By-Laws - AFFI Honor Guard

Page created by Leroy Powers
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I - Name and Mission ................................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE II - Jurisdiction .......................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE III – Membership / Training ...................................................................................... 1
   Membership ..................................................................................................................................1
   Training .........................................................................................................................................2
     Active Members ..................................................................................................................................... 2
     Retired / Disabled Members.................................................................................................................. 3
     District 8 Members ................................................................................................................................ 4

ARTICLE IV - Annual Meetings ................................................................................................ 4
   ANNUAL CONVENTION ...................................................................................................................5

ARTICLE V - Chain of Command .............................................................................................. 6
ARTICLE VI - Uniform Dress .................................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE VII - Conduct ............................................................................................................ 7
ARTICLE VIII - Reimbursement................................................................................................ 7
   District 8 Uniforms .........................................................................................................................8

ARTICLE IX - Equipment.......................................................................................................... 8
   Tassel Cord Ribbons .......................................................................................................................9
     ➢ BLACK ............................................................................................................................................. 9
     ➢ GOLD .............................................................................................................................................. 9
     ➢ RED ................................................................................................................................................. 9

ARTICLE X - Drill and Ceremony .............................................................................................. 9
ARTICLE XI – Aiguillette, Pin and Campaign Bar ...................................................................... 9
   Designations: ............................................................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE XII - Participation in Events ..................................................................................... 11
ARTICLE XIII - IAFF Annual Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial Service / Services Outside Illinois ... 12
ARTICLE XIV - Command Positions........................................................................................ 13
   State Commander: ....................................................................................................................... 13
   Deputy State Commander: ........................................................................................................... 13
   District Commander/Training Commander:................................................................................... 14
   First Shirt: .................................................................................................................................... 14
   Drill Captain: ................................................................................................................................ 14
   Secretary / Parliamentarian:......................................................................................................... 14

APPENDIX I – Convention Sites............................................................................................. 15
APPENDIX II – Charter Members .......................................................................................... 16
ARTICLE I - Name and Mission
   A. This Unit shall be known as “Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard”. The “In-
      Service” date of this Unit is January 30, 1993.

   B. The Mission shall be to:

       1. Promote the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois, the Locals therein, and the fire
          service as a whole, to the public, in a positive and proper fashion.

       2. Provide, as a line of duty death benefit, dignified, honorable services for fallen AFFI
          members, their surviving family members, and union brothers and sisters through
          organization of, and participation in, funeral and memorial services.

   C. The A.F.F.I Executive Board and/or the State Commander may assign additional

ARTICLE II - Jurisdiction
The AFFI President and Executive Board shall maintain complete jurisdiction over this unit.

ARTICLE III – Membership / Training

   A. Membership shall be open to all AFFI members in good standing. The member’s local
      union support and approval is required. Department acknowledgment is strongly
      suggested and encouraged. Members seeking induction into the HG shall have a letter
      of approval/support from their local union president and submit it with their
      registration packet. Subsequent to the induction into the HG, the Honor Guard State
      Commander may request confirmation of continued support or approval of local
      members from the local union president. A new member initiation fee shall be
      determined each year by the AFFI Executive Board and the AFFI Honor Guard
      Commander and shall be published in the Honor Guard Convention/Induction Ceremony

   B. One must be of Honorable character, as to not bring reproach upon the IAFF, the AFFI or
      this Unit.

C. Honor Guard Members shall commit three (3) years to the AFFI Honor Guard and make
      themselves available for activations within the state of Illinois.

   D. Members must return the convention registration form and the applicable fee in order
      to remain on the AFFI Honor Guard roster each year. The annual convention cost &
      maintenance fee shall be determined each year by the AFFI Executive Board and the
      AFFI Honor Guard Commander and shall be published in the Honor Guard
      Convention/Induction Ceremony materials.

   E. Effective January 26, 2014, as a benefit to AFFI Honor Guard members only and as long
      as funds exist; should one of our own die; the AFFI Honor Guard, shall donate with
      honor, $500.00, to the affected family or to the charity of their choice in the member’s


This section shall apply to participation eligibility for the following Honor Guard events:

   A. Attendance at, and participation in, the annual AFFI Honor Guard Convention/Induction

   B. Eligibility for the reimbursement lottery for attendance to the IAFF Fallen
      Firefighters Memorial Service in Colorado Springs, CO

   C. Eligibility for the reimbursement lottery for attendance at services outside the state of
      Illinois as defined in Article XII Section 5.

Active Members

Effective November 1, 2012, and each subsequent year, the following minimum training
requirements shall apply to participation eligibility for the events listed in this section:

   A. AFFI Honor Guard members shall attend, and participate in, the prior year’s Annual
      Honor Guard Convention/Induction Ceremony and two (2) AFFI HG District trainings,


       AFFI Honor Guard members shall attend three (3) AFFI HG District trainings.

       Effective February 7, 2020, participation in the Milwaukee Honor Guard Clinic shall be
       approved to count as one training towards the training requirement to attend the AFFI
       Honor Guard Annual Convention.

a. Members who fail to meet the minimum training requirement listed above for
             two (2) consecutive years, without extenuating circumstances approved by the
             State Commander or his designee(s), shall be removed from the Honor Guard
             roster. Any member that has been removed from the roster due to not
             completing their trainings for two (2) consecutive years, must wait one (1) year
             to be reinstated into the guard. The one (1) year shall begin on November 1 st
             after the member has been removed and end on November 1st of the following
             year. The member will then have to register for convention as a new inductee
             and attend the new inductee training at that convention. The member will not
             participate in the induction ceremony but will be re-listed on the roster as a
             member in good standing within both their district and the guard.

   B. District Commanders shall maintain current/accurate training attendance records.

   C. Members not attending the annual convention shall return their registration packet
      with their annual maintenance fee in order to remain on the roster. Failure to do so will
      result in removal from the HG Roster and exclusion from receiving any LODD
      information sent out from the AFFI Office.

   D. If a member does not submit their annual fee for 2 years and requests to get back into
      the HG at a later date, the member shall pay a new member fee and be required to
      attend new member orientation, however the member shall not participate in the new
      member induction ceremony.

   E. Members on active military service shall have the annual membership fee waived. Proof
      of military service is mandatory if requested. Training requirements shall be waived on
      members in active military service.

Retired / Disabled Members

   A. Retired members are exempt from the minimum training requirement, for attendance
      at the Annual Honor Guard Convention/Induction Ceremony.

   B. Retired members who have not completed the annual training requirements, are not
      eligible to participate in the reimbursement lottery for attendance to the IAFF Fallen
      Fire Fighters Memorial Service in Colorado Springs, CO. nor services outside of Illinois.

   C. If the retired member has completed the annual training requirements, they will be
      eligible for all benefits consistent with all other members.

D. Retired / Disabled members shall remain a member in good standing within their home
      Local by becoming an Active Retired Member. If their local does not recognize an Active
      Retired Member status, members may then join the Illinois Association of Retired and
      Disabled Firefighters (IARF) in order to remain in the AFFI Honor Guard.

District 8 Members

   A. Members of the honor guard who are in good standing, are allowed to apply for
      acceptance into District 8 after at least one (1) full year of participation in the honor
   B. In order to be eligible for induction, the member must have completed the required
      number of drills as a regular member of the honor guard And at least four (4) District 8
   C. Any District 8 member that does not attend District 8 drills for two (2) years, will be
      removed from the District 8 roster. Their maintenance in the honor guard shall be
      subject to their obtaining the required number of drills as a regular member.
   D. After a member has been removed from District 8, in order for them to be eligible to
      return, they must complete the required number of drills as a regular member And at
      least four (4) District 8 drills.

ARTICLE IV - Annual Meetings
   A. Yearly training shall be determined by the State Commander, Training Commander,
      District Commanders and their Drill Captains. Each District shall conduct a minimum of
      six (6) trainings prior to November 1st of each year.

   B. Training sites shall be rotated, sponsored in part by the individual AFFI Honor Guard
      member’s local, i.e. reserving a training site for full unit participation and appropriate
      for the time of year and be held at a local in good standing with the AFFI.

   C. For the sake of maintaining order, a Sergeant at Arms shall be appointed by the State
      Commander for all meetings.

    A. Attendance at the annual AFFI Honor Guard convention is encouraged and
       strongly recommended.
    B. At the yearly commanders meeting in October, the commanders are notified of
       who we will be remembering at the annual convention. Families of the fallen
       that we are honoring for that year, shall be invited to join the AFFI Honor Guard
       in remembrance. Whenever the invite is extended, the AFFI Honor Guard shall;
             1. Reach out to the local president of the fallen firefighter and ask if they,
                 the stricken local, are able to fulfill the family’s needs in order for them
                 to attend the convention.
             2. If the local is not able to fulfill all the needs, then the AFFI Honor Guard
                 will, without judgement, award the family a voucher of up to $500 per
                 family to the host hotel. This voucher will be used for the cost of room
                 plus taxes for 1 night, the Saturday evening meal at the Induction
                 Ceremony/Memorial dinner and breakfast on Sunday morning.
             3. If the AFFI Honor Guard should experience a high number of LODD
                 families (more than 6) in the current year, the AFFI Command Staff and
                 the AFFI Sec/Treas will evaluate this amount for adjustment.
             4. The money will come from the account of the AFFI Honor Guard.
             5. If funds decrease to where the AFFI Honor Guard cannot provide a
                 voucher, the number of members chosen to attend the annual IAFF
                 Memorial in Colorado Springs, shall be decreased. The AFFI Honor
                 Guard ceremony is closer to home and would be easier on many of the
                 families to attend.

    C. Effective January 27, 2019, all former AFFI Honor Guard State Commanders, in good
       standing, shall be invited to attend the annual induction ceremony in recognition of
       their commitment and dedication to the guard.

           1. Charter State Commander Jay Bishop, his spouse and their three (3)
              daughters shall receive their registration for the AFFI Honor Guard
              Convention paid for by the AFFI Honor Guard.

           2. All subsequent State Commanders of the AFFI Honor Guard shall receive
              their registration only for the AFFI Honor Guard Convention paid for by
              the AFFI Honor Guard.

ARTICLE V - Chain of Command
  A. AFFI President and Executive Board.

  B. AFFI Honor Guard State Commander.
  C. AFFI Honor Guard Northern Deputy State Commander and AFFI Honor Guard Southern
     Deputy State Commander in order of seniority by virtue of their individual induction
     dates to the Unit.

  D. AFFI Honor Guard Training Commander

  E. AFFI Honor Guard District Commanders (1-8) in order of seniority by virtue of their
     individual induction dates to the Unit.

  F. AFFI Honor Guard District First Shirts (1-8) and Training First Shirts, in order of seniority
     by virtue of their individual induction dates to the Unit.

  G. AFFI Honor Guard District Drill Captains in order of seniority by virtue of their individual
     induction dates to the Unit.

  H. AFFI Honor Guard Unit Members.

ARTICLE VI - Uniform Dress
  A. Members shall wear their individual department Class “A”, or local’s dress uniform.

  B. Members shall be expected to maintain the highest of standards with concern to
     hygiene, dress and appearance.

  C. Badge shrouds shall be placed over the Unit member’s badges for a LODD ceremony and

  D. When wearing your departments Class A or Local’s dress uniform and representing the
     HG; the rocker patch, silver tip aiguillette and HG pin shall be worn, also command staff
     campaign bar as appropriate. No altering or deviation of the uniform shall be accepted
     unless the department does not approve of the display of these insignias on their

  A. Conduct when in the public eye shall be maintained within strict military bearing.
  B. Interviews with media reporters are permitted within these requirements:

             1)   Identify the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard Unit
             2)   Direct the reporter to another Unit member after the interview
             3)   Give all participating Locals recognition
             4)   Request from the reporter, copies of visual media, i.e. photos, video, etc...

  C. There shall not be any smoking when in uniform and in the public eye.
  D. With the exception of the final toast for a fallen brother/sister and the toast during the
     induction dinner, there shall be no drinking of alcohol while in uniform.

  E. If a member’s conduct is unbecoming of the Unit, the member will be immediately
     asked to “step aside” without any argument. Discussion of any “Incident” will take place
     immediately following the ceremony in private with command staff present and/or full
     Unit participation.

  F. The State Commander, Deputy State Commander, Training Commander, District
     Commanders and First Shirts of the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard shall
     not actively participate, solicit or campaign for any individual or group of individuals
     seeking election to the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Executive Board.

ARTICLE VIII - Reimbursement
  A. Mileage will be reimbursed only to the vehicle’s owner/operator.

  B. Mileage vouchers are to be turned into the Unit prior to the departure home.

  C. Members chosen at the annual Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard
     convention to represent the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard at the
     International Association of Fire Fighters Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial service in
     Colorado Springs, CO. shall receive a per diem check from the AFFI Honor Guard prior to
     the event. The amount shall be determined by the AFFI Secretary/Treasurer based on
     the previous year’s cost to attend the same event.

District 8 Uniforms
  A. Effective January 23, 2015, newly inducted members shall be eligible for reimbursement
     up to $1,300, to be paid in four (4) equal annual payments, to assist members with the
     cost of uniform purchase.

  B. Effective February 7, 2020, District 8 members with ten (10) years of service within
     District 8, shall be eligible for uniform replacement assistance. Reimbursement, of up to
     $1,300, will be paid for in four (4) equal annual payments to assist members with the
     cost of replacing worn uniform items. The “worn” determination shall be at the
     discretion of the District 8 command staff.

  C. Upon approval of the District 8 command staff and recommendation by the District 8
     Commander to the State Commander, the member will be reimbursed upon submission
     of receipts to the AFFI. Any member receiving reimbursement will knowingly be
     committing themselves to a minimum of four (4) years of service in the AFFI District 8
     Pipes and Drums.

  D. Should the member fail to meet their obligation, all equipment shall be returned to the
     District 8 Commander and reimbursement of all funds paid by the AFFI to that point
     shall be made.

  E. Members submitting for reimbursement shall be required to sign and acknowledge to
     this effect.

  F. If at any time funding is not available, the reimbursement program will be suspended
     until funding again becomes available as determined by the State Commander and the
     AFFI Secretary/Treasurer.

ARTICLE IX - Equipment
  A. Each Unit member shall be issued, upon induction into the Unit, two- (2) Associated Fire
     Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard rocker patches (silver/black), to be worn (with the
     individual departments approval) on the left sleeve of the uniform approximately ¾ of
     one-inch below the shoulder seam and above the individual department patch.

  B. Each Unit member shall be issued, upon induction into the Unit, one- (1) Associated Fire
     Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard tri-color aiguillette.

C. Each Unit member shall be issued, upon induction into the Unit, one- (1) Associated Fire
     Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard Unit pin.

  D. Each 8th District Unit member shall be issued, upon induction into the Unit, one- (1)
     Tri-Color Unit hackle and one set of “dog tags”.

  E. One set of Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois flags, harnesses, pedestals, pike poles and
     bibles shall be maintained at the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois office in Springfield,
     IL. A second set shall be maintained by a Northern District Commander.

  Tassel Cord Ribbons

     Ribbons tied into the tassel cords of the AFFI Honor Guard flag:

     ➢ BLACK:        Line of duty death of an Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois member.
     ➢ GOLD:         Line of duty death of all IAFF members.
     ➢ RED:          Non-line of duty death of an active AFFI Honor Guard member.

ARTICLE X - Drill and Ceremony
  A. Drill shall be based on military standards and in conjunction with the AFFI HG training

  B. Host fire department traditions for the Line of Duty Death (LODD) services are to be the
     basis of all actions of the Unit.

ARTICLE XI – Aiguillette, Pin and Campaign Bar
  A. The aiguillette shall be worn on the left shoulder. The issued silver tip aiguillette shall be
     worn at all IAFF & AFFI HG functions, regardless of rank within your department,
     consistent with Article VI, Paragraph D.

             1) LINE OF DUTY DEATH of an AFFI Member in good standing, Both cords shall
                be worn out.

             2) LINE OF DUTY DEATH of a Non-AFFI member, the BLACK cord shall be worn

             3) NON-LINE OF DUTY DEATH of a current or former AFFI member in good
                standing, the BLACK cord shall be worn out.

4) NON-LINE OF DUTY DEATH of a NON-AFFI member, NO cords shall be worn

           5) Parades, Posting of Colors or a Formal Gathering where the member is
              participating as/or representing themselves, as a member of the AFFI Honor
              Guard, with the approval of the AFFI Honor Guard State Commander, or in
              their absence, the appropriate Deputy State Commander, WHITE cord shall
              be worn out.

           6) IAFF Memorial, Illinois Fallen Firefighter Memorial/Medal of Honor
              Ceremony, or any other memorial event, as approved by the AFFI Honor
              Guard State Commander, or in their absence, the appropriate Deputy State
              Commander, BLACK cord shall be worn out.

           7) For purposes of this ARTICLE, a member’s standing shall be determined by
              their Local in coordination with the AFFI Honor Guard Commanders and
              according to IAFF and AFFI guidelines. A formal gathering shall be defined as,
              but not limited to; AFFI and AFFI Honor Guard Convention, induction or
              promotion ceremonies, etc. A memorial shall be defined as, but not limited
              to; IAFF Memorial in Colorado Springs, Illinois memorial in Springfield,
              National Fire Academy Memorial in Emmetsburg, Maryland, etc.

B. The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard Unit pin shall be worn on the right
   breast of the uniform above all others.

C. Campaign bars shall be issued by the AFFI HG to the command staff as representative
   designation of their rank or position held within the guard. They shall be worn on the
   right breast of the uniform, on the pocket flap (if available), with the black square
   towards the right shoulder and the white square towards the heart. District 8
   commander shall wear it on the right side of their collar. Current command staff shall be
   represented by gold bars. Effective 01/31/16, past command staff shall be issued a silver
   campaign bar, representative of their highest rank / position held within the guard.
   Exception shall be made to allow the two previous State Commanders, Jay Bishop and
   Thomas Matousek, only, to be issued silver campaign bars consistent with their rank
   within the guard.


          1)   State Commander…………………3 stars
          2)   Deputy State Commander…….2 stars
          3)   Training Commander…………….1 star
          4)   Secretary / Parliamentarian….No stars
          5)   District Commanders…………….Representative district number

ARTICLE XII - Participation in Events
  A. Participation in Line of Duty deaths within Illinois is highly expected.

  B. Participation in Line of Duty deaths outside of the state is encouraged.

  C. Participation in the annual Illinois Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial and Medal of Honor
     Ceremony is highly expected.

  D. Participation in the International Association of Fire Fighters Fallen Fire Fighter
     Memorial in Colorado Springs is encouraged.

  E. Participation in the National Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland is

  F. Annual induction ceremony – cost cap to be determined by the Associated Fire Fighters
     of Illinois executive board.

  G. No fundraising is permitted without prior approval of the Associated Fire Fighters of
     Illinois Executive Board and the Honor Guard Command Staff.

  H. Whenever the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard is to be used out of state,
     participation shall be rotated with the State Commander having the choice to defer
     participation to a Deputy Commander.

  I.   Members and Locals will have the responsibility to provide acceptable uniforms with the
       Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard providing the Unit rocker patches.

  J. The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois will notify the State Commander or designated
     Deputy State Commander immediately upon notification of a line of duty death.

K. Members shall provide the AFFI Secretary-Treasurer current contact information
     including name, address, phone number and e-mail address. AFFI Honor Guard
     members are encouraged to register on the AFFI Website.

  L. All former AFFI Honor Guard State Commanders, in good standing, shall be invited to
     attend the annual induction ceremony in recognition of their commitment and
     dedication to the guard.
          a. Charter State Commander Jay Bishop, his spouse and their three (3) daughters
             shall receive their registration for the AFFI Honor Guard Convention paid for by
             the AFFI Honor Guard.

         b. All subsequent State Commanders of the AFFI Honor Guard shall receive their
            registration only for the AFFI Honor Guard Convention paid for by the AFFI Honor

  M. The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois Honor Guard may be called upon to perform
     other ceremonies as deemed acceptable by the State Commander, i.e. parades, non-line
     of duty deaths of fire fighters, etc...

ARTICLE XIII - IAFF Annual Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial
Service / Services Outside Illinois

             If funding exists to send members to activities outside of Illinois:

  A. Attendees shall be chosen from the Unit members who have met the minimum training
     requirement and are in attendance at the business meeting on the last day of the
     Annual Honor Guard Convention/Induction Ceremony. If no Convention/Induction
     Ceremony is held, attendees shall be chosen, by the Unit Commander or his designee(s),
     from those Unit members who have met the minimum annual training requirements.
     Those members chosen shall be notified by March 1 st.

  B. For the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial, ten (10) “at large members” shall be chosen
     from those eligible. In addition, one (1) Commander, one (1) 8th District member, and
     the winner of the “Knockdown Drill” shall be chosen. Alternates for the above positions
     shall also be chosen. One member may be chosen, at the Commander’s discretion, to
     drive to Colorado Springs to transport Honor Guard equipment.

C. In order to receive reimbursement, members must adhere to the following:

         1) Attend Thursday’s unit meeting at the host hotel.

         2) Participate in the training sessions on the Friday before the service.

         3) Participate in the Saturday morning walk-thru.

         4) Participate in the memorial service on Saturday.

  G. For Out of State LODD services, ten (10) members shall be chosen, from those members
     in attendance at the final business meeting of the convention, to represent the AFFI
     Honor Guard at out of state funerals/services. Those members shall be placed on a
     rotating list managed by the Unit Commander or their designee(s). Attendance shall be
     offered to up to two (2) members unless otherwise determined by the Unit
     Commander. Attendance and reimbursement shall be at the discretion of the Unit
     Commander, or their designee(s). Out of state shall be defined as the IAFF 8th District,
     adjoining state or other out-of-state multiple fire fighter funerals.

ARTICLE XIV - Command Positions

  State Commander:

     The AFFI President shall select The State Commander. He/she shall have a minimum of
     seven (7) years with the Honor Guard and a minimum of three (3) years as a District
     Commander, Deputy State Commander or a combination of both.

  Deputy State Commander:

     There shall be two (2) Deputy State Commanders representing the northern, (Districts 4,
     5, 6, 7 & 8) and the southern (Districts 1, 2 & 3) half of the state respectively. The State
     Commander shall select The Deputy State Commanders. He/she shall have a minimum
     of 6 years with the Honor Guard and a minimum of three (3) years of lower ranking
     positions with a minimum of two (2) years as a First Shirt or District Commander.

District Commander/Training Commander:
       The three principle commanders (State Commander and two (2) Deputy Commanders)
       shall select the District Commander/Training Commander. He/she shall have a minimum
       of five (5) years with the Honor Guard and a minimum of two (2) years as Drill Captain
       or First Shirt or have served two (2) years in an appointed position, or a combination of
       the three (3).

   First Shirt:
       The District Commander with the approval of the State Commander shall select The First
       Shirt. He/she shall have a minimum of four (4) years with the Honor Guard and a
       minimum of one (1) year as a Drill Captain or have served in an appointed position for a
       minimum of one (1) year.

   Drill Captain:
       The District Commander shall select The Drill Captain. He/she shall have a minimum of
       three (3) years with the Honor Guard.

   Secretary / Parliamentarian:
       The State Commander shall appoint an individual(s) to act in the position(s) of Secretary
       and/or Parliamentarian.

*Criteria for Command Positions may be waived or altered with the approval of the AFFI

                                                                                   Revised 01-29-12
                                                                                   Revised 01-23-15
                                                                                   Revised 01-31-16
                                                                                   Revised 01-29-17
                                                                                   Revised 01-31-18
                                                                                   Revised 05-01-19
                                                                                   Revised 02-09-20

APPENDIX I – Convention Sites

  YEAR        DATES            CITY                  VENUE
  1) 1993     January 30       Springfield           Armory
  2) 1994     January 30       Peoria         Robertson Field House
  3) 1995     February 25-26   Bloomington           Jumers
  4) 1996     February 24-25   Springfield           Lincoln Plaza
  5) 1997     February 14-16   Pekin                 Best Western
  6) 1998     February 6- 8    Springfield           Renaissance
  7) 1999     February 5 –7    Bolingbrook           Holiday Inn
  8) 2000     February 4-6     Bloomington           Empire Inn
  9) 2001     February 2-4     Peoria                Holiday Inn
  10) 2002    February 1-3     Lisle                 Hilton
  11) 2003    February 7- 9    Springfield           Hilton
  12) 2004    February 6- 8    Chicago        Holiday Inn/Mart Plaza
  13) 2005    February 4- 6    Collinsville          Holiday Inn
  14) 2006    February 3- 5    Itasca         Wyndham N/W Chicago
  15) 2007    February 2-4     Rockford              Clock Tower Inn
  16) 2008    January 25-27    Peoria         Holiday Inn City Center
  17) 2009    February 6- 8    Champaign      Holiday Inn Urbana
  18) 2010    January 29-31    Lombard               Westin
  19) 2011    February 11-13   Bloomington    Marriot Convention Center
  20) 2012    January 27-29    Collinsville          Doubletree by Hilton
  21) 2013    February 8-10    Schaumburg            Renaissance
  22) 2014    January 24-26    Naperville            Sheraton Hotel
  23) 2015    January 23-25    Collinsville          Gateway Center
  24) 2016    January 29-31    St. Charles           Pheasant Run
  25) 2017    January 27-29    Springfield           Crowne Plaza
  26) 2018    January 12-14    Peoria         Marriott Pere Marquetta
  27) 2019    January 25-27    Collinsville          Gateway Center
  28) 2020    February 7-9     Naperville            Embassy Suites

APPENDIX II – Charter Members

MEMBER                      LOCAL         LOCAL #      POSITION
1) Jay Bishop               Springfield       L#37     Commander
2) Dave Kruger              Springfield       L#37
3) Jay Loveless             Springfield       L#37
4) Larry Creviston          Springfield       L#37     Piper
5) Bruce Race               Springfield       L#37
6) Rodney Magero            Joliet            L#44
7) Joe Solecki              Joliet            L#44     D/C
8) Terry Carter             Peoria            L#50
9) John Duke                Peoria            L#50
10) Fritz Schoenbine        Peoria            L#50
11) Curtiss Simpson         Peoria            L#50
12) Robert Sollberger       Peoria            L#50
13) Greg Walters            Peoria            L#50     D/C
14) Michael Wood            Peoria            L#50
15) Howard Humphrey         Quincy            L#63     (Deceased)
16) David Ricket            Quincy            L#63
17) Eric Smith              Quincy            L#63     D/C
18) Gene Berkley            Bloomington       L#388
19) Dan Clark               Bloomington       L#388
20) Mark Hryniewcz          Elgin             L#439
21) Dave Schmidt            Elgin             L#439
22) Michael Perry           Cicero            L#717
23) John Vogel              Cicero            L#717
24) Amy (Richardson) Doty   Urbana            L#1147
25) Marty Callenda          Alton             L#1255
26) David Eckhouse          Alton             L#1255
27) Robert Fox              Alton             L#1255
28) Jim Kinder              Alton             L#1255   (Deceased)
29) Michael Porter          Alton             L#1255
30) Bill Fernadez           Champaign         L#1260
31) Pat Minner              Champaign         L#1260
32) Paul Tangora            Champaign         L#1260   (Deceased)
33) Andy Adair              Matoon            L#1493

34) Dean Flesher      Dixon              L#1943
35) Mark Swagel       Dixon              L#1943
36) Michael Wilcox    Dixon              L#1943
37) Ron Cobaleski     Oak Park           L#2012
38) Greg Mortlock     Oak Park           L#2012
39) Steven Rose       Oak Park           L#2012
40) Dennis Wheeler    Oak Park           L#2012
41) Rick Griffin      LaGrange           L#2338
42) Gary Mayer        LaGrange           L#2338
43) Bill Resgalski    LaGrange           L#2338
44) Tom Matousek      Forest Park        L#2753
45) Steve Strumborg   Effingham          L#3084
46) Gary Scwierz      Chicago Ridge      L#3098   D/C
47) Richard Bonk      Carol Stream       L#3192
48) Don Crivolio      Carol Stream       L#3192
49) Perry Johnson     Carol Stream       L#3192
50) Mike Kanzia       Carol Stream       L#3192
51) David Reid        Carol Stream       L#3192
52) George Drobney    Downers Grove      L#3234
53) Pat Hardy         Downers Grove      L#3234
54) Gary Rauch        Downers Grove      L#3234
55) Dale Smith        Downers Grove      L#3234
56) James Warner      Downers Grove      L#3234
57) Ron Adams         Rockfalls          L#3291
58) Terry Brabender   Rockfalls          L#3291   (Deceased)
59) Duane Dickeson    Rockfalls          L#3291
60) Ed Jancaus        Batavia            L#3436
61) Tim Lyons         Batavia            L#3436
62) John Eeton        Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
63) Valerie Feld      Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
64) Dave Lambright    Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
65) Jim Karasek       Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
66) Dan Krakora       Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
67) Ed Mazurowski     Darien-Woodridge   L#3437
68) Jim Larson        Hanover Park       L#3452
69) Randy Tipburg     Robinson           L#3458

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