Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

Page created by Melvin Rojas
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd
Issue 37 | July 2019

    BUZZ ...
         SERI AUSTIN

     tm continues to
     expand unifi to
     camellia residence

                                                                DYNASTY VIEW SDN BHD 644369-M
                                                                (A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of UMLAND)

      www.facebook.com/seriaustin   www.seriaustin.com                    dvsb@umland.com.my
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd
02       SERI AUSTIN BUZZ | VOLUME 37 | JULY 2019

Dynasty View Editorial Board
Advisor		 : Wong Kuen Kong
Editor          : Rosmawahidah Abdul Ghani
Committee : Tan Siew Peng
                  Mohd Kamarulzaman Abdul Malek
                  Joe Boey
                  Dennis Tan
                  Nur Akmal Khairul Anuar
Published by
Corporate Communications & Customer Care
Dynasty View Sdn Bhd
Seri Austin Gallery
Jalan Seri Austin 1, Taman Seri Austin, 81100, Johor Bahru
Tel             : (07) 354 1111
Fax             : (07) 351 3202
Email           : dvsb@umland.com.my
Facebook        : www.facebook.com/seriaustin
Website         : www.seriaustin.com
Designed by                     Printed by
IM Media PLT                    Avenue Printing Sdn Bhd
No. 51B, Jalan Impian Emas      No 7,9,11, Jalan Permas
5/1, Taman Impian Emas,         9/9, Taman Permas Jaya,
81300 Skudai, Johor             81100 Masai, Johor

     Owning a home is a necessity for shelter and
     comfort to most families and considered
     definition of personal success.

     Under the government’s Home Ownership

                                                             Bumiputera Sales Campaign,
     Campaign (HOC 2019), it took various
     measures to attract more buyers, especially
     the Bumiputera. In line with this golden
     opportunity, we too had our own campaign,
     “UM...More Umah! More than just a Home”.                Mass Signing for Camellia
     Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera buyers can                Residence & Raya Celebration
     look forward to more rebates throughout
     this promotion period, which will run until
     December 2019.
                                                             15 June 2019 - Seri Austin has successfully organised a Bumiputera
     Buyers will have the opportunity to enjoy
                                                             Sales Campaign, Mass Signing for Camellia Residence and Raya
     savings on stamp duty, 100% loan financing
                                                             Celebration at Seri Austin Gallery. The Bumiputera Sales Campaign
     (for eligible buyers), move-in cash, win prizes
                                                             was organised to boost the number of house ownerships in response
     worth RM100,000 or a luxury apartment
                                                             to the National Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) 2019 initiated by
     worth RM500,000.
                                                             the Government earlier this year.
     So, please refer the back cover of this
                                                             In support of the nationwide campaign, Seri Austin launched its first
     newsletter for ‘ready-to-move-in’ products
                                                             affordable residential apartment, Camellia Residence, which was 100%
     and visit our gallery or give us a call and we
                                                             sold out (including Bumiputera units) within 2 months of its launch
     will assist you to purchase your dream home
                                                             in February 2019. The event witnessed the mass signing of the Sales
     - free of charge with loads of incentives and
                                                             and Purchase Agreements of Camellia Residence with an expected

     huge savings!
                                                             completion date in 2022.

                                                             As part of the campaign, representative from Advocates and Solicitors
                                                             Tia & Noordin (Mr Chris Tia), Johor Housing Secretariat (En Mohamed
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

Haikal Raji) and Maybank (Mr
Desmond Cheah) were among
the three invited guest speakers
to talk about the incentives and
benefits offered under the special

Among guests of honour who
attended the event were YB Dato’
Haji Amran Bin A. Rahman (Datuk
Bandar MBJB), YB Tuan Haji Mazlan
Bin Bujang (ADUN Puteri Wangsa),
YB Tuan Steven Choong (Member
Of Parliament Tebrau) and YB Dato’
Haji Mohammed Ridha Abd. Kadir
(District Officer of Johor Bahru).

Entertainment for guests came
in form of traditional dance
performances, free Italian Coffee by
Aristo Coffee, free health screening
by KPJ Bandar Dato Onn and lucky
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

 TM Continues to Expand Unifi Coverage to Camellia Residence
 4 April 2019 - Seri Austin
 recently inked a new
 service agreement with
 Telekom Malaysia ( TM)
 for the provision of Unifi
 network infrastructure
 to Camellia Residence,
 further extending the
 collaboration between
 both companies.

 Under this collaboration,
 TM will be deploying and
 providing High Speed
 Broadband (HSBB) network
 infrastructure to the latest
 phase of Seri Austin
 residential development
 – Camellia Residence,
 an affordable residential
 apartment project – hence                 Tuan Mazlan Bujang, who was then          our first residents. We have to ensure
 enabling the owners and tenants of        the Johor Public Works, Infrastructure    that soon, all new development
 the units to enjoy unifi service upon     and Transport Committee Chairman,         projects should have the infrastructure
 moving in.                                witnessed the signing ceremony.           for internet access to facilitate the
                                                                                     adoption of digital lifestyle of our
 Azhar Omar, State Vice President of TM    “The unifi-point ready in each of         future communities. This is just part
 Johor signed the Service Agreement        apartment unit is another initiative by   of our ongoing commitment in adding
 on behalf of TM while KK Wong, Group      UMLand Seri Austin in ensuring the        value to the township as we prepare
 Director of UMLand Townships cum          township is ready and well connected      to hand over our first affordable
 Chief Executive Officer of Seri Austin,   with Malaysia’s preferred high speed      residential apartment in year 2022,”
 represented UMLand Seri Austin. YB        broadband service before we welcome       said KK Wong.

 Seri Austin at MAPEX 2019
 26 - 28 April 2019 - UMLand Seri Austin   The launching ceremony was                Campaign (HOC) 2019, which the
 participated in Malaysian Property Expo   officiated by YB Sr. Dzulkefly Ahmad,     Minister of Finance officially announced
 (MAPEX) 2019 Johor edition at KSL City,   Johor Housing, Communication and          in January 2019.
 Johor Bahru from 26 to 28 April 2019      Multimedia Committee Chairman
 along with other UMLand subsidiaries.     in support of the Home Ownership
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

 Seri Austin Special Mention at GAIA 2019
 2 May 2019 - Seri Austin received
 the Special Mention Award for Seri
 Austin Sales Gallery and Office
 (Building category) at Capri by
 Fraser, Johor Bahru in the effort
 of sustainably built environment
 at the 3rd Green Accord Initiative
 Award (GAIA).

 The award giving and networking
 session was officiated by YB Tan
 Cheng Choon, Local Government,
 Urban Wellbeing and Environment
 Committee Chairman. GAIA is an
 initiative by Iskandar Regional
 Development Authority (IRDA) to
 honour business organisations in
 Iskandar Malaysia that contributed
 to the green building design and
 green environment.
                                      From left : Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, Chief Executive of IRDA, KK Wong, Group Director of UMLand Townships cum CEO of Seri
                                      Austin, and YB Tan Cheng Choon, Local Government, Urban Wellbeing and Environment Committee Chairman

 Toast Box is Now Open in Seri Austin
                                                                                                                        19 April 2019 - Residents of
                                                                                                                        Seri Austin and surrounding
                                                                                                                        neighbourhood can now
                                                                                                                        enjoy authentic taste of
                                                                                                                        freshly brewed coffee and
                                                                                                                        other delectable delights at
                                                                                                                        the newly opened Toast Box
                                                                                                                        in Zircon Seri Austin.

                                                                                                                        Toast Box Seri Austin is a
                                                                                                                        reflection of the coffee shops
                                                                                                                        from the 60s and 70s, where
                                                                                                                        common breakfast was a
                                                                                                                        fragrant cup of Nanyang
                                                                                                                        Coffee accompanied by
                                                                                                                        freshly toasted bread. This
                                                                                                                        nostalgic concept lets our
                                                                                                                        younger ones experience the
                                                                                                                        feel and flavours of a bygone

                                                                                                                        Present on the opening day
                                                                                                                        was KK Wong (Group Director
                                                                                                                        of UMLand Townships cum
                                                                                                                        CEO of Seri Austin), Freddie
                                                                                                                        Lee (UML Lifestyle Sdn Bhd
                                                                                                                        Executive Director), business
                                                                                                                        associates and media
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

 UM…More Umah! Campaign at Seri Austin
 4 May 2019 - In response to the
 National Home Ownership Campaign
 (HOC) 2019 that the government
 initiated earlier this year, Seri Austin
 has successfully launched our very
 own initiative to encourage home
 ownership among the Bumiputera.

 The objective of the campaign among
 others is to target and to encourage
 Bumiputera to own homes built by
 UMLand Seri Austin.

 Hasan Bin Ali (Area Manager, Bank
 Simpanan Nasional), Hajah Siti Azizah
 Omar (Advocate & Solicitor, Lokman
 Hanida & Azizah) and Mohamed Haikal
 Raji (Johor Housing Secretariat) were
 among the three invited guest speakers
 to provide further information to those    The remaining Bumiputera lots available       In addition, present at the launching
 who are looking to buy a new home          in Seri Austin Township are D’Lagoon -        were Datuk Syed Ahmad Khalid Syed
 during this campaign. The highlights       luxury apartment and villa, Aster 2 - Semi-   Mohammed, UMLand Independent
 were the attractive packages and           Detached, and Zircon – 3 storey shop          Non-Executive Director and KK Wong,
 benefits for house purchases made          offices. The great deals and rebates will     Group Director of UMLand Townships
 during the period.                         continue until December 2019.                 cum CEO of Seri Austin.

 D’Lagoon – Living By The Lake

         D’Lagoon 3 Storey Terrace                   D’Lagoon Apartments                        Camellia Residence


         36%                                         50%                                        8%
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd
07      SERI AUSTIN BUZZ | VOLUME 37 | JULY 2019

                                            Events & Activities
                                                                Majlis Bacaan Yasin & Doa Selamat at Seri
                                                                Austin Gallery
                                                                26 April 2019 - Seri Austin has successfully organised
                                                                the “Majlis Bacaan Yasin & Doa Selamat” at Seri Austin
                                                                Gallery. The programme includes Yasin recital, Doa
                                                                Selamat and Solat Berjemaah led by Imam Bal Ikhwan
                                                                Bin Khairul Anwar, Imam 3 of Sultan Iskandar Mosque
                                                                in Bandar Dato’ Onn and attended by a number of staffs.

                                                                The programme was an annual activity organised to
                                                                enliven and prosper religious activities in the company.

     18 April 2019 - Handing over           28 Mar – 4 Apr 2019 UMLand Property    18 – 23 June 2019 - Roadshow @ JB
     Contribution to SK Taman Daya for      Roadshow @ Galleria Kotaraya           City Square
     Special Education Bowling Tournament

     12 – 14 April 2019 - Karnival Perumahan dan Hartanah     11 -19 May 2019 - Roadshow @ JB City Square
     Negeri Johor @ Angsana JB Mall

     Upcoming Events

               July 2019                            August 2019                           September 2019
     2 - 15 July 2019                        6 - 18 August 2019                       2 - 16 September 2019
     Roadshow @ JB City Square               Property Roadshow @ JB City              Property Roadshow @ JB City Square
     30 July - 4 August
     Property Fair 2019 @ AEON Tebrau        16 - 18 August 2019
                                             MyRumah Roadshow @ KOMTAR
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd

    SAVING ON        100% LOAN     MOVE-IN CASH   WIN PRIZES               WIN A LUXURY
   STAMP DUTY       FOR ELIGIBLE                   WORTH                   APARTMENT
                       BUYERS                     RM100,000                   WORTH

                                                         +607 354 1111
                                                                Seri Austin Gallery
                                                        Jalan Seri Austin 1, Taman Seri Austin
www umland com my                                            81100, Johor Bahru, Johor
Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd Expand unifi to camellia residence - tm continues to - Dynasty View Sdn Bhd
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