EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA

Page created by Catherine Cummings
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
EPR: una “network of Practice”
 Linee di lavoro
      riabilitazione medica (medical rehabilitation);
      formazione (vocational education and training);
      assistenza e domiciliarità (social care and housing);
      interventi occupazionali (work and employment integration).

 Temi trasversali
      qualità dei servizi (quality);
      efficacia degli interventi (outcome measurement);
      impatto sulla qualità di vita degli utenti (empowerment and quality of life);
      tecnologie assistive e informatiche (ITC and assistive technologies);
      sviluppo professionale (professional development);
      solidità organizzativa (organizational performance).
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
… dal sito www.epr.eu
 Our Vision
     A society where every person can co‐create quality services that bring about equal
      opportunities for all, social inclusion and quality of life.

 Our Mission
     To build the capacity of our members to provide sustainable, high quality services in a
      competitive environment through mutual learning and training.

 Our Activities
     EPR activities go beyond traditional mutual learning exchanges. Professionals from EPR
      members gather to benchmark and analyse effectiveness in service provision; improving
      quality of services and quality of life for clients, as well as positively impacting their daily work
      experience. EPR members co‐create and pilot innovative products, tools and methods to better
      meet the needs of clients, employers and funders.

 Our strategic priorities for 2018‐2021
       EPR provides and facilitates valuable learning and development opportunities for members
       EPR equips members to address trends impacting service delivery
       EPR network of innovative organization grows
       EPR contributes to policy discussions based on members’ expertise
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
Struttura EPR

 9 Full Members
    Quota associativa annuale 15.000 €
 17 Associate Members
    Quota associativa annuale 6.500 €
 Segreteria EPR a Bruxelles
    staff 8 persone
 Organi
    Presidente, Assemblea Generale, Board, Centre coordinators
    Sistema Accreditamento Qualità dei Servizi
 Bilancio annuo
    Budget 2018: entrate 1.182.227 €, uscite 1.176.925 €
    Di cui EQUASS: entrate 744.075 €, uscite 567.185 €
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
Perché partecipare …

 Benchmarking internazionale
 Mutual learning (accelerazione idee innovative)
 Posizionamento (qualità, prestigio..)
 Opportunità di partnership (progetti, accesso a fondi…)
 Possibilità di incidere sulle politiche

 La Fondazione Don Gnocchi è Associate Member dal 1.1.2016
    Operativamente partecipa con una “Task force” costituita da un comitato
     di lavoro interno (ca 15 persone) , un centre coordinator e un referente per
     il Gruppo di Lavoro Riabilitazione Medica
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
EPR ‐ Principali attività 2017
   First Centre Coordinators meeting (Brussels 13‐14 Feb)
   General Assembly (Mulhouse 7 Giu)
   Workshop on Medical Rehabilitation and Study Visit (Mulhouse 7 Giu)
   Annual Conference (Mulhouse 8‐9 Giu)
   Innovation Prize
   Strategic Workshop for Directors (Milano 28‐29 Set)
   General Assembly (Milano 29 Set)
   Benchlearning workshop on person‐centred planning (Oslo, 3 Ott)
   National awareness raising event on employment (Ljubljana, 13 Ott)
   Medical Rehabilitation Working Group (webconference, 21 Ott)
   Training seminar on EU funding opportunities (Brussels, 15‐16 Nov )
   Public Affairs event on quality, rights and ethics (Brussels, 16 Nov)
   Second Centre Coordinators meeting, Board of Directors and General Assembly (Brussels 17 Nov)
   Workshop on partnership with Employers (Cologne, 27‐28 Nov)
   Benchlearning workshop on supporting mainstream VET (Nijmegen, 12 Dic)

 Upgrade del sistema qualità EQUASS
 Study “Long‐term care services for old people with disability“
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
2017 EPR Annual Conference
 21° century skills and beyond: understanding the
    future today to meet tomorrow’s challenges
Le capacità professionali del 21° secolo: capire oggi il
      futuro per affrontare le sfide del domani
                Mulhouse 8‐9 June 2017
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
EPR: una "network of Practice" - SIVA
2017 EPR Strategic Workshop for Directors
 Fit for the future – co‐creating the EPR of tomorrow
 Preparati al futuro – creare assieme l’EPR di domani
    28‐29 Settembre 2017, IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano

 Adopt a common understanding of EPR’s mission and vision
  starting from feedback already received.
 Identify where changes/improvements are needed to reach
  the mission and vision, relating to: 1) types of activity, working
  methods, governance, external expertise; 2) the secretariat
 Develop solutions/ideas of concrete actions to take to make
  these changes and a roadmap/strategy for further change.
 For participants to gain a personal relevant learning
  experience; tools/methodologies that they can use or
  implement in their own organisations.
EPR ‐ calendario 2018
   General Assembly (Leuven 22 Feb)
   First Centre Coordinators meeting (Leuven 23 Feb)
   Innovation Prize (submission 5 Mag)
   General Assembly (Utrecht 19 Set)
   Workshop on Medical Rehabilitation (Utrecht 19 Set)
   Annual Conference (Utrecht 20‐21 Set)
      Titolo provvisorio: Thriving in fast‐changing societies: creating future‐oriented services for
 ...
 Eventi bilaterali
      Visita ns Presidente al CRM di Mulhouse
      …
Attività in programmazione 2018
                                                                         MEDICAL REHABILITATION
                                                                           Being defined
     Mutual learning: Building partnerships with employers
     Training workshop at AC: tools to empower jobseekers               MENTAL HEALTH
     Webinar: job carving/customised employment                           Mutual learning
     Guidance: job carving/customised employment
     Toolkit: partnerships with employers                               QUALITY
     Study: employment of people with dis. through social                 Training for Communities of Practice( CoP)
     Public Affairs event: employment through social enterprise         COMMUNICATIONS
     National awareness event, Austria                                    Website, Newsletters, Knowledge hub, E‐bulletins
     Analytical Paper
     Communications Campaign: Employment of People with Dis‐            EU POLICY AND FUNDING
                                                                           Funding support service
   VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING                                      Ttraining seminar on EU Funding Opportunities
     Mutual learning: supporting transitions from education and           Discussions on EU policy
      training to the labour market and society
     Mutual learning: exchange on training in digital                   ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                           Workshop for Directors
     Webinar: work‐based training
                                                                           Workshop on Exchange on public procurement
     Workshop: supporting constructive behaviour in education
     National awareness raising event; France
                                                                         CROSS‐CUTTING ACTIVITES
                                                                                Centre Coordinators meetings
                                                                                General Assemblies
     Mutual learning: TBC
                                                                                EPR Award/Prize and gathering of good practices
     Service Impacts on Quality of Life (SIQOL) benchmarking group
                                                                                Development of new membership packages
     E‐Learning module: Quality of Life (QoL)
                                                                                Research: effective public policy support for employmers
     Webinar: Exchange of good practices (focus on ICT)
                                                                                Compendium of good practices
     National awareness raising event
Strategia della FDG per la partecipazione all’EPR
 …L'obiettivo è quello di disegnare una modalità efficiente di partecipazione alle attività EPR, da
cui la Fondazione possa trarre il massimo beneficio (in termini di confronto, benchmarching, idee
innovative, collaborazione su temi specifici) e attraverso la quale la Fondazione possa contribuire
              sulla scena europea portando le proprie idee e la propria esperienza…

 Temi prioritari di collaborazione
        Medical Rehabilitation
        Vocational Rehabilitation
        Social Care and Housing
        Sviluppo organizzativo e sostenibilità
        Formazione dei professionisti
        Sviluppo delle politiche
 Metodologia
      Centre coordinator: tiene i collegamenti, “cucisce” i contatti e coordina
       operativamente la partecipazione
      Per ogni tema, gruppo di lavoro interno dei “massimi esperti”, con un
       referente che agisce da “portavoce”
      Partecipazione di dirigenti apicali allo “Strategic Workshop for Directors”
EPR Working Group
Medical Rehabilitation
     Up to date

      M. Ramella
 Condivisione esperienze
    Visite di studio
    Condivisione protocolli
 PROJECT 1 (Cadute)
    Raccolta dei dati relativi ai servizi offerti dalle diverse strutture
    Sintesi dei dati e condivisione
    Identificazione di progetti per recupero fondi

 PROJECT 2 (Stroke)
    Online survey
    Sintesi dei dati raccolti presentati alla Conferenza annuale (Mulhouse,
     F) nel Giugno 2017
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