Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4

Page created by Luis Webb
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
Stuart Park Primary Update
                                Term 2 Week 4

From the Principal ...
                      NAPLAN                                        Schedule of Events
This week the Minister for Education, Lauren Moss, visited our
school to wish our students in Years 3 and 5 all the best for
NAPLAN. Students in Year 3 Slidders were able to showcase
their skills navigating the practice test site and answering          May 11th to 21st
questions about the test.                                              Naplan Weeks
For the next two weeks, our students will be completing              Monday, May 17th
NAPLAN tests. These include; a writing task, conventions of         School Council meeting
language, reading and numeracy. For the first time, these
tests will be completed online with the exception of the Year 3      May 26th and 27th
students completing the writing task in booklets.                     School Photo Days
To prepare and support our students, teachers have completed        Wednesday, May 26th
practice sessions to give our students exposure to the testing      Preschool Wheel-a-thon
platform and a chance to navigate the online tools in a realistic
environment. You can support your child by reminding them to         Friday, May 28th
simply do their best on the day and by ensuring that they have      Whole School Assembly
a good night sleep and have a healthy breakfast at home.
                                                                     Monday, June 14th
From a school perspective we look forward to receiving              Queen’s Birthday Public
the results as the data obtained helps to inform our future                Holiday
planning and teaching.
                                                                     Tuesday, June 22nd
If you would like to view an example of a NAPLAN Online             Stuart Park Arts Festival
assessment please visit the Public Demonstration Site at
                                                                      Next W
                                                                      May 28t
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
Mother’s Day Plant Sale - Thank you!

   Our Mother’s Day Plant Sale was a huge success! We raised $1490.00. Thank you to all who came
 along and purchased some plants. Well done to the Year 4 students and their teachers for preparing
and planting the seedlings. Thanks to the Fundraising Team from our School Council for assisting with
 the running of the stall. The biggest thank you goes to the Best Gardener in Darwin, Mr. Neville! Our
amazing plant sale would not have been possible without your guidance, knowledge, dedication and
                                 hard work. Thanks a million Mr. Neville!

                       At Stuart Park it is compulsory to
                       wear the correct uniform each day.
                       This consists of a shirt and shorts or
                       a dress. We are a Sun Safe School
                       and all students need to wear a wide
                       brimmed hat each day.
                       Students are required to wear closed
                       in shoes to school. Sneakers are
                       preferred especially when it comes to
                       running around at recess and lunch
                       and participating in PE lessons.
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
Homework at our School
Several years ago there were questions about what Homework should look like
and why do we do it. At Stuart Park School we researched effective approaches to
Homework and came up with the following:

Transition to Year 4 – no set regular written work but there is reading and
learning work such as spelling words, sounds, letters, maths tables.
Years 5 and 6 - Written work that follows work being done in class and checks for
understanding and learning work.

When deciding on this approach we used quite a bit of the research work of John
Hattie. Hattie has ranked many of the things schools and teachers do to promote
student learning. He did this through many thousands of studies. Homework
ranked 87th, quite low, in its effect on student learning.

We know it can cause grief at home and school and now we know that its
impact on improving learning outcomes is not great. The studies do show that
impact does increase as the year levels get higher so preparing our students for
increased homework in middle school and high school is a good idea.
There are a lot of interventions that schools can make that enhance student
learning. The challenge is to concentrate on those that make the biggest

                       QUESTACON - Foldable Flight
                  During last week the Year 5 and 6 students were treated to a
                  very exciting virtual lesson through Zoom from Questacon in
                  Canberra. The lesson explored the engineering and physics
                   of flight by constructing their own paper aeroplanes. The
                    students investigated two different types of paper planes,
                   darts and gliders, and how various design features such as
                  wing size, shape and angle, can affect the stability and drag.

                      The presenters we had were excellent and displayed
                   enthusiasm in what they were teaching. They encouraged
                 the students to try different ways to alter their plane so it flew
                      faster or longer. Lots of fun was had by all students!

Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
  ES T A

         l d a b l e
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
School Photo Day – Coming Soon!
 Stuart Park Primary School

 Wednesday 26th May and
 Thursday 27th May 2021
  ORDER NOW! Go to
                                    au/    and enter the
                                 MD4 93E TXL
School photo days are coming up very soon. Group and portrait photographs can be
purchased by following the link above. If you are not able to pay online, there are
envelops available in the school office.

Important Information:

   •   School photos purchased online DO NOT require envelopes returned to
   •   Don’t forget to order your sibling photos now
   •   Late fees/additional charges will be applied for purchases after photo
   •   Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks
       after photos are taken

*Sibling photographs must be ordered either online or by order envelope prior to the
day of photography. The cut-off date for sibling photos is 24/05/2021. A photograph
will not be taken without an order. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled
at the school.

*Please do not send students to school with oversized hair accessories as it casts a
shadow in the photo.

Wednesday 26th - All Classes and individual photos except Transition Maia, Year 4
Williams, 5 Berger, 5 Watt and 6 Ildiko, will be taken on this day. Some sibling
photos will be taken on this day also.

Thursday 27th – Transition Maia, Year 4 Williams, 5 Berger, 5 Watt and 6 Ildiko
class and individual photos, preschool photos, Year 6 Graduation photo, sibling and
sibling with preschoolers, House Captains, School Leaders and SRC will be taken on
this day.
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
Save the Date!
                                                  Stuart Park Arts Festival
                                               We are bringing back the Stuart Park Art
                                             Festival this Dry Season! Keep an eye out for
                                                     more information in Term two.
                                              If you are interested in helping to sponsor
                                               this event, please contact Mr Marshall at
                                                  or ring the front office on 89977333

        Dry Season Reminders
 The weather is cooling down and we are
finding that many students are forgetting
the importance of drinking water. Please
 ensure that your child brings their water
  bottle to school each day so that they
             can stay hydrated.
                                                      New Sign In/Out iPad
  If you send your child to school with             We are very excited about our new
                                                   Sign in/Out iPad system in the office.
  a jumper or jacket on cool mornings,            If you need to collect your child early,
   please make sure it is labelled with            please contact the office and we will
their name. If they are found in the lost        organize for them to be in the office at
 property box and are named, we can               the appropriate time. You will use the
 then return them to their classrooms.                     iPad to sign them out.
                                                  Visitors to the school will need to use
                                                             the iPad to sign in.
                                                 The late arrival procedure for children
                                                     remains the same. They need to
                                                   collect a yellow card from the office.
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
1 Hite are collecting plastic bottle tops!

    This term we are learning about the impacts that plastic is
                    having on our environment.
  Many people are recycling by putting things in their recycling
bin but it is often not able to be recycled because it hasn’t been
 cleaned or prepared properly. Removing the lids from bottles
  and rinsing them before placing in the recycling bin is really
important as they are two different types of plastic and they are
                    processed in different ways.
  Our class will be reusing bottle tops to make some art pieces
         this term and we need your help to collect them.
   Could you please help our environment by recycling plastic
 bottles properly and bringing your clean plastic bottle tops to               Parking Issues
 school for our class? There will be a box out the front of Room
                                                                            While parking issues
       10 in EC for your child to place clean bottle tops in.
          Thank you for helping us and the environment!                      seem to be getting
                                                                           better and therefore
                                                                        making the roads around
                                                                         our school safer, a few
                                                                        issues continue. The City
                                                                         Council will pay regular
                                                                        visits in the mornings and
                                                                         afternoons to check for
                                                                          illegal parking. Please
                                                                           drive and park safely
                                                                             around our school.

                                    e lay!! e unifor ed
                                          e, th    elay
                      Unif ring issu e been d rms
                              u            v        o
                     a n ufact ng on ha for unif see                         Cash for Cans
     u e  to a ntly waiti esperate ome and u
        re    c urre you are d please c assist yo                      We are still collecting cans and
  we a June. If iting on, ill tr y to               s . Our           other containers that attract the
    unt   i l              a            w       e m
              yo u  are w and we d hand it                            10c refund. (No bottles please).
    that the offic ur secon e delay.                                 Keep sending them in as the Cash
       us in ome of o ies for th                                     for Cans Team is keen to get them
                  s             g
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
The following advertisements are not necessarily endorsed by the school.

Classes are held at Stuart Park Primary School on the following nights
All ages               Tuesday 6.30 to 8 pm
All ages 		           Thursday 6.30 to 8 pm
Come and enjoy martial arts with a qualified instructor for self-defence,
fitness and fun. Contact Peter on 0427991394. Come and Try. First
two lessons free.

                    Sunday 16 May 2021
                    George Brown Darwin
                    Botanic Gardens

                  The RSPCA feeds and
                  actively recommends
                                                                               SIGN UP NOW!

                                                 Proudly Printed by ZipPrint   #millionpawswalk

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Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
Stuart Park Primary Update - Term 2 Week 4
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