Paraparaumu College Charter & Annual Plan 2018
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Paraparaumu College – A Caring Community of Great Learners Paraparaumu College is a caring community of great learners located at Paraparaumu on Wellington’s Kāpiti Coast. The majority of us live in Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach, Otaihanga, Waikanae, Pekapeka and Te Horo. We are a co-educational secondary school for students from Years 9 to 13. Our community is drawn from the whole range of Kāpiti’s socio-economic groups, reflecting New Zealand as a whole. We have a small but growing International Student programme. Of our 1230 students, approximately 150 identify as Māori. Some have connections to Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, the tangata whenua of the area. This Strategic Plan outlines our work developing partnerships and approaches that reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of Māori culture within Kāpiti and Aotearoa. Our practice is informed by the kaupapa of the “Kia Eke Panuku – Building on Success” programme. All our students have the opportunity to learn about tikanga Māori (Māori culture) and Te Reo Māori (Māori language). Our aspirations for Paraparaumu College’s learners (both students and staff) are summarised through our “Great Learner” values. As a caring community, we aspire to be collaborative and active learners, respectful in our relationships with each other and effective self-managers. The ‘PC Way’ outlines our approach to curriculum, the principles on which it is based and the practices we employ. Its emphasis is on personalising learning around student interest and need. The Teacher-Led Innovation Fund project, led by Paraparaumu College staff, in partnership with Kenakena School, is one forum for developing our understanding the learning of students both at Paraparaumu College and prior to their arrival at the College. Paraparaumu College is a “Positive Behaviour for Learning” School. Our focus through this Strategic Plan is reinforcing and extending our relational approaches. Paraparaumu College has a strong record of student academic achievement, success in sport and the performing arts. Several of our teachers have been recognised for their leadership and teaching with national and international awards. As a Wellington Loop school, we partner with other schools in our work transforming learning at Paraparaumu College in the digital age. We are also committed to extending and enhancing our relationships with other Kāpiti schools for the benefit of all learners in our area. 2
Paraparaumu College Strategic Plan 2018-2020 3
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES As a result of extensive consultation with the Paraparaumu College community, the Strategic Planning Committee, including staff, students and Board identified three priority areas. Projects to support each area are listed below. The tables following these strategic priorities unpack these priority areas into time bound action plans Teaching Excellence Learning Excellence A Culture of Excellence To support, develop, retain and attract high To inspire all students to achieve personal To enhance the culture of learning, whānau quality energetic teachers, leaders and staff excellence in their learning and community at Paraparaumu College 1. Professional learning programmes and 1. The curriculum, timetable and related 1. Student wellbeing is tracked and related structures are aligned and programmes are developed to reflect the enhanced embedded into existing practice ‘PC Way’ 2. Positive Behaviour for Learning 2. Opportunities to grow and develop 2. Careers programmes and partnerships are approaches are extended to include staff are embraced enhanced restorative practice 3. Staff wellbeing is prioritised 3. Culturally responsive practice is grown and 3. Opportunities to grow student 4. Ongoing opportunities for staff to have supported leadership, belonging and input into the development of the 4. The culture of self-review is developed participation are embraced College are embraced 4. Community partnerships and collaborations are sought and developed 5. Reporting and interview structures are enhanced 6. An international fee-paying student programme is introduced 7. The property development programme supports the emphasis of both the ‘Great Learner’ values and the ‘PC Way’. 5
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES IN DETAIL Priority Area #1 - To support, develop, retain & attract high quality energetic teachers, leaders and staff Objectives Key Strategies Status Target Year 2017-2020 Professional learning The ‘PC Way’ is established as a navigational tool for teachers and their learning Commenced and 2017 programmes and programmes. ongoing related structures are aligned and The understanding about the personalisation of learning generated through the Ongoing 2017-2020 embedded into Teacher-Led Innovation Fund project is shared to inform and enhance teaching existing practice. practice. Appraisal processes, including classroom observation tools, are developed and refined Commenced 2017 to reflect the ‘Great Learner’ values and the ‘PC Way’ and ongoing Opportunities to The Kāpiti Community of Learning concept is actively explored as a means of providing Commenced and 2017-2020 grow and develop new career opportunities for staff. ongoing staff are embraced Staff well-being is School-wide initiatives are connected and rationalised with the aim of supporting staff Commenced 2017-2020 prioritised and their wellbeing. and ongoing Staff well-being is monitored and initiatives to support staff wellbeing are introduced. Focus for 2018 2018 Ongoing The meetings in which teachers discuss the renewal of their Education Council Commenced 2017-2020 opportunities for Practising Certificates with the Principal are extended to allow teachers to also share and ongoing staff to have input their ideas about enhancing the Paraparaumu College community and its programmes. into the Opportunities for all members of the non-teaching staff to meet regularly with the Commenced 2017 development of the Principal and other senior leaders to discuss their ideas about enhancing the and ongoing College are provided Paraparaumu College community and its programmes are introduced. 6
Priority Area #2 - To inspire all students to achieve personal excellence in their learning Objectives Key Strategies Status Target Year 2017-2020 The curriculum, The curriculum and timetable review is completed and subsequent changes introduced Review completed. 2017-2018 timetable and New structures in related place for 2018 programmes are A rigorous, school-wide approach to assessment in Years 9 and 10 is developed and Commenced and Implemented developed to introduced. ongoing in 2018 reflect the ‘PC Way’ The tracking of student achievement, with targeted interventions, is extended to Focus for 2018 Implemented include Year 9 and 10 students. in 2018 The Gifted and Talented Programme is resourced so that it can be expanded and Ongoing 2018 enhanced. Consideration is given to developing the Year 9 curriculum so that all students learn Focus for 2020 2019/2020 basic Te Reo Māori. school year Careers The Careers programme within the College utlilises benchmarks at all year levels to aid Commenced and 2017-2020 programmes and course selection, tertiary connections and work readiness. ongoing partnerships are Vocational Pathways are utilised as a means of aiding student focus and achievement Focus for 2018 2017-2020 enhanced as they move through the school. Secondary/Tertiary training opportunities are maximised for Māori and Pasifika Focus for 2018 2017-2020 students in conjunction with whānau. 7
Partnerships with employers and tertiary providers are developed and grown to Commenced and 2017-2020 provide increased and authentic curriculum opportunities for students, especially for ongoing Year 13 students. The culture of A review of Paraparaumu College’s supported learning and special needs programmes Review completed. 2017 review and is undertaken with recommendations implemented. Implementation to evaluation is begin in 2018 developed Opportunities are sought to extend the use of the ‘Great Learner’ values (CARE) into Focus for 2018 2018-2019 reporting and programme evaluation. Priority Area #3 - To enhance the culture of learning, whānau and community at Paraparaumu College Objectives Key Strategies Status Target Year 2017-2020 Student wellbeing NZCER’s “Wellbeing @ School” resource (or similar) is utilised as a tool for tracking Focus for 2018 2018-2020 is tracked and student wellbeing and enhancing the experience of all students within the school enhanced community Positive Behaviour The Positive Behaviour for Learning programme (CARE) is enhanced through a focus on Commenced and 2017-2018 for Learning teaching behavioural expectations, developing consistent and relevant outcomes for ongoing approaches are students and through the development of restorative practices within the College extended to community. include restorative practice Opportunities to The House system is extended and enhanced in order to grow leadership, belonging Ongoing 2017-2020 grow student and school spirit. leadership, Student participation in both extra-curricular sport and extra-curricular arts is tracked Ongoing 2017-2020 belonging and and coordinated with the aim of increasing participation and balancing students’ programmes. 8
participation are The Kapa Haka rōpū is grown and strengthened. Commenced and 2017-2020 embraced ongoing Community A Memorandum of Understanding is sought with Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai and if Commenced and 2017 partnerships and appropriate developed in partnership with them. ongoing collaborations are The Kāpiti Community of Learning concept is actively explored with the aim of Commenced and 2017-2020 sought and improving collaboration between schools to raise student achievement. ongoing developed Reporting and The processes surrounding the use of the parental portal are streamlined to make Focus for 2019 2018-2020 Interview reporting more responsive to parent and student need. structures are enhanced The Student/Teacher/Parent interview structures are reviewed and developed Focus for 2019 2019-2020 An International An international fee-paying student programme is introduced Commenced and 2017-2020 fee-paying student ongoing programme is introduced The property The College’s new entranceway and subsequent landscaping and planting provide an Completed 2017 programme the attractive and welcoming environment for students, whānau, staff and visitors. ‘Great Learner’ The Administration Block is remediated and redeveloped into a ‘student hub’ Underway 2017 values and the ‘PC Way’ The Culture Centre, including a new Te Reo Māori teaching space, is developed Construction to 2019 start by end of 2018 An upgrade of the Technology facilities is completed. Initial plans being 2019 developed An upgrade of the Paraparaumu College Library is scheduled. Initial plans have 2020 been developed Maintenance and aesthetic projects within the College are prioritised in order to enable Ongoing 2017-2020 the fulfilment of the caring community vision of the College. 9
Paraparaumu College Operating Plan 2018 10
1. 2018 Achievement Goals This Operational Plan is designed to raise student achievement in order to meet the following goals: Māori 90% of all Māori students who leave Paraparaumu College gain NCEA Level Two Boys 90% of all boys who leave Paraparaumu College gain NCEA Level Two Pasifika 90% of all Pasifika students who leave Paraparaumu College gain NCEA Level Two Level One 86% of all Year 11 students (roll-based*) gain NCEA Level One (233/271 students) 28% gain excellence certificate endorsements (76/271 students) Level Two 88% of all Year 12 students (roll based*) gain NCEA Level Two (213/242 students) 23% gain excellence certificate endorsements (56/242 students) Level Three 75% of all Year 13 students (roll-based*) gain NCEA Level Three (142/190 students) 85% of Year 13 students (participation-based**) gain NCEA Level Three 70% of Year 13 students (participation-based**) gain University Entrance 18% gain excellence certificate endorsements (34/190 students) NZ Scholarship 25 scholarship awards won *This includes all students enrolled in a particular year level. ** This refers to all students enrolled in a programme of assessment which will allow achievement at Level Three or University Entrance. 11
2018 OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES Priority Area #1 - To support, develop, retain & attract high quality energetic teachers, leaders and staff Objective: A new Principal for Paraparaumu College is appointed Actions Measure Date of Delivery A thorough and rigorous process is followed to recruit and appoint an outstanding educational A new Principal is appointed April 2018 leader for Paraparaumu College. Objective: Professional learning programmes and related structures are aligned and embedded Actions Measure Date of Delivery The ‘PC Way’ is embedded as the key curriculum navigational tool at Paraparaumu College at all A self-review of the PC Way & September 2018 levels of the curriculum. its impact on teaching programmes is conducted in Term 3 with the report made available to the Board. The understanding about the personalisation of learning generated through the Teacher-Led Staff professional learning December 2018. Innovation Fund project is shared to inform and enhance teaching practice. programme includes focus on the learning from this project & support is available to teachers outside of the project to assist with their development of ‘personalised’ approaches. Appraisal processes are developed to reflect the ‘Great Learner’ values, the ‘PC Way’ and the The ‘PC Way’ observation tool December 2018. revised requirements of the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, and followed & revised appraisal framework throughout the school. are used by all members of the teaching staff throughout 2018. 12
Objective: Staff well-being is prioritised Actions Measure Date of Delivery Staff well-being is monitored and initiatives to support staff wellbeing are introduced. Staff are surveyed about their December 2018 well-being with results considered by senior leaders. At least two initiatives which support staff wellbeing are offered. Priority Area #2 - To inspire all students to achieve personal excellence in their learning Objective: The curriculum, timetable and related programmes are developed to reflect the ‘PC Way’ Actions Measure Date of Delivery Integrated approaches for the Year 9 curriculum are embedded, reviewed and developed A self-review of the Year 9 September 2018. integrated programmes occurs during Term 3 A sustainable approach is embedded which supports and enhances the use of student Sustainable approach April 2018 achievement data to more effectively track Year 11-13 student progress and intervene where embedded. appropriate. A rigorous, school-wide approach to assessment in Years 9 and 10 is utilised Junior assessment framework is July 2018 used across all learning areas. The tracking of student achievement, with targeted interventions, is extended to include Year 9 Reports to Board include a focus September 2018 and 10 students. on Year 9 & 10 data where appropriate A team is established to develop structures which support, extend and enrich gifted and Team established. A short October 2018 talented students. written report on their work is provided to the Board. 13
Current approaches used in digital technology at Paraparaumu College are reviewed in light of Review completed & reported July 2018 the new national Digital Technology Curriculum framework. to the Curriculum Leadership Group Objective: Culturally responsive practice is grown and supported Actions Measure Date of Delivery The Te Ako Patuia plan is reviewed, developed in light of Kia Eke Panuku, and used as a basis for Revised plan developed & April 2018. growing culturally responsive practice in the College. utilised. Objective: Careers programmes and partnerships are enhanced Actions Measure Date of Delivery The Careers programme within the College is enhanced and extended to aid course selection, A report on developments November 2018. tertiary connections and work readiness. in Careers and Transition is provided to the Board. Vocational Pathways are utilised as a means of aiding student focus and achievement as they A report on developments November 2018. move through the school. in Careers and Transition is provided to the Board. Secondary/Tertiary training opportunities are maximised for Māori and Pasifika students in A report on developments November 2018 conjunction with whānau. in Careers and Transition is provided to the Board. Partnerships with employers and tertiary providers are developed and grown to provide A report on developments November 2018. increased and authentic curriculum opportunities for students, especially for Year 13 boys. in Careers and Transition is provided to the Board. 14
Priority Area #3 - To enhance the culture of learning, whānau and community at Paraparaumu College Objective: Student wellbeing is tracked and enhanced Actions Measure Date of Delivery The appointment of a Guidance Leader is prioritised to supplement the existing Guidance Appropriate appointment made April 2018 Counselling team. NZCER’s “Wellbeing @ School” resource is utilised as a tool for tracking student wellbeing and Results of survey are considered April 2018 enhancing the experience of all students within the school community by Board, Senior Leadership team & other groups, with appropriate actions resulting Objective: Positive Behaviour for Learning approaches are extended to include restorative practice Actions Measure Date of Delivery The Positive Behaviour for Learning programme (CARE) is enhanced through a focus on Milestone requirements for December 2018. teaching behavioural expectations, developing consistent and relevant outcomes for students PB4L Restorative and ‘Tier 2’ are and through the development of our restorative practices within the College community. met. Objective: Community partnerships and collaborations are sought and developed Actions Measure Date of Delivery A Memorandum of Understanding is sought with Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai and if MOU is developed and July 2018. appropriate developed in partnership with them partnership develops as a result. 15
Objective: An international fee-paying programme is introduced Actions Measure Date of Delivery An international fee-paying programme is grown and developed A plan for the continued growth August 2018 & development of the international fee-paying programme is provided for the Board Objective: The property programme supports the emphasis of both the ‘Great Learner’ values and the ‘PC Way’ Actions Measure Date of Delivery The Administration Block is remediated and redeveloped into ‘Te Manawa’ a hub for students, Project completed. September 2018 whānau and staff The Culture Centre, including a new Te Reo Māori teaching space, is developed Construction begins December 2018. Plans for the redevelopment of the Library are finalised Architectural plans finalised October 2018 Plans for the redevelopment of the Technology teaching area are finalised Architectural plans finalised October 2018 16
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