Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools

Page created by Jamie Norman
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Eisenhower Fly-er
October 16, 2021

                   Message from the Principal
                   With great anticipation we began the second quarter on Monday. We
                   have mentioned before that our building is designed to be a
                   transitional experience from elementary school to the Junior High.
                   One of those transitions involves changing classes at the quarter.
                   Students will change their Connections classes for 2nd quarter.
                   Connections changes can be found on a sticker in the front of
                   his/her agenda. We have had many good memories and great
                   learning opportunities during the first quarter! We are excited to be
                   able to offer your student different opportunities each quarter!

                   Another transitional portion of our building is found in the area of
                   classroom parties. At the Intermediate School, we do not have
                   Halloween parties and we do not dress up for Halloween at school.
                   However, we do have a celebration one day each quarter during
                   Connections. We ask that snacks are not sent in. Our teachers plan
                   fun activities for our celebration days.

                   It is the time of the year when the weather changes and many are in
                   need of coats, hats, and shoes. The Old Newsboys is very generous
                   to us each year through their donation of those items. If your
                   Eisenhower student is in need of these items, please contact Mr.
                   Holcombe via e-mail (tholcombe@oregoncs.org) or via telephone
                   (419.836.8498, ext. 2002). If you are aware of other families and/or
                   students in need, please contact Mr. Holcombe.

                   One Eisenhower tradition is our yearly Veteran's Day Assembly and
                   Breakfast. We will not host those in-person events this year, but will
                   be putting together a video presentation for our students. We are
                   asking that if you have a photo of your child's favorite veteran, that
                   you would submit it. Please see the flier below for more details.
                   Thank you!

                   Thank you for a great first quarter!

                   We hope you have a great week!
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools

                                 Tim Holcombe

First Call for Moana!
Oregon City Schools Junior Limelighters is very excited to announce that
this year’s spring musical will be Disney’s Moana Jr.

Show dates are March 25, 26, and 27, 2022. This show is open to all students living in Oregon that are
in 5th through 8th grades.

Auditions for Ike students will be after school at Ike from 3:00-5:00 on the following dates:
    Wednesday, November 17, 2021
    Thursday, November 18, 2021
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Auditioning is easy! Just pick up an audition form from Mrs. Cooney (room 401) and sign up for an
audition time outside her door. Audition forms are also available in the office.

For more information, check out this link: MOANA JR. AUDITION INFORMATION.
This presentation is packed with information about the characters, links to practice songs, and
audition scripts.

For extra audition help, we are offering a special AUDITION WORKSHOP for Ike students on
Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021 from 3:00-4:00 at Ike. Learn an audition song and get tips for your audition
from our production crew.

Questions? Contact Mrs. Cooney at acooney@oregoncs.org

Camp Reminder
Just a reminder that if you have not made your camp payment yet, it is due Friday, October 22nd, a
week from this Friday. The cost is $215.

Below you will find the link to pay for camp online. The access code is 2021. Just a reminder that there
is an extra fee to pay online.


Your student can also bring a check to his/her first period teacher.

We truly hope all of our students can join us at camp!

                                   Power School Grades
                                   As you know, we start 2nd quarter on Monday and final grades will
                                   be posted by the end of the day Friday.

                                   The dates throughout the quarter that grades must be posted are
                                   listed on our yearly calendar. However, feel free to check Power
                                   School more often as many grades are posted more frequently than
                                   the posted dates.

                                   At Eisenhower, we are working on students becoming more
                                   responsible for their work and, as a result, their grades. Your regular
                                   checking of progress is important. We ask, however, that you ask
                                   your student to find answers to grades that are posted.

                                   Some have Power School settings set to notify you daily of your
                                   students' grades. This is resulting in e-mails to teachers prior to
                                   students having reviewed the test, having an opportunity to request
                                   a retest, etc. It is important that students communicate their
                                   progress to you and, with your guidance, seek answers to questions.
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Thank you for your involvement with your student's learning and
                                   with the teaching of academic responsibility.

Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 5th
Invitations from teachers to families with whom teachers feel they need
to meet will be emailed Monday.

Conferences will be open for everyone to schedule on October 25th.

We will have conferences November 2nd during the day from 8:00--3:00 and in the evening from 5--8.
We will also have a second evening conference on November 4th from 4:00—7:00.

We are looking forward to conferences!

Eagle Way Rewards for the Week of October 4 -- 8
Congratulations to the following students who earned Talon Tickets the week of October 4th for
working hard or treating people right! Each of these individuals was then chosen in a raffle as the
weekly recipients. Great job to all students who earned Talon Tickets!

5th grade:
Aubrey Bienyk, Dexter Brown, Makayla Cantu, Clark Cshei, Jackson Donley, Chase Fox, Aria Grady, Lyla
Hemminger, Leah Jacobs, Kloee Kamelesky, Emmalyn Knotts, Sawyer Kowalski, Najib Mahoud, Cam
Mason, Olivia Plettl, Sophia Rizo, Dylan Shimman,
Mohamad Taouil, Leyton Toneff, Myles Wishon, Jayden Wolf

6th grade:
Ella Adams, Alex Bartlett, Evan Billett, Garren Cavitt, Rose Chavez, Jaiden Dusenberry, Basil Elsmaili,
Travis Emch, Adrian Gonzales, Maliyah Guzman, Ben Hanthorn, Manny Herrera, Brooklyn Hughes,
Hollie Kleindienst, Jaxson Krueger, Billy Moore, Olivia Muir, Jashawn Pierce, Timothy Rowan, Adyson
Skeels, Ryan Soviar, Thomas Young,

Kayleigh Wyman

Other News
     Please note that at the bottom of each week's Fly-er are links you might find helpful such as our
     yearly calendar, camp information, our Parent/Student Handbook, etc.
     Below is the link to the registration form for Clay Med Tech's Babysitting and Petsitting class.
     Below is a flier for the YMCA Spooktacular.
     There are times throughout the year when we will have two-hour delays. Our lunch periods shrink
     to 30 minutes on two-hour delays, and depending on the menu, serving time can be tight. There
     are times when we will not open the Snack Shack on those days. This would mean that students
     who pack lunches would need to bring a drink on those days and not rely on the Snack Shack.
     Please note that the front doors at Ike are locked at 3:00 pm. Please use the side doors if you are
     entering the building after 3:00. Thank you!
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Please remember that the final Camp Payment of $215 is due on October 22nd. If it is not paid in
    full at that point, the deadline for the late payment of $235 is November 19th. Students will not be
    able to attend camp if the payment is not received by November 19th. Please contact Mr.
    Holcombe with any questions
    Our Attendance Phone number is 419.836.3525. Please call this number to report your student
    absent. Thank you!

Up-Coming Events
22 Final Camp Payment Due for $215
22 Final 1st Quarter Grades Posted on PS
22 Spirit Day
25 Red Ribbon Week
29 Power School Grade Up-dates

1 No School – Staff Work Day
2 Parent/Teacher Day Conferences 8:00—3:00
2 Evening Conferences from 5—8
4 2nd Evening Conferences from 4--7
5 Spirit Day
8 Young Authors Day Assemblies
8 EPSSO Meeting @ 6:00
12 Veteran’s Day Program
12 Power School Grade Up-dates
15-19 ELA Classes Conduct Classroom Spelling Bees
18 Movie Matinee after school 2:40--4:30
19 Final Late Camp Payment Date of $235
19 Spirit Day
24 No School – Staff Work Day
25-26 No School -- Thanksgiving Break
29-Dec.3 6th Grade Camp
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Baby/Pet Sitting Class Permission Form
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Yearbooks on Sale Now!
Our yearbook is on sale now for $30. The price goes up after Christmas

You can order a yearbook by clicking on the link below.

                                  Link to Order Yearbook

                                   Yearbook Order Form
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
COVID News for the Nurse!
The following symptoms that put your child under suspicion for COVID:

Two or more of the following low risk symptoms: Fever (100 degrees or higher), chills, fatigue, muscle
or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea

One of the following high risk symptoms: new/worsening cough, shortness of breath, difficulty
breathing, new loss of taste or smell
Please do not have your child report to school if they meet the above criteria and notify the attendance
line, building nurse or Cherie Sexton.

If your child needs to be tested for return to school from quarantine all COVID tests must be a PCR
swab. Rapid tests will not be accepted for return to school.

If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Bridget at 419-836-8498 or bbatch@oregoncs.org.
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Eisenhower Fly-er - Oregon City Schools
Publications                      Schoology Help
Distribution Center               If you did not get an access
Please note that you can find     code, if you have questions
sporting activities/try-outs      about creating a new parent
on the district’s website         account, deleting the
under the Publications and        existing account that's under
Flyer Distribution center.        our domain, or linking your
Please continue to check          student(s) to an existing
that site for information         account, please email
available on various events       SchoologyParentPortal@ore
and activities.                   goncs.org.

Publications & Flyer              We also have parent help
Distribution Center               videos on the district website
                                  under Family &
                                  Students>Family Resources.

                                Ike Social Media




                 Eisenhower Student / Parent Handbook Link

                              21--22 Eisenhower Calendar

                                Eisenhower Supply Lists
6th Grade Camp Important Dates

     Schoology -- Create a Parent Account Video

Schoology Parent Access -- See Up-coming Assignments

     Schoology Parent Access -- Get Noticications

          Schoology - Parent Portal Log-in

             Camp Info/Permission Sheet

                 Camp Health Form

                Camp Code of Conduct

             Frequently Asked Questions

                  Camp Packing List
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