deliver large-scale, long-term sustainability solutions.

                      2%                                                Global urbanization presents one of our greatest future challenges. By 2050, an estimated 70 percent
                                                                        of the world’s population will live in cities, relying on essential resources provided by those living in
                    4%                                                  rural areas. To be resilient, cities must reduce resource consumption and utilize policies, practices,
               7%                                                       and products that allow rural communities to reap equitable benefits.

                                                                        Inspired by the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainability Goals and a holistic perspective, Cornell
                  Revenue                                               Atkinson is focused on research to develop resilience and equity in four key areas connecting the
                  7 Million
                 $7.8               52%                                 lives of rural and urban dwellers.

                                                                                   Building Resilient Rural-Urban Systems
                                                                                                  Cornell Atkinson Research Priorities 2018-2023
    Endowment Income          Other Current Use Gifts
    Program-specifc Gifts     Grants & Other
    Cornell Support                                                               Increasing                   Reducing                    Accelerating              Advancing
                                                                                  Food Security                Climate Risks               Energy Transitions        One Health
                                                                                  Improving the systems        Innovating technology,      Connecting research       Incorporating our
                      .05%                                                        of agriculture,              financial instruments,       with for-profit corp-      understanding of the
                                                            EQUITY:               aquaculture, and wild        and policy to reduce        orations, non-profit       inextricable depen-           BUILT
                      3%                                    Social stability is   food harvest to meet the     greenhouse gas              organizations, and        dence of human health         ENVIRONMENT:
                 8%                                         essential for         nutritional needs of all     concentrations and          government to enhance     and happiness on the          The man-made
                                                            sustainability        those living today while     adapt infrastructure,       the generation,           health of nature into         structures, features,
                                                            practices and         enhancing the quality        agriculture, and health     distribution, and         the development of            and facilities in which
                                                            policies to           of life of those producing   systems to equitably        storage of clean energy   agriculture and               people live and work
                                                            take root.            the food—and the land,       protect human health,       for heating and           infrastructure systems.       are affected by and
         16%      Expenses                                                        aquatic biodiversity, and    safety, and prosperity      cooling, electricity,                                   affect the four areas.
                 $6.4 Million       57%
                                                                                  ecosystems on which          from the impact of          and transportation.
                                                                                  they depend.                 increasingly catastrophic
                                                                                                               droughts, floods,
           16%                                                                                                 storms, and wildfires.

      Research & Programs       Communications
      Administration            Development
      Program Support           Strategic Faculty Hiring

                                                                                                                                216 Rice Hall                       
                                                                                                                                Cornell University                            @AtkinsonCenter
                                                                                                                                Ithaca, NY 14853                    
                                                                                                                                P: 607.255.4222

                                                                                                                                                                     PHOTOS: All stock or provided, except where noted
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