CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture

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CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
Overview of current Irish Agriculture, Actions
and Challenges

                 Jack Nolan, Specialist Farm Services, Environment & Evaluation
                                                   CAP Consultative Committee
                                                                 11th July 2019
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
Current CAP – 2 pillars
                                                                                        Pillar 1
                                                                                        Annual direct payments
                                                                                           Basic payment

                                                                                        Pillar II
                                                                                             Rural Development Programme (RDP)

                                                                                            Green Low-carbon Agri-environment
                                                                                              Scheme (GLAS, €1.3 bn)

                                                                                            Areas of Natural Constraint

                                                                                            Locally led and EIPs
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
Rural Development Programme (RDP)
                                     2014 – 2020                                             Total
        • European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)                                           €4 bn
           • Hen harrier and fresh water pearl mussel (€35 million)

                                                                                        €59 mn
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
Other beneficial measures
     • Farm buildings

     • Equipment

  Knowledge Transfer


An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
The challenge
        • Animal numbers
        • Fertiliser sales and trends
        • Greenhouse gas emissions
        • Ammonia emissions
        • Biodiversity
        • Water quality
        • Soil fertility
        • Collaboration

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
High Level Overview

All of Government Action Plan to
    Tackle Climate Disruption
    July 2019
    John Muldowney
    Climate Change and Bioenergy Policy Division
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting - Agriculture House Thursday 11th July 2019 - Department of Agriculture
Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
            Projections 2018-2040
 Total Emissions = 60.75 Mt
 Ag Emissions = 20.2 Mt
 Compliance = -5% to -6%
     Compared to -20%

         2030: 30% reduction on 2005 levels
                         Overall Gap to      ETS & LULUCF
                         Target              Flexibilities
 Low Oil prices          86-101 Mt CO2 eq    40-56 Mt CO2 eq

 High Oil Prices         52-67 Mt CO2 eq     7 -22 Mt CO2 eq

                   Emissions in 2030= 33 Mt CO2 eq
Governance of the Plan
        Oversight of Government                  Monitoring and Reporting

▪ New Climate Action Council – extended ▪ Monitored quarterly and updated
  functions to include advice on 5-year   annually
  Carbon budgets
                                        ▪ Climate Action Board within
▪ Oireachtas Climate Action Committee      ▪ Reporting to CC and Cabinet
                                              ▪ Published quarterly reports
▪ Carbon Proofing of Government Policy
                                            ▪ Just Transition Monitoring and
                                              Review Group
▪ Climate Action (Amendment) Bill             ▪ Reporting to Climate Action Board and
  ▪ a legal requirement                         publishing a rolling 3 –year Just
  ▪ Decarbonisation target range for each       Transition Strategy
  ▪ Establish the Climate Action Council
  ▪ Adoption of Carbon Budgets
Overview of the Climate Action Plan
 Citizen’s Assembly & Joint Oireachtas Report providing a solid foundation
  for development of this plan.
 Gap to target = 58.4 Mt CO2 eq (after LULUCF & NDP measures)
 A total of 183 Actions and associated sub-actions

       Key Sectoral Targets        Carbon Pricing & Cross-cutting Policies
 Electricity        50-55%         ▪ Carbon tax of €80 per tonne
                                   ▪ Mobilise 26.8mt CO2 credits from land
 Transport          45-50%           use
                                   ▪ Reform Public Spending Code to increase
                                     the shadow price of carbon
 Built              40-45%
 Environment                       ▪ Mobilisation of finance
                                   ▪ Capacity & Capability building in
                                     research and development
 Enterprise         10-15%

 Agriculture        10-15%
Marginal Abatement Economy-wide
Cost Curve
Targets for Agriculture
  2017 Provisional Emissions   2030 Projected Emissions      2030 Required Emissions
                                    based on NDP                Based on MACC
            20 Mt                        21 Mt                     17.5 – 19 Mt

 Equivalent to 16.5-18.5 MtCO2eq. cumulative abatement

 Achieve 26.8 Mt CO2eq. abatement through LULUCF actions over the period
  2021 to 2030, comprised of:
     an average of 8,000 ha per annum of newly planted forest, and sustainable forest
      management of existing forests (21 MtCO2eq. cumulative abatement)
     at least 40,000 ha per annum of reduced management intensity of grasslands on
      drained organic soils (4.4 MtCO2eq. cumulative abatement)
     better management of grasslands, tillage land and non-agricultural wetlands (1.4
      MtCO2eq. cumulative abatement)

 Set a target for the level of energy to be supplied by indigenous biomethane
  injection in 2030
What does this mean for Agriculture - Teagasc MACC

                                                                                                    1.    Improved Beef Maternal Traits

                                                                                                    2.    Beef Genetics: Optimised live-weight gain

                                                                                                    3.    Dairy EBI

                                                                                                    4.    Extended grazing

                                                                                                    5.    Nitrogen-use efficiency

                                                                                                    6.    Improved animal health

                                                                                                    7.    Sexed Semen

                                                                                                    8.    Inclusion of Clover in pasture swards

                                                                                                    9.    Fertiliser Type (Reducing N emissions)

                                                                                                    10.   Reduced crude protein in pigs

                                                                                                    11.   Draining wet mineral soils

                                                                                                    12.   Slurry amendments

                                                                                                    13.   Adding Fatty Acids to dairy diets

                                                                                                    14.   Low-emission slurry spreading*

                                                                                        * Double dividend as it also reduces ammonia emissions
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Resource Intensive Measures
 Bring forward proposals for the introduction of measures to
  implement the full suite of options as set out in the Teagasc MACC

 Develop advisory strategy on GHG reduction with core targets

 Review effectiveness of Teagasc options program which covers
  promotion of organics and farm income diversification options

 Commission a review of Teagasc MACC including updating

 JOC Recommendations

    NESC diversification forum June 2019
    AD strategy by end 2019
    CAC to review land use policy Q1 2020
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
CAP Reform Proposals

                          Ted Massey, EU Division
                       CAP Consultative Committee
                                     11th July 2019
9 Specific Objectives for CAP post-2020
                                                INCREASE                                    REBALANCE
                                         COMPETITIVENESS                                    POWER IN FOOD CHAIN

                                   ENSURE                                                            CLIMATE CHANGE
                           VIABLE INCOME                                                             ACTION

                                                                                   THE 9

                                                                                      CAP                  ENVIRONMENTAL

               RESPOND TO CITIZENS'
                   Body Level
               CONCERNS             One of
                                in terms
                                                                                                     & BIODIVERSITY
          FOOD Body& HEALTH LevelQUALITY
                      Body Level Three
                        Body Level Four                                                     SUPPORT
                           Body Level Five                  VIBRANT                         RENEWAL
                                                  RURAL AREAS
19 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Enhanced focus on environment
➢ Higher environmental ambition
➢ No backsliding
➢ Increased conditionality for all direct
➢ Pillar 1 eco-scheme
➢ Pillar 2 AECM
➢ Target 40% overall CAP on climate
➢ At Member State level target 30% of
  EAFRD on specific envi objectives
➢ Performance bonus if achieve 2025 envi
   20 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
➢ Increased SMR and GAEC’s

➢ Main proposed changes:
   ➢ GAEC 2:                                     Protection of wetland and peatland

   ➢ GAEC 5:                                     Nutrient management planning

   ➢ GAEC 8:                                     Crop rotation

   ➢ GAEC 10:                                    Protection of permanent grassland in Natura 2000 sites
 21 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
➢ Mandatory for Member State – voluntary for farmers
➢ List of agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the
  environment – animal welfare?
➢ Payment only for interventions going beyond SMR, GAEC and
  legislative requirements
➢ Must be consistent with Pillar 2 AECM
➢ Annual payment per Ha – annual scheme
➢ Funded within Pillar 1 – budget??

 22 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Pillar 2 AECM
➢ Mandatory for Member State – voluntary for farmers
➢ Payment only for interventions going beyond SMR, GAEC and legislative
➢ Interventions must differ from but be consistent with those supported by
➢ 5 - 7 year commitment - possibly longer
➢ Payment based on cost incurred and income foregone
➢ Participant must have access to knowledge and information required

 23 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
CAP Reform Proposals
Key Direct Payment Changes
➢ No more greening payment but increased environmental conditionality and
➢ Further Capping and Convergence
➢ Basic Income Support for Sustainability
➢ Redistributive scheme
➢ Young farmer scheme
➢ Coupled support reduced

 26 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
Basic Payment
Payment Entitlements Overview
                            Francis Morrin
                            11th July 2019
Basic Payment Scheme
             • Key support for farmers – basic income support
             • Decoupled payment
             • Successor to Single Farm Payment under the previous CAP
             • Funding ceiling available divided among different payment

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
National Ceiling
  •     Allocated in EU Reg 1307 of 2013
  •     BPS (including National Reserve)
  •     Greening
  •     Young Farmer’s Scheme
  •     Voluntary Coupled Support
      Year                                                                              Direct Payment Funding

      2005                                                                              €1,260,142,000.00
      2015                                                                              €1,215,003,000.00
      2019                                                                              €1,211,066,000.00

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Farming Population

     • 131,312 farmers who established payment entitlements in 2005
     • Same population tracked through 2015 and 2019
     • 86% (113,316) still held entitlements in 2015
     • 11,235 new farmers holding entitlements in 2015
     • Farming population is always changing

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Age range of 2005 farmers receiving support in 2015

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

             • Internal vs External Convergence
             • Redistribution of funds between farmers
             • Initial retention of the link to SPS entitlements
             • Incremental movement away from historic production links
                  and towards a narrower band closer to the national average
             • 3 convergence paths – increasing, static, decreasing
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Increasing Convergence Example

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Decreasing Convergence Example

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Convergence – County breakdown average entitlement

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Additional Mechanisms
             • Maximum unit value in 2019
                • Maximum payment per ha of €700 (€486 excl greening)
                • 721 farmers affected across all counties
             • Reduction of payments
                • 1307/2013 minimum of 5% above €150,000 – Ireland
                     capped at 100% above €150,000
             • Used to fund convergence/transfer to rural development
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Transfers of Entitlements

             • Not linked to land, but must be supported by land
             • Sale, Lease, Gift, Inheritance, Scission, Merger, Change
                  of Legal Entity, Change of Denomination
             • 60% are leases

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Transfers of Entitlements

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Transfers of Entitlements

      • 100% Leased Out
      • Small number of farmers who leased all Entitlements
      • 57% were individuals, 13% joint ventures, 30%
      • Even spread across age groups
          Lease End Date            No. of Leases of All Entitlements Held              Value of Leased Entitlements
          2019                                                                   541                       €2,491,539
          2020                                                                   824                       €3,916,758
          2021                                                                   571                       €2,595,134
          > 2021                                                              1,026                        €7,603,837
          Total                                                               2,962                       €16,607,268

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Transfers of Entitlements

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
National Reserve and Young Farmers Scheme

     • Funds Young Farmers and New Entrants to Farming
     • Permanent allocation of payment entitlements, or top-up to
          the value of entitlements
     • Approximately €212m distributed to these two groups in the
          years 2015-2018

An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

 • €6bn in funding dispersed to farmers 2015-2019 in direct payments
 • Incremental movement away from historic production base
 • Narrowing of payment band around the National Average
 • Transfers of Entitlements are popular among a cohort of farmers
 • Support for new/young farmers
 • Stability among farming population
An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara │ Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
CAP Post-2020 Consultative Committee Meeting

           Thursday   11th   July 2019
             Agriculture House
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