"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online

Page created by Lauren Patterson
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
February 27, 2022

 “Every tree is known
 by its own fruit”
                                                Eighth Sunday
                                              in Ordinary Time
2203 West Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403
336-274-6520 | olgchurch.org
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                                 February 27, 2022
                    PRAY FOR THE SICK                                         PRAY FOR THE BRAVE IN OUR MILITARY
   Brown, Jennifer Young   Marsicano, John         Stadler, Alice           Altman, Brad, Lt. Col. USAF      Morrison, Brittanye R USNavy
   Carothers, Mary Ann     Morrison, Janet         Todaro, George           Bailiff, J. Bryan, Lt.           Mulles, Elijah R., Seaman
   Elliffe, Jessica        Morrison, Richard       Voyatzis, Saverio        Colt, Samuel,1st.Lt, USArmy      O’Brien, Colin, 2nd Lt. USArmy
   Foster, Katie           Peck, Tiffany           Wade, Lisa               Davis, Jason, L. Cpl., USMC      O’Connell, Karley, Cadet, USArmy
   Garzon, Suzanne Carol   Rohan, Deacon Tim       Walton, Carol            Fitton, Giacomo, EA-3 USNavy     Petrangeli, Marie, Captain. Army
   Goldyn, Julie           Rhudy, Elly             Young, Rosemarie         Gayle, Matthew, Tech Sgt.        Schmid, Joshua Glen, Sgt.
   Grix, Arlene            Rupp, Jim               Young, Richard           Hostak, Andrew, Lt, USNavy       Sroka, Aleksei, SPC
   Kealey, Jack            Schiulaz, Anthony                                Henderson, Russel, MAJ           Solina, Desiree, Tech Sgt. USAF
   Lyle, Lura              Sechrest, Emily                                  Lancaster, R. Leland, Lt. Army   Solina, Jae, Tech Sgt. USAF
                                                                            McElhaney, Kyle, Capt. USAF      Thomas, Glen, Srcpo.

                              PARISH SUPPORT                                                MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                                Saturday      8:00 am   Patricia Shearer †
   February Offertory Budget:           February Offertory Actual*:          February 26     5:00 pm    Rev John McNeill †
        $113,013.00                          $59,539.71                                       7:00 am   Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace Parish
  February Grace Fund Budget:         February Grace Fund Actual*:                            9:00 am   Priests of Our Lady of Grace Parish
          $3,375.00                            $7,241.00                        Sunday
                                                                                             11:00 am   Patricia Gallagher
                                                                             February 27
                             * As of Feb 18                                                  1:00 pm    Thanksgiving by the Chinnisami Family
     The Grace Fund is used to make needed repairs to the church.
                   Thank you for your generosity.                                            5:00 pm    Nimrod Morel + Rosario Abreu †
                                                                                Monday        7:00 am   William Joseph Chapman †
PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD                                             February 28     12:15 pm   Steve Walton Family
Grocery delivery apps are all the rage these days, and I can’t deny                           7:00 am   Jonathan Taylor
the convenience of tapping your finger a few times and seeing                  March 1       12:15 pm   Charles L Scott †
your week’s shopping dropped on the doorstep. But there is one
aspect of this trend that seems to make a lot of shoppers nervous                             8:45 am   Aeda Laine Solina
— fruits and vegetables. A lot of us have strong opinions on our                             12:15 pm   Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace Parish
                                                                               March 2
fresh produce and aren’t ready to delegate this highly subjective                            6:00 pm    Honorah & Thomas Rohan †
selection process to a total stranger. My father was a produce man-
                                                                                Thursday      7:00 am   Marija Marin †
ager and I remember as a child learning about the complexities
                                                                               March 3       12:15 pm   Brother Leonard Konapka †
of choosing correctly. Getting a bad bag of under ripe tomatoes
after shopping on an app could easily sour one on the whole idea.                Friday       7:00 am   Mark Pupello
Forrest Gump said life is like a box of chocolates. I say, we’re all like      March 4       12:15 pm   Arthur Buddy Woerheide †
grab-bags of produce dumped on someone’s doorstep — but if
                                                                                Saturday     8:00 am    Msgr Edward Puleo
we’re Christians who live our faith publicly, we’re stamped with
                                                                               March 5       5:00 pm    Charles T McClure †
the name of God. If your thumb is green enough, you know that
you can tell a lot about a gardener from the produce he grows. We           THE SACRISTY
who are planted in the house of the Lord — what do we reveal                The Sacristy is a room in our church where sacred vessels and
about our Gardener? What do our actions show of His teachings?              vestments are kept and where the clergy prepares for Mass. If
What do our words reflect of His voice? What does our strength              you need to speak with a priest, please call the office and sched-
reveal of the soil from which we sprang and the life-giving waters          ule a time to meet in the PLC. Before and after Mass we ask that
                                                                            you respect their time needed for preparation and prayer.
that nourished us? When we open ourselves up to those we en-
counter, let’s make a special effort to show the care we have had           Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
— lest our peers come away from the experience thinking God                 2203 West Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403
doesn’t know how to garden, when in reality, it’s us who don’t al-          Phone: 336-274-6520          Email: olgchurch@olgchurch.org
ways know how to grow. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS                           Fax: 336-274-7326            www.olgchurch.org

2								                                                                                  		                 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                           February 27, 2022
 Office Hours:
 Mon.-Thurs, 8:30 AM-4PM; Fri. 8:30 –12 Noon
 Pastor: Father Casey A. Coleman
 Parochial Vicar: Father Joseph Wasswa                                       7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Men’s Holy Hour (Church)
 Deacons: Mark Mejías and Jack Yarbrough                                     8:00 pm
                                                                             7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Small Group 1 (PLC 5)
  MASS SCHEDULE:                                                   Mon.      8:00 pm
                                                                   Feb. 28   7:00 pm-
 Saturday      5:00 PM (English)                                             8:00 pm
                                                                                         Young Adult Holy Hour (Church)
                                                                             7:30 pm-
 Sunday 7:00 AM, (English)                                                   9:30 pm
                                                                                         Knights of Columbus Council Meeting (PLC 1, 2, 3)

 		9:00 (English)          11:00 AM (English)                                11:00 am-
                                                                                         Women’s Gospel Encounter Group (PLC 4)
                                                                             12:00 pm
 		               1:00 PM (Latin) 5PM (Spanish)
                                                                             7:00 pm-
 Daily		          M, T, Th, F. 7:00AM and 12:15 PM                 Tue.      8:00 pm
                                                                                         RCIA (PLC 1, 2, 3)
 		               Wednesday 8:45 AM and 6:00PM                     Mar. 1    7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Hispanic RCIA (PLC 5)
 		               Saturday 8:00 AM                                           8:00 pm
                                                                             7:00 pm-
 Holy Days        As Announced                                               8:00 pm
                                                                                         Small Group 3 (PLC 4)

 Reconciliation/Confession:                                                  7:00 am-
                                                                                         Ashes (Service-Church)
 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri:    6:15 AM - 6:45 AM                                 8:00 am
                                                                             8:45 am-
 			                       11:30 AM - 12PM                                   9:45 am
                                                                                         Ashes (School Mass-Church)
 Tues and Thurs: 5PM – 6PM                                                   11:00 am-
 Wed: 5 - 5:45PM Sat: 9 - 10AM                                                         Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church)
                                                                             12:00 pm
                                                                             12:15 pm-
 Recitation of the Rosary                                          Wed.
                                                                   Mar. 2     1:15 pm
                                                                                       Ashes (Mass/Latin-Church)
 Fridays after the 12:15 PM Mass in the church; Saturdays after              4:00 pm-
 the 8AM Mass, except on the First Saturday of the month                     5:00 pm
                                                                                         Ashes (Service-Church)
 when it is recited at 7:30 AM in the church before the 8AM                  6:00 pm-
                                                                                         Ashes (Mass/bilingual-Church)
 Mass.                                                                       7:00 pm
                                                                             7:00 pm-
 Eucharistic Adoration                                                       8:30 pm
                                                                                         Legion of Mary (PLC 4)
 1st Friday after the 7:00 AM Mass until 5:30 PM; Wednesdays                 7:00 pm-
 from 5PM to 6PM before 6PM Mass; Holy Hour of Reparation                                Confirmation preparation (English) (PLC 1, 2, 3)
                                                                             8:00 pm
 is on the third Friday of each month from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM      Thu.      7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Bible study (PLC 4)
                                                                   Mar. 3    8:00 pm
 OUR LADY OF GRACE SCHOOL                                                    7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Hispanic Bible study (PLC 5)
 Phone: 336-275-1522 • Fax: 336-279-8824                                     9:00 pm
                                                                             7:00 am-
 Email: olgschool@olgsch.org.                                      Sat.      8:00 am
                                                                                       Cursillo (PLC 4)
                                                                   Mar. 5     9:00 am-
                                                                                       Altar cleaning (Church)
                                                                             10:30 am
             After Hours Emergency Line:                                      8:00 am-

                                                                                       English faith formation (Cafeteria)
                                                                             12:00 pm
                                                                              8:00 am-
     (Please use this number only after regular business hours                         English faith formation (Gym)
                                                                             12:00 pm
           and in the case of a Sacramental Emergency.)
                                                                              8:00 am-
                                                                                       English faith formation (School)
                                                                             12:00 pm
                                                                             10:30 am-
                                                                                       Parent Catechesis (PLC 1, 2, 3)
                                                                             11:30 am
                                                                   Sun.      2:00 pm-
                                                                   Mar. 6                Spanish Adult Faith Formation (All)
                                                                             5:00 pm
                                                                             2:00 pm-
                                                                                         Spanish Adult Faith Formation (School)
                                                                             5:00 pm
                                                                             2:30 pm-
                                                                                         Hispanic RCIA (PLC 1, 2, 3)
                                                                             4:30 pm
                                                                             7:00 pm-
                                                                                         Lenten Mission (Church)
                                                                             8:00 pm
                                                                             8:00 pm-
                                                                                         Lenten Mission (PLC 1, 2, 3)
                                                                             9:00 pm

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                    				                                        			                            3
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                           February 27, 2022

                                         Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                              READING I: Sir 27:4-7
When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults when one speaks. As the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace,
so in tribulation is the test of the just. The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had; so too does one’s speech disclose the bent of one’s
mind. Praise no one before he speaks, for it is then that people are tested.

The Word of the Lord.

                                          RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16
                                           R (cf. 2a) Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.
                           It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High,
                          To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.
                                               R Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.
                         The just one shall flourish like the palm tree, like a cedar of Lebanon shall he grow.
                        They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
                                               R Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.
                                They shall bear fruit even in old age; vigorous and sturdy shall they be,
                                 Declaring how just is the LORD, my rock, in whom there is no wrong.
                                               R Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

                                                       READING II: 1 Cor 15:54-58
Brothers and sisters: When this which is corruptible clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with
immortality, then the word that is written shall come about: Death is swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory?Where, O
death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord,
knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

The Word of the Lord.
                                                         Alleluia: Phil 2:15d, 16a
                                                           R. Alleluia, alleluia.
                                    Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.
                                                           R. Alleluia, alleluia.
                                                       +GOSPEL: Lk 6:17, 20-26
Jesus told his disciples a parable, “Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the
teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not
perceive the wooden beam in your own? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,’ when
you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then
you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye. “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear
good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they gather grapes from
brambles. A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces
evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

4								                                                                             		                  Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                              February 27, 2022

                                        VIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                                       PRIMERA LECTURA: Sir 27, 5-8
Al agitar el cernidor, aparecen las basuras; en la discusión aparecen los defectos del hombre. En el horno se prueba la vasija del alfarero;
la prueba del hombre está en su razonamiento. El fruto muestra cómo ha sido el cultivo de un árbol; la palabra muestra la mentalidad del
hombre. Nunca alabes a nadie antes de que hable, porque ésa es la prueba del hombre.

Palabra de Dios.

                                                  SALMO RESPONSORIAL: Del Salmo 91
                                              R. (cf. 2a) ¡Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor!
                                     ¡Qué bueno es darte gracias, Dios altísimo, y celebrar tu nombre,
                                   pregonando tu amor cada mañana y tu fidelidad, todas las noches! R.
                                                  R. ¡Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor!
                                Los justos crecerán como las palmas, como los cedros en los altos montes;
                                   plantados en la casa del Señor, en medio de sus atrios darán flores. R.
                                                  R. ¡Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor!
                                   Seguirán dando fruto en su vejez, frondosos y lozanos como jóvenes,
                               para anunciar que en Dios, mi protector, ni maldad ni injusticia se conocen. R.
                                                  R. ¡Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor!

                                                     SEGUNDA LECTURA: 1 Cor 15, 54-58
Hermanos: Cuando nuestro ser corruptible y mortal se revista de incorruptibilidad e inmortalidad, entonces se cumplirá la palabra de la Es-
critura: La muerte ha sido aniquilada por la victoria. ¿Dónde está, muerte, tu victoria? ¿Dónde está, muerte, tu aguijón? El aguijón de la muerte
es el pecado y la fuerza del pecado es la ley. Gracias a Dios, que nos ha dado la victoria por nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Así pues, hermanos
míos muy amados, estén firmes y permanezcan constantes, trabajando siempre con fervor en la obra de Cristo, puesto que ustedes saben
que sus fatigas no quedarán sin recompensa por parte del Señor.

Palabra de Dios.
                                             Aclamación antes del Evangelio: Cfr Flp 2, 15. 16
                                                           R. Aleluya, aleluya.
                                       Iluminen al mundo con la luz del Evangelio reflejada en su vida.
                                                                R. Aleluya.

                                                          +EVANGELIO: Lc 6, 27-38
En aquel tiempo, Jesús propuso a sus discípulos este ejemplo: “¿Puede acaso un ciego guiar a otro ciego? ¿No caerán los dos en un hoyo?
El discípulo no es superior a su maestro; pero cuando termine su aprendizaje, será como su maestro. ¿Por qué ves la paja en el ojo de tu
hermano y no la viga que llevas en el tuyo? ¿Cómo te atreves a decirle a tu hermano: ‘Déjame quitarte la paja que llevas en el ojo’, si no
adviertes la viga que llevas en el tuyo? ¡Hipócrita! Saca primero la viga que llevas en tu ojo y entonces podrás ver, para sacar la paja del
ojo de tu hermano. No hay árbol bueno que produzca frutos malos, ni árbol malo que produzca frutos buenos. Cada árbol se conoce por
sus frutos. No se recogen higos de las zarzas, ni se cortan uvas de los espinos. El hombre bueno dice cosas buenas, porque el bien está en
su corazón, y el hombre malo dice cosas malas, porque el mal está en su corazón, pues la boca habla de lo que está lleno el corazón”.

Palabra del Señor.

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                         				                                      			                          5
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					             February 27, 2022

6								                                		   Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					   February 27, 2022

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"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                               February 27, 2022

                                                   LECTIO DIVINA GROUPS!
                                                   Great news! We have two Lectio Divina
                                                   Groups opening to all who wish to form a
                                                   deeper relationship with the Holy Trinity
                                                   through the Scriptures! Kathryn and Joe
                                                   lead Small Group 1 that meets every oth-
                                                   er Monday evening from 7 PM to 8 PM in
                                                   PLC Room 5 and Ray and Carol leading
                                                   Small Group 3 that meets every Tuesday
                                                   evening from 7 PM to 8 PM in PLC Room
                                                   4. Please don't miss this opportunity to
                                                   deepen your relationship with God by pray-
                                                   ing with Scripture! Please contact Steven
                                                   Orrell at smallgroupsolg@gmail.com or
                                                   (336)613-3991 for more information or to
                                                   sign up.

                                 FR. WASSWA’S UGANDA TRIP
                                 IN PICTURES!
                                 Take a virtual trip to Uganda on Thursday, March 10th with a
                                 presentation by Fr. Wasswa on his recent visit home to Ugan-
                                 da. He plans to share stories and photos. The slide show pre-
                                 sentation will begin at 7 pm in the OLG School library. All are
                                 welcome! Light refreshments will be served at 6:45 pm. Please
                                 enter through the school entrance on S. Chapman St.

8								                                   		                 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                             February 27, 2022

    Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano
PARA ESPAÑOL x340                                                   MINISTERIO DE LECTORES/RCIA-Hernán Sedda, 336-457-9954
                                                                    MINISTERIO DE HOSPITALIDAD-Olga Manzano, 848-237-7512
PÁRROCO                                                             MINISTERIO DE GRUPO JUVENIL-Amanda Mast, 336-274-6520
Padre Casey Coleman,                                                MINISTERIO DE BAUTISMO-Javier y Josefina, 336-681-0912, 336-
priests@olgchurch.org                                               549-5132
DIÁCONO—OLG                                                                                          MISA DIARIA:
                                                                          Lun, Mar, Mie, Vie: 7:00AM y 12:15 PM; Miércoles: 8:45AM y 6:00PM;
Diácono Mark Mejías                                                                                 Sábado: 8:00AM;
dcnmejias@olgchurch.org                                                                          MISAS FIN DE SEMANA:
336-274-6520                                                                                     Sábado: 5:00PM (Vigilia);
                                                                          Domingo: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM, 5:00PM (en español)
Nuria Duran                                                                   Lun, Mar, Jue, Vie: 6:15 AM - 6:45 AM y 11:30 AM - 12:00PM
336-457-6577                                                                                       Mar y Jue: 5PM – 6PM
                                                                                        Mie: 5:00 - 5:45PM / Sáb: 9:00 - 10:00AM
MINISTERIOS MATRIMONIALES/QUINCEAÑERAS                                                         Adoración/Bendición:
Jesús y Marina, 336-987-8884                                                                   Miércoles: 4:45 Misa 6PM

Recientemente, se nos ha comunicado que algunos feligreses han recibido correos electrónicos fraudulentos que se hacen pasar
por el Padre Coleman o el P. Wasswa, pidiendo dinero o tarjetas de regalo. Por favor, ELIMINE dichos correos electrónicos. Nuestros
sacerdotes NUNCA escribirán un correo electrónico pidiendo que se les envíe dinero. Verifique siempre la dirección de correo elec-
trónico del remitente... incluso si las direcciones de correo hacen que viniera de parte de alguno de nuestros sacerdotes, la dirección
de correo electrónico de quien escribe estos correos es falsa. Nunca envíe dinero o tarjetas de regalo en respuesta a uno de estos
correos electrónicos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a nuestra oficina para verificar la veracidad del correo electrónico que recibe.

Las aplicaciones para entrega de comestibles están de moda en
estos días, y no puedo negar la conveniencia de tocar con el dedo
varias veces y ver las compras de la semana en la puerta. Pero
hay un aspecto de esta tendencia que parece poner nerviosos a
muchos compradores: las frutas y verduras. Muchos de nosotros
tenemos opiniones firmes sobre nuestros productos frescos y no
estamos listos para delegar este proceso de selección altamente
subjetivo a un completo extraño. Mi padre era gerente de pro-
ducción y recuerdo que de niño aprendí sobre las complejidades      LA SACRISTÍA
de elegir correctamente. Conseguir una bolsa de tomates malos       La Sacristía es una sala en nuestra iglesia donde se guardan los
o poco maduros por comprar en una aplicación podría arruinar        vasos sagrados y las vestiduras y donde el clero se prepara para
fácilmente una buena compra. Forrest Gump decía que la vida         cada Misa. Si necesita hablar con un sacerdote, por favor llame
es como una caja de bombones. Yo pienso que todos somos             a la oficina y programe una cita para reunirse en el PLC (Centro
como bolsas de sorpresas con productos puestos en la puerta de      Parroquial). Antes y después de la Misa, le pedimos por favor que
alguien, pero siendo cristianos que vivimos nuestra fe pública-     respete el tiempo necesario que los sacerdotes necesitan para la
mente, venimos sellados con el nombre de Dios. Si usted conoce      preparación y la oración. ¡Muchas Gracias!
de jardinería, puede saber mucho de un jardinero simplemente
a través los productos que cultiva. Nosotros que estamos plan-
tados en la casa del Señor, ¿qué revelamos acerca de nuestro
Jardinero? ¿Qué muestran nuestras acciones de sus enseñanzas?                                         ”Estén firmes y permanezcan
¿Qué reflejan nuestras palabras de Su voz? ¿Qué revela nuestra                                        constantes, trabajando siempre
fuerza del suelo del que brotamos y de las aguas vivificantes                                         con fervor en la obra de
que nos nutrieron? Cuando nos abrimos a aquellos con los que                                          Cristo, puesto que ustedes saben
nos encontramos, hagamos un esfuerzo especial para mostrar el                                         que sus fatigas no quedarán sin
cuidado que hemos tenido, para que nuestros compañeros no se                                          recompensa por parte del Señor.”
alejen de la experiencia pensando que Dios no sabe cómo hacer                                         (1 Cor 15, 48)
un jardín, cuando en realidad somos nosotros los que no siem-
pre sabemos cómo crecer. —Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                      				                                       			                             9
"Every tree is known by its own fruit" - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                       February 27, 2022

                                           Alan Ames
                                   International Healing Ministry Presents
                                   A powerful healing service for
                                   those in need of healing - mentally,
                                   emotionally, spiritually and

                We are blessed to offer a life-changing,
         transformative evening of holy Mass, Exposition and
         Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, reconciliation
            and an extraordinary powerful healing service!

               ith the authority and written support from his Archbishop in Perth, Australia,
               Alan Ames travels globally with his gifts of healing. He shares his “Saul to
               Paul” story, which begins with his life in a motorcycle gang filled with
               violence and alcohol abuse immersed in sin against God. Alan accepted
forgiveness from Jesus and has been given an incomprehensible gift of grace for healing
by God! He now travels globally healing those with mental, physical, emotional, and
spiritual ailments. You are warmly invited to attend one of these healing services.
Join the thousands of documented healings from God, through Ames!
                                  For more information:
                   No registration; just come to the service you choose.

      St. Therese                      St. Mark                   Our Lady of Grace
    Catholic Church                 Catholic Church                Catholic Church
     217 Brawley School Rd.         14740 Stumptown Rd.              2203 West Market St.
     Mooresville, NC 28117          Huntersville, NC 28078          Greensboro, NC 27403
     www.sainttherese.net              stmarknc.org                    olgchurch.org

     Tues, March 15                  Wed, March 16                 Thurs, March 17
        6:30 pm                        6:30 pm                        6:30 pm

10								                                                   		         Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					   February 27, 2022

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Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					             February 27, 2022

12								                               		   Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                                                                  February 27, 2022
                                                                                        OLG WOMEN’S CLUB
                                                                                        MARCH MEETING
                                                                                        The Women’s Club will meet on Thurs-
                                                                                        day, March 10th at 6:30 pm in the OLG
                                                                                        School Library. We will begin with a brief
                                                                                        meeting and then attend Fr. Wasswa's
                                                                                        presentations on his recent trip home
                                                                                        to Uganda. New members are always
                                                                                        welcome or just stop by to learn about
                                                                                        one of our parish's earliest organizations.
                                                                                        Enter through the school entrance on S.
                                                                                        Chapman Street.
                                                                                        SACRED ART RETREAT:
                                                                                        POTTERY, PLAITING
                                                                                        AND POETRY.
                                                                                        Add something unique to your Lent and
                                                                                        come to this one-night sacred art re-
                                                                                        treat March 18-19 hosted by the Catholic
                                                                                        Conference Center in Hickory, NC. Make
                                                                                        your own kiln-fired prayer bowl with per-
                                                                                        sonalized prayer stones, rediscover the
                                                                                        healing art of poetry, and pray for God’s
                                                                                        watchfulness as you create your very
                                                                                        own “Eye of God”. Plus spend some time
                                                                                        reflecting in the beautiful spaces indoors
                                                                                        and outside. Attendance is limited so
                                                                                        register early. Call 828.327.7441, email
                                                                                        info@catholicconferrence.org, or visit
                                                                VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY
                                                                Are you recently retired, working remotely, or simply just want-
                                                                ing to volunteer somewhere? Why not think about St. Francis
                                                                Springs Prayer Center. We are looking for both women and men
                                                                to volunteer. You may volunteer as many hours are you wish. Let
                                                                me give you an example of what one of our volunteer time frames
                                                                are; some volunteers come one day per month, arriving around
                                                                9:30 am, they are fed an amazing home-cooked lunch and are
                                                                normally done with their “job” by 1:30 pm. Please consider volun-
                                                                teering with us. Any questions regarding this, please feel free to
                                                                reach out to Tatum Elliott our Volunteer Coordinator at 336-573-
                                                                3751 or email info@stfrancissprings.com.
                                                                FROM THE OLG WEEKLY GREENSBORO
                                                                URBAN MINISTRY COLLECTION
                                                                   “Thank you to you wonderful parishioners, school families, and
BIBLE STUDY CLASS                                                  visitors for your ongoing donations of food and money ( over
Join our Bible study, Divina Institutione Formati: Formed by Di- 500 lbs and $60.00 the past couple weeks). Every can and pen-
vine Teaching every other Thursday night from 7:00pm to ny count. Thank you for sharing your hard-earned gifts from God.
8:00pm on the second floor of the Parish Life Center. This study You are God's hands.”
is open to any adult who wants to come-parish and family
members, and friends included, even non-Catholic friends! We
will begin studying First Corinthians using the Ignatius Study
Bible (RSV2CE). The study will focus on exegesis of Scripture fol-
lowing apostolic tradition, and will include other readings from
the church fathers and saints. So grab your Bible and come to
the next meeting! For more information, please contact Aman-
da Mast at 336-274-6520, ext. 335. We meet on the following
dates: March 3rd and 17th.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                 				                                  			                      13
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church					                      February 27, 2022

    Knights of Columbus
                       Piedmont Council 939

        Annual Lenten Fish Fry!
                           March 11, 2022
             Our Lady of Grace Catholic School Cafeteria
                           4:00 – 7:00 PM

       Fried Fish, Hush Puppies, Baked Potato,
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 Adult Plate: $10.00             Child Plate: $5.00
                Dine-in or Take Out!

 Reservations at Sign Up Genius:
  OR: K of C Members will have tickets available after Mass services!

14								                                  		         Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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          336-272-5157                                                                                                                                                   North Elm Chapel
                                                                                                                                                                       Vanstory Street Chapel
                                                                                                                                                                         Sedgefield Chapel

                                                                                                                                         Who will…fix that deck, paint that wall, cut
                                                                                                                                         down those weeds, mend that fence, stop
                                                                                                                                       that leak, straighten that post, haul away that
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                                                                                                                                          clean those gutters, tear up that carpet?
                                                                                                                                         “Joe Will Do It!”
                                                                                                                                         Handyman Ser vices
                                                                                                                                       Joseph Kunihira, Parishioner
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                                                                                                                                       Ste. 303 GSO, NC 27408

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