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Page created by Kimberly Mason
Envelope included for your weekly giving Envelope.
Celebrated annually on 17th February, National Random Acts Of Kindness Day is observed in the US to
encourage and engage in kindness gestures today and everyday. In a world where you could be anything, being
kind can transform lives. Buckle up to be kind as you explore the importance of this celebration.
You can download a app called 432 Be Kind which adds kindness to your life every single day, with simple
little reminders.

          Envelope included for your weekly giving Envelope.

                                                                                 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

                                                Email: rumc@rucls.net
                                                Phone: 608-524-3913
                                                Reedsburg, WI 53959
                                                833 Third Street
                                                Re e d s bu r g U n i t e d M e t h o d i st C h u r c h
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2                                                                THE U.M.C. NEWS

         CALENDAR FOR February 2022
       DATE       TIME                          EVENT
February 2    5:15 PM    CHIME CHOIR PRACTICE
              6:00 PM    CHOIR REHEARSAL

              1PM        OACIÓN WORSHIP SERVICE
              3:30PM     WORSHIP ON REEDSBURG TV STATION 11.1

February 9    5:15 PM    CHIME CHOIR
              6:00 PM    CHOIR REHEARSAL

              1PM        OACIÓN WORSHIP SERVICE
              3:30PM     WORSHIP ON REEDSBURG TV STATION 11.1
February 15   9:00 AM    NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE


February 16   5:15 PM    CHIME CHOIR
              6:00 PM    CHOIR REHEARSAL

              1PM        OACIÓN WORSHIP SERVICE
              3:30PM     WORSHIP ON REEDSBURG TV STATION 11.1

February 23   5:15 PM    CHIME CHOIR
              6:00 PM    CHOIR REHEARSAL

              1PM        OACIÓN WORSHIP SERVICE
              3:30PM     WORSHIP ON REEDSBURG TV STATION 11.1
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THE U.M.C. NEWS                                                                                                                                    1

                                                                                                                              F EBR U AR Y 2 022

          Open hearts.
          Open minds.
          Open doors.                                           No matter what we do, life happens, and it can make us, but it does not have to
                                                                break us, when we discover the wellspring of joy. January 30-February 20 we are
                                                                exploring Joy:
                                                                      ● What it is and how we get it.
                                                                      ● It helps us through troubling times
                                                                      ● Understand it’s contagious qualities
                                                                      ● The gift of giving
                                            The U.M. C. N ews

                                                                You may attend these worship services Sundays: live and in person at 833 3rd
                                                                Street, here in Reedsburg, AND online at both Facebook Premier, and YouTube
                                                                at 9:00 am CT or later AND Reedsburg TV Station channel 11.1 at 3:30 pm. If
                                                                you do not have access to any of these worship platforms, you may request a hard
                                                                copy of the sermon manuscript by calling the church office at 608-524-3913. A
                                                                downloadable manuscript is also available from our website reedsburgunitedmeth-

                                                                As always, invite someone to join you in worship by any of these methods.

                                                                                               When Mourning Dawns
                                                                                               Grief Support Program
                                                                                               Walking together through grief and loss.
                                                                                               This is a 5-week grief support program allows you
                                                                                               to identify the seasons of your grief and assists you
                                                                                               in your grief walk. This program is free and is
                                                                                               open to the community.
                                                                                               Wednesdays– February 23 and March 2, 9, 16, 23
                                                                                               Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                               Location: Mind Body Harmony
                                                                                               E6881A N. Dewey Ave, Reedsburg

                                                                                               *Please contact Tammy Koenecke, BSN, MASL,
                                                                                               Personal Health Consultant at 608-963-1312
                                                                                               For more information or to sign up for the 5-week
                                                                                               session. Pre-registration is NOT required
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2                                                                                           THE U.M.C. NEWS

          March Newsletter DEADLINE — February 15th
                                                                                  Mission Statement:
                 608-524-3913 • rumc@rucls.net
                                                                                   “To build a Christian
                                                                                  community where we
                                                                                     become deeply
                                                                                 committed followers of
                         Worship with Us!                                         our Lord Jesus Christ
                                                                                 who know God with our
                       Attendance Guidelines                                    heads, love God with our
                                                                                  hearts and serve God
                                                                                     with our hands.”
                                                                                      Our Vision:
    ● If you are sick, PLEASE attend worship at home.                            “As disciples of Jesus
    ● Following the guidance of the CDC, RUMC recommends people                     Christ we will be
      wear masks during indoor events such as worship. However, as of            transformed by Him to
      September 15th it is still optional.                                         change lives within
    ● We will continue to provide ample hand sanitizer so you may                our church, community
      maintain good hygienic practices for the health of yourself and those            and world.”
    ● We are taking attendance through the use of connection cards that
      may be deposited in the offering baskets that are stationed at both
      doors leading into the sanctuary.
    ● While we have lifted the need for social distancing, we do ask that
      you respect other people’s boundaries, regarding distance/hugs/
      handshakes. Please do not be offended by and please do not shame
      those who choose to continue some of the guidelines they have
      practiced over the last 12+ months.
                                                                                    To help with
                                                                                  please contact:
The Reedsburg Food Pantry has expressed their thanks for all the food that is    The church office
being collected along with any monetary amounts given.                                  @
                                                                                    Kay Daley
                In Loving Memory and Remembrance                                        @
                Please keep the family of Marlene Tourdot in your prayers,
                May she have eternal rest granted unto her, O Lord, and let
                perpetual light shine upon her.
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THE U.M.C. NEWS                                                                                                 3

                                                   A Message From Pastor Vicki

                              We are entering the time of
      PASTOR VICKI            year, when traditionally, we
      BRANTMEYER              here in Wisconsin wait with
    PASTOR PROCOPIO           bated breath to see if Jimmy
       ARELLANO               the Groundhog, out of Sun
    Office: 608-524-3913      Prairie, will see his shadow.
  Parsonage: 608-524-4485     Many of us are done with
       833 Third Street       the long nights, the ice, the
    Reedsburg, WI 53959       snow, the subzero
  ————————————                windchills, and we are ready
       Laurie Osborn          for spring. This is the time
      Christian Education     of year I like to start up my favorite     find a new normal that will be more
         Coordinator          movie of this season, which is, to my      palatable for them but in the
      rumcdce@rucls.net       knowledge, the only movie of this          meantime, “build houses and settle
                              season, Groundhog Day.                     down, plant gardens and eat what they
    Michelle Siedschlag                                                  produce. Marry and have sons and
                                       The movie’s main character is
      Youth Coordinator                                                  daughters; …multiply there, and do
                              Phil Connors, played by Bill Murray, a
                              weather anchor who begrudgingly goes       not decrease. But seek the welfare of
      ANGELA      MILLER      to Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania, where        the city… pray to the Lord on its
   Administrative Assistant   the nations oldest groundhog festival is   behalf, for in its welfare you will find
      rumc@rucls.net          held. After settling the night in a bed    your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29: 7-9)
       SHELBY     LANGE       and breakfast, he awakes to the alarm              I believe the essence of this
          Treasurer           clock radio announcing the big day.        message given to the Israelites is the
   rumctreasurer@rucls.net    Long story short he ends up getting        same message for us as a church; we
       JUDY MARTIN            stuck in Punxsutawny another night         are to bloom where we are planted. As
    Financial Secretary       only to discover the next morning, he is   much as has changed over the last 687
  ————————————                reliving the same Groundhog Day, day       days, two things remain the same.
  2022 SERVANT                after day, after day, after day.           First, God is still God with us helping
LEADERSHIP BOARD                       I don’t know how many             us to not only survive, but to thrive as
                              Groundhog Days Phil Connors                a community of faith. Secondly, we are
           Chair:                                                        not to wait for perfect circumstances
                              experienced in the movie, internet
        Sandy Gorsuch                                                    to do the work of fulfilling our mission
                              guesses range from 3,650 to 12,395
                              days. I don’t know about you, but some     of making disciples of Jesus Christ for
    Finance Co Chairs:
                              days I feel like we have been              the transformation of the world.
  Curt Larson & Pat Jaquish                                                      Our vision for making that
                              experiencing 687 of our own
           Secretary:         Groundhog days. March 15, 2020, we         happen is knowing God with our
          Judy Martin         all thought this pandemic thing would      heads, loving God with our hearts,
                              blow over in a couple of weeks, and        serving God with our hands. It is all
 Staff Relations Co-Chairs:                                              about growing in our faith, loving our
                              here we are daily COVID updates,
      Brad Anderson &                                                    neighbor and expressing that love
                              social distancing, masks, vaccinations
         Linda Bruun                                                     through service. No doubt the
                              and boosters are still part of the
                              protocol. When are we going to get         pandemic has forced many of us to live
       Trustees Chair:
                              back to normal… or at least, when are      differently, that doesn’t mean we stop
        Steve Lozeau
                              we going to get to a new normal that       growing, loving, and serving, it means
     Lay Rep to Annual        doesn’t look like this?                    we find new ways of fulfilling that
        Conference:                    As I pondered this thought, a     vision, that can impact this world in a
       Kathy Jennings                                                    positive way.
                              scripture came to mind of a people who
                              did not like their present normal. It is           NOTE: There is a workshop in
     Members at Large:
                              found in the book of Jeremiah, in a        Madison on how the church can
     Mary Beth Shear &
                              letter to the Babylonian exiles. Here      maneuver through the pandemic. See
       Donna Douglas
                              God promises that they will one day        page 6 for details.
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4                                                                                                       THE U.M.C. NEWS

                                                              Consecration Sunday Is Coming
                                                             Congregations that approach financial stewardship
                                                             from a biblical perspective do not view the money
                                                             Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay
                                                             its bills. Rather, such congregations see Financial
                                                             contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually
                                                             in their relationship with God by supporting their
                                                             church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of
                                                             their incomes.
                                                             Our congregation’s finance committee has selected the
                                                             New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to
                                                             teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous
                                                             giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year.
                                                             New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical
                                                             philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or
                                                             her own spiritual development, rather than on the
                                                             need of the church to receive. Instead of treating
                                                             people like members of a social club who should pay
                                                             dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ
who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward
proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me
to give?”
        ●During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and members to
        make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries
        in this community and around the world.
        ●Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by
        attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly
        opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal
        embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card.
    We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader will
conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a
confidential act of worship.
    We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and
governing board members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will
make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events.

Servant Leader Board Chair Person,
Sandy Gorsuch

                    Gentle Chair Yoga Continues!
Ready to increase your strength, flexibility and balance with yoga? Join Judy
Martin, Certified Yoga Instructor, for a class suitable for everyone. The class
meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 noon to 12:30 pm. All classes will
be held in the Reedsburg United Methodist Church parlor. New participants are
welcome at anytime. **Please note NO YOGA on February 22nd or 24th.

                 ****For more information, call Judy at 524-3098.
                  ****Masks are recommended but not required.
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THE U.M.C. NEWS                                                                                                   5

     ● We have several worship options on Sundays: live worship in the church sanctuary at 9:00 am,
       Facebook premier (https://www.facebook.com/reedsburgumc/) at 9:00 with a host/ess to greet
       attendees, YouTube        (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm55c9m0Q6Uf_F1QKhMMGDw )
       anytime after 9:00 am and Reedsburg station 11.1 at 3:30 pm. As always, the sermon manuscript is
       available electronically on our website (http://www.reedsburgunitedmethodistchurch.org ) or call the
       church during office hours (9-12 Monday-Thursday at 608 524-3913) to have a hard copy mailed to
     ● April 30 the Wisconsin Annual Conference is hosting a workshop to help churches develop a strategy
       for maneuvering through the pandemic. See page 6 for details.
     ● We continue receiving all non-perishable food items in the shopping cart inside the church building
       and the bins outside the 3rd Street entrance to the church. However, as temperatures dip below
       freezing, be mindful of things that may not be able to handle freezing temperatures.
     ● Pastor Vicki is available for those comfortable with a visit and serve communion to you directly. Just
       give her a call at 608-289-9739 to set up a date and time.
     ● Viking Village Foods offers the church a rebate for any receipts turned in to their store. If you shop
       at Viking Village you are encouraged to drop your receipt at the donation box located at the 3 rd Street
       entrance of the church at any time. They may also be deposited with your monetary gifts deposited in
       the offering baskets during live worship.
     ● Another simple way of contributing to the church is through the Smiles program on Amazon. Simply
       log in to smile.amazon.com and choose Reedsburg United Methodist Church. Then whenever you
       shop amazon make sure your shopping is done through Amazon Smile, and a portion of the retail
       will be sent to RUMC.
     ● Other ways of giving: mailing/dropping it off 833 3rd Street, Reedsburg, Wisconsin 53959 (or at the
       entrance or exit of worship)—going to our website, reedsburgunitedmethodistchurch.org and click on
       the donate button—text your gift at 855-963-3691.
     ● Two ways of finding prayer support: text message Pastor Vicki directly to the new prayer text
       number: 608-289-9739. You may also email your prayer to a prayer angel at rumprayer@gmail.com.
       Prayers given to the Prayer Angel, Pastor Vicki or the church office may be passed on to our elec-
       tronic prayer chain ONLY if you instruct us to do so.
     ● If you would like to be part of the email prayer chain, please contact the office (rumc@rucls.net or
       608-524-3913) or email the prayer angel at RUMprayer@gmail.com, and we will add you to the e-list.
     ● Leadership Board met live and in person January 19th . A synopsis of the meeting is included as an
       insert in this newsletter. NOTE: SLB meetings are open to the public, with the exception of staff
       sensitive matters, which may require confidentiality. The next meeting will be February 11 th at 7:00 in
       the church parlor. If you want to attend but prefer to do so through ZOOM let us know and we will
       get you a meeting # and passcode.
Envelope included for your weekly giving Envelope.
6                                                                                               THE U.M.C. NEWS

                                                               What kind of church are you planning to be
                                                               moving through the pandemic world? Bring
                                                               your team of leaders and come experience this
                                                               interactive workshop where you will create a
                                                               Ministry Action Plan to enact the needed game
2/1 Annette Baker                                              changing leadership strategies in your church.
                                                               Worship led by Kay Kotan, author of “Being
2/2 Katelynn Clark                                             the Church in a Post Pandemic World.” Other
2/3 Shannon Scherbert                                          books include: “Mission Possible”, “Launching
                                                               Leaders”, “Strategy Matters” and “Impact!
2/4 Andrew Gorsuch                                             Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry.”
                        Kay Kotan is known throughout the country for her coaching, consulting, training
2/8 Jason Siedschlag    and workshop!
                            Wisconsin will be hosting Kay Kotan on April 30, 2022, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
2/11 Margaret Simpson                  Live attendance is at Bethany United Methodist Church,
                                                 3910 Mineral Point Rd, Madison, WI
2/11 Arnold Thorne      Video projection is available at Menomonie United Methodist Church, 2703 Bongey
                        Drive, Menomonie, WI
2/12 Bernie Fernandez   Registration Fee for individual participants is $65.00 per person, Groups of four or
                        more participants pay $55 per person.
2/13 Stella Olivares    Fee includes lunch and a copy of her book, “Being the Church in a Post Pandemic
2/13 Richard Skinner
                        As of the printing of the newsletter, we have two people planning on attending, two
2/14 Rebecca Buros      more and we qualify for the group rate. Call the office or let Pastor Vicki know if you
                        intend to attend.
2/15 Ervin Borleske

2/15 Sherry Ziech
                                Joyful Hands and Hearts
2/16 Darren Scherbert           Please join us at 1pm on February 9th
2/17 Adrianne Clark                We will be meeting in the parlor
                                      All Ladies Are Welcome!
2/17 Jean Frank

2/18 Donna Douglas

2/18 Brooke Ruetten

2/19 Donna Nemec

2/20 Brett Grinder

2/24 Carl Mead

2/25 Pat Jaquish

2/25 Luke Osborne
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