Elting Memorial Library - The Elting Memorial Library
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Elting Memorial Library Director Report Board of Trustees Meeting March 24, 2022 @ 7 PM Meetings • Ulster County Library Association (UCLA) • Recite Me for website paid by county money (JEDI) • Director Association (DA) • Resource Sharing Committee • Turning Outward - Community Conversations Training • LoL - The Library of Local (LoL), a collaboration between Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley and the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS), which builds community resilience and local self-sufficiency through books, tools, resources, and programming. Learn more • Staff • Marketing & Programming • Renovation Planning • Board & Board Committees: Finance, Facility, Policy, JEDI, Renovation & Capital Campaign Staff Reports • Community Annual Report - 2021 • HHHC • Work is ongoing for the NEH grant. Our material is scheduled to go out to Philadelphia in April and return in August. • Carol is preparing a program with HHS to talk about the stolen paintings recently returned to HHS by the FBI. • Margaret is beginning preparations for a new exhibit talking about the forms of transit from Ridge to River from the early days of New Paltz to now. • Planning joint event with Historic Huguenot Street, FBI and NYPD on the return of the Ammi Phillips paintings for June 26 in the Steinberg Room and possibly the garden. Margaret is working on the family tree that will tie in our old stone house to the event. • Working with Marianne Murray (Rowley) on the 200th birthday celebration of her house. Page 1 of 7
Elting Memorial Library • NEH grant: getting collections ready to go to Philadelphia in April. Donna Dixon, the grant manager, has been photographing each document as it is being readied for transport. We are looking for a 4 month period of most of them being worked on. • Our volunteers: Anne and Shayna will be transcribing as many documents as they can before they leave. Joan is busy updating our house books, Patrick is indexing the guestbooks for the old Cliff House Hotel at Minnewaska. Dede and Linda are busy compiling and indexing our Obituary book #26, Marilou is compiling a book on the history of the Goodwill church building on North Chestnut St. and all the events that have been held there since it opened in 1863. (This will be a future event and LLI class.) and big shout out for Dave DeMers, who is one by one taking our chairs home with him to reglue all the spindles and legs to make them safe to sit on. It is so hot in the room that the chairs are drying up. • Gifts: A book written by Michalangelo Sabatino about Winston Elting (Nephew of our Philip Elting). Winston was a Chicago-based architect, who also designed buildings at Vassar, etc. Photographs of New Paltz taken in 1922, one of which will be appearing in this week's Hudson Valley One newspaper. • Circulation • Added a New DVD section with "NEW" labels to make our collection easier to navigate. DVD re-labeling is approx. 90% done, and BLU rays are next • Replaced and updated endcap signs in fiction and non-fiction to make our collection easier to navigate. • Set up a VPN with Mid Hudson for remote access when necessary. • Trained Isaac and James on SEAL resources and am waiting for Sierra ILL credentials for them both. This allows us to extend our reach across the country when patrons are looking for a hard to find book, and having more staff trained is always a good thing :) • Sorted and created a new Lost and Found bin, with regular sorting and thinning going forward. • Added 4 tablets to circulation with resources available for patrons new to this technology. • Welcomed 3 new volunteers recently that have been very helpful with shelving and shelf-reading Page 2 of 7
Elting Memorial Library • Adult Services • Rena Tobey's art lecture for women's history month • 3/30 we have your paint & sip • 3/31 is the lecture on the movie Alice's Ordinary People, also a women's history month selection • In April we have a poetry workshop with Danielle Gasparro • In May we will have a display for Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month • Also in May is the Linda Freeman poetry reading • Teen Services • Sat. March 26: Marshmallow Roast • Sunday, April 3- Dungeons and Dragons • Saturday, April 9- Video game night • Children’s Library (Miss Kim) • I ordered and partially processed many, many new books for the collection, from picture books to nonfiction. There are many more on the way. • I have started using a label with the word "new" to make it easier for patrons to identify the new books. • Women's History Month: I have created two displays and a bulletin board to highlight women in history. I also created a sheet for kids to tell me which woman inspires them. After they complete it I hang it on the bulletin board. • I created a "potty training" resource area with handouts in English and Spanish, and for neuro-atypical children. • I am working on a potty training kit for circulation. The kit will be stored in a clear plastic backpack and include potty training books for kids, as well as informational books for parents, a DVD, and visual schedule cards that patrons may keep. I hope to start circulating it in April. • There is currently a shamrock scavenger hunt in which over 70 children and parents have participated (yes, I have been keeping count). • I attended the first meeting for Mid-Hudson's Early Literacy Cohort. • I pre-ordered items from the Collaborative Library Summer Program shop and began scheduling summer programming. • I corresponded with Jim Monteverde regarding a donation of $3000 (originally $1000, but he was impressed by the changes we have made in the room and increased the amount to $3000). Page 3 of 7
Elting Memorial Library • I prepared and distributed one take-home craft, two early literacy/sensory kits and one STEAM kit. • I facilitated four storyt imes for babies through age 8. • I will be holding an online book discussion next week. • I met with a potential dog and her handler for a "Reading to Dogs" program, which I plan to offer this spring and summer. • I finished relabeling and repairing the Children's DVD collection. • Library Development (Bebhinn) • Applied and awarded Jumpstart Funding for a one-off concert (NOT Music in the Garden) & now planning stages (contract, PR, etc): KJ Denhert Rocks the Elting Library, May 14 (May 21) rain date. • Liaising w/Albert Cook (Black History, AP History, NPHS, Vassar College program) on adapting his class's content for Steinberg Room exhibition Spring 2022. Exact date TBD w/James. Hoping to do an opening reception. • Identified good variety of content on Legacy Program development. *Could the Board compile a list of likely candidates; either stated or believed to be likely, for my ref. • Applied for/accepted into Digital Navigators program (=$900 to Library if fulfilled.) Attending continued training weekly to prepare for providing the service for the term prescribed. • Applied for two grants (3/14 deadlines met) • Music in the Garden funding • Second-Annual Juneteenth funding (now w/*new partners as well as having secured enhanced contributions from existing partners.) Calendar of Events • So many wonderful programs happening! Online Calendar: https:// www.eltinglibrary.org/calendar-1 Financials: • New system of approving of invoices, printing checks, signing and sending is working nicely. Thank you for all that have taken the time to help out! Facilities • Computers still haven’t found a permanent home. Moved again bc the chairs were Page 4 of 7
Elting Memorial Library always in the walkway path as no one seems to push them in after use. • Miss Kim is enjoying doing programming in the Children’s Library as there is now plenty of space. • Place carpet in the old building - walkways • Getting an extra dumpster to clean out the mechanical room. If anyone wants to look in the Pine Room (or anywhere else) and see if there is stuff to toss, let me now. • Maintenance help wanted out in paper and on social media/website. Collection Development/Highlights • Will install a NEW ITEM shelf where the TV monitor is currently located. This shelf will feature VERY new and/or popular items. My thought is to limit the steps and keep people aware of our changing/growing collection. • Library of Things has been moved to old book nook area. The LoT old area will house board folders and passport materials. Special Projects/Programs • Donation for Children’s Library: A patron has offered Miss Kim $3,000 to put towards continued updates in the Children’s Library. Timing is perfect as we have just developed a wish list for the space. I would like to ask Kim to attend our next meeting to share some of her ideas with the entire board. • Geocache is hidden and people are finding it. Apparently, there is a whole community that geocaches in NP. They have approached me about doing other geocache related programming. Find our cache on geocaching.com! • Digital Navigators of the Hudson Valley - The DNHV program prepares library workers with new skills and resources to perform the duties of a Digital Navigator including, connecting community members to resources and services to secure affordable broadband, computers, and devices, and providing basic digital literacy training and support in completing necessary paperwork and applications. As part of the program, Digital Navigators will receive training in identifying local resources and services, understanding learner needs, and collecting data. (Bebhinn) • The Library of Local (LoL), a collaboration between Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley and the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS), which builds community resilience and local self-sufficiency through books, tools, resources, and programming. Page 5 of 7
Elting Memorial Library • A collection of materials to support patrons and community leaders in furthering their work and understanding of this year’s topics • Access to a curated speakers bureau of local experts relevant to these topics • Event promotion through LoL communication channels • Resources and support for hosting a seed library • Support to develop partnerships with local community groups and leaders working to address climate change at the local level through the NYS Climate Smart Communities Program • Access to the LoL listserv • Support from MHLS and the LoL Project Team at monthly LoL library calls to share and develop ideas to create more resilient communities. • Additionally, all MHLS member libraries will be welcome to invite patrons to and develop local programming around four Library of Local Climate Solutions events, which will be broadcast live from LoL anchor libraries throughout 2022. Community Relations • Field Trip: SUNY New Paltz class students (24) visited to learn about libraries as learning spaces in 2022. Did a scavenger hunt, gave away prizes, invited them to get library cards (a few did), offered us as a meeting or study space. [Shannon McManimon, a professor in the Educational Studies & Leadership department at SUNY New Paltz. New course called "Learning Beyond Classrooms" part of the new undergrad Social Justice Education minor.] • Rotary Club: Thursday, March 24 attended the Rotary Club luncheon to talk about the library and things we can offer the club and greater community. (Thank you, Irene!) • Ukraine: Set up a donation box for Ukraine, partnered with the Ukrainian American Youth Group of the Hudson Valley. • Village of New Paltz: Offered to open our space for Village meetings, etc. They will be coming on Friday to look at the space and discuss. Technology Updates/Initiatives • Fire Tablets: The four new tablets have been entered into the system and ready for Page 6 of 7
Elting Memorial Library loan. • Hotspot: Something is wrong with a few of our hotspots. We were paying for an unlimited plan, but it seems that some of the hotspots would run out of data. I am currently looking into this issue and will report back my findings. We have taken the questionable hotspots out of circulation as we investigate. Page 7 of 7
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