Page created by Rosa Wilson

         BANKING ON

                 FUEL QUALITY TRENDS
                 MARINE BIOFUELS
                 LNG BUNKERING
                 PANAMA UPDATE
shipping finance

                           Banking on change
                           Shipping’s energy transition will
                           certainly come with a very high price
                           tag. Sebastian Blum and Sebastian Fenk
                           of KfW IPEX-Bank talk to Lesley Bankes-
                           Hughes about financing the
                           decarbonisation journey
Image ©

                                    he     I n te r n a t i o n a l Maritime   University Maritime Advisory Services (UMAS)       some way to support R&D on new fuels, there
                                    Organization’s (IMO) initial green-        and the Energy Transitions Commission on           would still be a massive shortfall in terms of what
                                    house gas (GHG) emissions                  behalf of the Global Maritime Forum (before        is required for research and then, importantly,
                           reduction targets are well known and often          the economic impact of the COVID-19 pan-           the commercial scaling up of these products.
                           quoted. Its ambitions of cutting shipping’s         demic on shipping began to be fully felt) put         And, of course, this is only part of the story
                           carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 (from               a price tag of $1-$1.4 trillion on halving ship-   – once the new fuels are proven, a global – or
                           a 2008 baseline) and reducing the indus-            ping’s CO2 emissions between 2030 and              at the very least a comprehensive regional -
                           try’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by             2050. If the full decarbonisation of ship-         supply infrastructure has to be put in place,
                           at least 50% by 2050 will be challenging for        ping by 2050 is the endgame, then the              and shipowners then have to make the all-
                           the sector to realise, and the bar may be set       investment required balloons to $1.9 trillion.     important decisions about fleet renewal and
                           even higher when the IMO revisits these ini-           Investors will need to have some very deep      the fuels those newbuildings will consume.
                           tial targets (set out in 2018) in 2023.             pockets indeed to meet this scale of financial        At present, shipyard activity is at an historic
                              Many industry stakeholders have voiced           commitment. There have already been some           low as a result of the devastating impact of the
                           their frustrations over what they see as a          proposals to bridge the ‘money gap’, such as a     Coronavirus pandemic on global trade and
                           reluctance by the UN body to be more pro-           $5 billion R&D fund put forward for discussion     national economies, and banks will no doubt
                           active and agile in taking a lead on shipping’s     at the IMO by a number of industry associa-        be cautious in lending to shipping during what
                           energy transition and, as shown by Europe’s         tions. However, progress on this at the recent     is expected to be a volatile and uncertain post-
                           Green Deal, there is a groundswell of opinion       meeting of MEPC 75 was not as substantive as       pandemic recovery period. Furthermore,
                           which is pushing for unilateral action on GHG       many had hoped for and the subject has been        many well-known banking names took the
                           reductions in shipping in order to get initia-      kicked down the road to be revisited in 2021.      decision to exit shipping finance altogether –
                           tives moving and – hopefully – encourage the           The European Commission has also                or at least reduce their exposure to it – after
                           IMO to step up the pace on global regulation.       called for the creation of an Ocean Fund to        the global economic crisis of 2008. Towards
                              Since the IMO delivered its initial GHG tar-     make shipping more efficient and reduce            the end of 2019, Petrofin Bank Research, in
                           gets, the discussion around the new marine          its carbon footprint, using revenue from           its annual survey, highlighted that over $44 bil-
                           fuels and propulsion technologies that will be      its proposed emissions trading system for          lion in finance for shipping had been removed
                           required to get shipping to low or zero emis-       shipping, which could come into effect as          from banks’ portfolios over the course of
                           sions has intensified. Technological inno-          early as 2022. Likewise, commodities giant         that year. At that point, the cumulative total
                           vation and cross-sector collaboration on            Trafigura has suggested the introduction           of the top 40 banks’ lending to shipping
                           research and development will be needed to          of a carbon levy of $250-$300 per tonne            was $300.7 billion – the lowest figure since
                           turn words into actions, but scale of invest-       of carbon dioxide equivalent on bunker             Petrofin began its review of the global ship-
                           ment that will be required to move ship-            fuels to make zero and low carbon fuels            ping portfolio at the tipping point of 2008.
                           ping to ‘zero’ cannot be underestimated.            more competitive with fossil-based fuels.             However, just as there are owners who
                              A study published at the start of 2020 by           While such market-based measures may go         are proving to be first movers in shipping’s

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shipping finance

energy transition, there are also banks             owners and equipment suppliers, the bank                                              being at a scale where you can say
who have already engaged in this discus-            also uses export credit financing instruments.                                        they are commercially viable,’ he says.
sion and who are increasingly willing to               According to Blum, conversations about                                                ‘How we look at this as a bank, then
extend loans for the construction of ships          how the bank can support cleaner shipping                                             the technology is not the main driver – it
running on alternative fuels or using pro-          have been underway for a number of years.                                             needs to be safe but the drivers are also
pulsion technologies, such as batteries.            ‘Since 2012, we have had a green shipping                                             the commercial aspects [of the tech-
   Frankfurt-headquartered KfW IPEX-Bank            working group inside the bank,’ he says. ‘We                                          nology] and the credit ratings behind it.’
is a case in point. The bank is responsi-           have tried to identify particular green ship-                                            There are also other factors that will inform
ble for Export and Project finance business         ping projects and also speak about this in                                            a bank’s appetite for risk, and obviously
within the KfW Group and has a focus on             conferences, [emphasising] that we want to                                            this will include who is asking for the loan.
transport and infrastructure, having regard         be part of this energy transition financing.’                                            ‘We have to look at who we are talk-
to environment and climate protection.                 He acknowledges that it has taken time for                                         ing to and what are the risks we are taking.
   In October this year, the bank signed a          momentum to grow on such projects, but he                                             For a big corporate with a big balance
€40 million loan agreement with the Grimaldi        says that IMO 2020 and growing regulatory                                             sheet, there is definitely a bit more “fire-
Group subsidiary, Finnlines, for the construc-      pressure on shipping to reduce its GHG emis-                                          power” to test different things – and that is
tion of a hybrid Ro-Ro vessel. The ship is          sions profile have moved the discussions along.                                       important to us,’ notes Sebastian Blum.
one of three to be built by China’s Nanjing                                                                                                  ‘The first movers have been the big com-
Jinling Shipyard, and the vessels are slated                                                                                              panies because they can take the biggest
for delivery in 2021-2022, when they will                                                                                                 risks,’ he says. He highlights the example of
operate on North and Baltic Sea routes.                                                                                                   LNG-fuelled vessels, where market growth ini-
   In addition to using lithium-ion batter-                                                                                               tially came with LNG retrofits for smaller con-
                                                                                                                                          tainership companies which were financially
ies which enable zero-emission operation
                                                                                                                                          supported through government subsidies.
whilst in port, the vessels also feature energy
                                                                                                                                          However, it was only when the ‘big hitters’, such
saving technologies such as air lubrica-
                                                                                                                                          as the cruise ship companies and container
tion systems and propeller-rudder systems.
                                                                                                                                          liners, entered the fray that the LNG bunkering
   Over a year before, in July 2019, Finland’s
                                                                                                                                          infrastructure became more widely available.
Tallink Group and KfW IPEX-Bank also
                                                                                                 Image © Gaby Gerster, KfW-Bankengruppe

                                                                                                                                             ‘This is something very basic, but it is impor-
signed a loan agreement to finance a
                                                                                                                                          tant for us to analyse, and we are also look-
new €247 million gas-powered fast ferry,
                                                                                                                                          ing for assurance on the risks involved in
MyStar, currently under construction at
                                                                                                                                          using the different technologies,’ says Blum.
the Rauma Marine Construction yard
                                                                                                                                             ‘It is also difficult for us to evaluate the new
and scheduled for delivery in late 2021.
                                                                                                                                          technology or the asset value of the new
   Staying with the LNG-fuelled vessel sector,
                                                                                                                                          vessel because there is not a real market
the bank has also structured the financing for
                                                                                                                                          for it, and that is why we need the protec-
three AIDA Cruises’ vessels: the AIDANova,              Sebastian Blum                                                                    tion of the balance sheet of the owner or
the AIDACosma, due for delivery in 2021,
                                                                                                                                          we can use export credit agency (ECA)
and a third cruise ship that will follow in 2023.
                                                                                                                                          cover for these kinds of financing structures.
   The bank has also provided loans towards
                                                       ‘We are in active discussions with ship-                                              ‘We need to assess what this asset
the financing of three of CMA CGM’s series
                                                    owners and also equipment suppliers and                                               will be worth in 8-10 years, and it’s diffi-
of nine 23,000 TEU containerships – the             they are now more interested. Two or three                                            cult to know whether the technology here
CMA CGM Jacques Saadé, CMA Champs                   years ago, we had the first movers but                                                is the winning one or whether at the end
Elysees and the CMA CGM Palais Royal.               now the others are following up and we                                                it doesn’t make the race – this is some-
   As Sebastian Blum, Director Maritime             are now in deep conversation with them.’                                              thing that we have to be very careful about.’
Industries, explains, KfW IPEX-Bank’s man-             Sebastian Fenk, Director of Maritime                                                  Gauging asset value may become easier
date is to support the German and European          Industries, agrees that some of the bank’s                                            to calculate when a second-hand market for
export industries. ‘We have been active for         shipping clients have been ‘ahead of the                                              alternative fuelled (principally LNG-fuelled)
more than 40 years in shipping – first supporting   curve’ in the energy transition and in terms of                                       vessels begins to take shape, but Fenk says
German shipyards and financing their exports        KfW IPEX-Bank’s approach to potential pro-                                            that it is little early in the day for such a market.
and then more and more projects where               jects, he notes that: ‘We will look at any kind                                          ‘They are just coming to the water now
German or European equipment producers              of technology that is feasible and that helps                                         but you can see that there is a future order
are supplying to vessels built in Asia,’ he says.   to reduce CO2 in maritime transportation.’                                            book so the uncertainty is less than before.
   In terms of vessel segment financing,               However, he highlights that some fuels,                                            The fact that the fleet is growing with some
the bank is ‘very strong’ in cruise, support-       such as LNG and LPG, are more advanced in                                             of the LNG-fuelled ships entering oper-
ing projects in European shipyards across           terms of technology and supply infrastructure.                                        ation is a good sign for us as a bank.’
Finland, German, Norway, France and                 Methanol-fuelled vessels and sectors such                                                While government and regional subsidies
Italy. Cruise ships account for over half of        as ferries which are adopting electric/hybrid                                         play a crucial role in nurturing innovation in
the bank’s shipping portfolio and the bal-          propulsion are also viewed as being recep-                                            alternative marine fuels and vessel technology
ance is distributed across other segments,          tive to more mature alternative technologies.                                         – often for many years – there comes a point
such as containerships, gas and oil tankers            H o w e v e r, f u e l s s u c h a s a m m o -                                     when a product or technology has to demon-
and Ro-Ro/RoPax ferries. In its lending to          nia and hydrogen are still ‘far away from                                             strate its commercial viability and ‘go it alone’.

34                                                                                                                       Bunkerspot December 2020/January 2021
shipping finance

    Blum agrees that as technologies mature            existing bank and ask for a top up of the exist-                                        GHG reduction strategy. Since then there have
and the sums begin to add up, then banks               ing finance to do the retrofit,’ Blum explains.                                         been more signatories to the Principles, and
will become less risk averse. ‘You can take the           ‘So what we are trying to develop is                                                 they currently represent over $150 billion in
German renewable energy transition as a good           a scheme where [an owner] might have                                                    loans to international shipping – more than
example,’ he suggests. ‘On the production              financing with several other banks but there                                            30% of the global shipping finance portfolio.
side, at some point in time the energy becomes         could be a solution where we wrap the ret-                                                 KfW IPEX-Bank was on the drafting com-
cheaper and more available and you then have           rofit financing within the ECA cover of the                                             mittee of the Principles and is also part of
the supply infrastructure; this is the way it goes     export agency where the equipment comes                                                 the Global Maritime Forum. Sebastian Fenk
and at the end the bank can take the risk.’            from, such as Germany or Norway,’ he said.                                              was involved at the drafting stage of the
    While LNG was promoted as a fuel to                                                                                                        Principles and is supportive of the initiative
achieve full compliance with the IMO’s 0.50%                                                                                                   which, he says, will go a long way to improv-
global sulphur cap, introduced at the start                                                                                                    ing transparency in the shipping sector’.
of 2020, the publication of the IMO’s initial                                                                                                     However, the bank has not yet signed
GHG targets certainly altered some industry                                                                                                    up to the Principles. Fenk explains that
stakeholders’ perception of the ‘clean’ cre-                                                                                                   KfW banking group (the parent company
dentials of the fuel in that it only goes some                                                                                                 of IPEX) is currently implementing a group
of the way to cutting CO2 emissions. LNG                                                                                                       wide sustainable finance strategy. ‘Once
has been labelled by some commentators                                                                                                         this has been agreed, we will evaluate how
as a ‘transitional’ or ‘bridging fuel’, although                                                                                               the Poseidon Principles fit in,’ he says.
LNG advocacy groups would point to the                                                                                                            He highlights the importance of getting
development of synthetic LNG or bioLNG                                                                                                         Asian investors and banks to sign up to the

                                                                                                      Image © Gaby Gerster, KfW-Bankengruppe
                                                                                                                                               growing number of sustainability initiatives and
as ways of further reducing its CO2 emis-
                                                                                                                                               he also emphasises that sustainability should
sions and giving it longevity as a marine fuel.
                                                                                                                                               be seen from a much broader perspective
    Sebastian Fenk takes issue with the LNG
                                                                                                                                               than CO2 emissions reduction, encompass-
naysayers. ‘I think we disagree that LNG
                                                                                                                                               ing other key areas such as ship recycling.
runs the risk of becoming a stranded asset.
                                                                                                                                                  Shipowners have some difficult and expen-
We are of the opinion that LNG has a pos-
                                                                                                                                               sive decisions ahead about fleet renewal in
itive effect on the CO2 issue in shipping.
                                                           Sebastian Fenk                                                                      the context of IMO 2030 and 2050 objec-
    ‘There are some issues if you talk about
                                                                                                                                               tives, and while those banks who are still in
methane slip – this needs to be controlled but it
                                                                                                                                               the business of shipping finance are work-
can be – and therefore I think [LNG] is needed
                                                                                                                                               ing out what their lending strategies will
and will play its part in the transition of the mar-
                                                                                                                                               be in the new era of alternative fuels, other
itime industry. Especially if you consider that
dual fuel engines can be adapted to synthetic
                                                        ‘I think we disagree                                                                   sources of funding may also be available.
                                                                                                                                                  Blum acknowledges that some key play-
environmentally friendlier fuels in the future ’        that LNG runs the                                                                      ers have left the shipping finance space and
    This is one of the reasons why looking
                                                                                                                                               he also points to the current very low vessel
ahead, KfW IPEX-Bank also sees opportu-                 risk of becoming a                                                                     order book during this period of uncer-
nities in the retrofit market. While newbuilds
                                                                                                                                               tainty and market volatility. Other inves-
can begin their lifecycles running on new               stranded asset. We                                                                     tors who have ‘a lot of liquidity and who
fuels, significant energy efficiencies can also
be achieved across the existing global fleet            are of the opinion that                                                                are hungry for clean assets’ could poten-
                                                                                                                                               tially enter the market, he suggests, while
through the installation of equipment such
as new optimised propellers or rotor sails.
                                                        LNG has a positive                                                                     some companies are issuing green bonds
                                                                                                                                               and those firms that are able to may go to
    The bank has made a foray into the ret-
rofit market once before. In 2014, when
                                                        effect on the CO2                                                                      the capital markets. ‘For the rest it is a broad
                                                                                                                                               spectrum of maybe debt funds,’ he says.
oil prices were high, it promoted a retro-              issue in shipping’                                                                        ‘Above all, the important thing is adher-
fit financing scheme to facilitate vessel effi-                                                                                                ence to the regulations, so you know
ciency and, thereby, pare back on expensive                                                                                                    what you are investing in and then
bunker costs. However, interest in retrofitting           ‘We then try to find a structure within the bal-                                     ever ybody can develop their plans.
waned following the massive oil price col-             ance sheet of the client where in some cases                                               ‘The dif ferent actors have to align
lapse in 2015, but Blum does think with new            we don’t need the assets or the mortgage as                                             and then decide – and then the dif-
IMO regulations, such as the vessel efficiency         a security. This is something that has worked                                           f e r e n t a c t o r s c a n t a k e a c t i o n .’
short-term measures agreed at November’s               quite well in the past, usually with a repay-
me eting of the Ma r ine Env ironme nt                 ment period of 3-5 years and that we are pro-
                                                                                                                                                   Sebastian Blum,
Protection Committee (MEPC 75), the ret-               posing to existing and new shipping clients.’                                               KfW IPEX-Bank
rofit market will become more buoyant.                    In June 2019, 11 major shipping banks
    However, this optimism comes with a caveat.        developed and launched the Poseidon
‘Normally, it is an older vessel to be retrofit-                                                                                                   Sebastian Fenk,
                                                       Principles, which require financial institu-
                                                                                                                                                   KfW IPEX-Bank
ted which already has financing attached to            tions to disclose the climate alignment of
it, so [the issue is] whether you can go to your       their shipping portfolios with the IMO’s 2050                                               Web:

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